Apostle Joshua Selman at 7DG RCCG Champions Cathedral, Warri

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An anointed man of god. a man that is on a mission to impact this generation. I will tell you one secret before. I love the technical to do the intro. You are so so privileged. and I'll tell you why. the man I'm about to introduce. This month is his birthday. Listen again. it's also happen to fall into this week. This week is his birthday. It's birthday anniversary. ordinarily. He does not like traveling or he doesn't travel out of his base on the week of his birthday anniversary because he takes that time to stay back and seek the face of god. you know, and you know, hear from god but for your sake, and for my sake, God has brought him here tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, men and brethr en. put your hands together. for apostle Joshua Selman. Now, briefly, the technical team will do a brief intro Amen. Amen. Amen. Please be quiet. We will take the intro and then the man of god will be coming forward. to bring god's word to us tonight and I'm trusting the lord that someone here will go home with a major testimony You have that one shouting. Hallelujah. technical. over to you. God bless you. a chemical engineer, a pastor, a. so a conference speaker, and a televangelist. highly sought after the founder and senior pastor of Eternity Network International BNI, the conveyor of Koinonia, a place where people come to experience worship the word, miracles, and love. experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Learn to be with him. Be like him and represent the fullness of god's life on earth. A worship lover of god's presence and as well as an end time general who unites the body of Christ with a prophetic mandate as well as an apostolic calling to take us to another level in Glory. Please join us as we make welcome god's choice Apostle Joshua Ni Hallelujah. Praise the name of the lord. I I want to use this opportunity to really truly appreciate. pastor Emmanuel. Thank you. Thank you and your dear wife. I sincerely appreciate you for this time. Please, let's honor them. Let's celebrate them. Thank you. and then I want us to in the same vein even though our fathers and our senior pastors have been recognized but I like us to please stand one more time and just honor the fathers. We honor you sis. The pastors and the Amen. it is. Let's have some silence. so that we are able to hear the word of the lord. Praise the name of the lord. Do you believe in prayer? Can we just lift our hands and our voices to heaven and ask the lord to visit us tonight The Bible says, they go from strength to strength as many as appear before the lord in Zion. Go ahead and pray. You are my hiding place. You always feel my heart with songs. I am. I will trust. in you. I will trust. in you. Let the weak say. I am. In the strength. Of the lord. father. We are gathered tonight. as proof that we trust you. We are gathered tonight as proof that we love you. We're gathered tonight as proof that we believe in you. Lord, I pray that in this conference, you will visit us tonight in a mighty way. Let the sick be healed. Oh god. Let your breath be delivered. Oh god. May your fire fall in this place. and I pray in the name that is above all names that as the word of god comes our ears, our eyes, and our hearts are open to receive Jesus. We declare that you'll be glorified tonight for in Jesus name I pray. Amen. God bless you and please be seated. by the way, is it alright? if I just use a few seconds to really bless and wish pastor Emmanuel a very very happy birthday. Let's honor him. Thank you. Amen. We love you. We honor you, and we celebrate what god has done and he's doing and our prayer as a body of Christ is that you will go from glory to glory in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, sir. Thank you. Amen. while I was praying for this meeting. this morning, I had a very interesting vision and in that vision I saw it was like Ezekiel Thirty-seven. I was given a picture of what was happening whilst Ezekiel, you know, his encounter bones began to come to bones and one of the things that the lord spoke to me from that vision in this meeting is that this night, many many people will be stepping into strange restorations At Listen, I want you to believe it. Believe it with all your heart that there are things that have left you for some of you decades by the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead that god is bringing them again to your life. Joel chapter Twenty-two. Please, let's get to the word. I'd like you to be sensitive. the sensitive sing. Sing. Just help those under the anointing please. sing. Hallelujah. to the lord. I'm just seeing the smoke of his presence across his face. You. Hallelujah. Is a reason. from the dead. the spirit of the living god. we pray. that whilst the word comes move in our midst. and let it truly be. that this was a night of encounter. In the name of Jesus. Joel chapter two from verse 25. Joel chapter two from verse Twenty-five and I will restore to you. the years that the locust has eaten. the conqueror, the caterpillar, the Palmer migrate army, which I sent among you. and you shall eat in plenty and shall be satisfied. and shall praise the name of the lord your god that had dealt wondrous with you. The statement says and my people shall never shall never let me use this opportunity to speak that everything that followed you here representing shame and representing reproach. I stand upon this altar in the name of Jesus who is the son of the living god. May shame and reproach be rolled away forever. the shame and reproach be rolled away forever. The Bible says, ans was more honorable than his brethren. That was his end but at the beginning, the Bible says because the mother bought him in sorrow, she named him Jabez but the time came, he was angry. He said, it's time for me to go forward All that thou would has blessed me and enlarge my coast. Let me speak over someone. It may be that there are limitations that have when called Lazarus out from the grave, he gave an instruction. He said, lose him and let him go. Let me speak to someone here. Whatever has tied you in the name that is above all names by the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. I declare news now. They lose now. we lose now. we lose now. Please sit down. the Bible. The Bible let's us know that in our walk with god, please pay attention. There are systems of advantage. that can be introduced into the life of a believer that gives him an edge over life and over circumstances. Are we together now in the dealings of god with men and captured all through scripture from Genesis to revelation. We see that there were men who were under all kinds of circumstances but that somewhere along their lives system of advantage. was introduced into their lives and it began to change the narrative of their lives. Here's what the Bible says for we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord. and those who are the called according to his purposes. Why is it that all things can work for good Because regardless the situation and the circumstance in god's economy, he sustains the ability as the El Shaddai to introduce what I call systems of advantage. There is nobody's life that is in advantage by default Are we together now? Yes. The first of that system of advantage being salvation. that when you come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ according to the authority of scripture, the Bible says that there is a translation from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of god's dear son. Then the Bible let's us know that you become a partaker of god's life. That is the first system of advantage that comes into your life. John 1010, the thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill and to destroy. The Bible says, he says, but I am come that you may have life and that you have that life more abundant Are we still together? but then there are other systems of advantage. that are spiritual **** that god had made and put in place for believers so that no matter and regardless what happens in your life by the introduction of these systems of advantage, you eventually emerge victorious. It is it is on the strength of these systems of advantage that we should all dominion. power of the Christ. So that regardless my background, regardless what it is that happened or did not happen in my life once I come to Christ, there is no such thing as too late because there are sufficient spiritual asanas that can be introduced into the life of a believer to begin to correct even age long anomalies. Are we together now? an example of these systems of advantages, the mercy of god. One of these systems of advantage is the favor of god. One of these systems of advantage is speed. and acceleration. All these are provisions that were captured in the economy of god to the intent that when and if any man decides to walk with the lord, and begins to grow through knowledge, you can access these truths and the reality of the divine life. Start speaking because you engage these things There are people for instance, who come from backgrounds where they are saddled with all kinds of yolks and causes and by default, this individual has become victims. of life Victims of situations and circumstances and even if they get born again there are still constraints that their lives constraints in their lives by reason of the advantage the devil had There has to be way of correcting that anomaly. Are we together now? There are people who by reason of activities of witchcraft did not have the privilege say to go to school early and to move forward early. So, already by default, they are already retrogrades and delayed in life. Is there a way that god can help those people to catch up in destiny? Oh, yes, there is the name given to that mystery is called speed That God can take the 10 years that we wasted and transfer it into a man's future and make it happen in 1 Day. Are we together now? listen, when we say we are victorious, we're not just saying it because Jesus died and resurrected just religiously. We're saying it because we are aware of the spiritual asanas that the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus has provided for the believer today. It is on the strength of these truths that we make our boast in the lord Are we together now? So, we know that we are victorious. We know that in spite of what happened or did not happen, a woman may be barn for 5 years, 10 years, even 20 years. If that woman gives birth to a child yet, thank God for the child but time has gone It's to give birth to four children one by one by one by one. at what age will she be done giving birth? So, when god gives a quadruple, he did not just give child. He carried years and brought it in 9 months. Are you seeing that? Now, I'm saying this because tonight, there is something that is about to happen to someone here in the name of Jesus. The son of the living god. that the things that have have have been um AA disadvantage to your life. We have come to introduce a system of advantage into your work that will begin to change things that those who knew you would say is Saul when has also become one of the prophets, please sit down Hallelujah. Are we together? Once upon a time, Moses went to meet his half brother Rams. who had now become the pharaoh of Egypt to advocate the exodus of god's people. and they came out of Egypt and he began to pursue them. They stood before the Red Sea. There was no provision to move forward Again. Egyptians behind the sea in front by what architectural mechanism where they're going to the system of safety to crossover. Everybody says systems of advantage. and in Exodus chapter fourteen, when you read from verse thirteen and fourteen and fifteen, Moses had a strange encounter with god. He said, fear not, Moses is speaking now a visionary leader. he said, stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he show you today for this Egyptians whom you have seen today, you shall see them no more forever. Listen as at the time he was saying this, he did not even know the dynamics of how it will happen. he knew was that the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace. Then, verse fifteen, the lord said to Moses, wherefore, cry out to me. He says, speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward Hold on. How do I go forward when I know that the seed can swallow anything? I hope you know that it was not just at the sea parted the gap. The land had to rise to the level to be able to walk because even if the sea parted, it will still be a depth that they will not cross Listen carefully. Just help those under the anointing. Now. He has triumphed gloriously even the horses and his riders have been thrown into the sea. one time. they became hungry. very hungry. and god said, I want to show you the systems that are available in this kingdom, Manna not seeds for you to sow. There are times god can give you seed and wisdom to sow but there are times that urgency requires bread. You don't have the time to start sowing and waiting for harvest. God can send both seed and he can give bread He can give seed to the sower but he also can give bread to the eater. It is true that god can give you a job and you can start saving for 510 years but there are times that god can give you the keys to a house in 1 Day. It is the same god doing it Please pay attention. Then they stand in front of Jericho. a fortified. The Bible says, five chariots could stand on it. Imagine a fence that five chariots could stand on even if it collapses, It's still a fence again. and Joshua was led to introduce another system of advantage. The Bible says, Jericho was shot. Nothing could come out of it. Nothing could enter it and they went around singing praises every day once and on the seventh day, they went around and he said, when you hear the sound of that trumpet that you lift up a shout and the Bible tells us that the walls of Jericho, he did not just fall, it sank the power of god. and one of these systems of advantage tonight that the lord wants to introduce is called the mystery of Restoration. The mystery of restoration. Please look up scattered through scripture. The Bible tells us that men can gain things but also men can lose things. Is that true? We see that people lost things, even believers lost things in scripture. for instance. so the son of Kish, they lost their donkey the father's donkey and they went looking for it. Jesus himself in giving his helping them understand the system of the kingdom. Spoke about the parable of the lost coin. So, we know that it is not unusual for things to be missing. It is not unusual for us to lose things but then the Bible gives us another interesting angle to it that men can lose things but men can lose time the loss of time according to scripture is truly what we call loss. If you lose things, you can get it back but when you lose time because destiny is measured in time, write it down. The unit of destiny is time. That means whatever you give your time to, you give part of your life to whatever takes your time has taken a part of Destiny. Are we together now? the units of destiny is time. and so there are times you can lose things. sadly after the pandemic or during the pandemic, many people lost money. Many people lost jobs. Many people lost businesses. So, we know that men can lose things but it is more deadly when you lose time when you meet a dying man and ask him, what is your greatest desire? He will not say more houses. He will not say more land. The greatest of a dying man is more time. Isaiah 38. the Bible let's us know that Hezekiah was sick unto death and Isaiah came to him and said, put your house in order that god has brought a word, you will not recover from this sickness. The Bible says, Isaiah turned his face to the wall and his prayer was a request of time from the human standpoint. is irredeemable when it passes, it doesn't go back. It only goes forward and that means whatever can eat up your time has taken a part of your destiny. So, when the Bible says, I will restore the years, you need to understand the gravity of that miracle restore years How do you restore years When a man gets born again at forty. respectfully speaking and at fifty. yes, he's done well to get born again but in truth as far as destiny and impact and fulfillment of life is concerned, time is gone. You will need to introduce this system of advantage in your life. Is that true? Restoration is a very powerful mystery. to restore. to take a person or to take a thing to its original position where it would have been if there were no constraint. Listen carefully, There is a difference between restoration and progress. Let me have two people. Can I have two gentlemen? two well dressed. Gentlemen, please come. Let me use you for an example. Just two and that's fine. We have this one more person. Watch this. Now, I like to teach illustrative so that you will understand. Now, this is what I want you to do. Walk together. alright? Walk slowly. Now, these guys are at the same pace in life and destiny. Uh are we together now? They are going to walk towards me but as long as they walk, I'm going to make one of them to be delayed and then eventually, I'll ask him to start coming. I want to show you the difference between progress and restoration. Are we together now? Walk gently gentlemen. So, born on the same day for whatever reason, Stop moving. Can you see? This is where he would have been. So, he's behind now. Now, keep moving. This is progress not restoration because you will never still catch up. Now, let me show you what restoration is. When god picks him and brings him here, Do you understand that now? So that when you look at his life, you cannot find the gap that created again, I prophesy to you again in the name of Jesus Christ. Everything has represented delay in your life here at this conference. May my god push you forward in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Please sit down. Please sit down. So, it is true that we can lose things. The concept of losses It's a concept that we do not want to hear anything about not in business, not in nobody wants to lose Losing is dangerous. No one wants to lose a loved one. No one wants to lose money. No one wants to lose honor. No one wants to lose respect. No one wants to lose your phone. Why do we protect our cars? Why do we protect our homes? Because we hate losses. Let's discuss the subject of losses for a while. Is god helping someone there. are five reasons why people lose in life. Remember, we're teaching on advancement but we have to deal with the subject of delay and retros There are five reasons from scripture. Why men lose number one very quickly. The first reason why people lose in life is because of lack of discernment. Write it down please. The lack of discernment lack of discernment can cause you to lose Hebrews chapter two and verse one, we walk through a few scriptures. Hebrews chapter two and verse one, The Bible says, therefore, we ought to give them more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time. we should let them sleep. Remember, Jesus was giving us the parable of the sower. Is that true? And he said, the seed is the word of god. The soil be in the hearts of men and he said for all the soils, seeds were sown but Satan immediately and he caused losses and for those that Satan came, they were the ones who did not pay attention. to produce understanding from their hearing Genesis chapter twenty-eight and verse sixteen. very interesting rendition. This is just a background for that scripture very quickly. This was Jacob. Remember the Bible tells us that Jacob came to a place called Lost and he laid a stone for to sleep in the night. Are we bible students And then the Bible says while he slept, he saw a ladder. he had a dream saw a ladder that connected the earth and the heavens. angels were ascending and descending but do you know none of them were coming to him? They were moving close to him, taking messages to those who are calling them and he was there and never partake of that angelic activity and when he woke up verse sixteen, please, he made a very instructive statement. He said, surely the lord is in this place and I knew not I did not discern that I was not just lying down on the floor that there was an altar here. My father had a covenant with god. I came close to the place of covenant. He would have blessed me. He would have lifted me but lack of discernment. Did you know that one of the highest indices according to scripture that measures maturity is the ability to discern strong meets the Bible says uh for them who are of full age. is that true? Who by reason of use have exercised their senses to discern Discernment is powerful. The faculty of perception This comes through prayer. This comes through study of scripture. This comes through exposing yourself to the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit In this end times, you need discernment. If you do not want to lose your bishop Rick to lose your destiny, it takes discernment. Are we still together? The first reason why people lose we're dealing with the mystery of restoration lack of discernment. Number two, The second reason why people lose in this kingdom is carelessness. carelessness, carelessness is the second reason why we lose Revelation chapter three and verse eleven. Revelations three and verse eleven. It says, behold, I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown. You can your crown. Hebrews chapter two and verse three. Hebrews two and verse three, Please give it to us. Hebrews two and verse three. The Bible says, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a negligence, carelessness, many people have lost precious things because of carelessness. They have lost valuable destiny relationships They have lost opportunities for How many young people had the opportunity They heard that a job offer was there at a platter of gold. Their uncle said, send your CV and they carelessly assume that the job will always be there. Carelessness is dangerous. We must obtain grace tonight to fight carelessness like you fight the devil. you can lose things. you can lose years because of carelessness. Number three, are we still together? The third reason for losses in this kingdom is called ignorance of the laws of life. Ignorance of the loss of life. on the loss of destiny and the laws of the kingdom. Ignorance of the laws of life. The laws of destiny and the laws of the kingdom. Psalm 82 and verse five. Listen, this world operates by laws. There are laws of life There are laws of destiny. There are laws of the kingdom Your ignorance of those laws can cost you so many things including your life. Let me give you an instance. someone can decide right now to end his life by going to stand in front of a moving train. Is that true? He violated the laws of life. Someone can be part of a bad relationship that leads him into destroying a precious destiny that's violating the law of destiny. but there are people who can give themselves overthrow, ignorance and the devil can take advantage of them and destroy and waste their lives. Ignorance. Listen, this is a kingdom that operates by light. It takes spiritual illumination, high level illumination, Psalms, 82 and verse five. The Bible says, they know not neither will they understand. He says they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out. Of course, the next verse I have said you are gods and all of you. Not some are children of the most high. The tragedies in the next verse but he shall die like mere men and fall like one of these princess Ignorance is costly. We must contend for light. We must contend for spiritual illumination Is that true? It was this passion for light to supply spiritual intelligence to the body that made Paul to make that statement. He made in Ephesians chapter three. Please give us Ephesians chapter three from verse two and three. Then we'll jump to nine and 12 and three If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is give me for your sake now to you. What? How that by revelation? he made known unto me the mystery as I wrote a few words. Now, when you go to verse nine, he was granted grace. What is the grace? The grace is to make all men see to open the eyes of men take away ignorance and verse ten is the reason to the intent that now to the principal it is and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church. the manifold of Dominion is the result and effect of the comprehension of the principles of the kingdom Dominion is not an impartation. There is no in scripture for dominion. Dominion is the result and effect of your comprehending the ways of god We have beautiful media people here doing an job of coverage while I teach. They are operating by knowledge, not the signs, not their agenda. It is a level of illumination they have as far as these activities is concerned. We must contend for mastery and fight ignorance like we fight the devil Are we together? Number four is god helping us. We're discussing losses because when you want to make advancement advancement happens. in the absence of situations that retros or impede to the degree to which that impotence is taken away. That is the degree to which it can be said you are advancing Number four. The fourth reason for losses is abuse and misuse. The fourth reason why people lose is abuse and misuse. Matthew chapter Twenty-five from verse fourteen. Jesus is teaching now and he's teaching about what we have come to know as the parable of the talents follow carefully for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country. It says, who called his own servants and delivered unto them goods. So he gave them something one. He gave five talents to another two to another one. The Bible says to every man according to his ability, not according to his love for them at the end of this parable, you'll see he was correct for that allocation seventeen The Bible says, let's go back to 1625. Verse 1625 verse sixteen. Help us media We're still discussing the parable. then he that had received the five talents He went and traded with the same and he made them all the five talents and likewise, he that had received two, he gained also two, the tragedy. now but he had received one went and did what did the earth and hid his lord's money. You bury seeds not talents. Talents are the ground talents are for multiplication. You sow seeds. The earth is for seeds, not for talents, and yet this man took something that was supposed to be. You are supposed to do business with it. Abuse and misuse. It's one of the reasons why people lose when the owner of the talents came back to demand accountability in his arrogance. He said, I know you're a hard man. You like to reap where you do not sow and so I thought to do you a favor. I buried it. Here is your one talent and he called him wicked. and unprofitable servant. He took that one talent and he gave it to the one who had proven faithfulness in stewardship. The Bible says, moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. Are we still together tonight? abuse and misuse It was Doctor Miles Monroe blessed memory who said when the purpose of a thing is not known, he said that the abuse of it is inevitable. The word It's an abbreviation for abnormal use when anything is not used within the boundary of its purpose is called abuse. Are we together? So, a quick recap before I mention the last point, the reasons for losses in life. Number one, lack of discernment. Number two, carelessness. Number three, ignorance of the loss of life, the loss of destiny, the loss of the kingdom. Number four, abuse and misuse. Number five, tests and trials. The fifth reason according to scripture, why men lose, it can be, it may be because of tests and trials. Job chapter one. please from verse nine. The Bible clearly gives us AA, biblical rendition of the life of this man called Job. The Bible testifies that he was a man who feared god and issued evil. Please give us verse nine. Follow carefully as I read Then Satan answered the lord, and said the job. fear god for nothing. has thou not made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he had on every side Has thou not blessed the work of his hands. My god. So Satan can give this kind of testimony about a man. Satan is testifying before God that I came close to a man and I found that man so fortified both him his house, and his endeavor. Next verse Now, put forth your hand and touch all that he had and he will cause you to the face. The lord said unto Satan, behold, all that he had is in thy power. only upon himself Put not forth your hand. So, Satan went forth from the presence of the lord said to tragedy, strikes on earth now and there was a day may that day never come to your life but for this man There was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house. That means they were responsible children. The elder brother was already established and something happened There came a messenger unto job and said the oxen were plowing. The **** is feeding besides them. Be patient and the Sabian fell upon them and took them away. Yeah, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword and I only I escape to You imagine this kind of news. Next verse while he was yet speaking. They came another and said the fire of god is falling from heaven and had burned up the sheep. The servants consumed them and I only I escaped to tell you while he was yet speaking. my god, they came another and said the childs made out three bands and fell upon your camels. They have carried them away and slain the servants with the edge of the sword and I only I'm escaped to tell you as though that was over. He was yet speaking. There came another and said this one is not just animals again. Now, your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house. and behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness and the four corners of the house and it fell upon the young men and they are dead and I have escaped alone to tell you two more verses. Then job arose. and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down on the ground. and worship it. and worshiped after such a news. Next verse, please. We're finishing at Twenty-two and said naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return to the lord gave and the lord had taken away. Blessed be the name of the lord Twenty-two. Hallelujah And in all this job, see not no charge. God Foolishly listen to me. There are times in your life and my life. I know this is not a popular message but there are time that events can happen around your life to the end that the worship of things and your connection to things be broken. God's obsession is not to take away things from us. He desires that we prosper but there is a problem when those you see the thing with things is that they also want to be lords. So, when they come to your life, they don't remain where you kept them. They also begin their manifesto in your life to accent to a point They take god's throne. There is a system for managing those things. If it is your uncle, your connection, there are people who come to church and while they are saying understand faith, they are laughing but they don't really care because there is an uncle who are giving them assurance Whenever you are ready, you come and just when you are ready, the uncle relocate to Canada Let me tell you what happens to you when you come for service under that condition. whether they worship or not, you will lie down on the ground. That's the real day. You will start learning faith because at that point now, you have been forced the human spirit is stubborn. It does not easily bow to the lordship of Christ. not in the presence of things, not in the presence of many. The Bible says it this way, Apostle John was teaching us in his apostles. He says, love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, The word love is the Greek word Errors is an affinity and ungodly affinity that can affect your relationship with god. There is a jealousy dimension of god that will not share accommodation with every other thing he created. It's an exclusive position. So, whilst he blesses you with prosperity, increase fame, anointing, whatever it is, it doesn't have a problem with you having those things but there is a side effect to men who have not been walked upon by god. It does not mean you are bad. It's a weakness in humans. You must pass through a season in the spirit where god steps back and allow those things that have attempted to be savior and lord and El Shaddai. You the futility of them outside of the influence of god. The end is not to destroy You. See, when you are passing through this season with god, it looks like he's not over the things you are losing. He's concentrating on your training because when you do that, restoration is still possible. So, while you're saying, Are you not seeing what is leaving me? He's said in my world, not yet. There's no such thing as something living. I am working on you. There are people who stand and brag based on their certificates based on their uncles, their aunties. Did your Bible not say some will trust in horses? He says some trust in chariots but we we who have been called to understand, we trust in the name that anything by the name of the lord is a disaster. It's only a matter of time A man can vow and say, come and meet me tomorrow and get a contract and between that night till the next day, and I need to come to him and gives him a counsel and by the next day, he says, I can't remember telling you such a thing. Listen, believers, it is true that there are times that tests and trials can cause us to lose things all be temporarily. James chapter one, apostle James was teaching us from verse two. Are we still learning? James James chapter one? Apostle James is teaching us. He said, my brethren. So he's talking to believers in Christ. He's not talking to the hidden my brethren. Count it all joy when you fall Divers. Temptations Support your confidence with this revelation knowing this, there is man. You know, there is something in the school of the spirit called the cave of Abdullah. That is where great men are made. There are certain times in this life. some prayers. you cannot pray some things away. You can only pray for grace to pass through it. Run away from people. without scars. they have jumped the school of the spirit. Paul said, let no man trouble me. I'm speaking to some of you because hear me Your loss is not because of carelessness. Uh uh That is the making of a man of god. There is a making of an intercessor. There is a making of a kingdom financier. not every loss is demonic. The training of champions is hard. God called you to be a kingdom financier and give you an instruction to carry all your money and bring to church. You brought the money and so and told by the next day, the heavens will open and for 1 year, you are now living from hand to mouth. He does not hate you. He's teaching you faith. There will be a recompense so that you can stand holding an account with 1 billion Yet, it's not in your heart. Jesus is still lord. That is the moral of the training. Can I tell you this? I came here sensing in my heart that within your region, there are people who have lost things and even lost time. There are people as soon as you finish school, you wanted to get a job like every other person. God says, stay back and everybody's moving forward and even you you don't know the name of what you are doing with god. God, what are you doing with me? Can I tell you this? You must understand that when god is silent, his silence is a language Every time God is silent, he's saying, you are in the school of the spirit. Don't be embarrassed. You will cry. It's true. You've often heard people, I hope god is blessing you tonight. There are fathers of faith here. Veterans of the gospel, your fathers in the land. You ask them, they will tell you their journeys. They will tell you they were there as a man of god. There are times you'll be going through things yourself. You will counsel orders and you will receive a word for them but for you, a word does not come and yet god will demand obedience and compliance You pray for someone and there is an open door but there are pills waiting for you and you're saying, god, I'm serving you faithfully. I'm teaching you what the silence of god is saying. You are in a school while you are crying. Heaven is clapping and saying, don't give up because the Bible says, let us not be weary in well doing. It says, for we will reap. Well, doing is a seed is god speaking to us There are various reasons Can I tell you this? Blessed be the name of the lord. in Genesis chapter forty. Don't turn there. Just write it for reference. The Bible talks of a prison. Look up please. Joseph. and the wine press. and the baker met in one place. the name of that place is the prison. The prison is where both good and bad people meet. Don't judge everybody in the prison. They are there for various reasons. There are some who are there because they defaulted but there are some who are there because they are being made to become saviors. The prison is where both good and bad meet The cross is where both Jesus and the thieves meet. Be careful when you judge people while they are going through seasons. You do not know the reason why they are going through it. Are we together? in that same prison, There was Joseph, the righteous There was the one person, the butler, the defaults, they were all there. the way to the throne is the cross. The way to sit over Egypt is to pass through the prison. Let me speak to you. Many of you admire greatness. you admire great people. I want to tell you there is a mystery that not many of them tell you. sincerely look beyond the crowns and the glamour. There are cars that are testaments of endurance. They lost to gain. If you want to gain in this kingdom, you must be prepared to lose Losing is how we gain Are we together? because you will not appreciate restoration until you understand the idea of losses. There are people right now who have lost things. You lost a job because of your integrity. You made up your mind. You will not compromise, You will not bribe and you're lost. Not every loss is proof that god has left you. There are losses that has cast of honor. symbols of endurance. is god still with us tonight? Let me give us three keys for restoration and then we'll pray someone's breakthrough is coming now. please pay attention. Please give us access as big as a door is. It's a small key that opens it. How many of you have stood before a giant door simply because a kid that could enter your pocket was missing. You stood before that door helpless as adult and matured as you are a small. she was missing and it kept you grounded. keys are powerful. They can open great doors even in doors. Number one. What is the first key? for restoration? Please pay attention. Number one, the first key that leads to restoration. according to scripture is called self examination. The power of evaluation, the power of self examination. You want restoration in your life, your family, your business, self examination. Second Corinthians thirteen and verse five. Help us media Second Corinthians chapter thirteen and verse five. Read with me please. if you're a Christian and you can see it projected. ready, One to read. examine yourself. It says. uh huh. Whether you be in the faith, the instruction is examine yourselves. to examine yourself means to find a place and sit down and engage in deep contemplation. There are many people who pray but they do not think thinking is a miracle. The Bible says, god is able to do more than what we ask or think. You've heard me say it in my teachings that but your prayer and your thinking are warriors. There is a prayer warrior. There is a thinking warrior. God answers all the request they bring to him. You can Well, but if you do not think, well, you may never come out of certain tragedies. The psalmist would write a song and he would write on the sealer pause and think deeply Is that true? The Bible encourages believers to think to sustain times of deep contemplation. For instance, in Philippians chapter four and verse eight, it says, finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just pure lovely are of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, he says, think on these things self examination. Luke chapter fifteen, popular story. We'll read three verses from verse seventeen. Luke fifteen from verse fourteen. This was the story of the prodigal son. Please keep the scripture there Just as a background. Let's go to verse seventeen. Okay. well, keep it from verse fourteen. Remember the young man who had access to his father's wealth but he wanted ownership. Is that true? And the father gave him. he did not think well, if he thought, well, he would know that access is better than ownership because access you have you have the abundance to you minus the responsibility of maintenance but on You have both access and the responsibility of maintenance us in this kingdom, we don't own anything. Owners are rebels. We are stewards. my house. My children. then you maintain it in this kingdom, we have access from Genesis. You may freely eat but it's not your own but the the canal man wants it in his name ownership. The young boy had access but he wanted ownership. Father, I'm of age. Let it be in my name. Lack started when I switched to ownership and the young man went as a result of his careless thinking his life tolerated. He lost everything. Are we still together to a point where someone who was in a place of royalty was now feeding with the swine fourteen place and when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in the land and he began to be in one. We're reading to twenty and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into the fields to feed swine. What a what a decline and he would not faint and not faint. have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did it and no man gave unto him and when he came to himself, the Bible did not say the holy Ghost spoke to him. The Bible did not say a counselor advised him. It is within the power of the human spirit to sit down and say, why is my life like this? Listen, let me tell you There there is for many of you here. this is already a word for you. Don't allow yourself to just keep growing old and things are just happening. You need to sustain the power of contemplation. I said father, why am I always in luck? Why am I always fighting? the seed for an answer is a question you do not deserve an answer until you have a question. Is that true? for someone here, you need to sit down and think, why am I failing in this business? Sheila, Lord, you give me a ministry influence zero doctrine, zero zero, something is wrong. The Bible says, be still and you will know there is a level of knowledge that comes when you are still Our generation sadly is a busy generation. Thank god for technology but if not managed, it can be the demon that distracts you out of advancement. and just sit down quietly. No television. no radio, no internet. Holy ghost. I'm here. There has to be a way out of this. go and ask inventors as Champions and visionary leaders ideas are buried in the place of contemplation where they sit quietly, There has to be a way to this business There has to be a way to raise this capital. There has to be a way to ministry spirit of the living God. I open up my faculties to your influence and whilst you are there suddenly from heaven, something comes and graduates you to victory for the next 10 years. Are we blessed? The power of self examination, The power of contemplation. This is the first key to restoration. Number two, the second key that leads to restoration is brokenness. Psalm fifty-one verse seventeen, brokenness because there are times you notice out of the five reasons I gave you five reasons for losses. Four of them a reason that authorize it and to come and destroy your life. So, when you want restoration, Psalm fifty-one please and verse seventeen, there are times you need to be broken, brokenness suggests taking responsibility. Brokenness, suggesting, look, the way things have gone around my life, there may be need for repentance. There may be need for openness of heart. Lord, I repent. You spoke to me in a dream. My pastor gave a message. I ignored him. I ignored the instructions of the authorities over me. There must be need for brokenness. The young man when he came to himself. Here's what he said. Let me show you what brokenness is. How many servants has my father and I am here feeding with the swine. Here is brokenness. I will arise and I will go to my father. I cannot advance to prosperity but I can advance to the man who can help me. There are two levels of advancement, advancement to god then from god. advancement to destiny. You cannot advance to destiny when you have not advanced to god. When you find yourself in defeat, don't advance to money. Don't advance to fame. Don't advance to a blind restoration. There is only one person who deserves your advancement. I cannot go back to my world. I cannot go back to my reputation but I can go back to my father. God is speaking to someone Here You were once on fire. You once loved god. Now, it looks like you have lost everything. You are once a visionary businessman until you join some so called club or association that just derailed your values. It may not be easy to get that business back overnight but there is a father who is waiting for you. Notice the Bible never said the prodigal son met the father at home. The father already started moving to he will not meet you at your mess but you will not meet him at home too. You will meet him somewhere. at the point of your obedience, I will arise. He says, and I will go to my father when I see my father. I will not just shake him and say, hi dad. I will say father, I have sinned against you and against heaven. I am not worthy to be called your son. He says, but take as one of your servants. When the father saw that there was brokenness already. he didn't even talk to him about the issue again. He held him and embraced him and restored the ring. A symbol of royalty. You are now back to my fold. Listen to me. every time you lose in life, businessmen hear this. when your business crashes and everything goes down, don't say I'm looking for money to go back There is only one person you go back to father Abba, the source, the sustainer until you sort it out with god. You cannot go back anywhere. You used to be a man of god on fire. Now, you're backsliding prayer life zero. What? Zero. You're not even sure you are saved. You don't back to ministry. You go back to father. It is from father. He reallocate you to your inheritance Is somebody learning Now, we're dealing with restoration, genuine biblical pathway that leads to restoration. It cannot be in the absence of brokenness. from self examination to brokenness. Lord, I'm sorry. I was not a faithful tither. I was not a giver. I did not support your house. You gave me 2 billion naira. I misused it, jumped around with psycho fans who promised to be there. Now, everything has gone back. Don't say the ideas are still in my head. It's just to get a loan. I assure you recycle that pain again. Life is a patient teacher. It can repeat the lessons for as long as it will take for you to learn. Are we together? What do you gain in the place of brokenness? A contrite heart. What do you gain in the place of brokenness? You reprioritize god above everything. I love you forever. I love you. I love you forever. I love you. forever. I love you. Listen. let me show you the position of brokenness. This is it. Yes, I know you're a CEO but life brings you to a point where you are no longer ashamed. When your knees can't touch the ground, then your head can wear the crown again. When your knees can touch the ground in brokenness. Sam was one person who lost his estate in destiny. Let me show you how that restoration happened. His eyes, his symbol of light had been taken away and while they put in between two pillars to mock his god, he prayed one prayer. I may not have the opportunity to live again but oh god, even in death, give me the honor and the privilege of variants. Let me do much for you and they did realize that while they were laughing at him, his hair was coming back. Can I tell you this? Rejoice not not me. My enemies, no matter what happened to your yesterday, I bring you a word of hope. Jesus died but he only died for 3 days. Let me encourage someone here. Yes, your prayer life has gone down. Yes, I know things may have gone down. It may have been your fault, your carelessness, wrong associations, mistakes but let me bring you a word of hope. at the scent of water. at the scent of water while you are laughing at Jesus who died. There is an angel living in heaven to come and open the grave while you are laughing at the dead. Jesus, he did not die forever. He only died for 3 days. He only died for 3 days and while they were laughing at the one who died an angel came The hymn writer says up from the grave, he arose with the mighty triumph of his foes. He arose the victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with saints to reign. If Christ arose, you can arise. Did you hear what I said? Businessman, hear me, man of god. Hear me. Those following from whatever nation watching, hear me. There is hope in this kingdom. One of the systems of advantage is that no matter what goes wrong, once there is brokenness, you have planted the seed for continuity of your destiny. Can I give you an advice? Great leaders no matter How bad people are. If you find genuine brokenness, I'll show you people who are still usable but no matter how good people are, if you do not find brokenness, that is a disaster only waiting for time of all that Saul was he was broken. when he fell before that light Who are thou lord? He said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecute us. You cannot kick against the pricks and his heart was open When Peter denied Jesus, he was broken Even the Judas you talk about Judas was so broken. He did not spend the money. Brokenness is powerful. It fits your fasting. It fits your prayer. You can fast. You can pray. You can walk in church. If there is no brokenness, you cannot go far with god. I think we should turn this into a prayer in 1 Minute while you are seated. cry to the god of heaven. Lord, grant me a broken spirit. The pride and the arrogance that is rebellious towards god. Give me the malleable to repent. The ability to not be ashamed that when there is a default in my life and my destiny and my losses come as a report card letting me know that I need to retrace my steps. Pain is from your future to your present Warning you that you need to make adjustments in your life. If someone praying Please pray. be like that prodigal son tonight. for some of you. Hallelujah. Now, listen to me. Listen to me. I still have two more points and then we're going to pray but at this juncture, my spirit is fired up and I want to make an altar call. You are here and you've heard me speak and once you heard me speak, the Holy Ghost began to tell you, it's time to win this war of destiny Tonight. there is nothing to be ashamed of Running to Jesus is like running to receive an award, not running to a funeral. Hear me. There are people of the balcony across the aisles and maybe even outside online following, you know, that the first restoration you need is Jesus Christ. Nobody will force you but I believe with all my heart, there are people who need to make it right Or there are others who say apostle, I remember giving my heart to the lord but the way my life is now, things have gone haywire wherever you are as I count one to five as our father will always do. I like you to leave your seat wherever you are and please run and come and stand here unashamed. You are standing before Jesus one Are you celebrating them Champions? Cathedral. Come and stand before Jesus. the god of your salvation. Please stand for space. stand celebrate them as they come It's time to win that war. Is this how you celebrate salvation here? Okay. those outside. you can create a space for them outside because of that, those outside. Hear me please. Those who are coming from outside, let's have some ushers or counselors just create a space for them where they can stand Keep coming. Come to Jesus. Come to Jesus. Come to Jesus. Are you coming to Jesus? I have to pray for you before we continue I love I love your presence. I love your presence. I love. I love you. I love I love I love love. Listen. Look at me. my brothers and my sisters. Some of you are crying. Don't be ashamed of your tears. Rebels don't come to Jesus. Rebels run away from him so that you have come to Jesus who is the lord of your salvation? I like you to know that you are not a rebel, young and old For some of you, you've been having dreams. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to you. For some of you, he carried you and brought you here. Do you know why? More than just making heaven. There are destinies that are connected to your obedience. He brought you here to make you a Billy Graham. never got born again in that crusade ground. There are millions today who would not make it because of him. I had never made it to Jesus. Can I tell you this? Many of you are here like the prodigal son tonight. It is within your power to come to yourself and make up your mind. I'm tired of this kind of thing. I cannot waste the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Can I tell you this? Every one of us including myself had to stand before the lord of our salvation to make this decision. This is not a funeral. You are standing before Jesus. The only thing I you to do is to mean seriously what you are saying. Don't come and stand here just because of emotions. Let it be from the depth of your heart. The Bible says, whosoever will come to him. He will in no wise cast away. Listen to me, my brothers and my sisters, you are here because there is a beautiful destiny because you Jesus. To take my body, my soul, my spirit. on me. my body, my soul, my spirit. on me. You are the holy ghost. The Holy Ghost. You are the holy Ghost. Holy ghost. Take your Take your Hallelujah. Now, listen to me. Don't be ashamed of your tears, Your father is here like the prodigal son When he came to his father, the father embraced him. I am still a your source, your sustainer. Please lift your right hand high to the heavens above your head and I'd like you to say this after me passionately. Jesus is here for some of you in your tears and your prayer is the salvation of millions. For some of you in your and your prayer is the finances that will form the gospel in these end times. there are apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and businessmen and politicians, custodians of the destinies of many Take seriously the decision you are making say after me, Lord Jesus. Say it again. passionately. Say lord Jesus. Lord Jesus Tonight, I have heard your word. I like the prodigal child. I have come to you. I have you. just as I am. unable to help myself, but I believe in your love. I believe you died for me. I believe you shed your blood for me. I you resurrected for me. tonight. I make Jesus my savior, my savior, my lord. and my king. I receive. I receive eternal life. Eternal life into my spirit. I also receive I receive the abundance of grace. of even the gift of righteousness. and I declare that from today, and forever. I go forward and backward. Never Amen. Amen. Keep your hands lifted Father. I present to you the ones Jesus died for. Jesus. When you hung upon that cross, this one's together with all of us were worth your death, your blood like trophies we bring to you a these ones who have come back home according to the authority of scripture. I declare your sins forgiven and I declare that the power of sin of Satan of hell and of the grave is broken over life. I commend you. Therefore, to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit that is able to make you and mature you and to make you a useful battle Acts in the hands of the lord every guilt, every shame, every past leaves you now and leaves you forever. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Amen. Not very quickly before uh they're returning back to their seats, okay? Now, this is what I want you to do. All of you. the teaching is still on. So, even while you're there, please lend your attention but there is a counselor waving. The placard just turn to the back and you will see him What I want all of you to do is just follow him together in concert as we clap for them. There'll be a group of people very briefly, very briefly that will attend to you and you'll be back to your seat. Let's celebrate them. Champions. Cathedral. Is this the best you can do? No, you won't light up mountain. You won't climb up coming after me. No, you won't. You won't. I'm coming out to me. sing it one more time. There's no you. Coming out to me. Hallelujah. Can we take the third key? just help those who are crying. Can we take the third key while you're taking them counselors? Just help them. Let's make it snappy so that they can be back because we're soon to pray. Now, the third key is knowledge. The third key that controls restoration. Are we still together? Shout hallelujah. So, number one, the power of self examination, self evaluation. Number two, the power of brokenness. The third key that controls restoration in this kingdom is knowledge. Proverbs chapter eleven please and verse nine, help us media Proverbs chapter eleven and verse nine The Bible says an hypocrite with his mouth destroyed his neighbor. The people says but through knowledge, shall the just be delivered. through knowledge shall the just be delivered. This is a kingdom that operates like I stated earlier operates by light Is it possible? Is it possible to have, excuse me, is it possible to give the new converts the forms and then they can feel it on their seats and then when I'm done praying, I can still request that all of them get back. Would that be fine? Will that be fine, sir? Oh well, anyway, I just, I just thought so that it doesn't bring any distraction. Praise the lord. Let's continue knowledge. Everyone say through knowledge. shall Just be delivered. one more time through knowledge shall just be delivered. There is a relationship between knowledge and victory. There is a relationship between knowledge and deliverance. There is a relationship between knowledge and restoration. the same way ignorance leads to losses. Knowledge can lead to restoration. Isaiah chapter six and verse one, the scripture I love to quote so much. Here's what it says, Arise shine. Why for your light is come. Know that your light is available. It's always been there but when it comes to you, it sustains the power to make you arise and to shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you. I wish we can have the amplified rendition, the amplified Let me quote it for time. It says, arise from the depression and the frustration in which circumstances have kept you. He says, rise to a new life arise from the frustration, the depression, that circumstances have kept you rise to a new life. Oh, beautiful. We have it here. It says, be radiant with the glory of the lord. Why? For your light has come. Everyone say my light has come. I prophesy over your destiny. My light has come prophesied over your family. My light has come Light is powerful. Is it not light that turns night into day? What did your Bible say about the night that weeping is related to the night time? It endures for the night. He says, but joy it turns light to joy. for as long as there is light in your life Weeping continues but the moment illumination light comes to you, then you arise in joy. You need to after knowledge. knowledge of the ways of god, Knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom. You must access wisdom by light. Scripture says, talking of wisdom by me, King's reign and princess decree justice. He says, he says, with me and riches, wealth and honor yet durable riches and righteousness. Job twenty-nine the exploits of job Job was recounting the basis for his victory. What was responsible for him being the greatest man in the east? Please give us Job twenty-nine. The first four verses are we still together tonight? Moreover job continued his parable and said, all that I wear in the past, he says, as in the days when god preserved me, when his candle, everybody say light when his light shines upon my head and went by his light, I walk through darkness. There are two kinds of light you need to advance. The one that shines on your head and the one that shines on your path. the one that shines on your head is for knowledge. The one that shines on your path for direction, Job, said this light was on my head and was on my path for he says, as I was in the days of my youth, when the secrets of the lord were upon my tabernacle. In fact, let's extend a bit. Go ahead and read when the almighty was yet with me and my children were about me when I wash my steps, Look at the fringe benefits of access to light. I wash my steps with butter. The rock poured out Oil rivers of oil He says I went out to the gate through the city when I prepared my seat in the street. What happened? The young man by reason of this light they hid themselves and the A one stood up The priests refrain talking and laid their hands on their mouth and the nobles held their peace and their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth. When the ear heard me, he blessed me and when I saw me, he gave witness to Just stop there. the exploits of light. You want advancement and even restoration. It is at the mercy of the lights that you have. This beautiful auditorium is well lit. Both your LED screens, the Tvs, and then the auditorium. Why? Because they're sufficient light. If you put a candle here, it's not light enough to turn the night into day. You need high level spiritual illumination. Are we together? The last key. that controls restoration is the prophetic Isaiah 42 and verse Twenty-two. The prophetic was given by god as an instrument of restoration. Isaiah Forty-two. Please pay attention. We're about to pray. We're about to pray. Isaiah 42 and verse Twenty-two Media. help us. Let's read together. Can we read? Ready? Want to read but this is a robbed and spoiled. Uh huh. They are all of them snared in holes. They are hid in prison houses. They are taken for a prey and nonsense delivered for a spoiler and nonsense. Restore restoration must be spoken to happen. He says they are taken for a prayer and there is no prophetic voice that can speak and say, restore restoration. Second Kings chapter six and verse one. a classic expression of restoration. Hallelujah. Someone's life is about to change. and the sons of the prophets said to Elijah, watch this now. Behold, now the place where we dwell with thee is too straight or small for us. Let us go. So, this was an intention to go forward but something happened. Are we together? Let us go. We pray thee unto Jordan. the place of breakthrough and take them man. A beam and let us make us a place there. where we may dwell and he said, go. you when he gave that instruction, one said, be content. I pray to go with thy servants and he answered, I will go So he went with them and when they came to Jordan and they cut down wood, the Bible says but a tragedy happened. Listen carefully now but as one was failing a beam, the axe head fell into the water and he cried and said, Allah's master. I am in trouble. I've lost something now, my sincere intention to go forward has brought me trouble and that acts was borrowed. What's the prophetic? The man of god answered and said, come down. you are safe. The prophetic is still within your reach. We fell it. How the lord is speaking to someone We have failed the relationship. We have felt the favor We have failed the open door and he showed him the place. Please keep the scripture and he cut down a stick and cast it in the and the iron did swim and he said, take it off to thee and he put down his hand and took it I will restore through the instrument of the prophetic and acted heavier than water but under a certain condition III prophesy to someone in the name of Jesus Christ. the son of the living god. you now see what happens when our father would stand and say in the name of Jesus casually speaking, everything you have lost, let it be restored and people say, amen and people return with testimonies and say, my child who has been missing for 10 years. Let me tell you this. I know that the prophetic may have been abused here and there but when the prophetic is administered within the balance of scripture, it is powerful. No man can rise beyond a certain threshold until the prophetic lifts you. I tell you this, I had the honor and the privilege of meeting our father again, not too long. and when he was praying and speaking over my life, I knew it was coming from the depth of his heart. He sent everybody out of the room. and began to speak from the depth of his heart. I knew was not just advising. He was programming realities. Can I tell you this? as powerful as Jesus is? he walked under a close heaven for 30 years until a prophet opened his heavens. Your Jesus was under a close heaven for 30 years until he met a prophet called John the Baptist Even if you are a midwife, when you are pregnant, and you're about to give birth. another midwife who have to help you. You hear me? This is where the arrogance of our generation has peg men. You can't respect yourself but you cannot honor yourself. Honor is confirmed by another. Fire is about to fall in this place. Listen to me. Many of you have lost. Please take it hard for me. Listen carefully. There is a prophetic word that I want to bring and then we'll pray. I will not take too long. We'll be done shortly. Please be sensitive. Now, I just sent angelic in this Nehemiah chapter five and verse eleven. Nehemiah five. Champions. Cathedral. the city of war. South of the Niger. Hear the word of the lord. He said, restore I pray you to them even when even when are you reading with me, Not tomorrow. Restore even this day their lands their front yards their own yards, their houses, a parts of the money and of the call and of the wine and of the oil that he exerts of them. Listen, please look up Every time Many of you are businessmen, many of you read economies There is always whenever there is a taking, it leaves someone and goes to the hand of another. Is that true? did your breakthrough when it left you? Where did it go? because the Bible says, when you catch a thief, he doesn't only restore, he restores tenfold. Ezekiel Thirty-seven. I was taken We're still fortress on this prophecy. This is the prophetic word the lord gave me tonight. Nehemiah but hear me the hand of the lord was upon me. We're reading Ezekiel Thirty-seven. He carried me out in the spirit and set me down and he showed me a van full of bones. Bones means they were once an army but something happened He caused me to pass by them. They were many and they were very dry. That means they have been there a long time. Verse three, he said unto me, son of man, Champions. Cathedral. Can this business Live Can this family leave? Can this anointing be restored? The prophet was honest. He said, lord, with this situation, I'm seeing only down the west. and then he spoke to him and he said to me, prophesy, he said to me, prophesy, he said to me, prophesy verse five, breath to enter you so that you will live by six. Beautiful and I will and I will do all of these things. Go to verse seven. That's what I'm looking for. He said, prophesy and this verse says, so I prophesy. He said, deliver. So, I I'm here today because god sent me If he says prophesy, then we must prophesy. If restoration. then we must decree. Are you ready to pray? Father, I step into everything I have lost everything that has left me left my family, Lift your voice and pray spiritually. financially. in ministry. in business, in career. Are you praying? Are you praying? Inside? Outside. Rccg. Champions, Cathedral. the city of war. lift your voice and declare the rest of the favor. Restore the lifting Someone is praying. Someone is praying. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. My god. My god. but thou for me. my glory. You lift my head. But now, You hear me? Please, I like you. Please listen. Listen. There are few. We have a few minutes. I don't intend to delay us especially because of our fathers but the hand of god is upon me Now. Praise the name of the lord. Hear me. There are people here and I'm seen by the spirit. There are people here There are yolks that have tied and kept individuals. Listen to me and family. The Bible declares that now the lord is that spirit and that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty There are individuals here. The only thing growing in your life is your age. Nothing else is growing. I want to pray for you right now. Listen, as I pray for you. the power of god is when you come upon you we may not be able to do that for everybody but I want you to bring them out here. Let's just have a few ushers whether you're an usher or not, just join them. There's a reason I want to pray for them. We because this night except god is not god that whatever has held you down in the name Jesus. It must give way. Are we together? I stretch my hands right now. At the count of three, I declare that anyone here under the sound of my voice who has been tied down by witchcraft tied down by all kinds of yolks. I join my faith with the fathers of faith and in the name of Jesus At the count of three, I want you to shout that name Jesus. don't come out at random. Don't come out at random. The power of god will bring you out in the name of Jesus. Just bring those under the anointing. One, two, you shout Jesus. Three. the power of the Holy Spirit. I decree and declare bring those under the anointing the name that is above all names. Bring those under the anointing. Let them go in the name of Jesus. Let them go release their destinies. release their destinies by the power of the Holy Ghost. every plot that is not of god. I come by the road of the higher. Let there be deliverance. Now, let there be emancipation. now in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Listen, I'm praying for you There are families Zechariah chapter one from verse eighteen. He's a son of man. What's down? And he said, I saw four horns. nineteen. He said, these are the horns that have scattered Judah. Your praise scattered Israel, your covenant scattered Jerusalem, your peace There are horns that fight families. I'm praying again that every power sitting on anyone's destiny, you're going to shout that name again in the name of Jesus be delivered now. Be delivered now. Be delivered now. Be delivered now. release families. Destinies Release family. destinies will cause you by the god of heaven. We cause you by the god of Joshua that rises upon the wings of the wind Tell me Please listen. If there is any family here that has been tied down in one position as I declare upon you, I like you to begin to receive and say, I'm moving forward. I'm making progress. I declare right now every family that has been tied down in the name of Jesus. Go forward. Go forward. Go forward. Go forward. Go forward. Go forward. No delay. Go forward. Restoration. In the name of Jesus. Let it darkness trembles. your light. Hope is rising in this place tonight. Demi. Listen. all of you who are in front here, listen. Hold on. Everyone in front here. I declare that everything that has tied you by the god of heaven, I command you to leave you now. Leave your family now. If you're in business here, lift your hands. I want to pray for you. It was borrowed in the name that is above all names. Everything that has tied you down to bring reproach to the name of the lord upon your life. I stand here upon this exalted altar and I declare to you, come out of every death. Now, come out of every loss now. Come out of every death Now. Come out every loss now. I speak to you Advance advance, advance. go forward. advances in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Now, listen to me please. Just two 3 minutes and I'm done. The Bible speaks about a man in the book of Esther called Mordecai Mordecai once saved the life. There are two people who did well but were not rewarded in scripture. Number one, was Joseph He helped the wine press to interpret his dream and he said, when you are restored, please tell the kingdom innocent. the man 2 years to Joseph's pain. a man's memory, a man's forgetfulness can multiply your times of pain. until god as an act of his mercy. brought a dream to pharaoh and the one person said, I remember my wrong The second person was Mordecai. He saved the life of a hazardous. the king over 127 provinces and Mordecai was not rewarded but when his time came, the Bible says that night could not the king's sleep I'm saying this because god is about to open the book of remembrance. hear me. There are some of you who have been part of the success story of many people You have contributed to the rising of many. you have helped to take shame out of many but you have been forgotten in the name of Jesus. I bow my knees to the god of my covenant. Don't kneel down. I'm the one kneeling down. I pray for you between now and the next 3 months. If god be god be remembered in the name of Jesus. be remembered in the name of Jesus. Be remembered in the name of Jesus. that night could not a hazardous sleep and he said, bring me the chronicles when they brought him the chronicles, he saw where Mordecai saved his life and yet was not rewarded and he said, who is in the chamber? Her man was there and he said, what shall be done to the man who does this? A man thought he was the one and so out of the abundance of his selfishness, he gave a recommendation. He said, do that immediately. speak to you. There are some of you who are at this conference. It looks like you are Nobody's ignored but I stand by the grace of god and I declare may what happen to Mordecai happen to you hear me? The Bible says, let god arise and let his enemies be scattered. when her man coordinated the honor of Mordecai, he returned back to his wife and he said, wife, look at what happened to me and he said, uh uh Mordecai is a Jew Es is a Jew. You are in trouble. He said, this one has come to get you because there is a covenant that protects them. Can I speak to you? anybody that has not your god and for your covenant may what happen to her man happen to them. in the name of Jesus Christ. I want you to go back home today with this consciousness that the lord has restored to me. but things and years you are bearing here, trusting god for the fruit of the womb. I want you to not just expect one child expect twins, triplets in the name of Jesus Christ. And may I lend my voice with the pastor and the leaders to encourage you. Please do not miss tomorrow morning session for anything. It's a conference. It takes a sacrifice but every session is worth your while and what your coming open up your heart and ensure that you are around and invite as many if there is no space. if you have to climb the roof, climb and sit there in the days of Jesus Christ. Everybody who came had something to go back with for tonight. The lord bless you. May the lord honor you. in the name of Jesus. You will not need to tell people you came to church. The testimonies that begin to happen will tell people that you met god in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you and see you tomorrow. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Let's put our hands to the man of god and begin to prophesy to his life. The lord I have used him mightily for us today. Let's ask that the almighty god will refill him back. Let's ask the power of the most high god. will rest upon his life upon his ministry. Begin to pray for the man of god that the almighty god have used for you tonight. Please open your mouth and pray. Pray, pray. pray. God have used him to release mighty blessing upon us tonight. Let's bless him back. Those that water, you must water them back. Please let's pray for this man of god. Let's pray for greater grace, greater anointing. upon his life upon his ministry. in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you father. In Jesus name, we pray. eternals. We want to bless your name. What a great god you are. We thank you heavenly father for your son, your anointed that you have used to us tonight. We bless your name Jehovah for your grace upon his life that I say thanks in the name of Jesus. Lord we pray that your heaven shall permanently be open unto the son of god. In the mighty name of Jesus. we pray. almighty father that we refill him back. Mighty father, those that you have released through him tonight lord. return back hundred fold into his life in the name of Jesus. we pray my father, my god, as you use them all over the world We pray lord that your anointing will continue to increase in his life. Your grace will continue. Continue to increase in his life. In the name of Jesus. the lord will uphold you to the end. You will never look back as the almighty god is using you. The almighty god will continue to uphold you in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you heavenly father. In Jesus name we pray. Praise the name of the lord. Are you blessed at all tonight? Oh my god. Are you blessed at all tonight? Are you blessed at all tonight? You have heard it. Make sure you're here for the minister's conference and the conference tomorrow. God bless you. Have you been blessed at all tonight? If you have been blessed, can you rise and shout aloud? Hallelujah. Hallelujah. quickly. package a worthy offering unto the lord. Let's appreciate him and thank him for what he has settled tonight. so that you're offering becomes a point of contact for the lord to put a seal on your blessings. and your testimonies. will be permanent. I would lift up your offering. Ask the lord to accept you and accept your offering. and bless you in return. Thank you, Everlasting father in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Let somebody shout hallelujah. you. Hey, man. have We all drop our offerings. Let us pray. Father in heaven. We bless your holy name for this privilege you have given to us to bring before you uh Thanksgiving offering. I pray that you accept us and accept our offerings and bless everyone that has given tonight. enlarge our costs and increase us on every side by the reason of the offering of tonight. I pray that all that you have restored in the lives of your children shall be permanent in the name of Jesus. Thank you. everlasting father. in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed You believe that you the lord has restored everything that you have lost tonight. shout aloud. Amen. Now, please be seated as you listen to the following announcement before our father and the lord comes to bless us. Finally, for today, Now, by the grace of god, Apostle Joshua Selman will be with us tomorrow. but it'll be ministering in the morning tomorrow morning at 7 AM here. So, we're going to be having a morning session tomorrow seven in the morning. Normally, we come here to pray at 630 but because of this special program, we will start at 630. We praise and worship and then by seven the session begins and I'm trusting the lord for someone here. you will not miss out of your blessings. You will not miss out of your miracles. Tomorrow is loaded because again, by the grace of god in the evening, We will continue with our session. We'll have both morning and evening session tomorrow evening session will commence at our usual time which is 4 PM and then we'll have praise and worship and then we will have the demonstrations by the grace of god. We'll be having two music ministers tomorrow one is And the second is Nathaniel Bassey. and also by the grace of god tomorrow evening. our own father and the lord the assistant, continental overseer. I'm the pastor in charge of region Twenty-three Pastor Sonia, A will be ministering powerfully tomorrow evening So, so tomorrow is loaded. Tell your neighbor tomorrow is loaded. Don't miss out on tomorrow. So, by the time you leave here, rest very well. Wake up early and then come here. You take the first dose in the morning. You come back in the evening, you take a second dose and your life will never remain the same again. Can I Shout hallelujah. You know, I said to you earlier while I was introducing um our guests. minister. that's this week is his birthday. and um you can see beautiful cake here. Come on. Come on. Celebrate Jesus. Apostle Joshua Selman. cannot leave here without experiencing some touch of the champion's Cathedral hospitality. So, can I can I encourage everyone to please rise as we all this great man of god downstairs to cut his birthday cake? Come on, choir. can you give him a song? Give us a song. a song. a very wonderful birthday song. I will never be ungrateful to you Lord. I will never be ungrateful. I will never be ungrateful to you. I will never be to you. Happy birthday. Yeah. Happy birthday. I'm I'll be May the good lord lord bless you. Amen. You got this cake at a shout of hallelujah. because in this new age that he's entering shout of hallelujah. We not see from his and let those that's already moving forward. shout a resounding hallelujah. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. How do we love you?
Channel: Victor Omebije
Views: 12,158
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman nimmak, apostle joshua selman nimmak videos, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman videos, apostle joshua selman sermons, victor omebije, koinonia, koinonia global, koinonia abuja, apostle selman, RCCG, WARRI, CHAMPIONS CATHEDRAL, Apostle Joshua Selman in Warri, Apostle Joshua Selman at 7DG RCCG Champions Cathedral, Warri, 7DG, WE Move, Mystery of Restoration, Why Men loose, Keys for restoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 32sec (7892 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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