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[Music] typical Yanks doing a block wall and putting down a bunch of guncrete it's too wet it's going to drip down and crack they act like if it's too dry it's not going to adhere to the cement block I'm not going to lie I'm exhausted my back hurts all right we took a time out we had to rethink our plans through I would not recommend doing this what's up guys welcome back today is a big day for us because we are doing something that most people would hire Professionals for stucking our wall they say probably you shouldn't do this because it takes a little skill and talent and we don't care about that right well you seem to have some wiggle room on exactly what you'll accept you want something a little more rustic not necessarily unfinished but a little more you know it doesn't have to be perfectly flat and smooth smooth so you know it's our own wall we can accept whatever work we do and if we don't like it we can tear it down um there is some Artistry too stucko it's not just like throwing concrete on the floor and making it flat so I'm a little concerned about that another trepidation is that this particular product we're working with is pretty expensive so you really don't want to blow it um so there is that but either way we got a lot of work to do we got a long way to go and a short time to get there so you know we got to we got to get to work we're both going to be handson today so for all you old all people that tell me I don't do anything today I actually have to do something come put that war to work put her to work so y'all going to get to see Kristen with a shovel in her hands today cuz she going to be my Runner yeah college boys going to be on [Music] [Applause] [Music] site all right so since this is our first time and we're learning we decided to start on the back of the wall and the furthest away Corner that only we're ever going to see in case we mess it up real bad um so we're going to work it out here everyone I see works from the bottom to the top with their stucco everyone starts dragging on the bottom and going up so I have to clear out this grass some of these rocks so that I have a nice clean approachable station to do so that's what we going to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so next we're going to wet the wall uh it's been out here for you know a month or two uh maybe even longer six weeks so it's gotten some dust on it it's accumulated some dirt so we're going to pressure wash it off person got me this little pressure washer little electric pressure washer it's good for lighter Duty jobs be great for cleaning a car something like that I did hit a little spot on the RV just to show Chron it's cleaning Powers so we're going to go ahead and knock this down now get it pressure washed off and then we're going to be ready to start mixing and running and gunning [Music] [Music] it's time now to start mixing the stucco let's hope I can keep up a good consistency if it's too wet it's going to drip down and crack they act like if it's too dry it's not going to adhere to the cement block cinder block whatever it's called so I got to get this right Matt's going to be helping me though so let's see how this goes I got my safety gear I am ready to go [Music] [Music] does it look like the right consistency we going to find out okay it looks like it's going well right right it's adhering [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys that was pretty difficult but we pulled it off I feel like it looks really good it's exactly what I envisioned when I wanted like a Mediterranean Vibe I feel like it looks really good how do you feel I feel like it turned out real well I'm happy with it you know it looks it's a good like natural kind of raw finish which is kind of what we wanted to blend in with the jungle we didn't want to make anything too big gray concrete slabs that a lot of my English people from England seems to get really mad when you build a block wall or something I've seen a lot of comments they're like typical Yanks doing a block wall and putting down a bunch of concrete and I'm like dude I know you drive on roads I know you live in a house with walls like don't be acting like you live in a mud hut just cuz you're from England but anyway yeah so we're doing it I look I like the way it looks it's very natural um definitely looks much more beautiful than the black wall uh like when we're walking around now I just kind of catch it looking through different ways and looks really pretty I think it looks really really nice it was maintainable um this took 10 bags to do and we had a little bit left over so I'm happy that the cost is going to be down um I was thinking that we' get as much done as we got with like the concrete bags and I the sacr don't go real far when you're filling them boid so I said oh man what if it takes 100 bags of this it's going to be two grand worth of Stucco but it's going to be less you know 700 worth of Stucco something like that but I think when it's all said and done you know the money that we're going to have in this wall versus how beautiful it's going to look I think we're killing it I think we're you know making dollar for dooll on this for sure and what you think about college boy you killed it you killed it she was you know a few times guys my arms are sore though I feel I feel the soreness of scooping I have weak wrists so yeah we had to adjust you know a normal person would just stick the shovel in and throw it on a stick but she was Johnny on the spot with it she was ready she stick the trial in there and she fed it out and then brought it to me so it was good it worked real well I think we both had a real good Pace going together it'll only get better from here that's the thing with these projects you know you never know how fast they're going to go off you never know exactly what's going on clearly not to cry but you do have to film as well otherwise we can't take youall on for the journey so yeah we're going to get more done tomorrow and this is just we're going to knock this out yeah I think we going to get it done and I think it's going to look really really pretty once this is done then we get the gates in get the fence in get the Landscaping down the grading and then the gravel that's going to be nice it's going to be beautiful and hopefully we get all that done before we got to get married let's see it's few days later it has been raining nonstop here we knew we every time we thought about this sun was kind of shining we're like maybe we could do it and finish this stucco but we didn't want to ruin the project so we waited it out Matt got a Shader for emergencies today it looks sunny but you never know we're going to go for it anyways we have a whole chocolate waterfall now when it rains all the all the waterfall did you think we had a real chocolate waterfall you made a face like you were confused we had a Yoo River so that's besides a point we're going to get into it today you have any last words before we slave and my wrists are broken absolutely none I'm ready to rip and ride I think we got you set up for success and we're going to get done what we can get done if we got a peace meal to stucko into 10 different parts that's what we're going to do and I'm wearing the same outfit again because I'm not going to ruin multiple outfits me too me too so don't call us stinky we're just trying to be good boys and girls because these will be getting thrown in the trash after this stuck up well this is one of my GB shirt so I can't throw it in they can't be saved they cannot be saved yes they [Music] can all right guys so we're going to start in the front what's going to be facing the road we had our good practice session on the back everything came out quite all right so now we're going to work it on the front so that we can finish off this section the front wall without the gates so far is three separate section so we're going to do them this one that one and that one so yeah we're going the front now because the Sun is behind the wall so it keeps the sun off of the fresh tucko which should give us a little more workability time because last time that heat was beaming around the wall and it dried like 15 minutes after putting it up so as soon as you could get it on it was about dry so we going to rip it that way and it's we're going to get the job [Music] done [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got the front wall put on the stos put on we're having a little trouble I think with the humidity is different and the temperature is different than the first time not being in the sun we had a little bit of curtaining maybe our mixture was made a little too wet but overall I think it's coming out pretty good we're just working on smoothing it out now [Music] all right so we got the bulk of that big wall done this is the biggest tallest section of the wall so we got a good shoulder burn reaching up there to do that we almost had a crisis because we had a dry mix we had we had two dry bags put in and then adding the water which made it kind of clumpy and it was a little bit harder to deal with but we were able to fa out crisis averted we're going like I said for the very natural kind of Greek looks like you just rubbed it on there with your hands kind of style so it can't really come out too bad we're just trying to stay away from trial marks and you know where it looks like we don't know what we're [Music] doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we took a time out we had to rethink our plans through we're having a little bit of issues there's a little bit of curtaining and gooping it's nothing major there's a few holes so we kind of had to fix some of that up but what we think is that earlier Matt said we didn't want to be in the sun cuz it was drying so fast but I think now and you let me know what you think that that actually was helpful it drying faster because now it's just kind of sitting wet and then having time to slide down the mix is staying a lot more wetter no matter how hard I triy to make it a drier mix it ends up getting wetter it's just like even the wall is like colder and wet cuz it's been raining for a lot of days so yeah the humidity is through the roof um basically and we're learning this we're new stuck oers but yeah like this wall that I sprayed three and a half four hours ago this morning is still damp all the way throughout it so um the mud for sure is not drying out nearly at all there's a puddle that I dropped off of the spatula in the shade like an hour and a half ago that's still like extremely wet so we weren't getting any curtaining at all on the very first one and now we are a little bit which is fine we're just going back and having to mind it but I think if we get on the sunny side we can get that other side done today and then hopefully this one can dry out tomorrow if we don't get any rain and then this one will be ready to go then yeah we're GNA keep going maybe that's not the best decision we're doing it anyway done it's stuck on a wall and it to have it done and be over with is better than us saying we can be get a professional finish it takes time if we got to go back over and scratch coat it to even it out later we got to do that but it's coming out got to pop we're not being negative we're just trying to make sure it comes out [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] we pretty much finished the back wall of this side I'm not going to lie I'm exhausted my back hurts I feel like I have muscles that are just like stabbing out of my body like I'm getting really buff and these trays you know on camera I bet it looks like I'm not doing much but this is a lot of hard work so all those people that say I never do anything make sure in the comments you tell me what a great job I'm doing I want to see all the great job christens you're killing it christens I want to see that all in the comments so take your time right now and go type it [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he we got it done it took all day I'm pretty tired I'm going to have arms like Miley Cyrus at the gramys I'm getting buff guys my skin is gotten rubbed raw this stucco eats right through the gloves has dried my hands out so bad I would not recommend doing this unless you really want your stucco done I mean you could always hire a guy to do it but then where would be the fun in that um I think it looks really good though I think when it's all said and done it's kind of what I had envisioned you know for what Kristen had envisioned cuz that's what I do here at sailing GBU I wait till she envisions something then I try to Envision what she's envisioning but I think it looks about there you know it looks really good against the backdrop of like the jungle when you catch it glimpses of it there and I think it you know couldn't look much better in my opinion for a couple of full-blown rookies first time and uh so this is an expensive product though so it's pretty much fail safe right yeah I mean some of these things there's an art to it but it's like being a bartender this is a one in-one mix so you don't have to be a Roman Coke yeah you don't have to be a bartender to make a Jack and Coke or Roman Coke you mix the water with this and you spread it out the wall and all that was straight we we really tried to pay attention to everything we were doing so you know make it a/ in slide it try to keep it about right there and then you take a step back if it looks too wobbly you hit it again but we'll see tomorrow morning when the sun comes up over there it'll be beaming on the wall and I remember I thought that my blocks were looking really nice and straight and the next day when I saw that Sun hitting it at an angle and I was like oh Lord Jesus I'm fired but uh yeah so I'm hyped I think and once Kristen does the land scaping and you know the gates I think it's going to be a very welcome inviting hey this is cool you know this is a nice luxury area yeah so thanks for watching guys we couldn't get much done this week because of the rain but we did get this done I feel great about it it's one step closer to making our dreams a reality yep hopefully we can get this whole front area done before the wedding wouldn't that be nice thanks for watching guys make sure check out our patreon if you want to chitchat with us oneon-one or anything like that real time updates and make sure you like subscribe if you're new subscribe and we'll see you next week bye
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 151,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qEvLRtnZsdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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