3 Äpfel und 10 Minuten für diesen leckeren Apfelkuchen 2.0 | neue Variante + Anschnitt

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3 eggs (room temperature) foamy 75 g sugar 8 g vanilla sugar 150 g flour 10 g baking powder (2 tsp) 100g melted butter Peel 3 apples cut into 3 cm sized pieces Line the baking pan with parchment paper don't forget to grease (like me) 3 tablespoons sugar cinnamon bake for 35 minutes at 180 ° C / 356 F° Be sure to detach the cake from the edge Turn around the cake with a plate I discovered a new variant for me I put the cake again on a baking pan and place the cake for 3 minutes back in the oven (on Grill function) the result is a golden crust The cake is simply divine! Thank you for watching 🌹 I'm very happy about a like 👍🏼
Channel: Kirschnenko Kanal
Views: 1,985,585
Rating: 4.8717866 out of 5
Keywords: #Apfelkuchen, #ApplePie, #schnelles_Kuchenrezept
Id: ZBsrL__cUqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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