Anti-Aging Expert Explains How to Improve Your Diet and Lifestyle | Kellyann Petrucci

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go through life day after day we numb down numb down numb down and we somehow we have to stop and we have to say how am i feeling how do i feel because it's that disconnection i'm gonna get woo-woo here it's that disconnection from the source from our source and understanding where our power really comes from and really connecting and understanding we're going to get walloped if we do not stay present hey everybody welcome to health theory today's guest is dr kellyanne petrucci she's a board-certified naturopathic doctor and new york times best-selling author of several books including the bone broth diet and cleanse and reset she also frequently appears on dr oz good morning america and the today show as a nutrition and anti-aging expert now you definitely had me at hello with anti-aging so my sequel my not secret at all desire now is to i want to live forever that's the real truth um it's probably a long shot but anything that i can do to feel better perform better look better i'm certainly going to be down with so what is what are the lifestyle changes that somebody should make if they really want to look good feel good for a very very long time yeah we see we're seeing now longevity is really spiking so what you feel is what so many people are feeling because we've been through so many one-hit things first it was you know fat oh well you know what we don't want you eating fat we're going to have you on all these other kind of fats we're going to have you on vegetable and canola and sunflower and safflower and we find out that these are so inflammatory but that by the time you put them in your cart they're already rancid that's interesting i never hear people talk about that so explain what is so problematic about those on the shelf it's very simple it's very simple the containers in which they're held they are clear a lot of them and light gets through oxidizes the oil and it becomes literally rancid and rancid oils mean inflammation so when we're talking about aging anti-aging all of that that's one of the premier easy things the basic premise of the choices that we can make is the oils that we use we're going to go on to coconut oils different kind of oils healthier oils time magazine had on their cover eat your butter so we keep going through those corrections and we did the same thing with sugars oh sweeteners we can't we can't do regular sugar it's not good for us so let's do the pink yellow and blue packets then it's stop let's not do that let's go on to these type of sugars let's go on to more monk fruit stevia things like that another big course correction same thing meat and potatoes let's go from meat and potatoes let's go from that to all meat oh well that's not working let's go to all juice well that's not working let's go to more paleo well that's not perfect let's go to paleo-ish okay well let's go to keto that's almost right now what about keto 2.0 or kind of keto and what is kinda keto well kind of keto is taking the basic principles of keto and basically with keto the problem is that people aren't getting enough fiber because of the carbohydrate allowance which is about five percent of the the diet is is carbohydrates that's not enough for people to be able to explore carbohydrates in the way that they should so they become constipated and irritable they're the two things that we see with people who stay on keto for a long period of time so i sit on keto for nine months it was awesome i felt wonderful my relationship with food completely changed but i didn't at all um i didn't have constipation or anything and any trouble my bowel movements were money but i did notice my muscle mass was going down i just felt softer i was trying to keep my carbs essentially at zero yeah and i go back and forth i'm saying all of this because i go back and forth on fiber and its importance so right now i get fiber because i do um i have some vegetable matter i have some nuts but i probably get 70 of my calories from red meat just to really trigger people doesn't trigger me because for some people it works i started telling you about these mid-course corrections because still i've seen everything in nutrition and i can sit here and tell you honestly for the first time i'm seeing some really positive things in nutrition we're starting to get it right when you understand ancestral medicine and ancestral nutrition right we really do work better with some foods and then there's also environment that you have to consider and that's the environment that you put yourself in and you stay in because that has different effects on the body and how you digest how you metabolize all of that but there are foods that tend to work best with our body and that's when i went into a whole dive and started really exploring these foods i thought why does anyone know this you know that's why i wrote nine books why doesn't anyone know this why doesn't anyone know that these foods really do juice us up so what i loved about paleo is it broke down each food category and it said hey listen if you want proteins these are the best proteins red meats work really well for some people they really do it depends on the amount of inflammation that you have in your body it has to do with prostaglandins it has to do with so many inflammatory markers in your body but some people are able to eat more red meat than others and also with with paleo it breaks down vegetables that you know energy vegetables versus fibrous type of vegetables how much you should have of that fats here here are the good fats so that's why i really gravitated towards that because it basically just broke down the macros and said these are really good proteins these are really good fiber vegetables these are really good energy vegetables and your energy vegetables should really match what your needs are so it's not a matter of you know carbohydrates are terrible for you they're inherently bad they're not inherently bad you just have to match your energy you have to match the amount of energy that your body needs to really fuel itself and to really drive and that's the key and so you know keto the same thing with fats we most people when they started keto they were 50 to 75 percent fat that works great for some people it doesn't for others it provides a level of discomfort what i care about and what matters to me and what matters for longevity is that we're getting these foods that our body recognizes we're getting these foods that our body understands we're getting these foods that our body drives off of now the the template on which it falls i believe it's very similar for us but how much that you should have and the balance that's right for you it now that's where it gets a little bit different and that's where personal play has to come in and that's where a lot of these diets provide awesome guidelines awesome guidelines but you have to know how to read your body okay so before we go into the individual stuff you gave a great high level overview now let's dive in so getting back to the initial question of what is the the ideal for somebody that wants to extend their um high level performance uh what is this sort of perfect diet i get that that the truth is you have to try it for yourself and that there is massive amounts of variability but it'd be great to just pick that sort of middle person right in the bell curve smack in the middle um what is their what are actual things that they should be getting at the grocery store yep so the highest quality that you can afford whole food what do you mean by high quality high quality so if you can get organic get organic so you can get pasture raised you know get pasture raised you can get grass-fed meats awesome i firmly believe that most of us operate really well off of meat okay so i also find that a lot of people in terms of protein operate really well when they put a lot of fish in there instead of red meat so if you're thinking how do i build this plate kellyanne just tell me how i build this damn plate you want to have protein like you said go to the grocery store buy some really good proteins that work for your body get them get them as as healthy as you can as you can because quality actually does matter try to balance that plate out make sure you have some fibrous vegetables what are those it's the green stuff i don't care if you juice it i don't care if you chop it i don't care what you do you know so we talk about quality of food and you know what can they do should they only eat organic if you saw what i saw and you saw what really what people were really eating i'm not worrying about a chicken carcass that's not perfect all the time if you can get people to eat in balance get as best quality as you can get in balance and it makes such a such a big difference all right so i want to really pinpoint this notion of balance so when you say balance you're talking uh protein fat carbohydrate like yeah so so yeah because a lot of it's very off-kilter some people work operate fantastic on 50 fat and other people can operate on 25 it depends this is why with keto i'm just saying when people were on have been on keto after a while we start hearing well it's not perfect for a lot of people a lot of women look and i know people are going to write and say are you kidding me i got these results i got these results for some people when you're at a starting point where you need to lose a lot of weight it gets the weight off it makes the skin look a lot better a lot better but it's a matter of finding that balance somewhere between paleo somewhere between keto so you have so we go into more weight maintenance and not diet but more weight maintenance and more into longevity and more into sustainable diets what's sustainable for you is different for other people that's the whole key and that's what people want right now this is what i'm hearing over and over again they want to they want to look at things and approach things very different people are looking at things for the first time i think more spiritually more spiritually in their food and that's why we're talking so much about plant-based everything now it has to do with spirituality people are feeling good on plant-based foods and that's why the keto-ish or the keto 2.0 they're adding more plants they're adding more opportunity for people to eat more vegetables and things is keto becoming a buzzword though so i was fat phobic for a very long time and i had massive inflammation as a result i wasn't eating carbs but i was eating protein probably 85 of my calories i got from protein i was trying to keep carbs as close to zero as possible trying to keep fat as close to zero as possible i basically lived in rabbit starvation absolutely atrocious for the joints i got me lean as hell i looked [ __ ] awesome but i did not feel great so i finally um i encountered dom d'agostino peter tia they're like look you need to be consuming fat they started talking about ketogenics and when they were talking about it it was all about you take a blood test and there are either ketones in your bloodstream or there are not so if you're gonna define keto 2.0 so if keto 1.0 were defined by ketones in your bloodstream what's keto 2.0 it's mid-fat and fiber that's how you say fat that's quantity of fat so you still think fat before carbs however it's different now because there's the the ratio has now changed where you can have more carbohydrates so just think about it like that it's really it's really allowing more fiber through allowing more carbohydrates so people can sustain they feel like they can sustain longer and that's the key so whenever you have comfort in eating the results are far greater so it's a it's about allowing the body to experience comfort if we see a younger generation coming in and their tolerance for things like uh you know i remember just driving myself trying different diets and bodybuilding and body and weights and you know doing shows and competitions and how lean of mine can i see this am i ripped and it's very different now so now what they want to see is they want to they want to have more peace they want to feel more fulfilled it's much more about loving themselves we're starting to really change all that pain gain thing and we're going more towards you know let's feel better all the way around let's feel better let's have joy let's feel better somehow this word joy has captured people and they actually want to experience more joy and not as much of the grind it's interesting and that certainly brings up stress so what's the role of stress when we think about longevity how detrimental how does that impact us what do we do to solve some of the problems that it creates yeah so that is the entrepreneurial dilemma yes okay and that's funny because when we start achieving greatness and more greatness and we start really achieving all of these things sometimes life doesn't get easier on our bodies and when we really start experiencing more stress than we did before and we have to figure out how to manage it because i can tell you stress will take you down every time everyone has stress in their life and somehow and that's what i realized in talking with all these people that everyone has some kind of stress and stress damages cells so i know that you went through a really stressful period that uh manifested in losing consciousness on a flight which is fun sounds uh terrifying yes what have you done to rebuild from that like what are you doing now to de-stress is it about joy is it about meditation forest bathing like what are the things that you're actually doing that are somewhat prescriptive that people could follow if they're trying to to bring their stress down for me i think a lot of my stress had to do with not having boundaries i was boundary deficient i was boundary deficient in so many areas of my life i look back and even when i look back if i look at pictures or selfies it's like how did you not see that coming you looked burnt out you were burnt out so i was on this plane and i remember the woman sitting next to me she was in the middle putting a cookie in her mouth i'm not kidding and i turned to her and i said hey my name's kellyanne i'm not feeling well i'm on not on any medications but i'm probably going to pass out you're going to have to get me help that was the last thing i remember next thing i was in the galley of the plane with all the airline the airline stewardess and such putting ice and packing ice everywhere and i was going in and out of consciousness and all i heard was is there a doctor on board is there a medical professional on board and i'm laughing in the back saying yeah right here but you know so there was a gentleman on the plane that was a doctor that was going to his class reunion he happened to be on that flight and at the end of all of it and he sat with me the whole time they made sure i had hydration he was checking my pulse all of this at the end he said kellyanne you do realize you're burnt out right you have to do something you burn out the problem is tom is that we become very numb we go through life day after day we numb down numb down numb down and we somehow we have to stop and we have to say how am i feeling how do i feel because it's that disconnection i'm going to get woo-woo here it's that disconnection from the source from our source and understanding where our power really comes from and really connecting and understanding we're going to get walloped if we do not stay present because that that's when our body really manifests and holds on to all that stress that stress is tough and it's tough on the body how do you stay centered how do you find that alignment like what do you do on a daily basis or weekly or you know whatever your cadence is well for one thing exercise is very important kind of exercise i do all kind of exercises different kind i do limbic type of exercises so it's exercises that allow my body to breathe and to move i do yoga i do dance i do a lot of dance i do weights i like to really move my body and then i like to be still so you have to get into meditation and understanding breathing and just finding that time to absolutely reconnect with yourself because we're losing a connection to ourselves and if i had really realized this i had to learn this through going through this myself so many of the patients that i saw i i realize now that's what they were that's what they were going through they were disconnected and they stopped feeling they were just getting through the day and you know getting through this and getting through this and getting through this and after a while it comes back and your body gets the ultimate revenge your body will get revenge why do you call it revenge out of curiosity yeah i call it revenge because your body starts giving you signals and you you can get sick even for me my revenge was i got extremely exhausted and passed out on a plane and my my body was saying how many times do we have to tell you because your body does give you signs and and signals so how do people listen for that what are they listening for how does it manifest like what was it now looking back leading up to that moment because you had a real sense of presence to be able to say i know where this is going what was it leading up to that that if it were to happen again that you would catch it much earlier oh my gosh first of all i i when i looked at my eyes and a lot of these these pictures they were sunken in my eyes lost their life my skin had got very sullen and didn't have vibrance to it and i was proud of myself on things like that you know my body i always kept it you know kind of uh very fit and like a ballerina very smooth and i just started gaining that cortisol tire i had all the signs of exhaustion and the thing is is i i lost my i i lost my lust for life in the same way that i have now or that i had before that i because i just and i wasn't even aware and that's the thing i talked to patients that have been in marriages and and they they became really ill staying in relationships that were that were not serving them and it wasn't until they got out of the situation they didn't realize they didn't realize how bad they felt they didn't realize how that everyday hit of you know leaking your power and leaking your energy that every day hit every health affected them and it really does and you just have to stay attuned and just ask yourself how you feel and you'll notice things like you know gosh how tired am i do i have achy joints i mean look at my skin let me see my eyes do i still feel vibrant do i still have you know lust for life how do you feel like stopping and asking that question is a really important question to ask and we don't we just we just go through it we go through it and and you know i had to learn and i would never allow that to happen again i would never say yes to as many things as i said yes to i would never allow people that were not well intended in my life again i would never pummel through work to make other people happy instead of myself i would never put any other mission besides the mission that will serve me and those you know that i love i would never put that before anything else and a lot of it a lot of everything in life i'm really finding out it does have to do with the six six inches between your ears it's a mindset thing you know that's interesting so i'm interested in this concept of reset which i know you also talk about from a true just diet and bodily perspective but talk to me about it uh from a mindset perspective how do you reset what are you doing um when you're dancing is there anything conscious going on there or is that just sort of realigning yourself through rhythm and movement or in meditation is it a an awareness like a mindfulness practice like what what are what are you doing mindset wise yeah it's understanding that we are not just skin and bones we're atoms and molecules we have a megahertz our cells communicate this unbelievable life that we have inside of us and understanding this big ball of energy and saying you know what i want to harness that energy i want to harness it and i don't want to leak it i want to keep it in that's the understanding and then when i go into meditation or i go into dance or anything like that i'm visually picturing what i want i call it my own television show it's in my mind it's locked in here and it's strong and that is one of the biggest differences that i've ever made in my life is really pulling things towards me and understanding how possible this really is it has been life-changing for me life-changing then i'm gonna need to understand more about that so okay the process is you're sitting there you're finding physical stillness every day i find physical stillness it has got to be habitual this will only work if you do it on a regular basis and it can take three four minutes a day sit down pull up your own tv show you see you everything you want you desire everything everything that's for your greater good everything that you that is your purpose you see it as if it's happening and i picture myself telling someone else all of these amazing things about my physical my personal life my business life all of it as if it is already there so my body is working and functioning in that modem as if it's already there and funny enough how people show up to make and realize all of those things that you're putting in your in your mind and you're you're just locking it in your mind and it's not about well if i go sit and meditate you know underneath this tree every day i'm going to pull everything towards me i want you to know that is not one part of my body that would ever do that to think that that's all i need to do to do to make things happen you have to take action you have to take action but there's a certain there's a certain thing that happens in your mind in your cells in your body when you really concentrate and you focus on that and then you go so there's the metaphysical and then there's the physical and you want to be able to capture and really work in both worlds because that's where the magic really happens really capturing capturing your your future by demanding it demand it demand what you want demand it within yourself and then you go and you get it and it's it's funny because i'll go up to people and it's very natural for me now to ask for what i want suppose i'm putting i'm locking it in my body and my physiology i walk like you have to assume the position assume the position of your day and i tell myself this and i start my day like a tiger i want to be a tiger that's it what does that mean so what are the attributes of the title attributes of a tiger is someone who's fearless and someone who's bold because one of the things that i've learned is i sat on the bed through my my swiss training i sat on the bed of a lot of people who were dying you know what they had tom regrets that is what you hear so often what are some common ones that's actually really interesting it's really interesting and here's the biggest thing that they regret a lot of people they were they were wealthy a lot of these people and they regretted that they did not spend more time with their children and the other big one was that they regretted that they didn't go for it that they had at all any fear in going for anything that they wanted it's interesting that that's successful people saying that um i think there's something very interesting to take away from that in terms of having success in one area of your life first of all i think a lot of people think oh if i had financial success that i would stop and retire and it does not work like that like being successful answers yesterday's problem it certainly does not answer today or tomorrow's problem you still have that desperate thirst for meaning and purpose and does not go arrive and to feed your energy yeah it doesn't even i i think it doesn't even get tainted at all i think it's in your dna and you have to respect and honor your dna and who you are a lot of us are very mission based because it's that mission in you that just drives you you know i have my missions i have my anger i have it in my head and everything is leading leading leading leading to that you know to that overall mission and and i can't imagine any level of success that you know is in front of me that would stop me from wanting to be that person that tiger and i'm not saying it's not good to stop ask yourself slow down i'm not saying any of that but what i'm saying is i honor my dna i honor the fact that my friends growing up were reading cosmo magazine and i was reading the diabetes journal with mary tyler moore on the cover i honor everything you know all of those things i honor that you know there's parts of me that are different than a lot of other people in terms of this drive that i have you know respecting and honoring that drive but at the same time not burning out over that drive yeah that that's an interesting dichotomy for somebody who found themselves pushing so hard saying yes to everything that they end up having an episode to still be able to get on the other side of that and say okay i've got the awareness now i know what i'm looking out for i know this has to be mission based but at the same time i'm not giving up that drive i still want to be the tiger i still want to have a level of i have to be see there's certain things i think that are more destructive than anything else not honoring who you really are that is so destructive to the body every day living or being something that you really don't want to be or living in a way that you don't want to live and i'll tell you that's again it stems back from the experience of listening to people dying and saying i'm not no i'm not doing that i'm going to express everything don't you feel like you want to live your life and like squeeze every bit of potential that you have very much and when i see other people i want to squeeze it out of them i want to squeeze it out of them so i feel like my job and my role is to wake people up in that sense i want to pull people out of the tunnel i've been through the tunnel is feeling aimless and dark and lost and not sure you're not sure and you're numb i'm telling you so how do you get them out of that you make them become aware and re-engage with themself then you see someone really on fire you know that purpose is the key all the money all of this and all of that and all of this and that it's great to have the security it's great to have that security ain't going to make you happy you know it's just not it's just not it's not it's not enough it's not enough and your body you know your body has has this intelligence it's very interesting how the body works and the innate intelligence that it has and the signs and the signals that it gives you throughout your life just what you're interested in and you know i was told by a college professor years ago you'll know what you want to do where do you go when you go in a bookstore you know a library where do you where's your attention where did you where's and it was always the same for me it was always those damn health books would drive people crazy going to the beach they'd flip open their novels and i would sit there with my health stuff i mean it was obvious but you have to pay attention to all these things about yourself and i am seeing that now more than ever people really being who they are it's just not worth it just be a tiger go for it go for whatever don't be don't be embarrassed don't be shy don't whatever it is and i just have a belief that you know i'm going to say whatever i'm supposed to say and i'm not going to get wired about it i'm happy to be here happy to dispel any information or anything that i can get anyone that's going to help you just i'm gonna be a tiger about it you know well speaking of information that will help uh let's come to the gut for a second so gut health obviously huge part of what you do bone broth healing the gut how many people start sort of with a gut-based struggle and then what's the protocol to help them get out of that yeah so i would say most people come in with a gut-based struggle and we see a lot of autoimmune problems we see a lot of people with bloating skin rashes achy joints these are all signs and symptomologies of somebody who who likely has a gut that needs healing and so bone broth i love because it has this perfect blend of nutrition so there's amino acids which are upbuilding and you've got some minerals that come out and we're also deficient in minerals and so many of the things that go on with us are really because we're lower in minerals so is there a difference between doing bone broth and just cracking the bone open and eating the marrow would you get a different nutritional intake you may get a little different because you're going to get more glycine and glycine is really helpful for so many things and we find that it's more hydrating to the body and but you know this just that bone marrow i could eat that till the cows come home the bone marrow is so good for you i mean you have to think about it like this and this is why i love bone broth for gut healing if you get a sunburn you reach for aloe vera you put it on because it soothes and it heals the skin well bone broth the gelatin cook collagen the bone broth that does the same thing for your gut it heals and it seals the gut and it works so you've got the collagen in there they cook collagen which is the gelatin which is so good for the gut you've got minerals in there you've got great protein in there you've got amino acids in there and the research also shows us that one of the things that we know that helps prevent a cold and the duration of a cold are these soups they're really helpful for the immune system so you know there's a lot of benefits to it and i put it in programs and weight loss programs and things over the years with intermittent fasting to help people get even more benefits compounded benefits but anything that does any one thing that does this many things i love yeah we really have some people that are evangelical about bone broth here on staff it was a big part of lisa's recovery it was super super impactful for her um is there a big nutrient difference between making it yourself from whole bones and getting powdered it's whole bones is better okay powder powder is pretty close i mean there's some really good powders on the market right now same thing with the frozen broth that's really easy there's tons of good frozen broth that you can buy anywhere now that's really good and you just put hot water over the bag it comes in a bag you put hot water over it you put it in the pot and you can have it very quickly there's pressure cookers now you can make bone broth in you can cook it quicker but it's that simmering for a long period of time letting all that good stuff come into the into that broth and it really is very healing for people i think the word that comes to mind when i think of bone broth is restorative is there any gut issue where you don't recommend bone broth because oh man the one thing i've learned with what my wife has been through is that healing gut issues is so complicated people don't know that how complicated it can be and well it not only complicated but it takes a long time and you have to be patient have to understand that that 20 plus feet of intestines that are going through that's a long narrow tube and you've got you know so many microbes in your body and you want them to work for you and against you you've got more microbes these these bugs in your body than you do actual cells in your body so you want to nurture them you want to nurture that soil and you want to really uh make that soil so that so that every 21 days when you have that cellular turnover you're getting the as healthy healthy healthy healthy soil as you possibly can so you can really heal that gut and at the same time sealing everything up it does take time but let me tell you tom when it happens bam the magic happens skin looks so much better your healing capacity is so much higher you feel so much more energized again longevity oh my gosh i am telling you that is my core anti-aging regimen that is you have to have foundational beauty if you decide that you want to do all the other things fine great i'm not opposed to that i understand what it feels like to advance in age i understand what that feels like and you have to do what makes you happy but i don't care what you do so all that other stuff would be cosmetic you know adjustments yes you know all the stuff and that's okay do all the stuff but you have to realize foundational beauty is where our real effervescence comes from we know for a fact that we start losing collagen at about age 20. we start losing it little by little by little and the collagen is like it's like nature's glue it holds us up it holds us together and again for longevity for looking young collagen it tends to be very helpful so i throw collagen shake and you know whenever i can i love collagen because it's for me it's it's one of those i used to experiment with all these shakes especially during my bodybuilding phase you competed in bodybuilding oh i was i was fierce figure competitor or actual bodybuilder oh i was an actual bodybuilder wow how big were you um well i was lean so my whole thing bodybuilding is like a whole another thing oh i used to go to arnold classics every year i used to like you know that would be my masterminds with those people like like the arnold i worked out and like i do everything else i became the tiger so i started working out instead of just enjoying working out like a normal person i was like how far can i fly because that's the question i always ask myself how far can i fly i want to read a book i want to write a book do i write one no i have five books with wiley publishing two with roedell three with penguin random what i have to see how far how far can i fly that's how i live my life but again getting back to the reason why i'm sitting in this chair was the latest book and said it's how do i do that and be that and not burn out that's the question that's the question where can people follow you on your journey to be a tiger without burning out dr there's no e on that dr on instagram it's dr kellyanne petrucci nice all right if you were going to have people make one change that would have the biggest impact on their health what change would you have them make i would tell them to really dig in and do that television show i talked about every day pull up live in live in that space in your head get the six inches between your ears right you will see possibilities you will draw possibilities you will see your life in the way you want it to be and start making very different choices and start really directing people and i have to add one more thing to that i have to have an internal doorman have that internal doorman be careful what you led into your life i'm not saying don't live openly i'm not saying don't have a heart but have an internal doorman and understand these are choices that you make and whomever that you let in your life whatever you let in your life is a lot harder to get out than it is to get in don't forget that that's good all right guys your health matters so much but hopefully you see how many people come on here that are all supposedly about health but they also talk about the mind the two are just inextricably linked and really understanding that that if you want to move forward if you want to be a tiger in your life you're going to have to get them both right i think it's incredibly important she has a lot of great ideas check her out read the book it's really really fascinating getting your health in a good place getting the right foods in your system getting rid of toxins which we didn't get a chance to talk about all of that stuff nutrients and toxins out that's it something she talks a lot about so dive in there's a lot of great stuff there if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're going to get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 322,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Kellyann Petrucci, Health Theory, ancestral nutrition, keto, longevity, organic, paleo, diet, bone broth, stress, boundaries, autoimmune, gut health, regret, inflammation, aging, anti-aging, biological medicine
Id: l9QO0JlnU8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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