AR15 Accessories: PART8 - Charging Handles

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so what is the best air 15 Charney handle good question there's a lot that goes into it a lot of personal preference there's really more than one way to skin a cat and I'm a firm believer in there being better ways to skin that cat if you will so I do have some preferences over some of these but anyway just kind of wanted to get a bunch of these air 15 churning handles in front of you here today and kind of go down the line and talk about them just a little bit so not all of these are mine and not all of them are actually air 15 charity candles you know is that some of these are a bit longer these are AR 10 LR 3o HRT handles so we'll talk about those here a little bit too so before I get into this I do want to note that I'll put links to pretty much all of these down in the description below so if you are interested in them you can jump down there and just click on the link and it'll take you right to the page so you can you can find each of these individual turnin handles so alright let's get to it so I kind of have you set up a little bit strategically but not too much so what kind of work left to right like I said earlier so your standard ar-15 chardee handle nothing special this has kind of been the original design for a long time going back to I think even the seventies and sixties even so basic chardee handle nothing too special here these are kind of your diamond doesn't charity candles but there are varying qualities of these so I would say be be picky about where you're getting all this stuff there are a lot of fakes and stuff out there even when you get up in there I should say especially when you get up into the really good stuff there's a lot of companies out there and making fake stuff so buy from reputable manufacturers again it should say retailers and manufacturers and again I'll put links to all these down below but standard charging handle nothing too crazy they range from usually like I don't know 10 to 20 dollars ish and we're kind of just taking this design and improving on it in some cases so jumping to the right here you'll notice let's just bring both these in actually there's this right here is a badger tactical latch so what we have here is basically a standard Charney handle nothing's really been changed other than increasing the latch so this really gives you a little bit more to grab onto we've really kind of gone away from the old you know US Army Field Manual stuff where you're gripping this thing like a velociraptor or whatever and we're kind of going to a point where you know pinching it with one hand you can even blade it with your hand if you will but these were kind of like a big deal you know five six years ago even but there's really been some issues with these and you can buy these latches and install them yourself by punching out that roll pin or you can buy the charging handle as is with the latch install now I do like an extended latch we'll talk about that more as we get down the line but I don't like it being too long so the Badger for me is a little bit too long it feels bulky things out a bit more it's really way more than I need but my biggest gripe with these really comes down to reliability and durability when put under a lot of stress and used hard and ran hard the the weak point on these is the roll pin we talked about earlier so again they're not changing a whole lot they're just increasing this length here and increasing the leverage and when you start hammering on this a lot the the failure point is gonna be this roll pin so guys will commonly break out this roll pin when using badger tactical latches or extended latches similar to this when they're just basically taking a standard you know ar-15 Charney handle and just modifying the latch so this is something I would recommend staying away from if you are using a rifle for anything serious or running it remotely hard so can I jump in over here right over to the BCM charging handle this is a BCM gunfighter mod 4 which is their medium latch so they have a small latch they have a medium latch and then they have a large I'm not a huge fan of the the larger the small I personally prefer the mediums and that's really what I've been using for a long time I have a small handful of these medium last charging handles and I really do like them a lot now you'll notice as we move down the line as we get away from what we showed you originally with the stock turning handle we're really kind of going into extended latched shorty handles now there's a little bit of variance in the length of those and the width and how they actually function and how they're designed but we're really getting away from this which is doesn't provide a lot of surface area to grab on to and we're getting into the bigger stuff so the BCM is really good it's probably by far my favorite not on ambidextrous charging handle if I have to have an on emu charging handle the BCM on 4 is by far my favorite and I would argue potentially the best on the mark to this day so there are a couple different versions this is the newer version that has kind of it has a little drop here the older ones were were pretty much flat I think they did that to kind of cover up some of any potential gaps coming back when you're shooting suppressed again the original one didn't have that but I do like that new design moving over here let's go to the well let's show you this guy right here so this is an ar-10 shorty handle I should note while we're talking about these the ar-10 LR 308 stuff is not compatible air 14 as you can tell there the lash and everything is pretty much the same you've got the same latch same design here to cover up some of that gas same design on the bottom but obviously it's much long so these are basically the same handle but we've got one for the air tent and one for the air 15 so keep that in mind as well not cross-compatible jumping over here to the PRI gas Buster kind of talking about that gas in the face you'll notice that the PRI really goes over the top in giving you some area to keep that gas away from your face this charging handle is really designed to be run by a right-handed shooter when you're shooting suppressed so basically we have here is a channel kind of cut out to vent any potential gas and overpressure out the right side and it's gonna be protecting you and the rear as well but it's really designed and you can see there's that channel there it's designed to vent gas and any potential overpressure to the right side away from the shooter space so great if you're writing a shooter shooting suppressed maybe not so great if you're shooting left-handed so this one right here there there are a few different latch options I should note this is the smooth version and I do have the or the notched version as well so once again same chardee handle for the most part this is an ar-10 as an ar-15 but we have a different latch on this one and this is kind of the NOS version so personally I prefer the notched so if I were to do it again I would stay away from the smooth you know would go for the notch but both of them are great this is right here is usually what I run on my precision gun my 16 inch SPR five five six gun which is going to be semi-permanently suppressed at some point so uh you know it's not one of those guns that I really run hard you know because it's a precision gun so not too worried about the last I'm really more worried about the function but those are the PRI gas clusters moving over to the right we kind of start to get into a couple different designs here now I will talk about this one first this is a SLR rifle works renegade Charney handle I did a review video on this a couple years back and this is a latch list style design now since this has come out there have been a few different manufacturers making quality latch list I'll charging handles I don't have any of those in front of you here so I really can't say a whole lot on those you can see they're doing something similar to the BCAM and the PRI they're the big difference here is that there's no latch you'll notice everything is really in the spring and detent and it basically has a steel d-10 in there now we did a review on this and it really was not a favorable favorable review for the renegade because we ran into a lot of issues with that steel actually tearing into the aluminum receiver now they may have updated this since that video is out I'm really not sure I've not seen any updated versions but there are the companies out there who may clash 'la style designs that I haven't really heard anybody complain on so that is kind of some of the options there I personally cannot recommend the renegade for that reason that we talked about earlier but with that said I will note again SLO rifle works does make a lot of really good stuff I think this tourney handle is the only thing I've ever used from them that I haven't liked so we have the rails on our SPR project built I'd use some of the rails in the past and they they make really good rail systems and a lot of really good other stuff I have one of their jigs for dimpling barrels can't say enough good things about the rest of their stuff but again not a fan of the renegade so moving to the right here again we've got a few different charity handles that are ambidextrous and you'll notice that these don't have a latch kind of on a stationary area like the the BCM does we have this big stationary handle with a latch to release the handle itself releases the latch there so these you'll note are again ambidextrous so the nice thing about these is that you can really build a handle that's isn't really super wide but has this huge area that is going to alight or get a hole and release the handle their release release the latch it's actually operated in all of these really function kind of as a no-brainer you're not really thinking about grabbing anything like a latch and pulling it back it's just one motion really but having this option and having an AM be option on a charting you know I really like especially once you get left-handed shooters into the mix so we have the guys Lee super precision charting handle this is the standard one they also make this in the airborne the airborne is just like a little bit slimmer so it's not quite as wide similar design to the other three I showed you there and we'll get those here in a minute ambidextrous got the area to block the gas not so much in the rear for gas blocking but guys Lee makes really good stuff I don't think I've ever seen or used anything that guys like made that I haven't been a fan of so this is their own design I believe that guys they did use some older charting channels at some point that were rebranded but per my understand this is not a rebranded charting you know this is their own design jumping in here to show the Radian Raptor this is again an ar-10 lr3 weight version and this is a bit longer of course obviously so the latch system and the latch design is really what we're looking at here very similar to the guys Lee and you know nothing nothing too special other than kind of what I've shown you already so very similar design raptor is a really good char to handle as well and I've heard a lot of people say good things about it - I've been running this on my 65 Creedmoor upper in my 308 upper we have the Rainier arms avalanche as my third ambidextrous ernie handle again very similar design this one kind of goes above and beyond and does something a little bit unique where they're actually letting you change out the handle so you see that there's kind of us through there and a screw there there are different handle options for this which they don't have out right now but you can kind of swap them out now I don't think they're making this version of the Avalanche anymore I believe they had some issues with production don't quote me on that I'm just kind of speculating and they they have a new version coming out if it's not out already so I will put a link to the new version down below because like again I don't think you can get this on right now but neat design the fact that they're utilizing this in a manner where you can actually kind of customize the handle I believe this one is np3 coded don't quote me on that either but have a nice little mp3 coating on there to protect it as well as make it nice and slick is good as well so that one's actually fairly light I've been using this one on my lightweight build because it literally weighs the exact same as the standard so why not use this so of all these charting handles here that I show you when I get people kind of coming to me and asking questions whether it's it's comments online which I get a lot of which is one of the reasons why I made this video but I also get you know personal friends coming to me say and they want to do upgrades and you know there's a lot out there like I said it's hard to find quality stuff so what I recommend for those people I basically kind of pushed all these aside here already got an example of that on the table and example of that we can leave that on tables and these guys are here so basically what I recommend for anybody looking to upgrade if they're really serious about doing this stuff is usually one of these four right here the PRI gas Buster which again is great for suppressed shooting the guys leave super precision the Radian Raptor or the BCM medium latch now you see I move this in a way because it really just depends on your goal and what you're looking to do some people don't like the the removable factor here they they don't want to have to deal with this it's not a huge issue assuming you're using like a little bit little bit of blue loctite on there and can get that stuff in but I understand where you're coming from and I understand that roll thought so I kind of push that on this side a little bit but I'm also because it is again it's not me anymore and I haven't had a chance to use the new one yet so I can't really speak on that so anyway I generally recommend these for right here if you're not shooting suppressed or don't have a desire to you know you shoot something like this or just don't like that handle design whatever I generally say BCM radiant or guys ly my personal preference my personal favorite again assuming you don't need ambidextrous is the BCM medium watch the the MOT for this is this is again by far my favorite Charney candle for non emit x-rays use for any ambi users that need ambidextrous stuff these are these are my my two favorites for the most part here so now VCM does make ambidextrous Burt a version where it does have a latch on both sides again you just get in kind of bulky there a little bit more bulkier than I would like which is why I kind of tend to differ - the guy's Lee and again if this is even too wide for you can kind of compare these here it's even a hair wider than the the BCM as you can tell they do make the airborne which is a going to be probably closer to the medium latch if not maybe a hair shorter than the medium so a lot of options out there I know it's kind of hard to find out you know what's good and what's not especially if you're kind of new to the game you can kind of be really overwhelming so if you guys have questions or anything feel free to put those down below or even better yet shoot me a message on facebook we're always on Facebook and I'm I do pretty good job keeping up on all the the questions and stuff we get over there so check that out again I'll put some affiliate links below so you can click on that stuff and jump over there you guys have questions or have some suggestions for any other videos that you want put them down below I'll get back to you thanks
Channel: Highjak86
Views: 275,057
Rating: 4.8568993 out of 5
Keywords: firearms, pistol, rifle, highjak86, highjak, ar15, accessories, charging handle
Id: Ez65Kh8So4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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