April Tries Her Biggest Jumps Yet!

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hey what's up everyone today we have something kind of special for you april is going to work through her biggest jump line yet [Music] this is stage fright and this has been my biggest goal since i've started riding mountain bikes i've been working towards this trail basically since i started riding a little bit more so the last year after a few recent trips and more time on the bike lately i have been feeling more confident than ever and i can finally look at these jumps with more excitement rather than fear and i also got a new bike that has more suspension and i'm really excited about that it gives me a little extra confidence boost i've completed some of the jumps already and today's major goal is the four bottom jumps but more so the first poppy one and the last finish line as well as this new whale tail feature i think i might be the most nervous for this yeah yeah i want to make sure i can do all the jumps i did before as well as some fresh work that we haven't haven't seen yet just freshened up some lips and then we'll work on the bottom jumps and whale tail last and then a full run for sure cool all right with that being said let's grab bikes and then we'll see if we can make it down to that first poppy one okay okay okay so we're gonna head up and do like a full run to go through all the stuff that she'd hit before but when we got here we noticed that they had redone a few of the lips so april's just kind of working her way through and trying to get comfortable with it before we go down to the last part that she's gonna work on i get it does that feel better yeah cool coming back i think i still cased it a tiny bit but just barely but you're doing really good and those are the only two that they changed everything else is all the same cool let's see so we're hiked up we're gonna do a full run we session those two that are kind of newer and then we're gonna try to stop at the poppy one right okay okay let's do that ready yeah okay [Music] hey does that feel better yeah okay for people that are wondering this is the poppy one that april hasn't hit yet um do you want me to show you like i'll hit it once you can kind of see what it looks like and then yes please okay i'll hit this one for you and then those two and then we'll see how it goes okay ready yeah nervous yeah yeah all right okay right here make sure i hit that smooth roll [Music] um i noticed that you soaked it up a little bit yeah is that something that i can do yeah so here i try to just do no pop or anything because usually the first time you hit a jump you're going to be tight yeah so if anything i was trying to compensate like for the speed you'll need there's no brakes around the corner and then you'll probably get tight and you won't have much pop okay so i didn't want to like boost it and show you the booster that makes sense yeah cause that was totally how i could hit it yeah yeah yeah and then so these next two are pretty mellow i think as long as you get this one good uh-huh and you just have good speed and you'll just follow me right off those so that one's just a straight jump and then that one's just a little bit of a left-hand hip yeah okay you nervous yes yes uh i think you got it yeah we wouldn't be here if we didn't think you got it i know this is the first time yeah right yeah all right let's go try it okay you got your visualization plan good uh blackout blackout and just hit it yeah okay all right um so we're gonna go through you're gonna try to stay tight on me as we go over the road gap if you hit that jump smooth just relax go through the berm no breaks and then just follow me off that next jump okay and then when you land just be stoked and then maybe tap break once and we'll go over the next two okay yeah and we'll pull off for the last one okay you got it you got it okay yeah you're good just follow me oh i chickened out because i oj'd the road gap yeah dang it i panicked it's okay scary moment ready okay don't forget to breathe oh yeah okay come on uh i felt so slow [Music] felt slow if you do no breaks for this i promise you're fine okay so you'll be good it's scary though like i said we wouldn't be here if you didn't have the skill i know just trust yourself and me all right all right this is it come on april good job i did it but not good um it wasn't the scariest but i kind of wrote wrote it on my back wheel yeah so i didn't down it are you proud that you hit it though yeah yes and your right is just same speed so same thing clear the road gap relax no brakes around the corner hit that first jump you probably were front wheel high just because you're nervous so you're like yeah so this time you'll hit it perfect then just follow me on the last two jumps okay next two next two and if you want you could go over the last one with me if you feel like it it'll see how you feel we can also session it if you need to okay yeah you ready girl yeah you got it you can do it okay just follow me let's go oh i did a little leg thing on that one i did it you did it thank you oh my stomach dropped on that last one you stoked yeah super stoked a little sketchy but i felt the whole way or i felt good the whole way down that last one was the first time so it's a little like i thought it was oh jane's so bad but you look good but i say what you mean it's you do have to hit it slow yeah so that's why i was scared before but yeah i'm happy i did it yeah now the whale tail okay and then a full run okay let's go up and check out the wheel tail okay sweet good job thank you all right how stoked are you after that pretty stoked yeah yeah were you scared at all oh yeah what was the scariest part um i think just the fear of getting over something the first time but i got through it yeah you did good yeah cool um and then now we're at the whale tail so for people that don't know this is kind of like the gatekeeper of this trail and it's a newer feature they put it in about a month ago i would say or maybe a little more and we haven't spent any time working on it i've hit it a few times but april hasn't gotten a chance to try it yet so this might be interesting are you you kind of said you're most nervous about this right yeah but i was more nervous for those jumps than i thought i would be oh so we'll see yeah am i even out one week yeah maybe i'll even out okay we're gonna have her work up by just coming through the rollers jumping on and stopping and just getting comfortable with that first gap then once you get comfortable with that first gap then we're gonna have you jump out okay that'll sound okay yeah okay cool i'll hit it really quick and show you what it looks like clean and then i'll show you how to jump on the stop okay okay all right thank you yeah okay it looked effortless effortless um it's one of those things where you'll go a little slower than you think um on this one i'll show you what i want you to do first time okay okay i'm gonna start at the top pedal two pedal strokes pump the rollers and then just jump on and stop okay okay okay this is kind of scary but i think it'll help you get comfortable with it okay what do you think um i'm scared of course yeah and hopefully once i get it it'll be easy it'll be easy yeah yeah you got it the first time jumping on is going to be really scary and then you'll be fine okay okay so she's going to do a couple run-ins and i'm just going to like tell her yes you have speed or no you don't and then we're gonna just work up to it so she'll jump off onto the whale tail the first time so she'll jump land break do that a few times and then i think she's gonna do it fine so yeah let's check it out that was pretty much perfect speed maybe just a tick slow it's like a tick that was perfect that was perfect i feel more comfortable following you you want me to fall if you want to follow me yeah and then just stop on the wheel tail yeah okay i'll set a tripod up real quick thank you it all flows you just have to be calm okay you got it ready [Applause] foreign i like all air on the second roller instead of pumping that's okay we're not in a rush ready yeah you're gonna get it this time you can case the heck out of it through your rear tire it's fine you'll be fine you got 170 ml travel yeah so just get your front wheel over you'll be fine okay how you feeling better but i still don't like it scared yeah you're doing really good there's just no time to like commit or not commit it's a really short whale tail you did good though thanks are you feeling a little better do you pop off of it just a little bit yeah so basically if you land it good and you feel good just do a little pop off and you'll be fine the problem is most people don't work on this part first yeah they just come in yep and then they'll case and then they'll be squirrely and then pop so the fact that you're getting this first as soon as you feel comfortable just pop off and you'll be done and you'll be done with it not feeling it i don't feel confident like at all you're doing really good thanks if you can conquer this then it'll make a lot of things feel better because this is such a technical feature yeah that's what a lot of people struggle with timing but you're doing a really good job and you've come so far already whole case to like now you're actually just clearing it yeah so you're doing good thank you yeah just give it a few more rounds see how you feel and then we'll let's go from there okay okay ready yeah okay [Applause] okay hey hey how are you doing well i didn't get the oil tail yeah it's okay you did really good today thanks yeah easy sad because i was so close yeah but i don't feel right then it's good to call it there's no external pressure i know you really want to do it but this has been a build up for like two years so it's okay april you're doing awesome i'm proud of you thanks you did really good thank you are you feeling okay yeah i'm just bummed i wanted to do the whole run yeah but it happens yeah you'll be good since april did the entire run except for just this last little jump off like you did literally everything so she did really good i feel like she accomplished her goal because her goal was to hit the full stage fight before this got added so technically we did it we did it um but yeah there's this is going to be something else we'll have to conquer another day and we're going to end it on a really fun positive note and we're going to put the drone up and do a follow cam run all the way down so let's uh do that then take a little break then we'll ride okay okay okay let's do it full run okay okay okay you i did it clean i'm so proud of you thank you is it so good you feel better now yeah and the drone stayed yeah i thought we lost it cool good job thanks all right okay six hours later how you feeling i'm feeling good i'm glad that i got away with all the jumps and i'm healthy and it was a lot of fun yeah i was i was really stoked to see just on the wheel till you know you rebound from that for you to like take a moment or a moment and then just get past that and then have a blast on the way down and then it was cool to hear you go like you on the last job so yeah yeah i'm really proud of you it's been cool and we'll conquer that thing eventually yeah i have some ideas and stuff we can practice it'll be cool i'm just glad that i hit all the jumps and it was a lot of fun just as fun as i imagined it'd be and i'm excited to hit it next time yeah had april have been working up to this for at least a year in her head just so i'm i'm happy to be past it now and then you won't have to hear about it yeah just the new the new one whatever the new one is focus yeah bogus will be fun but yeah cool good job thank you anything else you want to say um thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it and see you next time we'll definitely keep you posted and we'll do another video and we go to conquer the whale tale whenever that day comes so yeah all right thank you guys talk to you later [Music] you
Channel: Kyle & April - Ride MTB
Views: 432,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain biking, kyle warner, ridemtb.com, ridemtb, ride mtb, ride mtb podcast, ride mtb coaching, how to mountain bike, april zastrow, Kyleandapril, eagle Idaho, boise idaho, mountain bike jumps, flow trail, jumping a mountain bike
Id: Ocf_eiv-DKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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