Islam is a Religion of Peace
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Channel: IntelligenceSquared Debates
Views: 2,207,708
Rating: 4.0783124 out of 5
Keywords: Zeba Khan, Maajid Nawaz, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Douglas Murray, John Donvan, religion, Islam, peace, terrorism, Muslim, jihad, Allah, war, IQ2US, Intelligence Squared, faith, radical, moderate, extremism, freedom, debate, NYU, Skirball Center, violence, tolerance, Koran, Amnesty International, Quilliam
Id: rh34Xsq7D_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 36sec (6396 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ayaan hirsi is a hero. It takes a lot for a Somali women to say the things she said. I personally know many Somalis who would want her dead. Religion of peace lol longest running joke ever.
The woman speaking at the beginning reminds me of that Chris Rock skit: "I ain't never been to jail." "Wat'chu want, a cookie? You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!"
Text version for convenience:
Islam is a religion of peace:
Before --> After (Change)
For: 41% --> 36% (-5%)
Against: 25% --> 55% (+30%)
Undecided: 34% --> 9% (-25%)
This was an amazing debate. Thanks for sharing.
Love this women. She's not Hitchens, but she sure does deserve to sit in his throne as a horsewomen.
lol maajid kinda looks happy with the results
Excellent debate, I'm watching the full thing and its great too far.
The moderator looks and sounds like Jeff Daniels in The Newsroom. Lol.