Aphmau Has NO VOICE In Minecraft!

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has lost her voice in minecraft which means she has no way to talk to anyone and her friends have to find a way to help her get it back okay i should be able to expand my house with enough wood from this tree and okay all right 18 woods oh it's the pink and the white the cake [Laughter] hey what are you guys doing hey i'm just why did this get here oh it's so weird that it's there i don't know you can't do this with him wait no no no no no no why do you gotta mess with our phone you gotta just be quiet and let us break said okay zayd is a nice guy and doesn't deserve this i will use my voice to tell boo i wish she didn't have a voice to tell right there's nothing here uh no there was a trap i swear i saw it right here half mal half male telling lies no no no no i swear it's just uh half now lying is not a good habit to have you should do something better with your voice you know like singing i guess i'll post i'm right back to chopping boys oh hey casey oldest trick in the book i'm gonna go home you guys don't want me to use my voice for anything i can never use my voice for good maybe the server would be better if i didn't talk at all wait a minute what if what if i didn't talk at all i i actually have a potion for that or at least a potion to make it look like that so if i come over here i have a mute me not potion and this is just gonna make it look like i may not be able to talk so if i come over here and drink the potion like this oh broken music notes perfect okay and oh wait so if i don't talk anymore how do i tell them that i don't talk oh wait a minute tnt that's right uh here over here i can just grab some of this and i can set it off outside let's go all right here we go i like this over here oh that should alert them oh i mean didn't say anything what was that do you guys just hear that yeah why was your explosion on this server without knowing about it i'm here to add to a comfort mouse house house did you do this what happened oh crap where did all of this come from and ha ha ha ha tnt oh my goodness she broke up with aaron oh my gosh oh yeah that's probably more likely yeah you're right you're right oh i wonder if it has something to do with me wishing it away before you did not [Music] we need to take care of her somebody call 9-1-1 oh i i would but i don't know what i don't know the number for it [Music] oh dear sweet half-mal what cruel fate has befallen you i told you to use your voice better and now you don't have it at all oh what horrible irony this has brought upon us all listen i told you i could try and wish it back but it's not working yeah how about that okay that's so fearful you can't talk but you can use this squeaky toy to communicate with us okay sleepy toy what am i supposed to do with let me see yes that that could work uh half out squeak once for yes and squeak twice for no squeak three times if you're not sure what's that that's awesome if you need anything at all just squeak all right all right i guess it will be on our way both of you are staying here to make sure she's okay mr wish teller okay that's ian what about me huh you are complicit as well you were trying to put me in that trap earlier yeah that was pretty funny that was pretty good i am going out to see if i can find a cure for this and i swear if anything happens to her she's not gonna be the only one that will be able to talk after this day is done everyone stay out pierce how would he even know if anything happens to have now while he's gone that is true she i mean she can't make any noises so everything will be fine right yeah you know she's got this cake here that casey made oh yeah he doesn't have a fresh spell wait oh that's tweaking he's pretty loud can you stop squeaking that's been so much squeaking yeah if you really feel like you you're done squeaking squeak seven more times no yeah you're right it squeaks anymore okay you're home you can relax you have everything you need here look you got books you got diamonds you guys you got everything you need so you shouldn't need anything right right so you're gonna dip give me a lift here we go here we now it's go there where she can't reach it perfect now we can relax right pierce and buy relaxing we can take all his stuff now you know i like the sound of that as long as it's not squeaking oh what do you think you're doing with that let's go break the chest i got this no no put that dirt down no oh yeah it's just gonna whoop that broke a little bit of this no more building blocks for you okay no you just need to calm down oh okay she's uh gone into the room that's fine that's fine we got other stuff to do don't appear no annoying yeah you know i just realized uh there's there's a big little mud pile outside that i'd love to go check out would you mind okay at least they're leaving i'm supposed to be pretending such a nice day get the feel of yeah it just really fully eats the skin it just feels great doesn't it hey now i hope you don't mind us just uh you know hanging out in your house i mean what do you want to say something you have something to say about us tracking mud through your house hold on i think i got a friend who might actually have something to say about it just one sec yeah in the meantime uh here we go we got a we got a fridge over here we got a sink let me see if you want to mess with your roommate you just uh don't say anything i may have brought you something [Music] yeah don't don't worry dolly should clean up the mud probably anyway can i make a sandwich hey you got a bathroom somewhere in here i just realized i really got to go there's diamond armor over here listen great listen i thought no one is taking your stuff just let us know that's what i thought just gonna take this diamond armor you don't mind right as long as zayn doesn't find out it's fine we can take care of this dude what just happened here uh uh i tried to read she won't stop squeaking it since you two blue boneheads want to play with her emotions you are gonna be fully responsible for this now now look i need time to try and find the cure to fix athmal's voice you two are gonna keep watch over her while i go out and try to find some ingredients got it yeah yeah that's what you said before yeah you haven't figured out your seismic uh-huh guys he has no idea what he's doing nobody was gonna go find a cure before and he still hasn't found one so which means it's up to us exactly we gotta find out why her voice is broken and how we can fix it of course yeah we're smart we can figure this stuff out right absolutely we're the smartest on the server all right so all we gotta do first you know what i whenever i feel bad i just need some fresh air so let's just take her out for a nice bath go for a nice walk and i'm bored okay we need to yeah that was awful so maybe i was thinking maybe we can shock her out of it oh i like it i like you like it but how come you know i got a got a couple of these oh my goodness diamond door like this one yeah yeah yeah what wait how did you get did you steal these shears too baby [Music] don't you just love diamond door especially mining it with a stone pickaxe oh yeah oh it's the best mommy he'll even get out of this this is funny yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah double the power what do you have to say about that uh wait where'd she go how about what maybe she just needed her oh hey come [Music] [Music] oh it's fine don't worry don't worry i'll take care of the creeper okay right mr creeper you wanna okay they're angry all right run get out of here go go go go go go go go go go go wait no i'll go wait come back it's fine i got away from the creeper okay have you seen her i think she went back out i don't see her wait see oh okay she's right there next to a pot of full puffer fish oh [Applause] what is this i don't know what is it it says kc's diary paste in it hey give me that bag okay let's see if there's some kind of food maybe i've got here that could help you with your problem uh let's see uh how about uh nice baked potato no no really that's weird okay uh how about something healthier like a carrot i know they're good for eyes but maybe they're good for voice nothing okay why don't we go with it hey you don't have to be throwing it maybe it's a favorite food option how about uh cake really no cake oh come on now hang on i'll give the door here uh yes hey zayn [Music] looking all over for you i wanted to see if i wanted to go mining or are you dancing nice moves oh wait wait wait you you hold on one second here you want to take her mining absolutely not okay there is only one thing guys think about it's diamonds you want to steal all her diamonds don't you totally what [Music] you should trust him i i trust half mal aaron is the one i don't trust he could be trusted [Music] oh hey how's it going um hey if you want to go mind me with the cool guy don't say anything all right we can go mining later on yeah see ya i'll go get some more materials in the meantime i feel even less comfortable about her going with them no it's fine saying it'll be fine everything's gonna be fine nothing bad's gonna happen we'll [Music] [Music] ah why do you have angry cats in my house they look very angry i don't like this oh so when it's your business she's my daughter [Music] all right since no one seems to be taking the initiative to help get athmos voice back i am going to use the power of science aka mods to get our voice back um this looks complicated oh no no no no it's actually very simple aphmau's going to step in this part of the machine and the machine will take the voice of this dog and give it to aphmau oh they see finally you make sense yeah that's genius yeah this is why he's science man he you'll see it in just a moment now f go ahead and step on inside right in here there we go i want to see it work this won't hurt i don't i don't think all right here and here we go something's happening apple squeak if this is excruciatingly painful i can't hear anything i just hear science probably it's fine yeah everything's working fine all right half you say anything speak to us [Music] that means it worked right yeah job well done sir job well done yeah wait a minute no no there's gotta be something wow oh no no no i thought this was going to happen ah you thought what in order to get the redstone and the flux machine working for the transfer i also added tnt to half miles part of the machine so when she barks she has a small chance to explode things [Music] i didn't say this would work guys don't do it and for the dog i had to use the power of the flamethrower for the redstone i didn't think he'd be able to use it are you sure that was a good idea zane that's a weird way to hold a dog oh no she's got both now okay fine you know what ian pierce you can take your mining now just get her out of here while i try to think of something but you can't go mining like this no uh okay the portal's ready this is gonna be our last best chance f the whole point of this is that we need you to get into the end and swallow the end crystal okay but this sounds like a terrible idea we don't need to have armor yeah is this really the only option here at this point all we need to do is to keep the ender dragon distracted while aphmau goes and gets the end crystal to eat that way she's gonna be given a powerful voice box as a result okay hey maybe i'll just tip a toe in or something like that and just uh first [Applause] [Music] okay here we go we're at the end with no armor oh my god there's there's something in there that still explodes a big hinderman anyone see the dragon anybody see anything i'm looking straight down i see lots of end stones same here i hear a dragon oh zane is the plan working i don't know i did it what it worked out oh thank you guys so much so now whenever you sing you get to just blow stuff up i'm talking dave this is the coolest spot ever oh yeah we're so happy for you
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,775,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau lost her voice, aphmau is hurt, aphmau can’t talk, aphmau broke her voice, aphmau in trouble, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau funny moments, no swearing, clean minecraft videos, no cursing, minecraft aphmau crying, aphmau voice mod, aphmau voice power, best aphmau moments, best aphmau pranks
Id: 4cMvESDs5hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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