6 Tips to Prepare for the Coming COVID State or National Lockdowns / Shutdowns

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hey everybody welcome back to cascadia dispatch  prepping for non-preppers i'm casey and today we   are going to talk about the lockdowns and the  shutdowns that are being rumored and talked   about over the last 24 to 48 hours that could  start anytime between now monday possibly january   before we get started if you wouldn't mind just  hitting the like button and the subscribe button   down below we'd really appreciate it helps get  the videos out to more people lets youtube know   that they should share it with other people and  hopefully they will enjoy it as much as you do so   over the last couple of weeks there's been a lot  of conversation about the spikes and increases in   covid cases and hospitalizations all around the  country in various states and cities and regions   so as a result of these spikes a lot of cities and  states are changing their plans around reopenings   and tightening down restrictions  they're either adding more restrictions   or they're not losing restrictions and in some  cases like in oregon we are being put on pause   in most counties which actually means we're  rolling back to smaller numbers of people less   access to restaurants and businesses and it's  possible that could even tighten up further if   cases don't turn around their trajectory yesterday  president-elect biden's covid chairperson was on   a streaming call i believe it was on yahoo  and was asked how he felt about lockdowns   and how they could handle the pandemic and he said  that he felt that the country was financially able   to handle locking down for four plus weeks he  said four to six i believe six is kind of the   number that's being floated about but locking down  the country for four to six weeks and financially   reimbursing people for either lost wages or  providing unemployment supporting businesses it   would be a part of a whole huge aid package that  would come through but essentially everyone would   be in a stay-at-home order for between four to six  weeks since some states and cities and counties   are rolling back now and it's possible that there  could be some sort of a national restriction that   would come in january now is a really good time  to jump in and if you haven't started prepping to   start preparing for what that could look like very  similarly to what happened in march and over the   summer and if you already were preparing because  you had to deal with quarantines and things   in march and over the summer depending on which  state and city you lived in as to whether or   not you were locked down in march or whether  you were locked down more toward the summer   you've probably already gone down this path but  now is a good time to make sure that you have   re-upped and re-strategized for  what could be an even longer time   of lockdown or quarantine so i'm going to tell you  six things that i think you should do right now   to prepare for either a small lockdown in your  area or what could be a national lockdown in   january part of the reason to prepare now is you  do have some time in the originally in the spring   and summer the lockdowns and restrictions kind of  happened out of the blue the stay-at-home orders   you had maybe 24 hours 48 hours notice now we  have a little bit more time hopefully you've   been preparing a little bit over the last several  months but we know that potentially if there is   something in january we have two to three months  to actually kind of prepare for that and now would   be the time to get started so you don't end up  at the grocery store or whatever store you're at   and the shelves are completely bare because  everyone's panic buying and you know better   than to panic buy we don't panic buy we buy ahead  of time that's the whole point so the first tip   is to start meal planning if you're gonna be in  some sort of a stay-at-home order or something   for several weeks i did this in march when  we in oregon we're gonna be under a two-week   stay-at-home order lockdown whatever you want  to call it so we had food because we've been   preparing for the cascadia earthquake and other  natural disasters that might happen so we had   food set aside for an emergency but what we hadn't  really thought about was if we're going to be home   and life is going to kind of continue to go on  we'll have electricity and internet and stuff   what food do we want to actually make it through  that so that we aren't miserable for that period   of time but we actually can somewhat enjoy it  um and in these sort of situations when you're   looking at boosting morale food can be one of  those things that can make kind of everything   just a little bit better so what i recommend doing  is laying out a one week meal plan i've got an   example over here that i'm going to show if this  is something you think would be useful to have i   can kind of make this more of a pdf or an excel  or something something you could fill out and   download let me know in the comments below if that  would be helpful i've been thinking about putting   something printable like that together but if you  have suggestions about what to include on it or   what you would like go ahead let me know and  i'll try and put something together and we'll   put it out here in the next couple weeks so this  is a pretty straightforward meal plan not super   complicated but what we did is we just sat down  and said okay for the next week or for a week   what would we want to have for breakfast lunch  dinner and snacks don't forget snacks because the   kids will not forget the snacks if you have kids  and they like snacks they will not let you hear   the end of it so make sure that you've planned  that out we selected one type of food for every   meal breakfast lunch and dinner we didn't really  include leftovers i included leftovers for one day   obviously you can eat leftovers but i wanted  to make sure that we had enough food that if   we didn't have leftovers we wouldn't be missing a  meal the next day that we'd have plenty of food to   last us for that whole entire week you can get  a little bit more creative and you could make   a different meal plan for every week of  the quarantine depends on how many weeks   you're planning for originally we had a two-week  quarantine or a two-week stay-at-home order and   i planned for us if we needed to be quarantined  if someone got it in our family that that would   be two weeks of them quarantining and then  likely somebody else would get it and we would   add another two weeks so we originally planned for  four weeks of quarantine in our meal planning for   this we'll probably plan for six to eight weeks  of meal planning so that in case somebody got   got covered right at the tail end of it we would  have an additional to kind of make it through that   two-week quarantine period in order to figure out  how much food you need you just take your one week   meal plan you multiply it by however many weeks if  you're doing different meals and every week it's   going to be a little more complicated for us since  we just had the same meal plan every week we just   multiplied that by four and then went and looked  at what we had in our freezers and our fridges in   our pantry to figure out what we already had and  then went to the store and bought whatever the   difference if you had to go out and buy eight  weeks or six weeks or four weeks worth of food   all at once it's gonna put a big strain on the  grocery stores but if we know that it's happening   in january so you can buy you know use one week of  food now and buy two weeks next week and then use   one week and buy two weeks you'll slowly start to  add up over the next six eight weeks to where you   need to be for a january locked the other thing  that's a little bit nice about this situation   is because we have a little bit more lead time  you could utilize coupons and um some deals and   things like that that you wouldn't have time for  if it was hey you had 24 hours you just got to get   everything it's important to also remember that  you've still got to store all this food so don't   plan on getting eight weeks of frozen food if you  only have a standard side-by-side freezer you're   not gonna be able to store everything so make  sure that you're planning your meals not just   for things that you like but also things that you  could actually store the ingredients to make the   second tip is to check your heat source since it's  winterish i mean it's not technically winter till   the middle of december but i mean it feels pretty  wintery to those of us who live in states not   probably named like arizona and texas it's getting  pretty chilly and if your furnace or your wood   stove or your gas fireplace isn't functional isn't  working that would be a real problem especially if   it's difficult to actually get repair people or  it's difficult to get replacement parts because   there's a big strain because everyone's trying to  do it and there aren't enough people just because   it checks out now and it works doesn't necessarily  mean it's gonna work in the future but at least it   lets you know that it's working now and if you did  have a problem with it you have some time to kind   of get an option or get a repair person out likely  the repair people will be dubbed essential workers   and so they'll still be working but you're going  to have probably fewer people working and more   people having problems because everyone's going  to be using their furnaces and wood stuff i would   highly recommend that you also go out now and get  a space heater or two um they're pretty plentiful   so there's not a real run on them yet there  always is a run on them toward the the kind of   the depth of winter or depth of winter um dead  of winter but we'll go with one of those words   um the you know the heart of winter there are  also some of them that are on sale be it from   costco or amazon or home depot there are lots of  sales going on right now especially with black   friday and the holidays so you can probably pick  a couple up for relatively inexpensive and just   have them they're good in general to have but  in case you do your main source of heat does   go out or have a problem or you run out of fuel  having electric space heaters that you can plug in   hopefully whatever the lockdown is wouldn't  produce some sort of an electric grid problem   we're not expecting power outages as a result of  that could happen for other reasons but hopefully   this wouldn't cause it you would at least have an  alternative to keep yourself warm until you can   get somebody out to either fix your furnace or you  can get more firewood or whatever it is that you   would need as the as the the lockdown is going  tip number three is go fill up your gas tanks   uh we talked about this in the video about 24  hours to disaster this is another one where just   because you know that something might happen it's  good to kind of be in that kind of overly prepared   mode where you're just a little bit your senses  are heightened as it relates to preparedness   you're just kind of thinking about it more top of  mind so in this case i would recommend if you have   two cars and you can use one car to drive and keep  one car full and just kind of sit in the driveway   just make sure that you've always got a full tank  in at least one car if you have to use two cars or   if you only have one car and that's the one you  got to use make sure that you keep your gas tank   above half there are lots of times in life where  if you drop below half and you get to a quarter   you're running on e it's not going to be the  end of the world life will go on in this case we   don't expect to run out of gas by any means but if  there is some sort of a lockdown or a shutdown or   something people do tend to panic if they're not  watching this channel or other channels like us   and they will run out and try to fill up their gas  tanks and buy toilet paper and do what they did   in march and over the summer and what we want to  try to do is avoid being in that situation so if   you keep your gas tank above half then you don't  have to worry about it gas is plentiful right now   so you don't have to worry about it but in the  meantime it just kind of hedges so you're not   in that kind of oh i didn't get a fill up i knew  i should have and now i've got to wait or i've   got to drive across town to go get it you just  have it and you're just ready to number four is   go get some cash so again this is something that  we talked about in the 24 hours to disaster video   i'll link it up here but getting some cash and  just having it on hand is really helpful in any   sort of uncertainty or disaster you don't  really know and assuming that the economy   doesn't collapse and economic systems don't  collapse which would be a whole different problem   and a bigger issue um just making sure that you're  not necessarily maybe relying on a credit card   or a debit card or power or whatever just having  cash available allows you a lot more flexibility   if you need to get supplies or if you need to get  something or if people aren't for example taking   credit cards or something like that just having  some cash at home is really really a great thing   for a security perspective it makes you feel  safer and then in general if you don't need it   you just deposit it back it's your money it's  not like it really cost you anything other than   you know the .001 interest or whatever that  it would accrue over that month so take out   a little bit you know it doesn't need to be  a lot you know doesn't need to be everything   you got or anything like that but just take out  some so in case you needed to buy groceries or   you needed to pay for a tank of gas or something  like that you would have money available to do   that and then whatever you don't use put it back  at the end and just deposit back in your account   number five is refill your prescriptions and  refill your over-the-counter medications and first   aid stuff so a lot of people have medications  that they use regularly prescription or   otherwise when everything shut down in march  and over the summer there were huge runs on   over-the-counter medications on first aid stuff  people were just grabbing all kinds of things   so the shelves were pretty bare once you got  into the middle of it and it's taking a little   while for the shelves to kind of catch back up  again so if there are things like that if there   are prescriptions that you need call your doctor  see if you can get an extra month in advance see   if your insurance will cover that if a pharmacy  will fill it for you if you can't figure out where   there are other pharmacies if for example your  pharmacy runs out of your medication because a   lot of people are trying to fill it there may be  other pharmacies that have that same medication   and you just need to transfer the prescription  or you just need to call them or something   figure out what that process is in your area so  you would know how to tackle that if you needed   also since we're in winter time and we're going  to be heading into the spring if you have kids   and you need you know cold medication or allergy  medication for them or for yourself now would be   a good time to make sure you've got an extra box  or two just set aside you don't need to go out   and empty a shelf but make sure that you've got  some in a closet ready to go in case you need it   because while everyone is concerned about covid  and and all of that it's still possible you get a   cold or you get something that just makes you feel  not great and you would want to make sure that   you've got whatever medication it is that would  make you feel better because there's going to be   a lot going on that's going to make you not feel  great you don't need that on top of it and the   sixth thing is prepare for the holidays now so in  a lot of areas we're not actually going to be able   to get together technically and big groups and do  the big family holiday celebrations that we wanted   but you are probably going to be able to at least  get together with your own immediate family in   your house and do that so if you are planning on  doing thanksgiving at home and you want to have a   turkey that's important to you maybe go get the  turkey now go get the turkey make sure you got   in the freezer because if you for whatever reason  can't get there or there's a supply chain issue or   something you don't want to be two days before  thanksgiving really wanting a turkey and you   can't get the same thing with christmas dinner and  things like that anything you can get in advance   whether it's the box packaged goods or whether  it's canned goods or anything like that try to get   as much of that in advance just so that there's  you're not involved in whatever the rush might be   around that period of time there's always a rush  anyway but you won't be in the exaggerated rush   that could transpire the same goes for any sort of  christmas presents or holiday presents or hanukkah   presents or presence of any kind birthday presents  over the next several months there's going to be a   whole lot of people ordering online there's going  to be a whole lot of people trying to kind of   make up for the ugly that's going on with  exciting things for kids or for their   loved ones or whatever so there's going to be a  big strain on your normal retailers and the small   businesses that are trying to stay afloat so try  to get as much of that done in advance as you can   i ordered some things on prime day it was supposed  to be two day delivery because prime day pretty   much everything is two day delivery and even  with two day delivery it still took a week and   a half because fedex was overwhelmed and ups was  overwhelmed and the postal service was overwhelmed   by all of the orders so likely that will happen  again especially as we get closer into the heart   of the shopping season when we get to actually  black friday and things like that i think kind of   the instinct and the habits of people to start to  look at buying things then will happen and it'll   be a lot more online and it's going to take a lot  more logistical power to do that and i don't know   that that's going to necessarily make sure that  whatever you buy is going to get to wherever you   want it to be on time so if you start and you buy  it now even if it goes on sale lots of companies   will do a price match or a price adjustment or  something like that you can call ahead in advance   if you're really really concerned but if you buy  it now you likely will be able to get some sort of   a price adjustment in the future just double check  before you buy it but that would be a way to kind   of make sure that you're not losing out on a ton  of money but you're making sure that you get the   thing in advance and it can get there on time so  it's just not another thing that's kind of getting   ruined in the world of 2020 that we live in so  that's gonna do it for this video hopefully those   six tips were helpful hopefully you're able to go  out and get some of those things you're not caught   in the panic you can get enough supplies hopefully  the supply chains are a little stronger now and   kind of prepared for something like this so you  won't see as many interruptions or disruptions but   just in case hopefully these will help you to kind  of smooth out the curve as we're going through the   next several weeks and possibly months of this  kind of covid spike lockdown quarantine whatever   is going to happen as we as we move out of 2020  and enter into 2021 if you think there's something   that i missed or something that people should  be preparing uh with or buying or stocking up on   go ahead and leave it in the comments below the  comments are really really helpful for youtube   letting people know that we're chatting about the  video and if you wouldn't mind also if you haven't   already i mean we talked about it a few minutes  ago but if you haven't already please go ahead   and hit the like and the subscribe button that  also lets youtube know that this is a video that   they should share with other people let people  know about it so we really really appreciate that   that the channel has seen a lot of great momentum  in the last several weeks and i'd really like to   continue that so that more people can see the  videos and hopefully get prepared and avoid   looking at empty shelves like they may or may  not have been doing back in march so thanks again   really appreciate it and we will see you guys in  the next video very very soon thanks a lot bye you
Channel: Cascadia Dispatch - Preparedness Tips - Prepping for Non-Preppers
Views: 91,195
Rating: 4.7952595 out of 5
Keywords: Covid, pandemic, last minute tips, last minute preps, Prepare, Community Preparedness, lockdown, shutdown, biden, Preparedness, coronavirus, Emergency Planning, Disaster Planning, Emergency Kit, Survival Kit, Go Bag, Bug Out Bag, EDC, Earthquake Prep, Hurricane Prep, Tornado Prep, Wildfire Prep, SHTF, Preparedness Journey, Prepper, Prepping, Prepared Not Scared, urban prepper, city prepper, cascadia dispatch, oregon, california, maryland, kansas, utah, new york, north dakota, virginia, iowa
Id: 6r86Q3CIt6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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