#2 Revenant's SECRETS To Being UNKILLABLE (Apex Legends)

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this Revenant player has three animated PR badges over 120,000 kills and is the number two for rev kills worldwide but there's a Twist he's French today I'm speaking to demono TV to find out how exactly a 120k REV main actually plays before jumping into a pub myself and seeing if I can apply his advice in game which shouldn't be too hard because it's Revenant oh my God I'm a huge oh my God please my I'm going to put that in by the way de mono bonjour my friend hello I guess the first and most important question I have is how many snails do you eat per day well you know we have a saying in French we eat five fruits five vegetable and five snars a day are you eating them with knife and fork or are you inhaling them like G fuel up your nose knife and forks interesting interesting when it comes to Apex and you're all fueled up on the finest French quisine why do you play Revenant and I know you started before he got the buff so what made you play Revenant at this start I would say I just I just found the the character really badass when he came out with his voice the way he looks like his skins I was just like wow so wasn't because of his abilities not at all I mean at the start his abilities was really bad I I was having fun with him back then so I just stick with him I respect it it's a big grind 120,000 kills I mean yeah man yeah that's crazy crazy honestly respect for that have you learned any high IQ Revenant Tech over all the time you've played Revenant is there any like special movement or high IQ rev plays that you like to make that other revs just don't think of I mean one of the best thing I know like if few ref knows is uh the way you like get The High Ground Play like the Angles and surprise the enemy team that is something that I really like to do and not many people knew about it climbing a build while everyone is watching the other way cuz rev is really silent when he's climbing especially when everyone is blasting his guns yeah do you play knowing that people are not going to hear you climbing building so you you thinking about that when you're pushing them most of the time yeah I'm trying always trying to like crack someone or even knock someone by surprise in the back to be super sneaky yeah I like it I like it we mentioned you played a lot of revant before he got the changes and you said you didn't like the abilities but is there anything about the old Revenant that you think was better than the current Revenant or anything you missed from his old kit at all or do you think the new one is just so much better I would say there's something I miss is like the silence and the the little satisfaction you get when you silence like a ra or a valkyrie or Lifeline before using the abilities that was something really fun honestly so it's confirmed that you think old Revenant was better than new Revenant that's 100% confirmed now no but it was kind of fun throwing them little silence around and I was good at it so okay so with the new Revenant and the new perks system in season 20 what perks are you taking every game or are you switching up at all are you taking different perks or is it the same two every game I'm basically using the same one I use the minus 5 Second on the dash and the other one the purple one I use always the tack Refresh on knock yeah I think it's the best one okay so attack Refresh on knock and do you get a lot use out of that or is it mostly situational do you think it's situational but it's definitely clutch when you knock someone and you have to escape quick that's like recp some sometimes it's kind of in and out of the fight yeah and the first one is like getting a 2 second tactical is very good po escaping nice nice so I know you play a little bit of rev but when you look at it from other players perspective do you think he's op do you think he needs a Nerf or do you think he's fine and everyone else is overreacting about him being too strong I think he's strong though I think he's strong when when we fight another rev and that R just keep having his ultimate after he knocked timate and everything just frustrating you know just can't knock a single player because he's just have so many HP fight a lot of ref too and I I get mad at some R too as well even me what is your advice to any new players who want to main rev and what are you telling them what advice do you have to rev players players I would say use the dash like wisely always like keep it midf fight so you can escape in case it goes bad always try to be the one that make the opening cuz you're the one that can escape easily and for the olds try to not use it too early in fights cuz you never know if the team are going to run away or you never know what going happen like only use it when you sure the fight is about to you know break in well finally obviously you've got TV in your name it's demonio TV where can people find you where can they watch you where can they support you H they can find me on Twitch pretty much every day live every day and on every social basically perfect well the links will be in the Ping comment thank you so much for your time thank you so much AST after sitting and talking to demonio for quite some time I jumped into no field Duos to see exactly how op rev actually can be but there was a problem this is your Champion I queued into this Lobby and at 2 a.m. here's the time stamp on the file if you don't believe me and when I tell you that this was the bossiest lobby I've ever played in you need to see this I guess I could only fight what was in front of me so with my Flatline R9 combo I went to war with the armies of conduit premades that plagued Duos right now knowing that as a solo it was still easily possible for me to get [Music] outnumbered use the dash like wisely at this moment I fully realized how bad this Lobby actually was I'm pretty sure the conduit tried shooting me through a window but if you needed any more proof that this was the most organic Lobby you've ever seen oh yes the classic Ash playay of doing absolutely nothing ah yes the classic Ash play my time and checkpoint was over for now but just one pounce away down the hill I was met with some actual human behavior actual human behavior honestly I don't even know if I should post games like this I mean they're great for action and content but hello how are you today I've been better how about you I've been better so long yeah either way on my rotation back into Zone I found myself in checkpoint one more time for a quick Tango with a BAL raid before making my way down towards the center of the map near Command Center He Flops he's a failure he's an average man and let's face it the man's a loser he may not have been a perfect man but he was a good man maybe he had some things he liked to do life isn't simple if only we could be as giving and as generous then the world would be a far better place than me for real though I've always hated killing loot ticks it makes me feel absolutely horrible but probably not as horrible as this guy's craber shots so I went ahead and took it off him I don't know why I talk sometimes with just one Squad left I needed three kills to complete the world's easiest and most undeserved 20 bomb and my plan to get the three kills I needed out of two people was simple first I had to knock and thirst someone from the last team I have no words before allowing his Duo to take the banner res him and kill the last two people completing the 20 bomb and that was that was honestly rude I didn't want to Spook the last guy who was chilling in the house so I ran as far away from him as possible to allow him up to the respawn Beacon for free all I had to do was sit on top of this mountain and wait for him to surely res his teammate why isn't he resing after a while of waiting I thought maybe he was on his way to the the beacons so I snuck around the edge of Zone making sure not to Spook the little dude by Crouch walking like a little turtle creature only now my problem wasn't him resing it was that I had no idea where he was hello okay yeah yeah look de mono's advice managed to help me get a decent win on a terrible Lobby like the video and subscribe or you'll have this guy as your teammate
Channel: Simply Ashton
Views: 126,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simply ashton, simply ashton youtube, youtube simply ashton, simplyashton, simplyashton youtube, youtube simplyashton, simplyashtin, apex testing, apex best mains, apex best legends, apex best legends to use in ranked, apex main, apex best ranked legends, xbox, ps4, pc, console, apex loadouts, aoex legends, aprx legends, apex wingman, apex funny, apex worst, apex funny moments, ashton, apex challenge, apex octane, apex memes, apex season 20, apex rampart, apex revenant
Id: gBzWc2V8Xxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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