Aphmau Broke EVERY BONE in Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZornWolf 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
until every bone in my body was broken and I nearly died or at least that's what I want him to think now I'm out to get my revenge on him in the juiciest way possibly all right so I gotta figure out a way to get down there oh wow you're using Redstone I'm so proud of you look at that thanks and actually oh you can help me out by staying right there and falling right into my trap hahaha [Music] how did I survive that oh my gosh uh aphmau did you have a nice trip huh try to hurt me that could have broken everybody that jerk wait a minute I think I have an idea let's see he's gotta do this there we go and now the Water Works oh [Applause] I thought what happened hang on I'm coming in he got me yeah there's a prank on you hit me down here trapped under a rock now look at her oh well get out of here [Music] I know I know just just stay still let me get this rock off you no no don't stand up half it's all right I know just ah I got you let me get you out of this pit climb back from your house I got everything you need even got you someone oh there's a lot of stuff yeah it's a lot I'm sorry but I even got your plushie and I got you something I don't need any more I'm good I'm good my bones are broken all right we just need to make sure you can totally recover from your bro wait a minute I don't even know if it's broken oh all right let me just go get some things I'll be right back uh okay oh no he's gonna ruin my prank uh let's see I gotta figure out a way to mess with the test results [Music] how's it going also you left me down in the cave you shouldn't have enough to come on you can't be hurt that badly you know just like uh oh um um um what's going on how dare you it was an accident get out of here get lost come on F let's get you back in bed settle down get you all hooked up now okay don't worry I'll check you over so we can pick you up as soon as possible okay all right let's see so now all we're gonna do is give you a quick scan all right let's take a look she'll be coming up on the screen Ian he's moving I'm up I'm up I'm up you just need to get out of here I don't want you to hurt aphmau again fine wait what's going on I think it broke dang you're so broken my machine couldn't even get a proper scan you must have broken every single bone in your body than I thought this is not okay this is not even close to okay Ian you need to stay here and watch over aphmau here take these bandages you shouldn't need to use them just make sure she's all right I need to go find a treatment for these broken bones do I have you're in charge don't screw it up oh almost forgot half while I was away I got this just take this in case you need it all right okay just be careful see if I can find this gem that might help you okay so aphmau sorry about that so anyway sorry about the Boulder and broken bones and stuff but you know gold doesn't mine itself so I should get going I'm sure you'll be better in no time right come on come on you look fine ah girls can be so dramatic uh jerk yeah you know what if Ian's gonna be selfish and not take responsibility for the prank that he pulled on me and I'm gonna figure out how to get back at him oh yeah all right let's see um okay should be a little bit further maybe I can get Able by doing something like this oh ask about what happened what are you doing all the way out here [Music] all right any more chances come on let me get you up [Music] all right let's get you out of here all right now you're all bandaged up no thanks to you and also uh what is this you put on my leg that ankle bracelet will make you self-destruct if you go too far from aphmau what what I don't want her getting any more hurt than she already is Ian but like she fell into another pit yeah because somebody didn't watch her like I told them to I was so thirsty and I wanted to get some water but then I fell off the cliff what do you know Ian watch over her or else I need to make sure I can find this cure for her all right fine all right take care of oh your house smells it's my house and stop complaining why do I have to stick around with you I've got things to do glad you think you had to pull such a mean prank you wouldn't have to be here watching me maybe whatever okay okay maybe if you're super nice to me then maybe Zayn will let you go like I I'm nice I'm the nicest okay well then maybe you can make me some cake what's up what what I'm a boy I don't know how to cook oh yeah yay okay yeah okay I can totally do that it's dessert I I can make that yeah plus you can just help me right I'm tired I wanna nap while you do it yeah my bones are broken all right take it up here I will make your dump cake remember don't go too far [Music] all right let's see just to come over here and then go down here and I think Ian should be in the kitchen trying to make a cake because you know how to craft it I can't make this cake is easy uh let's see um aphmau likes potatoes so sure let's throw a potato in the cake uh you may you make uh you make cake with flowers too so flour you know gold will make the cake so much better um let me uh what else do I do let's see what else do I have [Music] okay just just go just go oh okay you know what sure let's let's get this going in the oven and take all this they're in the oven and it will be great the Adam [Music] what now I'm making a cake what do you want I fell off the bed and broke my butt [Music] all right back on the beds [Music] you know what I can't do this I can't do this we need an expert come with me uh it's fine all right you know what stay here I need to uh SKC something okay where's he going [Music] get out of the car oh hi Casey um [Applause] cake whether you like it or not oh night okay oh whatever again come on come on get out of the car s making cakes you know what you could have just asked I didn't think about that okay you know what okay you're gonna bake a cake and uh you're gonna do it in my kitchen well couldn't we just have done it at my house of course not I have to be closer to my gold that reminds me I gotta go count it while you bake the cake good luck okay yeah if he's going to his boat I have the best friend to play okay let's hear announced ball and then okay finally Casey can take care of things now we can go to my ball to count my gold I gotta take his goal before he gets here let's see what was the password [Music] he's gotta think that's gonna take him a long time I'm ready and grab this here there we go I can't remember now I'm so smart [Music] there we go oh good old Vault and see seems I gotta go Casey and you keep almost done oh sure sure I've seen a lot of stuff thank you so much Casey hmm oh Casey what are you doing here no no wasn't me why would I do that I already had it why did you kidnap her what about um oh yeah I needed her to help bake a cake for aphmau ah come on Casey let's get you out of here okay but but the cake no I was just trying to help you have been trying to help Ian you know what I think you deserve a reward yeah I did I do yeah Lord really perfect oh well let's get going to your house then okay it's oh my my window yeah whatever I can fix it later where are we going where I said we're going to your house for the reward um okay getting my reward best idea you've had in a long time well gold obviously who is there you can't just steal my stealing if I earned it I never said you were gonna take my gold well not much you can do about it now you know broken bones and stuff anyway I'll just help myself got some gold here no yes [Music] what are you complaining about what happened what's wrong what did you do this time what I didn't do anything you got me up again I was um um um cleaning up as hell for a second half what happened [Music] I smack you with this no no she was giving me a rewards does a rewards he took the goals without asking for Gold without asking huh please don't blow me up Zayn okay how about this I'll give her all of her gold back see like this here we go here we go and yeah I had bigger gold than that well how about this I don't blow you up on one condition that is give her your goal too Dorian [Music] I'll always remembered the time that I put you on top of that big stack of gold you look so happy I was happy too simpler times [Laughter] yeah thank you aphmau would you like more I'm good okay no why are we out here picking flowers again well you'll see and it's also something I want to do you know but it's boring can you look at how Zane if it's boring if you want uh uh no no this this is great it's a great four flowers such a good time there you are oh what are you we're picking flowers together we're hanging out with Ian is this a date uh uh no no no no no no oh listen uh is this really what's Happening Here f are you jealous what did you ever mind oh you got blasted what that was mean I I are we done I got the flowers what are we doing with them um we're gonna go to your house and paint okay at what just trust me oh good job in your house looks terrible yeah yeah are we done now is that good enough uh maybe if you paint yourself purple what oh come on fine fine again [Music] on you yeah I don't like it now what can I have your gold you're not gonna make me painted are you paint purple nope nope that's it you know what no plan huh kidnapping up there and just stay there and be quiet you're mean I broke every bone Ian oh I don't care you know so you just stay there and now I can finally get back to regular old Minecraft e I heard that okay all right you know what Ian's gonna be like that and what if I oh gotta Rock okay let's see my bones what's that no I couldn't be she can't use her legs that's silly me this that just get over here okay [Music] let's grab it hey how about you're not up to anything weird are you no I'm just over here being all sad because you left me on the bed alone well because you got to stay there because all your bones are broken can't hear you down here oh that's right why don't you just find something to do in this base anyway man you know what Ian oh man I really you got any TNT down here what do I do I have any TNT don't say anything so silly are these rocks doing over here anyway look I got tons of TNT here you do oh I'm always prepared oh man I bet you don't do any cool stuff with it though course I do I I build stacks of TNT I blow them up well I I could do uh tricks tricks with TNT yeah you know tell me show me what you got you know you ever seen anyone juggle Dynamite no but I want to stand over here uh okay anyway yeah I can juggle Dynamite Just a Little Bit of this um you know that's that's fine what Ian I don't think that's how you juggle Dynamite no it's fine you just do a little a little more like oh it's coming down and here we go perfect okay it's all in the wrists and not letting them hit you in the face just like that what is going on over here is what are you doing in my secret basement uh I know she's fine she says where is she then um where'd she go um hang on is that what is what [Music] okay listen I can't explain tell me what you did I didn't do anything I was juggling talking foreign you're okay I'll tell you something what is it Ian actually saved me oh yeah yeah wait what what you're juggling skills in there I did something to my bones are you juggling yeah and you saved me and now my bones aren't broken anymore I did it yeah I helped her yeah you did it you did it buddy see I helped her it was my juggling dust juggling saved the day like this well it does look like I got it wrong so and I'm sorry oh I'm sorry too and I'm sorry too Ian thank you okay and have some bandages for the various stats um sure and you know what uh have some Dynamite too
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,384,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau broke every bone, aphmau is broken, aphmau is hurt, aphmau is sick, aphmau broken arm, aphmau broken leg, aphmau broken bones prank, aphmau tricks her friends, ein babysits aphmau, aphmau secret base video, zane x-ray machine, zane doctors aphmau, taking care of aphmau
Id: uAP-uKviP_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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