Aphmau's HEART Was STOLEN In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Little_Rossy 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
hearts are being stolen in minecraft and outmow has become heartly when my friends pull the menace prank on me by taking advantage of my big heart i decide to pull a prank on them by making my heart disappear now they have to find a way to say sorry to get my heart back will they be able to bring back my heart let's find out oh hey to help me get my heart back be sure to hit that subscribe button thanks all right new wax ready to go desperate right now we need your help please come on we gotta go okay we gotta face the world [Music] don't worry wait a minute cheers [Laughter] [Music] you pranked me with the excel i would say this is the best prank driver actually don't worry it was not a real dog you think i would endanger a real dog you're silly yeah not like pierce ian i've been looking for asthma all right all right hang on i got you oh that was close you sure you're okay yeah jump guys oh i can't believe the nerve of those two taking advantage of your big heart like that oh no af please don't cry here take some diamonds that'll make you feel better okay thank you for the blanket same i don't know if i need it but thank you for the diamonds too no no no no anything you need i got it just take it easy today rest your weary hair they were mean to me [Music] i still can't believe those two just wait until i tell their mothers they are gonna what i'm down come back i'm doing the you tricked her into that trap just look look at her look at the eyes it's like diamonds falling out like tears you're having no doubts and you know it and you should apologize but you can't apologize because you've already i don't even know what i'm saying anymore no no no no okay so i mean seriously it's not our fault if you think about it uh why does she have such a big heart to begin with in smart people terms it's not our fault we're not responsible for her stupidity looks like no one else is responsible for my stupidity either yeah are you equating a big heart with stupidity that was smart it's c see aphmau agrees i am smart do you actually agree with them wait why does she always have to have a big heart by the way you know what i don't want one it looks heavy and how could you not want a big heart a big heart is the most important asset a person could have yeah for everybody you know what it's one thing to make fun of my big car it's another thing for me to oh why do i fall for their stuff so easily you know what if having a big heart is such a problem in the first place maybe i don't want my heart you know what hmm i found this when i was mining one of the little dungeons heart amulet release your heart let's see how this works hmm maybe if i right click it like this my heart is my heart is actually out oh this is so cool look at that wow okay wait i gotta figure out how to like you know remove it completely um wait same was messing with like heart-shaped potions whenever he was like trying to make his potion for kawaii maybe i can use those to try to get rid of this heart okay all right let's uh let's go downstairs is gonna be such a good prank all right uh all the way up here and oh he's got security cameras as usual um let's see code is usually four three two one really zane i thought you'd be smarter than that anyway let's see so he's got all these potions this one looks dangerous let's see uh can i push a button to open it no hmm okay you know what i'm going to deal with this the professional way with my tnt okay here we go here and let's see if this opens it come on okay oh there it is all right a heartless potion okay not sure if this is gonna work but let's see um this wet oh whoa that is so cool it doesn't really affect me but it makes me look cool so it makes it look like it's real okay it's gonna act natural my lab what what what are you doing are you are you okay or did you oh um i'm talking about zayn you're you're uh glowing i know you know what it's okay i don't really care about your lab zane uh [Music] that's not normally something i don't have a big heart hey why don't why not have a potato here okay i just made them hot and fresh out of the oven so go ahead try a big potato my heart is not big enough for them very tiny heart okay well how about some diamonds there i meant to give you a few more there i don't want any diamonds okay i need to test this theory out now how about gold i've never cared for anything zayn goodbye okay well that much is right but this is terrible hello what's going on here get back here she's heartless this is great you know what i'm gonna keep this up until pierce and ian apologize for what they did before okay thank goodness you're all right i really need to talk to you put that away uh listen uh you're fine is it are you feeling anything at all like look at these puppies they're so cute and everything yeah you used to love puppies i have no heart and i feel nothing oh this is all piercing ian's fault that stupid little pranks and everything hey our drink was not stupid yeah we worked really hard it was very smart clever and also hilarious oh really very good well why don't you take a look at that now and see what you've done she has no heart she's heartless maybe if someone were to apologize yeah if there's only someone somebody now you're going to make this better for her one way or another do a thing now a thing all right okay hang on hang out up here what would she like right or just here taking a walk on the minecraft server as one done i have nothing bad for falls basically oh here i am oh regular old minecraft creepers oh stay back oh peace stop i'm gonna get chucked i'm so scared i hope someone will save me uh a creeper is gonna explode pierce our eyes oh aren't you gonna help him please i don't want to help him what my heart doesn't care about peace it's not working but i don't know all right guess i'll just explode by the way it's i mean this isn't fake to um also you you thought we were acting did we did we did yeah do good got any pointers how was that ab how do you feel do you feel anything in your heart no i feel nothing one scene transitions worth of yelling will you not let me mourn in peace mouse lost your heart it's kind of an important thing right now listen listen we have an idea to get it back wait we figured it out just come on a plan to get it back you can't get back my heart i don't know maybe if you like apologize or something that'll never work oh no that'll never work that's dumb terrible plan anyway we have those violence could work we have a better idea you're kind of on the right track yes so our plan is to set noy's house on fire and uh putnoy in danger yeah and then now we'll have to save him um really don't know if that's gonna work here what oh you know she didn't do anything uh you know say bee and you think about it god that that's different she saw through our little act [Laughter] she'll have to save them yeah all right so real quick ow hit myself a little bit all right all right that's a nice on fire breaking out now to just get the house one burning sauce i like it uh don't mind me hey noah how's it going uh hey ian hi dory anyway my house what what no no no no no no no no no no no no burning burning hot fire fire she's going to help she's going through a chest okay and um roasted marshmallows yummy they're trying to cure f okay [Music] but not my heart what are we doing here well i'm trying to get some things together to help you know at least try to synthesize a new heart of something yeah i'm fine with this heart partially stars maybe an apology would bring it back or something anyway now i've got time for nonsense zayn i got some of her favorite things like you asked uh got got some cookies that we can put in got some uh purple flowers got some uh some soul sand yeah she loves that why would you think even cookies like that would work no you need to put in some potatoes and there's a purple wool that's already been made you can't just use flowers see i think it's silly that we're putting all this into potion and then we're gonna put the potion inside of her why don't we just put her favorite things inside of her like like this don't work like that are you sure [Music] diamonds are a girl's best friend not her internal organs i am out of ideas okay guys guys got it got it here we go no one can resist a baby shape oh it's on my little jury come on smile over here look at these guys i don't want to see that bring it towards me i don't want it i don't want to no no no there's no way this could work must be the sheep try your heart just put it in her chest don't you drop that sheep in my chest this must be a defective baby's sheep nothing else could explain this stupid sheep got it oh maybe i overreacted just a little bit that was an impressive kick nice okay so it's just up here i i i don't know what zayn's been working on all i know is he wanted us to bring you so we could try uh try something new to help out yeah yeah yeah come on since nothing's working i'm really curious what he's been doing it's so exciting okay let's check it out hit the button uh i want to do it let me hit button if anything i mean i feel nothing nothing you hit but did i you're not feeling the joy of button pressing yeah she's getting worse oh this is real bad this is this is actually far away okay wait wait what about the big red button oh yeah look at that it's really important important-looking i'm not good i'm i'm gonna uh wha what's going on i i i'm not i'm not choice smoking um what did i tell you about pressing my buttons uh technically that didn't happen until after i pressed the big red button but i have no heart so i don't care about the machine what okay okay [Applause] oh no oh no i i don't think this is going right what wasn't that potion i i really don't care about anything oh no wait a minute i just want to see the world burn i just yeah yeah all we got to do is just make another trap and maybe maybe if i make that trap and put like more doggies in it but we'll die [Music] okay just listen i got more diamonds just to start off supplement diamonds fix everything oh wait say you know you shouldn't really leave your potions around that's really bad and i'm feeling really good right now actually i'm feeling too bad f i don't know what's happening oh no it's starting to get worse just stay there everything's going to be perfectly fine we're going to figure this out and just stay still and we're going to make anything i've got one more idea but i'm going to need a few more pumpkins if you have any i also need five thousand four to seven one alpaca um [Music] apologizing she is the queen of mine apologizing we're becoming evil what has been filled with guys what do we do what darkness shall spread oh no no no don't do it after no fire hang on come on just fill your heart with the power of light this is supposed to be a prank to get is there anything else we can do okay okay zayn zane pierce and i have another idea yeah okay fine what is it you may not like it yeah just say it whatever it is we need to save out pierce you tell him uh playing we're going close to your ears but i think we have to take a unicorn and i think we have to die is there anything else we can put a horn on to you know died at it oh no we need a i don't know this unicorn any one of your books we could kind of read it there were lots of pictures well this place certainly seems magical yeah she's got to fight it she's kind of creepy we will support you from where you're going for your own good okay i guess don't do this if you could [Music] [Music] i think get back to normal guys you're you're back to normal but i have another what am i holding in my hand do you want this or not yes thank you give it to me yes yes take it take it is she like about is it funny is is it funny if i hit him hey [Applause] that is a cool looking unicorn i don't know so much anymore for a little bit you know just for that little bit it looks real bad wait what what you just still haven't apologized and so unicorn let's go [Laughter] i gotta say cool imagery though please you can't stay like this [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,669,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau is heartless, aphmau is furious, aphmau is crying, aphmau pranks her friends, family friendly, no swearing, aphmau friends, is aphmau sad, aphmau funniest video, aphmau zane, aphmau ein, aphmau funny minecraft challenge, where does aphmau live, is aphmau good to watch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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