Antioch Fellowship Church | 7 September 2021 | Sweet Hour of Prayer

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[Music] is [Music] oh yes good evening and welcome to sweet hour of prayer we are excited to have you unite and join with us tonight as a family as we come together in prayer pastor chris has shared with us that prayer is our first strand of our dna this is what we will stand on that we will be a church of prayer and jesus said in matthew that his house shall be a house of prayer and so we're exercising that community where we're coming together as one to pray during this sweet hour of prayer and when we pray together as a church we see miracles we experience the power of god the manifestation of god's presence is there in the midst of prayer it's where we're truly intimate with him and so we invite you that as we go about learning who we are learning about what we do and what we will stand on what will be our core values we and val invite you to continue to be steadfast in prayer logging on tonight that's one way to do that we also pray as a community as a church every wednesday morning at 6 00 a.m we invite you to dial in at 5 55 and we will start promptly at six and the call is usually last about 15 minutes we have a quick word of devotion we're praying we're calling out names of those who are on our corporate church prayer list and so we invite you the number is displayed and we invite you to join us every wednesday morning promptly at six a.m you don't need to access code there's nothing else you have to remember just use that number that you see on the screen and join us we look forward to connecting with you in prayer in the morning now tonight our prayer focuses will be other churches our neighbors and the surrounding community are sick and bereaved in the antioch church as a whole so we will have sister felicia williams who will lead us in our other churches then mariah crawford will come and share regarding our neighbors and our surrounding community as well as the sick and the bereaved and then sister felicia will come back and she will cover our church as a whole unity and spiritual growth because remember even just in the word on sunday luke 2 and 52 and jesus grew in wisdom and stature in favor with god and man in order to grow prayer precedes growth so prayer is needed in order for us to grow into whom god has called and created us to be so as we go to god in prayer we ask that you would begin to drop your comments so that we can unite with you in prayer if you are in need of prayer or you know someone that's in need of prayer put it in the comment and let us pray for you and them and now we will begin our community sweet hour of prayer let us pray for one another we are praying for the other churches and our community for they are our brothers and our sisters let us pray to this end o god we pray for you always to be glorified to be magnified because you alone are god by no other name that your power saves heals sets free and deliver heavenly father we pray that you will go in every church unite us god we pray for our fellow sisters and brothers on every corner of the church doors that are open in your name we give you the glory and honor for all that you're doing in the churches for all that you're going to do in the lives of your people each and every day heavenly father shine your light in them through them we pray for the under shepherds that are representing you we pray that they represent you well god we pray father god that you will have the plans that only you can set for each church god we pray father god for the workmanship of the hands of the people the servant leaders in those churches god moved by your spirit god we pray father god for a supernatural revelation and for a revolution god to happen in every church god even though during these times we're virtual god and some churches are open and things are different god you have not changed you are not different we pray for the power of the holy ghost to fall fresh in every church that stands open in your name god god we thank you that your ways are not our ways your thoughts are not our thoughts and they're greater than ours so god we pray and we thank you in advance that you hear our prayers on the behalf of the churches that are standing open in your name god for you declared in your word upon this rock we pray that every church is up on the rock that has been built upon the rock of jesus that the gates of hell shall not prevail against them god we pray father god for every church that they know and they exercise their faith knowing that they are more than conquerors through christ jesus that you are doing great things in their body god we pray father god that they will be found doing serving the community and serving the families lord we pray for the god that your word would go forth god we pray father god that there will be no weapon formed against every church that stands open in your name that the weapon that has been formed it shall not prosper god we pray for every church to be considered a house of prayer that the world would know that they can come to the church for prayer and the church we in the church can go out into the marketplace into the job place in god and we can take you with us god god we pray father god that your love stands firm in every church door that's open in your name lord we thank you for your loving kindness your tender mercies god we pray father god that you would do a great work in every church on the corner of hampton road god and those beyond god we need you we pray that the world will know that the church still exists because god you are not dead you are alive and well and that we will be a house of prayer god we thank you for the honor to be able to pray on the behalf of our church families because we are one body many believers god we thank you god we are one body many members god that we be unified in you god we pray against competition we pray against discord in the church and jealousy god that we may be unified as one body doing the work of the father the one that you sent us to do a great work on the behalf of you god we are your ambassadors god so god we thank you for the men and women who are standing up to proclaim the gospel that jesus saves to the utmost god we thank you we give your name glory and honor in jesus matchless name we pray amen now we'll be praying for neighbors and surrounding areas and how antioch can be a blessing to them god we come to you now with humble hearts and open minds first of all with gratitude just to say thank you for this day thank you for this opportunity thank you for this moment to be able to speak to you um and communion with you god um we thank you for antioch as a church body as a community god serving you god and glorifying your name and all that we do god and we ask that you comfort and cover our surrounding areas and our neighbors god we ask that you allow antioch to be a blessing to them in multiple ways god service is not a choice that we have as your children it's a duty it's not something that we can put on the back burner or put off for tomorrow god it's something that we must do with every step that we take with every breath that we make god and so we ask that you bless antioch to walk and service god to talk and service god to be in service to you in everything that we do god we ask that you bless us to be so filled with you god that when we walk outside of the church that the people in the neighborhoods and the people and the community only see you god we don't have to walk up to them with the bible and and read a scripture they see it with how we move god with how we breathe god allows our energy to be filled with your spirit god um because that's how we can evict people that's how we bring people to salvation god not through knowing good bible scriptures but through knowing you god and operating in your will god so we ask that you give us the courage and the strength to do that help us to understand that um this church community isn't just in this four walls god it's outside of these four walls god we have to go outside of these four walls with enthusiasm with energy and with compassion god to serve your people and to take care of your people god to be living sacrifices walking and moving in your word god we ask that you help us not be complacent with how we serve allow us to use our imagination to figure out new ways to serve and new ways to grow as antioch as a church community goes into a new year um a new season god we ask that you bring people into our community that can think bigger and brighter and and give us new ways to serve god help us to be able to serve our community in ways that we haven't been able to before god help us to to to bring so many people to you god that we have to get an entire building for our food pantry that we have to go outside of these four walls and build new buildings for homeless shelters and schools and and fitness centers and farmers markets and building an entire community outside of these four walls to serve your people god because that's what you've called us to do god help us to not just sit down and say all right we're just going to pray and we're going to go to church on sunday and we're going to read our bible god it's more to it than that we have to be walking embodiments of you god we have to serve you in everything that you do and serve your people empty us god right now so we can be in full service to you god i don't want to see me i want to see you um and i and i want our communities to see you in everything that we do help us to not come in here and be nice and friendly and go outside of here and be mean and hateful and evil and speak foul of people god help everywhere that we go people are healed just by our smile just for our way of god we don't have to tell people oh i go to antioch they want to ask what church do you go to i want to go there because i want that which you have i want that god so just help us god to be a blessing in that way to think bigger to go harder to not be complacent and to serve you with enthusiasm you can't get burnt out serving god so you have to ask yourself who are you serving because if you're serving god you'll have everlasting energy so just help us as a church family to serve our neighbors and our surrounding areas that's what it's about it's not just about church on sunday it's about affecting lives forever and bringing people to you god so we ask this in your name we love you and we thank you and we pray and we say amen now we're going to pray for our sick and bereaved god we come to you again now once again with gratitude forever gratitude forever grateful for everything for all things god because you are an awesome god we come to you now asking that you bless those who are dealing with bereavement who are dealing with deaths in their families who are dealing with transitioning in their families god we ask that you bless them with comfort with care with with love surrounding them god we just ask that you protect them with peace god letting them know that their loved ones are in a better place and if we had the opportunity to ask our loved ones who have transitioned if they could come back down for just another day they would say no god and let that bring us joy that they are living in eternity with you god and help us to understand that they're looking at us like all right we still got work to do god help that give us motivation to keep going and we know that it hurts and we miss them in this physical space but we know there's an eternal life for all of us god and we ask that you just keep our minds focused on that god and allow us to feel the pain that comes with it allow us to feel the tears that come with it but allow us to feel the peace that comes with it the everlasting peace that comes with it because we know where the end is god we ask that you bless those who are sick right now whether it be physically mentally spiritually emotionally god we know there's so much going on in the world god so much going on in the world and help us to not get wrapped up in it god because we know who we serve so help us to not get get put into that and wrapped up in that and get anxious and and sad and depressed about all the things going around because we know who our healer is god um i ask that you bless those who are dealing with sickness and they think they can't make it out god put it on their hearts now that they are conquerors and they are healed right now in your name god that you are changing their health right now god um and i also ask that you help us to be responsible for our health god we're doing this with you god and we can't pray for healing we can't pray for health if we're not actively pursuing that in our lives god we can't ask for healing and do unhealthy things we can't ask for perfect health and do things that aren't perfect for our health and that we know aren't perfect for our health help us to be self-reflective um and and change bad habits um and do things to serve you god give us the courage to do better um allow us to not sit in our sickness god um a lot of people get comfortable in sickness and and put it on their identity and carry it around and fill themselves up with their sickness give us the courage to empty ourselves out of our sickness god we win sickness doesn't win we win god help us to understand that sin is a sickness lust greed envy sloth gluttony sin is a sickness god um help us to do better help us to be aware of where we're being sinful because we all have our crosses to bear none of us are perfect god and we all have space to grow right so we just ask that you give us the self-reflective the self-awareness to know what we need to do better in order to live a beautiful healthy life god yes there is sickness but yes there is healing available to those who want it so if you want healing operate as a person who wants healing and you'll get your healing because that's the god we serve and we ask that you allow us to be healers your children our energy should be healing we shouldn't walk around and people are drained by us and saddened by us and stressed out by how we move in the world god and dealing with other issues and being going lust and going to gluttony because of how we operate and how we hang out and how we move in the world no they need to be healed simply by how we approach them and say hi god um help us to not be surrounded by toxic things whether it's toxic tv toxic news toxic music toxic music toxic food release all toxicity out of our life god we have to know that in order to serve you everything has to change our appetite for everything has to change if we want to be healed not in just one area in all areas so we ask that you give us the strength and the courage and the community to do so we ask this in your name god um help us comfort us keep us help us to focus on serving you and all that we do we love you and we thank you it's in your name we pray and we say amen thank you jesus as we continue in prayer we want to just take time to thank god we thank god put it in the chat that you thank god for everything we've already prayed god has already answered for everything we've already prayed god is a god who hears us and he is answering so god we just take a praise break to say thank you god thank you that we can come to your throne room of grace and mercy and we can ask according to your will and it shall be done and according to our faith so be it unto us god we thank you god we thank you for your son jesus we thank you that by no other name people can change things can transform we thank you by no other name god we can be converted from old to new god we thank you by no other name than jesus things the atmosphere can shift by the name of jesus there's power in your name jesus and because of that god we thank you god that because of your name jesus according to the scripture in luke 2 52 that we learned on sunday jesus grew according to your name jesus there's power in your name jesus grew and we shall grow as a church god we ask god that you will equip us that we will be humble enough to grow together god we need to grow before we go before we go into relationships before we go into ministry before we go into marriages before we go into jobs it's that you want us to grow god so help us to grow in wisdom help us to grow in statue god because we need you god it was an amazing revelation we thank you for the man of god that gave that word pastor faison on sunday god we pray for his church family as well as they grow but god you said from heaven to earth you want us to grow god as we see in the physical realm how it is in elementary school from middle school to high school we understand physical growth teach us spiritual growth is necessary god help us to know god it is your desire that we grow in you god it is not your desire that we grow chronologically in age but spiritually we are retained in our elementary years because we refuse to grow in christ help us to grow in you lord but it is your desire that we grow and know you more to be in an intimate relationship with you so that we can learn who you are god we thank you for our lessons that we've learned in the past why pastors taught us god church 101 help that not to be put on the shelf or help us to apply the word that you are i am and because we can grow in who you are and recognize that we need you lord and wherever we are you are god help us to grow in love to grow in truth to grow in lone suffering to grow in unity god help us to know that we need to grow together god that doesn't mean that we will always agree but we will grow to understand we all stand in need of you master help us to grow as we are given discipleship and our church ministries help us to grow in you god our world is filled with chronological growth with spiritual deficiency god for we've been retained because we refuse to grow in the knowledge of who you are help us to be intimate with you god for you said in your word if you abide in us and we abide in you then we can ask what we want god but because we refuse to grow we've been comfortable in our chaos god forgive us god help us to grow in the knowledge of your truth god not forever learning but becoming in the knowledge of what the truth is god for your word because you are the way the truth and the life help us to grow in unity for you declaring your word god where there is unity we can command a blessing but we're praying a myth because we're praying and we're not unified how can two walk together unless they be agreed help us to be agreed being in one mind and that mind being in you lord we need you we need to grow in you god for it delights you that we grow up it delights a father and a mother to see their children grow where it delights you as a father that we grow up in spiritual growth god learning that we need to be more like you god in our attitudes and in our character character still counts god help us to grow up help us to grow up and understanding that our ways are not your ways help us to grow up and understand that what we see in the natural eye is not what's really going on beyond in the sky father god in the spiritual realm there is something beyond what our natural eyes can see help us to grow up to see things the way you see them father then god help us to grow up and understand that we have an adversary help us not to be ignorant in the vices and and the designs of the enemy help us to grow up in the knowledge of who our opponent is god it's not each other god but you said the weapons of our warfare they're not carnal but they're almighty to the pulling down of strongholds help us to grow up to learn who our opponent is is not one another god for you said in your word flesh and blood father god we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities rulers and wickedness in high places help us god to grow up in your word god for you watch over your word to perform it god help us when we see things that be not god help us to call those things as they are not according to your truth god woe unto those of us that call evil good and good evil god help us to grow up help us to be moved not by what we think a thing is in the matter but help us to grow up in what you say about the matter because what you say about the matter matters god help us to grow up help us to grow up in prayer god to pray for all things and in all things to give thanks help us to grow up and to believe for the god what you started at antioch you shall finish and bring it to completion we thank you for these 35 years god you've been faithful and we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for those of us that are growing we thank you for the opportunity to grow more in you god we thank you for our path to god who is growing in you we thank you for the charge that he's been given we thank you for the word that you gave him on sunday god we thank you that he's a leader that we can follow because he's following after you god help us all to grow up help us to grow up to understand there's no little eyes and no big eyes and there's no little t's and big t's but we're all in this together help us to grow up to understand that we are all servant leaders and you are the king of kings and the lord of lords help us to grow up god and when we grow up god help us to reach our hand down to the children who are young in ministry or those who are young in the spirit realm and help us to be models to make disciples of men and women god help us to grow up help us to grow up so the children can see that we are not just talking the word we live the word help us to grow up we pray for our kids point ministry and we pray for our youth ministry god we pray for every ministry in our church that we are growing god we pray for our senior saints god we pray for every ministry the ministry of intercessory prayer we pray for our servant leaders that we are growing in you that it be pleasing until your sight god help us to grow up and as we are unified god you will be pleased and you will smile up on us and we thank you in advance for the growth god for whatever you put your hand on god it has to grow you've shown us that in nature god we thank you give us the revelation if things are stagnated then we need to come to you and ask you how shall we grow for we can't go unless we grow we thank you god for growth and advance and when we grow god help us to be mindful to give your name the praise the glory and the honor that is do your name we thank you in advance for growth in ministry growth and finance growth and character growth god we thank you for growth in jesus matchless name we pray amen amen amen thank you so much felicia moriah for pouring your hearts out and covering us in prayer thank you thank you for logging on and and sharing with us through this moment of prayer we greatly appreciate you standing on the wall with us and we we see your prayer request we we see your prayer request and we acknowledge your prayer request and we will continue to pray and although we're coming to an end of the time that we're sharing together we do still recognize that this is a sweet hour of prayer so in this hour we ask that you individually will continue in prayer mode among your family among your friends or individually within yourself continue to seek god there are those who have asked you over the past few days pray for me or maybe they haven't asked but you've identified the need for prayer and so we ask that you continue to commit the rest of this hour to prayer and as we continue to walk out our dna as we continue to walk in who we are as a people of god as the antioch church as we begin to walk those things out and exercise that we will be a house of prayer both individually as well as collectively we encourage you once again to join us on wednesday mornings for our weekly prayer call we log on we dial in at 5 55 and we start with our call promptly at 6am and we are generally done within 15 minutes so you can come in you're going to be muted and you can be jump start your day with prayer with your family with your church family and that number will have it on the screen but that number is 774-267-4192 that number again is 774-267-411 there is no access code all you have to do is dial the number and hang tight and we will stand on the wall together as a community to intercede on the behalf of others so as we close out our time together i want to cover one last prayer god we come to you in the name of jesus to say thank you thank you god for enabling us to participate in this day thank you for how you kept us and sustained us throughout the day and thank you that you are with us even at this very moment god we thank you for felicia williams we thank you for mariah crawford we thank you for how they have poured out unto us on tonight and so father i ask that you would pour back into them god a hundredfold of what they poured out on this evening god i pray that you would meet them at the point of their need god i pray heavenly father if there are any cares or concerns that they have dear god lord i pray that you would remind them that you that just as they pray for others that you are there for them as well because oftentimes as an intercessor we carry the weight of the others and not consider ourselves so father i'm asking that you would consider them in the name of jesus god we thank you for our pastor we thank you for pastor chris we thank you for his heart we thank you for the compassion that he have for people we thank you that he thrives off of you off of your voice off of your word that he is guided by you we thank you for that we thank you that he's concerned with the hearts of the people we thank you for that we thank you that he is concerned with our spiritual growth we thank you for that we thank you that he wants us to be aware the god of who we are and you dear god lord we thank you for that we thank you dear god that that he is just so passionate about people he's passionate about the word it's not um it's not political for him but he's sincere and he's humble and we thank you for that we thank you that he spends time daily praying for us as a church we thank you for that we thank you for his sincerity we thank you for that we thank you for his availability we thank you for that we thank you that he's concerned with how he walks about the community we thank you for that god we just asked her god that you would consider him do god consider his steps that you have ordered dear god we pray that every step that he take to god that it will be guided by you god and we rebuke the hand of the enemy in the name of jesus from among his life god we rebuke the hand that will try to kill steal and destroy him in the name of jesus god and we pray that those who surround him will uplift him in the name of jesus god we just ask that you would continue to lead and guide him lord the concerns that that are on his heart god we pray that you will hear those concerns and that you would meet him at the point of his need that you will sustain him in the midst of it all god we pray that he will remain faithful and focused or god even when he may be tempted dear god to go off track to god we pray that the holy spirit to god will bring him and keep him in alignment with you god it is an a special anointing that you have assigned upon his life and we thank you for that in realizing because of the measure of anointing much prayer is needed god there's protection of the anointing that is needed there's covering that is needed and so we plead the blood of jesus over our pastor god pastor chris right now in the name of jesus god asking their god for the hedge of protection around him around the anointing around the assignment god we pray right now in the name of jesus god we pray that we will be the people that we need to be to undergird and to support him god we thank you that you have given him vision god we thank you that this is your vision that you have given him and this is that he doesn't move off of what he does he move off of what god speaks to him and so we say thank you for that god we bless your mighty and holy and righteous name god we astor god that all the prayers that have been shared on tonight that you would receive our prayers and if there's anything within any of us that will prevent you from receiving our prayer to god we ask that you would begin to purge those things out of us in the name of jesus and that you will instill in us those things that are of you those things that will keep keep us connected to you those things that will allow us to be in alignment with you so father we say thank you and we ask that our requests be done according to the measure of our faith we love you we praise you we exalt your name we say thank you lord in hallelujah it is in the mighty and the matchless name of jesus that we pray and say thank god and amen thank you once again for joining us for a sweet hour of prayer we pray that you have been blessed we look forward to sharing in this time with you again next month but we also look to connect with you every wednesday morning at 6 00 a.m thank you so much and be blessed you
Channel: Antioch Fellowship Church
Views: 235
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vw8cRvt9vhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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