How to MAKE Coffee when BACKPACKING | 4 Great Ways to Make TRAIL Coffee!

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hey guys chris here i have four products to make coffee in the backcountry with and we are not talking folgers here that's next okay so we all know that the instant packets work really well in the backcountry but sometimes you want to have your own coffee and you want to have an easy to clean up affordable and something that packs down to make that coffee i found four things online that i'm going to show you we're going to demo those out here that work just like that they work great so i've set up a little brew station barrista station in the back country here and uh let's get to it shall we okay so first up we have the gsi collapsible java drip i really like this one it's about five and a half inches around one inch thick check that out this weighs in at 4.8 ounces and this has a lid on it so when you pack it away it keeps things nice and clean here is the collapsible portion of it that is bpa free dishwasher safe so it's safe to use and this takes a number four filter that's what that looks like the number four filter so when you clean it up it's really easy to clean up so 1 to 12 cups of coffee with this guy and what that means is it's just like your coffee maker at home you fill it up once two big scoops in it and you can have other people in your group use this when you're done making coffee this comes in at 12.95 very affordable let's get brewing okay so we're going to add a couple of scoops to the filter here and you just want to hit the corners go nice and slow with it and just let that drain through is what it looks like it's filtering right down to that hole there [Applause] and you're going to let it sit for a minute or so and that's all there is to it set that aside and there's my fresh cup of coffee that smells great that is my dunkin donuts coffee french roast that i brought with and let's try it fantastico i love it it's really fun having your own coffee in the backcountry so the gsi collapsible java drip 12.95 cents i'm gonna give that five stars okay next up is the seed to summit x brew i like this a lot it's the collapsible device coffee device if you've seen my videos before you know i love collapsible devices about one inch thick four and a half inches round bpa free food grade heat resistant silicon dishwasher safe this has a two cup capacity right here which means you can get two cups of coffee out of it it does have a screen in the bottom which means you don't have to have a filter if you wanted to you could put a basket filter or a number four filter into it if you felt like doing that but it's not necessary this comes in at 21.95 i really like this the screen on the bottom does come out but it can be challenging to get it back in so what you do is you collapse it down and you can pop this out like that and when you're done pop it back in and you push the edges like that that's the best way to do that i would recommend keeping it in there and just rinsing it out when you're done and occasionally you could take it out but that's how you put it back in okay again we just had a couple of scoops of coffee here right in the bottom of the old basket put that right on the cup there pour it in this one you can see easily what's going on look at that oh it can smell so good too love it and let's take a look at that yep seeing just drips through like that we're going to get all jacked up on coffee today gonna be all jacked up in coffee pal okay so that is done brewing you can see we just have to clean that out pour it out rinse it out and collapse it back down dry it put it away they're good to go very simple and there's my second cup of coffee for today that's good that's my coffee right there uh see the summit x brew 21.95 i'm gonna give this four stars out of five i just like how easy the other one was to clean up this one's gonna be just a little bit more work but once you're done rinsing it out you're good to go so see the summit x brew okay next up we have the coffee brew buddy by primula this is a single serve coffee device for the backcountry obviously it collapses down pretty small it really it's just a filter a fine mesh filter and this plastic ring that just sits on the top of your cup like that so that's pretty simple this is 12.28 i'm not sure what the weight is i think it's probably three ounces maybe four ounces but it's a very simple device let's take a look at that see how that works so we're gonna just take this and go a couple pour that in there like that and we're just going to take a couple of tablespoons and pour that over see what we got here and you just let that seep down like the others these are really simple devices but really effective when you think about your coffee percolator your coffee device at home and how you know big and electronic and to clean it and to run it and these are just the essence of making coffee is a filter and a way to keep it above your your mug there so there we go put that in there and and let's take a look at how it's seeing it's just seeping right through that filter just like that and again this is a single serve so uh you you you'll want to know you know how much your cup your mug is how much how many ounces your mug is and see what see what's going on there but there we go this again it's like the sea to summit you're gonna have to rinse it out and then just uh make sure all the grounds are out of it and air dry it and then slip it back in your backpack somewhere so let's try that magnificent i like it that's my third cup of coffee i'm not really drinking a full cup of coffee here but i am kind of enjoying this so that is the prime rula coffee brew buddy 12 28 cents i'm gonna give that boy that's i'm gonna give that like four stars as well that's that's a really nice device there um i'm still liking that first one though i think that's my favorite probably because it's so it you put it away and it's got that case for it and it's just so easy to clean up you do have to bring the filters so coffee brew buddy okay lastly we have the gsi ultra light java drip this thing really is ultra light if you've seen my videos before you know i really like this device super lightweight collapses down it's got these legs it is like the essence of a backcountry coffee filter it's just really a filter with legs on it this will just clip simply clip onto your cup just about any size cup will fit because you can move the legs out like that this also will nest underneath your fuel canister to keep it hidden away and it's so small and light it'll just fit underneath your fuel canister it really literally takes up no space one ounce this will do two or three servings of coffee per basket and this comes in at 9.95 so this is the lightest and the cheapest of my coffee devices that i have for you guys today let's check this one out here i'm gonna put the old dunkin donuts coffee in it and show you how it works we're just gonna go two tablespoons there and there we go just hit those edges go nice and slow look at that tasty stuff what i like about you can just smell it the whole thing you can see the whole process happening before your very eyes so all of these devices really are very effective but this one like i said is the essence of a coffee filter for the backcountry so let's remove the legs here and that again you will have to just pour this out rinse it out and dry it out and then you're good to go but there's fourth cup of coffee today that is good you are so beautiful definitely all right guys that is the gsi ultralite java drip i'm going to give that four stars actually no i'm gonna give this one five star so we're gonna tie for the other gsi collapsible so these all work really well 995 but the gsi ultra light java drip okay guys that's the four ways to make coffee that i found these are can all be found on amazon so thanks a lot for watching my videos if you like what i do like and subscribe and as always keep hiking so let's get the so let's brew that is some fine latte latte date dew oh she's leaking we got a leaker frappuccino cappuccino el pacino this is not my fourth cup i think i've had like six cups i am it's good though drinking that coffee is this a take this is a take looks like you could eat cereal out of this oh yeah java the hut
Channel: Base Camp Chris
Views: 14,240
Rating: 4.9592667 out of 5
Keywords: backcountry gear review, outdoor gear review, camping gear, base camp chris, backpacking gear, backpacking gear review, how to make camp coffee, making coffee when backpacking, gsi ultra light java drip, gsi collapsible java drip, sea to summit x brew, primula coffee brew buddy, portable coffee maker, pour over coffee, hiking gear, backpacker coffee, how to make your own camp coffee, funny bloopers, outtakes, how to use a pour over coffee maker, lightweight coffee makers
Id: 7y4UbX9QUNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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