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my by god thank you so much for repaying my undying faith naughty corner ryden shogun bar thank you so so so much it's the glasses guys the doflamingo scammer mousse glasses that's okay listen that's okay we don't we just pretend that didn't happen that's okay guys and the reason why that's okay is because i am the king [Music] what's going on guys asian guy here bringing you the first edition of the ryden shogun scamones for those of you who don't know what the scammons are these are going to be summons these are going to be wishes at forward slash asian guy stream where i log into you guys account and i scam you guys for free content we are currently on rhian stinky's account here and now rhian is indeed looking for not only just bowel but bowels weapon as well and then hopefully more balls and more consolation so what we're going to do here is we are going to bring in the party of dreams bringing balls partner in crime guys which we all know is cujo beto guys yeah because beto is 100 the most viable character to play with bao unfortunately that's not the case but right here right now we have 420 intertwined faith rhian rich ark let's see what the pity is at here let's hopefully bring home a massive w for real because rio is one of the biggest homies in the stream and we are eight into pity pages here so eight times six forty eight minus the five there forty three we should need four maltese this will probably take four multi so here we go multi number one for ian we're gonna skip it it's going to be a new is that sacrificial fragments it is sacrificial fragments number two sarah never mind hey shangling constellation right if you're a meta player guys shangling constellation hey kudrow sarah w this is going to be a double bar double bar easiest double bar of my life for real because this is a guaranteed ball the previous as you saw there was kaching there's bar number one there's going to be a double bar in here guys double bar watch watch just watch me that's basically bad it's a polar music that's op that's basically bar okay so there is the first ball [Music] that was guaranteed rhian has already failed this banner once and gotten the unforged guys oh look at that oh my god four in four pulls in after the thundering balls the unforged okay one two three four five six maltese and we start kicking in you make your part on soft pity it's gonna be early and it's going to be the thundering the engulfing lightning rather it should be called here we go foreign i believe that's not a good start we've got a chung in there that's a fantastic weapon right there trongyan multi number three [Music] not looking good multi number four not looking good multi number five not looking good monty number six let's win let us win let us win this 50 50. this is 67 pools now into pity this is now going to be 68 pulls into pity wait no it's not am i an idiot this is going to be 65 pulls no this is 45 guys i feel like i've done the maths wrong here i did four malty's but for some reason i thought we're on the sick multi i prepared here have i miscounted i'm so confused [Music] i'm so confused well either way it may have come early it may not have come early but here you go this is the polar that you wanted in golfing lightning dub dub those who pull for engulfing lightning are not the fearless they are the feared [Music] because when this happens you just get an early you just get an early guys listen you just get an early engulfing lightning round of order guys you just get an early [Laughter] you might be laughing guys you might be laughing but ladies and gentlemen thank you for stopping it's time it's time this is the moment of truth we will not flop here now it looks bad listen it looks bad and the reason why it looks bad is because i was not actually in the naughty corner as you saw there i wasn't on the step guys i was not actually in the naughty corner so i'm sorry rhian i have scanned you slightly but here you go straight away boom easy you see you see that boom shangling and the favonius lance we are building up your shangling to be a beast right now congratulations here we go again for the weapon oh dear oh no huh okay well i think we have found out today guys who is the sacrifice of the scammons i'm so sorry ian because this is an absolute catastrophe oh my god oh oh dear wow what a whole load of nothing guys what a whole lot of nothing oh my oh my come on dude do us a nice do us a nice and drop two engulfing lightnings because this one's guaranteed now oh rosaria that's engulfing like number one but where's engulfing light in number two do us a nice oh okay reena are you sure you want to still keep going uh rhian are you are you sure you still want to keep going brian are you sure okay early never mind we started with 420 intertwined fate let's use these up oh sucrose nice let's use these up so we're rounded up boom boom boom or rounded down sorry boom and then boom and now we're back into the zero i see [Music] i see very interesting it's it's not what we're looking for it's not kujo sara guys we are now 220 pulls in i see right wow rhian i feel like your account is very very very much drawn towards shangling [Music] not sure why it's very heavily anti-sara right now this is not very promising hey hey there we go the comeback guys all right the comeback the comeback am i right guys hey we don't lose no 50 50. surely we don't lose no 50 50s right surely we don't lose no 50 50s after my insane luck and the terrible artifacts i'm not on bad luck day today right that's okay there's no way we lose the 50 50. that's come on guys we don't lose the 50 50s we're gonna bring home another bar guys don't you worry we'll bring home another bar we'll bring home another sarah are we are we still going right do we still keep going do we still keep going i pushed the button already i'm sorry kujo sarah boom never mind it's sucrose my sacrificial sword sacrificial sword it's okay riyan says go all the way go all the way say you hello say constellation very nice now for those of you who missed my original summons this is a spoiler i highly recommend you go check them out because under 400 summons we did get ourselves a c6 ball within 400 wishes now rio has started with 420 is currently on c1 bow one unforged one engulfing lightning and has 150 wishes left five more constellations we're gonna get there kujo sarah again excellent kojo sara's c6 is absolutely insane for barb by the way and that's why we're going to get the flute the furnace codex and shangling again oh my early early oh it's shangling again guys with 300 pulls in oh it's another furvonious weapon with 320 pulls in oh it's shangling again if you want a shang ling come over here guys this is going to be baal again this is going to be baal again hey that's a good sign baal give it to me give it to me [Music] we don't lose the 50 50s guys we don't be losing no 50 50s guys okay the unforged doesn't count that did not count we're gonna get another bow the c3 break point we need some more kujo sarah's in the house here though because there aren't enough kojo saras in the house right now there we go kujo sara again excellent excellent excellent excellent another one rust not good enough another one boom kujo sorry you love to see the insta skip guys boom kujo sarah i have perception never mind very close to being the same thing kujo sarah shang ling again baal this is the one with kujo sara never mind it's shangling again now this time c3 ball we don't lose no 50 50s not in this household there's another kujo sarah we don't lose no 50 50s in the house of baal bring it home baliana bring it home baliana baal hmm ball now rhian did say that if they lose their 50 50 or if real loses the 50 50 that he would like jeep mona so that's unfortunate that's unfortunate but you know we'll just get the cheeky back-to-back bar right here never mind hey good sarah guys hey could josiah's already c6 wow what what are we doing now rhian what's what's the plan what is the plan uh we had like some mixed balls here use all okay okay rhian says use all we'll yoink this we'll yoink this we will we will join this and probably join some of these here as well okay we have 99 wishes again let's convert one a hundred wishes for two copies of baal two copies of baal oh oh oh oh oh okay oh okay this this one this one this one this one double ball double ball ball now the sorrows are coming in okay there's bob but that's guaranteed double ball double ball double okay back to back the tsars are really coming through now back to back hmm instant skip what it's an early dream guys it's an early jean it's early guys it's early it's early it's early you know what it's early guys it's uh it could be worse are you using it orion are we using it all are you sure you want to use all of your primo gems for this i are using it all you can use the crystals too okay wait there's genesis crystals no i think riya meant the intertwined fate we have another hundred pulls guys early ball damn it early ball damn it early ball damn it ollie ball please oh no oh no alibaba oh that was a good multi ning guang oh no no no no no there's the guaranteed ball but that's like 70 plus pulls in there she is is there going to be a cheeky double ball i think it's about time that rea and stinky got very very lucky ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this is the moment right here right now after this multi we're gonna do one more summon or two more summons and it's going to be a ball my god the sorrows are coming through now are we using it all are we using it already rhian says yes oh no let's let's take a look what the constellation's at we're at c4 right now yo c2 gene yo congrats c2g level 80 out of oh c2 is pog yo c2 g there's a dove it's a dub not copium guys it's a dub it's a dub guys it's not it's not copy there's a dove a huge huge huge huge dub astronomical dub guys i've never seen a dub this big c2 gene is an astronomic i've never seen a dub this big so many soros guys real talk i've never seen a dub this big we can bring home the c5 oh my god [Music] there's still hope guys till the bitter end till the bitter end till the bitter end okay we've just gained another pool there good job sorry we just got another pullback till the absolute bitter end guys never say never [Music] wait now hear me out rhian has five wishes here if we get a five star here guys if we got a four star here we'll have enough to do another pool oh oh damn sky with blade yikes okay listen listen listen listen listen we're gonna convert this into a w we just need to get a four star or a five star you know we'll convert this into a w eight sincho huge huge constellation oh wait no that's not enough to do and that's not enough come on we need another four star or five star here wow wow that's awkward um i'm very sorry rhian sorry and just used probably around what was that guys was that over six i feel like so re inside of 420 intertwined fate we then proceeded to buy over 200 [Music] so that was close to 650 650 intertwined fate we got to c4 ball and the r1 weapon i have truly just scammery arians say it's okay thank you i'm happy i have her now that is some copio rory and said i'm shaky he let's go before all of this started guys no no real no oh no enagness is next guys and the nightness is rubbing a nine is got the hands are rubbing right now guys because they knight his nose that rhian has just been sacrificed and nagness is not in the naughty corner so we're going to take a nagness there a nagness has opted to go with zhong li and venti as the combination thank you for allowing me to summon on your account rhian and thank you for walking so that inagness could run so magnus what are we looking for here huh oh straight off absolutely zero pity so this is a guaranteed what the this is a guaranteed pity of zero the weapon and as many bars as we can get i can't believe you guys are going for the weapons banner you guys are insane you guys are nothing short of insane so i will convert this into 17 so 383 we'll take oh insufficient funds 383 and 20. so we're going to start with 420 we are about to start with 420 just like rhian rhian was sacrificed rhian walked so that inagness could run that's not a good start cujo sarah and bars boom oh no oh no oh oh we're four maltese in okay there's an early bow there's an early ball very early 41 pulls in that is bar number one pull number 41. rhian walked or rather got ran over so that inagness could sprint so that igniting this could fly there is bar number one does that mean we are now going for the weapon and ignites us to confirm are we now going for the weapon now that we have caesar about well do you want to go for constellations first i can't believe you guys are going for the weapon the pity for this is one okay it's nine so i'm going to do six maltese here hopefully we just went straight off the bat oh that was a triple four star multi two bells and a windsiff [Music] okay again another good multi if you want to go on the weapons banner guys you want to hope for four star dupe characters so you get that star glitter back oh my okay a double four star again [Music] that oh say you what a pleasant surprise what a pleasant pleasant pleasant surprise very nice very nice syrup coming in there here we go here we go do not be the unforged rhian got ran over by an isekai truck so that inagness could spread their wings and fly boom oh my god my heart boom [Music] i mean you know the book has wings the book has wings you know the book has wings you know what i'm saying guys the book has wings you know what i mean guys the the books the book has wings so [Music] it's kind of like you know flying so we've gone up to 440 wishes the back to back maybe rhian got run over by the isekai truck so that inagness could spread the skyward atlas open those pages and flex with the engulfing unforged congratulations it's a new weapon for your side and we're going to get that back to back again right guys never mind never mind hey do you own it never mind fully maxed out constellations another early can we get an early nope nope you know what guys it could be worse it could be worse there could maybe be no no early there could have maybe have been no saiyu this is not copium this is not copium we keep going we keep taking the w's okay this is looking like a long long long weapon oh dear this just makes me feel like i got extremely lucky and i i sucked away everyone's luck so this is the engulfing lightning guaranteed with a shangling of course why wouldn't there be a shangling engulfing lightning there you have it we had to go to the hard hard hard pity however we still have 240 plus wishes left for bal and we want to get an is that at least constellation three because constellation three is the juicy juicy break point here we go q epic music kojo sara there we go straight off the bat this is a good run this is where things are going to turn around and become w's and w's and become w's just like that another kujo and another one that's a rust that's not another one another one okay it's going downhill very quickly again multi number five it's another early it's another early guys rhian got ran over by the isekai trunk so that inagness could bring home the constellations early right here right now kaboom that is unfortunate we pretend that didn't happen that is a moana and it's not even a constellation it's not even a constellation oh my that's a double sucrose my hands are starting to shake sarah kudosa joe sarah manifested believe that kojo sara is coming back it won't be shangling it won't be sucrose it's shangling kujo sara please tell me you're going to be c6 oh dear god this banner is looking increasingly more and more painful that's good osara that's c2 i think we're down 330 pulls now this should be a double bar it should be a double barrel in this multi because that's how things balance out we did get some early 5 stars but we want some early double bars we have 100 temples to go there we go it's another early it's another early i'm going to bring back this constellation three bar i promise you in eightness i will do everything to bring you home this constellation three bar don't you worry i got you rhian's got you the skyward atlas has got you the unforged has got you let's take a look here we're on constellation two we are on constellation two again kujo sara okay it's a sucrose and a rust but our luck is not getting rusty because kujosara again very good we want to get to that constellation six on sarah as well sucrose quick skip here for a bell and also the shang ling i know what i'm going to say guys and i'm going to stand by it we are not going to get in agnes constellation 3 ball we are going to get a 9s constellation 4 bar constellation four guys i'm confident c6 sarah and constellation forbal mark my words mark my words i feel like that was one multi early as well here we go constellation three mile welcome home to inagness's serenity part of dreams thank you very much let's go again we will not lose any more 50 50s from here or now and we will keep going until we get the c4 ball and the c6 sarah we keep going we don't give up you keep going when life beats you down you bring home another early guys you bring home another early it's a deluxe okay listen that's an early pity guys that's an early pity you might laugh but hear me out that's an early pity and that allows us to get the c4 ball earlier and i promised the c4 ball is incoming oh that's a dilute constellation oh my that's a dilute constellation sarah i don't think is actually c6 yet i don't think sarah is actually c6 yet so we do have c3 deluxe oh that's c2 that's c2 deluxe she needs one more constellation wait how wait how what oh my god that is that is incredibly unlucky oh my blessed by mona okay sorry magnus what's the situation here are we converting all of this or some of it or none of it i'm a mona main oh it's destiny then his destiny all of it okay okay we'll buy these as well it's all in it's all in for c4 bal and i'm going to take it one step further we're going to go for c5 bro we're going to go for c5 bar we're going to go for c5 balconies it's as easy as that guys when you believe guys when rhian gets run over by the isekai baltrack inagunis is the one that benefits and there is a seasick sorrow rhian died for this guys and we have enough to win another 50 50. we have enough to win another 50 50. we are going to go to c5 we are going to go to c5 i believe in the process and you know where i got that from guys that's right merch do you see this [Music] you see that nice dish much it's flipped i am aware guys it's flip but listen listen it's in the process believe believe the c5 ball is coming home the c5 ball is coming home we set our standards for c3 we have crushed those standards we are going to go for the c5 ball bring it back baliana come on come on okay it's not here but it's right here guys present in the process that's the one it's right here right now where were you when we turned the odds to bring home a constellation five ball where were you when rhian sacrificed himself for this moment for inignus for the homies c five val has been obtained you love to freaking see it and you know what guys it's not over until it's over now what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna try and get a few more four stars and get ourselves a pool if we can get a nice mona here to get ourselves a few more extra pools here that would be great can we get some star glitter here can we get some star glitter here no that's okay that's okay what are we saying enogness use them up okay okay denying this says use them up and that's what we will do your wish is my command here we go we only need 40 guys we only need 40. we have just received the dara raid the dish raid remember remember the name remember the name as dish brings home the constellation sinks here we go enigmas it's gonna be another early i believe maybe not maybe not it's always okay it's okay as long as we're in the 50 50 that's what we're all about that's what we're all about we just want to win the 50 50 guys we just want to win the 50 50. that's what it's all about okay we don't need to be spoiled with so many earlies we just gotta win the 50 50. you know what i mean we're just gonna win the 50 50 guys c6 ball come home not yet c6 ball come home this has to be the mulch i think this is multi number seven or eight that was probably multi number seven so ball is here this is the one we will not lose any more 50 50s c 6 bar c 6 ball is around the corner is around the corner guys c6 ball is around the corner hear me out right here guys c6 ball is around the corner watch you guys laugh now but watch okay c6 ball is going to come home early it's around the corner oh no this might be close annoying this are you using all of this up would you want me to save some in 90 said yes the c6 bar it's around the corner guys trust me it's around the corner there it is it's an early it's as easy as that guys you guys say copium you know i say copium what do you mean copium guys i told you it's around the corner there it is constellation six bariata has arrived imagine if there's another ball in here for the memes there's another tsar in there what a great malty there it is c6 bar has arrived starmie thank you so much for the raid alongside dish aka dara my cousin and i think that is ball all the way c6 there it is the c6 bar has been completed thank you so much to both rhian and in nagnes for allowing me to summon on their accounts we are now going to move on to little yoshiko's account guys and we're going to bring home more fantastic luck or more awful luck and then have it balance out lil yoshiko is already in the naughty corner little yoshiko what are your goals here what are we going for yoshiko are we using it all one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so eight 48 into pity we are 48 into pity on little yoshiko's account so three malty should be the one to do it little yoshiko is hoping for c3 bal or c6 sarah or when i run out okay okay it is a 50 50 as well c3 ball is the ideal can we start off with some sorrows that is not a good start there's the sarah lasara came home early that's c zero we're starting with 300 pulls [Music] this should be the ball early on it might be the very first one here kaboom boom chugga luga boom [Music] that's not a good start that's not a good start oh no uh little yoshiko i think uh c3 bar might be a little bit optimistic i guess we're going for c6 sarah guys i i guess we're going for a c6 star we are we are down 100 pools soon we have no bar to our name yet on little yoshiko's account the sarah sarah is not looking promising either right now come on there's the ball there is the ball i think it came home one multi early maybe oh no just probably balancing out to be soft pity again this ball there's the ball so we're down a hundred and temples that was soft pity okay you know what we're gonna ascend we're gonna ascend i will secure the c3 bar for little yoshiko i will secure it i will secure the c6 sarah while we're at it as well and that right there's proof right here right now we're going to speed run this now three four there's another sorrow with speed running guys five six ball again never mind ball again right here right now boom we will not lose any more 50 50s now they're not 50 50s for us they're a hundred zeros a hundred zeros in the name of bad there we go you love to see another one another one make it a double multi make it a double multi make it a cheeky cheeky double okay it's okay it's okay we just need two more two more ryden shoguns [Music] three characters that we don't need it's okay more fodder more sacrifices barbara wow i've not seen that character in a while sarah okay the sorrows are coming through they're coming through steadily the bar i can do you smell that guys smells like a ryden shogun around the corner again here we go i can smell it i can sense it i can hear it and i can visualize and manifest it right here right now [Music] it's basically the same thing that's basically the same thing that's basically the same thing guys if you think about it it's basically the same thing you know it's there's the sarah it is basically the same thing guys we're gonna get the c3 bow you might not believe right now guys and it doesn't look promising with 20 wishes left but we are gonna get the c3 bow there you go see it's an early guys you're doubting but when i tell you i'm gonna get something i'm gonna get it guys all right we are gonna get the c3 bar you guys are saying copium but it came home early listen that that kaching was just a bonus there's the sarah guys there's the c2 ball now the c3 bar we are going to make it happen we are going to make it happen because remember the motto i haven't said it in ages but ask and you shall receive we still have wishes here are we using them little yoshiko are we using them i will bring you home the c3 bar i will bring you home and c3 little yoshiko just give me the ghost sign little joshua said yeah the c3 ball will come home for little yoshiko mark my words the c3 bow will come home for little yoshiko we are at the absolute bitter end [Music] this final multi guys will be the constellation three ball [Music] this final single will be the constellation three ball basically the same thing um wow [Music] you know if you think about it guys look if you think about it if you if you think about it guys 337 pulls [Music] to get c2 ball level 90 mona level 90 miner yo yo this constellation is huge guys it's a w look when any party member attacks an opponent affected by an omen their crit rate is increased by 15 that's actually a great consolation that constellation is insane it's so good increases crit rate by 15 percent guys that's huge now the kaching one is a little bit over now guys it's a bit of a now that's that's a bit of a now now i have received a request guys from little yoshiko i have received a request and that request guys is hmm [Music] it wasn't me guys it was a little josh guy [Music] little yoshiko thank you very much for allowing me to summon on your account here we go next account we are in on chuncheon pair or quinn pair's account who has very kindly allowed us in to hack a man onto their account to bring home what is hopefully going to be a very very early bar now i say very very early but we're very close to the to the hard pity here 6 times 12 72 minus 270 so this multi here should instantly be ball guaranteed and i'm assuming qim pair wants to have c2 ball okay yes c 2 ball and i will convert oh well we can't buy these yet i will convert 160 because that's all we're gonna need for c2 ball wait there's no way did i just pull on the wrong banner okay so that's atn so this ball is going to be past 80 which is pretty bad it will hopefully be 81 here there there's ball there's ball on 81. can we get a double can we get a double a cheeky little double here to win the 50 50 as well can we get a cheeky little double you know you want to do it come on me holy tease me tease me so we're nine into pity now mihoyo come on bring it home early ah thank you thank you so much thank you so much mihoyo i appreciate it thank you so so much thank you so much i i love you long time as well thank you so much guys all right let's see what is this gonna be boom oh it's deluxe well listen hear me out guys hit me up hear me out it might not be bow but it's an early guaranteed pity now so you know what it's it's like a free dilup it's like a free to look let's bring home some cujo cyrus thank you very much that's excellent we are going to get the c2 bow trust me believe in the process guys boom there's another kujo sarah with a string list excellent scenes can we get another early that is the real question though we want to see early upon early upon early upon early and that is a fantastic multi holy moly what a great multi that is excellent stuff more maltese like that are acceptable as well not sucrose we want to see kujo sara i promise you chun chun pe because you are one of the homies of the homies upon the homies there you go we will bring you home the sea to ride in trojan trust me i will bring you home the sea to ride in shogun because there is going to be another one that was a guaranteed by the way guys that was a guarantee because we did get the deluxe we have enough to even go for c3 ryden shogun if we can get lucky here kajo sara oh what another fantastic multi that is another triple four star not bad at all not bad at all are we using everything up shenzhen are we using everything up here we have 21 000 primo gems left we also have star glitter we have intertwined fate here now go to next pity okay go to next pity here we go it's gonna be it's gonna be bald guys it's gonna be bow there's no way i'll use the 50 50. there's just no way here she is constellation 2 constellation 2 constellation 2 constellation 2 constellation 2 ah you love to freaking see it you love to ah easy clap you love to freaking see it excellent excellent excellent stuff quinn power what is the situation now what is going on i'm happy to end it there if you are if you are happy with that quinn pair whatever you want just let me know yeah that's right guys we don't let the game win or quinn pass at c3 quinn pair says c3 well quinn pair ask and you shall receive ask and you shall receive don't you worry we're going to get some kujo sorrows on the way there you go we're going to get you some kujo sarah's on the way [Music] don't you worry i got you covered on that front i got you covered we'll do this now i think we can save quinn pair some primo gems as well get an early ball again some kujo tsar is on the way as well give us a cheeky little kujo sara please double sucrose it's okay we're getting star glitter from this we're getting star glitter from this kujo sara thank you very much can we get the ball early we do get the sarah though and sarah's constellation is now at six that is the c6 sarah completed and i would assume do you rather i use primo gems or do you rather i use star glitter quinn pear star glitter or the primo gems because i'm not sure if you refill and i'm not sure if you want to buy stuff from the shop as well quinn pesa doesn't matter we'll go 20 here here we go you know what i'm going to get you a special here nekopee it's for it's for changing path [Music] to do one summon [Music] yeah you can show your hands for trench and pear bless may we have your blessings necco good luck good luck to chin from perfect you go again go again [Music] that's soft pity but it's a case of winning the 50 50. because this could be constellation three-part [Music] you've got this wow it's coming you love to see it you love to see it congratulations chun chum pear on the c three ball congratulations that is a very very nice break point congrats i think we're done on this account if i'm not mistaken if you want to keep going for something else let me know but otherwise thank you for allowing me to summon on your account thank you so so much and congratulations we are now going to move on to and a skills account or andy skills his account apologies and hopefully we will take home a huge huge finale w guys okay so i think andy does not want the naughty corner because andy is up here and seemingly i'm assuming annie do you want me to pull here quinn thank you so so much for the 20 gifted subs andy do you want me to pull up here or do you want me to go to the naughty corner [Music] and he says up to you boss listen my naughty corner will not fail you andy what's going on here andy what am i looking at andy what am i looking at andy why is your resin capped and he said i been busy you know what else was there as well guys the the daily welcome moon logging bonus but it's okay it's okay guys because normally what happens guys is when you are resin capped you get extreme extreme luck and this is what we're gonna have here so andy who i don't think i've ever pulled for before is going for c zero ball and also the weapon so we are currently harmony into pity this is a guaranteed ball four times six minus two so 24 22. we will need five maltese maybe six maltese here and to make this easier to count we'll buy one of this we'll start off with multi number one kujo sara please okay no kojo sarah multi number two okay no sarah malty number three no sarah again multi number four oh oh no andy i'm so sorry multi number five this should be the guaranteed ball no no no okay okay now that's fine that's fine because we are 22 pity so on 72 right now 172 right now hold on hold on i counted wrong we're on 72 right now this should be the guaranteed double ball the double ball there's ball number one but where's bar number two where's bar number two guys that's what i'm saying now where's bar number two streamer luck give me the juju where is kucho sara what's going on what's going on akram thank you so much for the raid we have an akita raid andy are you sure you want to go for the weapon here are you sure you want to go for the weapon here one two three four five six oh six aquila favonia oh that was so so so long ago so 31 into pity here no no no six times yeah six times six minus five thirty one into pity here so far probably four pulls here we go here we go the weapons banner makes me queasy guys especially when i'm pulling on someone else's account it makes me very very very queasy because this banner is known for being stinky and you have a 37.5 chance of getting the weapon you want 37.5 it's not even a 50 50. it's a 37.5 percent chance but we like those odds please don't go to distance please do not go the distance please don't do andy dirty like this oh andy oh andy oh oh no oh no there are genesis crystals there andy has prepared for the worst and he has prepared for the worst but we don't want the worst we want the best we want the best don't you do it me hoyo don't you dare do it don't you do it dirty [Music] mi hoyo i mean it's an upgrade this is r5 though ah i mean it could have been it could have been worse guys amos bonganyu is great it i would you know the the ganyu there was level 90 the ganyu is level 90 guys so i assume it's not the end of the world there thank you akron andy are we still going oh i almost pulled on the wrong banner here apologies can we get an early here thank you that's what we like to see guys that's what we like to see ask and you shall receive ask and you shall receive okay could it be worse could have been worse could have been worse could have been worse could definitely have been worse andy did not have to go to super full distance the amos bow i think was a nice little bonus there andy says can you can you go for sarah of course i'm assuming you would rather me use genesis crystal so i'll convert 6400 here we still do not have a sarah let's bring home a bar while we're at it as well you know what i mean okay there's no sarah you know what bring home a balancer why not why not bring it back there's the sarah only two more bonus maltese there's everything done and dusted andy thank you so much for allowing me to summon on your account oh my heart is not in a good place my heart is not in a good place guys this is a medium dub medium dub obviously an upgrade for garnier's bow we got the back to back weapon there we did get the sarah not too late it doesn't mean there's as medium l guys it was a medium l it was okay andy i'm sorry i feel like i let you down there apologies andy and thank you for allowing me to summon on your account we are going for naji's account i assume c zero ball plus her weapon that's only five into pity naji what are we going for on this account or are you going for constellations on bala instead weapon first and all for baal oh my god okay we are logged in once again on the naughty corner for naji baby weapon first oh no weapon first then baal good luck good luck we are only two into pity so we are probably gonna need to do seven maltese here realistically speaking however i'm going to channel in my inner rn jesus and bring you home and early it's not here we're going to get you a psyo as well a cheeky little saiyu as well along with the earliest trust me when i say this i know it's going to happen i already looked into the future i know it's coming i know it's coming right here watch boom kaboom crazy basically the same thing claymore wielding character it's basically the same thing boom here you go this is the one we're going to win the 37.5 the 37.5 we're gonna win it we're gonna win it there's no way we lose every single account that went for this weapon [Music] this banner is tragic this banner is actually tragic this banner is actually tragic i don't think i have pulled the weapon on anybody's account other than my own as the first this is actually tragic oh my oh my nazi i am so sorry we are going to we are going to win it here with a double engulfing lightning multi guys with a double engulfing lightning guys double watch is gonna be a double it's going to be a double oh it's a nink one with a double windsift guys we got a double something a double engulfing lightning right here right now there's the first one there's the first one now where is the second one where is the second one guys where is the second one come on come on come on wow you hate to see it you hate to see it well we do have enough about maybe even potentially c1 c2 bow depending on what naji is looking for naji are you ready are you ready for the c one ball how much into pity are we here just five so seven plus maltese i'm hoping we can bring it home early and then it will balance out the weapons maltese because if we bring it home early it's to balance out nicely kujo tsar in the first maltese excellent that's very very very good kojo sara again thank you very much c1 naji says i'm terrified terrified of what terrified of what look at this look at these sorrows you want a sorry you want another sarah there's another sorry you're on a c2 song already you know what i'm saying aren't you terrified there's another sarah you want another sorrow i'll give you another sorrow why are you terrifying nudgy why are you terrible there's nothing to be scared of you want another sorry you know what i'm saying guys you want another sarah nachi does nothing to be scared of don't you worry you want another sarah i'll give you two you want another song just give me two naji what you worried about naji what are you scared about come on now how could you doubt me how could you doubt me naji come on now i want to do you dirty ah naji come on now is that c6r already it is how nice c6 sarah straight off the bat well there you go naji you've got the c6 sarah which is one of the best things you can have for for bal bali is a 50 50. ball is a 50 50. we're gonna win it though we're of course going to win it because we had the c6r to go with it that is an astronomical w and i'll just take another sarah why not just take another sarah as well why not why don't we just throw that in there we'll just throw that in there for for nudgy as well there you have it congratulations congratulations naji that was pretty good and you have yourself 30 intertwined fate left with 8 100 primo gems as well as a whole ton of star glitter as well should you want to go for constellations although i don't think it's necessary i don't think it's necessary but of course the c6 sarah is huge that was pretty darn awesome that was pretty darn awesome now what a way to end the video guys i hope you guys enjoyed that if you want to see six sarah guys just ask just ask and it will keep coming and keep coming and keep coming and naji has just dropped 10 gifted subs on the channel naji thank you so so so so much i hope you guys enjoyed the scamming session and have a wonderful wonderful day bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AsianGuyStream
Views: 287,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, raiden, shogun, baal, ei, wishes, primogems, wish, primo, asian guy, asian guy genshin, asian guy stream
Id: D1a53ivgiSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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