Anti-facecam Andy - Jerma Streams SnowRunner (Long Edit)

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and when they finally pulled the driver's body from the twisted burning wreck it looked like this yeah you can just call me on time andy i thought you were playing hard time yeah i was i was until i wasn't so here's why i'm not playing hard time m dickie has two or three ipad android exclusive mobile games there's a superhero one there's one where you pick a superhero and it's m dickies superhero world so i was like you know what why don't we just like do it a day where i just play all the m dicky ipad games and then i was told there's like three versions of hard time and like one of them's the one to play or something so i was like you know what let me i'll figure that out in the meantime uh this is a highly requested game diablo 2 waiting room uh you've got you've got like a month to wait for that and i'm not going to stream diablo 2. i don't even know if i'm going to play diablo 2. like i don't you know what i mean like i have no idea so here's how this is going to go okay today we're going to play snow runner and i heard it's quite a rage game so you better be ready for that one uh you drive around in big trucks and have to deliver stuff and uh you have to be careful the meltdown no i don't know if it's i don't it's not possible for a meltdown i don't have the brain power to do a meltdown right now no way even if i wanted to get really angry it would just hit a wall and i'd be like what the [ __ ] i'm just like so i'm still kind of coming down from the dollhouse even though it was like a week ago i'm coming off like the high of the dollhouse week so i figured we'll just chill today this game is going to lay waste to your attention span is it isn't is it a hard game hello do you do drugs i mean if you count acetaminophen ibuprofen sometimes no i'm not high right now i'm not although i've told you this before but it is a great excuse but anytime i do something stupid ah it's it's because he's high today yep yeah sure that's why i can't add uh six and four in less than ten seconds yeah i can't do eight plus seven because i you know i just got high today you know you guys are right so it's a great thing to fall back on for sure all right let's go so let's play snow runner let's just do it i came on i hope not all right snow runner am i gonna am i gonna [ __ ] hate this game i don't know we'll we're gonna find out i'm not gonna play it on hard mode by the way i got a 30 90. oh uh this should look really good like only the second or third game i played on this 30 90. all right let's go new campaign this guy's rich he has a 30 90. no this guy's got a 30 90 because he had to pay like a hundred percent ultra premium to make a new computer don't think that like oh wow that's cool no i got like scammed because i bought like 50 [ __ ] percent over market price like that's not cool like that that's stupid i did a dumb stupid idiot thing thank you for joining our recovery and maintenance effort after the devastating flood we need all help available to repair the bridge that collapsed it's our only link to the other side of the river disposable income andy stop it hey there's a lot of new people here okay we gotta like i'm germa and i'm cool first need to find a watchtower to get a view of your surroundings all right i need to find a watch tower and you'll have to find a truck capable of transport is this like a do i walk around as a human you have to find a truck capable of transporting the materials need to repair the bridge after the bridge is prepared you will be able to reach your first garage find a watchtower find a truck i was gonna say what the hell is that oh [ __ ] plus one letter grade automatically all right remove handbrake start engine your first move should always be to scout new areas open the map your tracked objective always shows up here let's go find that watchtower uh okay is our straight line it's already an f you can't give a game an f before i've even hit the accelerate button the we're in michigan alaska tamir cola peninsula and yukon so these different areas so we're in the flooded foothills oh [ __ ] all right so we just drop there's a watchtower right here did you pirate the game this game was on steam what do you mean did i pirate the game this game is available on steam i got it on steam why i wouldn't even pirate the game okay in order to access this region find a garage why can't i keep thinking of like the english way to say that word a garage a garage right i don't know why i keep it just to say garage don't do like the english way how do i drive oh why would the handbrake be on i would do it you're mud i wouldn't want to drive through this when driving on rough terrain you can switch to low gear it'll slow you down but will lower the risk of getting stuck okay so low gear it makes i won't get stuck lb and press r to the left to activate all right low gear i won't get stuck in the mud i already lost no i didn't lose your truck is all-wheel drive capable the awd will also help in tough terrain but will increase your fuel consumption oh should i have fuel hold lb and x to activate all-wheel drive i don't need it right now you should get off low gear when you're on a normal terrain this is not normal terrain all right all wheel drive let's go i love this thing just a guy in here i i like that plus 0.5 letter grade oh is this normal terrain it's not all right turn off all-wheel drive this only happens in the pirated version i bought this game i own this game old people will be driving circles around you it's raining in the mud you guys have no you just don't know anything about like all-wheel drive or anything guess what i don't know anything about all-wheel drive either i drive a honda civic if you're stuck you can try using your winch and see if there's anything around that you can attach it to activate the functions menu with up to use your winch i'm not stuck alright how do i do all-wheel drive again how do i do all-wheel drive it was right bumper and something else right what was it an x right okay there it is let's go i'm not stuck [ __ ] out of here why don't i just drive on the grass why am i driving on the road i would never do this drive all right turn off uh all-wheel drive i think i'm good here we go there's a road right here all right we're back on we're on the road all right this drives way way different than i thought it was going to be on the road let's hit the brakes all right hold on can you die okay i don't get you die in this game all right there's a what should i go left should i go right no [ __ ] that we're going on the road did i put an all-wheel drive and just [ __ ] hit the gas as hard as i can oh i've been playing for like 10 minutes all right i'll do it one time you will encounter different kinds of terrain such as road dirt mud deep mud water rocky slides snow and ice only the most experienced drivers with well-equipped vehicles can drive on any kind of terrain when in doubt there's no shame in avoiding danger you can find out more about the different types of terrain in the codex all right so i just drive through this i can i can i drive through this yeah all right well i'll just do this way oh hi is this water is the water too high all right hot should i put an all-wheel drive i don't know what to do what are you supposed to do in this scenario all right i'm gonna drive as fast i can over this i'm going all-wheel drive i'm putting up put on the boosters and i'm gonna hit the gas all right let's go i've played the oregon trail i'll make it it's okay jerry got typhoid fever who cares he was dying anyways you can refuel here or near any vehicle that may okay so how much gas how much money do i have if i drive into these things they explode if i drive into them feel three gallons okay how much does that cost find out no but there's like a i don't want it do i what is how's the game save i don't want to use the winch your wind should be connected to a solid object it's like the winch point on your vehicle and which point to an object in your surroundings alright attach winch and then select the winch point oh wait was it attached to no i wanted to attach it i want to put the winch over here oh i see okay you can't do it what if i just drive away no i'm trying to rip the [ __ ] sign down all right well i can't do that honk how do you honk okay all right i tried to do it i'm just gonna drive open the function when i get more details about damaged parts what i just do what's my damage all right well [ __ ] whatever i'm fine let's go where's the tower i have the map right oh [ __ ] yeah let's just drive through the trees this is an off-road game you're not supposed to play by the rules it's an all-wheel drive just [ __ ] drive through the trees i've done this in gta a thousand times note that watch tower ahead such icons will help you detect objective zones nearby look at that that's simple i did it good job you discovered your first watchtower discovering watchtowers will reveal parts of the map repair the bridge you need a bigger vehicle to transport materials find a truck capable of transporting the materials needed okay so i gotta find a truck a big truck it's just ubisoft yes even the menu looks like it'll be soft this is way more elaborate than i thought it was gonna be by the way i thought those were guns on the left side discovering watchtowers will reveal part of the map the fog covers essential points of interest like objectives upgrades and vehicles by pressing right trigger you can place markers on your map to help you navigate you can delete the last marker with left trigger or clear your route by holding left trigger plan a route now we're gonna go to the truck right ace cam ah maybe if you're good maybe if you're good all right let's do a route there's a lumber mill what's over here side board trailer and there's a truck let's go get the truck i just drive straight line it's not even helping me okay well whatever i'm going that way is there a save game what if what if this hurts you're actually pretty good at this game well i mean it's the first level just wait till i get the mack truck vehicle damage what you may repair your vehicle in the garage or use special service add-ons and trailers find details about the one you found your first highway truck this truck is designed for roads so there are no off-road options included try not to fall into the swamp or drive into deep mud fall into the swamp how would i fall into the swamp if i'm just driving on the road okay you can find out more about the different type of trucks than this codex all right well let's get it um what's going on am i hitting this picnic table oh [ __ ] i'm like buried in here turn on all-wheel drive slowly try to get out of this mud that mud actually breaks apart physics underneath you that's crazy why can i not go through this i'm just digging myself a hole i can't reverse why can i not reverse can i get out of the car okay i'm gonna have to tow it okay winch let's attach the front to this truck here all right let's go nice yes all right i'm good take it off how would i still be stuck right here this is a stupid don't hit the explosive barrel i don't want to [ __ ] that up all right well come on just drive all right all right i got it i got it now what that was just the that was just the every commercial break return for pawn stars yeah i know what you're saying chumbly no no not on my i don't think any of you idiots know what you're doing in here plus uh pops we got this new thing i don't care about that [ __ ] get that out of my store [ __ ] idiot that was just mitch mcconnell all right how about a change truck ooh oh [ __ ] all right wait i can't can i save that truck somewhere i don't want to drive this thing and they just say that this thing doesn't do off-road what's my what is my actual goal old bridge reconstruction okay i need to deliver two wooden planks so we're gonna get this from the lumber mill it does off-road if you push it down and hit the gas hard enough while screaming to complete this contract you need to do two objectives they must be done in order what what are you talking about to be done in order one in the town is the storage facility where you'll be able to pick up the required cargo the marker near the broken bridge indicates the delivery location let's go check out the town storage what do you mean go to the [ __ ] town storage i don't want to go to the town storage i want to go to the lumber mill because that's where the wood is okay we're going to go here let's do it in order that's i don't like that this truck is able to transport two slots of cargo all right wait this is much closer than i thought it was can i just get it i don't why do i have to do it in order i shouldn't have to do it in order i'm not doing it in order it's right here do the first dude in order well i don't want to do it in order it's right here this lumber literally five millimeters away from me but the order what's the order of going all right how much gas do i have alright get this [ __ ] in all wheel drive wait there's no all-wheel drive it is safe okay it auto saves that's good all right metal beams and then two pieces of wood this guy loves yard work and big trucks i do it's all right i can run over some stuff in this like pub g neighborhood i'll be fine okay they put like hazards uh no i thought that was a hole oh wait look at this can i drive this car can i change truck oh come on i can't drive this i can't drive the suv everyone is dead no i think that i don't know cargo management there are a couple ways to load a selected cargo automatic loading provides a simple and fast way of loading without the use of a crane load it up not enough space all right well i have enough cool all right so now i'm going to bring this where am i bringing this i have to bring this to the bridge where's the bridge fuel station lumber mill wouldn't they here i have to bring it here it's on the map oh [ __ ] okay it's this one it's so far away holy [ __ ] that's so far away okay well whatever you may attach trailers found out in the wilds and use them to your liking trailer attachments done wait a minute you may be unable to attach a variety of trailers just for reasons between distance angle okay wait a minute so hold on should i get the trailer and they'll get go get the wood oh [ __ ] all right yeah that sounds like a good idea what's already in here all right i got a new trailer am i going to put this on i pull it okay i need to like get this i need to move this i'm just trying to move it but i actually wanted to dump it anyways all right so how do i i think i may have [ __ ] this up bad come on pull it up i need to get it up on its legs attached trailer no suitable trailer can i like flip this i have to flip it i have to flip it i have to go back on it i have to flip it got it all right go go go no no no no no no no no god dammit i'm gonna run a gas doing this i actually flipped it attach to here and let's go flip it oh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop i'm here i'm good i got it see we're fine everyone relax trailer attached i mean what the hell am i doing i'm going to get lumber this game is pretty cool i like this this is fun all right slow i got a big load here you know every time i ever saw somebody at an intersection like a big truck take these turns i always imagine like oh it's like it's a red light or they have like a left arrow and here they are taking the turn i always feel like the person in that car is just like pursing their lips going like [ __ ] [ __ ] like screaming every time and doesn't it always kind of feel like that they're about to hit you too like i just the truck just comes all the way across you're sitting there at the light and it just goes across your car you're like holy [ __ ] how can you do this how is it possible that you can even how i'm almost at 700 000 followers holy [ __ ] that's way more than i had like a month ago hey thanks for the follows really appreciate it thanks for joining the stream yeah you i'm talking to you thank you all right let's go wooden planks i need two out of two put them into the trailer load it up one two all right i'm good i have a this is really heavy now though this could be a disaster um all right hold on now look at this i got a road right here it's just a straightaway right here don't do anything stupid don't be like oh look at this and it's driving to the water i know you want to oh no it says go that way not driving in the [ __ ] water i didn't know no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on i'm not gonna [ __ ] this up we're gonna do this the right way see okay that's not the right it's not what i was doing but okay i'll get the i'll get the gist of it when i get here whatever okay there's the route let's do it when are you going to show us your disfigured face how about now all right i'll give you a face cam for this part that's it no i don't do face cam unless i have to am i well lit i can't i don't i can't even tell you hold on i get to get i gotta get some like blood flow to my like eyes and cheeks okay there this is why i can't do face cam because i'm just like what do i look like right now what do i look like right now i'll have to play a game what do i look like right now no i hate it i don't i just distracts me stop looking i gotta stop looking over here game just crashed no we're good okay if you and i were in a fight like i i pull out a knife and you pull out like a sword and we're like about to fight to the death put the weapon down put it down just hold a mirror up like over here just hold up a mirror and like you get you could have like a fist or a knife in the other hand whatever you want as long as there's a mirror here and we're like jumping around and dancing around i'm gonna be like ah like like fighting what's with me in the mirror that's what it looks like that's how that's my weakness you'll win every single time you just cover a room with mirrors i will forget that i was fighting you and i'll start like punching myself in the mirror natasha turley should approach it let me attach a trailer is there another one is there is it was there another trailer here no why would they show me that i'm not putting i'm not making a 2-2 train not right now all right this looks like this is getting narrow hold on i got to focus my game seems like crashing oh 30 90 30 90. it's getting to be nighttime oh you see that i was just taking a left i was just taking a left at the intersection that's what they do they're like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what do i do how do i get out of this this fits this goddamn mirror i don't want the mirror anymore it's the mirror recover vehicle to start zone what argo will be lost oh come on no you can't blame everything on drugs and mirrors oh let me attach the trailer turtle is too far away god damn it i have to do the whole thing again paint truck [ __ ] how whatever roof cover vehicle i how why did i detach the thing why use the winch i can't use the winch uh it broke what has the most damage this thing is fine i just need to flip it can i like flip it somehow no i'm just gonna reload truck recovery go on whatever okay great this is fantastic oh my god i have to do the whole thing again okay get the go get the attached trailer put the lumber in the trailer head this way go that way i'm gonna make no do it right do it right [ __ ] mirrors i swear to god all right i'm gonna go here i'm gonna get the trailer and then i'm gonna get the lumber we're then gonna go this way don't be a stupid idiot this guy high no i mean look now i get i know i understand how fragile the car is okay wait what hold on everything's over here wait hold on a second i can just skip this i don't have to go to the lumber mill all right don't go to the lumber mill i can go reclaim everything all right that's fine let's go don't [ __ ] around i need a gas station though i'll put the face cam on when i get to the i'll get i'll put the face game out when i get to the bridge okay wait what are you guys saying you don't have a crane what do you mean i have to wait i have to go get the lumber stuff because i don't have a crane oh for the love of god all right fine all right all right let's go get it it's right here i'm just kidding i'll get it it's right here can i sleep how do i pass time yeah i'm sleeping sleep all right sleep skip time skip time morning there we go now i can see all right let's get the lumber no no this is wrong because i need to get the all right i have to get a trailer there's two of those but i need to hold on a second i need the trailer because i need to bring i can't i got to bring the trailer up there wait there's a trailer up there yeah there is okay imagine what your boss thinks about this oh mega lo that doesn't matter matter to me i'm my own boss was the last time you smoked a crack pipe i've never smoked a crack pipe in my life ever so none not no never my own box no no drugs drug free no face cam no food i'm gonna be all right i will now give you exactly five minutes of face camp starting now i [ __ ] can't be trusted i really can't all right the trailer's right there go get the trailer where's this trailer this [ __ ] camera man like oh stop who's flying the drone around the car just stay here new trailer this thing's huge this thing is gigantic all right that just went into the windshield and i get the guy in the head attached trailer oh my god it's too big how how do i do this what is this even attached to this is the wrong truck it can't handle this oh i love it god are you serious oh [ __ ] so i need to go get a different trailer so i have to go recover this trailer down here i don't think i can this is oh no this is stupid just drive just just drive don't run over this person's pool why is they pulling out of concrete why is there a pool made out of a tree stump what why is there a concrete pool in your front yard all right can i i'm just gonna just drop this off of the bridge and come back la la waiting whatever remember most pools are made of concrete not an above-ground pool in your front yard above-ground pools are not made out of concrete dump the planks all right yeah all right i'm gonna dump the plane saying all right [ __ ] it we're doing two trips i don't care what is it supposed to be made of i don't know it's like a plastic like bendy flat polymer thing i don't know it's not concrete it's made out of like a hard weird like polyurethane plastic i don't know it's made out of something that's not metal it's like plastic an above-ground pool what is it made out of i'm gonna look it up right now what's an above-ground pool made out of above ground pools are made of steel aluminum and resin okay it's made out of resin here are the advantages in this it's resin that's made out of resin i don't know what resin is i just know what it is a thing that can be made out of stuff resin is concrete resin is not concrete resin is like the [ __ ] that comes out of [ __ ] plant sap resins the stuff that like a tree like has like the sap coming out of it that's what resin is that's wrong it's not wrong cargo management let's go i need metal beams i need to unload this [ __ ] how do i unload unpack cargo okay unpacked cargo how do i unpack the cargo unpack cargo i don't want to remove the cargo i want to unpack it that's exactly what i didn't want to do i'm gonna be all right everything's fine [ __ ] it whatever i don't even care let's go cargo management give me the medal let's go okay all right bye let's go go go go go don't drive into a wall freeze resin has trees in it right other way around you know what i mean say what i said backwards just free resin right five minutes are up by the way what it's this thing is pulling to the left i'm not doing that oh wait it's like a real car you have to actually change the wheel before you go anywhere no you just give it a rest that was that just drive please lala i refuse to do that with the camera on because i find it embarrassing i need to refuel though i'm driving this car like there's a bunch of bees in it can i please straighten out anytime there's a bug in the car like a wasp or a bee or something you kind of just have that freakout mode where you roll down every single window in the car and scream and just stay still you just hope that it's like he just goes out the window this is where this is where the catastrophe started can i do anything about this bob stop moving stop moving stop moving stop moving stop moving i'm gonna fall in there again nope not gonna happen oh hand brake okay all right all right all right all right it's flipped i flipped it uh i feel like this is probably too dangerous i'm gonna deliver this first i'm not [ __ ] wrong i'm not gonna do this now when unloading the cargo you may be presented with different unloading options as one cargo may be used to complete different objectives while the current unloading area is used only to complete your current job there may be others that are used in multiple contracts unload nice nice thank you i was about to step on the gas just drive off and just watch chat no it's too early for that you got to hit that yoinky splinky it's the new hot tick tock dance the yankees plunky this is way too dangerous this is yeah it's too dangerous um i'm just gonna go get it like i don't care i need to complete level one you know what i mean i love how he just ignores you all you gotta hit that yo key splunky i don't know what the hell you're talking about what is a yankee splunky you want key splunky or no food what a virgin what what are you talking about this dude doesn't know the yoinky splinky ah what a virgin i just keep reading the worst comments i'm not he's pretending right he actually knows what it is i don't really all right lumbermill let's go and look perfectly loaded lumber i need wooden plank wooden plank let's go done just know your meme page for the yonki spoinky i don't know i'm not all right i'm gonna move on because i don't know nor do i need to put that much more time into knowing what this is you know what i'm saying i'm just saying that it's been in my head for like a month i don't know why that just keeps jumping in i don't know i don't know how all right we're almost done with level one and then i'm going to unlock hopefully the ice level part of me just wants to take a left and just drive no that goes under the bridge why would i do that i was about to do it or just driven into the water that would have been a disaster okay very good learn none again that turn is [ __ ] it is that turn comes up on you hard and it just dumps you if you don't do it right i'm concerned about how you drive in real life i don't have a a class truck license and i'm using my left thumb to drive a car this is not how you drive a real car all right so now what i got promoted i just think i just see that guy's face i just i just think of the the pawn star as a guy no i let me judge that guy every time he just keeps popping my head with like a hat on all right when you get enough experience you can get a new driver rank every rank provides you with new options regarding vehicle and add-on purchasing cool objectives may also require you to reach a certain driver rank before they are locked press down to access your driver profile oh now i can leave the peninsula and reach the garage oh i got 2100 bucks nice every contract completed will provide you with money and experience points every watch tower discovery will reward you with experience xp allows you to unlock new driver ranks cool and find the garage it's now marked on the map my driver ranks i'm i'm never going to change that profile picture ever that was the please don't recognize me in team fortress 2 avatar you can learn a lot of useful information about your progress here cool yeah there's 89 missions in this game holy [ __ ] all right let's go to the garage he hates his fans no no when i used to play tf2 and make tf2 videos i wanted to make sure that i was at like the same exact level as everybody else so if my name was germa985 and i was like hey guys it's me sure but i hate five two two people on the other team would switch to spy there'd be three snipers they were just aiming for my head six people would just stand at the spawn holding a hand in the air and it wouldn't even be a game of team fortress anymore so when i when i was hiding i was just another player so it was just completely that nobody knew it was just that's a guy on the other team i didn't want to like [ __ ] up games you know i mean i didn't want to go in there and like there's a whole game going on and be like everybody it's me i'm here where's the line of people where i i'm i'm in the server now hello no my name was like dog [ __ ] burrito and i had like [ __ ] like weird avatars that didn't weren't connected to me at all he's a celebrity oh look at me he's a celebrity no that's what i'm saying look at this celebrity no i'm not a celebrity you're too important to play tf2 that's not that's not what i'm saying oh [ __ ] i'm stuck i should have paid attention i get out i'm not going this way i'm buried in this mud i can't go anywhere [ __ ] um what do i do well how was i supposed to know there was this weird terrain over here low gear all right we're just going in come on just dig through it just dig remember is it true that you sharted when you jumped through the window yes i'm just gonna give you that one you probably just like started laughing before we were like where'd he even respond to that all right now i'm gonna attach a winch to something over here yep go oh me pull me through the mud come on all right now when should not win something else handbrake right there let's go this was a huge mistake coming down here come on come on all right wait wait wait wait wait wait stop i don't want to screw this up i probably shouldn't even drive down this wait can i go that way all right i'm going to go across this way i don't want to drive through the mud this car can't go through the mud duh but i can't go through this either what the [ __ ] what what do you mean this is so wet over here i'm not gonna can i not go here it's still mud oh well i think i'll be alright i can just pull myself there's water here though oh god don't drive through that stop stop stop stop stop what is that that's deep mud over there i think i just screwed myself completely i think that's such a good i do have to just go for it i have to turn around oh my god give me a break really can i just get out of the car and sprint drive through or no balls full send full send you yeah all right let's laugh about the fact that i have to start over again it's right here how deep is this this water's not deep at all hold on wait wait wait wait i'm all right i'm looking i'm gonna be all right check this out i'm gonna get up here what in god's name are you doing i'm trying to get close enough where i can just drive into this and activate the [ __ ] watchtower swamp joke it's not a swamp joke stop pretending there's nothing to i was like there's nothing to pretend okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait what's going okay now that's exactly what i wanted to do and everybody thought i was [ __ ] stupid everybody thought i was an idiot i'll show you in just a moment you'll know very quickly here thank you thank you oh what's that uh thank you thank you hey yep hold on hey gap dude let's go just get me out of the water i just have to touch this and i'll be fine i'm not even in the water anymore this is so stupid there we go got it i want you to i want every single person that said i want you to go through the logs and find everyone that said he's gonna get stuck in the water [ __ ] idiot he sucks he's so stupid he sucks at everything and i want those people to be timed out for exactly one second i'm a physics major just to get far enough over here this sucks germa stop i'm fine it sucks it's i'm do i just have to touch this and i'm going to reset i'm almost out of gas all right come on oh my god i can't move without just winching myself this is bad it's actually pretty bad can i get close enough to be able to attach to that i'm almost there look at how close i am see the i can attach the winch up here come on dude let's go yes yes let's go i just made so much more work for myself that was just stupid oh me just pull me in pull me in pull me in pull me and pull me in yes touchdown watchtower updated yes can i actually get out of here though i might be able to no nope goodbye yeah i'm just gonna recover the car look at that look at that [ __ ] change the truck thank you let's go wait can i attach to this wait holy [ __ ] okay uh i'm gonna change let's change to the truck yeah i'll just bring it with me now let me can i attach it okay how about uh attached trailer no suit okay uh all right ash winch to you here and we're gonna pull it um what's going on why can't i drive load the truck onto the other truck i don't think i can do that oh i still have handbrake on now i need a good route here oh [ __ ] i gotta go all the way down here oh god damn it okay let's get to here first i'm i'm thinking it's abandoning this and just getting in the goddamn truck don't you have a face cam call because if i ever get in trouble then i can just switch to the other truck and just [ __ ] off it's simple yellow shirt yeah i never usually wear yellow you're right i'm a blue gray dark purple black my shirts are usually kind of in that song sometimes red sometimes blue yeah a lot of blue i love blue i i i'm i'm running out of gas don't you don't touch your hair i haven't when's it where's another fuel station oh [ __ ] there's a watchtower here okay um there's not another gas station anywhere did i fuel up or just say [ __ ] just go i feel like i probably should get gas but i'm not going to whatever good eye it is just right here i'm going to get it it'll be dumped and i'll get it you're going to be stranded if you don't get gas why don't you go to the garage and that's that was the plan before and then i went into the uh swamp accidentally it was water here since when oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] like water is just going into that the car stops that's that's what's up get out and change change okay no okay [ __ ] i don't want to do that all right let's take care of this first then i'm going to drive across car alright what's the damage i think i'm okay 100 182 that's all right i'll be fine yeah i'm i'm i'm good i'll be good now i'm going to refill this one just drop whatever i don't care ram gas pump no i did that already it doesn't do anything i'm not doing it again just go faster the how far this car is going like 25 miles per hour go go go go go go go go all right we're good let's get it on the road here so i don't worry about it remember some guy's sister hates you i oh wow okay camera in the other top left actually you're right put it up here actually i'll flip it i feel so weird doesn't it can i get am i able to get out of this okay only out of the mud i'm uh well i'm gonna drive around this this was stupid i'm gonna drive around this because why would i do this this is the dumbest thing ever i just broke the [ __ ] tree all right how do i get out of here without causing a problem oh all right thank god now how do i get up watch out for them i'm i'm gonna be i'm gonna abandon the truck i'm gonna abandon the trucker thing i'm abandoning the [ __ ] drug i don't care i don't want it i don't want this truck anymore i don't like it wait go go oh god no it's gonna get trapped in the [ __ ] lawnmower planes and i'm gonna get stuck here oh thank god finally okay fuel up and then i'm gonna drive around the creek i'm not doing that again but what's a better route to get over here okay we've got the creek here i could go down no there's another creek [ __ ] i'm just going i'm just going let's go i'm going [ __ ] it i'm so impatient i can't i'm gonna ice get over here hand brake hand brake please okay attach let's go come on this is the mouse taking the splinter out of the lion's paw yes all right we're good this is going all right i don't know if i should do this it's like getting too close it's too heavy it's too heavy okay stop stop stop slowly stop the cars slowly stop the cars slowly stop the cars okay stop handbrake i get to go okay switch cars immediately all right this is karazhan level what do you mean karazhan don't say those words am i ever going to wear a wig probably not it means comfy oh they're comparing it to the worst stream i've ever done i don't i disagree i'm having a good time during the karazhan stream i was just like [ __ ] hate streaming i hate broadcasting like that was honestly like i just want to turn off my screen and never come back i i was like i'm actually having a good time sunflowers yeah i i'll show you the sunflowers next three this is far from the worst yeah they're just trying to get just trying to push buttons they're just trying to like push your buttons i get it okay i gotta be careful because i'm not going right i'm gonna go down this road here and this is an intersection here let's let's figure it out i'm gonna go this way we hate you for real oh whatever what does that sign say that sign um i don't even know what that is that's a that's like a truck all right i thought it was a mountain okay it's a don't watch out it's bumpy i get it bumpy road it's a beached whale okay this is not that bad it's pretty good okay well that's a problem i go around it flores i just did like i'm supposed to do raw why did that all get knocked down wait can i honk on it will it break this no uh i'm gonna get i i'm getting in the other truck i'm not gonna screw around here i'm not gonna mess around here i have to get around this i go through it i can just go through here excuse me um excuse me i can't go through it it's there's a wall there should i be doing this is this the correct thing to do i can't even see in front of me there's no way i'm gonna be able to get the mac truck over here all right well that's what that truck is i can come back later maybe i don't know that's enough of the face cam face cam has been allotted the drunker i get the more that i enjoy this oh you're drinking and just hanging out all right we need to go down here that's probably that's like a that's gonna be like a the lord of the rings part where they're on the side of the mountain like the rocks are fighting each other or whatever don't even tell me don't get stuck here are you kidding me how oh how did that even happen all right let's go you have all-wheel drive off oh [ __ ] that's right thanks is low gear better i think it is because it doesn't move the tires look i'm going to say something really stupid probably and those of you that know think anything about cars and off-roading is low gear better because the tires that grip the ground and the tires spin slower is it like oh the tire spins slower and it grips the ground harder that's correct right there's more torque right it spins slower yeah okay so i had it right there's less displacement to the ground yeah yeah all right this is where it gets dangerous i'm kind of afraid of this part but let's just go whatever screw it i got plenty of gas i'm gonna make it i hope it's very rocky over here this is bumpy this is getting bumpy do this in real life i would have died an hour ago stream would just be live of wherever i ended up don't know the camera would just be pointing to the sky so whatever like ravine i fell in um nope no thank you leave it to the professionals all right we're almost there this is i i don't i got to be careful here because this is really really muddy i'm going to try to drive away from that because i don't want to get stuck in that we avoid it don't tip don't tip you're good all right i gotta assess the situation here i kind of need to uh go around the left side uh oh how you supposed to do this don't fall in the water oh my goodness don't fall in the water i can't move the car all right just all-wheel drive floor pull we're good when does the stream start uh starting soon dude nice i made it up i did it we're almost there i'm almost in the garage i've almost completed chapter one for the road you avoided in the beginning led to the garage yeah we gotta do it the hard way there it is nice finally i made it you've discovered your first garage what you have done so far is the meat of the game explore and discover watchtowers complete contracts earn rewards and find garages to improve or buy new vehicles vehicles garage discovered customize the garage is used to store upgrade customized buy and sell vehicles but also for traveling to other regions okay holy [ __ ] all right the engine you can upgrade the engine explore michigan to find this i don't have any of these things suspension what the hell i want that and i want huge tires oh wait a minute off okay on-road average off-road good mud average mud good right i think i want mud put on truck nuts or excellent on-road but this is okay i have terrible in mud right now i definitely want to get who cares about on-road it's a regular road you're gonna be fine let's go with uh let's go with mud let's go with the 31 inch as2s i i think so snorkel this is what i mean a snorkel oh mushroom-shaped snorkel that protects your engine from taking in water wait i actually put my mouth on that and breathe does that what do you mean a snorkel i gotta get that right yeah i want the snorkel because then i can go into water oh i definitely have to get the park ranger beacon right yeah i want the jurassic park vehicle i can change the color i make it the german 985 mobile the jurassic park vehicle is that color isn't it bobble heads oh i can't believe there's an auto stickers right should i do what like those people do and i have like [ __ ] clinton gore like 1998 like still on their car bush cheney off-road how about his mud i like that one exterior stickers oh god hot warning harsh driver i kind of like the bullwinkle one i like mud monster swamp surfer off-road club king of the hill mastodon it's crazy like all these could be the label of every craft beer i've ever had oh the crazy elephant i like this one this reminds me of like every 90s [ __ ] beverage that was available that was off-brand that wasn't like pepsi or coke brand windshield stickers don't these get in the way where's um live laugh love where is it i hope it's here must eat mud i just put that [ __ ] on an off-road car i i like must-eat mud that's a good one truck store oh man are you serious what is that wait wait you i can actually buy these you can drive around a crane why damn it i want this so bad that sucks that i can't have it this truck is not available in north america what i can't buy this because i live in america not available in north america am i getting like country gated why oh in game oh i was gonna say that's insane sorry sorry these are these are only available in uh in like russia these are only available in like eu only available in europe some interesting trucks or resources can only be found in other locations let's do some traveling prepare your truck for transportation by using the retain function with x retain vehicle is now placed in the truck storage you're ready to travel go to the global map with why oh [ __ ] okay you're currently in michigan let's go to alaska let's go to alaska awesome it's no time let's go the garage waiting for you here this is your primary base of operations for the time being let's get inside select the garage and the objects tab and enter it this is what i was looking forward to we finally get to play the title dlc look at these they're so much cooler that's uh i want this but i don't have enough money why is it twenty thousand dollars to buy this oh i can sell it i can sell this and buy this what's the dlc how much does it cost holy [ __ ] i actually do own it why do i own the dlc did i buy the like exclusive edition how do i own this are you kidding me that's awesome i'm so happy just sell it all and just put like a bunch of truck nuts on the car i think i bought i must have gotten the digital deluxe version of the game oh hell yeah i want to see how this works all right what am i going to sell one so i can upgrade no i see what it looks like over to alaska now you know the basics of the game is up to you to scout accept contracts and upgrade to buy new vehicles and conquer the wilderness completing contracts in alaska might be tougher because the weather conditions you want to be more prepared you're free to come back to michigan and explore alaska later let's yeah i was going to go up down we're going to i want to do the watchtower i'm going to go down the road oil delivery deliver to the service site i need oil barrels i need to deliver oil barrels to a bunch of places where do i get the oil barrels oh it's locked why oh [ __ ] i have to go in the straight line here we've got an urgent contract for you local fuel company is building a pipeline and just hired us as a subcontractor deliver everything they need fast i need service spare parts times two so service spare parts are here at the service hub and then we have to go to the pipeline thing all right let's go buy and sell trailers all right wait i need something how i can't i'm gonna put oil barrels on here can i oh all-wheel drive is always on on this thing i i need a trailer what about the seats just put them in the back seat that's very slippery this is very slippery remember this is important press one for auto oh he's not even in here oh this first person cool load i can't load it your tasks are small additional objectives that will often make your life easier the opportunity to earn money the discovery when exploring the world all right what is this task name's pete i work for a transport company called alaskan transit we've had an unfortunate accident that's resulted in containers of tools stuck in the river can you locate them and get them to the base yeah sure yeah i need i i need a bigger car i'm gonna take the big thing i have an important question do you freeze your bread no i don't i mean if you buy more than one loaf at a time i guess maybe you could do that right i don't freeze my bread i freeze my bread yeah it lasts longer but if you're gonna eat it if you know you're gonna eat a loaf of bread in a week or two why would you freeze it it's for the crunch so it's crisp why are you eating crispy bread are you talking about like toasting it why does it need to be crunchy when you toast it wouldn't it the moisture kind of be weird i don't know i feel like it would start dripping water it evaporates it doesn't i just did it it's a little dry though yeah no i'm not freezing my bread no thanks i'm taking the big thing i'm gonna put some new tires on it i'm gonna sell some [ __ ] too why not all right truck storage which one of these do i not give a [ __ ] about this one's awesome this one's really cool this one's ugly oh wait hold on highway mud tires all terrain all right this is the this is the one that i can is gonna be good for the snow this is worth forty thousand dollars i'm selling it now i've got forty thousand dollars all right let's go deploy this what does it have right now this is on-road off-road mud is average which would be snow too wouldn't it on road poor oh yeah yeah yeah keep this who cares about on-road get a snorkel on here roof rack a roof mounted trunk carrying supplies fuel and some basic repair tools oh yeah let's go sideboard bed i saddle yeah and give me the bed i get auto in there it's good to me i have a couple things going on here let's do the uh okay i want to do the pi the pipe thing let's go to the service hub let's just do let's get this out of the way and then where's this other thing that has the parts on the river or something containers in the river yeah this one oh [ __ ] it's right here perfect all right all right now let's really actually move let's go you're being unsafe well i'm just trying to i don't have headlights how do i turn the headlights on alright i don't know how to turn the headlights on h lb plus b oh god i can see i haven't been able to see this whole time in the dark i was like it sucks being out at night you can't do anything here's the parts we have spare parts loaded up deliver those parts you're playing with a controller omega lol yeah why wait you why would you want to play this game without a controller wasd in the mouse does not translate well to car movement it just doesn't it's not a natural turning of the wheel motion like being able to actually have a stick move left right up a d dot no and the trigger is almost like a gas pedal it's like step on the gas not pressing w with like your index finger it has like a little bit of resistance it's like pulling stepping on the gas oh there's a watchtower right here did you get the watchtower first are you gonna get the steam upper decker i don't are you talking about the steam uh game pad like switch thing and i don't know why you're calling it upper decker like you taking a [ __ ] in somebody's tank in their bathroom why up why are you calling it an upper decker that's freaking me out are you calling it that hey dude you're gonna take an upper decker of the steam box um i know why did you say upper decker i need to know what you mean it's called the steam deck yeah but a steam upper i just imagine a guy playing that thing on the toilet like that's why you called it that because he's like taking a [ __ ] playing the steam deck it's being correlated that way up for decker but to answer the question i well i don't know i might get the steam upper decker it depends i it really depends on that thing if it has a game gear battery or not like if that thing doesn't last from a vegas to la plane ride i don't want it i heard it last about four to nine hours on depending on load this is a comfy game i did want my first stream back from the dollhouse to to be like a comfy stream i mean it's gonna hang out man this is stressing me out i mean it's kind of it's it's not a high stress [ __ ] how am i gonna get that i am i gonna activate this whatever i'm going for i don't care does it think i could get close enough careful i'm gonna be careful all right unlock it come on cargo container i can't get this right now [ __ ] i need to do this this was worth a lot of money all right i know what i'm doing i'm dumping the cargo here and i'm gonna pick this up because i need these two i need to get these two things just go to the pipeline no no no no what do you why why i need a crane oh [ __ ] okay can i this is gonna break if i drive across this thing i feel like this is a rickety ass bridge how much do i weigh like 40 000 pounds this doesn't look sturdy at all i think this is a good idea okay i'm on it all right turns out it was safe now i got to get out to the road here can i just drive straight all right straight and then we're going to go up here where the the pipe things are it was a 27 point turn yeah well when you're in when you're in like an original burger king chicken sandwich length car you have to be [ __ ] careful oh i want one of those now so bad there was our tree i can't see anything why did i go this way what the [ __ ] am i doing i why would i drive through the woods what the hell am i thinking it's so go to bed just wake up in like an hour come on back up back up back up wow what a comfy stream i'm working on it oh come on it's so close all right pull me this way there we go all right stop this is a great view actually keep this view [ __ ] no i can't see this is the tree over here no it is a tree i it doesn't even load in my game [ __ ] no there's a tree on every side this is the worst possible thing i could have done that's the worst possible thing i could have done oh my god i think i have to pull myself backwards there's a spot right here ah turn turn turn turn turn turn straighten it out there's the opportunity right here yeah stop i can't see anything okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where's the road not even halfway i turned around how did i turn around i'm facing this way now how what i don't understand what are you talking about i didn't turn around i've been going the same direction the whole time you put these mirrors down hold on settle down relax not a big deal no i'm going the right way why is it looking like that um all right attach i have to pull myself this way oh i feel like i was playing madden and i wanted i wanted to select the dagger guy all the way to the right so i could run and try to [ __ ] kill the quarterback like that's what i did every time every play there it okay there's an opening all right i'm going to get through here there we go just just go right through the needle right here where is it where's the next tree it's right in front of that isn't no it a bump there's a bump but give me the first person oh [ __ ] okay hold on all right okay straight ahead where's the road this is the dumbest thing i've ever done i don't know why i did this i could have reset 20 minutes ago all right we're gonna turn this way and pull it no wrong way good good okay now i got a shot this way is this ever gonna end i'm trying to go this way oh my [ __ ] god i give up i think it's time to give up it's time to give up i'm facing i i've given up i don't think i can do this i need to keep a marker here delete all markers and put one right here my god i've made it harder i was here and i could have just gone this way and now i have to go through this what happened i'm so confused how i did this what did i think was gonna happen i'm so distraught i don't understand okay settle down i'm gonna get through this [ __ ] you and me we're gonna we're gonna get through this together oh he doesn't even know dude first in 10 40 yard line okay got him hot sprint tackle tackle i don't care from offsides okay i i gotta if i just go straight from here don't be an idiot here we go oh by the way every time i played madden i just selected the safety every time and we're just running around with them by the way i think some of you may have like not been here when i talked about my brother and i used to play and i would lose like a hundred plus points to zero i would just throw hail mary's and miss every time oh my god what am i doing all right i'm gonna go to the right it looks like an opportunity to go to the right side here no it doesn't i'm [ __ ] i'm i'm just restart the game i've i have to restart it there's no coming away from this i'm never gonna get out of here twitter all right fine i'll get i'll do it we're gonna i'm gonna lose like two three thousand viewers i'm gonna lose like ten thousand of you but i'm gonna go for it as long as i can turn the wheel there we go all right we're gonna pull this way we're gonna grab one of these trees over here on the right this one here probably do it no easy was it even attached was it doing what is it even attached to um what the hell hold it oh my god let it go come here this one back here oh hold me no no don't okay i'm fine i'm so screwed here i don't think this is going to happen the venga bus is coming somebody said the poor video game in game character has not eaten and you just have him stuck here i i okay i obviously can't go that way i'm going to try something different oh that's the definition of insanity he's trying the same thing without the same results happening they keep going you keep doing the same thing with the same results happening all right i figured it out i got it i wasn't in reverse the whole time now this will make sense just wait i'll get out of this don't worry everyone can relax look i know you guys are making like dinner or something anyways hold your residence sleepers till i get out of this well actually no go ahead go sleep i'll wake you up i promise it's just smashing the horn stop hitting the horn dude i don't know if i can get out of here i don't think i can get out of here [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm so sorry you know what it's probably just gonna be easier if i just drive this way you know what i mean like watch this it's going to be i'm just going to turn the whole [ __ ] car around i'm angry at this point watch this ah got it all right all right all right all right all right all right stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop don't do anything stupid here we go drive oh my god drive the car boys and girls we got it i'm ready everything's good to go there it is there's our exit right there you're still [ __ ] and no we're not look at that straight shot right there you see it come on nice and easy just thread thread thread thread red all right left or right i'm going to say stay right right here [ __ ] there's a tree right there sorry it's so close i do the same thing yeah this time i'm getting out of it because look wait i did i did the same oh no i didn't i did the same thing i went to the same place no i didn't i went to the same spot i went to the same spot i did go to the exact same spot oh my god what are you you're right you guys right okay holy [ __ ] you're right oh my god you gotta be kidding me okay i'm done all right i'm done we're gonna go this way i don't know how i did that what an idiot what a [ __ ] total just absolute [ __ ] okay we're gonna try this again go this way okay that's this is a different path there we go i got it right it's right there i see the road all right don't panic don't freak out i think this way's the correct way can i fit through that i think i can fit through this can i fit through here i think i can fit right here like right here oh [ __ ] yeah i'm almost there okay slow down what's in front of me yeah i did it thank god i could finally move on ah feels so good to get out of that all right let's deliver this hey larry you were uh you were like an hour late with the deployment what happened that's the traffic oh yeah traffic i'm in alaska there's no cars you wasted 40 gallons of fuel dude i want one of those long chickens from burger king so bad right now how many viewers did we lose you got a thousand they were the smart ones why do you own a red sex t-shirt um because somebody people made i look it was a reddit thing i don't know i have no idea oh did somebody link me a thing was like oh look you're like a serial killer and i'm like oh okay and i laughed for a second i was like jeremy the serial killer with the ai technology i woke up the next day is on the front page of every reddit and people thought it was a real thing and everyone just associates me with a [ __ ] like my murderer like i said that's like 50 000 uploads only the front page i was like all right i just closed i just closed my phone i was like okay well i guess we're doing that now hi the sawmill near the port is running out of wood so we'll pay to have some delivered log loader crane is recommended i don't have one of those though so again explain to me how i get a crane because i don't understand i get it here trailer store or something the other car has a crane oh okay i hope the murderer joke at least brought attention to the dollhouse stream now i don't care it's funny is this the sus guy uh join me on on the next stream the imposter is sus guy plays werewolf the imposterous guy plays mafia i don't even play among us okay let's see which which one of these cars has a crane how can i tell if it has a uh a crane i mean that looks like a crane on top of this if i was a crane i'd be that thing the blue thing on top let's go pick up those things so now how do i use the crane i'm sure we'll find out all right uh this car is way too big to go in the woods so don't worry i'm not gonna do that that's a scary horn that's the kind of horn that makes you just jump at the red light that's the kind of horn that gives you a stomachache it's just so stuck [ __ ] it's okay face cam good sir you've earned five minutes of face kim i would have to like blink my eyes a bunch what a great time to turn it on when i'm like okay i just like realized i haven't blanked in like an hour and my like eyes are watering yeah my eyes are like full of water right now anybody else have really watery liquidy eyes my eyes seem to be so watery all the time if i go outside and it's windy out at all tears will just be streaming down my face down my cheeks pinching your nipples helps with uh i'm gonna finish the sentence you're a lizard you just like lick them i i am like a lizard mouth i'm always like kind of moistening my lips i'm always going like this i always bite my lip and i was like like this if i could lick my eyes with my tongue i probably would do it it'd be like it happened all the time cap stick charlie yeah you're a [ __ ] freak hey i still don't have any gray hairs not that that like means anything for what you just said i don't know why i was like flexing on you for some reason like oh yeah well you ever think of a freak i don't have any gray i don't know it didn't really correlate together but whatever i turn 36 really soon and i don't have any gray hairs you dye your hair i don't die my hair i'm afraid of dying my hair i feel like it's going to fall out it already is falling out yeah i know it is it is i can't stop that it's called age all the garlic and radishes don't eat too much garlic don't eat too many radishes only eat them when you feel like you want a snack don't do the youtuber quirky hair color thing i i'm not gonna do the youtuber quirky hair color thing don't worry i'm not gonna do it like the hair colored youtuber thing garlic snack yeah well not maybe maybe not nowadays but like george washington used to like rub garlic on his feet to like cure his [ __ ] cold you know you know garlic has something called allicin in it it's actually really good for you when you crush garlic and it stinks you're actually smelling the chemical reaction to create allicin look it up that's fine it's all right i'll be the smartest one in the room today maybe not every day but maybe today i will be now a-l-i-c-i-n not like a-l-i-s-o-n that's sweet of science it's not it's like documented [ __ ] proof you went to the wrong place no i didn't yeah i did do i need a crane to pick up the logs log loader crane is recommended all right well let's go i'm going to get them i guess let's pick them up what all right anchor okay how do i pick it up attach cargo i attach it pick it up attach cargo it's the wrong crane i need a logging crane for the logs fine i'm just gonna go to the i'm gonna we were talking so i didn't pay attention how do you drive with passengers in the car without getting lost that's what gps is for garlic's really good for you though i would say you should add some more well well it's all his thing garlic garlic is very very harsh for some people it you know if you have acid reflux problems if you're trying to do like kind of like a low fodmap diet uh if you have irritable bowel kind of problems it you don't really want to eat too too much of it but if you can handle it it's really really good for you it's for vampires they have a garlic burger at burger king i don't think i want that i want i like fresh garlic garlic that's fresh smashed and immediately used either put in the pan or like garlic bread or something i don't know give me the real stuff i want the real stuff i don't want the fake [ __ ] not saying that it's fake whatever they use the burger king or whatever but it's not the real [ __ ] it doesn't they don't smash it in the [ __ ] restaurant why don't you grow fresh garlic um i don't know never really thought to i'm not saying it's fake i'm just saying it's not real no i just it's it's not it's real it's not fresh it's fresh squeezed fresh pressed at the restaurant like somebody just smashes it with a knife and like smashes it with a knife you know you turn the knife sideways and you smash spread spread spread spread smash spread spread spread spread sing sing smash bread spread spread you know what i'm talking about that's what i do this is the second time i've heard you rant about garlic because i find it to be an incredibly important addition to your diet your armpits smell like garlic yeah they do all if you okay here's the thing garlic like permeates every inch of your body it like crosses your like brain barrier and it like goes through all your pores right from what i've read i don't know how true it is so that's if you eat garlic you smell like garlic especially if you eat a lot of it don't eat too much of it don't eat too much you should be eating too much but anyways just got garlic brain all right that's what i've heard garlic just permeates like every single like cell in your body you become more garlic than person when you eat it it's garlic science it's suede of science i don't know let me just pick up my boxes that's crane all right lift it up why is my eye moving why am i moving anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor in the ground anchor let it go what's happening with the handbrake on oh [ __ ] you're right okay i can only put one of these at a time can i stack them oh my god i don't even know where this is going just [ __ ] sleep actually that's better i can get it right in the middle all right that's in that's in let's get the other one oh how can i lift this let's see how high i can get this first that can go pretty high actually this might work it's kind of hard to tell which direction okay no there we go that's better it's actually on don't garlic brain the [ __ ] face cam's staying on fine as for garlic brain [ __ ] how's that for garlic brain [ __ ] if i pulled this off this is a huge deal for me get off get off no more i didn't think it was gonna happen immediately no i was so ready god damn it i was like if i was slow if i was actually slow enough i was not centered god damn it i'm so pissed i can't believe it it's because i turned the face cam off yeah cause i was like so i don't want anybody to look at me don't look at my face nobody look at me nobody look at me nobody look at me who is that that's a character from like a christmas troll what is that a sleeping in my class in broad daylight that's some heart of darkness heart of darkness uh video that i made it was a it might as well be yeah that's what it is i'm so mad that i have to do this i'm so pissed i really thought i was gonna be able to do it and i and he got like a mario's ass went into the fire sound effect too great okay well um i i guess we're gonna recover oh yeah yay just leave alaska no i have to do that i'm gonna get these because like i'm not gonna let it just [ __ ] beat me i'm sorry sleeping in my class in broad daylight daylight daylight daylight there it is enable ayah yeah is it like 2017 again it's 2016. what are you talking about oh this is actually really important have i have i ever done the record scratch aaron thing i've been working on it for a while so i've done it right i have yep good all right just make sure if you're gonna play no more heroes three ayah is crucial it's not yes i didn't i feel like i did you haven't i haven't someone that goes yeah yeah right right every ever i've never done that well now i have so now you can remember it you've done that before i'm sure i have yeah what do you guys stop what are you talking about remember you don't have to spend a hundred thousand dollars to entertain us well about that got the price wrong it was a dad laugh i said this in the priest or even i'll say it again it's uh it's not about how much money a stream costs it's is it fun to do is it worth trying i don't care if i spend a hundred dollars for a stream or a hundred million dollars as long as it's if an idea that i think is fun that i want to do and i'm stuck it doesn't matter if look if i can do it i'll try right i don't care i actually am stuck though just realizing okay i'm gonna have to uh winch this was a horrible way to go i um dollhouse stream is going to be living in my head rent free for years well um that makes me happy well not that it's like i don't know living in your head rent free is like a not like a there's no don't you not want that i don't if you thought it was fun then that makes me happy that's all i care about i really mean that i'd like to get out of the mud though i'm so close all right pull myself up with this what the hell are you doing come on i'm going the right way right okay why this is such a dumb way i was driving whatever just go don't be modest you knew it was going to be a great stream that's if you watched the behind the street scene show yesterday that's not necessarily guaranteed it could have been very bad it could have been a disaster we could have had extension problems we could have had because we were doing it for three days is it gonna still be even interesting after the first day there was a lot of uh potential for it to not really be that fun yeah it could have been awful so did i think it was going to be worth doing absolutely and everybody involved was so into it that's that's how you know that the project's probably a good idea when every single person that's working on it is like this is really fun like we were having we were actually all having a lot of fun during that week and the weeks before too so if as long as what some of you guys got out of that stream was you thought it was interesting you thought it was fun you had a good time participating and everybody on the crew and the set had a good time too that's that's a win for me and i really hope to do way more stuff like that in the future too that that but there's no i want to make this really clear kind of how this started this part of the conversation i don't ever want people to think holy [ __ ] the dollhouse oh man he's gonna have to do something even bigger than that next time that's kind of not the goal there will be huge projects like that maybe like hopefully i try to do go to once or twice a year but there's other stuff that it does not have to be that scale that i really want to do that i think would be fun to do like i've said before i might just call jake like tomorrow and be like hey uh i kinda wanna what's going on in a couple weeks you wanna do something i have this idea it doesn't have to be an elaborate huge production right and we we had significant backing from twitch and from coinbase and i would like for those i mean if it's possible right and then you can't you know i hope that continues but if i can get the capital and get the funding and the money to be able to do stuff like that you're gonna see stuff like that way more than you way more often if i can are you doing better medically oh sure let's uh because now i can kind of just relax and we can talk about this very briefly and i'm gonna fall over again into the [ __ ] water uh the medical thing that i was talking about like a week before the stream was actually really really annoying uh something i have to deal with now it was for a very stressful week leading up to the dollhouse stream not just because the dollhouse stream was happening but um i started to get dizzy and feel like pressure in my head and it was like don't even [ __ ] tell me this is something else is going to start here uh so i had to go in and get like an mri of my head this is literally four or five days before the show and thankfully there was nothing really majorly wrong but i have um cysts in my sinuses and i guess that can potentially cause the problems that i was having so i have to get those removed so i have to go to like an ent and actually get some type of surgery i think to remove them and they were not there before because those of you that have been keeping up with the channel for a long time at least the last year or two i had a brain and head mri because of the unrelated other problem right like a year ago and that they that this was not there a year ago so this is new so i have to just kind of go in and i was essentially told yeah you have to go to an ent and they're gonna have to get a better look and i'm just probably gonna have to get them removed apparently it's very very simple it's a thankfully very easy thing to do and i'm not liking any pain or anything like this don't get me wrong i'm fine completely it was just i think it's like putting weird pressure in my sinuses yeah but i want to kind of give you guys sort of what was going on there because it was kind of i was kind of weird i'm just like oh yeah i i can't stream for like a week sorry i got like an unrelated other issue going on and people were kind of like what the [ __ ] what what are you talking about what what now so let me clear the air on that that like i'm fine uh but i do have they're called like maxillary they have an insane like five syllable name it's like something about maximum literally sinus well let me let me see what it is maxum what's it called maximus somebody knows what it is mucus retention cysts in your maxima mat yeah there you go matt max of the maxillary maxillary sinus retention cyst there you are is it's a mouthful yeah bro no offense but your your body is making me angry yeah me too i'll be honest but yeah i'm good don't worry i'm gonna be probably going in next week to see an ent we're just gonna just get rid of them and then those problems will probably go away it's definitely not the garlic he's still gonna have the hernia surgery probably yeah just to see if it fixes anything or helps anything i forgot how to play the game how do i play the game what's alright wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is gonna be bad if i don't did i this is not gonna happen again is it i think it is i'm oh no this is going to happen again wait what happened what happened how does it hurt hernia andy andy why did i say that like that what's wrong with my voice hernia andy that scared the [ __ ] out of me and i pressed it all right pull me out please what the [ __ ] i'm about to just say who cares about this mission because now i can't do anything i have to attach the this didn't spin me around oh my god i'm going over oh no no no no no no no no oh you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me i didn't i'm not coming back here again i'm not coming back here get the [ __ ] out of here come on stay up no stay up stay up stay up it's like a giant kickstand stay up come on am i up i am all right don't go into the [ __ ] water please okay well that was annoying top gamer moment of 2021 no i think getting out of the forest is deserves that slot so i i got a question about no more heroes three i've been really anticipating that game for a few years now is it good be honest with me i need to know i need to know if it's good is it good i don't i'm not reading reviews on it i don't want to know anything about it besides is it good is it good it's [ __ ] amazing i've heard it was good okay it's great perhaps no mega low ups and downs but it's good because i heard it was long oh my god put it down [ __ ] come on can i just tilt it in there so it slides in oh yeah yeah all right well handbrake come on you should play travis strikes again the only reason why i didn't want to play travis strikes again is because i heard that game was even longer it's like a top-down game right isn't travis strikes again like 30 hours i don't i don't know if i want to do that come on ah yeah this will work that was awful i can't do that three and a half hours in the stream after talking that was really bad oh yeah you can move that was a new it was horrible all right do we go for the other one come on let's do it uh yeah yeah you're right you're right now stop stop you're right turn it off i'm leaving hack pack the bloody cargo pack the bloody cargo pack the bloody cargo oh [ __ ] i can do that all right i packed the bloody cargo there's no way i would have been able to do two not a chance this mission sucks how much money do i even get like three grand it seems like not enough for how annoying this is if you listen to donda i i oh break hand brake hand brake hand brake hand brake oh god all right we're good uh i have not i can't you know i was supposed to upgrade my cars before i did this that's absolutely sure it's too heavy it's just too heavy let's do everything now i'm in a lot of trouble now what do i do i'm just gonna have to pull myself the whole way wait he actually is the sus guy thank you that's right okay i love that person had to search for that they looked it up they were like wait a minute no way did i did i just get that person star struck are you can you believe it that's right it's me do the face i it's not even my face how do i attach the cardinal unpack cardboard okay how do i get rid of this is it all right name's pete i work for a transit company called alaskan transit we've had enough motion accidents drilling containers a tool stuck in the river can you locate them and get them to the base deliver to the port oh [ __ ] you this is so far away oh [ __ ] you really this is so but it's not worth it but three grand well i have to put this back in now god no spin the other way spin the other way turn turn the other way oh i'm getting that like antsy i'm just like want to shake and stuff you know what i mean you forget that i just want to start shaking around oh okay i could have just done that really i don't want to deliver this all the way to the port that sucks all right first thing somebody puts in chat is what i'm gonna eat and it better be burger king long chicken sandwich soy no never mind um hi hello how are you sorry about that yeah that was that was my fault what did you do uh my vpn was on and i had it on a i had it on a bad i had it on a server i shouldn't have been on so that was my fault sorry about that oh my [ __ ] god don't tell me that that's gonna ruin everything no i'm good he did pirate the game no what does that mean that means that some vp i thought that was on fire uh some vpn servers can get like junky especially at certain times a day certain times a night and i was on one of the ones that was uh junky so that was my own fault new objective can i not go across this bridge oh come on what how am i supposed to get to the port if i can't go how am i gonna get over there i can't go oh are you serious i think i can drive over that i'm just going to leave this here all right they stay it's permanent so i'm going to unpack it and leave it here that's why you take the scout first yeah i know that you're right i'm starting to understand how the game is played now you don't just drive around with the big guns you have to take the little guy you got to go take your um hold on i swear i'll make a reference in a few seconds when i figure out how to get my fingers out of my eyeballs like the humvee in red alert you just drive around with it who cares if that car explodes you're looking for where their base is there okay got it out don't do not oh my god what the [ __ ] are you talking about why did you just die why did the engine stall i'm all right give me the scout i'm just gonna drive around the scout at least i got the cargo out all right give me give me like just give me this thing i'm going out with the truck put this thing on all-wheel drive and let's [ __ ] just hammer it let's move i feel like i haven't completed a mission in like an hour can i take it this way i'm going up yeah we'll go i'm going this way let's take the little scenic drive here and just see what we find i'm just going to take a little drive let's go i just looked over and said i was live for four minutes and i was like how is that possible i actually thought i was only live for four minutes it's like i am on drugs what are you how is it possible no way because i've been live for about four hours and it says four minutes like is my concept of time just ruined forever we politely say what his shirt says sure uh this is a shirt from uh omega mart the meow wolf exhibit in vegas here omega lulmar yes i knew of course is it as awesome as it looks yes i can safely tell you that this is there's a meow wolf in like three or four different cities it absolutely is worth it it's amazing i'm not going to say anything and i want to talk about it because there's a lot of interesting things going on when you do it but it was really really cool really what the flying [ __ ] dude i can't go anywhere a rock slide what do you mean a rock slide i'm going around it now what rock obstacle shipment of cargo oh oh never mind i thought i just could i thought i couldn't go around it for some reason i thought it was like you can't go around sorry no more swearing okay fine i won't i promise can we say what the shirt says not where you got it from the shirt says thank you a bunch of times here look i mean it's flipped but here i'll flip it for you bert says thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and then there's a image of the omega mart i like the shirt and think it looks good i'm not going to do the sus face uh i'm sorry to really break everybody's magic here the subspace is a computer generated image that's not even my face it's my eyes and hair and the rest is a weird stretched out cgi or something there is a okay there's a tower over here let's see if i can get the tower this looks like a clock i definitely don't want to do this people say you're one of the best drivers around maybe maybe not how about a little challenge to see if you can beat my record okay reach point a oh my god um okay hold on uh i guess i'll let's go what how much time do i have how am i supposed to get up there i turn my headlights on what's headlights [ __ ] my eyes dude you can't do this no you nobody can this is impossible i need a moped i really don't think i can do this no i don't whatever that thing can just but they can count the whole time i don't care everyone's wondering if you're ever going to eat a big hot dog on stream you want to hear one of the stream ideas that never happened that would have been maybe funny for like maybe five minutes they want to do an eating contest of like steaks or hot dogs or whatever like a coney island thing and the only reason why i thought it was funny is one of the contestants has a fork and knife and is eating it really slowly he's just enjoying like a dinner and he's just one that was it don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck um it's over i'm stuck maybe not hold on i'm almost through it come on we gotta go mutton come on that's an actual family guy joke that probably is i didn't do it obviously like i just was like nah never mind that's a tick tock skit were you guys around when i said that i thought i think i'd be huge on tick tock if i gave it a really an effort i i think i would be the biggest thing on tick tock ever like if you wound the clock and i just started and it's like 10 years ago but it's now and i'm like 22 23 24 25 i would be the number one most subscribed person on tick tock guaranteed guarantee you what an ego no i'm just saying you know the look at the you know the dances i could do the dances imagine me coming out with a new dance every week you don't think i'd be number one in the world travel to mountain river holy [ __ ] wait a minute this is a new zone okay maybe not the biggest thing in the world but i would be at least the most subscribed i'd be the most subscribed person on tick tock from like people in new hampshire or something you know what i mean like i'd have something i'd have that i'd be able to claim that wait this isn't a new zone shows a dance right now to prove it no i can't show you a dance right now to prove it because i don't have pants on restore the bridge right i'm just taking quests every time i see one wait hold on i just need to know like can i can a car can i explode this car i don't think i can even drive through this 250 million off the debt if you make a tick tock now i'll make it way more than that it needs to be way more than that nope nope this is low ball [ __ ] i will agree to creating a tick tock and making one tick tock a week for the next well starting no not i don't i literally don't feel like doing that right now starting like next week i just don't feel like doing that like i'm just gonna be honest 200 million per tick tock but the tick tock has to get over 2k likes oh [ __ ] that come on i would have to hop on every trend on tick tock although that's kind of funny though all right we're fine 2k likes isn't much that's kind of a lot isn't it did i ever tell you guys the idea of how i wanted to make a children's youtube channel and not tell anyone never speak a word of it and try to get like a billion [ __ ] views on it god i wish i was able to do that i wish i was just make like a real good like children's youtube channel that was like really really well made and don't tell any of you guys until somebody had to find it there's still time maybe one day i wouldn't be germa i would be like ah mr happy because i don't know i'd be it wouldn't be me so you wouldn't be able to type in like germa children's channel no that wouldn't work and try to be more popular than this channel here i feel like i could i think i could do it what like i really i got to dial back that narcissism here yeah i think i could have a billion view children's channel i'd be the biggest tick talker in the world oh jeremy right is this anything you can't do i can't move i think i'm stuck on a vlog i actually there's a shitload of stuff that i can't do a lot like a lot a lot all right come on that was a bunch of [ __ ] there we go i want to see what's down here i i might be in trouble here maybe it's time to wind down and stop the stream no i want to at least do one i wanted to get to here i can get out of here four hour andy yeah that's me go back to michigan you know what that's a great idea yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna do that how do i fast travel there was a menu i could go to before i was in the garage how did i get to that menu before i just drive there no you can't drive from alaska to mission can you yeah you can you're gonna drive through canada though i gotta go to the garage the actual garage mr slime yeah there's been a couple of concepts over the years of i just put a shitload of time into something and never tell you about it and hope that i eventually you figure it out after like a year and every time i come up with one of these things i think is funny i always have to go back to the fact that i have to do that thing like i would i would have to stream as mr slime tv like six hours a day it's just actually stream for like a year that's like that's like i would i don't even stream that much of my own channel i can go here oh [ __ ] i can go anywhere i want now yukon let's go back to michigan michigan think of the prophets i don't know if there would be very many prophets you never finished the tick talk discussion i don't think there's much else to discuss dual twitch personality yeah i think it'd be funny for a little while but then here's the problem with that both of these ideas who gets to take priority let's say that mr slime tv right or whatever his name is gets to a point where he's pulling 10k viewers a stream what do i do who do i even who am i who should i stream with if the children's youtube channel has a billion views like that's i would have to i have to prioritize it just sell out completely just have one of my streamer personalities be the ultimate sellout and they just sell a shitload of merch and sponsor space and like bounties and [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] up but it's funny wouldn't be the first time you abandoned the channel i want that guy timed out or a day no don't actually do that what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why is everything what the [ __ ] it was literally the worst noise was it dude you [ __ ] up bro that's my favorite yeah yeah i ate you [ __ ] up bro you [ __ ] up dude go listen to it somebody let me play it let me see it dying human goose baby wouldn't be the first time you abandoned the channel not that bad it sounds that sounded like a seagull it's not like a seagull with like a big dog bone in his throat or something like in a cartoon you know when they swallow the big piece of meat and like and the bone like gets stuck and sticking out of both sides of their skin like a car horn and like tom like takes a big bite of the meat and he's like and he's like got the bone is like sticking out of both sides of his like neck why am i driving i'm not pressing any buttons squidward with the thing with the fork in his throat yeah that's what it is yeah stop it all right i'm stopping i will okay i won't do that noise ever again i promise i won't do that noise again i promise i promise i won't make that noise ever again unless i eat a gigantic ham on a big bone and it gets stuck in there this is very okay you want to hear my final assessment of this game um okay you ready so snow runner sort of reminds me of when you just take a car in gta 5 and just say [ __ ] it i don't even care i'm just driving in a random direction out into the wilderness and they made an entire game based off of it it's pretty cool i was so scared you'd make the sound again i'm not gonna look if you get booed and do start throwing tomatoes at you you don't keep doing the thing that they booed you for i took my booze i said all right and i moved on unless i look unless i think it's funny which maybe i do you might hear it again sometime i've made that sound like a half dozen times before it always gets nominated that sound always is there at the end of the stream worst of the year awards always it's every time go look back at worst sound category i guarantee you that sound is there each time we've done it the last two or three years it's definitely there this is really pretty making that noise stop stop stop making that sound it's not me doing it the frogs are going like i'm not gonna do it but you heard it can't wait for part two of the german awards oh yeah that's right is this what it's really like to drive in one of these this looks like hell this sucks yeah it is do you eat beforehand i hope you don't this is just turbulence plane simulator you eat during it oh my goodness this seems so rough i didn't even press that that was my elbow this is cool this is a cool game i don't know if i'm gonna play this again i probably won't you know i'm one off andy but this i i like this it actually was pretty cool how much is this game 30 yeah i think that's worth it if you're a truck enthusiast you love off-roading you're just like kind of exploring and doing the the difficult missions of trying to load cargo and go through mud and stuff i mean this thirty dollars i think is pretty that reasonable so anti-climactic it's not even funny i was going for a big finish and now i'm just stuck that was a yeah that's resident sleeper come on now i just have to call aaa i was going for a big like ring roll there they go land and keep driving no [ __ ] oh well they're going faster than 10 miles per hour all right let's repair all all right now what what does this guy look like there all right there you go you got what you wanted everybody that was here you got the imposterous [ __ ] stupid-ass sus face that you got it i did i just realized that's what i just did there it is you've been asking for that for like two hours and i didn't i just did it you go whatever you see that and it was the same exact scenario too have i learned nothing in the like four years since that picture was taken it was the same the webcam was off somebody said i bet you what does this guy look like do a scary face and i turned it on doing a weird face and i turned it off immediately we're just in a never-ending circle is this never going to end anyways dude sus 2.0 dropped well not really and i'm just as sweaty too all right uh i'm going to call it here actually i had a lot of fun in this game if i had a little bit more brain power and more patience i'd probably keep playing it uh yeah let me remember how to stream here here it is thanks for watching thanks for the subs there's a lot of them there's a lot like a lot a lot now i haven't really had a chance to take it even look at my twitch dashboard the amount of subscribers here now are way more than i've ever had so i don't even know what to say about this kind of uh subscription account it's crazy and obviously i mean i know this is probably even if it's temporary i don't i don't know how there's many people that have given this channel five dollars per month right seven hundred thousand followers oh [ __ ] we did seven hundred thousand followers on twitch that is more than i have youtube subs on the original youtube channel right is that is that accurate let me see no we're close 789 000 subs on youtube i probably lost a fair amount of subs on this channel so i kind of want to say maybe like somewhere around 800 000 total 850 000 maybe so we're getting close to trumping original german 985 i wonder if it'll happen that's crazy though and a ton of those people are new i i think there was like 90 80 or 90 000 new followers in the last two weeks so if you if you just got this is your first stream ever after watching the dollhouse maybe you saw the bts stuff uh i don't know we'll see maybe you were gauging if you were going to continue to watch from this stream hopefully i made a good impression if not and i'm sorry welcome the new germaits thanks again we'll see you this weekend everybody have a great remainder of your evening see you this weekend good night goodbye and as always thanks for watching take care of yourselves and good night uh i i'm sorry hold on i'm gonna switch to this the view of the game because it's really kind of ominous and [ __ ] up it's like this dude this dude hasn't gotten out of the car he's still lying here it's like dude i'll call somebody man it's been like fall it's been like six hours why am i still sitting in here like i can i'm just staring at the all right i'll see you guys this weekend goodbye you
Channel: Skye4
Views: 50,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma
Id: Ip_4VJ05wsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 19sec (6499 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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