Are Costco's Shelves Empty Again? - Preparing for Lockdown in Oregon - Prepping for Non-Preppers

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hey everybody welcome back to cascadia dispatch  prepping for non-preppers i'm casey and today   we are going to go check out costco we are 24  ish hours 26 28 ish hours from uh oregon going   into a lockdown or a freeze or uh just no one  really going out if you can help it sort of a   mode and last time i went to costco in march and  everything was gone everyone was panicked and   everyone was kind of gotten a little bit better  i think over the summer dealing with kind of   the restrictions and the supply chain has been a  little bit stronger so we haven't seen big outages   and empty shelves and things like that so what i  wanted to do is see if we have kind of all learned   a little bit of our lesson from march and if  people have kind of already stocked up and if the   shelves still have stuff on it or are we back in a  state where kind of everybody's panicking and the   shelves are there so we're gonna go look and see  if costco is empty or if it has things and what's   there also i just want to take a quick second to  thank everyone who has subscribed and liked and   watched our videos in the last few weeks we are  making huge growth in our subscribers and views   and watch count and all that sort of stuff so  if you like this sort of content please go ahead   like subscribe hit the notification bell share  it with your friends uh we really appreciate it   so i'd been to costco sunday morning and there was  still products on the shelves everything looked   pretty normal but in the afternoon i was getting  phone calls from friends saying that shells were   empty and stores were empty i got a bunch of  comments on our last videos about supplies   being completely drained at costco and at other  supermarkets so i decided that yeah we should   probably go check it out and see if something had  changed as we got closer to the freeze deadline   and if people actually were panicking or if things  were better looking at the parking lot there were   a lot of cars although the parking lot last time  in march and april people were parked all the way   back to the gas station so this time it looked  like it was full but not as bad and we're going   to start off with no toilet paper so i want  to start off with kind of the prepping panic   basics that we've seen before so this is where  the toilet paper used to be it is totally gone over the weekend there was toilet paper and  there were paper towels but looking at this aisle   there are no paper towels there's no toilet paper  their water is available but you can see how they   are stretching out cases to kind of cover the  aisles there's empty stalls where water used to   be there's some empty pallets so people definitely  are kind of feeling the a little bit of the   panic not necessarily maybe as much but this is a  pretty good indication that people are running in   and trying to stock up for the freeze the fact  that paper towels and toilet paper are totally   gone there are napkins and kleenexes which  was good those were also pretty well gone uh   in march and april as an alternative but those  are still there i actually found where they had   hidden the sign for the paper towels so that no  one would notice so yeah this is where the paper   towels were and now it's replaced with the  last remaining pallets of water and napkins i was curious that some of the ppe stuff would  still be available since that didn't exist   back in march and april but there were lots  and lots of face masks still and then i even   actually saw these new little packs that  have hand sanitizer and face masks together   those were not there on sunday but they kind  of looked cool if you haven't already got   something those might be something interesting  to pick up kind of a cool little bundle product   i feel like antibacterial cleansers and bleach  were almost harder to find last time than paper   towels and toilet paper but in fact there  was a pilot of bleach there were cleansers   and antibacterial products available one  of the interesting things is there's been   a lot of other brands that have showed up at  costco to kind of fill in when there was a   run on the clorox and lysol brands so  they're still clorox there's still lysol   but it's also interesting now that  there's additional brands available this was another interesting surprise i haven't  seen big bottles of antibacterial hand soap   in months there was dial available usually was  a staple at costco for years and i was able to   get some of that before everything shut down but  i haven't seen big bottles from any brand so this   is really good judging by the wine stock uh it  appears that some people may be panicking but not   nearly as many as where before again this  is oregon so wine is a big thing but people   apparently aren't feeling like they need to sell  their nerves with additional bottles they feel   like there's going to be plenty of bottles  available so there's plenty of bottles here the dairy section at costco was also  really depleted back in march and april   and it is way more depleted than  it was over the weekend for sure   but there are still uh options i think there  was only one kind of milk when i was there   the last time in march and april but there's  still plenty available on the shelves   so we don't have toilet paper but we do have  eggnog so you know it's trade off i guess   the meat section was another big question for  me last time the shelves were pretty empty   and then it took a while for them  to restock there'd only be maybe one   kind of meat available but looking at the shelves  right now there was chicken available there was   turkey there was a limit on turkeys which i think  is more to do with thanksgiving than the pandemic   but in the spring there was a real run on fresh  chicken there was a run on on ground chicken   there were only really usually like one kind  of meat available and here there was pork   there was beef there wasn't even really you  know the shelves were a little sparse but not   not more than normal and there was chicken  available so it looks like people were   stocking up but not at the volume they had we saw  fresh produce available back in the spring and   just like that it's still there's lots  of it available there isn't necessarily   a shortage that i was seeing there either in the  refrigerated section or out in the pantry aisle   just a good reminder if you haven't stocked  up pet food for your pet make sure you do that   so that you've got some extra for them just like  you have some extra for you there was plenty of   that available both in the spring and now this  was a really interesting indicator frozen chicken   was really depleted these were fully stocked over  the weekend and they had been eaten away at pretty   heavily so definitely people were grabbing some  extra packages and putting them in their freezer   although there was lots of the shelves this  was an example of an area where you could   tell that they were trying to fill empty  spots because other products were either   not available or sold out so normally these  sorts of frozen dinner items would be you   know maybe one row maybe two and in all these  cases they had two three four spots for them   for those of you who watched the videos from back  in the spring yes corn dogs are available no it   does not appear that there is a big shortage  of those they have plenty of them lasagna was   a little picked over but corn dogs were pretty  good frozen berries and veggies were vanished   back in the spring they are available there again  they're whittled down from where they were over   the weekend this is another do you remember sort  of situation so honey nut cheerios were completely   gone most of the cereals were gone except for  honey bunches of oats which had a full stall   in the spring well looking just at the number of  boxes missing right here honey bunches of oats   seems way more popular than a lot of the other  cereals maybe cinnamon toast crunch excluded but   where last time it was just fully available and  fully stocked and no one showed any interest in it   it's just funny to me that that's the one that's  kind of whittled down and honey nut cheerios is   looking pretty full juices got hit really really  hard in the spring those are available now so   that's a good surprise the apple juice was  pretty much gone which for most kids i think   or both parents get apple juice for their kids so  that was pretty well gone but for the most part i   mean there were juices available and things  it just looked like a really heavy weekend another positive sign were the sports drinks these  were empty pallets back in the spring i think a   lot of people just thought that you were gonna  get sick and so having things to hydrate would   be helpful as we were all trying to kind of figure  out what this covid would be but now that we know   a little bit more there's plenty of that available  i think most of us remember that baking items and   baking ingredients were not only disappeared but  limited when they returned and now looking at   the shelves there's flour there's sugar there's  multiple kinds of sugar there's multiple kinds   of flour and there aren't any limits still which  i was a little surprised at that costco wasn't   maybe proactively limiting some of these things  ahead of the freeze just to make sure that there   wasn't a big run on supply and they didn't end  up in a in a spot where there were empty shelves   learning from last time where kind of  everyone went out and panic bought and just   got everything and you couldn't find anything  and then costco ended up limiting items as   a result of that i was a little surprised  that they hadn't kind of pre-limited things   that they knew would kind of run out  like flour and rice and things like that   peanut butter you can tell just lots of people  wanted peanut butter and probably were stocking   up on it some of this was a little difficult to  tell if this was just a really really busy day   or if it was you know prepping for the  lockdown some things were pretty obvious   i think the peanut butter is a pretty obvious  one there were other things like almond butters   and stuff where you could tell that they were  were worn down but i'm not sure if that was just   it doesn't turn over that fast or if it  was because of the potential lockdown the cooking aisle shelves were empty in the  spring there is quite a bit of it available   and in all of the flavors i remember last march  and april basically whatever came in people were   were grabbing when it was available and now  everything is back you can tell that some of the   boxes are empty so people have kind of worked  their way through a couple of levels but they   haven't been clearing it out at the height of the  shortages i remember that vinegar was on its own   little lonely end cap with like four boxes and now  it's back and it's still available so there was   lots of that people are definitely buying it but  it's not on shortage spaghetti sauce definitely   is a lot lower than it is normally normally  you know they've got almost full pallets and   looking at this you can tell that people have have  gotten in and and stocked up on it ahead of time   so there's just not the same amount but there  is some available so it hasn't been cleared out   but it's just not as plentiful all of the canned  vegetables canned tomatoes beans chili the chili   i mean there were no cans of anything back in the  spring and there's actually a lot i almost wonder   if they put that fresh palette of chili there  just to kind of reassure people but some of the   beans are definitely lower and and the kind of  bean mix i don't know if that's just a product   that doesn't turn over as fast but you can tell  people stocked up but not nearly making it vanish do we all remember when macaroni and cheese  made up almost half an aisle at costco   well now it's only two stalls  so i think that's improvement   canned meats were another popular item in march  and april that are pretty well stocked the costco   tuna is definitely lower than i think where it  normally is but there are cans of chicken and and   tuna available there's also cans of stock  some of it's probably thanksgiving related   one of the big call-outs that i had gotten from  people was that the bread aisle was totally empty   and i was a little shocked by that so that was  part of why i wanted to come out and look to see   if that had happened and it's another case  of definitely depleted but not vanished so   i think that's another kind of positive sign  that we're moving in the right direction   and by moving in the right direction i mean that  there isn't as much panic and there isn't as much   initial prepping buying the canned foods the  canned fruits and vegetables again this was an   area that was totally down to the palates in march  and april applesauce the peach cups i haven't seen   peach cups in months the green beans and corn  were empty pallets everywhere and even though   they've been you know again they've been depleted  in some of those areas but there is still some   available which i think speaks to the supply  chain and also the lack of panic at the moment   of everyone kind of understanding what this freeze  will mean that grocery stores will still be open   there's still rice available this was something  you couldn't find but there is not only rice   available but all of the different varieties  of rice are available one thing that wasn't   available were pinto beans or dried beans i didn't  see those anywhere we wouldn't be preparing if we   didn't check on the battery supply it actually  i was surprised by actually how few batteries   there were there's still a ton of batteries but  this isn't kind of the normal fully stocked view   there were plenty of medications available i  didn't really see even any sign of stocking up   really on this last spring lots of especially kind  of the cold and flu and the allergy medicine was   really depleted and some of the pain medications  since people didn't really understand the symptoms   people just kind of grabbed everything as the  children's medication was gone and when i looked   around it didn't look really different than a  normal day so i think that's a good sign so that's   gonna do it for kind of our return to costco  in light of the new freeze lockdowns that are   happening just to kind of see what was going on on  the one hand i was really really encouraged by the   fact that there was actually so much stuff there  there were so many food items there were so many   cleaning products things that were completely not  there there weren't people with shopping carts   completely full and some people had two shopping  carts and those orange little cart things i didn't   see any of that really in the store everyone  seemed to be actually just kind of buying what   they normally would buy or they were stocking up  a little but i didn't see the kind of sheer panic   that existed back in march and april which is  really really great on the other hand there were   things like no water and no toilet paper which i  was a little disappointed that just kind of people   haven't been stocking up on that ever since  maybe that's just a reaction that even though   we know that we have enough you still want to get  some because you just don't know someone should   maybe do like a research paper or something on  that but i mean that was really kind of the only   disappointing thing was that that was all gone but  for the most part everything else was pretty okay   we still have a little bit of time before lockdown  so it's possible that that might get worse   i would say if you haven't already gone to the  store and there were things that you wanted to get   now would be a good time today sometime to go  out get those things just make sure you have them   if you are concerned about thanksgiving for  example go out get your turkey today go out and   get some of that sort of stuff most of those items  are available that i saw costco even had turkeys   which is fantastic there's a limit though so just  don't have more than five thanksgiving dinners   so overall i would say this is actually kind of  encouraging that people have either acclimated or   started the mindset of preparing that this  isn't such a huge shock we'll see if things   go crazy right before lockdown like like they  kind of did last time but leading up to it   there was a whole lot of panic and i'm just not  seeing that right this second if you wouldn't   mind please go ahead hit the like button and  subscribe button if you haven't already if you   like content like this if you like content like  we've been putting out over the last couple weeks   really appreciate it and that will  do it for this video we will see you   guys in the next video thank you so  much and we'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Cascadia Dispatch - Preparedness Tips - Prepping for Non-Preppers
Views: 33,000
Rating: 4.8984547 out of 5
Keywords: Covid, pandemic, last minute tips, last minute preps, Prepare, keep Kids Safe, lockdown, shutdown, Preparedness, coronavirus, Student Safety, Emergency Planning, Disaster Planning, Emergency Kit, Survival Kit, Go Bag, Bug Out Bag, EDC, Earthquake Prep, Hurricane Prep, Tornado Prep, Wildfire Prep, SHTF, Preparedness Journey, Prepper, Prepping, Prepared Not Scared, urban prepper, city prepper, prepping basics, beginners prepping, prepping on a budget, cascadia dispatch
Id: 36QAWaJerW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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