APEX LEGENDS ... For Noobs

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(DoubleCup - “Type Beats | Free Type Beats") ♫♪ Fortnite is kind of boring... ♪♫ ♫♪ Overwatch is getting stale... ♪♫ ♫♪ But I love me class based shooters... ♪♫ ♫♪ And I love battle royale. ♪♫ ♫♪ You mix them both together and what you get is Realm Royale. ♪♫ Macro: And that game, it kinda sucks. ♫♪ I need something like Black Ops, but not as overpriced. ♪♫ ♫♪ Something like PUBG, but the graphics look nice. ♪♫ ♫♪ Emphasize the teamwork so I can play with friends ♪♫ ♫♪ Mix a little Overwatch you get Apex Legends. ♪♫ Apex Legends, I'm in Heaven. ♪♫ "hm hm" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ♫♪ Ya got 8 different Legends, (count them) not 7. ♪♫ macro 2.0 : Stop what you're doing. You're putting us all in great danger. Macro: What who are you wh- macro 2: Because that song was 🔥 bro. (it was) Macro: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I see what you did there. macro 2 : How does like to work for us... a breaker of both time and space: A Record Company. Marco: Yeah that sounds great. Marco: Heck yeah. (Music by "For a While" by DJ Quads) (Apex Legends For Noobs) (What Is Apex Legends ???????) Macro: Apex Legends is the newest game made by Respawn Entertainment. AKA The same guys that made Titanfall 1, Titanfall 2. Soooo you know, there's gonna be some TLC Some "Tender Love and Care"(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) put into this game. Oh, yeah, and EA is involved too. But you know you barely even noticed them, don't even worry. (opening a loot box i think) Uhhhh... Never mind this game is an EA game huh? (he lie) Apex Legends is a Class Based, 1st Person Shooter. That is also a Battle Royale. Girl: What does class-based first-person shooter mean Macro? Marco: It means that a class or character you pick has unique abilities to use in the game... Like Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch. Girl: What is it Battle Royl- Macro: Okay, i already know for a fact that you know, what a Battle Royale is... But if you don't just look it up on your own time Ya Noob. (dum dum) But you may be thinking. Girl: Oh my god, another Battle Royale. Marco: Yes, i know i know that this game genre in particular is "Very Saturated". But(t) there's something about this game... Aesthetic, Gameplay and Price point. (It's a WHAT!??!! a free EA game?????) That really sets it apart... Plus Respawn Entertainment is behind it... So you know that it's only going to get better and better over time. So sit back relax and let me explain why this game is loved by so many people... And has only been out for like 3 days. (How To Apex.) Macro: Apex Legends is like every other Battle Royale. You drop down with a bunch of enemies... The map gets smaller and smaller and it's kill or be killed... until you have 1 winner. (no duh) However, it has a lot of differences. First of all, you have to play in teams of three even if you queue up alone You're gonna be put into a team of three. There is no solo mode. The game is better with friends Anyway, so just make friends? you're going in as a three-man squad. Well, unless the game glitches and decides to send you in alone aaaallllllll byyyy myyseeellllff (F in the chat. 1 Like = one friend for the boy Macro) As I said you're forced to be a team and you even have to drop as a team and when your dropping you might wanna lower the volume It's pretty hard to hear anything like at all like what's the music and the jets Jesus Christ So because you're forced to be a team, you got to help each other out and work really well together This is made easier by choosing legends that work well with each other which brings us to our first big thing about this game You have a choice between eight different legends. six If you don't count the two that are behind a paywall (I knew there was a catch) Thanks, EA they all have fun unique personalities and each have different abilities and an ultimate ability Hmm sounds familiar some legends are better for rushing in and securing the kill Others are better for protecting teammates And some provide healing or even mobility for the team there's a bunch of ways to combine these guys You're gonna want to find the character the best suits your play style The selection screen randomly orders you and your two teammates. So you better hope that your first or that nobody picks wraith before you FUUU** The guns are pretty straight forward You got your smg's assault rifles LMGs snipers and shoties and pistols and my secret weapon My fists falcon PUUAAANCH like PUBG and blackout you'll find attachments like sites stabilizers stocks scopes extended mags You know the usual stuff but some weapons have their own unique upgrades like turning a shotgun into a laser imma firing ma LAAAAZAAAAR But the Mozambique will suck no matter how many attachments you put on it the ammo types are all color coordinated for noobs like you in the level of rarity of each item and attachment is also color coordinated like this and the game will Automatically replace your weaker version of an item or attachment with this stronger one There are also different types of grenades and healing items that are pretty straightforward and there are also shields that are essentially extra health But unlike health it can only be replenished with shield cells and batteries Sorry med kits ahhh Really cool mechanic that was added to this game is a shield you get when you're falling it makes it harder for you to be Killed when you're down so you don't die immediately, but you can just finish people off with this dope finishing move that surpasses the shield Just make sure that you're doing it in a safe area so you don't get killed in the process and then accidentally get finished yourself oh But if you do die, fear not. It's not over yet! This battle royale gives you the option of being respwaned your team That is still alive will have a minute to pick up your dog tag(banner) and they can take it to any of these Locations in bada-bing but-a-boom you come back in a plane with nothing, but your dignity no guns. No nothing nada You can actually revive your entire team. It's wild! its respawning is one at a time Really oh, yeah On the map nothing really changes loot is random But there is this blue circle that will appear in different areas each time and it indicates dank (gold) loot We're talking like high tier dope loot that you're gonna want and there's also the ship that's flying in the beginning that will randomly decide Where it wants to park it's a pretty good place to land, but it's also kind of glitchy right now But you could just zip line up to it later if you don't want to land on it As a team based game communication will be key and there's an Extremely elaborate ping system that allows you to mark where you're going mark enemies ahead without even ever talking squeakers rejoice This is such a useful tool that you're gonna want to learn how to use and it's really helpful when you use it correctly(ya noob) Okay, so now that I've basically explained the entire game your noobs are probably wondering well, how do I win macro Well, there are three ways that you can possibly win one go all-in as a team and kill everything in sight 2: Camp together like a bunch of babies in a crimb we can we can stay here or we can rush the team no let's hold here,hold here there out of the zone Three get carried by a guy with TTV in their name nice nice let's go(or not) gotta put my stream on their your pluging yourself just saying haha But the important part in all of this is teamwork there is no I in apex legends The concept is simple with basic first-person-shooter controls like we're talking Call of Duty controls over here You're guaranteed to like at least one character in the roster. The aesthetic is so cool. It's like a Mad Max Borderlands kind of vibe to it not to mention the graphics really help compliment it it's surprisingly good graphics the gunplay feels fantastic You have a lot of mobility in this game, but it's not like titanfall levels But the fact that you can slide down hills or use zip lines, it's pretty good also did I mention that there's no fall damage and The game is free. Don't get me wrong. There are Microtransactions, but everything can be earned with enough playtime even you Mirage I will get you one day plus the things you can customize are great banners Poses gun skins character skins the way you finish people off. It's awesome Because it's brand new there are so many bugs Phoenix kit give away what what just happend *2 (listen i'm wathcing pewdipie so bye sub 2 pewds) i have No clue I got a bug where we're all in slow motion, why are we slowing? Super slow what's going on? This is a glitch I've mentioned the bug where I was alone i mention a bug where i was alone all by myself One man cannot be a squad the game crashes a lot And not to mention we have to use origins. It's not that great It is not even close to Blizzard or steams launcher It just keeps doing these weird things like it's asking for cloud data like it's run. How do you run out of cloud data? It's also difficult to add friends. Why do I have to go on origins? That friends? Why can't just be in the game? Come on, it's such a simple thing that please respawn. I know you're gonna make it better not to mention the menu It's just gonna meh I'm gonna be honest with you here this game blew me away. It is incredible I do not want this to go away I want this game to thrive and I want to make videos on the characters like my for noobs series before with overwatch I want To be able to do it with these new characters as well It is so great. And it's free on all platforms except the switch, but I think they're working on that So play it and try it on your own because you can it's not gonna cost you a dime So I'm gonna be giving this game my second ever 9 out of 10(10) But what do you guys think? Am I over rating it or is it just perfectly fine where I put it or do you think? It's like a 10. I mean it has its flaws guys Let me know in the comments below and let me know if you want me to actually continue the series and make like bloodhound for Noobs or my favorite life line for noobs comment down below but with that, I'll catch you later ya noob apex Legends. I'm in heaven hmm You got eight different legends Count 'em not 7 nooo Apex-legends am in heaven I can't wait till we get to 11 and I'll unlock them all
Channel: Macro
Views: 3,212,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends for Noobs, Apex Legends guide, Apex legends beginners guide, how to apex legends, apex legends funny, apex legends best, best battle royale, best legend, best hero, apex legends review, apex legends pro, apex legends highlights, apex legends gameplay, best gun apex legends, fortnite vs apex legends, overwatch apex legends, bloodhound, wraith, lifeline, gibraltar, mirage, respawn entertainment, titanfall 3, apex legends glitch, apex legends tutorial
Id: YLNPydjBkus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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