Architect's TOP 10 Living Room Design Mistakes

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seeing as every home has different needs and  every room has different features Furnishing   a living area can prove challenging so  seeing as I've ran into a lot of these   kinds of hurdles over the last 10 years  while practicing architecture I thought   I'd share with you my top 10 living  room design mistakes and how to fix them now specifically when moving into a new  space it can be very tempting to get everything   together as quickly as possible as nobody wants  to be left with an empty room without a sofa for   more than a couple of weeks now during this  period planning ahead can make a lot of sense   and if you do your due diligence and don't  get too attached to a particular Furniture   item you can end up with a really nice space  as long as you plan everything out properly   but the only way to know that you can get all  of these items to fit together in your home   perfectly is if you have a knowledge of CAD but  the thing is none of these things are foolproof   and I've even made mistakes like this in the  past with certain chairs bringing them home   only to find out that they look just a little bit  too big and awkward for the space and I would end   up hoping that I was really the only one who was  bothered by it so as a great alternative I think   it's a really good idea to practice something  called slow design when it comes to Furnishing   a new space where with this home we actually  haven't purchased any new furniture because   we want to understand how we inhabit this new  space before we start investing in New pieces   and thankfully because a lot of what we already  own is so versatile it really made it easy to   bring this space together because everything we  have easily expands or contracts which ended up   saving us a ton of money paired with the odd bit  of serendipity and resourcefulness by finding a   set of four dining TBL was being given away at  the side of the road now when it comes to slow   design it's all about testing which is best done  with the things that you already have however if   you don't already have a lot of furniture the  next best thing is to use your imagination by   finding the things that you want to buy online  and testing how they feel in the real Space   by using painters tape which allows you to  mask off the exact dimensions of that item   of furniture to get a real feel of how it would  occupy the space that you're inhabiting and the   best thing about this strategy is it helps you  establish exactly what you want before you go   ahead and purchase it which can save you from  experiencing that horrible feeling of buyer's remorse now if you've ever moved into a new  space even if it was something as humble as a   new bedroom or dorm room you'll know that there's  nothing quite as exciting as starting with with   a blank canvas but as this frantic curation  ensues browsing online and visiting in store   showrooms it's very likely that you're going to  end up falling in love with one Dream Furniture   item obsessing over the idea of bringing it home  because you simply have to have it now this can   actually be a great thing as it can provide  you with a North star that guides your style   layout and the furniture items that you choose  to pair it with but the thing is when you're in a   professionally curated and wellth thought out  showroom it often shows these Furniture items   at their best which can make it a little bit  confusing as to why they end up looking bad when   you bring them into your own home now this may  not even be because the furniture is inherently   bad as you may have gone as far as measuring the  space up to ensure that it fits perfectly while   consuming hours of reviews and then even going  into the store to analyze its construction to   ensure that it's perfect for your needs however  the real problem usually tends to be around   context as Furniture is rarely often enjoyed in  isolation and it can be easy to forget about all   of the other items that you need to consider such  as lighting tables rugs and lounge chairs this is   myopia which essentially means nearsightedness or  narrow-mindedness where we can be prone to losing   the forest for the trees which can lead us to not  consider our living areas as a whole but what so   bad mad about this mistake and the reason why I'm  saying this first is because it's simply so common   as this can also be because you found something  for a great deal online or because someone's   giving something like a sofa away and you're  simply unable to say no and when this happens   with a large enough Furniture item this can leave  you handicapping an entire room forcing you to   leave everything else as an afterthought which  unfortunately is painfully obvious So to avoid   this what I would recommend is to draw up a  budget and try and evenly spread it across   your living area which can really help  you to reframe the value that we place on things now this one's a little bit close to home  and perhaps a minor nigle but on the four walls   of an ordinary living room you usually have  one window and one entryway into the space   as a minimum and with any remaining space you  can do several things you could open up one   side to make it an open plan layout you could add  doorways through to other rooms in the home you   could add wool storage for things like art and  books and what most people do is dedicate one   wall to a feature usually with something like a  fireplace or a TV which gives the room a sense of   purpose and a direction for its layout but the  problem is is that when there's too much going   on you can be limited is as to what you can do  with the layout so for us in order to face the   only wall that's available for a TV and to avoid  blocking the view out of the window with a sofa   the only place for us to place our sofa is in  the middle of the room which isn't really all   that comfortable when there's a bunch of  movement and energy going on behind your   head now saying this having really big windows  or having an open plan layout is never really   a mistake akak per se but when the remaining  wall space becomes occupied by other things it   can have a big impact on your layout and this is  something that a lot of people tend to overlook   when knocking down walls in their home so seeing  as this is something that a lot of people tends   to struggle with in small living room layouts  one solution that can sometimes work is using   a blackout blind as a projector screen which  allows you to use the window and the projector   as the room's focal point and if your room  is lacking a sense of enclosure one thing you   could consider is adding in curtains as a movable  partition however in some circumstances you simply   can't have everything and many times the pros  of an open plan layout simply do outweigh the cons now unless you have a carpeted home  it's likely that you've considered putting   a rug underfoot in your living area and what this  essentially is is a large piece of loose carpet   usually in in a rectangular shape left unfixed to  the floor however there is almost unlimited Choice   when it comes to a rug's material size shape and  color firstly choosing to have a rug in your home   does a number of things it creates a little bit  of warmth and softness underf foot which is a lot   more comfortable to walk on and it also helps to  absorb a lot of the acoustic reverberations that   tends to bounce off hard surfaces which can make  rooms feel a little bit Hollow when doing things   like watching TV or holding a conversation but  aesthetically the main reason to get one is that   it stops any furniture in a room looking like it's  just floating in the space by visually grounding   any furniture that's placed on top of it but  because rugs can be expensive people are often   tempted to buy a rug that's too small and when you  do this it's almost impossible to get the feet of   all of your furniture items on top of it which  doesn't really solve any problem aesthetically   and just makes the rug look a little bit dinky  and additionally certain rug materials Can   Shed leaving lint and hair finding its way onto  everything for around a year or so and then also   if you to choose a rug that's pale in color these  are incredibly vulnerable to stains which can be a   huge problem if you have a rug that's unwashable  where some materials are even prone to deforming   when they come into contact with water which does  make some rug color and material combinations   particularly flawed in logic So to avoid mistakes  when it comes to rugs make sure that you buy   the right size as proportions are incredibly  important and then on top of this if you can go   for a textured or a patterned rug these tend to be  a lot more forgiving when it comes to staining as well now it goes without saying that as soon as  night falls we can no longer rely on our Windows   to provide us with light so because of this most  living rooms come pre-equipped with spotlights   ceiling lights or pendant lights that are all  connected to a single light switch usually at the   threshold of the space now these are an incredibly  efficient and unobtrusive way to provide light to   a room and when compared to other types of light  fixtures these save on space and cost and really   they just fulfill the basic need of being able  to see when it's dark but the thing is when it   comes to living areas is a ceiling light fixture  can feel harsh which stops a space feeling cozy   and doesn't really flatter anyone or anything  inside of it which can make you want to spend   less time in the space but these days when it  comes to lighting efficiency is a lot less of   a concern as with the Advent of LEDs these have  a 75% reduction in energy costs and a 25% longer   lifespan when compared to incandescent lighting  and when you combine this Tech with smart lighting   what it allows you to do is have various more  interesting and flattering light sources placed   around the room connected by one single switch  which means that you no longer have to go around   and independently turn each one of them on but  what I think is most amazing about smart lighting   is that it often gives you the ability to even  dim your light sources and change their color   temperature which is huge because it now allows us  to use Lighting in a far more intentional and cozy way now I love natural light and this is actually  the main reason why we chose to rent an apartment   over a house as usually the windows are much  bigger natural light boosts your mood makes   your space feel bigger and is generally a great  thing to maximize in your home and this makes   it an important consideration especially if  most of the work that you do is from home too   however despite it being great it still needs  to be controlled as with west facing Windows   these can easily turn your house into a sauna  and any views across to neighboring properties   can compromise your privacy too now in an  attempt to control this natural light one of   the worst things that I see in older homes are  net curtains whilst despite doing a great job   of providing daytime privacy and tempering any  harsh natural daylight they do look incredibly   dated now and because of the way that they're  usually hung to the exact dimensions of your   window openings they don't really do any favors  in making your windows appear larger a bit like   how Shear curtains can and to make things  even worse on top of this some homes have   awnings for additional shade and Shelter From  The Elements which when combined together can   make a home incredibly dark and dingy so despite  awnings providing you the ability to leave your   windows open during a downpour they really make  little sense for rooms with small Windows as the   summer cooling benefits are really so minimal  compared to the yearound compromise of natural   light so instead as a far better alternative  cellular blinds Venetian blinds and daylight   blinds like these ones do a far better job of  maximizing natural daylight and Views out of   the home whilst simultaneously providing shade and  privacy in living areas that don't need a blackout solution now shelves are particularly good for  displaying things like books lamps Ceramics and   plants as these can really Elevate the look and  feel of a home when simply compared to Hanging   frames and artwork on your walls as treasured  objects can often convey a lot more nuanced   character but seeing as shelves are such a good  place to put items by utilizing your walls and   the height of your room this can be a blessing  and a curse the first problem is that because   they're open surfaces they do attract dust and  because they're usually inhabited by lots of   separate different items these can be incredibly  frustrating to clean around and then thanks to   their open Nature they're also prone to becoming  clutter magnets as with many households any open   surface will become a place to put things so if  you're finding yourself short on storage space   in a particularly cluttered environment enclosed  storage is a must where things like sideboards   and consoles are a particularly tasteful way  to conceal clutter with cabinets and underseat   Storage Solutions underneath things like sofas  benches and Ottomans being particularly efficient if you have a Keen Eye for design you'll know  that paler colors do a great job of bouncing   natural daylight to make a room feel a whole  lot larger and brighter but when it comes to   Furniture white and paler Fabrics are incredibly  vulnerable to wear and tear as even something as   simple as your friend's pair of blue jeans  can completely ruin a white sofa and this   is especially true of furniture items whose  covers aren't removable or machine washable   now I get that sometimes you can fall in love  with an image of someone else's living area so   much that you want to replicate it but then  this can come at the cost of it being simply   so pristine that you're afraid to use it and  this is because there's a tendency for us to   be overly optimistic about how clean we are or  how little we value Comfort but as a general   rule of thumb when it comes to good design form  should always follow function and not the other   way around because really when functionality  follows form you're actually straying into the   Realms of art which isn't always entirely  practical sitting underneath your bum so   instead when it comes to living areas I think  it's a lot more logical to follow the Japanese   Wabi Sai ethos which prioritizes materials that  age gracefully where you're much more likely to   end up loving your furniture for longer which is  a lot better for your wallet and and the planet too now there's nothing quite as satisfying as  kicking back in a nice sofa or armchair so seeing   as living rooms are primarily for relaxation it  makes a lot of sense to make sure that what you're   sitting on is as comfortable as possible now I  personally enjoy watching the odd movie or TV   series and there's nothing quite like recreating  a cinema experience in the comfort of your own   home especially when you have nice comfortable  Furniture which allows you to put your feet up   after a long day at the office but sometimes  it can be tempting to prioritize comfort and   convenience a little too much at the expense of  Versatility now for instance when it comes to   extra comfy Furniture like reclining armchairs and  sofas these actually require a certain amount of   space around them in order for them to function  properly which may require you to sacrifice   circulation space in your home in order to  navigate around their bulky arms or even   sacrifice the convenience of having side tables  as a nice spot to place your coffee or tea when   compares to reaching over to something like  a coffee table and the one thing that people   tend to overlook when it comes to side tables is  they actually help to temper the proportions of   the furniture in your room and despite having a  coffee table myself these are actually Furniture   items that do take up a lot of space whilst not  really being 100% necessary along with the fact   that they can also be hazardous for small children  and pets while removing the possibility to utilize   your living room for things like exercise or  certain types of play now this is especially   important if you're short on space so as an  alternative by prioritizing versatility and   usability over cramming as much functionality  and comfort into a room as possible you become   a lot less likely to fall into this trap  where for instance things like Ottomans   can provide a place for you to put your feet  up instead of having to purchase a recliner   whilst also being lightweight movable and even  multi-functional or for instance instead of a   coffee table things like nesting or handled  side tables can be a great alternative as   they also provide a handy surface for things  like drinks and snacks whilst also having the   ability to be moved out of the way and the  principle Remains the Same for things like   modular sofas or lightweight armchairs where by  considering versatility while retaining Comfort   it keeps your home adaptable to change which  can save you space and even money in the long run now when it comes to having a clean home  there's nothing better than hard resilient   surfaces with materials such as High Press  lamina being an affordable furniture and   flooring Solution that's also incredibly durable  and easy to clean where you also have materials   such as metal and plastic being great solutions  for items like chairs but the problem that you   tend to run into with these materials is despite  them being affordable and durable they do tend to   lack texture and character which contends to make  a home feel quite sterile on top of this these   materials aren't very sound absorb which means  that if you use them too much they can cause a   lot of Reverb which can make your living room feel  incredibly Hollow so because of this despite them   serving a very functional purpose they can make a  space feel quite unwelcoming and uncomfortable to   spend time in and if what I said about reclining  sofas and armchairs is focusing on Comfort too   much this is focusing on it a little too little  now despite cleanliness and affordability being   quite high on people's priority lists you probably  don't want your space feeling like a hospital so   to avoid this it's wise to choose materials  with some visual texture as well as ensuring   that you have enough soft Furnishings in your  space to absorb any Reverb which also Aid in   adding some visual texture too where as an easy  fix things like rugs and cushions can do a great   job in helping a space feel more welcoming and  warm non-reflective natural materials like wood   and plants can stop a home from feeling lifeless  too because I often have my everyday carry out on   a table in front of me when I'm working the way  that it looks and feels is something that I care   about just like the other parts of our home as  just like with your furniture there's no reason   that your EDC shouldn't look cohesive too where  the cases that I use for my devices can ensure   that my phone wallet airpods in Keys all look  like they come from the same person's pockets   in particular as well as being soft to the touch  I love that my current wallet uses a rail system   to align perfectly with my case while doubling as  a stand which are two things that my last mag safe   wallet didn't do which makes it incredibly handy  for things like video calls and watching content   as the sponsors of this video and the manufacturer  of these cases belroy are hooking us up with 10 %   off their entire site where they offer a lot  more than just cases and as a registered B   Corp their products TI all the boxes for both  sustainability functionality and Aesthetics so   in case you're interested be sure to check them  out using my link in the description down below   and finally thank you guys so much for watching  and I'll be sure to see you in the next one
Channel: Daniel Titchener
Views: 38,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 03g-yKhjOcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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