An Angel Has a Crush on Me

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all right guys Red Alert Red Alert we are no longer on the search for rubidium what are we looking for now we are now looking for angelite did you guys see it on the news earlier angelite what it's apparently an ore that somebody found way across the world and it let them fly well anyways I heard that if you hold it it gives you the ability to fly and we can all become superheroes if we find it guys I don't think it's real it's not real it is real I'm already a superhero bro watch this okay what was that Shady's been working on some new food you just did long jump that was not flying Shady you have another superpower oh yeah what is it invisibility oh yeah Nico that was kind of mean dang Nico you're saying he's invisible I was joking tring to come back over here stay away from me guys can you get on task and help me find this ore please cash I don't know if it's real okay it is real they said it was hidden behind diamonds so we got to find diamonds first well we got to start digging okay okay jeez I'm working on it I'm going to be honest I think Cash's TV got hacked no it didn't get hacked it was on the news Channel 8 remember have we ever ever found rubidium no but maybe angelite will find it I don't know like what news station are you watching dude Block City TV that it's not a real news station it is a real news St okay you know what you guys are doubters but I'm going to find it oh yeah you like me digging right there stop blowing me up Shady I'm trying to find his angelite okay y'all are doubting me but I'm going to find it and I'm going to let none of y'all use it I'm just going to use it for myself bro nobody is doubting you I don't know I think Mia doubed him I'm doubting him you guys are sounding like some D1 haters right now I'm just mining diamonds I'm more of a D2 hater I'm mining diamonds too but none of the wait hello hello uh hello good morning beautiful why am I in the bathroom welcome to Angel City what did I die a I knew it unfortunately you did pass however you could stay here now I don't know if I want to stay here I want to go back to my friends oh well that doesn't seem to be an option right now why not you wanted me to show you around the place this is where you're staying well why was I asleep on the bathroom I have so many questions right now well once you pass away I must bring you to Angel City and now you are here is this where everyone goes when they die some don't but some do oh I wonder what that means yo these clouds look crazy I didn't know that's what they look like up close oh yes clouds are seen to be gas however these are mashed potatoes I'm stuck I'm stuck in the mashed potatoes oh so if that's mashed potatoes then what is rain well rain is just tears from Angels I've never thinking about rain the same way tears from angels are actually very rare yeah well every time it rains I always stick my head up and open my mouth so that means I'm just drinking Angel tears and that's how you made it here Ah that's disgusting I just want to go back home and see my friends I don't want to be up here I'm not meant to be an angel I'm sorry cash but that's just not an option right now but I'm too young to die do you see my face it hasn't even fully developed I guess it hasn't well let's just show you around the city maybe we could figure something out well you realize I can't really fly like you so how am I supposed to explore this place cash you must earn your wings earn your wings does that mean I'm going to become an angel anything is a possibility in Angel City but there's so much stuff I haven't done in my life yet like I haven't gotten married I've never gotten a girlfriend I've never gotten a job all that can be done here Cass ah well I wanted to do it back home wo what is that yellow building welcome to the castle my father lives there your father lives in a castle yes he is the king and he will ask you why they call him King ooh that sounds awesome okay maybe I do want to stay here a little longer I'm kind of interested now okay wait hold on if your dad is the king and you're his daughter then doesn't that make you a princess yes I am the princess unfortunately my mother is not here what that sounds crazy also there's guards here how do we get past these guys hey um hello halt what are you doing bro nothing I'm just trying to go into the kingdom if that's okay with y'all I'm just going to go ahead and walk hold hey he's picking me up and they're picking me up Angelina you're overheating bro you're overheating I'm not overheating to No One what are you I just try to get in the castle okay why are you standing beside my pet nothing I'm not doing it I'm puing down guyss this is my friend cash yeah see friend the princess is a friend of course I just made him as a matter of fact well good to meet you sir welcome um what are you doing why are you bowing down to me welcome that's not even bowing down you're doing the worm there we go we are ordered we are ordered to beat you sir okay Angelina are we really friends you have a great day a great day all righty cash just ignore them they're they're weird wait you said I was your friend are we really friends I mean I would consider you my friend oh let's go I finally have another friend you know I have friends back at home though which I really wish I could see right now anyways let's go head to my father okay where's he at I need to have a word with him poppy puppy is that you daughter there he is wa he sounds kind of scary I'm not going to lie maybe I shouldn't go in here well you must answer his question who is that red Speck over there hello my name is cash and I'm your daughter's friend that's what she called me yes Dad this is my friend he doesn't seem very angelike yes he just came to Angel City yeah I uh kind of pass passed away wo your eyes look cool go ahead and back up just a tad holy okay sorry about that I just want to admire your eyes wait is that Wings on your back too those things are like all icy like go ahead and stand right there sorry before I have to end your life uh he's not being serious is he you must respect my father he is the king um yes King I'm sorry here I'll bow down to you you know why they call me King I'm bowing down no I don't know why they call you king oh well maybe it's cuz you're the highest power here and you control everyone and your daughter is the princess I guess I'll settle for that answer you don't want to find out the the real reason why they call me King yeah I don't think I do I feel like that has a bad connotation to it I don't know I just don't want to die maybe bad for you but good for me listen I wasn't even meant to be here okay I accidentally fell into a hole I'm just trying to get back to my friends what hole did you fall into boy uh a cave one I was digging diamonds and I fell for the trick never dig straight down oh right right they always come up with this lame excuse that they fell down some hole I really did we'll just banish him to the dungeon like the last kid wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no puppy no no no no no no no no no no don't banish me listen listen I'll do anything there is one way you can go back to your friends oh okay how was that you will have to pass the test and become an angel before you can head back down to your friends wait so the only way to rebirth yourself is to become an angel first yes and the tests are not so easy well I could do anything do you know who I am um well not the king that's for sure nobody knows who you are dog my name's cash there you go you know now anyways what are these tests you guys were talking about I'll do them I'll do them easily and you'll see why I should be the king I'm just kidding oh oh gosh um I don't want to be the king I'm sorry I was kidding hey that was not very nice also I just respawned back at the house I'll do it again okay okay fine you're the king you're the king I'm not go and bow down to me right now okay I'm bowing down is this good enough that's the worm okay okay there you go see I'm bowing down those are push-ups angelena fix your little guy isn't that more impressive all right um cash can can you please get up yeah sorry all righty um poppy is it okay if we take him to the test room yeah go ahead and get this guy working I'm tired of this little verman running around my kingdom I don't think the king likes all right cash it is time to head to the test room to make you an angel do you think I made a bad impression you definitely did oh gosh okay it is time to wake up cash oh we're already here it looks like we've made it to the first test course wo why is the king here go ahead and get started he must watch you fine wait did I change outfits since when was I wearing this well you must be dressed for the part if you want to be an angel okay yes sir Mr King I will do this how do you even do this parkour oh my goodness it's easy come on Hey kid yeah you're not going to beat me here I betrayed my whole life to be an angel I heard you're new yeah you guys look new too look at your wings he doesn't even have wings so I don't need Wings to beat you guys were you even born an angel no I was actually born a human I was brought here cuz I died here I can give him some little dinky training Wings go and put those on uh do I have to yes okay fine there we go why are they on my head that's what we have to do for a humans but I look silly oh gosh why did you even bring this Noob here I'm not a noob I'm a real angel holy smokes look at all the clouds down below oh my gosh this parkour is hard it's hard for you I thought you said it was easy get over here buddy you're not going to catch up to me dude you're not going to catch me yes I will I am a goat at parkour are you kidding me you are the goat cash oh I did it he fell yes I'm in first place let's go looking good human boy I'm doing amazing right now this parkour is not even that hard he said he was training for a thousand years or something this is oh okay let me try this again oh I did it that time let's go is anyone even behind me yet I'm behind you oh gosh he's right behind me isn't he get away dude I'm going to be the first one to complete it you're never going to beat me well I'm literally in front of you right now so I think I am going to beat you I don't know about that I know about it and I'm totally going to win keep going cash then why did I overtake you just now you didn't overtake me you're still behind me dude well what about now look I'm in front no no I'm in front boom wait what is this we'll call that a tie elytra wait we got more it is time for your next course I'm going oh this elytra is slight Maya pick up the pace we can't let the human beat us I'm sorry man I'm not going to lie I skipped out on work workout day hey who said I was a human we know you're a human kid okay well I guess there's no point to lie about that then shut up Mortal I'm going to be an angel one day boom okay uh I just flew over that you're doing so good cash wait what in the world oh there's more I think I need to take my banner I'm going yo Nile I think you forgot something oh gosh no I got mine you didn't get your banner I did I would go back and check just to make sure you did get it mine's the blue one a man well I was just trying to slow you down okay wait I need to take off my elytra for this this is kind of weird man I am hungry okay and why did you need to announce that to us be quiet mortal sorry hey na get back here shut up Mortal I'm going to punch you into the wall no oh oh you're tripping up oh gosh oh you're tripping up you get over here I'm passing you keep going pass oh let's go oh gotcha hey not cool I have a pickaxe hey Banner boom Oh my gosh no way I was the first one okay the human one I told you guys I would beat you you really were training for that long and you still didn't win andelina why don't you just forget about this guy and marry me uh poppy he's trying to marry me again n come here yo is that guy trying to be the prince or something Maya come here for losing wait wait H why'd you have to do that I must punish them with this charge sword okay well you don't have to punish me cuz I won right maybe I will punish you for just being human no no no no no no Daddy let's keep him safe yeah you should listen to your daughter all right fine you get a pass this time this is not the end of me why is he back good job chump Angelina pleas what is going on N stop it whoever wins my daughter's heart can have her hopefully it's neither of you wait I not we're just playing to go back home I mean kind of we're kind of doing some Angel training remember you have to become an angel before you can leave well what do you mean by whoever wins my daughter's heart well I don't know there's a huge competition around here it's like every boy wants to get with my daughter let me just make it clear that is not what I want I'm really just trying to make it back home okay good cuz I was going to say I really hope it's neither of you I'd rather her date Maya anyways it is now time for you to be a guardian angel to prove that you are a real angel okay well I could totally do that all right well start flying right here then but I don't have any Wings hey yo I don't oh wait elytra it wa he's not ready I had to put on my elytra yo what was that for dude good thinking that was pretty quick I'll give you that but you need to learn how to fly oh well I am flying see with an elytra that doesn't count why does it not count it's literally Wings on my back and I'm flying with them I can just use these as long as I repair it every couple days poppy we must provide him with wings wait you're actually going to give me wings I already did look at his head these are not real wings back Wings dad all right take off the elytra okay fine fine and the baby Wings yeah I'm taking it off all right just stand still is this going to hurt yeah it's going to hurt oh gosh okay okay are you done looking good chump wa These Wings Are ginormous here you go this will allow you to fly a flight feather I've heard about these things only in the movies we'll try to use it oh this feels so much better than a ltra he's able to fly just like you this is perfect okay now you must be my guardian angel okay wait so does that mean that the test is over and I go back home after this no no no no no the guardian angel is a test to become an angel uh oh got it okay well I'll try and become a guardian angel that first one was super easy so I got any other challenges I'm going to need you to protect my daughter with your life Bud okay yeah I will we'll do sir please don't marry her I won't you're not trying to get married are you um anyways the first thing we need to do is go to um get some food you just dodged my question okay well what food do you want you want fast food you want a sit down restaurant you want a taco truck I was thinking maybe a cute spot since I'm an angel and I love cute things oh okay well here let me take you there then all right oh sure since you're my guardian angel let's go I will take you to a safe spot to eat see isn't this spot amazing no one can get to us up here oh yes it's lovely you're such a romantic and I brought hamburgers oh yes uh you know I haven't eaten one of these in years oh hello Mr King I brought your daughter to some dinner I like it very Charming of you jump hey what was that for I'm being her guardian angel like you asked just know I'm watching you boy you understand me okay yes sir I don't even know what I did if you do anything funny get the sword you don't need to use that against me I'm not going to do anything funny not even remotely hell I arious at all all right cashy let's come back and eat our food um did you just see your dad come in there or was that just me yeah he's a bit protective anyways I need to talk to you about NY okay what about him I don't want you getting jealous of him he is my ex-boyfriend what why would I be jealous of that just in case yeah he really wants to marry me but I don't think he's in it for my love oh okay well I hope that one day you do find someone who wants you for your love I know I think they could be closer than we realize yeah true you really got to make sure they don't want you for your money that's how they get you I know and I think there's someone out there that doesn't yeah okay you can sit back down in your seat by the way you don't have to stand so close to me okay yeah we could uh sit right here okay if you just want to come a little closer where like right here oh cuz you want me to protect you okay yeah yeah you're my guardian okay well I'm sitting how long do we have to sit here all right and uh we could just eat this cake maybe hold hands I don't know whatever you want to do wo wo wo holding hands is a little too much though because I need to make sure I have my hands ready oh yeah I guess you that's pretty smart you are my guardian also I don't have a weapon so I don't know how I'm going to fight off anyone do you have a weapon for me actually I do yeah just give me a moment I have to find it okay all I have are these Burgers I didn't want to have to throw them at someone oh yeah those are pretty good burgers here you go oh let's go wait the charge sword isn't this what your dad has yes don't tell him I let you use that it's actually his oh what if he sees me with it yeah he might come back for that oh gosh okay well maybe he won't be mad because I'm using it to protect you remember yeah surely he won't be angry at all all right so anyways when do you think I'm going to be able to go back home um well uh this movie is so good uh I hear your dad wait oh it looks like somebody else has passed I know Shady wait how can you see me because you're sitting right in front of us bro I just turned on a movie on my couch why am I here this is not a movie this is real oh no Shady where are you going no I need to wake up I can't have any Witnesses get over here uh why did he just die uh I don't think he belongs up here why is Shady in this movie Nico why are you here wait why is coming alive I'm the guardian angel okay the threats have been eliminated you are such a savior thank you so much for protecting me wait a second those were my friends though how did they even get here did they die um anyways let's go do something else uh I need you to protect me from other things this is starting to creep me out a little bit all right um maybe we could head back down to the Fountain and I could tell you a secret okay why did Shady just whisper to me W RZ what does w RZ even mean okay what were you saying again sorry I kind of blanked out all righty cash I think it's time time for what for me to go back home will you be my boyfriend what please I really like you no I can't be your boyfriend cuz remember I'm about to go back home like you promised he broke my heart what are you talking about you will feel the wrath of my father I didn't break your heart wait no come back BBY broke my heart I just want to oh gosh I got to hide I got to hide I cannot be seen by the king at least I still got this sword on me she made a big mistake by giving me this you're about to find out why they call me king oh jeez I'm going to hide in this house he's never going to find me there's got to be an entrance to one of these somewhere please can somebody help me somebody please an angel you know why they call me king oh gosh he's coming for me isn't he I'm going over to this house I can hear him watch your back why can't I hear you you guys you guys aren't even near me I don't know why you shouldn't have broken my heart why did I just respawn here oh you're back why am I still in this why am I in infinite kill Loop right now you know where they call me King this is cruel you can't do this get away from me I need to make it out you shouldn't have left me where's the flight feather I got it let's go you should have been with me forever I'm leaving you no I am not your boyfriend and I never will be come here stop him get me on top of this roof you're never going to catch me come here are you serious I'm never going to get away from this guy okay what if I just dig down he'll never see this what are you trying to do boy nothing stop him hello guys okay listen I'm sorry I don't even know what I did and why I deserve this but this is the worst this does not seem like heaven at all I told you you're going to find out why they call me king oh gosh he's right behind me isn't he stop why do you want to do this to me just because I said no to being your boyfriend seriously wait wait wait wait hang on that's why she's mad yes she asked me to be her boyfriend and I told her no and you didn't want me to either thank goodness all right I'll stop killing you honey I don't want you to date this guy all right he's an all right looking lad but he's human hey I'd say I'm pretty attractive he broke my heart what's going on up there who is that oh Nico don't worry about it we're just talking it out hi guys you must leave I don't think you want to be a part of this right now why is there another human here oh gosh the king gets kind of mad he has a little bit of a temper I'm feeling a lot of threat from you too could he be my boyfriend father no no no you need to stop dating these human boys boyfriend I think I'd seriously rather you date NY yeah so you approve of him I'm seriously trying to just get back to square City no no no these boys are off limits they're humans so you finally approve of NY yeah whatever I don't care as long as it's not a human I will go be with him approv what I thought she hated n yeah me too I don't know what's going on she told me he was her ex whatever daughters are weird anyways thanks for denying my daughter I really appreciate it you're welcome but you know you guys still never lived up to your promise hang on let me just rip these off ouch yo all right gosh you didn't have to do that okay anyway I'm going to need that flly feather back yes sir there you go all right and um let's go ahead and uh can you can you grab your friend there oh yeah no okay grab him now there you go all right Perfect all right now that you're here go ahead and uh walk the plank wait what e okay Nico no matter what just don't ask about anything that happened okay got it yeah I kind of just died and got teleported to an angel world and I never want to no Nico don't tell Mia are you serious cash is talking to an angel girl wait what Cas is talking to an angel girl listen excuse me nothing was happening wait what hello she's right there m that's her please return the clothes and sword wait listen Mia I denied her okay you will pay yeah Mia chill chill oh my God come here get her Mia I just needed to give her back The Sword and the wings this movie is so good Shady this isn't a movie what this isn't a movie that was a good ending no you want to go to an actual movie sure here let's go uh gosh he's going to the heavens no no no no bye no bye Shady if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye are you
Channel: Cash
Views: 1,039,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, An Angel Has a Crush on Me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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