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hey everyone welcome back to our channel if you're new here please subscribe i would so totally love that and if you're returning how you doing um in today's video i would like to discuss something that i have been researching and researching and this has been taking me like a month to research um and this is stuff that i have been seeing uh when i go and do my food shopping while going out to stores and not just in my particular area because when i go and do my food shopping or just shopping in general i'll you know be around my own county i'll go to the tri-state counties and stuff like that you know around florida um and this is also what i have been seeing as well uh while doing online shopping okay um now this is these items um are they are the items that have been disappearing uh rapidly um and what i want to not i don't want this to come off wrong um what i'm trying to stress to you is if you see them if you see these items pick them up if you if they are are in within your budget okay because i know that we all work with a budget some of us do some of us don't i do okay and um so you know that this is just listen we're into for some scary times coming ahead okay it's it's going to get a lot worse and everyone knows that okay this is not i i i hate to fear monger okay and i'm not trying to scare anyone and but we all see it we all know it okay something's gonna happen and what it is no one knows okay no one knows but it seems to have something to do with november whether it's the elections or whatever the case may be something is happening okay and it's not going to be pretty it's really not so first thing that i would like all of you to do okay um and if you have been a subscriber of mine for a while you know that i am a list maker and i actually have a notebook um i carry my notebook with me at all times because if i get an idea i write it down i keep inventory in my notebook i write all of my lists in my notebook everything that has to do with prepping is in my notebook okay and so what i want you to do is if you're like me or even if you're not like me get out your prepper notebook please or just get lined paper get a pen get a pencil okay um because this is a list that you're going to want to you're going to want to write down so pause the video and go get some paper and a pen or a pencil please because this is um this is something that i've been working on like i said for about a month now and this is this is one of the biggest lists i think i've ever made so if you're ready let's go now what i've done is i have ventured outside my prepper notebook and i got legal paper as well and what i did was because my prepper notebook is just a small journal okay but i got legal paper and i made two columns okay and on these two columns it says what i've already bought the date that i bought it and the quantity on how much i already have and on the other side the second column is what i need to buy or what i would like to buy okay so this list is going to be big so i hope you're ready okay now these are the items that are disappearing now they're hard to get now and this is what i would suggest we start to buy now um before things really start to get much worse okay now number one obviously would be generators i know this is a high ticket item i know not all of us can afford them i myself cannot afford a generator but for those who can please write down generator uh number two uh water filter and purifiers uh even life straws okay they're twenty dollars sometimes you can find them online on amazon and i'll show you what i i thought i found um i already made a video about it it's these ones i got two of them i think it was uh was it 23 or 26 for two of these okay and each one does uh 900 gallons so some kind of water filter purifier okay number three portable toilet or build a portable toilet and i will tell you how to build a portable toilet right now um so if you want to jot this down please because i'm going to be actually going this weekend to get what i need in order to build another one um the one that i had i gave to a homeless person so um all you need is a five gallon bucket and while they still have the mountain stores uh even dollar tree has them the pool noodles okay cut them in half because you know how long they are cut it in half and then slice it down the middle and then put it around the rim so it's you know cushioned for your tushing and then just use trash bag there's a portable toilet for you it's quick easy what is it gonna cost you maybe three four dollars okay um next on the list is firewood for those of you that live up north for when it snows and gets cold yes it gets cold here in the tampa bay area but it doesn't reach your bones and make you make you freeze you know what i'm saying um okay next on the list would be lamp oils lamp lamps uh wicks okay now my first choice for lamp oil is the clear oil but if you can't get it then you know um what do they have is i've seen red i believe in orange oil as well but clear oil is my first choice but if they don't have the clear oil then you know get the colored oil um the next one would be coleman fuel you know then they can um now number seven would be some kind of weaponry um i'm not talking you know if you want to get people go right ahead um but not all of us can afford to get those because yes they can be extremely expensive okay but let's talk about survival knives okay things like that um even um pepper spray um that's really good i've heard bear spray is even better than pepper spray so i heard that hurts even worse than pepper frying now can openers manual can openers um i found a really awesome manual can opener on amazon and it came with additional um one of those little the circular blade things that open up the can itself it came with additional ones for those and i made a video on that that had to do with that and the little camping stove that i bought so make sure you check out that video okay um uh also whisks because you know if we lose electricity you're not going to be able to have the luxury of being able to plug in your mixer things like that your blender you know so you want to have whisks and any kitchen utensils that don't require electricity you know dollar store stuff i prefer wooden spoons and spatulas and stuff like that so if that's what you prefer you know because they do last a lot longer than the plastic ones um now honey and syrups white sugar brown sugar let's start buying them by the pound i don't um i know what the honey rural king has the big jugs of them [Music] so you might want to look into that now rice and dry beans even canned beans what country was it was it australia or austria one of those countries the re they ran out of rice i just saw it um what the heck so i saw it somewhere in a news article i can't i can't remember but yeah they ran out of rice you know who would have ever thought um vegetable oil olive oil sunflower oil cooking oil coconut oil i love to cook with coconut oil it's the best it's actually healthier for you than vegetable oil but you know what i mean lard okay um charcoal lighter fluid things where you can spark up a grill that doesn't need propane because there's going to come a time when you're not going to be able to get your hands on propane now water containers for storing water they have been some really good ones that i saw on amazon i'm not sure about any stores with the exception i've got of i guess sporting goods stores but you're going to pay an arm and a leg for them so shop online see what you can find okay um or yard sales garage sales goodwill salvation army um propane cylinders and handle holders i have seen the propane cylinders at dollar tree and those are those little little ones that you put underneath the aluminum trays for like buffets okay i've seen them there the survival guide book um if you can't get your hands on a survival guide book because i've been having actually a hard time getting my hands on one of those um even through the one used book website that i call go to called they're out out of them so two books if you can actually get your hands on them would be actually the boy scout handbook it's actually a really good survival handbook or um if you have the other organization in your area it's kind of like boy scouts but it's called the young marines my son was in the young marines so i used to be a young marine mom i still have his young marine handbook and there is a lot of survival things in there so i still have that because i can't get my hands on a survival handbook i have the young marine handbook okay um now either the aladdin or the coleman mantles you know like the they you can hang them and they they're made out of mesh those little lanterns but they're called mantels baby supplies if you have babies or young children toddlers okay um now if there ever comes a time to where we're not going to be able to wash clothes you know do laundry uh washboards yes they still do make them i've seen them and they're not the decorative ones that you hang on your wall because my mother-in-law actually has one of those it's the cutest thing um washboards a mop bucket with a ringer in it and so what you do is after you wash the clothes with the washboard in the bucket there's actually a separate part in the bucket and it looks like um you know like the janitorial and you put it in there and you use the lever type thing that that's what i'm talking about um an outdoor stove i found a really great outdoor stove on amazon i think it was like 23. it was awesome okay i the video with the can opener that i uploaded that a while ago so check that out okay vitamins prenatal vitamins very very important if we have expected moms in our families or a friend's circle okay feminine hygiene gotta keep up on that um thermal underwear for you know you guys that live up north um now for tools how about saws axes hatchets machetes wedges and the honing oil okay aluminum foil that's going to be extremely important for when we're grilling or using our outdoor stoves okay um gas containers um i have one i have a small one gallon one good luck getting your hands on them now seriously so sucks but it's true um trash bags um i honestly don't care if it's you know name brand i'm not a brand lover i could care less unless i have a coupon i'm not buying the name brand okay um i love the ones that you get at royal king you get more in the box they're actually a lot sturdier than the name brand ones and they're cheaper i think i got a box of 440 and it was like 299 or 399 or something like that like who cares if it's name brand honestly if it's gonna save you money get them you know what i'm saying um toilet paper and kleenex tissue paper towels okay let's not go through what we went through a couple of months ago but nobody could find toilet paper holy hell i don't want to go through that ever again that was god's sakes yeah that was terrible um and now powdered milk and condensed milk um i need your opinion right now so please sound off in the comment section okay with powdered milk did you know that you can actually make butter i was going to make a video on how to make butter with powdered milk so if you would like to see that please let me know in the comment section and if i get enough yes please then yeah i will make a video and show you how to make your own butter um okay garden seeds if you're a gardener like i am yeah time to get some seeds um some really great websites to get seeds is um i've gotten my seeds from they are really great they're based up in maine really great prices okay i've had really good luck with those seeds seriously um um i've been buying tree seeds so i can you know start planting some trees my sister-in-law she is an arborist so she helps me out with that kind of stuff okay um and what's the other website that i go to i can't remember right now i'm so tired i can't remember my brain is literally it's been misfiring really because i've been working on this for so long okay the next thing is obviously you know doing laundry if you know an event happens we're not going to have electricity you're not going to have a dryer so let's get some clothesline some hangers if you don't have extra hangers like i have oh my god so many hangers plus in the the front bedroom in the cats room that closet is full of hangers so we're good on hangers but get clothespin and clothesline or you could um if you you have a chain length fence you could just hang your clothes up on the hangers and then hang them up on the on the um on the chain link fence um a coleman's pump repair kit um tuna fish that you can tuna fish or the ones that come in the pouches fire extinguisher i have one i got at royal king it was 13.99 baking soda first aid kits okay let's start amping up our first aid kits i think that's going to be really really really important to have a really really good first aid kit and i suggest making your own first aid kit buying the ready mades yeah they're nice but they're overpriced they really are um batteries of all sizes and i'm not just talking for our flashlights okay you're going to want to watch battery you know because your watch bad your you know your watch it's you know what i'm saying you're going to want batteries of all different types and sizes okay um spices um i did a video on spices so go check that out my house i am an italian okay i'm 100 italian so i always i am ready i am stocked constantly with spices so stock up on your spices um vinegar baking supplies okay because vinegar believe it or not you can actually make you can clean your house with vinegar it made sales it may smell like a salad for like the next half an hour but who cares because at least you know because vinegar takes out odor it really does especially if you have pets okay let's start sucking up on our pet supplies i get everything that i need through chewy unless i get a coupon in the mail um then i'll get like the smallest bag of like dog food or the smallest bag of cat food stuff like that because that'll go in their bug out bag but um their bug out bag is right there but those uh the dry cat food and the dry dog food is in another bag and i think that's in the in the cat in the cat room i believe yeah it is okay um next on the list is flour and yeast and salt yeast is actually really hard to come by right now for some reason it's really hard to come by right now i can't find it anywhere matches especially the waterproof matches but you can waterproof your own matches by melting i believe it's crayon paper and pencils pens solar calculator okay especially if we have little ones that are still in school you're going to still want to teach them that you're going to have to get an education somehow i'm an insulated ice chest especially for the wintertime for our meats and things like that if you're not into canning which i am please get into canning okay um work boots about work jeans um because you know like it or not you know we're going to be the ones that is going to be out there fixing things and working on things and stuff like that you know there's no hunger gonna be it's not gonna i don't know but these are the things that you know like i said have i've noticed that are very hard to come by and it's only it's only going to get worse you know these things are sad to say but you know uh flashlights and light sticks lanterns okay um even if you have to you know if we you don't get the you know the more expensive like the mag lights and stuff like that even if you just get like the dollar store ones for right now because at least it's something for right now i'm getting a journal you know um someone's gotta jot down what's going on someone has to can't rely on the media they only want to tell you what they want to tell you so it fits their agenda don't know okay um plastic garbage cans you know like the the cheap ones you can get them at royal king for like eight dollars um i actually have four of them i keep two outside and they have like my gardening soil and fertilizer manure compost in them and then i keep two in the garage and that's where i keep all of my extra like blankets um because my linen closets are not big enough really um so i keep like my linens and my linen closets along with my towels wash cloths and all of our um stockpile of hba but i keep like our big blankets and stuff like that out in the um in the uh plastic garbage cans out in the garage they're really good for storage or they're also really good if you know you're having a rainstorm put them outside and catch some rainwater okay the next one is men's hygiene obviously now the next one would be toothpaste toothbrush mouthwash and floss dental hygiene is so so so so important your teeth actually affect your health more than you actually know about seriously nail clippers nail files and cuticle nippers cuticle nippers okay did you ever get a hang now and you try and cut it off with it with nail clippers and it just doesn't get it right you got to get cuticle nippers trust me you will thank me later for cuticle tempers you really will cast iron cookware fishing supplies i would get a fishing license now if you're required in your state to get a fishing license we are required to get a fishing license here just go to walmart get a fishing license i think i don't know how much it costs i really don't uh mosquito repellent or just plant some citronella i have um two big planters one in the front and one in the back of my house with citronella plants we don't have problems on our property mosquitoes okay the next one would be uh duct tape and or gorilla tape gorilla tape is my favorite yes it's more expensive than just regular duct tape but it does hold up more it really does it's stronger tarps and stoves uh sorry steaks twine nails rope spikes candles i saw on amazon that i really want to get there but nine hour candles and i think you get like a dozen for i want to say 15 dollars i have to recheck that i'm not really sure um okay laundry soap um now say we are in the middle of an event okay we don't have a washing machine we're not going to be able to use the tide pods so what i would suggest stocking up on is just regular old liquid or even the powder laundry soap you know because that those pods aren't going to disintegrate not like how they do with a washing machine backpacks or duffel bags you know for our bug out bags and stuff like that um garden tools scissors sewing supplies fabrics and patches patches you know if you get a hole in your shirt or your pants you're going to need a patch right canned food bleach unscented bleach canning supplies this i think is one of the things that i'm having the hardest time finding um are canning jars um really hard time even online um i even went to ball you know the the website for the canning jars ball i even went to car k-e-r-r won't be in back in stock until january 2021 it's not going to help me now i kind of need it now even though i'm good on stock right now but i'm just saying you know it's kind of hard to get stuff now um knives and sharpening tools um now this one like mountain bikes or bikes in general i'm not talking about kid stuff i'm talking about you know for us for adults with extra tires tubes pumps and chains okay um sleeping bags blankets pillows sheets yoga mats these are things that i think that not a lot of people think about um like i for each bed in my house each bed has four sets of its own sheets because if something does happen and we can't wash those sheets you know at least because i change sheets here in the house every week so at least you know if during an event of course i won't be changing them once a week it'll be like every two weeks those four sheets four sheet sets will last us quite a while lasts us about two months um a battery powered carbon monoxide alarm yeah board games cards this is something else that i made a video on you might want to go check out please thank you love you pesticide i have found really great pesticides um at home depot and it's the concentrated it comes in a really small bottle like this and you got to get you know the pump sprayer add a gallon of water just you know half a bottle of the the concentrate that's the whole house inside out you're good mouse traps and traps um if you've got a little cucarachas you know you want to get something for that too because you don't want that stuff getting into your food you know what i'm saying paper plates cups utensils napkins um now baby wipes um baby wipes i feel are really essential for us especially if we can't be you know be taking showers baby waves will keep our skin clean free of infection you know baby oil and what about this waterless antibacterial soap rain gear as in jackets and boots okay shaving supplies um razors shaving cream um talc in case you cut yourself men for when you cut yourself you want the talc to stop the bleeding hand pumps and siphons for water and gas um now this is something that i cook with all the time where big chinese food eaters over here so how about some soy sauce or um and some hoisin sauce but that's if you you know you really like you know chinese food um bouillon cubes uh gravies of all different kinds you know like the country gravy the brown gravy turkey gravy chicken gravy okay because the one thing that we stock up on here is uh the instant mashed potatoes well who wants plain instant mashed potatoes you want that gravy you know what i mean um any kind of soup base you know like the chicken bouillon beef bouillon okay uh reading glasses now these are prescription but if these break after an event happens guess what i am blind as a bat i really am if i take these off i mean literally there is fuzz and blur around everything i cannot read what is in front of me at all so i have to have my glasses on um now water flavors especially for the little ones okay because they're not going to want to just sit there and drink water water water water water so water flavor is going to be really important plus you know we're going to want some kind of flavor too you know so water flavors i feel okay chocolate coco tang punch okay now there is something that i found hear me out and i think that this is going to be something that every single one of us should really really truly invest in okay and it's called survival kit in a can and it's ten dollars now there's 38 items in this can i swear and i looked it up um now there's items in here that provide warmth shelter energy for life-threatening situations from the desert to the arctic look it up look it up seriously yeah because i think that's something that we should all have in our bug out bags even if you're bugging in you're going to want something like that and it comes in a can for 10 bucks wool socks scarves gloves okay roll on window insulation it'll keep the heat in when it's cold and keep the cold out and in the summertime it'll keep the heat out okay um crackers pretzels trail mix jerky these are all things that i've noticed that are really not you know i don't know just not finding i mean i'm finding them but they're not in like i don't know it's just strange it really is like i have to like i'm not finding them in my regular stores i'm you know popcorn peanut butter nuts of any kind socks underwears and t-shirts lumber of all types a wagon or utility cart um cots inflatable mattress mattress pump you can find a nice mattress pump um at walmart i think i paid like 10 reoperated teas and coffees cigarettes wine liquor now these are for buttering or for medicine i used to paraffin wax if you can have livestock if it's permitted atomizers for cooling and bathing and a fire pit to either build or buy fire pit is next on my list so with that list that i just gave you you know what you already have okay and then what you need to buy or continue to buy i would put in the other list so i hope that what i have been working on for the past month helps you guys like it's been helping me um this is what i've been guide guiding a lot of my preps on um and i hope it really does help you i really do i hope it helps a lot um but yeah if there's anything that you want to add please do add um because i i am not master of all knowledge here you know but this is what i have been experiencing what i've been seeing what i've been hearing okay and i took all of that information and i wrote everything down so i can share it with all of you okay well that's the end of this video um i love you i'll see you in the next one and be safe be kind to each other and enjoy the rest of your day bye
Channel: Autumn's Backyard Garden
Views: 122,577
Rating: 4.7306581 out of 5
Keywords: basic food storage for prepping for disasters and shtf, city prepping shtf, emergency preparedness, how to start prepping for shtf, medical prepping for shtf, prepper pantry 2020, prepper pantry essentials, prepper pantry list, prepping for shtf, prepping for shtf events for beginners, prepping your home for shtf, prepping your house for shtf, shtf prepping, shtf prepping and survival, shtf prepping for beginners, shtf prepping ideas, shtf prepping list
Id: scFP7SkoXkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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