After the Pandemic (2022) | Full Sci-Fi Movie | Eve James | Kannon Smith

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(dramatic music) (suspenseful music) (static buzzing) - [Newscaster 1] The World Health Organization has confirmed that the new virus strain discovered in the UK has mutated to airborne transmission. The report warns that the infectious... (static buzzing) (intense music) - [Newscaster 2] This new strain is far more lethal than the last variant and could potentially kill into the millions by next July. - [Newscaster 3] A UK airborne strain has been discovered in Moscow with four infection cases, two of which dead within hours of contracting the mutated variant. - [Newscaster 4] Believe that there are currently 2.5 billion confirmed cases of infected individuals, and the death toll has reached 1.6 billion. - [Newscaster 5] They'll tell you that efforts to develop vaccines and an effective treatment are not moving fast enough to keep up with the ever mutating virus He added that the last strain is the deadliest and may inevitably kill billions more over the next few months. - The new strain doesn't appear to be affecting a large portion of global youth. - [Scientist] We are working fast to analyze their biological and genetic coding to discover the secret of their resistance to the Virus. - [Newscaster 6] These children and teens may represent the last vestige of the human population. - [Newscaster 7] All major cities have gone barren with masses of citizens taking refuge in underground bunkers. With a limited food supply their prospects for long-term survival is bleak. - [Newscaster 8] 5.3 Billion lives gone by today's count. Millions of children, teens worldwide have abated infection and are now left to their own means of survival. (intense music) (static buzzing) The final chapter of humanity has come to its fated conclusion with a consolation of hope, that the young will inherit the earth. (static buzzing) (footsteps shuffling) (kickstand creaks) (static buzzing) (bike rattling) (wind whistling) (bike rattling) (footsteps tapping) (door opens) (shoes squeaking) (dramatic music) (bike clattering) (door creaking) (suspenseful music) (Ellie sniffing) (liquid spraying) (can clacks) (wind whistling) (pencil scratching) (Wind whistling) (clock clattering) (clock ticking) (Ellie breathes uneasily) (Ellie blows) (wind whistling) (Ellie sighs) (footsteps pattering) (kickstand creaks) (bike rattling) (kickstand creaks) (vehicles approaching) (ominous music) (Ellie breathes uneasily) (intense music) (suspenseful music) (footsteps pattering) (engine revving) (intense music) (engine revving) (footsteps pattering) (Ellie breathes heavily) (ominous music) (door opens and creaks) (suspenseful music) (Ellie sighs) (can scrapes) (can clacks) (liquid fizzing) (Ellie sighing) (Ellie breathes uneasily) (liquid dripping) (fruit squishing) (Ellie vomiting) (suspenseful music) (stairs creaking) (woman gasping) (intense music) (woman breathes heavily) (knife stabbing) (woman gasping) (blood spurting) (ominous music) (engines revving) (wind whistling) (eerie music) (footsteps pattering) (Ellie screams) (intense music) (suspenseful music) (crossbow fires) (man groaning) (crossbow clicking) (crossbow fires) (blood spurts) (body thuds) (engines revving) (bike squeaking) (suspenseful music) (vehicle approaching) (trash crinkling) (Quinn holds breath) (Ellie holds breath) (suspenseful music) (window rolls up) (Ellie breathes heavily) (vehicle drives off) - We can't leave for a while. - How long? - Two, maybe three hours. (Ellie breathes uneasily) (head thuds) (suspenseful music) (bike rattling) Hey, today I came this close to losing my world. You took me there. Number one rule, no loud noises. I've seen them pick up sounds from a mile away. That is how they track us. Do you understand? The city's been clean for more than two weeks. You show up and suddenly they're all over the place. They're hunting you. They don't know I'm here. I can't have that. You can stay here the night. Then you have to leave. Tomorrow, scrounge up some food and supplies, help you on your way Hungry? I'll cook us up some food. (utensils clattering) (match striking) (birds chirping) (fire crackling) (pasta shaking) (water boiling) - This is amazing. And it's safe? - Yep. Dried pasta the last few years. Same with the beans. Or the radishes in the neighbor's yard. - Oh my gosh. So good. - What's the last thing you ate? - Bad peaches. I threw up. - Okay. - Before that, canned cat food. - You shouldn't do that. Canned pet food goes bad after a few years. - I didn't know that. - Know it. It's the only way you're gonna survive in this world. And stay away from any kind of animal meat, seafood, fresh fish. It's all infected. Your immune system gets slaughtered. You get diseased and then you die. That's why there's so many sick stragglers in this town. Learned that the hard way. - What happened? (suspenseful music) (gun fires) - I lost someone very close to me. This one will tell you all the safe plants to eat in the wild and the ones that are poisonous. This one has all the survival tricks you need to know. How to find water, treat wounds, illness, how not to die of hypothermia, stuff like that. (dramatic music) - You're really making me go away. - Yep. (suspenseful music) - [Ellie] Who are the men in the white suits? - I call them stalkers. They work for the government or military. In any end of the world scenario, the president and all the elites go underground. Doomsday bunkers, equipped with enough food, power and supplies to last them a few years. - What do they want with me? - What they don't have. Immunity. We carry their vaccine. With all their money, technology, power, they're stuck in a prison. No trees, no sun, no stars. Makes you think how lucky we are. This planet is ours. We're free. - What'll happen if they catch me? - Good chance you'll be a lab rat. Or dissected. Forced to be a human incubator. Either way, your life is over. - I'm scared. - That's what makes you weak. That's why they'll get you. (intense music) Goodnight. - Goodnight. (ominous music) (vehicles approaching) (suspenseful music) - Padded foam, glue, and Velcro to attach them. This is your assignment while I'm gone. And if I by chance stalkers come here for you, this rocket is armed with an explosive. Make sure the two clips are attached to the wires. To launch it, hold this button down, then press this one. The sound will let me know not to return. I better not hear this. - Hey, I don't know your name. - Doesn't matter. (suspenseful music) (scissors clicking) (bike rattling) (crossbow clicks) (door opens) (soft music) (suspenseful music) (soft music) (knife scraping) (suspenseful music) (cans tapping) (pencil scratching) (bullets rattling) (loud banging) (suspenseful music) (intense music) (man groaning) (crossbow fires) (blood squirts) (blood dripping) (door opens) (supplies rustling) Got you a little canned food. Can opener, matches, compass, first aid. You'll be fine. Let's see. Good job. (supplies rustling) Got you a gun. Bullets. Might need this if a stalker comes at you. Safety catch is here. Click it down if you need to shoot. Hold it. Hold it. You may have to kill to survive. And one more thing. Don't trust survivors. They may act like your friend until they kill, cook and eat you. (dramatic music) I've seen it happen. (bag zips) Ready? - Please let me stay with you. - It's not personal. I take no responsibility for anyone other than myself And don't waste your tears on me. (door opens and closes) (Ellie sighs) (bike rattling) (water flowing) (bike rattling) (melancholy music) (kickstand clicks) There's a town about 10 miles south from here. Bear Creek. This road ends a few miles up. And from there you'll be off road and should be safe from the stalkers. It's a clear sky. Moon should give you enough light. (kickstand clicks) Good luck. (bike rattling) (bike rattling) (hard rock music on headphones) (water dripping) (toothbrush scraping) (soft dramatic music) (Quinn sighs) Goddamn you. (footsteps pattering) (Quinn sighs) (Ellie gasps) (bike rattling) (soft dramatic music) (vehicles approaching) (suspenseful music) Stalkers are due a full sweep of the town, block by block, house by house. Most survivors lack the skills to avoid getting caught. They're careless and stupid. If they haven't been caught by now, they will be soon. (intense music) (guns firing) Then it's game over. I refuse to let that happen to me. I'd rather die. Since we're at a higher elevation, it'll be two, maybe three days before they reach us. But we'll be gone before that. We'll head north, hide for a while, then come back. Tomorrow, I'll go shopping. Get you geared up, utility jacket, survival supplies, weapons. But remember, you're on probation. I'm giving you one week. If you can prove to me that I'm better with you than I am without, you can stick around. If not, I'm gonna cut you loose. Okay? - Okay. - But most importantly, pay attention, Ellie. If the enemy is in front of you, don't hesitate even for one second, kill. Don't think of them as people. It's you are them. Now, if you're gonna be sleeping in my bed again, you need to clean up. You stink. When was the last time you bathed? - A few days. (Quinn sighs disgustedly) (soft dramatic music) - Thank you, Quinn. - For what? - Giving me a second chance. - You're welcome. You're a good artist. Just thought you should know. - Thanks. - Good night. - Good night. (soft dramatic music) - Don't. - Sorry. (soft dramatic music) (Quinn sighs) (wind whistling) (footsteps tapping) (suspenseful music) (batteries clattering) (light clicking) (light clicking) (water trickling) (power pattering) (brush scratching) (bike rattling) (door closes) (winder clicking) (soft jingle) (kickstand clacks) (engine rumbling) (suspenseful music) (soft jingle) (soft jingle continues playing) (intense music) (tires screeching) (winder clicking) (engine revving) (tires screeching) (soft jingle) (tires screeching) (intense music) (doorknob clattering) (intense music) (footsteps pattering) (engines revving) (gun fires) (intense music continues) (engine revving) (engine revving) (buttons clicking) (button clicks) (engine revving) (suspenseful music) (magazine clacking) (rocket hissing) (magazine clacks) (rocket exploding) (door opens) (suspenseful music) (engine revving) (footsteps pattering) (engine revving) (bike rattling) (Quinn panting) (intense music) (gun fires) (dart pricks) (Quinn gasps) (Quinn breathes uneasily) (Quinn breathes rapidly) (suspenseful music) (footsteps pattering) (Quinn panting) (footsteps pattering) (gun fires) (Quinn gasps) (intense music) (hammer clicks) - Put her down. (Ellie breathes uneasily) (gun firing) (Ellie breathes heavily) (engine revving) (tires screeching) (Ellie grunting) (intense music) (footsteps pattering) (wind whistling) (soft dramatic music) (footsteps pattering) (Ellie breathes heavily) (dramatic music) (wind whistling) (fire crackling) (footsteps pattering) Hey. - Ellie? - Are you okay? - Yeah, I have, I have a headache. How long have I been out? - A few hours. - Last thing I remember is being taken down by stalkers. I, I didn't see you there. - I had an idea where you were. - What about the stalkers? - I killed them. - Wow. How did I get here? - I dragged you. - You saved my life. Thank you. But it was a risk you shouldn't have taken, Ellie. Why'd you do it? - Because I care about you. - Those feelings you have for others, they make you vulnerable. They'll get you caught. - I couldn't let them take you away. You would have done the same for me. - No. No, Ellie, I wouldn't have. I know that makes me sound like a bad person, but that's just who I am. I won't put my life at risk for anyone else. Even you. - That's selfish. - Yeah. It's also survival. Erase all feelings of sympathy or compassion for others if you wanna exist in this world. Cut and dry. (soft dramatic music) - I could never be like that. - So you're a better person than me. In the end it won't matter. (sighs) Where are our supplies? - Too heavy. - Okay. So they know we're on foot. I'm sure they've set up a perimeter of a mile or two. They're looking for us right now. Especially since two of their own were killed. We'll have take our chances here for the night. There's no point in us running around in the dark. Gotta put out this beacon. (dirt pattering) (helicopter whirring) (footsteps pattering) (helicopter continues whirring) (dramatic music) You smell it too? A lot of death in there. Yeah, this'll do. (door opens) (snaps fingers) Hey. (bottle clacks) Shh! (freezer opening) (ice scraping) (boxes clattering) (chuckles) Jackpot. (both slurping) (intense music) - Are you serious? How are you gonna start it? (door handle clacks) - Test a few tricks I know. First we gotta find the keys. (Quinn inhaling) (gas trickling) (Quinn spitting) (intense music) (gas trickling) Yes! (bottles clink) - You're getting rid of the gas? - Shelf life is only about two years. After that it's piss water. Good. Set them on the counter. (bottle clinks) (Everclear trickling) - What is that? - It's Everclear. There's a chance it could work as our fuel. (wire snaps) Okay. Moment of truth. (key scrapes) (engine screeching) (Quinn sighs) (engine stalling) - You can do a it, dammit! - You are such a dork. (Quinn laughs) Okay. This is the one. (sighs) (engine stalling and starting) (intense music) Hell yeah. (engine revving) (engine revving) (tires screeching) Woo-hoo! - Woo! Woo! - Woo! - Woo! Yeah, woo! - Hell yeah! - Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo-hoo! Woo, yeah! Yeah! I can't remember the last time I was this happy. - It's been so long. - Woo! (intense music) (engine revving) - Okay. We have enough fuel for about three more miles. We don't wanna run out on the open road. All right, I'm gonna pull off. (engine revving) (suspenseful music) - Quinn. - I see her. - Hey, hey, please! Take me with you, please! - Get out of the road or I will run you over. - Hey, take me with you, please! - I'm giving you three seconds, then your roadkill. (engine revving) - No, wait, please! (gun clacks) (intense music) (gear shifts) Don't do it. With one gun on you, you might have a shot. But not with three - Out of the car! Out of the car, bitches! (gear shifts) (seatbelt clacks) (suspenseful music) Damn, that's some good timing. White suits everywhere and now we got us a getaway car. - And dinner. I'm gonna cook this one up medium-rare. You're really gonna taste so good. (pump clacks) - Oh, I'm gonna have some fun with this one before I eat her. - Eat this (knife stabbing) (gun patters) (guns firing) (gun fires) (Ellie screams) (intense music) (gun fires) (guns fires) (gun fires) (blood spurts) (gun fires) (blood spurts) (man groaning) - No! (gun fires) (flesh spurting) (engine humming) - Ellie! Come on, get up. You're lucky. The bullet went right through. (intense music) Hurry, Ellie. (engine revving) Put pressure on the wound. Ellie, stay with me. - (groans) It's so bad. (Ellie breathes uneasily) (intense music) (engine stalls) Damn, out of fuel. (suspenseful music) Come on. (Ellie breathes uneasily) (guns firing) (dart thuds) Don't stop. Keep going. (gun fires) Come on, come on, Ellie, up! - No, I can't. - Ellie! Ellie! (gun fires) Come on, up. - No. (dart pricks) (flesh squelches) Go. (gun fires) (dart whooshing) (flesh squelching) (dramatic music) (intense music) (guns firing) (dart thuds) (gun fires) (dart clacks) (gun fires) (intense music) (gun fires) (gun fires) (dart whooshes) (gun fires) (dart whooshes) (gun fires) (Quinn panting) (dart clacks) (footsteps pattering) (footsteps pattering) (Quinn panting) (dramatic music) (Quinn breathes heavily) (soft dramatic music) (Quinn breathes heavily) (doors slamming) (intense music) (engine revving) (engine revving) I surrender! I give up! (doors opening) (suspenseful music) (breathes heavily) I surrender. (gun firing) (glass cracks) (gun fires) (intense music) (gun fires) (Quinn panting) Well, Ellie, we've got plenty of fuel. We're gonna go somewhere far, far away from here. Where they'll never find us. (dramatic music) I promise, I'll never let anything happen to you again. (door slams) (dramatic piano music)
Channel: Flix For Free
Views: 705,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After the Pandemic, Full Movie, After Pandemic, After Pandamic
Id: LZzeO4hHEA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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