Aphmau Is LEAVING The SERVER in Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KawaiiCuteAdorable 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2022 🗫︎ replies
has moved to a new server in minecraft the meanest spring ever caused aphmau to lead the server but when her minecraft data is corrupted she forgets everything and everyone and when her friends realize she has no memory on this new server they try to change what she thinks of them to get her to go back home okay i think i got enough of this let's see uh iron uh more iron over there oh diamond hmm it's a weird spot for a diamond to be but you know what i'll take it huh where am i worked perfectly as planned oh it so certainly did my blue boy all right now to see if my little trap actually works [Music] what are you doing up there i don't know what happened i was setting that trap to catch one of these two blue idiots then we totally didn't uh try and rig it for half power or anything um yeah you think you're finally over underestimated underestimated us yeah okay what guys that's not funny i lost everything there you are [Laughter] i lost everything i worked for in the mine i don't say knocked you in it was great yeah you could just get more listen we can just get you more things all right and everything will be all right you just read it you can do extra work with my server forever oh sure she is with half athless you can't go to a new server you are not smart enough to go to a new server i'm not smart enough and just what i know exactly what's going on i didn't mean it like that what are you doing but how about you love us you never move into another server right what are you doing you love this what is that it's my player data zane white athletes talk about this where you taking that yeah it's all my minecraft player data on this server i'm taking this player data and transferring it to a new server where i know that someone will like me listen don't be rash i can give you some diamonds and some new tools oh no no no i can't get back on wait wait there's a there's another server i can join oh huh wait a minute i'm on a new server in the world my friends they they let me follow the lava oh what if i were just to forget them i mean they probably forgot me huh something weird happened with your server oh hey how's it going wait a minute why do people look different also there's something really weird going on with your server i don't know what's going on everyone else is trying to figure out a minute who are you wait what um i am ian your best friend i don't know any ian sorry what what no no hang on hang on don't you know i'm ian the best minecrafter in the world well that doesn't sound very accurate because i um i don't know who you are yeah let me just show you how i'm the best minecrafter in the world cause this is a a brand new server right and you totally don't know who i am or remember me that's weird but uh anyway so uh welcome to minecraft first thing we're gonna do is uh punch a tree like this wow that's so mean no i am not a tree hi stop it say hi oh uh that bye okay uh say hi to the tree we're gonna we're gonna make some tools oh we're gonna make some tools what mm-hmm and then we're gonna go mining so you can get me go i mean so we can find some things to craft with rafting table what yeah that's like super oh you did it already wow you must be the best minecrafter ever well yeah yeah is this oh uh is this is this normal um sure yeah yeah you you uh change your skin all the time in minecraft i'll gather some wood you know what i'll show ian if he was gonna be mean to me on the other server on this new server i'm gonna make sure that he thinks i don't remember him uh yeah that's a nice little decoration thing if you're a boring minecrafter anyway so now that uh we've gotten some stone tools we can go mining wait we've got some tools yeah i already scouted the mine a little bit for you put up some torches so it doesn't get too dark and scary because uh you know i'm super brave not everyone's as brave as me ian you're so powerful oh thanks um you know it's fine why don't we just do our own thing now uh i already scouted ahead a little bit put some torches up and it's really important when you go mining that one player definitely the more experienced one holds all the important stuff like iron and the cool pickaxes and gold and and what what what are you doing uh i'm gathering so we can go into the mind wait no no we want the torches all of them uh we should probably put some of them back right like uh this one we can keep this one yeah otherwise there were uh [Music] that's not a player um no no that's a zombie it'll hurt you and uh it's also important that the weaker players uh protect the more experienced players i hear i hear her oh i know the sign [Music] [Music] hey zayn out of my way are you okay are you hurt are you hungry are you sad are you angry wait a minute what what are you what yeah uh zane uh come here for a second um what's going on here i don't think she she doesn't know who she is i don't know what's going on like [ __ ] are you serious it's like her player data reset or something more than that i don't know that does make sense on a new server and everything okay okay you know what it's fine we'll work through this uh uh okay um so aftmouth so it seems like getting sent to a new server and everything uh reset your player data but no never fear i zane your best friend is going to help you get back to normal and everything my best friend that's not true he is my best friend yes oh don't worry buddy you'll get a good friend someday come on best friend yeah and the best minecrafter i might say to best minecraft oh this is bad this is bad you were not getting away with this again don't ruin this for me i can't believe this being you wouldn't have manipulated her like this and i thought i would start fresh with a new friendship she was happy the way things were before you know that [Music] it doesn't matter we gotta work with what we got now i'll teach you how to be a better fighter wait did she just oh yeah zayn uh that also happened her skin has been changing oh is she leveling up again wait a minute there's a village over here how did we not notice that before oh i don't know zayn why didn't you see that with your eyes huh i think i can fix it all right all right [Music] i this is our my new friend who has no idea who anyone is and my friend she's my friend too well then i am pierce of the the leader of this hub in this new server and nice to meet you so since she's new i'm showing her the ropes because i'm the best of minecraft and i am the one that she likes the best of my wait wait where's the romeo [ __ ] wow that was i ever saw [Music] you're not supposed to do that to the as your sheep friend uh it's fun to do uh pranks to other players like kick their sheep or uh maybe set their things on fire this is a blind steal what are you doing take that and uh no no no no she'll see that oh you're welcome [Applause] are you okay oh no no you're doing a great thing do that more and i can't delete this i mean new player you you're bad for the sheet pad until further notice nice to meet you nice to meet you guys what's going on um uh well hi new player meet this other new player that we met just now a moment ago and she is setting fire to everything wow just respond uh hey ian i i i you should take a look i i think she they say they're hard new player you know okay she's doing so good okay it's yeah he probably enjoys it probably don't worry dory i'm gonna go find him everything will be okay stay here this is gonna be good don't you worry okay let's see this should be enough for the village right look at her she's doing cutting wooden stuff i know so she doesn't know anything which means she's the perfect victim to be pranked oh yeah right you know what i'm gonna be the best breaker i'm gonna prank you so good oh it's gonna be the best time no no no no no no i'm gonna be the best prank here why why okay i'm good i'm gonna place a tnt trap behind the grass she'll never see it okay oh hey what are you doing here oh is that what they call redstone um nothing nothing i'm not doing anything anyway uh what what are you doing i'm just chopping some trees because i figured we could use it for the village you know yeah for the village it's great um anyway uh um don't look over here okay how do you chop a tree again you use your axe you go to the bottom part of a tree and then chop your way up just like that like whoa hold on what happened what huh ian what what did you do are you okay bud pierce what's happening i don't know am i under the tree yeah i you know what actually what this means and he's talking about going hey wait wait wait hey hey pierce hi hi what's going on pierce there's a sheep in this hole and it's burning wait what oh i'm coming help you can i help you oh wait there's no sheep here oh sorry okay well well next time be more careful about it okay i just gotta wow uh told you it was gonna be a good prank did i win wait a minute a house oh it's much better than my house hey casey oh hi how are you hi i'm good um wait a minute who are you i'm kc oh that's right do you want to bake a cake yeah so what do we do because i totally don't know how to make all right well all right so if i'm not a very good friend and i can't be your best friend then i'm gonna be the best prankster ever [Music] huh uh i don't know why this happens it's a very pretty outfit hey yeah very pretty there you are oh great okay we have been on the server for too long you need to come with me it is time to go home i don't wanna but casey pick me up here i like this new server zane i really do but but this server is just everything is wrong we had so much more built up on the old server look we need to go back right now i've got this device i made that can get us back come on i'll help you make your device thingy okay all i need to do is just hold on to this be very careful all right okay i'm gonna get my beauty sleep tonight okay all right let's see [Music] i'll see you later casey thanks for the sword by the way oh it's not a problem you're my best friend at all so it's just that's not true anywho look we're getting ready to go into the darkest part of the server because the last part i need for that machine is an ender pearl it'll give us the ability to get back to our server now just come on we just need to find it where an accident happens well it's not like huh which is bad this is but their eyes are so pretty though i'll help you all right keep shooting you're still my best friend right guys [Music] that's good ian pierce just keep being the scapegoats [Applause] why do i have so many arrows for me to edit fire arrows no i think you guys oh if you stood still for a second i could hit the enderman and not you oh [Laughter] please hey guys how's it going guys okay we're good for now did you grab any of the other posts i don't think i grabbed any did any of you grab under pearls no come on we need something what what [Music] fight [Music] okay um and uh hey there you are oh wow your house is amazing all right guys i think we got the new houses all set up yeah we've got all the boat was bad isn't your house amazing thanks when when did you but i wasn't sure why this pillar was gonna go so it might look like a mess right now you guys are better minecrafters than me sorry gotta say you're a fast learner for someone who forgot everything yeah you know i i thought i think you did a real good job and as someone who taught you everything you know i gracefully accept this house me too here we go it's real pretty in here oh my goodness the beds are really nice and everything um wow i can explain don't worry i think the rest of it's gonna be fine did you just prank them well i gotta give you props that was a fireworks show thanks well maybe even time we could be best friends huh what do you mean zane we've always been best friends wait wait you like when did when did you just wha you were casey we're staying on this server she remembers wait a minute right who are you what's up who they fell for that
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,747,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau leaves minecraft, new minecraft server, new minecraft hub, aphmau forgot, aphmau forgot minecraft, aphmau diamond prank, aphmau new to minecraft, aphmau amnesia, aphmau new player, ein, ein prank, aphmau died in minecraft, aphmau booted from server, aphmau learns to play minecraft, aphmau pranks her friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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