Lie Detector Test On My Daughter

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today i'm giving my daughter a lie detector test by bringing in a professional polygraph examiner john can you explain to them what you're doing i'm going to be reading microscopic changes to the blood sweat and breathing as she answers the questions john i don't think she understands any of that we'll see you got this eh just tell the truth and everything will be fine now that you're all set question number one would you rather hang out with your mom more than your dad yes that's true oh yes sorry about that kidding me sadie is pink your favorite color no you can't unstrap yourself yeah challange i thought you like pink like your mom she's a blue girl okay let's keep going do you like it when your mom sings to you yeah that's true that's weird i love you okay so much i love you because you're my okay sadie do you think your mom has a good voice that has to be a lie no i had it's true do you think your mom would do anything for you why are you eating the cord can you just answer the question she doesn't want to answer that why wouldn't she want to answer that of course i would do anything for her are you telling the truth yes of course i'm telling the truth okay john what strap rebecca up what no today you're gonna be taking a lie detector test and we're gonna be asking extreme questions to see how far you'll go to do anything for your daughter we don't have to do a lie detector test clearly i will do anything for you right we're gonna find out because i'm not even asking extreme questions like will you dye your hair or delete your youtube channel what maybe don't look at me like that we're gonna get to that question number one and remember if you lie you have to do it do it like today would you shave your head for zadie yes that's true it's pretty extreme yeah but i would do it for zadie would you pierce your nose for zadie yes that's true this is good see i would do anything for you zadie i love you looking pretty good so far would you break laws for zadie yes that's a lie no please tell me my fortune am i gonna find the man of my dreams your love life is unclear however you will be receiving a giant gift excuse me ma'am do you have a certification to be giving out fortunes i am just telling her her fortune leave me alone i don't need certification uh you do because that's illegal fine speaking of gift i have a gift for you a live ride is illegal and i'm calling the police fine yeah hold on one second just grab one you again oh you would like a pickle your dollar pickle please fine pickle uh i'd like to see it bounce you can't sell a pickle that doesn't bounce that's illegal you pull that a bounce yeah i don't think so i'd like my dollar i'm not giving your dollar back are you getting it i'm not getting your dollar that's my goal buckle up we gotta go you can't create your tires that's illegal where are the police that was so awkward can we just be done with this no we have to figure out if you're going to do anything so supposed to be a lie detector test on zadie would you get a tattoo for zadie i already have i mean look of course they would that's true would you talk like a baby for 24 hours what uh yeah i would true see yeah but that took too long punishment this is the table of punishments since you took longer than three seconds to answer that question you have to do a punishment and we get to choose what well i'm choosing this one eat a stick of butter cockroach face mask those are a lie the world's hottest gummy bear i think i'm gonna go with this one an apple it's actually something else this is bobbi for apples in this toilet and you have 10 seconds to get one apple out or you have to do another punishment oh gosh did you go did you use that i always use that one oh just you got it it smells oh god this was your idea i know i didn't think it was gonna be that exciting though unless you want some more toilet water you better start answering these questions i don't want to water but you just spit on me just ask the question would you be a baby with sadie yes that's a lot you excited yeah i am too because it is time to eat some food sadie i have some beautiful food here for you and maddie has some food for baby rebecca oh she really likes it no no babies baby yeah there you go oh catapulted towards your face so she doesn't spit up anymore next we're going to do a super fast round zd likes to eat it really fast right zadie yeah three catapults maddie rebecca remember you're being a baby for your dog three two one go back baby food not so great i'm taking the babies on a wagon ride oh yeah gaga how's the wagon ride i got giggity oh my gosh what is that smell one of you have to change your diapers diaper patrol we got a dirty diaper yeah it's not zadie maddie okay stay still baby we're going to get out of here oh girl oh my god baby rebecca this is like the size of a snickers bar wait if that was the snickers then what's the smell matt oh just rocking my two babies to sleep gaga one of my babies is happy god oh god okay okay and i'm talking from both of you it's time to put you to sleep go lay down oh god guys baby sadie and baby rebecca it's time to go to sleep i love you all right babies i'm hearing too much talking here time to use your quiet voices and go to sleep yeah okay let's not do that one again it wasn't that bad it was super bad okay next question are you ready to have another baby right now well rebecca are you gonna answer the question so um you took too long punishment since you didn't even answer that question you have to do an extra punishment what two punishments you can do the green slime face mask that's not that bad i got slime on my face there's actually two face masks here cockroaches no let's start with the slime okay and it's sticking to my lips don't cover your mouth just in case the cockroach is just why is it so sticky maddie what is this slime i think we've waited long enough let's do the second face mask no no no no rebecca you still have a chance to answer that question put them on me just do it i got some there and then i think like the restaurant just go right around here oh you have some poop on your face don't open your left eye don't open your left eye okay okay don't open your left eye this is the worst just ask me easy questions so i can answer them quickly we didn't find all the cockroaches by the way stop i don't know i'm not doing your hair we don't know why they're on drugs cockroaches are afraid of john would you buy anything zadie wanted no that's true she has to learn the value of hard work i'm not spoiling z would you dress up as a mermaid to buy anything that sadie wanted no it's a lie why would you like looks like you're going shopping that is so embarrassing going out in public as a mermaid wait but if i'm a mermaid i can't walk that means i need some help maddie yep no i'm not so embarrassed oh that's the worst hello i'm a mermaid do we really have to do this that mermaid life though i'm a mermaid yeah we get it okay stop talking i need to find some stuff for my daughter who is a mermaid like her mom you don't have to announce it to the world hello i'm a mermaid oh the toy section zadie loves toys hi zadie loves all this so i'm going to get her a moana princess and let's get our sleeping beauty wait little mermaid what a mermaid theme okay zadie it's time to get you some new clothes these are all so cute but look at these there's rainbows fall is coming zady hope you like this one swimsuits you guys know that i taught zadie how to swim well basically i got comfortable going in the water shell yeah yeah yeah yeah oh look little swimmers could she be swimming when she's going to be a mermaid with mom keep it going keep it going yes stop stop numbers numbers there's also letters potty training give her the minnie she's potty trained she will be let's go now to check out hey christian i'm buying things for my daughter as a mermaid gold see what damage this mermaid did oh wow zadie you got lucky thank you bye thank goodness we are done with this what it was so fun i never stopped being a mermaid in public would be so enjoyable i'm going to take the stairs you're on your own what uh uh bye rebecca nettie help me i'm so glad that is over with it wasn't that bad i would never want to do something like that in public that's the worst would you eat the world's hottest chip for zadie yes that's true thank god would you do cockroaches for zadie yes that's true yes but you took too long punishment not another punishment at least [Music] your new nickname is lizard lips it's pretty gross but would you write sadie's name on your forehead yes no no i totally would i got the pin matt why do you have a sharpie oh it's for your abs oh my gosh that's what you used to draw on your six-pack mat no it's what i used to shade my six-pack ew good-looking girl oh my gosh matt seriously john i think your light adapter test is a little off i definitely would do this really sadie better appreciate this now that you got zadie on your forehead would you eat a raw egg for zadie yes that's true would you tortilla slap a stranger just to protect her yes that's true oh i have a good one would you take a selfie right now and post it on instagram for zadie it's kind of burning uh yes that's true but that took longer than three seconds to burn i'm being serious please just knock the mystery ball what do you think's inside of there maybe like a mouthful now we're gonna go tortilla slack but instead of water hot sauce get that hot sauce in there you have to put a lot in oh is that spicy [Music] [Applause] that's like burnt to death on your back no regrets this is starting to burn can i just take this off i will do anything to take this off right now please anything that's true see now can i please take this off it's burning my head i think i'm having an allergic reaction i have a good one steal from a stranger steal steal money from a stranger i can't steal money from a stranger looks like you're gonna keep that tattoo on your forehead okay fine fine i'll do it can i at least have a disguise so they don't know it's me this is so awkward yep here you go boom disguise this is my own merch this is so awkward damn fam i'm at a park there's a guy there i'm gonna have to do what i have to do i have a plan hey excuse me sir yeah hey would you want to see a magic trick sure so i'm gonna put this penny through my head it's gonna come out my mouth you ready you think that was cool yeah it was pretty cool oh well if you think that's cool what my forehead it's a long story but anyways if you think that magic trick is good do you have like a dollar bill or any kind of build because i can do an even cooler magic trick i have some 20s we can do 20s okay i'm going to make this 20 dollars disappear now close your eyes abra [Music] i can't believe i did that but it was worth it because now i don't have zadie on my forehead next question would you get plastic surgery for your daughter's 80. no that's true it was just a prank obviously i did it as a prank but i wouldn't actually get plastic surgery that was the worst day of my life john did you like that plastic surgery no would you dress like a disney princess all day for zadie yes true we're not doing that i wouldn't i would you should do it too i would never do that she's not disney princesses we're over that would you let us babysit sadie for 24 hours jordan matters daughter no she's 12. true but you hesitated so it's time to go to the punishment table you've been down this road before maddie i think you're up you're gonna be picking this one but wait wait what if we picked the mystery box no no i don't know what's inside of there or mouthwash latte literally mouthwash is in this listerine drink it did you try to say something characteristic oh it does taste a little minty though finally your breast smells good what's that supposed to be if zadie wanted you to dye your hair unicorn color would you do it yes that's a lot no no no no no please i just got my hair colored it's time for you to recolor it i can do it really fast up in my room just give me one second i'll be right back can't believe she's doing this all right john i'm so sorry that took so long but luckily i had this super awkward that i have to do it but i dyed my hair unicorn finally a good look you can strap me up now why do you have a wig on oh come on rebecca you have to dye your hair oh come on oh my gosh no no no no we're done get her upstairs that's gonna be pretty you can't even do it right you should do pink first you are gonna look just like a unicorn oh yay can hardly wait i didn't think you'd actually ask me to dye my hair but you're not gonna ask me to delete my youtube channel right i don't know why because if i get a lie that means i actually have to delete it would you do it for zadie would you [Music] i cannot believe i actually have unicorn hair now maddie i mean it looks good rebecca okay let's get back into the questions oh my gosh that was terrible what the wig was way better let's just get into the questions okay yeah this is your idea would you jump out of a plane for zadie yes that's true thank god i don't have the skydive today would you eat a cow's tail yes true i would go maddie obviously i don't want to lie right now right now would you let maddie give you a makeover no true i really don't have to take i barely know how to do makeup you clearly can't do hair this is super awkward but you have to do a punishment why this is super awkward right now i think i'm ready to tap dance with dog food you don't get to choose oh you gotta do the mystery box no i'm sorry maddie oh well you're sorry you don't really do makeup that often now you don't but okay really nice i'm sorry she's doing the mystery box i notice things [Music] what is this this is the world's grossest smoothie what's in it it's a mixture of baby food and fish drink up rebecca what is there anything else why is it 10 different types of eggs just drink it [Music] just imagine if you're drinking this pregnancy i feel sick well now you know what's in the mystery box great would you drink the viral edward drink from starbucks yes if i drink that i'll drink the edward drink it's a lot no it has like 15 ingredients hey can i order the edward drink i heard it's disgusting this is the first time we get this one really [Music] oh my gosh the edward drink that is a lot of drinks thank you so this is the edward drink it went viral and apparently there are so many ingredients that a starbucks employee wanted to quit after edward ordered this i saw the anazolo family drink this when salish controlled their life and i'm gonna try it now oh gosh there are so many flavors it tastes like graham crackers and syrup and a lot of crunchy things and a little bit of banana i hope zadie appreciates and knows that now i will definitely drink this for her that was time for rapid fire questions you have one second to answer would you eat fruit by the foot under water yes kind of feels like you wanted to do this one just let me do it so when you eat it you eat the fruit roll up you also swallow water that's right this was really a punishment huh joke's on you gotcha would you dress up as anna and elsa and hand out ice cream in public yes july i can't be both characters hey anna i worded that question so terribly grab some drumsticks because we're passing out ice cream to strangers i've gotten used to this you don't have to be shy just let it go i hate this so much you like an ice cream cone no do you like it i know thank you a little early for ice cream would any of you guys like some drumsticks ice cream if matt wasn't here to be passing out so much more ice cream oh no i got ice cream i'm actually okay because we're coaching and i might die if i eat it now but would anybody like thank you so much queen elsa we still have a lot to give out but i'm hopeful that this gets done soon so we can get back and finish this you guys want to take these home oh we're okay we can't get these out for some reason nobody wants to take ice cream from two grown people in outfits i think you're messing up my game anna i'll cut this punishment early you can't eat the ice cream well someone's gotta eat it it's gonna melt you know what i mean okay fine let's get back let's head back to the house okay ah come on anna what'd you do mario kart over the pool blindfolded yes why that machine is broken rebecca i know you've done this before but you've never done this blindfolded i can't see anything three [Music] that was for you zadie that was level two you have to do a higher level can i please be done now yeah but you got to quit lying what'd you do with dear god yes why no eat a spoonful hot sauce cheetos up your nose squirt lemon juice in your face take a bite of all right down your pants oh my god how many more questions do i have to do for this light detector test yes you are this one might be the hardest one to answer would you delete your youtube channel you know what i'm going to let zadie decide i'm not answering this if zadie wants me to delete my youtube channel i will i'm done taking this light detector rebecca hey zadie love pretty girl so right now mommy's doing a lie detector test and there's a question that i got asked that i want you to answer okay if you want me to do this i will do this so i'm gonna ask you right now do you want mom to delete her youtube channel yes or no oh thank god you don't want me to delete my youtube channel you've done it oh my gosh i love you so much and i would do anything for you even if that meant deleting my youtube channel but i love my youtube channel so much and i love the zamfam and i love that you love the sam fam are you eating that paper i'm not gonna make you take a lie detector test but i want you to know that i would do anything for you and that's the truth i love my daughter so much but i love my youtube channel and my zamfam too and i'm just so lucky that i can have both you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 9,714,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lie, detector, test, daughter, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: qUVZrdfZqww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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