Type the LONGEST answer or you DIE

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[Music] hey friends mac and cheese please here today we're playing longest answer wins in Roblox with my friend Mega Boyka if you're enjoying this video don't forget to like And subscribe hello everybody Malika here we are playing longest answer wins correct yeah I'm really excited to try this game out yeah I guess we have to answer the question at the top of the screen with the longest answer and uh we win if it's a really long one so are you good with answers on the Fly uh I don't know maybe well we'll see what happens okay water level rises in three seconds what is something you eat with your hands I have my answer oh I think other people have the same answer as me uh next one name a country that starts with the letter A country what is this Antarctica continent oh no I know I know I went with Albania I was gonna go Antarctica but I'm like I think that's a continent but now and now I don't know now I don't know now I'm second guessing guessing thing you've got this I believe in you but do I name a type of weather wait that's that is a type of weather it says no that's the type of weather what is weather oh it took mine yay okay I got one too I wrote I like rainy days with some slight sunshine said I submitted a perfect answer I put thunderstorms really really yeah yeah well I guess I'm writing like random filler answers oh you put rainy it only took rainy a natural hair color oh the longest one uh how many would have the longest answer it's uh what'd you put [Music] okay type in bond oh I forgot thank you thank you hey what'd you think of my other ones but they are hair colors oh natural I was thinking like crazy colors no it's a natural girl I need to read it that is part of our solar system oh mine's not oh I keep forgetting I need the long answer form one yeah the one the longest one okay yeah I had a perfect answer am I quitting I think so or is it against Davey Oh no I'm winning by one let's um it has to be longer than six letters oh no maybe an animal that can fly oh don't know okay all right what did you put I put hummingbird I put butterfly I think hummingbird is more letters though yeah my answer will give me 11 blocks whoa It's a lot am I allowed to redo it oh I can't redo it no you can't that'd be cool if we if we win do we get put behind where the dancing people are oh that'd be oh we become the dancing people yeah name any part of the head oh you know how to sell this I'm trying to put clavicle whoa that's a big word [Laughter] [Music] I need to know how to spell is that cheating do you guys think that counts as cheating it doesn't work I'll allow it I'll allow it okay I did mouth I knew they were like she's she's Googling musical instrument oh okay um let's see I don't know how to spell this word so I'm gonna google it as well come on okay eight blocks okay okay okay got one what did you type xylophone oh that's a really good one oh that okay clarinet's good too wait who's that orange lady yeah um what do they type saxophone oh that's a really good one too I'm a popular game in Roblox there's too many all right got one 14 blocks oh what'd you put I put hide and seek ooh I did Rainbow friends oh that's a good one too oh man I need more oh what the person what the orange person Rhymes I know what are you putting give me answers yellow and red are about to die let's see what what is the type that's a really long one name something you do at school that's cool all right 11 blocks got something yeah um do we need a hint oh no no oh take it the timer's going faster girl oh no no no no okay I'll give you my my stuff I'm a social media app what's the longest one oh what what is the longest on Instagram yeah that's what I'm going with okay I'm going with Instagram nine blocks uh oh girl you need a long answer I do you're in fourth fourth okay well at least I'm not a little fruit a popular fruit oh popular fruit I'm going with watermelon 10 blocks okay watermelon oh maybe we all did watermelon oh maybe oh oh girlfriend I'm in trouble you're in so much trouble oh yeah everybody did watermelon you want to name one of the world's most popular car colors I can't think of a one silver silver could be a long one because there's blue red sparkle red no no yeah dang it oh okay okay at least you're catching up yeah they're vegetables artichoke no not popular enough oh no broccoli broccoli it's gonna raise my 10 this level though you're in trouble aim of foods are just the letter P pineapple nine blocks are they Googling they're Googling they have to be they have to be I'm just Googling spelling not answers are they working together wait they're answering a lot of the same things but we're working together so it's not like we can't I can't get mad water level Will Rise by 11 blocks this round name any month with 31 December December that's my birthday month oh it's a perfect one too oh wait oh oh orange is out yes yes yes bro you're in trouble I am in trouble though I only have three blocks game one of the seven colors of the rainbow one of the seven colors purple I think that's also six I'm going with purple wait yeah it's six it's six okay perfect answer okay I'm still not all the way under the water at least okay oh name any capital city in Europe Capital girl I don't know they know my capitals uh Madrid six I'm crying it's not gonna be enough oh still here though that's it for me I'm Reviving oh wait it went with cardigan people wear Cardigans name a popular electronic device computer eight blocks okay I did it oh it counts for next game okay no that's okay 13 blocks this round now you I'm in trouble name one of the four seasons summer fall winter summer okay okay I died wait I won I don't know oh yeah yeah and huge yeah that's awesome [Applause] I got third place oh that's awesome yeah we gotta win again I want second place or first second place or bus name a country that starts with the letter a is there a better one wait oh what was Oh What Australia fastest animals well there's cheetahs but I don't know if that's like what could be faster I put a squirrel oh wait they're coming for us oh we better watch out I think I think they won the round before us in first place yeah and they're in our third place spot too it's us three oh everybody else needs to get it together get it together weird words name a popular fruit got watermelon but yeah but is there something longer than watermelon someone did 12 blocks a 12 block fruit what could it be oh they did passion fruit oh that's so that's the perfect answer even animal that walks slowly not a sloth not a turtle what could be slower than a sloth and a turtle only tortoise or toys eight blocks better than nothing yeah that is yeah that's true okay well they did tortoise too name any part of the head I saw someone do tongue last time I saw how I spelled tongue tongue tongue oh my ah my I forgot I I put eyeballs again no but I forget it only takes like the first part yeah there's no space is allowed name a day of the week I think Wednesday is the longest day of the week we know the things we're smart sometimes we are tied with our friend over here I love us dancing in the background though such a Vibe oh they got oofed oh another person oofed I am a famous sport that is played in teams teams there's rugby oh my gosh what did they put 16 blocks oh volleyball volleyball I'm a volleyball I'm going volleyball too yeah ten blocks that's not it sir oh what's 16. what's this chicken football what stop they're cheating name a popular superhero oh uh um I'm gonna go Spiderman yeah I was thinking Spiderman also nine blocks they're gonna win no they know stuff we don't know I know we gotta Maybe American weather thunderstorms girl thunderstorms yeah that's actually what I went with we're back up here baby oh I think I'm colos being kind of name a topping that is usually in a hamburger lettuce or ketchup mayonnaise mayonnaise I don't know how to spell that is that the perfect and black no it wasn't perfect oh what is it wait what did she put 14 blocks you need to stop them I'm a red fruit strawberry strawberry that would give us 10. is there anything better actually gonna go with strawberry yeah same she's winning yeah it's not the perfect answer technically we're in trouble soon oh no name something you do in your sleep roll around no uh dream kick sweat nine blocks is the best is the perfect answer I'm gonna go with snore because I don't know I don't know I'm gonna do a dream oh nightmares oh that's nice that's a good one wait is there another another Capital that we know about no I don't know I don't top three again there's something you find on Pizza uh um there's peppers sausage sausage sausage whoa that person okay nine okay wait what's more than nine wait what American cheese oh my God American cheese works it's over it's over it's over it's over [Music] I was looking at the other guy oh oh wait I have a reason something you sit on wheelchair oh they only put that's only worth five though oh shoot oh you're up here though yeah yeah I came back I forgot I got an extra life oh no I'm gonna die oh no okay I almost had a heart attack again name one of the Four Seasons um summer summer but that's not gonna I'm gonna die this round oh my God it's all you know I put no more Roblox oh what was the other one that they had put before oh um they put um shoot was I I put rainbow friends put rainbow friends if it is a long one okay 14. thank you oh no no no no no no no no I don't know how to swim something you eat with your hands um uh hamburger American cheese American cheese [Laughter] I really just wanted to use American cheese it's so funny we everybody got oof everybody wait who is this person they came out of nowhere I know he used up so many lives though oh my gosh he cheated then yeah well I guess that's it we had fun though yeah I had tons of fun thank you all so much for joining us for more Roblox if you want to see more videos like this let me know in the comments down below you can always reach me on social media I would twitch Twitter and Instagram at mac and cheese please I'll put those links in the description down below until next time bye friends [Music]
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 7,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Type the LONGEST answer or you DIE, the longest answer wins in roblox, type the longest answer in roblox, type or die in roblox, roblox type or die, roblox answer or die, roblox answer or die macncheesep1z, macncheesep1z roblox, macncheesep1z answer or die, longest answer wins macncheesep1z, roblox typing game, roblox games macncheesep1z, mac and kc roblox, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z aphmau crew, macncheesep1z from aphmau, mac and kc aphmau, kc from aphmau, mega moeka
Id: 5kbE456j3C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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