AOC plays Among Us with CORPSE, Pokimane, Valkyrae, Toast, and MORE on Twitch!

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[Music] for me this is like when twitch members play with athletes but this is my this is my uh you're playing with athletes moment like i'm so excited [Music] yay his voice is so deep uh wow different players have different thought levels right now oh yeah yeah so now everyone's play style is going to change too damn it all right hi i guess everyone's here should be fine i don't think i've played this game before oh [Music] okay okay i'm i'm a crewmate clearly because i missed what i am okay valkyr valkyrie just put me on okay what do i need to do why am i not okay i need to fix the lights how do i get in here all right let me look at the map here all right i need to go to o2 down here i'm just thinking about how the earlier stream had ilhan and i arguing with each other and it was charlie the whole time oh my god look at how cute she is honey okay okay okay am i being sussed i don't know if i'm being sussed okay i need to get in there hmm there's a bunny oh wait you got the report off oh i i didn't see you no no oh sorry i found that i found hassan's body and i was like about to report it oh oh two is it the same bunny wait where are you uh uh i'm at least get over it on scanner it's been dead for a while so i've been like running around his voice and i thought i hit report sorry i found this body uh uh calm's door uh do we have any information there's a lot of us on the left side yeah what side is that on it's in the middle like uh below middle area like lower okay it's just going to clean up if she's nester are we completely on the left side was there anyone who came a little later so i'm like i saw three people outside uh in the left room with me when i was doing the water but i don't remember who it was uh who's on the left then uh i think i'm on the left hi okay yeah we're in the tree room right now do you guys remember who came last i don't remember there were a couple people like passing through it's right now i'm joking of course i actually don't know who it is we should reveal something maybe we should skip yeah all right guys you guys let's try and pay attention who's coming in last okay i can remember things i don't know that's that's my obligation i feel you man you're welcome i'm distracted by corpse's voice my bad oh something see i'm not the only one i'm not someone isn't that the lesson here oh that is true you should vote for someone right it's the candy corn river oh did i like respawn in a totally different part of the map is that what they call it in this game okay i need to download someone's cyan i think so i think it was toast was in that room with me just now i'm trying to be more observant okay after everything we've been through i'm actually a bit heartbroken i've been killed oh my goodness and to think i was so excited i still am excited but man can you believe it first twitch stream i ever went on h bomber guy so that you know did what was he playing then donkey kong doing a donkey kong speed run oh no and first twitch stream and now it's my now it's the first person who killed me who did it who did it i'm not sure if i'm allowed to vote where did you find the old town again uh in the center of the map where um the meeting room is around there ilhan did you see any suspicious individuals in that area i don't i don't know what area i that is know where she okay listen i've been watching her communications the whole time i don't know who this is i can't wait h-bomb h-bomb calls a meeting then feigns ignorance yes h-bomb are you accusing corpse of killing and reporting the body let's see wait i would play this i was bi-corpsed right before the it was discovered on the right side so i really don't think it's him sounds like a really clever strategy i didn't even consider that [Music] strategy no i was doing it i know nothing what do i do toast i need guidance i don't know h mom's accusing corpse and but h is up against h-bomb yeah this is avenge means that makes you suspicious of the two of them told you guys oh my goodness well the cool thing about dying early is that i can look at the chat now oh my goodness okay i i still have to do my tasks right emergency meeting what's going on i was right who died you were right what happened so like if there was two impostor left what they could have done was called sabotage block the emergency button kill one person and won the game so we know corpse is one of the bad guys and who was trying to back up quartz lime green okay i was i i'm so confused i was doing a task on the right side and you told me that somebody died on the middle so i feel like i just it just doesn't make sense that he'd be the imposter hmm ilhan is she lying would she know if i was lying or not because she's your mother her voice i don't know it's a hard one i think she might just innocently be backing him um it says check ghost chat in-game does that mean i should pull up his twitch yeah yeah i don't think it's h-bomb you had a pretty good idea they just seem very very comfortable making accusations you know being incredible like my apex what do you think it is i think you're interested you really want something right you don't really want to question where everything's loading so uh shout out to samsung it's amazing right you gotta call a meeting when you solve this okay okay okay ghost chat wow [Laughter] oh my goodness okay but i still need to finish tasks oh my god all right we can just shoot here right yeah so h-bomb i'm going to be convinced otherwise i'm pretty convinced once again democracy fails us you can't use facts and logic so you just have no we already got one of the imposter wait what are we trusting look at my toes she's literally been the imposter and like this entire time i feel like i feel like you're totally i i know i lie is uh an interesting word israel i i have never lied sorry then you just don't speak if that that's a better way to win it right do you think it's your mom nobody never lies that has to i mean i don't know but i'm just saying i'm so suspicious of her i say i'm i'm telling you all it's edge bomb i called if you're that sure i'll go with you because there's only one there should be only one impossible toast that's okay if you missed oh my gosh so if hbo is the other imposter this game will end and if it's not when you're calling another meeting toast is so good oh my gosh told you guys that corpse wasn't the imposter whoa it's raw wool geo okay what do i need to do okay oh these are just uh vitals interesting [Music] interesting oh i'm calling self-report no no no no no i went up to fix the lights now here's here's the suspense i don't know is the mother daughter oh no okay no it's not me um because i was in i was in comms but toast was chest was hardcore defending h-bomb who ended up being the imposter no i ended up voting you got this israel you've got this i know but you are very quick to go with me yeah yeah but let's not forget we know okay the mother daughter bond was one of the deposit because if he wasn't the game would have ended is this stronger than the impossible wait how many apostles this is the question right yeah it says one left there's one the three of us yeah so there's only there's only two imposters all right he's toast no i wasn't i was i keep going back to comps because i haven't been able to finish my attack i mean you weren't near the body that means el han should be the toast is toast where'd you go though yeah where were you i was by uh the electric stuff that's where the body is i'm voting toast yeah you gotta believe come on i don't know you guys believe me he's going down fighting though you gotta hand it to him oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my gosh exactly very good call wow that was awesome coming through like just stuff like that here and there but i don't know how much it actually does i can you explain to me what the origin of your name is real quick um i'm very dead inside i actually don't have a reason for it i just came up with it on the spot like five years ago new color new color i'm gonna do white because it doesn't look white to me it looks more like get inside and ray's like yeah you know like you know his voice is like a comedy so happy i'm just i'm just glad to be here you know toast do you wanna you wanna are you swapping with gus uh yeah i'm liking the scuba diving i i would like to swap too it's been excellent it was so nice thanks so much thanks for playing you did really good um uh i'm following you guys on one person i'm firing twitter okay so i'm gonna chat on twitter i'm following you guys here on the chat thank you so much for hopping on i'm so appreciative and please again make sure that you register to vote make your plan to vote if you can vote in person if you prefer vote by mail you'll plan this game let's do this yes definitely and i'm so excited for this upcoming election we're going to come together we can overwhelm the polls and we can get things back on track so now let's see crewmate it's snowing all right let me go to the laboratory okay this guy's wearing ray's wearing a literal mike myers mask like isn't that suspicious i think so oh it's negative 38. silly me okay all right okay i'm only i'm three foot six and what is it 92 pounds in this game my little avatar doodad it's very small i don't have to go to the specimen room oh but these stabilizers does that mean people are dying at a fast clip because they keep sabotaging things hmm where was the body uh aoc i didn't what i didn't call it uh how's your day my day's going great i'm having so much fun i found the body near in o2 um can you this game and this map can you vent yes yeah yeah there's like holes in the ground i think right yeah they're not great but yeah i think there is a vent in there actually wait so two you talking bottom left corner yes so this kill could have been blue i need to channel more corpse energy wait bottom left corner oh too that's what you saw yes very low um doesn't that kind of clear i think that loki clears aoc too doesn't it or was she down no i just cleared aoc she was top right it was yeah i was i was right with her h-bomb valkyrie was there i thought she was pink warding uh near like the entry point of the lab but she's dead i don't know where she died though wait i saw pokey uh i saw pokevent um what can't you can't you vent yeah it was like in the middle but in the bottom right i don't know about this because wait what i don't know about this because wouldn't that be like shocking information that you would come forward with right away actually that's why i asked if you could let the truth i see i'm just confused aoc pulled the last second filibuster defended pokey maybe i believe you i believe you israel i don't think i'm confused i mean if i saw someone vent i'd be like immediate that's why i asked i wasn't sure okay i'm in the office i need to i need to find my way to this damn specimen room everyone's gonna [Music] all right what's going on why are you your own death pokey no no no okay actually halt could you please explain what you saw and which events particularly like anything like that because i don't even think i was in whatever but pokey's very good i don't okay so i was like i was going to do a task but then um a sabotage happened so i was walking towards the sabotage but i saw you and i was so i like ran away for a second and then i came and you disappeared in like 2.2 seconds and when i went back you like weren't you like came back so like i was walking away you were there i came back you disappeared and then you came back like right after it oh okay so you didn't i was confused i i thought that you saw her no i saw i was i was away i saw you disappear so i was like how else could you disappear also uh i i just want to say i think because you're not on beta you walk a lot slower than everyone else so i actually just think i was walking i didn't then oh is there is there like a problem between a beta and non-beta like that yeah that could be that could be a problem yeah i don't know i i guess it doesn't really matter i was [Music] whose fingers are voting real quick vote real quick speed run [Music] i would not kill toast first i like toast he's my friend okay this damn specimen room okay i think i need to go back and then down and then around like are these just books that are just dropped all over the place okay is this her gonna kill me okay there was corpse there okay now i need to go to the left side of the map it's just still here is there another task there that takes a long time hmm [Music] where was it oh do you think guts this sounds like the devil himself is moderating this to me oh what she did gus you want to come clean i i honestly don't know what you're right baby so i pass israel in specimen i go up through decontamination gus is standing on the other side eyeball to the wall ready to keep running because he knows what i'm about to discover i walk over to the left there's a body with the door closed from where he just came from gus what's say you and your defense well first of all i feel like i'm listening to an edgar allen poem on tape so this is very very very enjoyable uh second narration was in the top right for a good deal of time i did my job it went down into that airlock area because i have another task that's on that side of the map so i was just waiting for the decontamination while the doors were locked all right so how did you pass the body on the floor i didn't pass any bodies anyone see anybody is there anyone else's top right because i was just an admin and i saw three people there i can vouch for corpses story because i was also in that area israel and i were both in that room and then i saw him passing walking up in the direction i can also vouch for killed have been killed near me so i have no valuable input here i was down left theoretically bottom left corner i fixed the lights before anyone else because i was passing by the lights as it went off i fixed it went down did o2 there was no one around me but the doors closed on me and then i'm like [Music] we got to vote i don't i don't know i'm going corpse just because why the heck would he oh darn it okay it's probably corpse though because gus most likely wouldn't have killed toast and um i'm gonna get voted but i'm done hmm okay we got to fix the lights though [Music] oh my god oh my god that was insane wait did someone else die what happened no no one thought we were just both trying to fix the lights we were to kill himself now like that's kind of weird um i i'm trying to think i i know i'm going to get voted but i'm go i want to talk in the 80 seconds that we have so there is an event outside of that area theoretically as well but also they were at the door from med base so they were like they could have ran the lights in that amount of time as well it is weird like like it was no one saw who was with gus before that happened like in top right i was i was bottom left oh no and oc is saying they were with israel in specimen [Music] and if it wasn't hassan it would it would leave pokey theoretically um you said there was you said you were on admin and you saw three people in yeah and that was like right before the lights went off so someone's lying there someone's lying and it's not me because i passed them lower right hmm i mean i don't know what to do here but it's not me oh we can take another shot if you guys don't want to do me i didn't see aoc specimen but i could be seeing israel did you see aoc and specimen with you last round no i didn't oh i'm sorry i understand that earlier i was i was no you were spending mad long time there i did not see you no okay so i don't know maybe i have the room wrong but it's the one where you count one two three four five six seven eight nine 10. [Music] i i forgot the vote i'm ashamed this is a voting session she straight up said she didn't see me now that is suspicious oh highly suspicious highly highly suspicious hmm i can't believe she said she didn't see me you guys saw that i was like why is she standing there for so long [Music] yeah it's it's 100 without a single shred of a doubt corpse and here is why after the after the seismic uh reactor was called corpse literally ran in the exact opposite direction down towards admin unless he has a good excuse for why he did that um i don't know when you're on it right the top right one yes what go on the reactor that you're on i wasn't even on it yet i was running up to the reactor while you were already you were pre-moving like you were pre-moving away from it before anyone else could get there even which leads me to believe that you were doing that specifically so you could get away from anyone before anyone even saw you up there but i was unfortunately there before if gus was wrong then there would be two killers left and they would have won the game right no i think it's i think i don't know if it's corpse but i think it's israel and it could be corpse and israel oh my gosh okay what guys especially aoc israel real quick basically five is the best time to kind of take a chance and vote someone out so we could do that i was kind of stuck between corpse and hassan but only because aoc you vouched for israel but then it sounded like something was going on yeah so okay just vote for corpse this round oh no you guys are throwing you guys are actually throwing so we hope for the wrong person here and there's still two killers the automatic win right there's two killers they would have just killed one and one in the game that does not make sense because if we would have gone here remember what do we do [Music] unless no because they would have just killed one and won the game that's what i'm trying to say i thought we did get gus didn't it it's israel yo like i was standing here i was standing next to her in specimen and that challenge all you need to do for that is count to ten so okay yeah maybe you do it like once or twice but she was there for like 20 minutes just sitting there and she is extremely intelligent i know it doesn't take her that long oh my goodness is it me or are there more tasks on this map okay hassan's like all up in here [Applause] [Music] that was the most pro gamer stuff oh my gosh one real kill streak man i i saw the door open and i was screaming muted like come with me oh my gosh not definitely pokey but whoever it was you're really good at this i totally thought it was israel because i was standing next to her and specimen for so long and it like you count to 10 and i'm like why is she standing there for like 20 minutes i couldn't figure out the task okay i got to meet you again dream's been going for a couple of hours so hasan makes a good point everyone remember to hydrate drink water and you can and vote and vote on your way to get water and vote make your voting plan i will and if you can't vote find someone that need that hasn't made their voting plan yet and encourage them to do so imagine showing up to the doctor and just saying you need help and getting it without having to take out your credit card or anything like that i mean it's i i think one of the reasons why it's so politically difficult here in the united states to advocate for a system like that is because people just don't even believe it's possible like i mean you can hear you hear people talk in that manner all the time where people are like oh like what do you want little girl you know to to give people health care and then they don't have to pay thousands of dollars for it what kind of silly fantasy land do you live in and it's like it's it's a it's so fascinating uh body found in storage room [Music] rude where did you go after we were walking to med bay to get our lab together but uh then you doubled back maybe what happened where'd you go yeah no i went too lava pool to do that task and then i ran through office and then i passed the corpse and right no now the person corpse not the body i know not the corpse i saw a corpse not too long ago why are you didn't i pass you corpse i don't know what anyone's talking about what body or what what room is stored okay i ran from i did like the little one minute vial thing and then i ran uh down and i'm right in front of weapons currently i did the note at the bottom wait you went out the left side of laps uh yes ooh yep and i'm in communications right now that's on the path the storage is on the path to uh weapons sure i mean i did the note at the bottom of the map which that'd be a weird path uh and aoc what have you been doing this round i was in the upper left part of the map and i don't know i was doing it i feel like i was doing an electrical task but i don't remember what i was doing but i was in the upper left i believe her like wires lupo i got distracted oh yeah it's not me exciting were you just including me in the conversation i just wanted to say your name but i just want i had a question for you what is it what's the question what is it what's up okay i'm an office and you go to the specimen room and the comms is like blinking is that because there's an emergency there seems like it [Music] is toast gonna kill me that is the question he has every opportunity to all right so he saw me do that i need to go over here dead body okay um the body is near the electric like near the next next to the door of the electric room and corpse is the only person that left that area but h bomber guy was alive when corpse left so it kind of loki exonerates him a little bit from this kill at least [Music] because corpse left the electric room i walked over to the electric room from the right side i went down each bomber guy was still alive and corpse had already long gone left that area h bomber guy doubled down and then went back up um and uh near the door of the electric room like in that hallway in the hallway going south i went down i went down i did my upload or download or whatever next to the tree and um and then the seismic one off open the doors cause the doors had locked went back up h bomber guy is dead i can clear myself if i need to do you guys notice how it says one out of two on the reactor right now did anyone see that i i'm the one on the right react yeah i know i'm with them on the right one i think anyone near your left side i'm bottom left right near the vent in security the song no it's not near the veterinary my question is where has aoc been and who has she been with okay wait you've been following me this whole time why why are you asking this question oh because i want you to tell everyone so they don't suspect i voted for toast what about gus huh i saw aoc at the end in the bottom left but you didn't see me no she wants it i mean in the last part i'm gonna go i'm gonna go to the right toast has been following me around is this marinating is that what this is hmm but i'm the one who opened that door okay toast is following me everywhere don't you have things to do [Laughter] what is he doing okay i have to go to the specimen room why is he following me everywhere hmm oh 100 percent just saw valkyrie vent oh right what that's impossible right directly in the uh outside of the emergency button directly outside the door i should say that 95 valkyrie vent five percent lupo just because it was that same thing hang on but i want to hold on to that information wait wait wait all right okay first of all that's absolutely impossible because i'm crewmate secondly maybe it's because you're not on beta you're having like buggy issues maybe the thing is specifically on right now for the record i've made it up uh and last we saw her about well how long ago aoc do you remember seeing purple there i remember seeing i just don't remember how long i don't remember her bullets i had to go back to the dish she did um telescope where's lupo wait i i'm going to openly no no i did not do telescope i did that earlier i had to switch my vials back i had to pick the anomaly that's that's the task i did lupo how are you i was standing admittedly on the lights for like 20 seconds waiting for him to go down so i can turn him back on immediately and try and save try and save somebody i've been with aoc yeah but it's weird wait why is it weird because you're like like don't you have things to do yeah i'm trying to do that but you keep leaving me wait for the record for me okay okay i'll wait for you thank you no okay i'm on i'm on beta i'm voting valkyrie i totally did i'm on beta but what it what if toast is just like long conning me you know what i'm saying like like trying to be my buddy and then just kills me at the end i'm taking a risk oh no okay [Music] yes did you have something okay yep so i'm i'm i was going to hit the button again i was wondering maybe hassan uh allowed multiple meeting hits i'm glad you hit it i'm just telling you guys right now pretty much 100 i saw a valkyrie vent last time oh my goodness he said 90 percent first of all maybe you saw a different color on accident that is the five percent allocation that i that i didn't expect from yeah go ahead pokey okay so i was with hassan bottom left and i went to go do my uh the tree task and he went upwards towards lights so if lupo stood on lights that entire time he must have either killed hassan or saw who killed him and he didn't mention anyone else so that's why i'm very suspicious of lupus interesting okay how would i have seen who killed him through the wall pokey there's a wall there they can't see through walls well i'm just saying i do think ray i mean i'm gonna trust gus oh of course you're oh my goodness no no no no this is absurd no i mean if this if he saw if he saw it okay so i definitely killed me earlier there's a chance that it was blue and not perfect right but it would be it is it is a shredder so if it's blue and not purple that's me so that means i know that it's purple yeah we saw her just happened before it was called because i just checked vitals before which is why i thought it like oh maybe ray vented right after he was right but he's saying that you got the thing that you saw here so i know i don't think it's hurt that's what i'm skipping yeah like we saw her oh no man wait you keep following me actually do you have any more tasks you'll see um i think i do finally specimen is so hard to get to okay i have another task in specimen specimens now i need to go all the way to the side lower left on o2 someone was just there okay corpse could have easily killed me there and he did not dude where the hell did you guys know the body corpse um i don't see it but i saw the button in uh the kind of the button room like the conference room okay so lupo is a hundred percent wasn't he just with me hooray because we went through med bay area together two lights yeah i was afraid you're gonna kill me the entire time was gus with you guys no he was not so first i wanted aoc what did you see that time so i had to head all the way down to the specimen room which was a track and i feel like a lot of you guys were kind of following me on the way there but then when i got to the specimen room i did two tasks and corpse you were with me on that lower half as we were walking towards the middle of the map right so that's where i was when the meeting was called but i didn't see anything but also i think the lights were off so yeah though i was with aoc we went through they did specimen and then we went through decontamination and we were standing on top of each other and then we walked out of or i walked out of decontamination and i walked up and then that's when i found the body in the office room is the office in the top right uh no middle and bottom bottom middle middle hmm so what i saw is uh and again i'm voting valkyrie again because i i just saw it but what i saw was corpse and valkyrie on that far right in the airlock going up and down which leads me to also by association kind of be sus on corpse i'd not enough to vote that's because valkyrie is a hundred percent you guys are off yeah who do i vote i voted yeah i don't i don't trust this situation i'm gonna stick with toast or not okay that means we're right now okay would that mean he was lying about ray right he was wait what happened to yeah to get an easy kill on me and since no one else since we didn't lose could double kill that means that he was one of the killers so there's only one killer left the reason i'm scared right now is because you just did this for style points the other game so i'm worried you're doing it again well here's the thing i would do something like that but last game my partner sometimes just calls the sabotage and goes for the win so if it was me both me and my partner has to be telepathically in agreement to drag himself i'm either thinking it's lupo the last of posture or it's toast valkyrie style points oh no i'm thinking maybe gus saw blue or blue vent i know it's not me but maybe he did see somebody vent but maybe it was one of the blues but if toast was with aoc that whole time earlier then wouldn't it be i can completely clear aoc toast was with me the whole time but am i being marinated is that the term i don't mean that i would not marinate a congresswoman thank you thank you i do think toast had more than enough opportunity to kill me if you wanted to aoc i would like you to say a name and i'll back you up on it i was on who do you think is the most suspicious between ray and lupo if they're going to shoot a random shot oh it's not me so it must be luco oh i don't know no we can skip we can skip oh [Music] right oh i was being marinated gus listen so i killed hassan in storage i vented but i was in the vet i never came out really it's the glitch it's a glitch that's that's what i'm trying to say it's a glitch if you vent if if you sometimes like stay in the vent it shows you oh is that yours why did it like you popped into it [Music] all right guys i think this got to be my last game all right so let's make it good wow he really he really went in that last game toast really went into that last game said with his whole heart i would not marinate a congresswoman that's exactly what happened just i mean it's politics right toast is following me again i mean would he do that right after doing that the whole last game maybe maybe he would okay i found the body in the middle um what was i just doing it's outside of it was a specimen or not a specimen it was that the puzzle the maze type of thing toast has been following me around this whole game yeah i'm protecting you no it's like a rachel ray like wolfgang puck you're sous-vide marinating the whole time i would never do it you gave me a row i swear yeah no that is what and that is what an evil genius would do because it wouldn't be expected [Music] yeah i remember that i was there please don't give me i'll leave you alone if you marinated the whole last game if you did the whole last game like you wouldn't do that again unless you were trying to play mind games i would never do that again that's good you also said you would never marinate a congresswoman and that's what you did my view has been changed by a charismatic leader please guys i swear it wasn't me you gotta find a real killer marinated aoc there we go there we go now we're moving somewhere it's my first time seeing gus this game now i got to find my way around this map let's see um okay looks like i got weapons and o2 i'll try o2 first boiler room someone else was there wasn't there oh pokey's there how do i do this [Music] okay [Music] okay i gotta do this one [Music] turning turning turning okay so pokey was with me there i just saw someone blue heading down over there okay i've got another boiler [Music] i need to turn it there's pokey again going into electrical no one's here someone just closed it or not interesting lupo's there wow oh wait no oh no [Music] that was evil evil what pokeman did what pokeman did aoc i just like i was like i can't kill her what pokeman did in the way in the way that she threw toast under the bus was the most evil wow that was awesome thank you so much had a blast thank you thank you so much and it was nice to meet you it was great meeting you guys i hope we can play again and i hope everyone's out there anytime seriously any time okay yeah well thank you both so so much thank you hassan thank you pokey toast ray cor everybody thank you so much um for everyone watching just make sure that you have your voting plan put together voting plans are super important because people who make a voting plan are more likely to vote it's shown so figure out today and tonight use figure out if you want to vote early mail in in person day of make your plan and stick to it and thank you everyone so much for for playing and um let's you know let's all participate in this election and save our democracy thank you to the mods as well i will thank you so much bye this was a crazy marathon session i played even longer than i anticipated but that's because we were just having a blast so thank you everyone so much for joining uh with us today again you know it's so important that each and every one of us turns out to vote and if you know if you can't vote ask your family ask your parents ask your cousins ask everyone you know that can vote what their voting plan is you
Channel: peenk
Views: 552,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoc, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, pokimane, maia, mxmtoon, charlie, jack, spedicey, jacksepticeye, toast, disguised toast, greaseball, dr. lupo, hasanabi, myth, isra, corpse, corpse husband, among us, twitch, vote, aoc among us, aoc twitch, valkyrae, gus
Id: nEc60MC-k8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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