Are AI Art Filters Better than Midjourney V4?

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ladies and gentlemen probably the most popular topic on this channel has been AI art I mean yeah I try to cover other stuff on this channel but let's be honest the most popular topic what everyone wants to see and talk about is AI art and I mean it's understandable AI art has evolved so crazily it went from incoherent scribbles earlier this year to full-blown beautiful imagery and winning actual art contests towards the end of the year so it makes sense why it's so popular and of course with anything that's popular it became controversial and now as you saw with my recent video which was pretty controversial a lot of people believe AI art is theft so since AI art is so popular I am very excited to show you guys something that revolutionizes AI art but really quick before I get into that you yes you the viewer watching at home if you're into AI stuff if you're into AI projects if you're into this brand new evolving technology I highly highly suggest you join my Discord with the link in description it's completely free obviously and it has a great community and a ton of AI based resources we have free AI art generators inside of the Discord links to free Ai and honestly there's a lot more AI based resources in there so it's just a great AI community in general highly suggest you join it so as you folks can see here we are on the mid-journey V4 website where you can see all the public mid-journey creations and man these Generations look absolutely fantastic and that's what mid Journey V4 really has been known for lately is these fantastic Generations except wait a second this isn't mid-journey V4 at all what we are viewing right now is actually playground AI I'm not sure if you guys have been keeping up with this website lately but there are some extremely interesting developments here on this website as we know playground AI started out as a really really cost effective way to generate rate stable diffusion art and then slowly it also became a dolly to art as well and that still is the case it's a very very cost effective website here on playground AI you get a thousand generations for free per day on your account which is great completely free generation and the website's really well designed as well the generations are very easy and fun to create and of course they actually have some very cost effective payment plans if you want to pay monthly for more than a thousand Generations per day and if you want access to stuff like Dolly too for example however none of these were created with Dolly too and as you can see they look fantastic as you guys can see this is the actual mid-journey website and these Generations look very very good as well I'm not saying that necessarily playground AI is better than mid Journey V4 now but I think they definitely can trade blows in some areas again here is the playground AI website again and then we're going back to mid-journey V4 all this art is very very subjective but the coherency levels here off the charts for both of them I think they're both doing a really really good job nowadays and honestly this playground thing might have flown under the radar for a lot of you guys I think and I suppose that makes sense playground AI you know it's not as well known as something like mid-journey for example but that's why I'm making this video right to show you guys about the latest and greatest now some of you viewers at home that know a little bit more about this technology might be asking well how is this possible has playground AI created their own AI well the answer to that question is kind of complicated actually they haven't created their own AI in the same sense that mid-journey has created their own AI where openai has created their own AI with Dolly too playground AI has created stable diffusion variants here and that's how they're able to get these amazing images so this really is still built upon stable diffusion it it's just very very fine-tuned stable diffusion dream Booth models and typically when we think about dream Booth as I've talked about on this channel before you know it's like creating multiple images or variants of yourself for example but playground AI has used this technology in a way to create their own various styles of stable diffusion that greatly increase its coherency and again you guys can access and play around with these for completely free on the website so I will link it down below and if you make anything cool please remember to share it on my Discord with me because I'd love to see it and by the way that's not the only brand new feature for playground AI as you can see they've created this AI based search to find exactly what we might need you can also add negative prompts now here in playground AI so this would be stuff that you don't want to see in your image very very powerful tool if used correctly and the filters which is what I was just discussing so my first prompt here is Kawaii lemon character 3D render so this should just be a cute little 3D render of a lemon character but I'm not applying any of these brand new filters yet and we're just using the base stable diffusion 1.5 I want to see what we get for a base result typically stable diffusion is not great at my classic lemon character prompt so generating these images here they actually came out a little bit better than I first initially expected by the way we can also rate the image on how much we think it looks good this one's not too bad but again none of these are particularly fantastic and I think all of them are creepy let's go down to the filters now and we'll go ahead and apply the playtune filter and by the way they're giving us a pro tip here use character or person at the beginning of your prompt so we'll put lemon character at the beginning of the prompt okay we're definitely getting somewhere now with these images we've lost the yellow body here that we originally had for example but we've gained some new details and insight this one's actually coming out pretty decent I mean that is more towards a lemon character it's got a lemon body sort of green hair and the eyeballs and he looks very cartoonish now these guys you know they're the wrong color they don't necessarily look like lemon characters this guy's holding a lemon but I think the coherency has updated in this we've got really intricate detailed eyes you know the noses and the mouth and the face and the hair here is very very detailed and I think it looks a lot better than you know some of the detail we get from these and I did a little bit more tweaking and adjusting to The Prompt here as you can see we did lemon Pixar oh I spelled Pixar wrong character who is a lemon 3D render Kawaii lemon theme and I think that these new generations actually turned out even better and you guys can see how quickly you can just fine tune and adjust your prompt to get a better image so this guy I mean that is a straight up lemon character I will say that he's a little bit freaky mind you he's scary he's not a nice lemon character but he's a lemon character nonetheless this one definitely also is a lemon character by the way definitely lemon skin and all that has a little lemon up here here this one's coming out pretty cool I think a lot of people might like that one and then this is like a little baby lemon character but still really really great job very coherent you guys will notice with the eyes and the face and the nose and everything much much more coherent than you would get with just base stable diffusion let's go ahead and turn the play tune filter off here so you guys can see with the same exact prompt we just generated what we get for imagery again this is the same exact prompt here with no filter at all and then applying that playground AI dream Booth filter yeah we get a lot better results and again these are results that I would consider you know almost competing with mid Journey V4 if you guys might agree for you guys have any experience with mid-journey V4 yourselves fascinating and really really awesome to see it's it's just so exciting to see stuff like that all right now we're definitely headed in some interesting territory but you can see the variety of generations you can get with the playtune filter definitely very very much lemon characters here this one is a little bit interesting here got some like lemon hair here some really detailed lemon clothes this one's in a garden of some sort pretty cool I also wanted to show you guys the upscaling filter as well so if we click on the little expand button here on any of these Generations we can bring them into full quality in full view I believe all of these might actually be upscaled to just right off the bat I could be wrong though but that does look like a 1024 by 1024 image to my eyes which is really nice to see that they're doing upscaling right in the editor but of course they have face restoration built in we can upscale it by four times which we can do right here and now when we zoom into this image here yeah we can see that there is an absolute ton of detail with the four times upscaling that's really really awesome to see playground AI ever since I first reviewed it on this channel it's always been a favorite generator of mine and yeah the features that they have the pricing and everything it is just absolutely spot on and now with this new feature of being able to do the different filters you can really create mid-journey level Creations in here if you put the time and effort to fine tune your prompt really really fantastic to see but I love the sharp details on this upscaler did a great job a very popular one that I've been seeing pop up a lot is this wall theme so it was called woolaties and it will basically take whatever your prompt is and convert it into like whoa so it looks like it's made by crochet or something like that they've got colourpop and instaport I believe these are more for portraits if you're trying to generate realistic humans poly mode so this is sort of like a little sculpture a little figurine we'll try the poly mode filter on the same exact prompt here and that's actually a pretty cool little creation it's like a little 3D render type of thing but you guys sort of get the idea with this type of filter and they've also got the app icon so obviously if you're trying to create maybe some app icons or designs you could use this one they've got retro anime which could be very popular I know anime is a very very popular thing in the AI art community they've got retrofuturism obviously this is like the the 50s style really cool bubbly retro future design pastel colors they've got origami analog diffusion so I believe supposed to be like analog film I could be wrong on that they've also got the Play-Doh variant here so this makes everything look like it's made out of Play-Doh delicate detail polaroid so this makes everything look like an old Polaroid photo radiant symmetry this I believe is like psychedelic art saturated space Lush elimination and yeah they've got some others here I'm not going to go through all of them but yeah you can see there's definitely some really really cool stuff we'll try a really simple prompt here Barista 50s retro future and we're using the filter color pop to see if we can't get a nice portrait I'm actually going to toss portrait in here wow we got some really really interesting art here I would say so obviously the Barista made two little floating beer glasses here which is pretty funny it definitely did it in the portrait style here I think what would help is if we made the dimensions actually portrait Dimensions but other than that we definitely got some 50s retro future portraits of a barista it definitely looks like a real 50s retro future color portrait it's really really interesting the colors and everything in this and you can even see the film grain color pop did a really really good job of generating this let's try the Retro futurism filter on this same prompt I don't think it's specifically meant to do portraits but let's see how it does wow it actually did a shockingly good job with this this is definitely one of those types of generations you can tell that the specific filter we used here was not trained to do portraits however we have face Restoration in our upscaler so we could actually use that to restore some of the faces here dang it really did get the Retro future Vibe down I'm gonna go in here and we're gonna apply face restoration to see if we can't fix that Derpy face okay it maybe kind of did a little bit of something it definitely upscaled it well didn't exactly fix the face all that well let's give this one a shot maybe this one will be a little bit easier maybe fix the face just a little bit it's a little bit better it's not bad but definitely could use some work here in general though pretty cool I like it all right now we're gonna go for the Retro anime filter lemon themed queen queen of the lemons Ghibli style so we're looking for like a woman that's the queen of the lemons and since I did Ghibli style I figured we'd go for more of a 16x9 movie aspect ratio although it really might screw up our generation so I gotta be careful yeah I mean these are definitely pretty cool but I think it screwed it up a little bit did a few more Generations I would consider these actually a little bit better this one's not too bad especially definitely like a retro anime vibe from this we can see she's got some lemons maybe hanging from the side of her face and she looks like she could be a queen this one definitely as well again looks a lot like a queen retro anime style for sure these are pretty interesting as well definitely you know a queen with some lemons hanging off the side this one's not as coherent though I would say in comparison in to a few of the other styles we were looking at all right I've used the wool mode which definitely worked very well here my prompt was portrait of a woman wearing crazy futuristic designer clothes and yeah this woman is no doubt made of Woe I will say that it's actually kind of gross and horrifying it's a little bit weird to think about but she's wearing crazy wool designer clothes and she looks like she's from a world made of wool but uh I do have to say the coherency is definitely there very accurate to The Prompt can't deny that but it's a little bit of a scary looking image and also did one in a different aspect ratio that I think came out very very good as well so just beyond that of course we do have the new search function up in the top left hand corner here the AI based search so if you type lemon character in for example you can get hundreds of different lemon characters that people have generated and wow all of these are actually really really fantastic but yeah the AI search is really really good so definitely prompts to this feature it Works fast it works really well and it helps you get some really really good ideas for generating new images especially because you can see all of the prompts but viewers yes that is all I have for you guys today and thank you so much for watching definitely let me know what you guys think about playground Ai and its new features in the comments below is it better than mid Journey V4 at this point especially with the much cheaper price point check out the Discord and share some of your Creations in there and check out some other videos I'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: MattVidPro AI
Views: 59,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney ai, ai art generator, midjourney tips, artificial intelligence, ai generated art, playground ai tutorial, playground ai writing, playground ai, midjourney v4, midjourney ai tutorial, discord ai art, guide to midjourney, midjourney tutorial, dalle 2, how to make ai generated art, discord midjourney bot, how to use midjourney
Id: CWj1jqtKlGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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