Antioch Fellowship Church | 29 September 2021 | Service of Ordination

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[Music] for the kingdom of god [Music] well done [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord saints praise the lord saints will you stand to your feet with us will you stand to your feet come on clap your hands zion give god your best praise this evening come on clap those hands everybody come on clap those hands wednesday night is a great night to give god praise glory and honor come on and give it to him right now hallelujah come on join in and singing with us real simple song we gonna give god our best praise tonight here we go we sing praises come on we sing praises [Music] that's all it is we sing praises we sing praises to our king for he is the king of kings we sing praises [Music] that's it come on [Music] that's it for he is come on give him glory for he is the king [Music] back to the time we see praises [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] here we go here we go [Music] [Applause] here [Applause] [Music] more [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's prayer time [Music] eternal god in heaven we bring to you our thanks we offer to you our praise for the demonstration of your eternal love made to the world in the life death and resurrection of jesus who is the christ for the invulnerable infant the suffering servant the crucified christ for the risen living glorified christ accompanying his people through this life and beyond god we give thanks because you are glorious you are wonderful you are matchless you are lord you are king you are our everything and to you we give thanks we thank you for the generations of the faithful who have gone before us who enjoyed the gifts of your spirit with whom you will unite us this great church in the heaven and on earth hear us today o god and be pleased with our sacrifice bless this church our time together bless our pastor and those who comprise this assembly thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercy that you bestowed upon your people will be careful to give you the glory the honor the praise that is due our almighty god lord and savior jesus christ it is in his name that we pray and say amen that the church say amen at the church say amen again first i'd like to give you all give it all praises and honor and glory to our heavenly father respect for our great pastor christopher wesley who good guest to you my brothers and sisters in christ i bring you greetings here for the antioch fellowship missionary baptist church where this church preaches praise and worships jesus christ and we just want to thank y'all for coming out on tonight and we also want to thank you for being here on this special occasion where deacons are being ordained and ministers are being licensed so we just want to thank you on that tonight and also i want to say to the upcoming deacons and upcoming ministers we know this has been a rough road to get here now you're here now the work starts right now for the furthermore of jesus christ and as always it's always my prayer is may god bless you and keep you will always be my prayer thank you so much [Applause] [Music] praise the lord everybody what a what a joy it is to gather in the lord's house tonight for such a special occasion would you join me in offering god praise for the fact that he is still raising up leaders in his church and it is a joy it is a joy to worship together um on this on this occasion before we move forward in the service we want to give an opportunity for all of us to participate in bringing into the lord what is he is we want to allow period for us to bring our tithe and offering before the lord even on an occasion like this it is always in order to thank god for what he's done in a tangible way and so we want to invite you to participate in this period by taking whatever it is you have to give and let's thank god that we have it to give tonight um as we as we sow into good ground would you would you join me in prayer as we prepare to give father god in heaven we thank you for the blessed privilege you give us to come into your kingdom thank you that we're standing tonight as proof you are still calling us from darkness to light and that you are adding laborers into the kingdom we know that the harvest is plentiful thank you for raising up laborers to go into the fields now lord we gather to say thank you in a tangible way now you know jesus said where we put our treasure is where we can find our heart so we come tonight to give to you not grudgingly but cheerfully gratefully because you've been so good to us bless now our gifts smile now on our worship in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] as we receive the lord's side of your offering tonight i want to also take this occasion um to introduce to psalm and present to others the preacher for the hour tonight he is a gift to the body of christ a gift to preachers and pastors and leaders all over the country i'm honored to call him one of my fathers in the faith senior pastor of the west side baptist church in lewisville texas we have a gym with us tonight in in the person of reverend dr delvin atchison who is going to break the bread of life not too long from now after we hear selections from this great choir who's gathered tonight next voice you will hear is that of dr delvin atchison let's pray with him inform him as he comes his own way to pour out to our leaders tonight i also want to acknowledge um our guests in the pulpit pastor nile bale of the greater new bethel baptist church in south dallas they're on malcolm x on the sunny south side who who we we are proud to acknowledge as a son of this house so we honor god for his presence he was also one of those who served on our ordination council alongside of pastor perry and pastor high also with us in the pulpit so we thank god for their presence tonight thank god for your presence tonight look forward to going higher in the worship experience amen so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so come on if you don't mind just clap your hands like this bless it be the name of the lord anybody know god is a good god don't you holler back at me and just say yes he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] be the name of the lord [Music] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] the name of the lord [Applause] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Music] what's this [Music] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you better call me [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] time [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord we praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] angry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] echo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and all the people of god said amen how blessed of god we are to be in this particular place at this particular time to know tonight that we are not here by accident nor we hear is the result of some cosmic coincidence but it is god through his divine providence that has again allowed our destinies to intertwine how we thank god for the marvelous gift of his son jesus the christ who is both savior and lord i'm from the country a small town in central texas named hearn and i get nervous when i come up town let me check for the record does the lord have any friends who came to bless his name on a wednesday night well i'm starting to feel better already the angel of the lord in this place for whom i have both a fatherly affection and an anticipatory pride about what god is doing in his life i must confess now i'm not sure but if there is any way to be spiritually jealous other churches are jealous of the gift that god has given to you i uh i'm kind of you know i'm feeling some kind of way with god i said he can sing preach young and attractive [Applause] and the lord said i gave you most of that i said but lord i'm not that young to be gifted and to give himself to that gift you have been kissed by god join me in celebrating the gift that is your pastor pastor chris wesley this church which has been so imminently prominent in her past now with this pastor who is so iridescently promising in his future what a great union to this country of preachers who each robed in the regalia of their respective righteousness i felt a bit un underdressed when i came in said this is something major here amen i'm grateful for their presence here y'all give me a little time now this is some kind of church i um i live in louisville and uh i i tried to get here early and it took about four minutes longer for me to walk from the pastor study than it did to get from north dallas to be here tonight on this night where you celebrate both these licensing and this ordination of those of us who are really being elevated to service amen it is a joy indeed i must confess i was delighted to see one of our waco babies uh doing all that singing amen who told you lisa she could grow up and do all that singing down here for y'all and i'm honored to have some preachers who are here one of my preaching uh friends one of uh pastor larry atkins is here from the abundant life church in fort worth pass to let them see you sister jerisha goodwin one of memphis our church is supposed to be here i there she is amen and as i'm now not in the last quarter but i definitely know i'm in the second half of my journey i'm convinced that when you die the only thing you have left is what you've given away and i'm trying to leave a legacy and my life has been kissed by some one kissed by god to give me some young wonderful sons in the faith and they are here michelangelo clark and james taylor i want you to join me in celebrating them now that i'm settled with a task at hand a few scattered remarks and i will bid you good evening i was preaching for pastor eric white of the new zion church in austin texas at the time i was pastoring the antioch church in waco texas there arose an issue that required the touch of a shepherd i asked pastor white if i could be excused and my friend a.w mays said that he would come over and do the meeting pastor white said why don't we suspend the meeting on wednesday you go home and thursday come back and finish i went and dispensed of my pastoral duties when i left that wednesday morning i checked out of the embassy suites when i came back that thursday morning i checked back in upon checking in the receptionist gave me my keys i placed them in my bag i went up to my room when in my bag the keys out put them in the door they did not work as is our nature i shook them turn the keys around shook the door it still didn't work i went downstairs and said to the receptionist the keys you gave me don't worry she said did you use them right i say hold on i'm a rather well-known african-american preacher i've stayed in places nicer than this she said may i have the keys i went in my bag and gave her the key she said i'm sorry dr atchison but these are not the keys i gave you this morning these are the keys you had when you checked out when you checked back in this morning i moved you to the fourth floor when you checked out you were on the third floor i had been moved to another level but i was trying to open today's doors with yesterday's key [Applause] i i wouldn't bring the issue up we're not for the fact that many of us if we honors know that god is calling us to a deeper level of commitment and a higher level of ministry and we're trying to do today's task with yesterday's tools trying to win today's wars with yesterday's weapon do you do do you ever get that sense that god has called you for more that there is more in you that you have given to god that god has moved you to another level i want to suggest today that i think that's our calling those of you who are going into the diaconic ministry and those of you who have been called now to preach that god is calling you to a deeper level of commitment and a higher level of ministry and today i stopped by to give you some keys to the next level i want to anchor down in an ancient account found in the book of joshua joshua the sixth chapter and i was a boy preacher they tell you if you preach something that the folk know they'll help you with it joshua the 6th chapter verses 1 through 5. now jericho was strictly shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in the lord said unto joshua say i given into thine hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor you shall compass the city all ye men of war and go round about the city once thus shalt thou do six days seven priests shall bear the ark seven trumpets of ram's horns and the seventh day ye shall come past the city seven times and ye shall blow with the trumpet and it shall come to pass that when ye make a long blast with the ram's horn and when you hear the sound of the trumpet all the people shall shout with a great shout and the wall of the city shall fall down flat and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him the grass withers the fires thereof faded the way but the word of our god shall stand forever key he's to the next level god calls us to a deeper level of commitment and a higher level of ministry i i like this book of joshua i like this book of this people on their way somewhere it begins with that deafening thud moses my servant is dead and god does not even allow the children of israel to go to the funeral god doesn't allow the children of israel to go to the funeral i've often wondered why i i think it has a couple of things i think there are a couple reasons one is god doesn't do good eulogies yes sir uh god would never make it in the black church moses had served him for 80 years and he gives him a one-line eulogy moses my servant is dead now either god doesn't give good eulogies or maybe god is saying the only thing significant about our lives that's how we serve preach the am i i'm trying it's just too early to start shouting but the other thing is god understands that you and i have a tendency to deify the dead and rather than deify the dead god would have us to dissect their deeds so that we can know as he was with moses he's going to be with joshua he comes and says to joshua joshua i've changed instruments but i haven't changed instructions get these people over they come through in chapter three they come through the jordan at swelling tithe they make their way in chapter four in chapter 5 they reach a place called gilgal it is at gilgal that the manna ceases to fall from heaven it is at gilgal that god institutes circumcision so that when they win god can say i gave you victory while you were vulnerable it is at gilgal that the children of israel are poised and perched in a place of potential oh okay okay i see you got that look i i told you i was from the country uh uh gilgal is a nearby point you you you ever been there about where you ought to be but not quite and it is at gilgal that the children of israel are poised and perched in a place of potential but god has not called us to potential he called us to promise [Applause] and at gilgal when we attempted to say i i may not be what ought to be god says well why aren't you i've given you everything you need it is there that joshua encounters what the young theologians like your pastor would call a pre-incarnate theophany of jesus christ he is a man with a sword drawn and joshua has the audacity to say whose side are you on and he says i'm too big to play cosmic hopscotch i'm not on your side of their side the question is who's on the lord's side as they journey here joshua now takes off his shoes worships for he is now on holy ground and we make our way to chapter 6. it is at chapter 6 that this journey some hundreds of years or the 40 years they've been in the wilderness they make their way to the place of promise and in chapter 6 they get to the place of promise only to discover that their promise is imprisoned first key i have about three or four things i'd like to share them with you and uh i intend to holler a couple of times and then i'm going to take my seat would you would you like to hear them don't don't fool me now is that is there anybody here who wants the keys to the next level i'm glad that you do the first key to the next level is you've got to struggle with the wall what what do you do when you get to your wealthy place and discover that it's already occupied what what do you do when you get there and you can see it but you can't be it when you get to your wealthy place and there is a wall not just any wall the biblical historians tell us it is a double wall 12 feet high six feet wide it is such a large wall until in the second chapter of joshua we discovered that rahab and some other folk are living on the wall what do you do when you get to your wall you've been praying you've been fasted only to discover that you look up and somebody else is there how do you handle an occupied promise i i want to suggest some things about the wall before you fall apart on me let me suggest that first of all the wall is known that god knew because he has not afforded the luxury of ignorance he knew when he sent you that the wall was going to be there when he told him to leave egypt he knew about the wall and i need to suggest to you that if god knew about the wall you would encounter you don't need to trip when you see it because she placed enough strength in your budget to get you through it not not not not only is the wall known but but the wall has been negated uh you you you act like you don't believe me when you read the text god speaks to joshua in what i call a uh prophetic perfect tense it's to talk about something that's going to happen like it's already done you okay it's it's as if to say to somebody tomorrow you gonna fight you have won notice what he says to joshua i have already given you jericho and the mighty men of valor so that what god says is if you've already won you ought not fall apart and i need to suggest to all of you who will hear me that whenever god takes us to the next level and we encounter walls god does not ask us to fight for victory he asked us to fight from a place of victory you've already won the wall was known the wall has been negated but let me tell you why the wall is needed you you you act like you don't believe okay now baptist borrow one of the things we do is we borrow terms from other denominations and one of the terms we've borrowed from the church of god in christ is this term breakthrough nods knees wink wave if you know what i'm talking about child i'm waiting on my breakthrough i'm i i'm looking for my breakthrough we we make memes with change well let me tell you why you need a wall if you didn't have a wall you wouldn't have anything to break through you'd have a walk in and can't nobody shout about a walk-in you need a wall to break through so that when somebody asks you how did you feel when you came out of the wilderness you can say baby [Applause] i had a breakthrough and if you're going to do don't don't let the devil make you think that because you encounter a wall it means that god is not with you if you're going to the next level it means you're going to struggle with the wall i have never received a promotion in school where i didn't have to take a test some years ago my friend delbert mack who grew up in hearn with me fell and broke his wrist we live in a small town and all we had was a general practitioner the general practitioner looked at delbert's hand and says i've only seen that break one other time in my practice cautiously he wrapped up my friend's hand and sent him to a specialist in waco texas delbert arrived holding his hand gingerly at the specialist the specialist did an x-ray the specialist walked in and almost flipping they grabbed elbert's wrist pulled it out jammed it up wrapped it up and said come see me in a few months what was major for a general practitioner was routine for a specialist have you any rivers that seem uncrossable have you any mountains that you cannot tunnel through god specializes [Applause] you've got to struggle with the wall but but then you're going to need a strategy for the wind it's in the text i didn't make it up here it is god gives joshua a strategy for the wind now here is the thing it is that it will be designed by the lord it will be directed by the leader and it's going to be done by the laity watch the text i didn't make it up it's designed by because god is sovereign he does not care how you feel about it when god gives a vision you you look like you don't believe me listen i've been preaching 40 years and and i'm not the world's best but i see it a little bit do you know god has never once asked me what i thought about what he was doing [Applause] and one of the great tragedies of american christianity is we have designed our worship we design our church we design our worship around everybody but the person we come into worship and we got people thinking you can have it your way but god designs and then god will give the vision to the leader watch this now you will never find in scripture where god talks to a group except in judgment and the strange hush went over the fellowship whenever god gives vision he talks to a visionary and i need to suggest if you're going to be a deacon or if you're going to be a minister you got to learn how to follow the visionary it does not mean you he is better it does not mean he is smarter but it does mean that god has divine order sometimes the colonel got more sense than the general but if the army is going to move everybody has to get in line you don't have to shout i got a church amen [Applause] and you don't have to follow god's way but you won't get god's blessing god picks the leader and speaks to the leader the children of israel have the audacity to say to god god we don't need to talk to moses moses get out the way let god talk to us and i like that eclectic dialect my big mama used she said god said move moses i'll talk to him she said god cleared his throat and the thunder started to roll he batted his eyes lightning flesh she said when god got ready to get up his glory had to move before he did and the mountains trembled check the record the children of israel said now god will talk to you about your house about you but he doesn't talk to you about his vision for his people you need to quit playing people off to say i wonder what the voice of god sounds like at antioch fellowship it sounds like chris wesley [Applause] it is to be done okay okay here it is okay okay watch this now so i was saying to uh the the the gentleman who was helping me today uh of the the the your pastor's armbar i was talking to him today about traveling i said i've been traveling too much i said i know i have because when i stay with my family i start looking for what loyalty card they'll take insert laughter here a few weeks ago i get on the plane i get on a plane i get on the plane and this voice comes over the pilot says sit down hold on i'm a full-grown man i got five children i bought this ticket and he tells me sit down you all know what i did i sat down that's watch the text i i sat down y'all the next time he doesn't even think enough of me to come back and see who i am he sends an assistant somebody to talk for him a flight attendant and said buckle your seatbelt he doesn't even know if i'm gonna buckle my seat belt but y'all know what i did hello help me here y'all gonna help me bro i buckle my seatbelt i don't know if i like the pilot i don't know if his children know how to behave i don't know if his wife is nice i don't know where he went to school i don't know how he dressed i don't even know what he did yesterday but you know what i know i know that the tower won't talk to me and if i want to get where the plane is going i got to sit down and buckle up i know that the pilot has a vested interest in making sure that the passengers are safe i know i know you big brother brother almighty and your friend i know you sister mama boobaloo in your sorority i know you're the boss at your job but if you're going to fly on this plane the tower doesn't talk to you sit down and buckle up [Applause] watch the text watch the text there is no biblical record that joshua ever told the people the whole plan what's the plan it will not work anywhere else can you imagine they showed up joshua what do we do walk around one time don't say anything and let's go home day two joshua what's the plan walk around one time don't say that no no no no now listen to this it's it's interesting it's interesting to me that the adversary is up here but it took activity down here here is what would have happened at the west side church pastor we're here we're ready to take it we're ready to take it i'm strapped luther packing pee wee over what you want us to do walk around one time don't say anything and let's go home day two pastor we know you were a little nervous we packing we strapped now some of us on parole so we can't show you but we [Applause] pastor what do you want us to walk around one time don't say anything go home day three i would have gotten this called pastor my heart is with you and i'm praying for you the members would have gotten this call your pastor is not gonna have me out there making a fool out of my did you see those people on the wall looking at us and god is not obligated to make sense [Applause] when you are omnipotent you don't have to make sense you you act like you don't believe me ask the children of israel that at the red sea anybody could tell you that god doesn't put sidewalks and seeds but he did it just like that as as daniel in the lions then he'll tell you that when you can't fight god will fix it so lions can't bite that you don't believe me that's the children uh those hebrew boys they're in that fiery furnace the bible doesn't even say they saw the fourth man they said the king couldn't sleep and said we put in through god is not obligated to make sense he has enough power to do what he wants to you you you've got to struggle with the wall you need a strategy for the wind but there will be a season of waiting it's in the text i'm i'm not making it up he tells them to do two things first of all he says i want you to be quiet in your walking but i need you to be committed in your waiting i'm not making enough watch what it says i wondered why god didn't want them to say anything as they were walking around and it dawned on me that the last time 40 years earlier when the children of israel were at the place that they could have gone in they talked themselves out that's why you got to be careful the conversations you because sometimes god just needs you to be quiet to be still and let him talk he says i don't want you to say anything but then he says to them to be quiet and they're walking and be committed in their waiting it is an intentional way he says i want you to make another lap now i need to be a blessing to somebody in here and tell you that i know it has been rough and it looks like god isn't rushing and and look like god isn't in a hurry but here's something you got to know about even the devil knows something about you he can look into your future and see you got victory coming and god will put a hedge of protection that says on day seven your shout is coming so the only hope the enemy has is to get you to quit on days one through six and i'm talking to somebody who i want you to know i know it's tough but but but you gotta shout on day seven i i know you've been praying for that job and it looks like you're catching hell but make you another lap i know it looks like god has blessed all of your friends and forgotten about you but you make you another lap i know you've tried with everything in you to do what god called you to do but she'll make you another laugh you get the tenacity of job and say to god though are you slaving he at will i trust you [Music] i don't need everybody but all to have about i wish i had about ten and a half people three and a half in these c-sections help me testify that you know what it's like to be praying for that child instead of getting better it looks like it's getting work make you another lap you know what it's like you got that report from the doctor and you got to get to the point where you call god on his promises and say lord i ain't got nobody else you promised me i'm i'm gonna trust you i i gave up everything make you another lap thank you another lap i was uh i was going to preach for a pastor in in in los angeles and i made my plans ticket plans late and i had a layover in las vegas i'm going to preach pastor earl pleasant when i had that that layover in vegas um looked like some of the saints had familiarity when i said that i don't like i don't like stopping because if you've ever been to vegas you know because it's in the desert how that wind comes over those mountains and turbulence and i'm i'm i'm afraid of heights and we stop and the layover and listen let me tell you about layovers layovers are designed to teach us that some people start in your direction but they're not headed to your destination some people got on the plane in dallas headed to vegas and i can't get mad if they ain't going to la but let me tell you what happens when it stops they get to get off and they take off their baggage and they check the plane so it can make it safe and all i'm trying to tell you is that sometimes god will give you a divine layover because you got some folk that ain't headed in your direct they're not going to your destination you've been carrying them around and god will let you say let them be plain some of you been prodding trying to make relationships eternal that god meant to be temporary you needed them for them but you got to learn how to let them take their baggage [Applause] well you've been kind i've held you long enough let me build you a good evening with a final word this text says a word about us struggling with the wall this text says a word about the strategy for the win this text says a word about the season of waiting but it concludes with a word about the strength of worship because god says when i take you to the next level there's going to be a problem but i got a plan and if you got the patience you'll get to the praise he says an interesting thing he says on day seven and the worship is priest led the ultimate worship leader is the priest he says on day seven when when the trumpet blows shout with a great shot no no no no no let me tell you my my problem with this he doesn't tell him what to shout he just says shout out and uh i've always been leery of folk who just shout all the time um there are some folk who shout during the announcements [Applause] oh lord we're giving out food [Applause] how do you just shout at any time let me confess that i may have been mistaken because every believer ought to keep you at least three shouts you you you ought to have uh a perfect a perseverance shout out where you can celebrate the journey you ought to have a shout about what god has already done you you ought to be able to children of israel could shout that when they got to the red sea that god made a highway just like that they could shout that when they were referred them that the same god who put a sidewalk in the sea turned a rock into a water fountain they could shout that they walked on dry ground in wet places but that they got drenched when they should have been in a drought they could shout that every morning god would open up heaven's delicatessen and rain down manna and then said i'll send angelic busboys to pick up what you don't eat i don't need everybody but there ought to be some saints in here who got some shouts of perseverance to thank the lord for what he's already done you you ought to have a shout for the fights that god has already had for you for the victories that god has already won for the ways he has already made for the doors that god has already opened you ought to have you a perseverance shout where you celebrate your journey but then you ought to have you a present shout you ought to have a shout that precipitates the destruction that says to god i i don't want to just thank you for what you already done but but the lord is blessing me right now right now while i'm standing here god is allowing six quarts of blood to pump through my body i i just want to thank him for what he's doing right now right now while i'm in south dallas god is over in flower mound watching over my family and watching over my children right now i don't need everybody but but i wish i had about 10 and a half people who can say i want to thank the lord for what he's doing right now right now i got a little bit of money in my pocket right now i got some activities of millennium you know i tell people that you ought to have what i call a sealy shout you know they're in the color purple when she's getting ready to leave mister and she says i'm going with you and he looks at her and says now sug is pretty and suge can cook people like sugar but but what do you have he says you're black you're ugly and you can cook and she looks at him and said you may be right i may be black i may be ugly and maybe i can't cook but god i'm here is there any any any any anybody that just want to thank god because you're here i may be broke but god i'm here my body got pain but thank god i'm here i'm dealing with the pandemic but thank god i'm here you ought to have a perseverance shout out you ought to have a present shout but you ought to have a proleptic shout and proleptic means to do it in advance you need you need you need you need you need to learn how to thank god for what he's about to do um you gotta learn how to shout them so you can anticipate your victory i know the wall is up but i got a sneaking suspicion that every step i make is starting to shift the sand up is there anybody here who can thank god for what he's about to do i know i'm sick but i'm shouting for my victory i got a bus pass in my pocket but i think my car's on the way out i paid rent at an apartment but i think i got a closing in my future is there any any any in anybody here that want to help me praise the lord he's worthy from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same i'm on my way to my seat up but i got one final thing to tell you the bible says that when the wall comes down every man should walk in front of him that means what i've been walking around god's going to let me walk on is there anybody here that no god will put it under your feet depression it's under my feet trouble it's under my feet is there anybody here who've learned that you got to keep on because i've discovered that problems are like stains if you want a tough one out you got to shout it out shout shout shout [Music] anybody here know he's all right ain't he all right i said any all righty is [Music] [Music] [Music] my god a word on tonight keys to the next level is anybody grateful to know that god has more in store and all we have to do is do what he's instructed us to do my lord thank you dr devin anderson for that word on tonight let's thank god for both message and the messenger on tonight my god quickly i want to open the doors of the church anyone who might be under the sound of my voice need to understand that if you want to truly go to the next level and god first starts with a relationship with the lord jesus christ above all else if you don't have a relationship with the lord jesus you cannot make it to the place that he's prepared for you and so the next couple moments i just want to extend an invitation to anyone who might be under the sound of my voice it in person or online says i need to get in right relationship with the lord jesus i want to commit my life to him today it's as simple confessing with your mouth he is lord believe it in your heart that god has raised him from the dead and you shall be saved you can come tonight you're in the building there are decision counselors ready to safely talk to you about decision for jesus if you're online you can email membership or type us a message on whatever platform you're watching let us know i want to be saved and you can be saved right where you are so would you in the sanctuary bow with me lord i pray now the power of your spirit to move us to respond to your word tonight first to those who do not know you in the pardon of their sins pray that now your spirit will awaken them to the truth of your love for them but they will respond by asking what must i do to be saved save now in jesus name amen if that's you will you come [Music] will you come [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hang on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey [Music] amen the invitation has been extended let's thank god again for his word on tonight and the ministry gift of dr dalvin atchison my my mind what a word listen we are um out to in our um ordination program we are going to begin with um these proclaimers of the gospel who have walked with me for about nine months or so what you will hear is from a group of those who were previously licensed and many previously ordained who still walk through this process with us that will be awarded certificates of completion of the program we will have those who were licensed in ministry they preached their first public sermon will be awarded licenses to ministry and then there are those who will be receiving certificates of ordination within particular ministry areas so we'll start with ministers following reading of those names and them receiving their certificates my man who means so so much to me joined us tonight um from lexington kentucky personal pastor richard gaines the senior pastor of the consolidated baptist church who took a chance on this 23 year old kid from texas who he hadn't heard much about and didn't know much about hiring me to be his youth pastor and put his arms around me in lexington kentucky and i can say i am today because of some time of development with pastor gaines he is going to come following the reading of these names and receiving of these certificates to commission these ministers and then pastor dwayne howe will come and pray over these ministers who are awarded these certificates of license completion and ordination those who served on that ordination council are here tonight pastor now bail pastor donald perry pastor duane hi myself my friend reverend dr brianna parker served on that ordination council as well so maria is coming now since the marie brown is coming now and we will um award the certificates of license completion and ordination to our ministers of the house the following names are ministers of the gospel who have completed the nine month program and these uh candidates are also they're already ordained and licensed but they completed the program and i believe the certificate says the modules of doctrine duty discipline and declarations the names are reverend anthony q brown will you come up please reverend joe colbert minister juanita dabs minister albert fields minister andrea fields reverend johnny ford minister daryl greene [Applause] reverend jeffrey jacobs [Applause] reverend dwayne long and reverend valerie roberts next group are the ministers uh who are receiving their license ian minister ian bale minister michael cunningham minister juanita dabs [Applause] reverend stacy dixon [Applause] minister albert fields minister andrea fields minister regina joe fields reverend adria greene [Applause] minister daryl green reverend jackie jacqueline harris [Applause] reverend renee collins jones [Applause] minister don miller reverend valerie roberts minister katrina spotsfield and reverend cheryl wesley our ministers for ordination are ordained ministers of the gospel we have reverend stacy dixon her ordination is in administration and leadership reverend johnny ford iii discipleship and christian education reverend adria greene student ministry reverend jacqueline harris prayer and intercession reverend winford gerard moore evangelism reverend brandon porter pastoral leadership and reverend cheryl wesley outreach and community service [Applause] we have an additional certificate of completion and that would be for russell davs [Applause] good evening we honor pastor wesley all of the clergy that assembled tonight dr atchison blessed all of our hearts to you my brothers and sisters that are being licensed and ordained on this evening the sermon is preached i wish only to raise a few additional thoughts of both encouragement and challenge to you on this evening in exodus chapter 17 we find the account of amalek fighting with israel in referendum and moses tells joshua to choose some men go out and fight with amalek while he goes up on the mountain aaron and her and the bible paints this beautiful picture that as long as moses arms were lifted the israelites were winning but when his arms grew tired and began to come down the amalekites were winning aaron and her aaron and her aaron and her found a stone a rock for him to sit upon and one on either side held up his arms and the bible literally lets us know that in that state they routed the amalekites and his arms raised with the rod of god in his hands for indications that the battle belonged to the lord and that the glory of the battle of the victory would be to god and god alone tonight i want to remind you that in your call and your licensure in your ordination that this ministry called upon your life this sovereign tug of god upon your life is a call to preparation i know tonight is officially licensing and ordaining but understand this is not an exclamatory moment that you've arrived i remind us that a call to ministry is but a call to preparation i remind us as pastor atchison said so well uh i simply say this way teamwork makes the dream work you can accomplish much more together than either one of you can accomplish uh by your selves aaron and her held up the arms of the man of god and something marvelous happened i want to say to you tonight quickly three things and i'll take my seat next to my newfound friend pastor atchison you've been licensed and ordained tonight going forward be found available be found available this is no time to go ghost this people saw something in you before you arrived here tonight be found available you have been called out from among the rest of the people here for this divine assignment of serving god's people at a deeper level you did not apply online but god identified you publicly and placed you before us tonight you are not here by accident by hook or by crook a granny getting you here but by the sovereign hand of god and god makes no mistakes secondly be found cooperative be found cooperative jesus says that we ought to have a spirit of cooperation among us uh unity i might add does not mean uniformity it's okay to disagree and yet be agreeable or cooperative you won't agree on every thought or every decision or every question but you can still be agreeable practice listening and show yourself wise in the process let me step back one moment again you don't have to agree with every decision but if you're in a room i don't know the polity here i don't know that much about this house just yet but when decisions are made in kentucky past they like to vote on stuff and if it's ten to eight when we leave the room it's 18 to zero don't go out saying i wasn't for it right you're all a part of one walk together thirdly and i'm done be found humble be found humble men and women jesus says he came to serve and not to be served the roles you are stepping into tonight are not roles of authority but roles of service art mcgill in his book entitled suffering says that real power comes through service what people mistakenly call power is not power at all authority and power are not interchangeable there is authority in the role of a deacon some or a minister some but when you no longer in the role you no longer have the authority power on the other hand says when i serve the people well they will give me real power give real power be faithful in serving god be faithful in serving your pastor and be faithful in serving this church and offer these final words for you that are married do not neglect your family in this process whatever you do do not neglect your family your first ministry is home you win at church and lose it home and you lose but those that are married your spouse is still your first ministry don't get it confused or twisted allow the lord to be your guide and know that there's a little fellow from tyler texas in kentucky that's praying for you and a house call consolidated may god bless you may god keep you may his grace smile upon you [Applause] if you would antioch fellowship if you would do me a favor and if you would just begin to pray for those who are standing at the altar from wherever you are from whatever position you may hold or may not hold if you believe in jesus and the god of our christ would you begin to pray for these here your ministers those ordained those licensed those confirmed those who completed uh the process would you lift your voice and would you pray for those who are called to serve this house this community and this world that we live in father we come down to say thank you thank you god that in the midst of a pandemic where all we read about and hear about on the news is death you're still birthing people into your kingdom god i thank you that in a time where there are all type of reports about the church you are still calling laborers to your vineyard god i thank you for those who have assembled around this altar by your call we actually now master in the name of jesus that you would touch each and every heart pray god now in the name of jesus that this moment won't be a moment about certificates but this moment will be a moment about commitment that god in your word you say it in nehemiah that those who built the wall built with one hand and held their weapons in the other and we pray now god in the name of jesus that you would give these here your ministers the capacity and the ability to deal with one hand but war against everything that is designed to attack your church in the other hand we pray god that you would give them a spirit of boldness we pray god in the name of jesus that you would give them wisdom and insight god we pray now in the name of jesus that you would give them access to heavenly things we pray god in the name of jesus that you would protect them not only from people in their life not only from things in their life but god i pray in the name of jesus that you will protect them from the things on the inside of them because your word says paul said that when i would do good evil is always present and god i pray now in the name of jesus that you would protect your minister from the evil that wants to take them the evil that may rest on the inside of them we pray now god in the name of jesus that you would not only prepare them for service not only would you empower them for your service but god that you would keep us in your service pray god now in the name of jesus that you would stir up their gifts and i pray god now in the name of jesus for our church that our church would be open and willing to receive new servants in this vineyard i pray god that their ideas their creativity the things that you place on the inside of them will find ground fertile ground in this church and will produce fruit that shall remain pray god now specifically for the women assembled around this altar pray god in the name of jesus that they're able to feel your touch that they're able to feel your care i pray god for the women that surrounding this altar and i pray god that you would protect them from men who don't know you well enough i pray for the women around this altar god and i pray god that you would shield them from the voices of people who haven't properly studied your word i pray god for the women around this altar and i pray god that you would inspire the man in this church to protect the women in this church to empower the women in this church i pray for the women around this altar god and i pray god that you use them in such a way that no one will be able to question or concern themselves with their gender i pray for the women around this altar god and i pray now that they would inspire other women to hear you clearly i pray for the women around this altar god and as you elevate and orchestrate what you have called them to do i pray god in the name of jesus that they will do it with precision they would do it with boldness they would do it with confidence they would do it with wisdom i pray now in the name of jesus that you would allow them to be obedient to your voice not because they're women but because they're your children and i pray god for this group that you have elevated i pray god that they are able to keep their eyes on you i pray god that they're able to keep their hearts available to your spirit i pray god now that they will be able to keep their eyes on the cross thank you god for this day thank you god for such a moment and such an opportunity bless this house now in the name of jesus thank you for sending your laborers in jesus name amen thank you at this time marie brown will come and introduce and award our certificates to our deacons at this time casey jones will come and y'all pray you know y'all pray for the church it's time casey coming y'all y'all pray still a holy moment but we nervous amen y'all pray casey jones sorry i had to get the last list out all right um it is on we'll bring forth to you the 20 deacons that have com 20 deacon candidates that are now deacons that have completed our three-month training program so i'll call your name you come up and receive your certificate is customary when we do ordained deacons we give them their first set of gloves so our chairman joe roland will give you that as well brother aiken james aiken [Applause] brother stephon booker brother travis crane brother robert davis brother vincent davis brother wilbert fletcher [Applause] brother stanley gillum brother william nathaniel jones brother al mouton brother terrence ohr [Applause] wait a second oh yeah a brother terry orr brother randy parkman brother melvin smith brother fred stanmore brother richie sturgeon brother tyrone thornton [Applause] brother sterling wofford [Applause] brother daryl williams [Applause] brother kevin williams [Applause] and brother timothy young senior [Applause] [Applause] first of all i'd like to thank wesley for giving me this honor and opportunity to give the charge to the deacons we've spent several weeks together and as i've shared with the new deacons that stand here before us we are better because of them becoming a part of the brotherhood to the brethren have received of the lord jesus to serve his church as a deacon according to the word of the apostles that the elders and pastors may give themselves to the ministry of word and prayer you are called to work with the pastors and elders as messengers of christ's kingdom you are to proclaim the gospel in word indeed to serve the community in which we live bringing to the church the needs and hopes of all of the people you are to work with your fellow members in searching out the poor and weak the sick and lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless reaching into the forgotten corners of the world that the love of god may be made visible as a deacon you are to share in the pastoral ministry of the church and in leading god's people in worship you are to read the word and bring the needs of the world before the church in intercession you are to labor to lead the loss to faith and bring them to baptism you're called to assist in the administe ministering to assist in the administration string of the sacraments to distribute communion and to minister to the sick and house bound therefore we charge you before god and the lord jesus christ to lead the people of god in true religion which the apostle james says is to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world be watchful in all things endure afflictions be servant unto all that in losing your life you may indeed find it fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life or unto you are also called for those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in christ jesus may the lord bless you and keep you is my prayer deacons before we conduct a prayer if you guys have come up and lay hands on the new deacons thank you let us pray dear heavenly father we come once again to say thank you thank you father god for blessing us to be here in this moment father we woke up this morning we all left and we did our various deeds but we ended up here father you blessed us to get here we're here we're in a sound mind father god we have our health we have our strengths so we're thankful for that heavenly father father god we don't take your blessings for lightly so we're grateful we thank you for the life the death and the resurrection of our lord and our savior jesus christ father father we're here tonight to to celebrate um jordaning of these men as deacons father god we thank you father god that they will continue the work that they've already started they did not get here by circumstance father god your reputation of a good man precedes you father and the congregation saw in them the things that the good deeds that the word talks about so we're thankful father god that not only are they continuing the work that they've already started father god but they accept that they're called to be deacons here at antioch father god and lord we don't want to minimize the importance of their wives father god they have a role um the men here would not be here without them father so we want to also acknowledge them and thank you for blessing them to be a part of these men's life we pray father god that they will continue to support them in every way father we want the deacons to understand that as the minister said earlier service starts at home father god and we pray that these men will continue to serve as their families their communities to be a pillar pillar in their communities father we pray that they will be a light on their jobs father god we continue to pray father that you will let their will be your will be done in their lives father god lord we just are so grateful father that you allowed us to be here tonight we're so grateful that you sent these men to antioch father god and we pray father god that they would understand the task that's at hand father god and not take this lightly so bless them right now and keep them fathers our prayer in the name of jesus amen [Applause] amen let's thank god for what he's doing in the life of our church deacon doug harris mentioned them i want to acknowledge him with the wise of these new deacons please stand you look so lovely over there hey man thank you for letting us steal your husbands for these saturday mornings and if you got any problems with them y'all call me and enroll and we gonna get them together amen thank you we love you we thank god for you thank you brother thank you all for joining with us tonight um were you blessed on this evening amen i cannot think of a better way to conclude um our church anniversary week uh y'all can do this in the fellowship hall i mean they already acting like deacons and taking their time staying in the way y'all baptist deacons for shows yeah now casey said make sure y'all let y'all meeting on time saturday why y'all fellowship be on time you can tell dean train these deacons up cause they just stay in the way i got on this road let me be serious i saw him i think he tipped out but uh i want to say this i want to thank the lord for pastor oscar epps community missionary baptist church of cedar hill de soto he came to worship with us tonight i think he tipped out thanks for joining us tonight um amen antioch we are blessed beyond measure to have godly men and women who have accepted the call of god to leadership in this house let's continue to pray with them and for them as they seek to do um what the lord has called them to do in this hour for such a time as this i'm going to ask as we conclude um that pastor now bale will come and uh dismiss us from this place thank you again for coming thank you to this worship team this this choir that song tonight and it's blessed our hearts to the ushers and all those who serve us as greeters media team thank you for serving tonight and this week we have been blessed this week with the word of god amen amen amen before we before we conclude we got one thing the ministers have got together and they have a special gift for the pastor of the church so we're going to give them just a few moments so they can present him a little something on his very first ordination service as our senior pastor can we put our hands together for the angel of this house ministers don't be like deacons move quickly move quickly move quickly y'all don't do this to us move quickly support us right all right at the end of the service we asked all ministers all deacons all deacons wives that you would please remain in the sanctuary we're gonna take a few pictures to just memorialize this day amen amen pastor chris if you can come step forward please for several months and weeks you intentionally poured into us and in your pouring the passion that you have for god the passion that you have for his word was so evident in your sharing with us we thank you for your transparency we thank you for your honesty we thank you for your sincere sincerity like you were sincere in your approach and even when we were off track the unique way that you have to correct us to not make us feel bad but to embrace us in love we thank you for that we thank you for being available even when your schedule was busy literally he was at the baptist convention and took a break to zoom call with us we thank you for that because we realize that that's not something that most men and women actually are able to receive from their shepherd from their pastor and so we have a little something for you that we like for you to quickly open quickly open we got everything at least that part it's a plaque that it stands it has a little stand to it but it says joel 2 project presented to pastor christopher k wesley antioch fellowship missionary baptist church inaugural ministers in training graduation class of 2021 and additionally i want you to open that don't you don't have to pull it all the way out but open open that as well [Laughter] yeah so thank you from the bottom of our heart because you share your heart with us know that we love you we appreciate you we have your arms held up we are covering you we are asking god to continue to walk out the anointing that he has on your life and we thank you for that [Applause] amen once again we thank god for being in this place today and i thank pastor chris for allowing me to be here and celebrate and be a part of this majestical uh memorial moment uh antioch of course is my home away from home but i won't do the traditional baptist minister and make you sing god be with you and get right church and let's go home i'm just going to say thank god for being here and all these beautiful men and women that are servants of the lord most high and say our father and our god we ask that you uh thank you for allowing us to be here today thank you for giving us this day for this is the day that you have made and we have chosen to rejoice and be glad in it master we ask that you grant us the rights of safety passage and that you dismiss us from this place but never from thy presence and may the sweet communion of the holy spirit wrestle and about with us hen forth and forever may the people of god say amen amen
Channel: Antioch Fellowship Church
Views: 1,212
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: JuobwCTUl9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 35sec (7475 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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