Anvil 047: 1886 Winchester re-barrel and refurbishment

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an 1886 Winchester that has been presented to me for a little help the barrel on this thing is tangle uniform it looks like a piece of black iron pipe inside let's see if we can't get this 86 running again man this should be interesting let's let's take a look and go do a little bit of the refurbishment part of the four-step process down the rabbit hole we go shall we [Music] great to have my guests back in my shop step one I would say would be we've got to find out whether or not this entire thing is here it was delivered to us in a bag they said it was all here sure let's let's start by inventory at least we got a magazine - and we got a magazine - we know that this barrel is rotted triggers here trigger return spring mainspring hammer tang bolts coupling both locking blocks are here the unobtanium part in this mess is the ejector ejectors are unobtainium in these guns they were very hard to come by we got that got the ejector collar we have an apparently undamaged mainspring I don't know man this thing all looks like it's here the guy that wants me to do this for him provided us with a new old stock barrel this kind of chambered in 45 70 this thing is cherry this barrel got pulled a long time ago several caveats here that I'm gonna point out as we go along but the first step in triage is to make sure all the parts are here Casey's already boiled this whole thing out and stopped the rust so we've done step one which is the concern we stopped it from rotting we went ahead and got all the goo out of all the out all the little and looks and crannies we got a lot of stuff if we're going to repair all this the first thing we're going to have to figure out is is whether or not we can get the barrel out of the receiver without damaging the receiver and that's a big one so let's reset this camera get over to the vise and I'm going to show you what I'm talking about there's a couple of Bugaboos in all Winchester's that will get you in trouble if you don't know where they're at the magazine tube especially on the large bore Winchester sits in and I'm going to attempt to highlight this here there's actually a milled recess in the bottom of the barrel that allows this tube to sidle up in here well when this tube is sidled up in here and it sits there for a hundred years you get dried oil underneath underneath the fore-end it'll dry let me get this piece of felt out on the way here so you can see what I'm talking about it'll glue this tube in and you're trying to remove this tube and the only really really good way to remove this tube is to put a mandrel up the inside of it grab this on the outside put a honkin block of wood on the front end of it and crack the barrel and drive the barrel backwards off of this tube it will fight you and you've got to be careful there is a tendency to want to just stick a punch down inside this hole and drive it this way and I've started to lose count of the number of these magazine tubes where this is blown totally out of there you want to watch that there's something else you got to watch you see this and you think that this ring slides in and out on the dovetail and it doesn't it rotates this rotates into a dovetail side to side like this so if you try to drive this out you will screw this thing up now this one I'm going to tell you I did a little bit of work on it's a little bit loose inside this one we don't know what it is in the regular barrel but what you cannot do is stick a screwdriver or a bar or something through this like this and crank on this because it will oval this thing it will collapse it I took the liberty of making up a tool here let me grab it I took the liberty of just taking a brass bar this is the gunsmithing end of this you may not have to do this but I turn this brass bar to the point where we will pound that in there and it will completely support that tube so if we need to put a lot of effort on this thing in order to rotate it we do that so the way this kind of supposed to come apart is this you drive the pin that holds this in out you take the front end out of it you slide the tube down and then rotate the whole thing lift it off that's the operative plan but you got to watch this because a lot of these I I've had to work on where that ads right there and this edge right here have just been lifted because people have tried to push that out there's another piece there's a hanger piece that goes in here that has eluded me they've probably dropped it on the floor for all I know but there's also a hanger piece that goes in the center here and we'll show you that a little bit why that hanger is important because that hanger is what supports the inside of the muzzle cap that sits right there this whole thing is interlocked and it's tight the tolerances are down to a couple of thousandths of an inch because they tried to take a really really large gun and cram into a really really small space so they did everything in their power in order to kind of stack the deck in their favor the next thing we're gonna look at here is what it's gonna take to get this receiver screwed off of this what you cannot do is stick a bar through here I don't even know if I can even get it through and torque this because if you do that you will blow this side of the receiver wall out let's say we wanted to take the the barrel off of this revolver if you do that and you try to torque the frame that way you will bend the top strap you will do it you will twist this frame you'll walk it sideways like this in order to take the Barrel off of this frame you would have to build a jig that hangs on to it right there that is in intimate contact with it all the way around and then support the barrel and then pop the frame off so let's take a look at what happens here when you do this the wrong way this is the breech sleeve off of a show show that I'm working on right now it had been welded in there it'd have been whatever it doesn't matter how we got here but when they went to break the torque on the barrel it is quite obvious that a bar got shoved through here and when they pushed up on it that absolutely got bent and it cracking it blew and I can't weld that because the lock and log is right there and I'm not welding in front of a lock and log you do not want to know what it costs to have mean we made one of these out of a solid chunk of steel different episode we'll get there the whole point is is that we've got to properly support the barrel and the receiver in order to crack this off so let's do that I've got a very large crescent hammer we call this in all 16 because it works on English and metric fasteners however comma I've got a piece of aluminium bar in here hanging on to this barrel this barrels didn't turn into a breaker bar I'm gonna throw it in the garbage so I don't really care but what this aluminium spacer did was is it crushed on this end because there's a very very slight taper in this barrel so now I've got a hold on it the wrench once again I'm refinishing the receiver if I wasn't I would have two thin slivers of wood in letted and mounted down over this I don't care if I put a little mark on this because this whole thing is gonna get polished anyway but you've got to turn it right up against okay and I can hear people right now screaming you can't do that I'm gonna tell you this receiver of soap in a kerosene bath for three weeks and it said Croyle on it and we put a little bit of heat and a little bit of cold on it and I throw it in a freezer for about 45 minutes and let it freeze and what it does is it allows me to just pull like that bang and it comes loose and I'm telling you it should be that easy you shouldn't have to fight it that hard and now I can even turn it off with my hand which is a good sign you do not need to torque the crap out of these barrels because let's think about this for a minute the bullet spinning this way which means the barrel is trying to spin this way and the barrel will tighten itself up all by itself so you don't need mammoth amounts of torque to hang onto one of these Winchester and knew that come on amazing a little bit of rust here and the threads but the receiver of threads look clean that bodes well for the rest of this project well how fortunate is it that we have a replacement barrel that's actually in pretty good shape so when we plugged this replacement barrel into this receiver right here the first problem becomes very very evident which is the fact that when we put this muzzle cap in here and we rotate that on there's a bow four inches of magazine tube missing hmm what will we do about that granted we could probably find a magazine tube for one of these things somewhere but yeah I'm not gonna do that and it doesn't make for a very good video we're just gonna plug all these parts on women this isn't an ar-15 anyway I'm casting about the shop and I'm looking for a piece of tubing that's about the right size so you remember I said everything in this gun is tight really tight so you can't just but well the piece of thin wall tubing onto this and expect it to hold up and have the inside joint be right so I'm looking around that the shop and I went over to my next door there's a fabrication shop next door and I found a piece of thin wall electro electrical mechanical tubing him EMT I guess I don't know what the hell EMT stands for as an electrician for 20 years and I got to tell you some of the best looking pipe I ever bent still hanging in a pipe rack not good enough to suck it then in pipe however I'm looking at the outside diameter of this pipe and it's about 600 and 700 and 30 thousandths is the OD and I don't know how the heck we lucked out but this piece of thin wall is pretty close however there's something I want to point out here why you can't just go get a piece of tubing that's the right size I don't know how well this shows up but there is a see running down the centerline of this pipe there's a seam right here and what they did was is they took a sheet of steel and they rolled it over and then braised it together so this is a custom piece of pike that's just big enough to around allow the rim over 4570 that just pour right through it so we really can't make the outside of this pipe any larger we can't just turn a piece plug it in there and then plug it in the back because then you couldn't even put the gun together the right way so the outside diameter of this is not allowed to be any bigger and yet the inside diameter has to be small enough to allow the follower to be driven up and down in it so this piece of EMT is just not large enough in diameter on the inside to allow the follower to go through it so we can use this but we're going to have to peel some metal out of the inside here we're gonna have to peel some metal out of the insight there and if you do all the measurements there's just enough metal I think that pull this off or we're gonna make a piece and we'll sleeve it there's no structural component to this it's just got to be smoothing I had the cartridges and you got it's got to be strong enough to come in and come out but it has to come over the saddle and it has to come through that ring it has to be able to fit through the nose and it has to be able to fit through the fore-end and I'm telling you there is absolutely no slop in this setup so we're going to get up to the lathe here and see if we can't make this piece of EMT sit up and bark to the lathe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just about got it right there let this fit through yes this is all cutting stride because I'm sucking a hundred years with a I'm sucking a hundred years for the whatever out of this I want a slot out of it it's all very arbitrary where this points up it's just how much sorry I don't expect it to go 0-0 on both ends but I got to have enough overlap that it bang that's exactly what I want right there it's touching the top touching at the bottom we're golden and we'll drill a hole right here on the scene to let the solder kind of come out and sort of key it but that's about all we got to have so I guess the next thing to do is solder all this together and then we'll measure it and come back and trim it to length we did all this work on the end of this tube here and we're gonna want to make sure that we get all of this flash out of here not only do we need to have all this flash out of here we need to countersink it because this has to be free to go in both directions past this scene and once we get it up in there there's gonna be no way to work on it so let me get a little spinner doodle here out of my out of my head a shackle just go in here and we'll just cut all of this flash out of here and then once we get the flash cut out we'll keep going more than we ordinarily would and take it out to a knife edge so now no matter what that piece can drop through in both directions it'll just drop through because remember this is going to be coming that way to push the cartridges in and it's got to come this way as you load the gun so it's got to go through both transitions that little bit of surface prep there is important when we're all done we'll put a stick down the center of this thing a little bit of um 400 grit sandpaper on it we'll just spin it and pause the entire inside of the tube right around the joint there was just enough material to cut the inside off of this and enough to cut the outside off of it and most importantly have this follower disappear down the inside and right out that will get polished right so these two will just plug together now I'm gonna face a little bit more off the front end than at until it touches at the bottom and it leaves just a slight gap right there and we'll fill that up full of we'll just do it a little bit a little temperature slaughter all it's gotta do is hang on and then we'll have a tube that's long enough and when we get its overall length we'll come in and we'll start trimming this end of this tube out till it's exactly the right length [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] [Music] a couple of things to note here I know there's a zinc coating all over the outside of this pipe here we'll come back and get it we're in the we're in the in the phase here we're just gonna make it work so once we get it to run then we'll come back and make it look pretty later I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time making it look beautiful but we now have a solid joint a solid solder joint running all the way through the crack this thing is one homogeneous piece we'll take it out of the Chuck here and then we will measure it for length but right now this is one solid part I mean it's not going anywhere work amazing we're golden all right let's go measure it and then we'll come back so all I'm gonna do now is prove that the around let's we'll go through it then come on out the back end and that wrong come flying out the back end so we're there now this is gonna prove something else which is that that this magazine tube spring may not be strong enough we got a little bit of something left the policy inside of the pipe but it's pushing it out the mekt the mag spring may not be strong enough to we may have to get a longer magazine tube spring in this thing here no we'll have to see because this one had been clipped so I don't know what we're gonna do about that you can't just stretch one of these Springs it doesn't work like that it'll it'll unset if you take it beyond yield you mess up the spring so the next thing we'll do here is we'll get a little bit of paper that we had before and we will chuck it in the drill motor and go ahead and spin it spin all my spinner noodle it's just a piece of rod that's been cut paper that we had before and we'll tear a little bit of that off grab my drill motor and go in and put this in my drill motor and just wrap this up in there here my fingers don't work I'm having a low dexterity day we don't have any we don't have anything in there kind of holding us up in in and doing that alright so let's check this out again okay take this take the bag spring stick that up in there like that cut it forward I made it worse that round will come out I need to polish it a little bit more I'll be right back I've got the magnitude now sitting in the rear of its recess where it's supposed to sit and we now know that it's this much too long so the idea when you put the weapon together this is actually cut this way with a rotary mill so you're supposed to be able to slide this into position and then with a screwdriver rotate it in so the distance from the from the front edge of this piece to the front edge of that piece is how much the tube is too long we're back here with my high-tech measuring equipment again troll alert I'm using eight a pair of bum calipers here does it matter guys I'm just it doesn't matter so it's not this precise but I'm going from the front edge to the front edge and I know that this pipe is probably 540 thousandths of an inch too long five hundred and forty thousand s is a little over a half an inch which would be about 12 and a half milliliters either way so what we'll do now I'll just take it in a lathe I'll face it off back to here and then we're going to put this thing back together again the magazine tube spring is not long enough so we'll just we'll just know that it's not going to feed the last round this this thing doesn't have to get out of here this evening I'll get another mag spring for it but we'll see we can run it so let me go ahead and face off the back end of that tube and we'll get this thing put back together gonna see if all the parts are here yeah yeah well heck I guess it's time to put this together glad we got that out of the way [Music] I've got a couple of rounds in the gun here so we're hot magazine tube was replaced or actually lengthened the barrel was replaced this thing was absolutely oblivion to put together but there comes a point in the time of every project you just have to find out whether or not it works or not [Music] all farts like us really don't like recoil so I had my friend Andrew here proxy for my shoulder gotta love it guys [Applause]
Channel: Mark Novak
Views: 109,268
Rating: 4.9214263 out of 5
Keywords: #anvilgunsmithing, @anvilgunsmithing, Mark Novak, Anvil, Gunsmithing
Id: 66TokJfBLQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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