My Amazing 200 IQ Among Us Gameplay

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Better off watching Pewds live stream if your doing it just for Roomie, he's on it a bit more, before dying lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Furologist 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
there is a liar on this team and we have to find out who it is we're playing among us if you don't know what the game is about let me hit you with the facts real quick we have a set of crewmates they're out here they're trying to do tasks flip flap flop they're trying to just do their job but in the middle of these crewmates are two impostors who are trying to kill everyone and ruin our fun now it's up to us as the crewmates to try and deduce who it is using our big stinkel wrinkle brains if impostor's job to do what they do best lie cheat steal and murder their way to the top of the food chain but let's face it none of you watch among us to see who's the best player you just watch among us to see us all yell at each other and accuse each other and ruin all of our friendships and don't forget if you like this and you want to see more among us games at another time don't forget to tickle that subscribe button down there it's free anyway enjoy watching me be terrible at life so we ready to play wait does everyone know how wait are we this is the part we don't [Laughter] okay let's see what's going on all right i'm being followed clearly okay just do your tasks be a good little boy i thought this was a different one i hate this one okay all right comms are back up i need to do with the rocket oh god i [ __ ] knew what happened i think we have two killers i can't remember how many they put in that was fast wow oh wow that's crazy okay i i don't know lizzy's tactics yet but i'm i'm getting a feel for this she's way good at this she's what tactics you followed me at the beginning and i was like are you just eyeing me up and then dead i was like okay i don't even remember killing you i think i just blacked out murderous [ __ ] dave is my alibi you're not muted [ __ ] i'm bad at this i don't know how to do it well i can never split people up well enough [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] somebody has to be i'm always worried that i'm not muted i can confirm ken corpse and lizzy all did the med bay scan oh wow wait wait where it's down in that what's the bottom right area there's like two buildings there's two rooms through the decontamination doors yeah the place where you see the vitals i tur i fixed the lights twice and then i ran down and i found her body down there in that room yeah i don't i don't think i can vote for anyone right now personally but yeah we're just gonna ignore what felix said when he was on mutator yeah okay okay okay clean clean okay let's see what happens i'll turn off the lights after this oh yeah well i guess it's not joel it's not sure okay two people are dead okay i i suspect jack for no other reason okay thank you i i fixed things three times i went up and did the thing on the left i i definitely think it's just why i hear you lying i've been doing tasks every time ken just walked by me both of us did that twice and turned off the reactor thing of the handprint and i think dave i'm voting felix motherfucker's trying to turn it on is it you and you're trying to turn it around yeah likely [ __ ] story do you at least have any evidence that it was me no i'm just turning on you because you're really suspicious and you're turning it on me it seems like the jury agrees all right all right you'll regret this get him in the rabbit imposter i wish we could see if it was so nervous i'm gonna keep throwing the scent with this [Laughter] i don't have a good poker face in front of felix poker voice he can't even see your face oh i hate being imposter i feel like i'm going to fall yeah i know what you mean yeah boom boom oh hey all right so crewmate why do i not knew immediately every single round stinky at the top of the map straight away yeah lizzy and dave were here and i don't know which one it was hey i i worked i was muted stinky stinky must be one of them then if he's accusing me all right jack was here no i'm not going to be imposter twice in a row i was on my way out and i came back to watch what dave was doing and then he walked up in a dead body wait where was it that's right it's right at spawn lizzy and stinky were both at the top with the body and i walked up to them so i was in the the key uh yeah i did the key thing as well uh who do you want i was still in it when they when the alarm went on probably i think neither of them reported the body wait they could have been in the middle i didn't see it because i was doing the cave it was there yeah and you left and i had left and then you were there and i went back in with you yeah it's jack i don't i don't think i don't wait dave reported it though dave yeah i reported it because neither of you two did i didn't see it i was in attack test day let's keep an eye on sean and lizzy i kind of want [Music] is like okay for you to get killed at that point like oh you found it you're dead i suss ken now too actually oh my god i can't do this man it's giving me horrible anxiety where is it where is it where is it i came up to do the turn off the thing and he was dead next to it oh my god okay well i was with pjs lizzie and jaden's hands are clear where was jayden oh was she in uh wait why are they cleaning corpse could have killed me and he didn't and it was an electrical did you say no it was up at the reactor thingy the handprint thing it was it was like right next to that the the most left i just turned off the [ __ ] thing oh he's doing the lying thing who did the right-hand side yeah who did the one on the other side i never know what to believe it well we were going i didn't do it and then look we suspected either lizzie or sean last time yeah i'm skipping [ __ ] you guys well you can't vote for yourself so you actually you can get out of have done here i knew i shouldn't have done that i i took a risk and jaden's right completely amateur move i shouldn't have done that [ __ ] all tasks are done though i kind of panic because i thought if i ran away that somebody would have been coming to that and then would have been like oh he didn't report it so it must be him ah thank god that's over because i feel [ __ ] sick and i really tried to kill dave right at the start really tried to get him but i just missed the click because i forgot you can't just press e to kill him ah oh oh my god i found a body uh ready i don't know stop body in this [ __ ] darkness because i ran some people two people ran ahead of me and i'm not sure who it was and i went to med bay i watched him scan then lizzy pj and felix all ran past lizzy when where when i was running from med bay to the lights and it was in the darling tonight no i was doing the lights and i was with jayden she wasn't in the same room but i saw her on my yeah yeah i was following you guys he's gonna [ __ ] yourself up i don't wanna be impostor again i don't wanna i've been impostor three times total and now i've been it twice in this game i'm gonna follow one person okay let's all go together let's all look at it fun they're not even close to getting the tasks done either they're not even halfway lizzy should have this in the bag but i've made it so hard for her i'm sorry lizzy [ __ ] i don't know how to do to help [Music] your instinct was totally right it's lizzy oh my god now you're just muttering up his ego so he votes for who you want players done and my character i should not kill people bye bye get her off the ship was like an amateur move to kill at the reactor i was like i know [Laughter] lizzie i'm sorry i mean that's so hard on you also dave called us immediately saying that we were in the thing and killed someone and didn't report it and you all voted them out i was so mad the crew made baby all right i like being crewmate because i don't have to sweat and have an anxious ball in my [ __ ] stomach okay but i also hyper focus on my tasks rather than figuring out what's going on half the oh time jesus christ i get jump scared every [ __ ] time how big is the general like the vicinity of where you can report it like i don't know i feel like you're trying to use this you were the only other one around there oh we all just ran from the top for the fact that you're i'm pretty cool screw this jeez i don't know i think it's in the day of all cops i don't have enough information it okay okay so i i'm still pretty new to this so i don't know how the doors work i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm running away i'm downloading secret illegal files don't anybody look oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh i don't think it's corpse oh oh oh oh oh oh oh run away run away run away quite fast now [ __ ] i gotta go scan myself uh-oh uh oh am i dead i'm three foot six tiny uh-oh lizzie just [ __ ] murdered the [ __ ] out of somebody right in front of me [Music] how do you shut the doors i'm still unsure is it just imposters or can anyone do that imposters can do it and then you can open them if you go up to them okay so me and pj fix the lights at the start and lizzy left and the door closed on us as she left editor's honor it's lizzy have i been playing without the gameplay this whole time also i have other information um i think felix is also guilty because i saw him trying to do the asteroids because i just did the asteroids it takes ages he was at the computer i was i was felix also came to the scanner and didn't do anything and then left i was doing the lab getting samples thank you very much okay i i also agree with felix oh he doesn't tell us you agree that i should we just oh he's trying to get me he's trying to get me pj don't leave pj oh god oh god this sucks this sucks i can't do it because the lights are off [ __ ] he's gonna get me can someone do it please [Music] [ __ ] let's figure out who it's not obviously it's not me because i fixed the light and then unless let's go unless someone yeah guys obviously it's not me either because i was also fixing lights he can't keep getting away with this i can't do this i want to help maybe i should just go do my tasks maybe i'll have enough time ah pj's waiting pj's doing it do it pj [ __ ] what are you doing please pj nope nice nice one lizzy my god i was at the button ready to push it but the lights were out and i couldn't and i was trying to dodge him so much he called me right away yeah it feels like i'm like why i didn't do anything he [ __ ] knew he was really sticking up for lisa there for a second yeah and then you all were just like i don't think it's felix anymore and i was slapping my chair man i thought that he drove out for him i thought he was like oh we were together the whole time for like five seconds and pj was like [Laughter] yeah why me again every time now [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay felix play the game properly jesus oh [ __ ] i should have got him should i should i try should i is he gonna do a thing here [ __ ] i lost sight of him got him jump in boy do it jump jump jump so we don't have to vote you off they're going to win where's felix i just want to get felix that's all i care about okay got dave at least all right what's happening hey i'm almost done with my pads are you where are you guys mine's all done it won't end oh is that why it is okay i think it's pj and ken are we are we close to being done okay yeah that's pretty cool let's go back into it and finish it off can we just well william has to do his task and we don't know if he can hear us oh he's deafened in the oh pj can i put in your bad vibes i did see him on cams kind of just running around yeah you were doing a lot of running around i'm trying to find i'm voting pda oh my god guys i'm just gonna play devil's advocate because i like entertainment i'm voting we need content advocates i don't know i probably use that term wrong that's all right i'm gonna finish i just want content okay i'm just gonna why do you think it's me jayden because you no one was dead and then when you run up everyone's grouped together someone dies you ran up at the same time no i was separated so i could i knew exactly this was going to happen group kills are so smart and only you would pull it uh i i did pull it last time and it didn't work so i'm i've scorned forever now and i'll never try it again and it won't happen and the fact that hayden is so accusatory of me makes me think it's jaden but also jaina would be better both me medscan so you're definitely more suspicious than her wait was pj in the pile this time to defend myself i i had just finished my task i literally did the communications thing i uploaded data and i'm done my tasks are done already so i was just following people around i was with cops i don't want to vote anyone but i'm success of lizzie and ken i was with cops at the admin desk it is it is a big brain move to do that and she does make a good point that lizzie would pull that off i'm suspicious i just like killing lizzie because she's always bad i don't understand what actually happened they were all spinning up maybe it's ken does it not like show like you murdering somebody it no not it's something sorry she made a convincing argument i cannot believe they just got away with that wait what they they're killing let's just finish off yes i've seen somebody do that before and i was like how the [ __ ] does that work and then i realized there's no animation for when you do it okay i gotta do something man i gotta get this [ __ ] ball rolling i think it's sean who went to the left shawn and pj who was with you jack i was with all of you in the middle and then i went here all of you okay literally literally everybody was there i don't think i saw a course i saw jaden roomie cops and i went to the right and then we all then the thing went off i went left with pj to do the thing we walked back down together pj's dead yeah that's what i'm saying we walked down together and we went into the building and then i went south i'm at the bottom pj's body was outside of the building so pj didn't go in the building with you i didn't say he went into the building with me i said i went into the building and we went into the building i didn't get time to vote okay ken definitely can definitely she looks so suspicious why were you standing there after you killed her as well so bizarre who who's that [Laughter] that's the best reaction ever i love it did you just ask if you don't even think there's one more yeah what that's crazy okay and now i can't remember this match has been going on for so long i can't remember who said what and who sounded suspicious no me neither i think ruby's chasing me uh-oh if i was if i was chasing you i would have killed you a long time somebody else died right or was it just yeah cops died okay then it's which means it's jack jack what were you doing can we just start the next round please ken my god ken if i could help you i would all i could do was say with that [ __ ] i was trying my best to kill everyone the two most passionate people that's why the first round no one died oh it's so nice when you're not imposter i don't have to like worry well i have to worry about being killed okay i'm getting this one out of the way first oh there was a body in advent when i went to go do the i wonder underneath that man again bottom of cafeteria yeah okay okay me and jack what is liz lizzy how many times have you guys heard the word sauce while watching people play this game ah okay [ __ ] don't leave me don't leave me it's lizzy i know for a fact it's lizzy i don't but i'm scared of her i'm sorry i did it where was the body uh it was me and electrical and i was just about to say roomie was clear and then he was dead no no no wait i own i was in electrical i was huh you were having beef with him last time i was and so i thought we were finally going to make reparations and i was going to say he was electrical with me william were both there i left everyone was on the right and now william is saying that joel is dead that's enough for me william what happened in between the time that you saw that i saw okay so i was doing i was doing the the spinny electrical one we have to click it in time and then i see to the right of the screen uh under the game the blood and i knew someone died and when i exited it are we voting billy it could have been jaden that ran in and killed him i am i am i have no idea i think it's lizzie and william jaden's 100 clearer i mean i'm going to vote for william anyway but if it's not william then i think we should vote jayden what do you everyone saw me do weapons yeah oh oh that's fine then then i don't think it's jaden i've suspected lizzy from the beginning if i have a task i don't know if it's not me and whoever's whoever did it is a genius it was me you should vote for whoever you think it is then so that we know i don't know i don't know he's just skipped if i'm wrong about lizzy i'll feel so bad we get him fine foster oh oh [ __ ] so now i'm i'm thinking lizzy and felix felix i saw it do stuff but i didn't see the bar go up but it also kind of weirded out after that so i'm not 100 sure okay this is right here okay me and jayden are going to go do this oh found the body in storage storage where's okay all right i was in nav i was setting a course making it happen uh i think it's dave and lizzy okay well i've just reported it stopping the emergency also i thought it was pewd but he's dead now so well i did too well you know you reported the first one you're reporting this one and as soon as the other ones it does look suspicious it is the second one you immediately said who was it you guys have voted so quick and you didn't even hear me out and it it was if it's pj and dave i'm going to be so upset just related the friendships are done honestly i've been doing my tasks i honestly believe that honestly who cleared who cleared jaden me and jaden clearly and we were just we were just doing not jayden and did anyone clear the fact that you tried to accuse me so many times this is so sad jacob and i did asteroids together right at the start everyone walked by dave and pj aren't cleared then you're not clear either i know i'm not but i'm dead anyway because you've all voted for me but i just thought i'd you know get to the bottom of it before i die that can be my legacy okay if this isn't um you then we lose so really oh yeah well that would be good in the world wouldn't it i think we got it guys don't worry that would be the worst thing oh dave it's you and pj's no [Music] i saw dave once and i didn't see pj ever dave never talks anymore so it's impossible to know whenever he's doing anything like he never thought lizzy i'm sorry you just sounded suspicious every time yeah yeah good game guys that was fun well there you have it everybody's dead
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,158,946
Rating: 4.969151 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, among us, among us gameplay, among us jacksepticeye, among us impostor, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us imposter gameplay, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, pewdiepie, roomie, dave, ldshadowlady, jaidenanimations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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