This Ocean-Going Catamaran Project Is Coming Together!

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[Music] all righty then little TB plate [Music] last week I was messing around with this m step wedge because I got my sales and I realized I need to put my mask at a three or 4 Dee angle for the optimum sailing performance and for the sails to fit after a day of planing we're almost there so yeah just going to glue everything down I was going to clamp it but I'll just put a big weight on it the Mast foot and then should be all right I'm using fting blend which sets really really hard it's for structural fillets and stuff so should be good for this ladder ladder oh no I've really mess this up I I pretty much need to clamp it down I think uh hopefully before the epoxy sets [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no oh [Music] no that turned out to be all right cual got epoxy everywhere made a few mistakes firstly putting too much filler on because I got the levels pretty much exactly right cuz there was quite a layer of filler in there when I went to push it down it moved to the side and because the at a 3 4 degree angle uh they sort of slid away my epoxy started to set uh but I've pretty much wiped off most of the epoxy filler and I've just stuck it down with a very very fine layer of epoxy filler under them so it's not looking too bad but uh I'll make sure once the epoxy is set just to PL it down again to get a good level for this to go on uh but yeah that that got a bit ugly [Music] this is annoying this is sort of my bedroom area and there was a little bulge just coming through the paint on both sides of this bulkhead and I just thought I'll just scrape it away fill it and stuff but as I was digging I noticed there's like this fungus that got under the plywood and in one of my really really early episodes in this refit I pulled out this thing and I wasn't sure what it was I thought it was a wasp's nest but it was obviously some sort of fungus and that fungus looks like it's sort of spread around this area I wanted to get this done because just above this bulkhead one of the beams uh goes across and that's sort of one the bean that sort of supports the Mast so I thought you know if there is something wrong here then it's quite an important place for it to go wrong and yeah the bulkhead is like pretty dry it's almost like a dry rot here so I don't really know what to do whether to cut out a section of the bulkhead I don't want to replace the whole thing cuz that would be really difficult really difficult so I'll probably just end up cutting out a section of the bulkhead but I need to make sure I get all of the rot out all of this fungus I it's not like a rot it's not just water it's it's an actual fungus and it's uh quite scary and really annoying and it's a big job a big job that I didn't want to have but I have [Music] it I think there's only one way at least take this bit out and then hopefully I don't have to go further but it's possibility a [Music] [Music] what a nightmare this [Music] is so I was hoping that this bit just went all across and then the bulkhead was just notched onto it so the bulkhead was glassed here but it's not the bulkhead goes in and it's like little bit soft there ah it's not too bad it's it's a little bit like not good and so the bulkhead is actually in there but the bulkhead is notched around these stringers uh off camera here so I just need to chip all that out I'm going to have to just f forget that the only good news is that the stringers are not affected by this fungus the out the outer skin plywood is not affected by it it was just this interior insulation panel and this bulkhead and it seemed the rot seems to have gone in between the layers of the plywood obviously this is all separated by a layer of epoxy so it's fine but it's just all of it sus suspect my dad's going to bring some plywood when he comes so I can yeah if I get everything ready it shouldn't be too much of a pain in the ass of a job just like to say RP to this chisel luckily I can sharpen them now pretty well so I'm not too bothered [Music] [Music] all righty there in little template just waiting on getting some plywood some 12 mil to make that but yeah should be all right plywood on the outside is all good and this seems good from here down and up here so should be all [Music] right all my running rigging and my diema loads of shackles cuz I'll need those to attach my rigging these are my Thimbles for my diema which are extra reinforced they were about 8 or 9 each I think €9 it's crazy isn't it some galvanized shackles mased wiring an antenna a little windy thing for the antenna and just miscellaneous pins and little mini shackles also more splic stuff so yeah massive thanks for watching these videos for all your likes and your comments and subscribing and my patrons and coffee givers super thanks and paypals thank you so much this is all down to you I've been saying that a lot recently but all these purchases are thanks to you so thank you so much it's helping me to get the uh the boat going and yeah a lot of this stuff is going to help me get my MK up so yeah thank you so much again so I do feel like I've really upped my game with my craftsmanship over the last few weeks I've been taking a lot of time to do stuff what you're about to see now is definitely an exception to that behold my new fuel tank support system is lashed on this platform is loose at the moment kind of it's just strapped down and it's yeah on some stainless steel support pieces which are lashed on I just sort of made it with materials that were hanging around and it's a solution for now definitely a lot of things WR with this like the holes in the stainless just against rope that's probably going to chafe but yeah I'll uh adapt and evolve this one as it goes but for now it should keep the tanks uh safe in re light weather [Music] so I've been dying to paint this cuz obviously epoxy and direct sunlight is not very good and uh there's a lot of rain these days it's just sort of showers for a little while it's not too disturbing it's sort of disrupts your flow a little bit but it's all all right these are pretty much flat now a pretty continuous angle so yeah I'm just going to paint it with Epoxy paint and yeah tidy everything up cuz tomorrow my parents are coming loads of work that we can do together so so yeah uh hopefully the weather will be kind to us but I'll get these painted up and then clean up a little [Music] bit oops [Music] well my parents have brought the Great British weather with them it's a real shame but they're here for a week and hopefully we'll have some nice weather I love it when they come because I can just film while they do all the hard work no no I'll do some I'll do some work too so I've been hoing on about this for a long time but yeah there's two oil seals that we need to change uh there was water in the oil and hopefully it'll be pretty easy to get uh everything apart it was difficult for me to take it off but this is the oil seal that we need to change but we need to take the shaft out to access it so we need to take this gear off there's a little nut there which we need to take out just try and get good purchase on both sides right yeah just try go yeah okay there we go I think that's just like a a washer yeah it's like a Thrust what there a bearing goes on that it's like a Thrust bearing yeah that's the thrust bearing at the bottom here okay [Music] there we go all righty so I've got the replacement one there's another one in there you what there another one in there oh the I bought the oil seal but there's two of them oh flipping up yeah so there's two oil seals so the place where I got these oil seals it's it's about half an hours driveway which really isn't too bad as it there's also another oil seal on the prop shaft which we need to change and there's we need two for that as well so perhaps tomorrow tomorrow morning we uh drive up to to get the parts but it's good that we've got everything to pieces and we know we can take it apart but they are proving really difficult to get out these seals um I don't think this engine's been taken apart to this extent that that's out [Music] so Mom what's your plan what are you up to I'm I've made a start by clearing all this lot out everything's in bin liners so maybe find a little home for everything yeah and at the moment I'm just sanding the paint work down and then and I'm going to paint it right I could be doing one of two things couldn't tell what could they be sanding or painting sanding and painting C or cleaning that's the one you are not as thick as you look what you look a bit simple anyway let me get on with it oh yeah so time is money you've done a lot of work in this cabin and there just are just a few little bits that just need finishing off it's just really this area I'm calling this the closet right and this is for your clothes and Camera stuff and your plants will go there yeah two new plants to new pants yeah bought you a peace lily so that'll always bring you peace and Harmony on the high seas of the ocean yeah that was 1225 from Aldi I love this I don't know what it is but it looks a little bit like me bonsai a bonsai yeah I thought it was a bit of a Bonsai so apart from this which needs fixing and then painting the whole thing whole cabin will be painted won't it yep it'll all be done start looking like a home but I think it's like your dad said and I said this there's no way we painting over that it be sacri sacr oh it would because that's your well it's a nice talken of you know mine and my favorite parents work together you D yeah so me and my dad have just been putting on the fittings for this aft beam uh because it's taking up valuable dingy space uh we're going to have to use the dingy to put the bottom end on the engine on uh we've got the parts ready to pick up from the store so we'll go and do that after we've uh well we'll try and fit the beam hopefully it goes on the same [Music] it's probably about qu an inch out or you're joking so it's not quite fitting but uh I kind of expected it because we sanded down uh the block a little bit uh but yeah uh my dad will have a solution for that I'm sure it's a good job we came to the shop because I ordered the wrong one hopefully they've got the right one in stock yeah there's just a couple small score marks where the slight where the seals been the two seals have been running in the past there's still resistance there so should be [Music] okay that one's in so how this well sealed cuz it's kind of nonh hardening um seant it just feels any voids [Music] this is good when you've got metal to metal surfaces and because it doesn't actually go off it don't actually go and rub it or anything like that it's just really good for it stays playable all time [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a bit smaller that's the end of the video but fortunately parents are here for a bit longer so we're going to have uh some some more work to do that little uh engine leg is ready to go on but yeah thanks so much for watching what does everyone need to do Mom subscribe that's it and like and nice comments if you send any bad ones mom will be there anyway she'll sort you out if oh look at that Big B there wow it's a big one well yeah no thanks so much for watching thanks for like I said PayPal's patrons super thankks coffee givers yeah just by watching liking and commenting it helps more than you would think so thank you so much all right see you next week loads of work to be done bye-bye h
Channel: Wildling Sailing
Views: 49,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, wildlings sailing, wildling sailing, project boat
Id: 3EePs9mz8q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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