Beginner Tips: Don't make these MISTAKES | Genshin Impact

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what's going on guys asian guy here bringing you a video more so guided towards beginners of the game so if we have any veterans please do help out those beginners in the comment section down below so these are going to be the biggest regrets and biggest mistakes that i have out of venture rank 50 and above so currently i'm adventure rank 53 world level 7 and there are some massive mistakes i have made on the way here that i would like to prevent newcomers to this game or newcomers to this genre from making the same mistakes now the very first one is going to be you guessed it guys prototypes now prototypes are very very difficult to obtain i've never ever been lucky enough to get any of these prototypes to be dropped from the weekly bosses i know some of you guys have been super lucky but i know the majority of people have made the same mistake as me and used a lot of these prototypes to refine a certain weapon so in my case if i take a look at this prototype aminos here you can see this refinement rank too what this means is i made two prototypes and i merged it into one what i should have done is i should have left two separate prototypes because what happened to me was i had razer who's a claymore user and then eventually after i already had refinement rank two prototypes i pulled diluk i didn't have a weapon for dilip i do now i'm lucky enough to own these but i was at first very unlucky i had to use three star weapons and it was just the feels bad man so when you are making your prototype weapons guys please please please make sure that you have enough weapons for any future characters you're hoping to pull otherwise you're going to be in a very sticky situation that i was in where i'm gonna need to have you know i'm either gonna have to wail for a new weapon or i'm just gonna have to pray and wait a long long long time because i've never i've never had a prototype sample item ever dropped for me in weekly bosses and that's the only other place you can get them outside of events because in the upcoming patch 1.2 dragon spine it does seem like we are gonna get another chance to get a new prototype but having said that we are now gonna have three different craftable weapons as opposed to two currently we only have two craftable weapons but now it's gonna be increased to three so now there's even more options so you gotta really weigh up where you want to be using your prototypes my recommendation guys honestly this is obviously not going to be the most efficient but it's gonna be the most fail-safe and future-proof is just to create one of every single prototype weapon yes you are going to miss out on a few refinements here and there but the value of not having a weapon for your future characters versus the value of having a slightly stronger weapon for one of your characters i mean you can weigh that up yourself but for me i would absolutely hate if i had to run three star weapons for some of my new characters that i really want to play with and i want to kick them out with the correct items now if you're wondering where to get some of these prototypes outside of the weekly bus drops such as tartalia andreas and the valon you can go to this lady in leeway and you want to ideally actually just clear out this shop margaret in monsta as well offers some of these i believe the sword but ideally you want to clear out everything guys so don't worry if you're a beginner and you're like oh do i need to save these sigils no you don't you need to use them all up in the shop so you can actually access this maura at the bottom which is currently locked away if you haven't unlocked the full shop your maura for two animal sigils each will be locked away so as you can see i still have animo sigils or geo sigils it's the same for both shops you want to clear out both shops completely because you're eventually going to run out of items in there and the only thing you can buy there is more at the end of the day so if you want to make prototypes as well guys the thing you want to do is head on over to the blacksmith if i can find the blacksmith he's all the way down here the blacksmith you talk to the blacksmith and then you have the prototype weapons but this is another small mistake that a lot of people have made and this is going to tie in not just to crafting weapons but also crafting items now this when you go speak to one of these npcs or you go to the crafting table or even cooking guys this is actually the same thing what you're gonna find is that some of these characters do have passives that allow you to create bonus items so if we take a look here there's nothing glowing here there's no green circle glowing here but if i for example i go on to the prototype grudge and i switch off songly you see this pulsing green thing coming out guys make sure to click on that because that means one of your characters has a passive that's actually going to give you a bonus here so this one for zhong li is he will refund 15 of the ores used when crafting pole arm type weapons so this is gonna save you a little bit of bonus items which is pretty dang huge and the main one guys is the one i've been slept on i've seen being slept on the most is mona guys so mona who i unfortunately do not have i really really wish i did have her mona and singh chu actually is another one if we go over here to temaeus and his alchemy table i don't want to talk to you tomas but if we go over here and for example you want to craft a book so you see the pulsating green thing here guys always make sure to check for this when you're cooking when you're crafting when you're creating or smithing any item always make sure to check there is no character you have that might give you a bonus because seeing two here when sing chew crafts character talent materials he has a 25 chance to refund a portion of the crafting materials used which is pretty dang good so if we do take a look at sing two here we're going to let me see let me craft some of this what is ching chi's ability as a one and one in full chance to refund me one of these blue books so hopefully that's what we can have boom since you did you let me down no you three he went huge guys sig chu just went huge he's just basically earned me another gold book as a bonus that so that's really really really big now mona's one is going to be for weapons here and that's obviously going to be huge all of these kind of abilities are saving you time and resin so please make sure you are making the most out of all of these abilities that characters will have the future character albedo coming out i believe also has a weapon one and his one is going to be more similar to how sucrose's one works so essentially it is better than mona's one but how sucrose's one works here so again you see the pulsating green thing here go to the top you're finding character sucrose when she crossed character weapon enhancement materials she has a 10 chance to obtain double the product and i think if i'm not mistaken albedo is going to be exactly the same but for these weapon ascension materials which is actually that stuff costs a resin this stuff is free to fun come on sucrose can you go as big as sing chu just did okay 10 on the mark there so we take that that's a nice little bonus that you can get from there and cooking is exactly the same if you go over here to the stove over here and you just cook you can see there's loads of characters who will give you a cooking bonus when cooking any sort of healing item an attack item so if we take a look at cooking items we have four different candidates who do multiple different things so barbra jean and diona all have the same thing i think that's a little bit sexist to be honest but when a perfect cookie is achieved on a dish blah blah blah blah there's a 12 chance to obtain double the product some characters might even have a special dish that they might obtain and the special dishes guys hopefully we can get one here razer what have you got for us so razer has just created six of these puppy poor hash browns very cute but this one will restore 40 hp and a flat 2 350 hp to the selected characters essentially the special dishes are superior versions of the original as you can see 34 to 1 900 and then 40 to 2 350. so that is a bit of a change that you can notice but for me i would still say my recommendations go for the chance to duplicate because when you do eventually unlock the nre item the z key that you can see to the far right which is from the monstat reputation you can only stack one type of food in there so having a ton of different variety of foods is not that convenient so yeah let's move on to mistake number three i think mistake number three okay guys next mistake is one i've seen even some veteran players making because they simply didn't see this part of the game so when you go to catherine guys there's multiple things that you should know first of all is doing your daily commission so daily commissions are daily events that you can do make sure you do them they give you a lot of rewards so please make sure you are doing them if you press j on your your mouse pad your mouse pad your keyboard you should open up a menu which will have all your quests but the main thing here is dispatch characters on expeditions okay guys now this is something that i was very surprised to see like certain ar 45 plus players not noticing is that there is a 20 hour option guys which will give you far superior expedition rewards and i know you guys know someone who's guilty of this who doesn't actually click through these different tiers but 20 hours is always the best one to be doing so that's my recommendation always go for 20 hours these crystal chunks are essential to give you the best exp items for leveling up your weapons and this is going to tie into the next point is not mining now this is only for the players that want to accelerate their game and their weapons because you can do this every single day so you want to go to i like something made and you want to be making this mystic enhancement or using crystal chunks now crystal chunks there are plenty in the world to farm but it is a bit tedious to farm them every single day because you are going to need the equivalent of 120 crystal chunks every single day to max out at wagner or the other blacksmith to get you all of these mystic enhancement wars every single day so you can only use 120 of these maximum every day which is why the amount right now zero because i've already given him 120 now if you don't know where to get any of these once you hit i believe adventure rank 25 for monster and adventure rank 30 for leeway maybe it's 30 and 35 but you'll get this option any tips on finding or a monster after you start using the reputation system and then wagner will specifically point out some very good areas that you can go to to mine for these crystal chunks now naturally you should be doing this every single day because he will reset these every single day wagner but not all of them will show up on the map as you can see all these pickaxes that i have put down on the map are places where you can get crystal chunks now these natural spawning crystal chunks after you take them they take three days or 72 hours exactly 72 hours after you've mined them afterwards to respawn not three reset days but 72 hours from the exact moment you take them these magical crystal chunks which will also spawn some of the smaller chunks beside them can reset every single day and you want to go to the leeway blacksmith and you want to go to wagner in monsta to actually reset these so as you can see we've got some very nice juicy juicy crystals here and if you have the mining prince razer you can hold e or you can alternatively use the mining god which is zhong li and you can hold e to instantly break all of them if you have them as well otherwise you want to be using claymore characters like noel to like bash them down with the claymore and then once you get 120 guys you want to go over to wagner or you want to go over to the leeway one and then basically feed them all in into mystic enhancement the next one is a very very beginner tip it's for people who have really never played rpgs this one is about leveling up your talents more so more importantly than having overpowered weapons having overpowered characters with overpowered artifacts you want to make sure their talents are leveled up now i have a friend who i'm sure you guys have probably seen on my streams or some of my videos before who was out of i think eventual rank 36 and hadn't leveled up any of the characters talents and was hitting enemies for like 30 damage which is quite quite you know staggering in its own sense i'm very very impressed that they were able to keep playing into that adventure rank without ever leveling up their talents but the talent is where your scaling for your abilities is going to go up so as you can see a 65 increase from level 10 to level 11. now that is a big big big increase that's more than a lot of artifacts what they're going to give you more than what a lot of weapons are going to give you but naturally you want to send your weapons you want to send your characters and you want to make sure their talents are all leveled up and you farm the materials for those talents as accordingly and you can see where to to get these talents from if you just click on them you can go click here and see if they're currently available on that day today is a saturday so i am able to farm the talents here but that is just an example of make sure you level up your talents the other reason if people are asking why don't you do damage is because you probably don't have artifacts leveled up and if you are a low adventure rank guys my recommendation is don't start farming artifact domains until you are at least adventuring 35 at a venture rank 35 while you can still only get purple artifacts it's worth farming a set for your let's say your main character or your main dps character the character you play with the most and take those artifacts if they have good main stats don't worry about the sub stats so we take a look at the main stat here which is attack there's some stats here are don't worry about them for the purp artifacts you can take them to like level 8 or level 12. now that will ease you in to when you get to adventure rank 40 which is when you can start you know branching out a little bit more and looking at more different domains because you do have a chance at adventure rank 40 to start dropping legendary or gold artifacts at event rank 45 this is why a lot of people are recommending you save your fragile resin to refill for adventure rank 45 is where you are always always always guaranteed a legendary drop from an artifact domain not from the world bosses but from the domain you are always guaranteed to get one it might not be good but at least you're guaranteed to get legendary artifacts at that point so up until that point i would only say it's worth farming artifacts for your main dps and maybe your main healer and that's it all your other support characters you should be putting on the back burner letting them kind of chill out a bit with like level four artifacts level zero artifacts some of my characters don't have any artifacts at all and that's absolutely a-okay because i don't i either don't use them enough for them to warrant having artifacts but you can put like one star two-star artifacts on them or even three-star artifacts if you think it's gonna help them in any way shape or form but again i do not recommend leveling up two star three-star artifacts and four stars i would only really level up all the way to 16 which is their maximum cap if they have good sub stats and they have a good main stat so do i have an example here not really because there's only a bunch of hot garbage in here but if you do find a four-star artifact that's worth leveling up actually my tartalia has one which is essential so this one i need a hydro damage gobbler and i need one for this set and this one incidentally actually has good sub stats for a purple artifact it's obviously not as good as a legendary artifact but you know it will suffice so you want to ideally keep hold of any of these goblets that have elemental bonuses with good subsets because these are really hard to find even in their legendary form so that is something else you want to hold on to but until adventure at 45 guys please don't go too hard on farming artifacts at ventrac 40 you can start really concentrating on your main dps characters trying to get some legendaries for them as well but for your other characters like support characters don't worry too much about them until your adventure rank 45. okay the next one is definitely for beginners who are new to rpgs and it's animation canceling when you are attacking you have an animation here that will prevent you from moving if you watch this full animation however you can actually cancel this animation simply by dashing and then immediately enter another combo if you like now some characters benefit from not even doing the full combo like razer it's actually more damage in certain situations if you just consistently cancel on his third attack but there's you know that's a little bit too much for just a beginner's tips video but yes i've seen a lot of people who just simply do their attack combo and don't know that they can even string in another attack to for example an elemental skill there or your cue your ultimate to cancel the animation and continue the combo so please make uses of that if you can and then it's you know will help you with your dps overall if you're not just waiting for the animation to finish so shout out to my wife because she never animation cancels for that tip all right guys the next thing i want to talk about is pity and how pity actually works for those of you who don't know what pity is pity is when you've done a x amount of pools and you're guaranteed to get a five star character not necessarily of your choice but a five star character or a five star weapon now just to simplify this let's first of all focus on the event banner the character event banner right now we have got zhong li on the screen next up we're gonna have albedo and the one before this was tartalia let's say so the event pity banner for character banners every 90 pools within 90 pulls you are always always always guaranteed to get a five star character you cannot go 91 pulls without pulling a five star character every single 90 you are always guaranteed to get at least one five star item and when i say item i mean character for the character banner it's not necessarily going to be the event rate up that is guaranteed every 180 pulls and how this is going to work is let's say in your first multiple so if you do a multiple that's 10 pulls out of 90 you don't get a 5 star you are now 10 out of 90 which means within the next 80 pulls you are guaranteed to get a five star character let's say you do one more single pull after that multiple so the 11th pool out of 90 you get a five star character that five star character is going to reset your pity so you're now back again at zero out of 90. now this zero out of 90 let's say you let this banner finish will actually carry over into the next banner let's say it wasn't zero out of 90 and you're maybe 44 out of 90 pulls into getting your first five star on the banner whether or not it's the banner rate up or not doesn't matter it's your first five star pity and then that 44 out of 90 let's say this jean lee banner finishes and then it moves on into the future characters banner that banner you will only need to do what is it 46 more pulls out of 90 to guarantee yourself that 90th pool which is gonna give you a guaranteed five star so those pities will carry over from the same banners however it's very very important you guys know that the banners are different and these pities are all separate there's three different pity systems on each of these banners so you've got gentry of hermitage here which is a genre event banner character event banners will carry over between character event banners weapon banners will have their pity carry over between weapon banners and the permanent banner is just permanent it's going to change his art every now and then to bait you guys but it is always going to be permanent so please do keep that one in mind none of these pity so if you do 800 pulls on here these 800 pulls on here will not count for any of these other two banners so when it comes to your primo gems guys i would say the better investment is always going to be the event rate up banner where you have a chance a very good chance of pulling four star characters that you want of your choice if they are on that banner alongside the five star character as well the weapons banner the pity is only 80 and then we also have another mechanic called soft pity now soft pity kicks in at 75 or 65 pulls respectively for the different banners so 65 out of 80 you have a very very high chance on the 65th pool to guarantee or not guarantee but you have a very high chance i believe it's 50 chance to get a gold and that 50 will slowly increase closer and closer to 100 until you get to the 80th pool on the weapons banner for the character banners or the permanent banner it's 75 out of 90. on the 75th pool there is a thing called soft pity again you have the 50 chance and then after that it's gonna start ramping up from 50 all the way to 100 until you get to the 90th pool so if you do end up having to go all the way to 90 guys you have to be one of the most unlucky you're also luckiest people in the world because you can argue you're so unlucky that you're probably lucky but if you have to go to 90 pools guys you are so so so so unlucky and i'm so sorry to hear that because you've probably seen a lot of content creators around the 75th pool they always get the five star so it's normally between 75 to 80 out of 90 you are very very very likely to single pull a five star or multi-summon them now i've also seen a lot of misinformation going around about multis are worse than singles there's absolutely no difference at all if for example you do a multi-pool and you're doing it on your 70th pool so you're gonna go from 70 to 80 pulls with the multipool and then halfway through that 75 you get the five star character that pity is gonna reset midway through the multi it's not like it's a separate system between singles and maltese that it's always going to be consistent so don't worry about doing multis or singles the only time where you should worry about maltese or singles is if you want to save those extra overlapping surplus pools for the future banner for example on this banner if you do want razer trung yun or jinyan you should just keep doing maltese but if you don't want these four stars then you should start doing singles when you get closer and closer to the 75th mark where you're doing soft pity so that's where you want to start doing singles because you don't want to reset your four star pity four star pity i know this is very confusing is every 10 rolls or every 10 summons you are guaranteed to get a four star character and this will also carry over into future banners as well so if we have taken a look here the last item i got back to about four stars here so i was very very lucky but with the sacrificial sword this is an off banner item the next four star i will pull is guaranteed to be one of these three four stars or if i just leave this and i never touch the spanner again it will be a four star on the next banner so that kind of pity system will also carry over into the next banner right i think that is everything i want to cover guys actually one last thing i want to cover and i will always put this in every single tips video because i want more and more people to do this i see people complaining they don't have enough artifact exp you guys need to start doing daily artifact farming and at the very least if you are lazy and you are complaining you will not have any right to complain unless you come to this location every single day this actually resets every 12 hours not every artifact location in the world resets 12 hours but this one this one here all of these pots will have artefacts here for you so you should come here every single day every 12 hours if you can and it will reset and you collect those artifacts you can sell them for more if you want to by destroying them they will give you more of back i don't recommend doing that but that is an option if you need more that's one thing you could do or you can just use them for artifact exp as well so this is located just pretty much directly west of wang shuin's teleporter here and this is a star mark if you want to know more about daily artifact routes and where to go with all these stars that i pinned on the map please do check out the link in the description that will take you to my daily artifact route that gives you around 30 000 plus more is worth and it's really a bit more than that and then if you do kill like mini bosses on the world every day like these lava chars i've got one marked here they are guaranteed to drop you 600 more every single time you kill them there's like four or five maybe even six in the world so that's 3 600 more every day on top of their drops and on top of the chance of getting a purple or three-star artifact as well so these ones if you're not farming them if you're not making the most out of the game what's available to you and you're just standing around running around picking up mint and stuff like that and you're still complaining i gotta say guys i gotta strip away the badge of complaint from you because if you're not making the most of it that's really not anybody else's fault but your own so please this one area guys if you do this one area then fine you can complain but if you don't do this one specific area guys please you cannot complain about the lack of artifact exp because all of these stars that i've marked down will give you a lot of artifact exp the other thing that you should be doing is mining every single day as well but that is when you want to become a bit more try hard and graduate from being a filthy filthy casual so all memes aside guys i hope you enjoyed that video i hope that video was helpful for you guys i know it got a bit confusing towards the end with the pity system all you guys need to know is that pity will carry over between banner to banner and only banners of the same category so these three banners all have different pity systems that is one of the biggest questions i've seen singles versus maltese ultimately doesn't really make a big difference at the end of the day so yes thank you guys so much for watching and have a wonderful wonderful day and bye bye
Channel: AsianGuyGenshin
Views: 90,781
Rating: 4.8980432 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact summons, genshin impact primogems, genshin impact tutorial, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact tips, 源信, 源信インパクト, genshin tips, genshin impact beginner guide, genshin impact beginners guide, genshin impact regret, genshin impact mistakes, top 10 mistakes, top 5 mistakes, genshin impact prototype, genshin impact artefact, genshin impact xingqiu, genshin impact investment, genshin not enough damage
Id: Gxdw0dv_hpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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