The absolute beginners guide to MidJourney AI. Starting with AI Art.

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if you saw on social medias uh people sharing about ai generated art and it's look very interesting you'll wonder how you can start with this and maybe people suggest you to go to use it uh dolly e me journey or other things and you tried and but it's a little bit confusing so this video i creating from the scratch i mean from beginning and assuming you just know how to use the internet but you have no idea about discord or what service you should use it for ai generation anyone just try it so let's begin first says it's many different ai uh services that allow you to create art and most popular is of course will be dolly to meet the journey um wobble and disc diffusion so it's all different and they have a plus and minuses each of them however most user friendly and fun to use it i found it's a um meets journey it's actually very easy to sign up very easy to trial and that's what we're going to do step by step doing this so see how you can enjoy um to create this art again my assumptions you don't know anything about how to use the different services so we'll go step by step with commands what you need to do and how to proceed um mid journey is utilized discord server and if you're not familiar with discord it is it's the glorified chat room okay let's put this way you can have it multiple rooms multiple days but originally created for people for group of people to chat together of course it was evolve over time become a video a chat voice and so on different things but just keep in mind it is simple chatroom when you type a text and you can reply from the bot that is controlled or from the person live person to access discord we needed actually login and register first to for that service and the service is free so you can have it pay versions don't worry about these free versions it's worked for us just fine you need go to discard website i will provide also link below or just type you'll come to this page where you notice you have it download or open in your browser if you use the mac you can download a mac pc or you can use the mobile application i install all of them it's benefit in each of them however for our purpose and simplified we'll just use it from the web browser to do this first we need login but we don't have an account which is okay we'll create right now so let's go ahead and click on login and as login you come to the place if you have it already accounts it's come up and says hey log into your account if you don't have it click on this add an account and if you click on this you'll come and if you have any other emails and information was there it will pop up if it doesn't or if you wrong one you can always click need account click on register so let's go click on register and at this point you come up with create your account where you have your email username and password so let's go ahead and try with our email first and we're going to use it um so i'll just use one account and we're going okay username disk maybe let's go test okay because i want to test this and we'll just use it as a test for this let's go to name blood okay let's go just use this it will be short don't worry about that username may be already taking because it will add an end what it does it will add a hash and maybe some number so it will create some user but it's okay if the username right here and um create password whatever you want it just uh um i recommend use it's a little bit more secure password if you need it and next let's go to set our date and i'll set mine then mostly they need it so you above the age so you can and when we're done we can go ahead and click continue so what's happening now oh look it's username already too many of this so so we'll just type full name let's see if they allowed us this one not too many okay let's go need blood so how about this one mid journey of light we'll do that one okay so let's go okay nice it's created it says create account i'm human let's click i'm human and ask me contain horse horse horse horse with long neck horse horse fat horse so well but well just normal those ones will click verify it's a human so it will proceed and you'll notice right here it's come up to the screen where it says hey um create your own joining channel we don't worry about this just click on x to cancel so we exit from this and notice it says we are check email to verify your account so you can start using um for this one you're going to get your account you will receive email which just says okay let's display all images okay it says verify your email so you'll receive this then you'll click on verify your email which is going back to the discord and says hey your email verified you are legit users and now you can start using so i recommend for you to do this to have a full access okay when we're done we don't need to download it let's close this one at this point you should be seeing like this screen the basic discord with no servers attached no channels so this is our main step be sure you log in this is very important and login you can see right here it says mid val and my number hc wherever this is all is my actually username this all the string so if in case you need it to provide somebody you can click copy or just can't remember but if you're on the screen and you'll see that it's meaning your login so this is our first step with the discord we will go through some commands and some look in the future but next step let's go jump inside the mid journey and see how we can sign up with a beta access okay so now we want to work with the mid journey to create our artwork ai artwork going to website and just type or you can click on a link that will provide below you'll notice you'll come to this weird blue screen with all this text prompt and everything important for us it's these two buttons join beta and sign with discord we will sign up with discord in a second right now what i want to do is click join the beta if i click on this you'll notice it's come up to the screen and says send me to invitation and accept so if i click accept invitation it's through the discord invitation you'll notice it's open discord application for me and it's actually should come with information says hey um you want to access so if you ask you to allow access you can click and say allowed access to the channel okay after you're authorized you come to this channel and you'll notice right here you'll have it now server called mid journey you'll have it rooms on your left side highlights or info will be context to the middle and some other information right side including some users and other things so this is actually discord interface it's not mid journey interface but midterm with utilize will utilize some of these channels how we can access and creating so let's look how we can actually check first let's go check on what channel we have it and you'll notice first we have it announcements we have also channel of the status so where we can see if it's server up and down all of these rules what you need to do and not if you're interested you can go over them and read i highly recommend just to read so you know what you're allowed to do what you're not allowed because mid journey do provide pg-13 environment where you cannot do their sex or violence images and they will filter some um words so if you type word and sometimes come up it says uh you cannot use it for example type sex scenes come up and says hey it's a banned word you cannot use this which is kind of weird but general it's the server that's their rules whatever the set and if you are using words you won't get banned it's just tell you you cannot use this word just rephrase however if you try to work around with the description around this words then moderator will see in the band view of this okay so let's go ahead next faq very important here it's this link and this link it's provide you access to the documentation which i highly recommend when you start go to more advanced levels so for now just keep in mind it's nfaq you can open in the future if you feel you like this service and you want to do something more we have many different rooms the most important for us look right now it's rooms that call newbies so this is room sets where we're going because we are just starting we don't know um and we want to experiment there it's not necessary will be same you'll be 3 33 60 it's can be different numbers they just create all those different rooms and that can be there but they usually will start with newbie so and that's what we're going to do so we'll go in now let's go in a newbie 63 and when we click on this room you'll notice middle part is changed now we inside this chat where we can see images we can see uh people chatting and all this stuff so let's go ahead and look on the bottom bottom when we click and you'll notice if we go on the bottom the people will generate stuff and it's come up as they're creating so to interact with this we can type in but keep in mind if i type hi all for example without command it is a chat it's what i said so it will just type the words and sometimes what's happening you type in and you're like nothing happen because it is chat so we need pel the uh robot which is monitor bot that monitor this channel command so it's actually watch for specific combinations of the words characters and act on this and command here this will be forward slash and when you press forward slash you'll notice we have all these different commands pop up it's too many of them we don't care about all of them what we care right now it's this magic imagine this is what create all for us so forward slash imagine and one thing when you press imagine you cannot just start typing what i recommend for you to do imagine and press enter okay see nothing happens so let's go try imagine again and press enter how what we're looking this it's imagine and prompt prompt it's tell it is accept as command and now we can type inside whatever you want it so let's go type um what do we want we want glass snowball okay so we'll just christmas maybe so we'll just go there and just type like this press enter so what's happening right here you can see it's actually start processing the one thing you'll notice it is kind of people type in and it's start dragging up and down so it's a little bit hard with this um if you scroll up it's will hold it but it doesn't mean that these people does not type it more it's a scroll so it's a little bit hard to monitor what is going on we have several ways we can actually help with this to um kind of work around scrolling in the shoe and get your you know like right here it's completed it's lost so we need to go back and try fine we always can try access by going inside the um inbox and in box we can click on mention and we can see right here it's showing us so if it's there we can click jump and we'll jump directly to this message so it will help we can kind of navigate through that way so notice when it's rendered right here image we can click on the image and it's showing for us overlay if we want to see full size we can click on open original which is open in an additional screen let's look what we have notice we have it one two three four we have four images what's happening inside on the back of the ai it's creating all these different random variations based on your string and showing you hey i have it create four versions right now which one would you like and then you can use it specific commands to upscale make them bigger with more details or make variation based on this idea if it's going to write directions or just redo everything and if we look right here what we have it image count and it's important start from top left and android bottom right and it will go one two three four so it will grab it image one two three four it feels below we have it this u and v one two three four u stands for upscale so it's make your bigger size and v is make for variations so it's one two three variation for example i do like this kind of color and it will be four so i can press u4 it will upscale for me this image and also i won't make variations but i want to make variations of the two so i'll press v2 so it's meaning on this one i will make variations and i will upscale make bigger size if i don't like any images and i says hey let's try another ways i can press on this kind of circle so sorry do in kind of let's make new variations notice as i'm pressing they are turned blue so let's go down below and we can check right here look this is actually quite a bit fast so it's already processed for me the variations from when i click and we can increase and look notice they're very close they're a little bit different but they're close enough and it work in specific way so let's take as your original whatever it's like image about 50 percent processing and after add details to this i have it more about this in my other videos you can view them if you want to go more in depth how the mechanics behind working but if you're not interested in mechanics you just can play with a string so it's fine but just keep in mind it will take one that we're selecting and make variations based on this and of course you can make more variations more variations based on this so let's go down below and we'll just check what else we have notice right here this is i said redo all of them and look they all look different so in this case i can say which one i like it like i like this top one so i can again says this is will be one two three four so i'll have it upscale too and we'll just go that way notice other people render and how say sometimes your work may get lost and you can always just going inside says mentions right here and we can look through all these mentions so you can access this way and in some cases it's made a little bit easier for you to see when it's get lost through all of this public channel you have options have it private channels so the other works that's not going or you can also look in gallery i'll show you in a second how to do this and that is another ways to access the different is what you're doing here because if you can go jump directly to like for example this it's really you take it to this place and you can upscale you can do additional commands there are another ways to preview this if you go back to you'll notice right here have it sign up with the discord we can go click on this sign up with the discord and as we do this is prompt to hey can i have it access to my journey so we just click authorize and now you're going inside the web kind of app of your stuff so look right here we have this gallery that we just accessed and this gallery showing us all pre-renders we cannot execute commands there but what we can do we can actually click on an image we can save it we can click save with prompt directly from here or we can click and it says hey let's copy prompt and other ones so we can access all our work that we created inside the gallery some functionality here is a little bit limited if you're not paid when you start paying for the servers and we'll look how we can pay and what um how much it's cost and all the stuff will look in a second but general you'll have it more advanced options and you'll have it like bookmarks and so on so it's kind of more and i'll show you with the paid a little bit later about this okay let's go back jump to our channels yes we created those ball we created nice stuff and notice right here the other people created of course you always can take and copy the string and run modified so it's kind of nice it's shareable it's the community developing i show you how to save in other areas but you can always save here you'll just need it click open originally it will open image and just right click and save image so you can save directly from discord if you need it but it's much easier growing from your gallery only reason if you want to save it if you want to see somebody art maybe as a reference or other things and you can copy keep it in mind that whatever is rendered by ai it's not copyrighted it's happening about copyright it was view just recently and it says any art that ai generated is not copyrighted so what is meaning anybody can take your generated image and using in their work same as you can take there and use it i will highly recommend for you to be polite to other artists and if you're using one user that work please ask them okay worst case well not worst case or you can just take a string what they created and try to create your own with your own modifications so it's inspirations like text inspiration so you can do several ways okay right here we render ball and the other things what i want to do okay let's go jump to the bottom right here okay um i want to show you another command so imagine it's number one command what you want to do and let me just clarify how you do it just forward slash type imagine and when you start typing you can see it is help appear so you don't need type all the way you can just start typing when it's pop-up onward press enter and it will be after feel for you all this name and a prompt most important be sure the prompt is here and let's do this let's go have um forest with a happy clouds and you know who did happy clouds bob ross so notice this what i did i says what i wanted so maybe some details and i also can specify style that i want to do so let's go do this and press enter see what's happening in this case okay and let's take what is this i think it's already start rendering right here look it's already start creating and you can see how ai start working by the way it start with a purlin noise and apply special denoiser so it's not image blending it does not take some other create images and blend them together it's actually creating from the scratch it's creating from the absolute noise and by using the noising start creating and you can specify any style so you can have it like bob ross painter style or you can say watercolor or or we can actually combine so right here you can see happy clouds creating by bob ross so let's just do this way let's go ahead take this string highlight okay copy okay now let's go ahead imagine again we'll press enter i paste this and you know what i want bob ross that style but what i wanted i want black and white ink right we can wear specified as well that's why let's go press enter and see what's happening so as it's rendering we can go check what's happening and look oh that is look very nice so it's a barbra style in this we can also specify like oil painting and other stuff and i like it for example one two three four so i like three and uh okay i'll upscale this one okay let's go check what we have here and you know what maybe variations let's go look variations on which one we want four and i'm going with variations of the four oh look what's happening here we have the black and white ink bob ross so it's creating like bob rose but it's also applying the style for us so it is applying the black and white look okay so let's take a second well 93 percent so it's getting closer to ikea applied but meanwhile till it's done let's go to imagine again and by the way you can um run three uh at same time can run at three three at same time um jobs and ten can be staying in the queue it's meaning they're not running but they're waiting till other one is done it can go in so let's go ahead we type imagine okay and next let's go something fun so i'll have it it's a cooler flower and sometimes i may misspell it's why i have a source that helped me with this so it's a quarterfile first of all japan dragon blossom flowers okay and of course i misspell it and there you go that is will help me to correct myself um the one thing it's square but i don't necessarily want to do the square i want to do kind of weird rachel and you can do this by have special command list is very wide of the special command and that's why i show you some documentation you can go check this but for me what i want to do is just change aspect ratio so i will do minus minus a r stands for aspect ratio most importantly be sure you have a space between a r and sizes we give it so and i want to maybe six by 19 very unusual standard but i want to do that and look at my first 12 says oh there you go let's correct that one and we'll press enter on this so it's a start processing and i start processing again i want to check what i have done before we'll go to mentions i can remember on this it'll go unread you go to mentions where it's mentioned by your name and we can look oh look on this this image so let's go to jump to our work here and we can right click and preview look on this it's a beautiful painting look we can look as original and this is size actually if you look it's about 1024 by 1024 when you upscale once you'll notice you have additional options and additional options will have it let's make variations same like what we did before we can upscale to max that is about double this resolution so let's do this way we'll click up scale on this one and a light up scale redo what is up light up scale it will reduce details because if we look on these images oops i thought i open okay let me go open again if we look on this sometimes you can with too many noise mostly it's noticeable in a portrait then you can do light up scale redo or you can also click and share your image on a web with other people so you can do that as it's processing again we can go inside and check okay right here you can see 20 process processing does this but also remember we was looking on a profile so let's go refresh our profile and see what's happening and you can see hey we have it all news images oh our sakura one dragon is all done so it's cool let's go back and right here let's go jump to our second dragon and that is look kind of interesting maybe i want different variations so let's go ahead and click on variation so we'll just re-under i maybe want something different from what is render here okay i doing all this job but i'm on a trial version and trial version allowed you to do process about 25 requests so to find how much you have it left or if you're on purchase as well another command is called info so if we dab forward slash info press enter twice you can see it's come up and says you have roughly about 15 jobs left on my trial so in the beginning you have about 25 jobs that you can process and you know what i'm going to process them now so we can run out of them and i'll see what's happening next so we can see on some other stuff by the way you can check images go to all different channels so you'll notice right here have a daily theme abstract environment so you can go browse all of those and see how they work okay uh go on the channels and see what other people create and just copy those versions then other ways you can do if you go in the profile you'll notice right here community feed let's go click on this and you notice here it is actual top hot or in a week and you can see some images that people done um if you on a purchase service then you will have it add bookmarks so you can bookmark them follow artists so on but and look more information but right now if you over you can see we have it prompt and this is actually important because it's not copyrighted it's a shared for example i like this one so i'm going to take this prompt and i'm going to copy this prompt go back here to our channel forward slash imagine and we'll do paste one thing notice it's a text prompt it does not provide all command and what i mean by all command notice it's actually tall it's portrait mode but if we do here it will be non-porched mode so what i want to do is type dash dash ar as we did before and i'll go 9 by 16 which is portrait mode let's go do this and press enter so we'll see how it's come up because it is always a random render randomly we won't have it exactly some year will almost never will have it exactly same as this look you will have it different because it is render all time from purlin noise okay so let's see what we have so far i'm clicking down and we have it once a quarter here we create it let's go scroll down oh this is our another versions and so we have oh this is a black and white let's go look on black and white so i'm click on jump and we'll connect and you can see it's bob ross very interested because it's ink and black and white this is look very weird but i'd like it a lot so we'll go to upscale these two one and four and as well i noticed some other people does a very awesome job so sometimes it's what i like to go here and see what image imagination of the people what command they're using so it's kind of learning experience and if you want to know more about how to properly format strings can i use it my own images here and so on i heard many videos i'll put a link up top for this playlist you can access and you can be sure in a playlist you have all of these different videos let us go over them and see they will helpful to you to create to kind of tell ea tell me journey what you want to achieve and in some cases position of the words kind of can be important as well as special word for example if i'm going and i type imagine okay and let's go to imagine what we're going to imagine um zombies selfies how about that and we can tell more about this so it's a zombie selfies i want them smiling happy um new york street okay so it's what i want them to do so i kind of describing what's going on but other some commands it's very helpful for example i can type high details and i notice with this one it actually will try to add more details next i want to say photo realistic so i want to create photorealistic and i want to create art station trending what it does it's actually because you're kind of training it's tell hey make your reference against the art station trending photos so it's kind of habit reference like you go outside it says you decide to for example painting outside scenery and it says i want paint against the sunset or against the fall spring so and this is what you do it just says general listen do that okay and we'll go to er and we'll going 16 by nine so this is the one um probably will work uh we can add additional information there how say it's more advanced but don't worry about right now so when we've done this press enter and it will start rendering the other things also you can notice some people put it like 4k or other information and that is just help to reference specific areas one thing keep in mind that mid journey constantly upgrading its algorithm it's doing better every every time so for example if you portraits they used to be horrible okay right now portraits is very nicely done very symmetrical another so it does learning ai does learning and one thing how we can help with learning so let's go right here see it's ink is render i can go ahead and actually says jump to this okay so i'm going right here notice on the bottom we have these faces i don't like it like it and good so if i click right there i'll mark this as a good and let's also let ei know hey it's good render for this match so it's your kind of training um notice right here we have our upscale as we say before you can upscale max and you know what i'm going to upscale this to the max okay let me do this info i want to see how much i have it left and i have about seven jobs left so we can do this uh let's go to meet journey feed we'll go to my home and again i need to reload it to see what i have it and oh look we actually did our ninja whatever it is and of course notice it does not look like that at all and i have a zombie so i'm kind of turn which one i want to do the sakura dragon look very interesting but let's go you know what let's go with the zombies i definitely want zombies i'll go right here go zombies jump to my zombies and let's preview oh they look fun this one the zombie look cool so i can actually going says you know what let's render one more and i want two upscale okay and which one we went upscale let's upscale this one upscale four and i want maybe variations on the three so we have one two three four so we have already four jobs running for us five maybe so we're getting close close to the reach our trial limit and we'll see what's happening after this okay while this all is rendered one thing i did not kind of mention but i tell we have the users on the side you can access directly with journey board and create your own personal channel but for this you need actually subscribe you can also try access individual servers like i created my own and i will provide link below so there is less people so you can access and you can ask questions as well but you also can ask questions moderators and team and actually respond quite a bit fast so you can go click and say hey i have these questions what i need to do notice you have a discussion feedback you also will have it member support trial support so you can ask their questions there if you have like uh technical questions or how i can do this on other ones and community is very very helpful here so let's go ahead check what i have right now again i'm click on an inbox and we'll just scroll right there look on this this is variations so we'll go to our variations let's click on this and ooh this is a lot of teeth so maybe i will go to render three let's go to upscale three and i'm very very very close to run out of the my trial things so we upscale one and what i was meaning oh look on this this is nice upscale let's go to my profile and it's i like to go here because it's kind of easy access and i can also save it and of course i can just click on image here and how safe right there you can see button if i click save with prompt so it will just save on my drive and i can access in view after and use it keep in mind that ai render graphics it's copyrighted free so it's mean anybody can use your art and you can use anybody art at this point however be polite again let's ask people if you need to use it the art for your work or so on it just keep it nice environment and nice communication with other artists and be respectable so right here we render this let's go back to our code see what we have so far okay yeah we're rendering this one and already under another ones so actually this is still 98 percent so it's still render okay and we have our zombies i think this is double zombie yeah i think this one is maybe new zombie so let's go jump to this zombies right here yep we did not do it and let's see which one i like it this one look very fun too so let's go render upscale 2 and upscale 3 and i have messages so let's go look under my messages on the bottom so what i have it my messages down below oh look on this there is a come up and says yo free trial come to end so i run out of the render now i need subscribe to subscribe and tell right here you can type command forward slash subscribe okay which is actually give you options and it says open subscription panel or whatever page and you can go there so let's go we can click directly from there to go to subscriptions you also can access same if you go to your profile you click on options and you can click to manage plan so manage plan will also bring you to exactly the same and let's look what we have here we have several subscriptions and i have a very good video to go and explain what plus what minus all of them but very fast summarize you can have a basic ten dollars a month which is give you about 200 images approximately or you pay 30 and give it somewhat unlimited with limitation i will explain this in a second and you will have it about 15 hours of the um gpu time so which one you should choose you also have an enterprise plan but it's six hundred dollars i don't think we want to do this uh personally you saw we have 25 images and during this video we run out of them so it's meaning just take 25 image multiply by eight and that's how fast will run out of ten dollars i did this plan i ran out and i switched to the thirty dollars i recommend for you to go to thirty dollars at this moment because what you have it you have an unlimited plan and that's what make unlimited you just need go inside and you type forward slash relax and forward slash relax will take you to special pla special mode which is take longer to render but you don't go against your time and usually i render some stuff in this and when i needed to render upscale max up scale i am going to my fast mode and i used my hours for this so in this case you can have it high resolution nice imaging and you don't run out of time when you're trying and try find which one you like it because if we look back here and profile let's go home and we'll look on this images even these trials it will count against yours and only few you may say hey you know what i want to create this nice big image i want to create like 2024 big size but you cannot because you run um you must go in fast mode so overall this is about how you can start with trial play around you'll have it about this many images you can process okay let's sort it reload and see how many total i have right now so this is will be about how many images and trial you can purchase it's literally true trial and if you need more you can have two options well a little bit more but two options general you have it ten dollars or thirty dollars for first month i will seriously recommend you to go with thirty dollars try to do it in relaxed mode because first month it's where you will use the most of the time when you have fun you're experimenting and after when you start cooling down you can go down to 10 hours or whatever and 10 10 dollars and just do whatever you needed so it is kind of fun initial things and you can see how it's easy easy to do this so let's go right now i'm going to destroy this account because it was trial preview showing you and i'm going to switch to my pay account and showing what we can do there with pay account okay so right now i'm on my account um that i'm using from a journey and let's look what's happening when you're on a purchase account so when you actually um subscribe to the service one thing you'll notice you have a different type of the channels it's or the groups um some of them still be newbies same as other ones you will have it different clubs and i have about eight thousand seven thousand let me just request so it's additional club don't worry about will have it always additional options you have a theme it available you have a general um groups where you can go and touch so you have access to all of them most important with our um okay let's go just in a newbie channel for now important things that we have here we can now create personal chat and what does meaning personal chat so me journey right here if i right click you can see message so midjourneybot message if we click you open your channel so this channel you can do exactly the same like in other ones but it's just you nobody else so you don't need to worry about and go click and search for the mentions and so on so you'll just go in this channel and you can type and you can see um that i'm playing a little bit like creating weird robots playing with rainbow and bubbles yes it is childish same like rainbows and other ones or and you can see you can create all these different images but how say best part it just you stating there um again if we look on this this is 30 dollars so it's meaning i can switch between relaxed and you can see right here it says relaxed mode which doesn't count against my time and let's go type info so we can look what's going on here and also as you in info you can see i have 8 hours 11 seconds of gpu time left which about 54 and it was renewed on july 22nd so right now we have what it is it's a sixth so i have some time left about and i'm trying to manage usually i use my gpu time when i need upscale to max it's meaning when you're on a relaxed mode and you want to upscale to max if you click up scale to max it's common says only allowed in a fast mode so it's nearly used only your gpu time it's how you actually unlimited it's with a quartz because unlimited for the normal size 1024 so on but if you want make a high high resolution then you'll need to use your fast time well this makes sense you know they try limited of gpu use that also right here you can see i have it almost 8 000 images requests relax most in relaxed mode i don't use any meter jobs and currently i don't have any queue running or a running job or in a queue but just say this is usually you can have three running jobs and 10 in the queue but recently because they're still working updating new servers sometimes they can delimit it sometimes you can have a two running in a relaxed mode so relaxed mode is not necessarily the best but if you're not on a hurry and you just put it in for here and you want to do your stuff come back later that is work perfectly okay this is your personal bot and again to do this personal bot what do you need to do it when the channel right here midjourneybot on your right and if you don't have it you probably need just click on show member list you click right click go to message so you can message directly and you can go there now another options for you to do you can go to the allowed now to include or invite me journey both to your server for example right here i have my geek at play server and i put a link down below if you interested i got a few members here people come we can ask questions it's more like kind of our own group some way so people can share what they're doing create and the same because it's few people it does not scroll as much but you can see what other people done and for example if i have something that i want to share with other people i can put my string here like for example this is my poor pinocchio was attacking by termites come on you know you come up with some very very funny things okay so you can do there and there you go and some people create other info and so on so this is personal you have access to several several ways we can access or just going to directly in a global room and of course if you are try to have it more understand how commands work and do other stuff you can always go to the communication other areas so let's look on profile because this will be another change for the pay subscribers you'll notice i have a personal feed and bookmarks so the community is now changed you remember before you go on community but now in community i have options right here with bookmark options also i can click on the three dots or actually let's go inside the image because this will be better so inside you can see i have the all information but i can also copy command so it won't be just the text prompt it will be also give me what resolution they're using what is other parameters they put it in so that is actually very useful and most what i like it it is bookmark so sometimes you scroll down and you don't you have some jobs running and other things but you're like oh this is interesting i wonder what command they used so i just bookmarked this and i'm going through different ones like right here oh this is cool okay how they done this so you put it bookmarks or some other elements oh this is look like almost what i did but anyway it's kind of funny how they similar to some cases and after you're going to bookmarks you click on the bookmarks and they're right here so you can access and preview them from your community feed actually you know what this one i want bookmark as well i've done kind of very similar but it's look a bit different so i just want to see what they done in this okay you can also have your personal feed and this one if you follow some artists you can add there and whatever they will create it it will shrink so this is um kind of public you can also pay additional i think like twenty dollars and get a private so it's one display anywhere you work your checks from but everything is individuals those one may be good if you work as a concept artist for them studio and you run people see what your kind of concept art about so you can probably do this but generally i find out um more than welcome i open my prompts i let people copy i actually post them purposely every time when i post image so i i just like its community you know work too big to get in collaborations so right here next you notice you also have tools and tools will help you with um specific ranking these maps also dictionary it's very useful because you can see what words what they can render kind of nice same on the sterilizations you can see like down particular what is style so you can apply remember like we did before you can apply stabilization so it's very nice and of course you have your settings and plans and currently any time when you have it you can go to your manage plan you're not logged to one plan and let's go click on manage plan and right here you can swap downgrade cancel and do this at any time so it's kind of nice it's not your gym when you sign up for six months good luck to exit from this this one you can actually switch at any time and for example if you start with basic and you want to upgrade it whatever you not use it it will also add to the basic keep it in mind it says 15 hours on standard membership if you don't use it till end of your month it's wipe out so you start from zero so be sure you used all your fast hours okay all your gpu time before month is end or you will lose all of that time and currently you can see right here i'm on 30 dollars plan it's what i'm using and i actually enjoy it for several months it's around very good and i have a lot of fun with this so overall hopefully this was helpful for you to start your own journey with me journey to create your images uh if you have any questions let me know post it comments ask you can more than welcome join my channel i will post the link there if you have anything to help be sure to check other videos where i have it um information about how to use a text link how to use your own images as a reference how you can do all of these different commands to achieve what you wanted because tell your true many times and you'll find out you just type one string and you can go from one to another result with a very big variation so that is kind of can be challenging it's fun okay um have fun to do this and let me know again if you enjoyed this and put a thumbs up if you like this video put two thumbs up if you don't like this video share it let other people see and it's helped me also on youtube to spread the word put it the this video again thank you have fun time
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 142,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, 3d tutorials, midjourney, ai art, dall-e, dall e 2, concept art, digital art, openai, ai, deep learning, text-to-image, text2image, robot art generator, ai art generator, art generator machine, artificial intelligence art, robot art, ai generated art, deep learning ai, picture learning ai, will robots replace art, guide to midjourney, midjourney beginners guide, starting with ai art, midjourney how to, creating ai art
Id: PqCIUniQ_U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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