APRIL 2024 POWER BI UPDATE | What's new, Miguel Myers?!

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hello hello hello he Miguel morning good morning how are you mister oh man I'm good hey thank you for joining I know you are having so many things going on and I really appreciate your time so it's it's always an honor to have you here in in the channel oh no no thank you so much for uh inviting me and I'm excited to show our community what we have yes yes I'm also so ready I know everyone is also ready to see what we have in the April 2024 power B update so this is gonna be great it is gonna be for sure yes yes and I see someone there already waiting for us Brian Chavez so please let us know where you guys are from if you are from South America Europe India from the UK there you go 1977 is from the UK thank you thank you for joining all right so let's go ahead and get started I know we we have so many things going on here and we are desperate to share with the community is that accurate Miguel yeah I'm so happy on this transformation if you have seen starting last year we started with column charts we allow you to have borders around them and then this the Stacked uh column charts you were able to explode them or erode them and we're adding little by little enhancements on line shapes and markers and that's our plan to really change how cars can expose information and in April we are now going into line territory and start making great um additions and that's what we want to show you today that's awesome that's awesome so why don't you tell us more about yourself Miguel I know like I said before you are quite popular but some people might want to know more about yourself if you don't mind please tell us more about your experience powerbi experience and your background of course of course yeah I started working for Microsoft like seven years ago more or less six yeah seven years ago I started just as an agent and then I joined as a full-time employee after a year and my role at the beginning was just to help customers designing reports and I used to travel at in different countries at their headquarters to sit down with their report designers and Executives to really help them how they can improve uh their reports by using the data visualization in powerbi I I so it was basically helping customers then I got the opportunity like last year to become the PM for data visualizations and that's where I started starting in January of 2023 I became a product manager and having been been in charge of core visuals and this year I I am now a PM or Pro product manager for core visuals and Report experience so now I own two different areas that are very connected on the report author I think we lost trory oh can you hear me now yeah I can hear you now yes yeah go ahead okay I see I can hear you now okay go ahead yeah we lo you for a second all right I was saying that uh since I moved with customers and I start working as product manager it has been that my my trajectory all these years yeah I mean we have seen the results it is really astonishing we have seen a lot of changes and we really appreciate that and I know that parv Community is also very excited with these changes I'm going to show you quick yeah and it's actually the community helping us with all this transformation we have Community Representatives they they are part of the development process so they look at what we want to do they verify that this is exactly what we need they give us feedback of things that we need to add to make sure that every month when we launch something is exactly the kind of quality that that the community will expect that's awesome see the coming over there 1977 music 43 so that's the type of appreciation that the community has for you that's good yes oh thank you so much all right all right so before we go deeper into the updates do you have any hobbies oh yeah I like painting uh drawing is my passion uh playing video games usually arcade V video games I am from the 90s so I like uh playing those old school games so I I I spend some time playing video games as well and do doing some activities um as like people just like walking doing some exercise swimming basically that's my hobby and and my hobby the I think the the the one that I like the most is actually working as as product manager is just so exciting for me to work every single day and making this happen it's like a dream that came true yeah I mean if you're enjoying what you're doing it's like you're not you're not working it's just you're having no I'm just enjoying life exactly that's good thank you thank you appreciating that so now let's move on and talk about the powerbi updates for April so at a high level let us know what's going on with these updates well uh like I said we were focusing on columns a lot uh in November we I think December we launched some enhancements for columns in February we did the same thing we allowed columns cluster columns to be overlapped and we did an enhancements for weapon charts now you can make a bar chart rib like add ribbons to bar charts so we did a ton of enhancments for columns and bars a ton of them now it's time for line charts and this one um April is is implementing a foundation of what you're going to start seeing the coming months that it will just get better and better on the things that you can really do with with lines and trust me this like April update is excited and and you're going to be happy and and may is going to be as well excited but this is just the beginning you're going to start seeing more flexibility and things that you will never imagine doing with line charts so this is the the introduction and I hope that you like it and um another thing that is super excited about this feature or this update is the fact fact that we have the 100% stack area chart that we never had we were always relying on the 100% column chart um now there is an area chart that does the same thing as the 100% column chart but sometimes this this visualization is way better for certain aspects um like like seeing information over time with a lot of data the column won't do a good job line are more effective doing that with continuous access is the most effective way and and you can take advantage on those scenarios no that's great that's great and I'm very excited about the line enhancements as well so I'm I'm already ready for for demos now so what do you guys think see okay so I we do have here a couple of examples let's go ahead and share those examples and play with it what do you think let's go all right let's do it let's do this I want to share my screen real quick and like I said if you guys have questions or comments please leave them in the chat at the end of the presentation we'll go over those questions all right I share my screen okay can you all see my screen yeah we can see well at least I can okay good so this is the 100% stack area chat that Miguel was talking about and then let's go over the just let's play with it and if you guys have comments and questions like I said just leave them in the chat so to your point Point Miguel we didn't have this before so this is a totally new visual correct yeah you can find them beside the like like a stacked area chart and yeah and beside the line and cluster column chart yes so it's between those two before if if you want to transform this one into a 100% cul chart so that we we we can show the community the only option we had in the past so this one here yeah so that's what we have and you can see you can see even the axis move from continuous to categorical you cannot see everything you have to scroll and that's why this experience was not right and it was way better to use now the 100% area chart because it respects the the the axis and gives you the the freedom to see in a continuous way so you you can see the full picture without scrolling M no that's a good point that's that's a definitely good point see right there so we don't have to scroll then if we move the filters here you will see the whole period that's awesome y yeah so another another great tool in Your Arsenal yeah for sure and then something that we would chatted about a few minutes ago is that one of the recommendations is that we don't have to add a lot of categories here so in that way we have a better experience correct yeah the it's important well it's a best practice however sometimes if you're really good in data visualizations you have the privilege to break the rules uh but if you're not that expert in data visualizations one good advice is to do not overuse the amount of series that you can see in these kind of charts because it will be really hard for people to to find patterns or comparisons or distributions whatever analysis they want to do ideally uh I was telling yester seven is the maximum ideally four five is like a good number of serious use in these kind of visuals but again um only for experts uh the the rules are meant to be broken exactly thank you thank you for sharing that so Miguel anything else that we would like to play with here with this visual yeah one thing that I was mentioned before to you n is the remember that with the data level enhancements that we did in November this 100% um stack area chart allows you to modify the data labels so by default what we do what what what what we have is the detail data label it's on the detail data label contains a calculation which is 100 uh I think is uh total is the total of the values percent of total sorry have detail here yeah the deta data lbel has a calculation called percent of total that one is was the only option in the past that we had uh users were saying that they would like to see the value instead the percent so what we did is we added these enhancements in November for data labels you you can turn off the detail turn on the value and then you can see the value instead the percentage oops yes uhuh or you can have them or you can have them both on and then you can see them at the same time you see the value and you can see the the the percentage and this 100% um stack area chart allows you to continue doing this enhancements for that that we implemented for data levels so keep taking advantage of it because trust me if you use data labels in a proper way you can enhance your data story a lot exactly yeah and then for this particular case I mean the data is huge here it might not be you know nice to have these labels this value and just activate the percentage it's up to you like you said right yeah up to you or you can have them both or or you can the title as well it's up to you but it's important for you to know this visualization is carrying all the enhancements that we did in the past with cartian exactly and then for those who are asking hey is this already available it's not available yet correct no it's available next week next week yeah so we had ahead of the game here yeah we we just want to show you where it's coming so then you get ready for your creativity mhm yeah this is not available yet so once the April 2024 update is released which is GNA be next week next week so you guys will have this functionalities I guess we are special yeah know and I think they can play with some of these features in service so some yeah sometimes service is a little bit ahead of desktop so go to service see if you can see those options if you can you can start playing them there or you can just wait until the update arrives next week and then you can do directly in desktop okay that's also a good tip great so anything else that we like to explore here for this particular visual no I think that's what we have uh we we can show them now the the enhancements for lines the line enhancements mhm all right let's do this oh that looks so much better okay so tell us more about this this enhancement Miguel yeah yeah this enhancement is adding transparency to lines and people will say why do I want transparency like I don't see the reason so here Nestor designed this report and it's really clear the reason why so uh if you go into the line charts and then you change the transparency you you can see that you can now apply uh the same color to all those series that maybe are not that important and then just change the transparency and that's what he did he has all series selected he can go into the color and then in the color section he'll see transparency and then he can modify that transparency and it will affect them all in this case he's choosing 80 or 90% because that's a good number for him to to see the the other lines as a reference MH and just highlight the one that it really matters to him but he can change this one to 0% 20% 50% and that and that will change the transparency so that's why this is an awesome awesome um addition for sure I'm already yeah yeah just to improve user storytelling yes I really like this one right here and sorry guys for those who are watching us you don't have this yet we are being sarcastic here but you will have it next week okay we yes I really like this like I said before what else do we have here what else can we play with interpolation interpolation enhancements so under lines you're going to see the the regular options lanar smooth and uh step however the the smooth line now contains two types of smooth type or whatever we call that so the monotone and Cardinal monotone is what we already offered back in if I if I am not mistaken that was June I think in June is the month where I believe we introduce wood lights I believe I I might be mistaken however the the next one uh Cardinal it's it allows you to change how much tension you want in your in your line so if you want so so a lot of tension it will look like almost like straight but if you want to smooth the tension of that line it will get smoother and smoother why is this important because in the past people say hey it looks nice but sometimes that curve goes below the area and it might tell another story I would like smoothness but not too much so then it doesn't change the trend that that a lot so now we're giving you the control to find the perfect smoothness to tell that story so this is more than this is more than Aesthetics this again we are we are after enhancing storytelling and that's why we want to give you as much power as possible yeah I mean I can see here it is really really Dynamic yeah and you can see how when when you increase the the the smoothness to 0% you can see how the lower and the higher pcks gets a little bit lower as well so people were complaining about it they didn't want that happening but they want to take advantage of smoothness so now you can control that to not make the line to go that low or or that up but but having a smooth line Y okay and then we do have also you said different types here yeah step has is another one now you have three different type of Step types and you can keep it centered but you in order to do that you need to turn on the marker so then you can see the the steps so here is centered right and now you can just go and say I want before I want to after and those are options that people that know data visualization we were craving for this functionality for the longest time finally it's arriving in the product not anymore as you go yep it's really really Dynamic awesome what else do we have for these line enhancements uh that's basically it there is more that we did for um areas so now you can control areas for your um lines individually before that was not possible uh you can select one and then change the transparency as you go that's the last enhancement that we did for lines in April MH so you can start playing here with also every single theor if you want select each one and then you can change the area as well exactly so that's that those are the ones that's that's that's what we're implementing for you guys y so that's the shade area that you were talking about and you can control and say which ones you want to see and which ones you don't so selecting one and then below that that um drop down you can see a toggle that you can activate or deactivate the area individually per series and then just skip on the one that you think is the one that really matters to have that shade yeah or maybe that you want as a reference who knows a lot of controls you can do a ton of stuff with these new enhancements yeah oh yes we can definitely awesome yeah I'm so ready to keep playing with this thank you thank you for these improvements all right so now we do have also another example here and let me see if I can find the file okay all right so tell us more about this report Miguel yeah this report is it was designed to be accessible so there are people that they cannot distinguish colors really well they see only black and like in Grays black and white uh with the with the enhancements we're doing for columns lines and in the future markers we are allowing report creators to make more accessible reports as well to make sure that you can tell the story without relying on color that much so this example using says multiple functionalities that we added for the button slicer for example the one that netor has selected that's the new button slicer if you haven't tried you're missing it guys you really need to try the new button slicer has a ton of functionalities but this is an a way uh he can change each of these buttons and you can see things are changing this is this is this is a core visual but button it's not a custom visual then at the top uh there's a banner with three icons so those are as well the new button you can use only images to select the whatever option you want in this case each of these ones changes the the the bicycle down there and then if you just want a regular button with text I put an example there at the very bottom that it just the button that we that that that we know it's just simple text with background and the hover selection and all the stuff happening in in in the picture but this is giving you a good idea that the new button slicer is one of the most flexible slicers we have implemented and this is in in the next months we're just going to get better and better like this is not stopping the other thing that I did in this uh report is I added the new car visual you can see at the very top uh the Nar visual has the reference labels uh in in in the reference labels uh we added the call out the value the label an image that that you can use as well as as a design touch you you can find actually you can change those reference labels from the from the bottom to the right side that's a new addition that we added last last month so please try that out as well uh and and the and the The Car Vision will continue enhancing like this is not the yeah select all all series and then go to options yeah it's already expanded and then change from left to right so that's that's something that we added and you can make your cars like look like that in this design uh we just kept it as the traditional way in the bottom but now you can move it to the right if that's what you want yeah all right the other amazing thing is all this is one single visual guys this is not like multiple visuals overlapping even the the the bicycle at the left side is the new car visual oh yeah yeah I see that so if you select that one uh n no not the yeah no the the background the background mhm that and move it it's one single visualization it's the new car visual wow and you see those three three values at the bottom where it says yeah those three uhuh those are the reference labels the same was as I have other in the other cards in the in the dark area but in in here they are white the this section is white so you can do you can really do a lot of good uh designs with reducing a lot those overlapping situations that we had where you need to create a lot of layers to to to design a good visual the Newar visual is super flexible that you can do a ton of amazing stuff but this one uh is a is an example of how how far you can take your design skills and your storytelling skills with the new enhancements that we doing for powerbi so it's super important guys you look at the community uh ideas you look at our channels you follow up on the latest uh enhancements and practice practice and practice because the only way you can reach Mastery yeah practice that's that's a really good point and we were playing this morning with the visuals and then I was just having a hard time you know it's because I don't have a lot of practice so you have a really good point there it's all about practice let's talk about another scenarios of the ones that are coming in April so here you can see at the right side the 100% stack 100% start column chart so for that visualization that's only that that's the only thing we had you can see he can change the colors and we can see each of those columns changing um depending his selection in on the bicyle now there are disadvantages on this one at this moment because maybe it's not the ideal visualization to use and I'll tell you why even though that we are saying hey this is the yellow one this is the green one so then people that cannot see colors they can follow the story and they cannot rely on colors still not that effective if you want to take the effectiveness to make an accessible report for color blindness uh more appealing or more uh effective then select now the 100% um option at the right side next for me yeah one right here yep so we can see the visualization so here is we can see every single one we can see the serial it says P it says purple they can see the names they they can see the the the values even before selecting so they can have a reference and they can identify which category is which and they can continue selecting the the option and those options will will tell them the kind of story that they that they would like to see and this is responsive he can change as well the one of the products uh maybe change it for electric maybe or something else at the very top on the sler all right here y you can see how things are changing at the right side in the in the stack um area chart and the labels as well get bold you you can see the percentage depending that selection that he does with that slicer at the top or the bottom you can see that happening which is is one of the amazing stuff of this this this visual yeah but this is great okay so awesome very very Dynamic and and to your point it's it's how you want to tell the story right it's yeah it's how you want to tell the story so in this case select the the electric type and then change uh some of the colors so that they can see how look so now we are highlighting the Yellow Part uh the the the zal labels at the right says yellow that one is now bigger highlighted he can move now into into the next color and it continue going up as a report Creator I don't need color I don't I if I'm using all colors like yellow the green the purple and the pink all together stack on each on top of each other so people that that they don't see colors they only see black white and Grays they won't see a difference they they won't see which is which but with these enhancements that we're adding for for for area and line charts you can really take the design to the next level and make sure that you accommodate to those scenarios this is just like everything that I'm designing here it's super important for our audience to know is not that I'm saying you need to design in this way what I'm saying here is if my design requirement as a report Creator is to create a report that is accessible for color blindness then I will take advantage of the new functionality that we added and design things like this of of the things that you are saying so yes that's just just that's just an example of how far you can take those enhancements it's it's more than just applying transparency for the sake of adding transparency it's to really enhance uh or enhance user uh storytelling or as well to be able to meet um requirements for for for your report MH now in and if we go to the next page or in the next step no in the next step of this seg one where yeah that so when when we are here remember we added the the closer no no the overlap cluster so so now I can see for example I don't need to like like as a as a as a person that cannot recognize colors I can still I I'm still able to compare the previous year and the past year because the the previous year is behind and it and it has a border around the the column so again I am not rely on color anymore I'm using patterns and shades in order to understand the story you can change another color another uh um bicycle type and and they can see how this like here you see the difference again I'm taking advantage of the features that we added for columns and enhancing it so then people use these patterns instead rely on color usage if we change this one into a line chart yeah so so yeah Green is perfect so now let's let's change this one into line chart at the right side no at the right side of the visual there is a panel up oh yeah yeah right here yeah okay got it so here let's let's let's take a let's take a look of the features that we added in this report let's select that that visualization the line chart and what we can do here is we can add like we can try the the smooth smoothness which we already did [Music] and N is trying to get used to the options yes yes I mean there are so many things that I need to get used to for sure yeah so here so here is this is a good way like 50% % of cardinal I think in my opinion is a good smooth way in my opinion I don't like when it's too much I don't like when it's too little that's what I prefer however for example step is the one that I I will I would like to explore here so on the step uh let's let's make this visual stepped and let's make it and let's make it before there you go like that perfect so now let's talk about the air enhancement that I was talking about so let's select the area chart and turn it on the the the shade area oops M uh this one right here yeah and then expand shade area options then select select uh 2022 and and L turn off that shade area this one right here Y no yes that no turn it on again uhhuh and turn off the shade area for 2023 all right so now select 2020 uh go to lines lines and then select uh previous year and for the line for the color make the line um 100% transparent 100% MH so then we can remove that line and then go to the markers markers M go to the markers uhhuh and turn off markers for uh previous year there you go the to in the toggle below the drop down right there no right again below the drop down there is a tole turn it off all right here yeah all right and now go back to go back to the area chart or shade area sorry shade area area what is that right here okay select previous year and make it 80% transer 80% and then Miguel you can tell me after this if I pass the test how about that all right like you you can use this option for example to see the area that that that we're seeing there just a reference just shadeed or or or or if this is too light just make it uh 50% 70% whatever option you you would like to see that's that's perfect so here this is an example you see all the control that that that we have now before it was impossible to create this kind of visualization impossible you can use this one to enhance the the story the line is what matters however maybe a line being gray it was not enough for me to see the the comparison between 2023 and the previous year so now with this uh enhancements that we did to our data visualization that the story is clear it's so much easier to identify hey I Can See Clearly that in in April in the in the month of April we were higher than than this year or or 2023 or 2022 I don't know what year that is but but the rest of the year every single other month 2022 was higher except for that month with with these changes that we did we're making that so much easier to identify that if it was just a single lineon um so again take advantage of that uh read uh best practices and and and be creative to to Really expose that information that can matter a lot to your organization yes and then I'm pretty sure Miguel you're going to be writing an article about these enhancements correct that's correct I'm going to write an article regarding uh each of these settings as usual and you're gonna see that in our blog you're going to see that in our LinkedIn account in we will have a LinkedIn uh Channel and and there we have like a good uh documentation and blogs how you can take advantage of them we are trying to keep everything up to date because we know that these changes are moving so many things and it's so hard to keep up on the changes so we are doing a lot of work to make sure that it's clear and it's always up to dat yes so you're talking about the parv core visuals on LinkedIn corre on LinkedIn please follow us there look at the at the blogs that we have if you haven't seen the enhancements for the button slice or the new car visual we have good information there go to that uh BBI core visuals in LinkedIn and read about them so uh Serve Yourself yes yes that's really helpful cool beans let's see what else do we have here or I think that's it I think that's it awesome now let's go over the questions we have a couple of questions there and thank you everyone for sharing your questions this is the time my friends if you can share your questions so we're going to go over a few questions take advantage of it all right let's see let's go over the questions here this is not a question but this excitement canot wait to see it totally agree with this statement thank you for sharing that so let's go with the other another one here 1977 music 43 says in Miguel's last stream that I caught on another Channel while you were a bead okay you were a bead you mentioned you to vote on ideas and changes coming is that available yet no no no uh yeah we're working on that we're designing um a dashboard where you can see every idea that we have in our rad map that we're seriously planning to develop uh so then you you you have a whole scope of where are we going how we are doing it and we will ask your corporation to participate to vote and even add comments saying hey I know that you're making changes or you you're planning to do additions for the calendar slier for example that that is coming please guys don't forget to add this a b and c capability that I need so it's it's a dashboard that unifies them all allows you to connect with the product team and and help us to prioritize the work so then we can move faster in that road map for that particular dashboard my team is working intensively to get all pieces together and then we are planning to publish that around June or at the end of May that's our uh deadline I everything is moving as expected so I hope that we will meet at deadline okay yeah and you guys will publish this on your LinkedIn website yeah yeah it will be fully available for like public available guys um I think I think it's gonna be amazing yes cool thank you for sharing that let's go over another question here is it a is this a question or just a comment I really miss small multiple new cards as it will reduce the number of measures we have to create yeah you have any comment here yeah yeah uh that's coming next right now we're focusing on getting actions for the new car visual which is our next um M after that one we are seriously planning to to not do Trends to do small multiples first because it's it's faster and cheaper for us to get that functionality plugged into the new car Visual and then finally we will accomplish the last monster for the Newar visual which is allowing you to add Charts within the T with with within each card so that's multiples for the nuclear is going to come sooner than expected so just uh hold on we be patient yeah I know it's hard but it is get there even for me it's hard I behind the scenes and I like I need everything faster please move faster yes that's good that's good that this is coming all right let's go over another question here will this report be available to play with after the release date yes answer the question yes yes it will be available once the release is is done next week so we're gonna have the a link there for you guys to play with it with the report and this is thanks to Miguel anything else we add that yeah netor we have the privilege to host this file and once I have the block I'm going to put this video as for many other people to continue looking at the functionalities that we're showing here and then you can download both files the one that n designed and the one that I designed this is the file that I will use in in 2024 so that means that this file is not the is this is not the final stage I will continue adding more and more pages I will add more and more enhancements so then you can learn the the best um ways to use these new features and and see how evolves how how how how this report can get better and better along each of the grades that we Implement yes but Nessa will have the first version yes thank you thank you for the question thank you Miguel for for sharing that as well all right let's see Talking of talking of field color will you add a pattern feeli like Excel of course of course that's one of our major Mouse Stones we need to add patterns that's why people are asking why are you doing this if it's useless I want patterns well let me tell you that in order to and to add pattern in powerbi we need to have infrastructure to support their their control so everything every single thing that we adding like transparency and applying uh settings to each of these serious to turn off a shade uh the shade area is just preparing the the format pain in the infrastructure for us to add patterns and then give you full control over them if we do not do the other steps first it will be tough to control the the patterns it will apply them to all serious we don't want that we want to give you full flexibility so pattern is is in our it's on its way but before we're going to make sure that you have full control over columns bars lines markers and and that includes eror bars includes uh forecast lines it includ includes shapes for stack area charts um I'm sorry for for scar charts Etc so let's start giving you that control so then when we Implement patterns you can take advantage of them yes yes that's that's good to know as well thank you let's see more questions here when should we expect small multiples from I think we answer this question did we no no no no I said that this coming but I didn't say one okay all right all right so this semester uh and semesters in in Microsoft this semester starts in April and ends in September then the next one is October to March so this semester which is April uh September we are focusing on actions for the new car visual the next semester which is between October and March the next one will be for small multiples so it needs to be around that time between those those six months uh when exactly no idea but I can tell you it will be in that time frame okay thank you it's another comment I'm eagly waiting for actions as well oh yeah just wait just wait yeah before actions uh we are implementing tool tip enhancements because actions require tool tips to to function properly so the the tool tip alone just the tool tip alone that we're going to add those tool tip uh improvements is is a is a game changer so then once we finish that and we introduce actions for the new car visual using this to enhancements is going to be pH phenomenal you're going to be like so happy to use the new car visuals more and more trust me I cannot hide my my happiness it will be stunning yes thank [Music] you thank you so much for all the work and efforts that you and your entire developer team is putting to make the develop we developers life easier and smoother to convey our data stories effectively yeah it's a it's a team effort and and the community is part of the team so a lot of community members the community in LinkedIn Twitter and other channels they they they share ideas they complain they they they as well give us recognition of the word that we are doing everything good in lab every collaboration every every feedback in any way is helping us we are listening we are collecting your feedback we are working with the engineers and designers to make sure that we cover those uh requirements and again thank you uh Community for engaging us it's both ways yes team effort here yeah patterns will allow native ibcs charts any of course ibcs is in my scope I want to support them as much as I can and right now it's going to be tough because we need to do a lot of workarounds to emulate ibcs for example the one the the visual that Nestor shows where we can overlap that's coming from ibcs but then people are using air bars in very creative ways to create a distance between uh those overlap columns makeing it a little bit tough for for new users to be to achieve those kind of ibcs styles uh but little by little I'm introducing those um functionalities that right now is hard to manage but it's possible but later on I will make it super easy just to click on an option and get the ICS chart that that you want to do and obviously the fact that we want to introduce patterns for columns uh plays a role and we want to make sure that we support a lot of those uh instructions that ibcs is giving us to make clear data visualizations awesome there you go no no thank you thank you thank you for being here as well and then I have another one here with all this amazing new functionality the challenge will be navigating the settings oh yeah tell me tell me that I was just playing with it and it's it takes a little bit to get used to the functionalities and the features yeah yeah remember that I am uh this year I I became the PM for the report experience team so that means that before I was not I didn't own the the format pain or the uh um slicer pain or the build pain like or nothing like that was another another PM an object for example was not mine it was another PM now I own that area and that means I have uh the commitment to sit down with my designers and engineers and create a a a really well defined plan to enhance the way that you use the format pain and the whole report experience as a whole thing that means that I have plans to make this job so much easier and I and you saw Nestor how he was trolling to get into those settings going back and forth back and forth that's that's that's horrible uh don't worry the same way the same attention in care I'm putting into Data visualizations I'll do it with an object with the format pain with a ribbon with everything we have there it will be so much easier more intuitive faster and I just just give me time to Define that strategy and show that to my little years and then we can start executing that in the following semester in we supposed to start working on the new enhancements for the report experience between um between October and and March so don't worry uh those challenges will will will get improved yeah and yeah it's sometimes I mean I'm just talking about my experience sometimes it's it feels like it's hidden there somewhere it's hidden but I don't know where it is so yeah that would be very helpful for everyone thank you for working on that yeah no worries cool cool cool I think that's all the questions that we have so far I know we're almost done here do you have anything else Miguel that I may have missed that you want to tell the no no no I think please uh again I will repeat this in every single webinar keep engaging us reach out to our channels uh tell us what what is your experience with new features good or bad feedback I take it all as amazing feedback for us to improve your voice matter we are not discarding every comment we are actually we have tools to monitor when somebody is approaching us and we classify everything so don't worry we we're listening carefully and we're acting upon those um requirements requests from you guys keep doing that because that's how we will reach success together yes and then we don't take things personally as well right no no no no no no absolutely not nothing is personal everything is a is a growth experience so for me uh be as rude as you want um or or be as kind as you would like to everything everything is classified properly so if if you're being rude on a problem I don't care how rude that is I care about the problem that you're talking about I take everything else away and I'm just focused on that I extract it classifying it and make sure that we develop those enhancements in the that's a really really good point yeah Y and then for those who don't know you also speak a different language so you guys can send also messages in your native language correct yeah I only speak Spanish and bad English so if it's French I will use Google translator or something to to understand what what you're saying but no worries send in any language you want technology right now is enough to help me to understand what you're trying to say cool cool cool another one this is the last one say a better Bild ingred could be great too oh yeah yeah for for the new report experience team they own those great stuff uh the canvas the I mean the be canvas the GDs the layout uh like they own that area which means I own that area now don't worry a part of my my strategy is not just enhancing the the form pain on object no no it's it's the whole area including that that grd that you're mentioning uh and as well I will create a dashboard the same thing as I want to do for core visuals so then you can see the entire road map and collaborate with us on on the feature enhancements for that area for for that other team great this is great all right so for those who want to connect go ahead no no I said go Ahad all right yeah now I was about to say for those who want to connect with you what are your channels I know we talk about this before so you are on LinkedIn here yeah I am make sure that you guys follow Miguel he has really good tips so you will be an expert after a few a few days that you're following him and then you are also on X my Miguel and then also like we said before you guys need to follow this LinkedIn page as well power Cod visuals and then I think that's it let's see well there's another comment here just to close this Juan Ariel Fernandez says much Miguel and then they said you are a God among man good no way all right nice nice right guys so next week make sure that you uh play on those um new functionalities stay stay alert on the file that you can download so that you can get sped and follow us please and make sure that don't miss that yes so Miguel thank you again for your time it was it was really helpful to learn the new functionalities that we're going to have in April 2024 and talk to you later all right see you thank you guys
Channel: Nestor Adrianzen
Views: 810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi tutorial, power bi reports, power bi demo, April 2024 Power BI Update, Power bi update, PBI Core visuals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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