Apple Motion Dynamic Text | 3 Tutorials | No Templates

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what's up guys today i'm going to show you how to make three different dynamic text animations these are the kind of like dynamic or kinetic text that you might find on a template on a site like motion array but knowing how to create them yourself is definitely really valuable because a you'll save money but b sometimes those templates don't perfectly fit the amount of text or the font that you want to use and it doesn't look quite right so today i'm going to show you how to make three looks on your own the first one is going to be focused on using anchor points to create the look the second one is going to be using a custom path for your text and the third is going to be using replicators now if you're lost and you don't know what i'm talking about that's okay you're in the right place i'm gonna walk you through all of it okay let's get right into it so here we are in apple motion i am going to use my text tool to create our first word which is going to be flip let's head on over to the inspector window and make some adjustments here let's get that text nice and big and like that let's center it in the alignment let's center it in our properties tab and that looks good to me okay so the first thing we're going to do if you saw at the beginning of this video you saw what this animation looks like you know that this word flip is actually going to like timber and fall down into place revealing more text so of course we're going to want to focus on the rotation so let's head over to our inspector window and the rotation we want to modify would be the z rotation but look at what happens here it doesn't quite give you that timber effect that we really want because you can see it's almost pivoting looks like i don't know in the center of the text and what we really want is it to hinge almost like a door hinge here from the bottom of the f the bottom left corner so how are we going to fix that i'm going to reset the parameter on that z rotation and what we're going to do is change the anchor point so the anchor point lets you set where the action originates from in any animation or any uh work that you do in apple motion so anchor points are really important to understand how do we change them you want to go over here to your different tools hit this drop down menu and you're going to select anchor point and now you're going to get these little arrows here on your text and you can see the anchor point is where this blue dot is so it is at the bottom center of our text what we want to do is move it to the bottom left corner of our text on the f and now we're going to make a keyframe here in our inspector window on the z axis and look there it is okay i'm noticing that when i rotate 90 degrees part of my text is missing out of the frame so i'm just going to make an adjustment here on the y value and then we're going to head on over 20 frames in our timeline we're gonna make another keyframe and we want that z rotation to be zero let's play that back so it's not falling exactly as i want i really want it to start falling very slowly and then accelerate as it gets closer to the bottom almost like a tree being chopped down in the woods right so it's like gradual and then boom and it lands so let me show you how we can replicate that effect we want to head down to our keyframe editor so you can see here's our main timeline in apple motion these are the keyframes that we've created with the z rotation and these keyframes are where we can make a lot of adjustments to the motion of our keyframe now if you're not seeing this keyframe editor in your timeline you want to hit these three little diamonds here to reveal them okay so the first thing i'm going to do is right click this first keyframe and i'm going to make it a bza interpolation and now what i'm going to do is play with these handles so click your first keyframe here and then you get this like handle that you can change the bend of the action so see how it's gradual and then it falls really fast let's see how that looks all right it's a little too fast for my liking in terms of the acceleration so i'm going to bend a little less have it be a little more gradual okay that to me looks great so now the idea is once this flip text lands it's going to reveal more text as if it's like spurring when it lands it's hitting something that's creating more text to fall out from underneath it so what we're going to do is duplicate this text so we're going to select the flip text here in my project pane i'm going to right click and hit duplicate i'm going to change this text to the word that in my timeline here i'm going to delete those keyframes we made and we're going to go on over to the properties tab in our inspector window and make that z value zero so now it's horizontal that's where we want it the other thing we're going to do is look at this anchor point so what we want the next text to do and actually the text we're going to create after this is we want them to flip down from the top so on this one whereas with the flip the hinge is in the bottom left corner of the text at the bottom of the f this one is going to be centered at the very top of the text so before we play with our anchor point i'm going to bring this word down on the y value so you can really see what we're looking at here and i'm going to now play with my anchor point so i'm going to take this red arrow and center up the anchor point and i'm going to take this green arrow and bring it up to the top of the text so now my hinge is at the top of my text on this word it's still on the bottom left corner of the word flip now i'm also going to head down to my timeline and i'm going to drag this second word to line up with my keyframe from the word flip see that we're going to select the word that in our timeline let's head on up over to behaviors top center of the screen parameter and we're going to go to overshoot and so you can see down in the timeline i've got this purple bar here for overshoot that's our effect we've applied to this text but it's not doing anything yet because we have to play with it in the inspector window let's head on over to the inspector window we want to be on our that text we want to be on behaviors and we want to jump down here to apply to right now it says none we're going to hit this drop down we're going to go to properties we're going to go to transform we're going to go to rotation and this time we're going to work on the rotation on the x-axis first i want to draw my attention to the start value what i want is for this text to rotate up and so it's almost like invisible and to be as horizontal as it can be let's dial down that ramp duration to about eight and let me play that back so you can see it's going so slow that is because if you look at our timeline our overshoot effect is the same duration as the whole text i can make it go faster by dragging this purple bar and just making it shorter and just see if you feel like the timing feels right to me that feels good and then we are going to add one more line of this same text i'm going to go up to my project pane highlight the word that right click duplicate change that to text that is our next word and i'm going to head on over to properties then i'm going to change the y value so it's below the word that and i'm going to head on down to the timeline and i'm going to make it come in not at the same time as the word that but afterwards so it's going to take a little trial and error to get the feeling right here in terms of when the third word should come in my guess is it should come in i'm looking at my keyframe editor here right here at the bottom of this first dip in our motion so let me try that that feels pretty good but i do think that the start value on the overshoot behavior on this third word needs to be adjusted i'm going to select it in my timeline or you could select it in your project pane head on over to behaviors and let's play with that start value so i'm going to queue up my playhead in my timeline to the very beginning and i'm going to adjust this down all right that feels pretty good to me i do think that i could make this text a little smaller it's just barely fitting in the frame oop it even goes out of the frame here with the flip action so i'm going to select the whole group go over to properties and scale it down yeah that feels good the last thing i'm going to do is i'm going to add a fade on this word flip i don't want it to just pop into the frame i would like for it to sort of fade in a little more gradually it's a little more subtle let's select that word flip in our project pane head on over to behaviors basic motion fade in fade out i'm gonna make that fade in time and eight frame fade in yeah that feels good to me and there you go for our next dynamic text i'm going to show you how to use a custom path to get this bouncing effect for the text this is one that's definitely a little bit more advanced if you haven't played with motion paths with text you're going to learn a lot right now all right our first move in this project might be a little surprising i'm going to head down to my shape tool and i'm going to draw a line and i can make it perfectly straight by holding down my shift key as i draw it in my canvas and let's head on over to inspector i'm just going to reduce the width the aesthetics of this line are actually not at all important it's really the motion we're going to create with it so the first thing we want to do in this project is change our cursor from the transform tool to edit points and now if you look in the canvas you can see what we've got we've got a control point here at the beginning of our line and a control point here at the end of our line we actually need to create a third edit point in the center of our line so what i'm going to do is hold my cursor in the center of the line hold down the option key and click right click on it and change it to smooth and now you can see i've got these little white handles we're not going to do anything with this quite yet we're actually going to keyframe out this motion to make it look almost like the surface of a trampoline as if someone is jumping on it so what i'm going to do is head on over to shape in my inspector window and let's select geometry and now you can see here i've got my control points and i'm actually going to change 0.2 to 0 so we know it's perfectly centered between the left and right control points now i'm going to add a keyframe by clicking that little box so now that we've made our first keyframe we're going to head down in our timeline let's say 14 frames over and i'm going to add another keyframe here under my control points so i'm going to grab my center cursor and i'm going to pull it down to about here and what you can see here is i'm getting a very like almost like a v shape i want to really curve this out so i'm going to grab each of these white handles here and i'm going to pull them over by selecting one holding down the shift key to keep it straight so i can't move the keyframe up or down i can only move it left to right when i hold down the shift key and then grab the other one and again just kind of round it out that looks good to me and now i'm going to draw my attention over to the inspector window and i see that i've pulled it down to a value of negative 174. i'm going to make this negative 175 manually because we really need to keep track of what those y values are and i find it easier obviously to just do round numbers so now let's head down in our timeline another 12 frames i'm going to add another keyframe here and i'm going to change this y value to a positive value that is less than 175 so let's say 150 and now let's head over 10 more frames in our timeline i'm going to add another keyframe and we're going to go to a negative number that is less than negative 150 so negative 125. and i'm just going to keep making keyframes at shorter and shorter intervals on my timeline and i'm gonna keep making these y values closer and closer together every time just like if you jumped on a trampoline and then stopped jumping the bounce would reduce [Music] and while i'm making all my keyframes here guys i just want to remind you that you are watching this on my new dedicated final cut and apple motion youtube channel if you haven't subscribed to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button all right so i finished playing with all my keyframes here let me show you what i ended up with first i'm going to hit the spacebar to play the motion back for you so you can see there the motion gets tighter and tighter throughout the project i'm just going to click through my keyframes for you real quick so you can see the values i ended up with but the first keyframe my y value on point number two which is what we're modifying is zero next keyframe goes down to negative 175 up to positive 150 then negative 125 positive 100 negative 75 positive 50 negative 25 positive 10 negative 5 and then finally at 0 we end up back even next what we need to do is add our text i'm going to hit the text tool type the word trampoline into my canvas i'm going to change this font to vag rounded we're going to make sure the alignment is centered we're going to change the size so it's about the width of our line and just center it here over our line all right now let's go back over to the text tab in the inspector window we're going to go to layout and under layout method we're going to change it from type to path then we're going to head on down to path options and we are going to select geometry and then you're going to get almost like a drop zone where you can add your shape source this is where the magic happens we're going to take the line from our project pane i'm going to drag it into the shape source i'm going to turn off the line in my project pane and you can see the text mimics the motion of the line if i feel like it's not quite centered the other thing i can do is play with the path offset and let me show you what that does it does that it almost looks like a diving board that's kind of an interesting effect but really we want it to be centered but we're not done yet i don't want this text to just be sitting here i want it to fall in so let's select the text in our project pane we're going to go up to behaviors text basic and we're going to hit slide in and i can imagine this is confusing this does not look right to you let's select slide in in our timeline we're here at behaviors first of all let's hit the drop down on controls we want to look at the direction line and instead of going backwards we're going to go center to ends and we're actually also going to change the motion of the slide so right now it's going left to right that is not what we want let's play with these arrows here let's take this green arrow in our canvas and let's slide it up and let's take the right arrow and kind of make that a straight line and i'm going to take the slide bar in my timeline and make this action happen a little faster and i'm going to take the line and slide it a little bit further down my timeline so that it really feels like the letters are landing on that line and creating that bounce all right and for our third text look this one's more complicated it's fancy i know it's the one you've been dying to see um we're gonna be using replicators for this look so if you don't know how to use a replicator you're about to learn the first thing we're going to do is create text in our canvas i'm going to make the word replicate let's head on over to inspector let's go to format under text and let's change this font to timeline let's center it up let's make it bigger let's change it on the properties the first thing we're going to do is keyframe some motion on this text so i'm going to cue up my playhead to the beginning of my timeline let's head on over to properties in the inspector window on the position line i'm going to create a keyframe on the y-axis and i'm going to bring it down low and then let's head on over to i don't know let's say 18 frames create another keyframe on the y-axis and we're going to bring this up you want it to move more than the width of your text that's going to be really important so i believe we are there the next thing i need to do is add a mask to this but i cannot mask text in apple motion first i need to make it a group so i'm going to head on over to my project pane right click and hit group so it's a group with nothing in it but this text and now the mask tool is enabled and i'm gonna cue up my playhead to the beginning of the timeline and i'm gonna select the rectangle mask and i'm going to draw a mask over this text and i'm going to head on over to my inspector window under mask i'm going to click invert mask and that's what we want see that now i'm going to add another keyframe to our text so let's select on the actual replicate text not the group the actual replicate text in our project pane head back on over to properties in our inspector window let's arrow over just a couple frames in our timeline i'm going to add another keyframe here this is going to be like a hold keyframe we're not going to make any modifications to the position and let's drag our playhead down in our timeline let's go i don't know a few more seconds down there and let's add another keyframe on our position line and this time we're going to modify the x value so i'm going to move that this way let's play back and see how it feels we want it to be a pretty slow move on the x-axis actually i think that's too fast i'm going to jump to that keyframe we just made and i'm going to reduce the value of the motion i want this to be like a gradual motion you don't want it going too fast now what we're going to do is duplicate that group so right now i've been selected on the actual text we need to go up to the group level i'm going to right click and i'm going to duplicate the group and so now we've got two versions of the same text i am going to turn the first one off so i'm turning off at the group level and we're going to select our new text the copy of the replicate text we're going to head on over to properties and we're going to use these arrows here to jump to the last keyframe we made where we made the text float right and instead this time we're going to make it float left so we're at 321.8 at the moment we're going to go backwards minus 321.8 so it's the exact opposite the other thing we're going to do is we're going to select the text tab in the inspector window go to appearance and we're going to turn off the face and turn on the outline i'm going to make the outline white and i think i might pop it pump it up one more point on the width all right let's turn on the other text and you see we've got two versions of this text going let's turn off our copy so the outline copy is gonna go away we're gonna select our original group we're gonna head on up to the top right of our screen and hit this replicate button so it's hard to tell what we're looking at here but we're actually looking at that word that says replicate and there's a lot of versions of them clustered together so the first thing i want to do is change the size and this is really going to spread them all out a lot so we want it to go bigger than our canvas window that's going to be really important later and you can see there's still a lot of overlap so i'm going to reduce the number of columns and then the other thing i want to do is modify the tile offset so i want them to look really staggered i want to get this a little more crowded i'm going to reduce the scale here and i'm going to add more columns this is kind of just a balancing act of finding the right spacing okay this looks good to me so let's look at what we ended up with we had our scale at 51 we've got seven rows four columns the offset's at about 20 percent and the size is a little over 1500 now let's duplicate the replicator we just made so i'm going to select it in my project pane right click hit duplicate and now we've got a copy of that replicator and now we're going to draw our tension in the inspector window do you see this little box here that says object source group you can see our solid text is here we're gonna go up to the project pane we're gonna grab the group not just the text we're gonna grab the group and drag that into that box and now you've got the outline versions dropped here and what we're going to do is take that replicator we're going to go over to properties in our inspector window and we're going to change the y value so the lines are alternating and now of course the outline text is going left and the solid is going to the right you see that all right now let's play with the colors on these let's go back down to our original replicator head on over to replicator in the tab and let us change the color mode to over pattern hit this drop down and let's just pick some colors here and again let's go on over to our other replicator and change the color mode here to over pattern and then modify the gradient this time i'm gonna go the opposite so i'm gonna make the first color swatch the green and the second one will be the white mixes it up a little bit now you can see they all build in and then they go in opposite directions very cool now let's change the way this looks a little bit let's select the group that contains our replicators and we are going to rotate the whole group and we're going to scale it up and there you go [Music] so there you go guys there are three different dynamic text effects that you can create on apple motion no templates necessary if you liked this video let me know by giving me a thumbs up hitting that subscribe button and leaving me a comment about which one was your favorite and what you would like to see next thank you so much for joining me today i will see you again
Channel: Jenn Jager Pro Tutorials
Views: 1,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple motion dynamic text, motion 5 dynamic text, apple motion, apple motion tutorial, apple motion kinetic text, apple motion anchor point, apple motion motion paths, motion 5 kinetic text, apple motion text effects, apple motion text affects, motion 5 text effects, motion 5 text affects, jenn jager pro, apple motion replicator, jenn jager, jen jager, apple motion examples, motion 5, motion 5 examples, Motion 5 tutorail
Id: JIk77pMI5lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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