Rapid Fire Reviews: Weird Bicycle Products!

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so I have here a pile of bike products and today  we're gonna unbox all of them take a look at them   see what they do and I'll tell you what I think  of them and today we're going to start with some   stuff that's really tiny this [Music] this is a  battery powered bike pump so you can see there's   a little button over here here's where you stick  the valve stem in it's got USBC charging that's   great even my Sony camera comes with micro b  which is insane but before we test this to see   if it's any good I I what's the point why do you  need an electric bike pump this small I mean it   obviously must run out of batteries really quick  and so it's not giving you the same benefit as   like a micro pump and if you look at a micro  pump like this one it's not even really saving   you any space because this is thicker right so  if you're putting either one in your pocket or   something yeah the micro pump barely feels like  it's there this feels like a brick in your pocket   let's see what it weighs compared to other methods  of inflation so we're set to grams here the micro   pump 81 grams CO2 with inflator 84 grams lithium  ion pump 102 grams I don't know if you obsess over   20 grams I don't with the micro pump you get  unlimited inflates just leave it and forget it   um but it's really really hard to use with a CO2  it's super super easy to use and very light and   compact but you only get one shot with this  battery powered pump it's really easy to use   oh there it goes let's see how it inflates  [Music] that was pretty unscientific I'm just   using the squeeze test you can get back to the  trailhead with this tire so in two minutes we got   this up to 21.5 PSI that's completely usable  tire pressure on a mountain bike could I do   better with a hand pump absolutely not and I don't  care to find out [Applause] so this is definitely   better than hand pump but uh how much can you  get out of it before it runs out of battery   let's inflate it up again let's see if we can get  two inflates out of this on one charge [Music] oh it sounds like it's struggling so we're  at like 17 PSI we barely got two inflates   out of it now for a road bike this would be  fantastic because you would pump up the tire   in no time and you could probably do it over  and over and over again road bike tires are   really low volume but on a mountain bike tire  you're barely getting an advantage over a CO2   in fact the CO2 is a lot quicker it's smaller  it's lighter there's probably a place for this   for really isolated use cases but none that  would apply to me I don't know you guys saw   what it did what do you think this is eighty  dollars yeah I'm not gonna use it [Music]   oh this valve is completely clogged and I was just  thinking how that rarely happens to me when I was   deciding whether or not to review these Fillmore  tubeless valves they're supposed to not clog as   easily so the way it works is tire sealant  is designed to clog small holes your valve   that you pump up your tire with it's a little  tiny hole and so if there's any air leaking out   of it and sealant gets inside it dries up and it  does what it's supposed to do these have kind of a   unique design that's supposed to avoid that it is  a very premium very nice valve how does this work   oh that's smart the entire valve core is this one  piece that runs from the top of the stem all the   way to the bottom so any clog that forms over here  from outside the bike you just push the tip of the   stem down and it's supposed to bust the clog I  think I'm going to replace the valves on this   wheel with these and see long term whether it does  it looks like a good design it is a very premium   valve core 40 bucks is steep but yeah we're  spending ninety dollars on chains and stuff   where she goes this is a strap that you take  with you so that if your bike breaks you can   tie your bike to your back and Hike it out  I'm gonna try and remain impartial here and   we're just gonna see how this thing works all  right let's just do this like we're on the   trail I got a flat tire so obviously I have  to carry my bike all the way home so [Music]   I think I know how this works now  you're supposed to carry it like this oh [Music] so if your level of preparedness is such  that you carry the strap with you I assume   you probably have a backpack on and so it  wouldn't be as uncomfortable as this is   I have suspension linkage digging into my  shoulder blade a pedal kind of catching me   every so often it's very uncomfortable is  it worse than carrying the bike over your   shoulder it's probably better than carrying a  bike over your shoulder but in what situation   would you do that I feel bad about myself for  it's like there's a whole story behind it one   day I saw on social media a friend broke his  bike while riding it and ended up carrying   it about six miles down the mountain to say I  figured there had to be a better way if only the thought is coming from the right place right  like yeah this is better than carrying your bike   for six miles but there are other things that are  better than carrying your bike for six miles that   could fit in something smaller so there it  is think of all the things you could carry   in here same footprint right hold that thought  this guy on social media who carried his bike   six miles yes it's totally possible his frame was  completely cracked in half but in reality he was   probably unprepared and if you are so unprepared  that you have to carry your bike six miles back   to the trailhead you ain't bringing this with you  and so you're right back to the same problem and   you're carrying your bike and so to me this level  of preparedness could be way more effective if in   this bag was like a couple of co2s a plug kit an  inner tube a multi-tool I understand there are   situations where you have to carry your bike  okay I've done bike rides where there's hike   bike sections and I understand that you can blow  up a wheel to the point where it doesn't even roll   I get that but there's a solution to all of these  things so let's say it's your front wheel well   easy solution you do this and you roll it back to  the trailhead and if you need to carry the bike   temporarily for a few seconds you can just pick it  up I hate shouting down like small companies and   entrepreneurs like I really do but this smells  like something from outside the bike industry   where like they think that mountain bikers are  going to use this am I completely wrong about   this is this extremely useful if you are a person  who is looking for something like this it works   everything on it works and it looks like it would  last a long time I just would never ever use it if this next product is what I think it is it's  an emergency bleed kit this is the whole thing   look at how big it is I assume you fill it up  with your own oil because different breaks take   different oil if you are really really prepared  right you're carrying around a backpack you're   going for a long back country ride really cool  to be able to service hydraulic disc brakes if   anything goes wrong if your brakes go mushy  on you for some reason so first of all brake   bleeding on a vehicle or on a mountain bike it's  basically when you have hydraulic brakes sometimes   air bubbles get trapped inside or sometimes  you're low on fluid the act of bleeding them   is making sure there's no air in the system  and you have all just fluid in there you can   screw it into your brake lever or your caliper  with some fluid in here and you can try and get   some bubbles out and get it good enough to get  back to the trailhead I could see this being   kind of useful not much of a mess yeah what can  I say that's pretty brilliant what does it cost   30 US Dollars and it's sold out I mean that's  a pretty fair price for something so specific   to call it a bleed kit I don't know I would call  it a self-enclosed bleed funnel sits well thought   out it's useful there's obviously a lot of people  who need it because it's sold out I'd say good job next up world's lightest bicycle grips 18 grams  I don't even know what bicycle grips normally   weigh let's let's find out okay so first of  all are these 18 grams yeah they're 18 grams   but with the little caps they're 24 grams and  most bicycle grips either have the Caps built   in where they come with caps that's part of  grips and so these are 24 grams that's still   probably really light these feel like nothing  here a set of ergon grips with the ends built   in I love these grips 102 grams okay so you're  saving like 75 off the weight of the grips that's   pretty damn good in my opinion these are only  viable if they're as good as any other grip they're very comfortable it would take a  long-term test to see how these hold up   but it does seem to be made of pretty Durable  foam I prefer just normal rubber grips and I'm   not that obsessive with weight where I would  try to save weight in my grips I just want   the grips that I like the best but I don't  deny that this is important to someone and   grips are a place where apparently you can  easily save 75 grams what do these cost 41   that puts them in like a premium premium price  category for grips I don't know if these would   be worth it to me but they have good reviews  and all Mountain style usually makes really   good stuff and so I would say if you're trying  to save weight on your grips these might be a   good product to look at not for me but they work  and I'm about to test them a little bit further okay next product Riley ramps I assume this  is going to be some kind of a ramp and it's   in a very nice neat package so you can  travel with it you can bring it places   and the same straps that you use to kind  of package it they get used to hold the   ramp together so it doesn't fall apart once  it's set up and that's it real nice I mean   this is definitely like a kid ramp a scooter  ramp balance bike ramp there's not that much   trouble we can get into with it but let's have  a little session on it [Music] thank you [Music] okay not a whole lot I can do on it but I've  determined that it's pretty solid it's well   made no transitions or anything but you wouldn't  expect that on a ramp this small this is the   Renegade and it's priced at 218.99 and they do  advertise balance bikes one Wheels stuff like   that my daughter messing around in the driveway  on a balance bike this is exactly the type of   ramp that I would need it's a good little ramp  and the fact that it's portable is really nice   part of me thinks that 220 dollars is a little  steep but at the same time what are you supposed   to sell something like this for it's not like  it's sold at Walmart and they're going to sell   millions of them this is kind of a niche item if  you're looking for exactly this I mean yeah it's   pretty tough to beat I gotta say it packs back  up really easily like it's the type of thing   where you're like oh that's the last time it'll be  packed up like this no it actually packs up really   easily and it's got a little handle here not bad  as for these grips they're comfortable they're   grippy they did move a little bit I still don't  think I've used them enough or for the proper   discipline to really give it a judgment I'd say  these are probably going to be for people who   are riding cross country yeah it's tough to  say they are comfortable and they are grippy   so these are bamboo handlebars and they're going  to be designed for commuter bikes for maybe a bike   that you're riding on gravel it's not for like  hitting big jumps and drops but these are just   breathtakingly beautiful they have a really nice  sweep too so as you can see in the center here   where the clamp goes there's actually a carbon  fiber sleeve around them these are a hundred bucks   which ah not bad I was about to put them  on the Kent Trouvaille that would be kind   of a travesty I'm gonna put them  on the tall bike oh man [Music] so I can already see one big problem  I'm gonna have to start upgrading other   things on the bike so they look as nice  as the handlebars I'm loving this sweep   loving the shape of These Bars oh I can  really feel the flex like like no joke   no joke these would absorb some it's almost  scary I'm gonna take it on some gravel [Music] one two these are freaking awesome they  Flex so much like way more than you would   want on a bike that you're using for  any type of performance but for like   one of those mountain towns in Colorado that  are more or less flat in the town area and   you're just cruising around your single speed  mountains in the background and you look down   and you just see these beautiful bamboo  bars I'm a huge fan of these I'm going   to come up with some kind of build just  to use these on the build like awesome it's this Stwap the Delta swap repair storage  strap the St web so I normally make it a point   not to review gear straps you know why because the  first time I saw a gear strap I knew everything I   needed to know it's a strap that straps gear to  your bike but this looks intriguing this looks a   little bit different the picture in particular is  just like wow that would be cool if it works like   that so this gear strap gives you a bunch of  spaces to attach your multi-tool and to attach   your CO2 and to kind of put everything together  into one neat package normally you're just kind of   bundling it together and putting a strap around it  and so this is all attached here now we can strap   this around the tube onto the bike it's not really  pretty the way that I just did it I don't know let   me try in a different spot I'm just going to strap  it down up here and see what it looks like it's   not particularly elegant looking like the picture  and maybe that's my fault this is the recommended   usage right here I have it on the tightest setting  it goes and it just doesn't feel as tight as other   gear straps that I've tested it's definitely not  as tight as the decline hot lapse gripper uh what   does this cost okay so it's not expensive it's 20  bucks which seems fair for something like this I   just wouldn't do any to hardcore mountain biking  with this it just doesn't seem secure enough I   think for some people this might be good because  it does give you a lot of spaces to kind of build   your own kit but I just prefer the Dakine hot lap  gripper that's the best gear strap I've ever seen   and it's the only one I use and until I find one  that's better than that yeah of just the other   gear straps I can just have an opinion on but  it's not the one I'm actually using on my bike   so pretty into band of products today I think the  one that kind of stands out to me is this little   bleed kit I've never seen anything like that it's  so stupidly simple it's like if you took a bleed   funnel shrunk it down and stuck a little cap on it  the bamboo handlebars will definitely be making a   reappearance I'm excited to try these valve stems  long term kind of pricey but at the same time if   they stop clogs that's a cool thing but overall  we had a pretty interesting pile of products today   I hope you guys saw something you like today I  hope you learned something if you didn't I hope   you at least found this entertaining thanks for  riding with me today and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 561,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, diy, tools, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors, bike products
Id: 9Ii38OdHjp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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