The SHOCKING Anti-Aging Hacks To Look 10 Years YOUNGER (Reverse Aging) | Kashif Kahn

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we have a patient for whom the root cause of his cholesterolemia was identified as being that he golfed too much and how is that a medical diagnosis it makes no sense right so here's what was going on Kashif Khan welcome to the show it's a pleasure man could be here dude I'm very excited so what is the things that people can do on a daily basis if they want to stop aging or even reverse it if possible so first of all what's aging so aging is the literal meaning is degradation of the cells your cells start to unravel the DNA literally unravels on packs and the physical manifestation of that is you know white hair sagging skin cells are degrading so what causes that inflammation lack of detoxification and poor oxidation so these three areas are the key factors and why cells get harmed and they age and then outward they use start to age so the answer isn't here's what everybody should do it's more that the answer is personalized here's what you should do and what you should do you should do meaning I could tell somebody that cardiovascular activity is what you need and to somebody else that's the reason they would Age yeah see that's crazy so what angle we should probably get into the genomics of it all so what's the difference between genetics which I think most people are familiar with and genomics we'll start there and then we'll get into how it could be possible that for some people running is the right thing and other people will look hagered because of doing it so genetics so genetics was rooted in our Healthcare model which is respond to illness right pill for a nail you're sick we'll come help you why did you get sick to begin with that's functional genomics just like there's medicine and there's functional medicine medicine is go break yourself and I'll fix you maybe functional medicine is why did you get sick what was the root and let's deal with that so you don't get sick or we reverse the illness and this applies to chronic disease and to aging when it's acute in nature broke your arm have a terminal cancer yes run to the hospital and get fixed all this other stuff which is 90 of our health care budget does not need to happen and what we've understood is that if you understand biology right first then reverse engineer what genes drive those processes it's not about your genome says you have an 80 chance of Alzheimer's it's why did 20 not get it what were they doing right their environment choices their new nutritionist choices that that's Healthcare studying the healthy to teach those habits to prevent disease or you know not to to slow down aging or be optimal in your energy better sleep whatever it is that you want to do okay so now the personalized medicine I think is the future that seems undeniable in terms of we're all slightly different and so assuming that we all have the same start Point as a mistake however it also seems to me like they're pretty Universal factors so what are before we drill into like what are the things you need to understand about your own genetic makeup what are things at a broad level that like I would have thought until I started researching I would have said everybody should be exercising right and if somebody had said oh I run every day I'd be like word that's amazing if somebody said I was lifting weights every day I'd be like word that's amazing I wouldn't have thought that there are some people that are going to get themselves in trouble by running so if that isn't one of the universal recommendations what are even if it's a super narrow set what are the as close to Universal as we're going to get I would say the the thing that stands out the most that is the least applied is understanding environmental health and why do I say this the first thing we talked about was the health of your cells right the biggest threat to the health of our cells is the current environment we live in our fine environment like SO meetings in the air or what I eat all of that so every so how do things enter your body you breathe them and you eat them primarily also Through Your Skin but primarily these two functions the way you do that that first line of defense here to block and prevent also in your gut some of us do those things differently for example me the genetic instruction to actually defend the gut from toxins coming in in the food that I'm eating I don't even have that Gene so forget about what version or what variant or how well I don't do that process so you wonder why I had eczema and psoriasis and autoimmune conditions and because I was eating just like everybody else so the reality of Who We Are genetics are 200 000 years old by the way so when you think about our ancestors and let's do what grandma did you are the same of people of 200 000 years ago our genome hasn't changed so imagine the reality of how we live that blip in time the last you know industrialized couple hundred years agriculture is 10 000 years old versus the 200 000 years of habits that we're wired for and you wonder why chronic disease is so prevalent that you just expected to have cancer and cardiovascular conditions because the choices that even the options are not the right options right the environmental option of the pesticides in your grass the the drying agents that dry up the wheat so they can store them that shouldn't be an option right and also and you wonder why everybody's so sick this is why so that's the one thing that I would say if you can understand environmental exposure and threats that will take you far okay so we can probably spend a lot of time on this and it's probably worth the time but I want to make sure that we give people breadcrumbs to follow so understanding genetics I'm going to give it to people really simplistically fill in any gaps that I leave out so genetics are are a literal instruction manual for your body oh God that's so generic but the that entire instruction manual is inside of every cell but only certain parts of the instruction manual are made are Unwound so that that cell type can read it so the part of the genome that has to do with the Heart Is Made available to cells that are heart cells the part of the genome that has to do with the eyes made available to cells in the eye and part of aging is that the wrong parts of the genome get exposed to that cell so you get D differentiation so eye cells start am I a skin cell am I a brain cell my heart cell what the hell am I and so part of all of the environmental insults is that it's exposing the wrong part of the instruction manual to that cell but there's also the complexity which you were alluding to a minute ago all of us have misspellings paragraphs out of order paragraphs that are missing or I know in your case I didn't even know this was possible that there are pages that are missing so there are things your body should do that and I'm sure this is true for all of us I just happen to know yours because you've talked about it there are things that your body is supposed to be doing that it does not have instructions for and when you didn't know that that was the case for you the symptoms that you were encountering migraines nausea I think there was eczema like all kinds of stuff it was all mysterious once you understood that you were missing that page was like okay now I know what's going on walk people through that story as an illustration of that point yeah so you're you're right on right so and that's the most eloquent description I've ever heard you know so it's amazing that you've understood that level essentially what we're saying is here's your human instruction manual here's a code that's telling yourselves and like you said other micro you know processes beyond the cell what to do and each cell knows what page to read to do its job as a liver cell or a heart cell Etc if you have spelling mistakes or Pages missing or bad code you're not going to do the job well so our assumption is here's how the cardiovascular system works here's how the hormone system works we understand those things our assumption is we're all doing those things the same way we're not right we all have broken code missing code we have exponentially beneficial code and we overdo the job sometimes which can cause autoimmune conditions right the same thing that is protective can end up hurting you if you do too much right so now all of a sudden you can start to read that book and you can understand that I'm missing a page like myself right so you underst the page you're missing so there's the glutathione pathway which is what it's the main drive your of your detox process so we know when we drink alcohol your liver helps clear the nonsense out and you keep whatever you want to keep in right so some of us don't do the same in terms of how do we react to alcohol why because that process we don't do the same the version of that Gene it's possible to have what's called a copy number variation how many copies of the gene do you have the thing that you said you didn't know if you don't have the gene you don't do that job so how are they even supposed to cope with the alcohol or the pollution from you know traffic or from the pesticides you put in your lawn we have a patient for whom the root cause of his cholesterolemia was identified as being that he golfed too much and how is that a medical diagnosis it makes no sense right so here's what was going on like me he was missing certain detox genes didn't even have them and he would golf four days a week and he was golfing in Canada where I'm from where the regulations around what you're allowed to use is a little lack because we have a Long Winter it's over what that's to make the golf course so pretty and beautiful got it pesticides got it right how do you guys diagnose him with your playing too much golf Yeah by looking at his genes you see a lack of detox you ask him about so this is all in the context of environment you ask them what do you do he's like I don't know man I'm so healthy all I do is Golf and i e right golf yes tell me more exactly and then you start to then you ask well why would that lead to cholesterolemia why at the age of 38 he was actually a clinician by the way why the age of 38 a clinician that has studied everything that you need to study in University cannot get his cholesterolemia under control it was taking Lipitor number one prescribed drug we can determine the quality of your Hardware your your literal arterial walls the inner lining of your blood vessels he had the worst possible quality meaning instead of this stainless steel resilient material it was from the genetic standpoint from a genetic standpoint okay so you could look at his genome and go bro like if you're not really careful you're going to have a heart disease just just at a gene starting there yeah that being said he wasn't born sick right it doesn't mean he's going to get it you have to make the wrong choices and he did what he did was he golfed four days a week in Canada where there's a lot of toxins in the grass breathing this stuff in for four or five hours at a time without any detox regimen as part of his daily routine all of a sudden there's this free-flowing toxic insult in his blood causing the inflammation to this bad quality Hardware that he has which is sole prone to inflammation and that's one of the things we said earlier is one of the roots of Aging so what is the body's response to when you have inflammation here in the inner lining of the arteries which are such an important part of your body it will actually deploy cholesterol as a hormone to reduce the inflammation when cholesterol meets toxicity it actually hardens and it gets deposited and you get that buildup we can actually determine genetically how well you transport lipids there's that HDL LDL process you're supposed to send it to liver some people don't do that so well and that's another compound layer why he would get this so fast so we start to unpack his habits and say you know stop the gulf or the other dial you turn is start detoxifying take the right supplements eat the right foods keep the Habit okay you're going to keep buffing then you also need to do this or stop the thing that's causing you the problem or hopefully a little bit of both yeah so this is crazy okay your own story which I find fascinating you're in what an auto shop what was going on paint fumes so you guys had a marketing company yeah yeah so that that was in the same building with somebody kicking off my passion was always helping startups grow I loved it I loved that zero to some level and then pass it on and I did them many times for other people right um me and my business partner we had a very different experience where three four years into our office environment like you said eczema migraines which was probably the worst part he used to drive me home and I literally opened the door and vomit out the door in the middle of the highway and then keep going uh psoriasis which is different than eczema eczema is inflammation psoriasis as autoimmune and at this point you've no you're not making the connection between I smell the fumes and I start feeling bad no well I didn't even smell the fumes right I didn't know what all I knew was I felt horrible and you just believe you go to the doctor which I did and you start getting a pill and you believe this is part of life this is part of aging you get sick as you age and I believe that I truly believed it until I asked the question why right I'm 42 now and I was 38 at the time I said why now all of this stuff happening at the same time I must be doing something wrong I want to like really Bang a Drum here for people so modern medicine is amazing acute care is absolutely necessary but if you're having headaches and you just go how do I get rid of the headache and you never ask why do I have a headache you will end in a dust viral so I went through this with my wife and it was Insanity yeah finally figuring out what was causing the problem but until you get to the root cause of it you're you could be exacerbating the symptoms you're certainly only masking them you have not addressed the root cause and something I've heard you say is that all these things you think the spoke problems if you deal with the Hub issue all the spokes go away that's what happened to me I've been healthy before I tested myself for biological aging at that time when I started to learn that there was a different way to control my health and at 38 I was 43 internally so you can do an aortic stiffness test trying to understand how much you've aged internally I'm now 42 and my biological age is 33. wow so you literally went back to the reverse biological clock is that the Horvath clock looking at literally you can use so yes telomere length which my aging paused it hasn't increased it actually so a telomere is like these caps at the end of your DNA and it's kind of like wear and tear you can determine how much damage you've done to your DNA and that gives you some indication of Aging this is understanding your cardiovascular health how much stress have you put your cells under that unraveling we were talking about you can measure it specifically with this pulsory area stiffness test it's very easy you do it on your finger so when you're saying your age went backwards you're the elasticity of your aorta exactly improved yeah and the best way to paint this picture that you're talking about I see this cube in front of us right so imagine if I came to you and this is just to help people understand and this is exactly what I went through and what actually most people are going through if this was a fishbowl and I came and presented you this gift of this fish and let's call this fish sushi so Sushi's on the ball right and I presented sushi in toxic polluted water you instinctively would know let's get her out of there and put her somewhere else right but if you left her in there what would happen you would expect things like eczema things like mood and behavior banging on the glass life is miserable eventually cancer right maybe cardiovasculars everything would start to go we know that already right if you then put her into the healthy water great but what do we actually do you leave her in the water give her a pill for the eczema a pill for the migraine chemo for the cancer and you stay in that environment that's why I mean that environmental health is our biggest threat the things that we're doing and the things that we're amongst are not what we're designed for we don't have the genetic code to cope with our reality we literally this Fishbowl is our reality so you have to do two things one of two things or maybe both improve capacity take the right supplements for you based on what you don't do well genetically and we're not all the same or remove yourself from this environment and I did both right I'm healthier than I've ever been I don't get sick anymore I used to miss work every couple of weeks I just I am healthier than I've ever been and every way imaginable right so that's exactly what would happen if you took Sushi from here put her here give her some time healing that is Health right dropping pills in there that's not Health yeah so this is the hardest thing about health is it's really hard to know what is causing the problem and like even myself I know that it's going to be environment or something I'm eating right like it just or sleep but I like there's a pretty narrow band of things that you know it's going to be one of those things but even though there's only a handful of things those things are so complicated the fact that you you didn't even smell the fumes that were creating the problem that's terrifying because now you have one less cue to pick up on so this actually happened to me a while ago maybe a year ago now um I was having tremendous brain fog I felt tired all the time I couldn't focus in the way that I normally do and I was just like what is going on like this is so weird I could not figure it out couldn't figure it out and I honestly was like am I just overwhelmed with stress do I not like what I do anymore like what's going on and I thought okay if somebody came to me and described these symptoms what advice would I give them and I'm like it's something you're eating yeah and I'm like but I'm not I know my diet is so clean there's nothing I'm eating that's problematic and I'm like I would still tell the person whatever you're eating a lot of stop eating it and see what happens I happen to be eating a lot of pecans at the time so I thought well pecans are the only thing I'm eating a lot of let me just cut them out and see what happens 72 hours later I felt perfect yeah I was like what the [ __ ] cons like how is this possible yeah it seemed so unreal because I thought of pecans I mean they were raw pecans first of all let's start with that so it's not even like they were um they were being processed in some crazy way but then I tell my sister can you believe this is the weirdest thing ever I was having all this brain fog I stopped eating pecans and now I'm fine she's like oh yeah I can't eat pecans either if I eat them I get migraines and I was like what I'm like it that was so weird to me yeah and to one to think that it is a knowable thing because my sister has the exact same it didn't manifest exactly in the same way but that it was a problem for her that she could track back as well but that it was so delayed and this is my real point with health and what you eat and what you're exposed to is so terrifying it's like steering a boat when you're in a car the second you turn the car moves in a boat you turn the wheel and three seconds later it starts to move and so it's very difficult to steer if you're inexperienced the same is true of Health you may not like it took 72 hours for the symptoms to go away so if I had stopped eating for 24 hours and I thought nope no change and started eating it why do you leave them out if it doesn't make a difference and started eating them again yeah then it goes on forever and now I can't make the connection you know the exact same thing happened to me by the way and often when it comes to Foods it's not always the food it's the processing even even something like a pecan where you think it's not processed there's something there and let me give an example there's a drink that I like I like carbonated drinks bro right me too yeah now I figured how do I get something with some flavor that doesn't have any sugar in it so I found one with stevia and according to Ben Greenfield no problem right so I started drinking it uh and I I had minor headaches that week the next week I started turning into brain fog right and this is what I said I'm doing something that's causing an inflammatory response what is it and I didn't lean on this because it seemed so clean and healthy I had this pre you know I just thought it was great but anyways I read carefully so there's the water there's Stevia but there was a natural flavor right natural means it's from a plant or an animal which seemingly should be fine right what does it take to derive a natural flavor and put it into your food between 50 to 100 chemicals whoa yeah the average is 70. 70 chemicals so take a natural flavor get it into the material that it needs to where it actually is usable in food but none of that is listed as an ingredient because it's not an ingredient it's a processing chemical it's not on the package you don't get to see the 70 things you just ingested right right so I stopped drinking it like yourself after the third day symptoms were gone because the inflammation Cycle takes some time to recover you're inflamed right that would have led to mood issues neurological inflammation that would have led to arterial inflammation just like my friend that had the golf problem I don't have the best quality arterial lining right so it just depends how much inflammation are you getting from what sources you got to cut it all out and you can feel amazing yeah man this is uh aging is a big deal aesthetically but also from a performance standpoint and getting that stuff right how much of this can we move backwards so your arterial flexibility you actually move backwards it got more elastic again which is phenomenal so I'll just throw out a PSA you are what you eat yes and you are what you ate ate so if your cows are eating Skittles yeah which I can't believe is a real thing yeah uh then you're eating meat yeah where the Skittles at a minimum would be stored in the fat but even just like from uh you're turning over I think every cell in the body turns over what every 12 years maximum and most of them are turning over a lot faster than that so if you're ingesting something then whatever those cells are made of you're going to be intaking and so you can move your things like arterial flexibility back but can you with the telomeres I'm much more familiar with the Horvath clock and like I don't know does that matter as much because arterial flexibility the things we're looking at that's looking at epigenetic expression right so what does that mean your genome is here's the instructions you have here's what your cells are being told what to do your epigenetic expression is now based on your environment nutrition lifestyle factors the load you put on this DNA some of those Gene instructions may be sped up or slowed down you eat a blueberry it does something to your genes a specific Gene perhaps right women know that if you use curcumin and turmeric it slows certain or dim for example it helps them with their hormone imbalances that was dim it's a supplement that is in any female menopause or hormone estrogen dominance supplement so if I have your DNA I can tell you exactly how your hormone Cascade looks meaning like yourself just by looking at you Androgen dominant a lot of testosterone not a lot of estrogen and good clean androgens not the toxic DHT you don't clear it you also don't you know you don't convert like I said earlier right so it's clear from your phenotype your manifestation of the genes so all of a sudden you can be very clear about that stuff and then if somebody like yourself is Android and dominant they can start to pick at that and say well now what problems does that cause it's a benefit to you you're going to live a little longer you're going to have a little more Vitality you're not going to age as fast right but it could lead to the truth is hitting your career goals is not easy you have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else but there are 10 steps I want to take you through that will 100x your efficiency so you can crush your goals and get back more time into your day you'll not only get control of your time you'll learn how to use that momentum to take on your next big goal to help you do this I've created a list of the 10 most impactful things that any High achiever needs to dominate and you can download it for free by clicking the link in today's description alright my friend back to today's episode prostate issues right it could lead to if you were to God forbid against something like covid you might get a little more sick than other people whoa myocarditis right why is it that so many young men are that's the outcome of injecting something because of what's happening with their testosterone level then why not every young man only some right because their hormone paths are different the genes that are instructing what they do with their hormones are different so if you are in that bucket where you net out like yourself a lot of clean androgens myocarditis is a real risk right where it isn't for some other people and that's why I'm saying that the very first thing I said is personalization any question you ask the answer isn't the same for all of us the same thing that could be highly beneficial for somebody first thing we talked about cardiovascular activity right let's get into that your oxidative pathway what happens when you're running you're taking in more oxygen all the cells in your body take in oxygen and nutrition to create energy right and in that process of using oxygen to make energy you also create an oxidant and that oxidant is a free radical it's toxic it causes inflammation your cells is a gene called sod2 which is meant to clear this from the cell so it's meant to go find it get rid of it put it into the blood and then your detox Pathways catch it grab it send it to the liver and then you're done if you don't do that well then it's kind of like having a fireplace with no chimney and the soot is just piling up and you're running on the treadmill and that oxidation is choking yourself and aging it faster creating that inflammatory state that you shouldn't have because you're doing something that is misaligned to your genetic capacity right if you also don't detoxify well it's also now causing inflammation in other parts of your body so that thing could be the root cause of your cholesterolemia because again an inflammatory insult to bad Hardware right or that thing if you deal with oxidation really well then you do get the cardiovascular benefit because your cells are not choking in oxidation and it's going to add 10 years to your life right so the habit misaligned to your genome equals problems a habit of line to your genome equals life extension Jesus man so we get so much advice and from diet eat like this I remember as a kid my dad was very overweight and the doctor was like if you don't change your diet you're going to die and their advice though was to basically go high carb low fat yeah whoops so not great advice the good news is that my dad is hyper disciplined so he just restricted the life out of his calories and ended up losing a lot of weight awesome um but that is just thankfully in fact I'd be so curious to see if you can actually see willpower in the the genetics because man I have me some willpower yeah like that is for sure yeah and I think my dad probably does as well watching him like go because there's the book um what's it called oh God it's something about live or die something like that I forget and it it tracks people and can they make the very simple decisions that they need to elongate their life and 95 of people if all they have to do is take a single pill once a day for the rest of their life to elongate their life by like five or ten years they don't do it yeah and I'm scandalized by that yeah but so I said this is this is my favorite part about what we do and I'm not a scientist I'm not a clinician I was sick and I found a solution and I built a company around it right because I just felt everybody needed it um the thing that I personally have focused on building that I found was the most broken in genomic interpretation was the brain and mood and behavior most people didn't believe that there was an answer so that that belief that 99 people won't take the pill it said 99 of people were given the prescription in a way that doesn't align to their thinking they will all take the pill if you understand how they think now you're in my zone yeah how is that possible so take me for example the dopamine pathway which you're familiar with pleasure and reward right that chemical allows you to feel these two things we understand biologically how that happens and we understand what Gene instructs each step so first of all uh sensorial type activity happens in three phases the anticipation you know what's coming you smell the tasty PDS of the steps of dopamine these are the steps of dopamine and most other sort of feelings right anticipation of the feeling you know it's about to happen as long or short as it takes then it happens you're in the moment and then you have to clear it you have to come back to normal so that's clear the neurochemistry the actual dopamine from this yes so the way I anticipate and bind experience my ability to bind my sensors the actual receptors are very sparse so this Gene called drd2 which determines the density of those receptors and I'm slim to none okay I want to walk people through this this is important it's the same with insulin and Insulin yeah exactly yes so you have a cell yeah and I I'm going to describe it what I think is true but jump in if I'm inaccurate so you have a cell on the out outside of the cell are receptors basically I imagine them as like little grabbing hands or locks and you've got dopamine floating around as a thing to be grabbed or Keys have whatever analogy you prefer and they if you have a lot of receptors there's a lot of grabbing hands boom they grab the dopamine there's a lot of locks for that key to unlock if you have very few receptors which it sounds like you do even if there's a lot of dopamine present in the system there's just not a lot of things trying to grab the dopamine and so you could take your blood and be like word you've got all the dopamine dopamine is not your problem exactly yeah but in reality is the problem but the third part so presence of dopamine ability to bind dopamine or any chemical and then clearing it out of the system have it okay those are the three important now I have the minimal ability to bind so when I experience or feel it's way down here right the maos and other gen Gene that breaks it down and I have the fastest possible Mao comp produces A protein that helps now clear that broken upper tablet I have the fastest possible pump so when the way I experience the world is pleasure and reward our way down here and it lasts that long it's done before it started so I have three potential outcomes and this is exactly why I said the reason why they don't take the pill is that the prescription is misaligned to their thinking for me if I'm not doing king or they are experienced their perspective perception the way they're perceiving what's happening right so the way I perceive the world sucks I'm depressed right I don't get to enjoy and I don't feel a reward for real for real you feel that most days or you found a way to combat it if I don't go down the path of reward or pleasure I could very EAS very easily become addicted because when I do feel that pleasure hit from anything could be good or bad I need more and I need more and I'll structure my day around it and it becomes the core Hub again of all these problems if I go down the pleasure path dopamine also Powers reward I might go down that path and then also and they become entrepreneurial and I take big risks and I do stupid things that nobody else will do like walking away from my startup company and building a genomics company which I have no business doing right so that's where by the way I've experienced all three and why is that important because the outcome here's your biological pathway here's the genes and a structure I can predict your behavior and your possible outcomes the context you're in will now determine the net result if I'm in a context where there's no pleasure or a word I'm going to be depressed if I'm in a context where I'm seeking pleasure I'm going to get addicted if I am struggling and I need to fight what we call Warrior genetics which is what I'm made up of I can get deeper into that I will strive and I will Thrive and I'll accomplish great things right because of my need for more reward whatever I did yesterday isn't good enough today that's that's true for depression addiction ADHD all these things that we've labeled as problems and why are they so hard to measure and treat because they're very different for different people so if you have the same pathway like myself the opposite picture of the flip opposite the maximum binding of dopamine in a very slow clearance that person has such an easy time experience pleasuring a war that they become call it flaky they're just not interested they're not motivated because everything's already good enough walk out of a meeting with 10 action items yeah great they don't even start eight of them because they already feel the sensor reward just by talking about it but the two that they really enjoy because the clearance takes them long they end up binging right the thing that gives them that elevated sense they get stuck in it and they binge so these are the people that are like subject matter experts me I want every opportunity I can't say no right and I want to do this and I want to do this and I want to do it amazing they're like all this sucks no I don't care about your Netflix TV show but the one that I like I'm watching six episodes right so the same pathway creating two very different results and we can talk about all the different Pathways and it's the same for all of them it's really interesting but the if I had to guess and this is absolutely a guess I have a tremendous ability to feel the dopamine so I get excited man I am very easy to excite yeah but I have a feeling that my dopamine clears fast yeah so I'm always on to the next yeah and I have said and I mean this without I'm not trying to be funny my need for uh the next thing the next thing the next thing borders on pathological yeah and I'll be very curious to see how that manifests so we you're probably right and I'll tell you that part of the work that I've personally done again I'm not a clinician so I don't treat patients but I've interviewed hundreds of people about their mood and behavior their brain very purposely because first of all I love it second because I came in with a different perspective that wasn't the genetic Norm right so I I interviewed I would say over 100 millionaires right and maybe a couple well I would say about seven to twelve billionaires right to understand how they think and it just happened to be that we're part of part of our research to understand mood and behavior why did they do what they did right I also I also interviewed nurses and firefighters to understand why are they so reliable and dependent in these rocks that we can lean on right to understand their neural behavior and what I learned is somebody like yourself who's Mission driven right but is able to build is exactly what you're describing very easy to feel but it doesn't last long enough which is why you need it and you need it and you need it but when you do it right you're in it you have enough pleasure it's not the pathological thing that you're hanging on to that little rope is the ability to maintain it the what I do is I take a little bit too much risk so I'm either going to build a billion dollar company or Crash and Burn right what's happening day to day isn't good enough so and this is what we learned and this was consistent when I when I interviewed a hedge fund manager exactly like you uh except they also had a very strong ability to say no right their their job was to not lose more important than to make right the average for a hedge fund Banner is 50 50 anyway it's like costing it tossing a coin right so it's how do I not lose as opposed to how I make so they're very risk adverse the guy that hired the hedge fund manager the billionaire that owns the company does not think that way but he knows he needs these people around him to not lose and not screw up and we learn that people kind of fall in place when there's a risk averse guy is dopamine profile look like so it's it's it's very similar to what you're describing where the ability to feel that is high uh but they don't they clear it a little quicker so they can move on and make others and multitask multi-prioritized the key thing that they do differently however is that their ability to deal with the what we call Brain Drive neurotropic Factor bdnf so bdnf determines neuroplasticity the ability to develop neural Pathways they don't do that well right so they're not good at wearing multiple hats they're not good at looking they're hyper focused in subject matter experts they do this thing with tunnel vision right they also their serotonin pathways are off and when we talk about serotonin we usually look at it as depression and mood uh but when you look at it more functionally this is what we learned by actually sitting in front of people and interview them by the way we interviewed 7 000 people so it's the largest clinical in-person genomic study in the world and this is the gap between here's genetics 80 chance Alzheimer's versus how did I not get it we learned that by actually meeting people so in that we learned that these people once again their serotonin pathway is off the actual receptor was a little short and they're disregulated for their ability to deal with mood but serotonin has a key uh attribute that people don't use it for which is prioritizing stimulus what does that mean we're sitting here we're focused and we're talking some people can't do that they're noticing the camera they're noticing the lights there's a flicker there's a sound there's a smell there's a whatever right these people have that problem meaning that every little detail and Nuance bothers them so in their behavior they might seem irritable they might seem easy to frustrate easy to distract also but when they're reviewing things every little T and I that needs to be crossed and dotted they see and when they come back to the table to speak to whoever they come back with this deep highly analytical report that nobody else could actually do right and but it causes other problems they can't sleep at night why can't they sleep at night because in your second half of your sleep cycle first half good deep sleep typically these people don't have a problem with that in the second half at some point your body is supposed to wake up it knows that I'm going to be awake at some point just like melatonin puts you to sleep serotonin wakes you up so you make it in your sleep sunlight comes through the window pierces through your eyelid and you're supposed to start binding serotonin and be awake so that stimulation because they can't prioritize stimulus they don't know if the temperature off or the weird noise or the you know hubby's pulling on the blanket all of that sensorial problem triggers the serotonin binding serotonin binding serotonin because their body doesn't know what to focus on and then they can't sleep in the second half of their night right so this functional you know approach to their specific problem as opposed to take a pill which once again may not actually solve their problem right so we learned all of this stuff by sitting in front of people interviewing them and just continues to blow my mind every day are we slaves to our genetics so no not at all and this is this is the misconception that your genes are your destiny right they are your destiny if you don't understand them and you're doing everything wrong right and for the most part we aren't designed for our current reality that is true for most people what does that mean give me a quick thumbnail sketch of current reality current reality is you go to work and there's chemicals that paint to the wall there's chemicals that cleaned your carpet you're working on a desk that was just cleaned by the cleaning guy you received mail and you're talking touching a package with pollution all over it right are you designed to cope with all that you're going for a quick bite at lunch and something that was wrapped in plastic you're ingesting microplastics are you designed for that you didn't sleep enough and you're stressed for eight hours straight and producing cortisol is that what your ancestors did right you're not outside getting vitamin D which by the way of the 30 000 some odd genes in your body 10 of that 10 of your genes require vitamin D to function yeah so ten percent of your human biochemistry is dependent on this one micronutrient right and you're indoors for 10 hours 12 hours and then you go home and you're indoors again right so we're not doing what we're designed for not in our fault we don't know what we know I can do whatever I want and when I break myself the doctor will fix me that's what we know right we don't ask or don't even believe that it's possible to not get there to not be sick in the first place quick derail on the vitamin D sure so I I get vitamin D as a matter of religion yeah because I read something how true this is I'm not entirely sure but it sounds like where you're going that this will be pretty accurate that if you get skin cancer you are more likely to survive skin cancer if you get a sunburn than you are if you get no sun let me say that again if you get skin cancer you're more likely to survive if you get a sunburn than if you don't get any more sun that's insane yeah I was like I'm sorry what so that's when I was like all right I gotta get son I believe that vitamin D has been rebranded vitamin D it's actually a hormone I believe it's been rebranded because every everybody had enough there'd be a much lesser expenditure in healthcare right why call it vitamin D because they want people to supplement you're take you're taking away its value by what you named it I see it's a sheep in it it's truly a hormone got it it's like calling testosterone vitamin T and putting it on the shelf right but understanding how important testosterone is That's What vitamin D is it's truly a hormone that's why so much is dependent and it's not just it's and it's not a direct correlate a vitamin D prevents or stops cancer if 10 of your biochemistry is dependent on this thing and you don't have it everything's out of whack why do you feel off in the winter you know why do women get osteoporosis problems and some don't what are all these things that are dependent on this one again Hub going back to that central theme of find the Hub the thing that's broken in your biochemistry fuel that properly and all the spokes go away right yeah man so vitamin D I think is incredibly important but I have a conflicted relationship with the sun's potential effects on aging and wrinkles and is it just yep sorry the sun you need it but the sun is going to age your skin for sure so then understanding how you do that right we don't all ages the same way we don't all have the same negative outcome from too much sun did your ancestors come from an equatorial climate no then you probably aren't meant to be in the sun all day and if we look at your vitamin D profile I can predict and we'll look at it when you need your genome back vitamin D is the only micronutrient that has a multi-step metabolism process a vitamin C vitamin A there's one gene that takes it puts it in your blood that's it simple because our ancestors did different things and had different exposure you know your ancestry might be a little bit Northern a little less sunlight more clouds right yeah and so what they probably did had a really good ability to Step One draw D2 from the Sun and convert it into D3 that's step one that's one gene then once it's in the blood you need to transport it to the cell where it's actually used that's a second Gene then once it's at the cell you need to bind it like you said those guys that are catching the stuff and connect to your cell that's another Gene so this pathway you'll find that there's a high variability between people who are more equatorial that don't do this process so efficiently right and then people that means they need more they need more or they need multiple they may need multiple doses that's where they may get it wrong you mean multiple doses meaning that okay I do a good job of bringing it into the system but I don't transfer to the cell and I don't bind it that means if I take my couple thousand IU in the morning I've only used 500 of it aren't you super suspect though of supplementing the sun like I don't I'm ignorant nobody should listen to me but here's my big concern that there's way more going on when Sun hits your skin than we think and if you're just trying to supplement the isolated D3 you there's almost certainly things you're not doing for instance correct me if I'm wrong but I think the sun penetrates far enough to get into the bone that's crazy yeah it that sun exposure again what did your ancestors do they got out they started working in the morning right they're outside working so taking a vitamin b supplement is a acute Band-Aid response to living in New York inside in the winter your walking Outdoors is not going to help you right because you're not producing vitamin D you're not getting enough sun it's like too low or something it's it's just not enough right in the winter there just isn't enough in certain areas so you have to supplement that's what supplement means add more right so but if you are in Phoenix or here in La you know you're good you probably don't need as much if you go outside that's if you go outside I just live in L.A I lived in L.A for a long time but I was afraid of the Sun so I never went out I'm sure I was wildly yeah and there's so much that's triggered I suppose I should finish that yeah and it's not just um so it's also your sleep right your eyes seeing sunlight in the morning triggers the start of your clock how many people can't sleep at night because they don't start their day properly the Circadian rhythm there's genes that direct that there's literally a gene called clock that Regulators are being called clock yeah and it literally regulates your clock your internal clock cleverly name yeah so if you have the bad version of it and you're not starting your day the right way your body can't cope with whatever you're doing right you're on Netflix till midnight blue light we talk about there's some people that say well my laptop doesn't bother me I can be on my phone until I knock out and I have no problem some people need to shut it off two hours before so starting your day the way your ancestor started which is out in the sun your eyes getting that dose of sun like actual sunlight will turn your circadian rhythm clock on so that your body knows what time to sleep right just simple things like that yeah going back to your idea of ancestral stuff and not thinking about your grandparents because we're already now that's what a hundred years ago versus the 200 000 I've heard you say 200 000 and 250 000. that we've basically been modern humans yeah that's the range right uh and different people will say different things but something happened around that time where we became who we are so our brain changed right we done we developed emotion we developed complicated speaking skills uh our bodies changed and we basically whatever you believe about where we came from uh whether it's the religious belief or the scientific belief we became who we are yeah right humans don't existed uh we did not change and we still haven't changed so if you look at the Genome of that 200 to 250 000 year old person it's exactly the same as it is today if you are a Ferrari right here and you've designed to be a Ferrari and you race a track for 200 000 years and all of a sudden every Ferrari is going off-road they're all going to break all of them because they were not designed for that and that's what we're doing to ourselves we're all that fish in the Fishbowl we're industrialization you know processing uh and it's it's so much more worse for women you wonder why there's the prevalence of why is it that you know 80 of the Alzheimer's cases are in women eighty percent of the research dollars are spent on men it's more than that actually but the cases are in women because they also have to deal with a cofactor of estrogen toxicity which we don't as much some of us do but most of us don't which is another internal source of inflammation and these same chemicals that I'm talking about that cause inflammation also mimic hormones as they enter your body so imagine you're a woman that in your hormone Cascade we can determine progesterone converts a testosterone converts to estrogen and there's nuances in how you do that men and women do the same thing men do it every day women do it once a month same cycle right so some women progesterone to testosterone to estrogen filling that estrogen bucket really really heavy right what do you then do with that estrogen you convert it into a metabolite before you get rid of it it could be toxic two hydroxys are called great that's what you want 4 and 16 hydroxy highly highly toxic and a lot of women do that even then it doesn't mean you're sick now add to that that you're again pesticides in the grass cleaning chemicals something as simple as a printed grocery receipt you know the laser printed ones Teflon coated frying pan oh stop you got to tell me more yeah so I eat off a Teflon all day every day so disrupter okay yeah crazy hormone disruptor what how do I scramble my eggs so for you it's not again personalization for you it's not that big of a deal because you're having I hope yeah your energy inside I'm only 27 years old I'm kidding but like uh for real so let's assume that I shouldn't be eating Teflon yeah what how do I how to use scramble yourself what did your ancestor do cast iron cast iron cast iron that's what you actually stick yeah to that pan you gotta do the work hard you gotta do the work brand you got to put butter on there make sure it doesn't stick interesting cast iron huh not ceramic uh ceramic I haven't personally found a problem right I would think I don't think there is a lot of hormone disruptor as far as you know no no no but Teflon yes right chemicals in general kept most chemicals in general hormone disruptors what we call endocrine disruption plastic water bottles horrible really horrible yeah yeah taking everything away yeah especially in a city like La where you're it's sitting in the Heat and the plastic is seeping into the water even more exponentially right so if I keep them cold or no even then it's bad even then but the heat makes it much worse right so all we're saying is that women are worse off and you ask all these questions 66 percent of women will die on their first cardiovascular event with zero symptoms or warning signs they don't even know they have a cardiovascular disease why because of the cofactor of estrogen toxicity they're hit with this cholesterol Problem whatever other problem but they're also dealing with this other inflammatory live longer how is estrogen toxic or is there a natural way like hey in the 250 000 year time Horizon SD it was fine but in a modern scenario because of XYZ it's problematic so the women that were saying live longer are not of this generation right ouch you're thinking about Grandma ouch right you're thinking about Grandma pre everything is laced in chemicals that's a different reality right women of today why is it that it's either crazy menopause infertility uh you know what the [ __ ] why I'm not I'm not selling my wife how she's talked about this publicly but she like hasn't had a period in a long time now she's way too lean yep so I'll just tell you that's part of the problem yeah uh but what the [ __ ] that's what's happening the hormone 85 percent of North America American women how many 85 of North American women will take a birth control pill for five to fifteen years yeah yeah right that's just fueling that estrogen fire and then once you're off the birth control pill and you get close to menopause you go on hormone therapy estrogen fire okay so women are taking way too much estrogen it's combined with environmental toxins which we will include food fill the bucket even more now we've got a problem it's getting stored in their fatty tissue which means hips and breasts is this the theory on why women get breast cancer one of the reasons this is a functional reason so there's there's actual genetic conditions meaning there's a gene that's turned on or off which equals a problem okay so we're back to broca yeah so bracha so the belief is if you ask a woman about braca even if you ask a doctor about Breco they will tell you breast cancer risk bracket does not cause breast cancer it actually protects you from it but if you have that bad version okay I was gonna say why does that have such a bad rape yeah so that the reason is because some people don't have the good version of it right that somebody has the bad version of braco bracha is a tumor suppressing Gene so if you have breast cancer it's supposed to fix it got it if your repair tool is broken because your genetic code is broken got it you don't fix it so it's a Brack of variant so what that means is not risk of cancer inability to recover inability to fight it right but so many more women are getting breast cancer right why it wasn't that common you know you know how they used to cure breast cancer in England eat blueberries until you turn blue I'm talking about like great grandmother's generation and it worked why because of the gene expression modulators that are in the blueberry will you actually turn blue well that's a bit of an exaggeration I was going to say because I know with carrots like you will start to get skin colored uh yeah if you're eating that much of it it's gonna change but anyway that was a solution and it worked because the the hormone dominance hormone estrogen to talk to the fuel of the fire wasn't to the degree that it is today so let's get back to that so now bracha yeah the good or bad version you either do a good job of fighting cancer and you don't but why did you get cancer to begin with that same woman that we just described that has a heavy load of estrogen toxicity which is a lot of women who then step two of three converts it into a toxic metabolite one of three options two of the options are toxic one isn't most women are in these toxic buckets that we've seen right step three of three is you now need to get rid of it so you produce this toxin your oxidative Pathways the same thing we talked about the the marathon runner that causes the cardiovascular problems right uh the same then the glutathione pathway the guy that was golfing that you know clears the talk the same Pathways also clear this stuff right so now also if you don't do that job well I message and dominant estrogen toxic and I don't get rid of it I now have a toxic environment but why did women of last two three four generations not have the propensity of breast cancers they do today because now you're also dealing with the hormone disruptors the 10 years of breast birth birth control pill the five years of bhrt hormone replacement therapy trying to look young and beautiful the Teflon coated frying pan right the pesticides in my grass the Plastics and all these other things that are in my food that are on my table that are in my makeup the phthalates and all this stuff and everything that is going in through your lungs stomach and skin and entering your bloodstream that's the woman who has fueled the fire to such a degree that like you said the body is wondering what do I do with all this stuff when you're menopausal you don't have a cycle anymore that that cleanse that monthly cleanse why do women get rid of this material every month the miracle of a human body when you say get rid of this material they shed the uterine lining is that what we're talking about estrogen toxicity is that that byproduct of estrogen is is 4 and 16 hydroxy estrogens what they're called that's that toxic metabolite you're getting rid of it every month right if you don't have a menstrual cycle anymore because you're menopausal you're not getting rid of it and your body's trying to protect your organs and your vasculature from this inflammatory insult so like you said what is up my friend Tom bilyu here and I have a big question to ask you how would you rate your level of personal discipline on a scale of one to ten if your answer is anything less than a ten I've got something cool for you and let me tell you right now discipline by its very nature means compelling yourself to do difficult things that are stressful boring which is what kills most people or possibly scary or even painful now here is the thing achieving huge goals and stretching to reach your potential requires you to do those challenging stressful things and to stick with them even when it gets boring and it will get boring building your levels of personal discipline is not easy but let me tell you it pays off in fact I will tell you you're never going to achieve anything meaningful unless you develop discipline right I've just released a class from Impact Theory university called how to build Ironclad discipline that teaches you the process of building yourself up in this area so that you can push yourself to do the hard things the greatness is going to require review right click the link on the screen register for this class right now and let's get to work I will see you inside this Workshop from Impact Theory University until then my friends be legendary peace out it goes and stores it in fact and women have fat in their breasts and they have all these glands meant to deliver milk that were not designed structurally to deal with that level of toxin and they get inflamed and the cells become damaged and then you get cancer that's one answer there's many ways you get there but that's one right if you know if I test a five-year-old girl and I tell you this you can absolutely then prevent the cancer because she knows what choices to make right if you or if you take the pill stay out of the toxic soup make sure you keep your period what else it's it's a it's a it's a couple of things you can do it's one here's the biological function I don't do well so I need to take the right supplements or eat the right food to support that genetic expression right if we've mapped all that out that's that's it's easy to prescribe now it was a gray area before but it's easy though second thing is don't do the things that you're not meant to do so what are the if the prescription is easy eat a lot of blueberries apparently what else so by the way eat a cup of blueberries a day and your biological age will drop about a decade in a Year ah then I'm an infant yeah I eat the most blueberries yeah the antioxidant if you're eating proper blueberries right like smaller organic clean small mine are often very large so food that's that's one Telltale sign by the way food is should be small whatever yeah bitter I'm sure yeah and yeah it doesn't taste and the texture is up and right everything is so everything has been enlarged for and what ends up happening a potato which used to look like smaller than a golf ball which now looks like this is sugar right it used to be nutrient dense you used to be able to get your protein fill from a potato but you can't find those potatoes anymore really yeah I knew we'd been changing fruit for sure I didn't know we had that kind of manipulation on potatoes yeah just just uh last week they passed the law in Mexico to get rid of all the GMO corn and bring back all the because they realize how sick a bit interesting man this is going to get interesting because here here is the reality the GMO has allowed us to feed a lot more people and I know there are some cynical people out there that are more than happy to say no have less kids not realizing what pandemonium that will introduce to the world population collapse you want to see what that does to the economy yeah oh God yeah and I know like dude it is super cynical when people are like okay it'll be rough for a minute no it's hundreds of millions of people dying either from starvation or uh War caused by famine it's it's not a good look so for the majority of us that answer of there now isn't enough food if it isn't geomo and mass it's because of the food that we eat is so lacking nutrients that we're eating more if you actually had nutrient dense food right if you had the food the way it used to be you don't need to eat that much it delivers you exactly the micronutrients and all the macronutrients that you need in this in a handful if you look at a proper egg with a deep orange yolk right like a proper egg from a bird that was pasture grazed it's very different in the the value that you get from that versus three GMO pale yellow yolk eggs it's not the same thing right so a chicken in the 1950s used to be one kilo in the 70s and I'm Canadian so I'm using kilos in the 70s there were like two and now they're four that's a proper normal chicken they have quadrupled in size imagine if what is the average human like 170 180 pounds what if the average was now 800 pounds we're getting close yeah I mean this is so you said something earlier that made me think about so the genome doesn't change rapidly Evolution happens slowly and from a religious perspective I'm perfectly happy to say God gave us Evolution whatever but evolution is happening I can't remember if I heard this from you or somebody else but there are elephants now being born without tusks because they're not being poached right elephants without tusks stay alive longer have more children which is now why because of poachers that we're starting to see more and more being born without tests absolutely fascinating and it begs the question will we get people that are good at dealing with environmental toxins and obesity like are we gonna get good at being fat like it's so that's funny because the the gstm-1 gene which is protective of the gut when we look at our data objective in what way uh kind of like your first line of defense to bind and prevent toxins from causing problems entering the bloodstream and also protecting people with a better epithelial lining uh no the the inner gut wall so it the toxins that come along with your food are extracted and removed got it right which then allows the lining to be healthier which prevents leaky gut and gut dysbiosis you'll have a healthier gut right so that Gene we found in our research that 49 of people don't even have it right 46 of people have 50 of the instruction so they're minus 50 capacity only a tiny fraction less than 10 percent actually have both copies from Mom and Dad so that's an example of something that we didn't need right we didn't need because food wasn't a threat now that it is what's happening is we're getting both copies but we the body isn't designed to be that hyperactive in terms of gut detox so it's now causing autoimmune conditions for the people that have both copies that are doing an excellent job like you said evolving into our current reality now have autoimmune conditions because they're overdoing the detox like so that threat that comes into their stomach it's not you're not fighting yourself just like we talk about the cytokine storm with covid right it's so powerful that you trigger an autoimmune response and you end up fighting yourself so the people that are now evolving into that there's some blessing in how we were designed and how perfect we are and how perfect food used to be versus what now we're involving into to cope with now what food is what the environment is and that's imbalanced the thing that we need to be able to cope is making us sick you brought covet up again yeah he said God forbid you get something like covet I'm trying to think of covet now as like it's a cold yeah but God forbid so uh is this tack on Attack on the tissues like what is the big concern literally my wife just had covens yeah so we are dealing with here March 20 20 by May 2020 we had started getting out to the world about why there was Zero symptoms symptomatic and in the hospital and it wasn't covered that was doing those things covet is the Catalyst or the trigger that is at that time not anymore right the the virus has changed a lot but at that time was caused the level of inflammation that if you were in respiratory poor health metabolic poor health or cardiovascular poor health pushed you over the edge just right it was kind of like we can understand your metabolic Health by the way only five percent of Americans are metabolically healthy what yes that's data that the CDC is agreeing to that was published about a month ago that is so it's disgusting terrifying five percent people are actually walking around with the ability to actually be healthy wow do you know how they how do they judge that what is it the uh they're taking flexibility uh insulin they're taking data on yeah insulin response and they're taking so they're they're taking all this so what we do have now which we didn't have before is all this aggregated data from all these emrs and systems that are being put together and so they know they have mass population data and the CDC itself is saying which you wouldn't expect them to say only fiber so it's probably two percent if they're saying five yeah so going back to this if you were metabolically unhealthy if you were why did so many more Americans die of covid than other nations right it's not just got sick but died because cardiovascular health was poor respiratory Health was poor and metabolic Health was poor you were already positioned for when the threat came you were already at the Tipping Point something had to push you over the edge and this Catalyst was powerful in the beginning so what we understood is we we then at that time put on a program to our on our own customer base where we we looked at the people who had poor cardiovascular genetics and poor respiratory genetics and poor metabolic genetics genetics and we custom built cocktails for them we have a compounding pharmacy where we actually make formulas that are custom and we learn and we've you know we then teach other people and we put 200 pieces you were in a supplement guy in in our company I'm not the guy one of our co-founders you have a supplementary I'm not the guy yeah yeah so uh but it's a big part of what we do understanding what genes augment genetic expression I'm sorry what ingredients so we did that 200 people is that really a thing yeah like I'm so I consider myself ignorant to supplements and I'm very paranoid about isolating things and then in taking them because it always seems like a good idea and I'm definitely if a little is good a lot must be better kind of guy yeah but I know that that's a risky thing to do with your body what are give me some Top Line supplements that are like oh yeah yeah those are so Precision is important just like you said what we learned is the same ingredient that could be beneficial can be problematic in a different dose so the same dim and curcumin that I mentioned earlier for women that they commonly take this one woman will have an amazing outcome another one will get migraines because her genetic ability to use it is different so you guys are doing the supplementation obviously based on the generation yeah so we we build and we're not supplementing the problem that's broken in supplements you don't say I feel like this so I need to supplement go back to the hub right what what central Hub is failing and solve that problem we know there are problems like rickets that are a deficiency problem what percentage do you think is you're encountering something that you need to cut out and what percentages you're missing something that you need so vitamin D would be you're missing something that you need uh and then most of the other things I can think of are all you're encountering something that you shouldn't but if you had and I know this is a total swag but just so I get your breakdown that exact example part of our science team there was a gentleman from the Caribbean moved to Toronto he got school vitamin D problems I'll just tell you right now yeah scoliosis one leg was about an inch and a half shorter than the other one oh and he walked with a limp which did not happen to him earlier because a lot you know up until that whatever age he had the dose he needed and the lifestyle he needed to absorb it because he was outside and all of a sudden he moved to Toronto where there was Winter and there was no and he got scoliosis so we didn't treat the scoliosis we said you need to go outside in the morning and you need to take this dose of vitamin D and you need to spread it because you don't transport it bind enough it went away scoliosis yeah it actually went away he had he had been doing a bunch of treatment he went so this is where I'm saying that if you try and mask the symptom you haven't got rid of the the fuel of that fire that's causing the symptom chronic disease if you think about sushi in the bowl right chronic disease doesn't start the day she entered the bowl you need that exposure for some time and then the inflammation or the cellular degradation or the oxidation or detoxification one of these things is failing which presents it takes you to a level where all sudden it expresses where you're sick some it depends where you're failing and then what disease you get in his case it was scoliosis we have an NHL hockey player we deal with a lot of NHL players because we're in Toronto Mecca hockey training right so there was a young gentleman who was meant to be a star player and in his rookie season failed and kept getting fractures right and he also couldn't recover from training like his peers and he also couldn't recover from the partying when they would go drinking and doing whatever they did he would need to rest and that was affecting his mood and it was also affecting his game so what did we find this guy was half Mexican so his ancestry 50 of his ancestry spent time in the sun he also grew up in the southern I think in Arizona right so now all of a sudden you have a guy that you pick out of Arizona drop him into Toronto training indoors on an ice rink that's what he does and you wonder why all of a sudden he started getting fractures because he has a genetic Pathway to to not use the vitamin D he's getting because his ancestors are Overexposed they were Outdoors all the time they were sung all the time so when you have that much vitamin D is toxic it's one of the few micro it's actually probably the only micronutrient which you have too much is actually harmful and your body will store in fat and try and protect you so to mitigate that the gene Pathway to transport it was slowed down the gene Pathway to binding will slow it down now you take him out of that context and drop him into a different context which he's not aligned for and he starts getting fractures so he's already got a lot less sun coming in and he's had an adaptation historically to make sure that he slows the processing of that to make sure that it doesn't take in too much so you've got a quadruple whammy by the time you're up in Toronto wow and now it starts affecting his mood which affected his game because vitamin D you know your neural pathways are also driven by it right so you're if you don't have enough you wonder why so many people in the winter just feel off I have the winter Blues right the suicide levels at Christmas time yes there's some social Factor there but it's also this that's when you have the least vitamin D in your system yeah right yeah yeah man like this is crazy so I'm gonna take my swag at what I think is deficiency versus what I think is uh you're encountering something that you shouldn't I'm gonna go with a nice 80 20 rule 80 you're encountering things you shouldn't your diet environmental toxins danger danger Will Robinson and then 20 is you probably should be getting micronutrients from vegetables the vegetables at least in my sort of semi-educated way like you have to be a little bit thoughtful about what you're taking in because the plants have their own defense mechanisms yes uh and then I've just seen it just absolutely slap my wife around like if if she's having a flare-up uh digestive flare-up then it Retreat to meat if she Retreats back to beef or lamb she's good it's never like oh go heavy on the spinach and then it's like we're gonna exacerbate the problem yeah so I'm super suspect to that but also I don't know just long term it feels like you probably need some micronutrients from that even if it's just getting some dirt from the soil um but yeah what do you think 80 20 it is so the funny thing is just this morning I was on this call with this telemedicine company who wants to incorporate a sleep program into what they do and our deck literally says 80 20. really yeah it's right in there right and so to take your wife as an example um there's a gene called Fatu that determines [ __ ] two enough [ __ ] f-u-t Fu there we go I was like I heard it again yeah but there is a gene called MTHFR which everyone refers to as mother something yeah right but uh and that's a methylation gene so anyways what two uh most people that we have seen cannot be vegans wow yeah the enzymes required to rely on uh you know all the proteins that are like you know lentils beans legumes chickpeas all that stuff so much sense right yeah the enzymes required are developed by one gene which most people have the bad version dude I see I'm I'm really interested in getting tested now because I look at somebody like Rich Roll and I'm like I promise you that man is a beautiful human being he's not lying yeah so he really feels awesome it's really served him well but every time I try it I'm like I don't feel good me too I had the same and there's more people in that bucket than the good bucket but the people for whom it's good it is incredible right it makes them feel amazing you said your wife likes uh lamb right again the [ __ ] too by the way is part of the methylation pathway your anti-inflammatory response there's another Gene in the methylation pathway which determines what version of B12 you need so the B12 that you get from beef is metabolizing your gut and if your ancestors ate a lot of beef you probably are designed to do that most of our ancestors didn't most of them ate lamb and sheep easier to herd you know there's a lot of convenience around it if you think about back way back when right and so you have a different version of the gene where you actually metabolize B12 right in your mouth on your tongue this is why grandma says chew your food she's right you know you there's some micronutrients that you actually sublingually under your tongue directly absorb into your bloodstream right and so even when you take a B12 supplement you have to take the version that your body actually metabolizes right and now when your wife will eat lamb or sheep for a week or even goat she's going to feel amazing her brain is going to be a little sharper all these like pains and aches might go away inflammation load goes down she might sleep a little bit less it's a better deeper quality sleep because as one micronutrient is triggering all these anti-inflammatory responses yeah right take that away all sudden she doesn't feel good somebody else may not have the problem they eat beef every day and they feel amazing he has so much debate about diet like religious zealotry anger and getting to the genetic component of like the the person that's really fighting for their way it's like yeah it probably works for you but the idea of one size fits all just doesn't add up that is the keyword diet is removing one-size-fits all trial and error you're hearing you're inundated with I listened to this podcast I watch this YouTube video it worked for that person look how amazing they look I don't disagree it probably did work for that person but are you that person yeah right the same uh by the way Brown game right insulin response is known as something that's caused by sugar because all the research is done on you Western European white Mill Brown guy I also get an insulin response from saturated fat it's not in the literature anywhere because my genetics are not like yours and you wonder why so many South Asian people suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular disease no matter what they're doing even if they go on a carnivore diet because they're eating the thing that triggers insulin response which it doesn't do for Western European white male right that genetic Nuance that one thing could be the reason why they got sick or lived an extra 10 years right yeah yeah and it's endless man you can dive into anything you can dive in this stuff is so complex yeah that's the the catch is I'm grateful because we're obviously moving in the right direction people are beginning to learn and understand like what's the role of genetics what's the role of environment what are things that are environmental toxins how much is the food supply changed oh you can't just break glyphosate on everything like you know antibiotics like I remember when my wife first went through the big dramatic like problem with her gut was probably about a year before that I didn't even know what a microbiome was right and so thinking about how new the microbiome is to science most people most doctors 20 years ago didn't even know what a microbiome was so as we get more of this information we begin to realize what we can do about it now one thing I want to ask as somebody who's focused on DNA what's the idea behind junk DNA is it junk does that purpose so what we believe is that genetics is an interpreting DNA properly so all that stuff you hear right Define junk DNA for people that don't know there's 30 000 genes right we used to believe by the way up until a month ago that there was 22 000. the human genome was just fully sequenced a month ago I was going to say I always thought the number was like 20 something yeah so it just got kicked up to 30. we now know more about arguino and when people say that there there are 30 000 genes that do something that do something because there's a whole lot more yeah that appear to do nothing yeah then all of a sudden you have stuff that is deleterious or there's stuff that is actually detrimental it causes you problem so if you ask different people about what junk DNA means you'll get different responses right there's a scientific response of actual junk in your DNA right then there's there's people that are more functional in their thinking that will tell you it's the stuff that actually causes you harm that maybe one day Gene editing will and I can tell you something that's going to blow your mind in terms of what's Happening uh at the government level uh for genetic intervention might as well just tell you now while we're on the topic there was a Bill signed that said that we're going to develop a new bioeconomic industry right biochemistry industry no so bioeconomic is I think of what they called it which says that now that we know everything about the genome we are going to treat it as software meaning that if we can alter the genome we can treat it as a software update and this is this is based this is in writing by the US government this was passed uh two two weeks ago a week ago that um are we talking like crispr cast 9 go in edit the genome this is like imagine you have your Microsoft software and if you don't update it you can't use it anymore you need the update to be aligned with what's happening today so this is beyond crispr this is beyond I'm telling you this was I'll send you the article later this was in writing past Bill signed very quietly okay I'm going to read you two paragraphs September 12th President Biden signed the executive order on advancing biotechnology and biomanufacturing Innovation for sustainable safe and secure American bioeconomy the bioeconomics I was talking about a new industry that's being developed around human biology this is what's actually in writing to be able to write circuitry for cells in predictively programmed biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers this is part of the bill right so to be able to write circuitry for cells and particularly program biology which means we're now telling the GOP are they uh allowing that in humans yes this is I mean with the right amount of Regulation like I love crispr but when I heard that in China the guy was editing the genome to supposedly make the girls more resistant to HIV but oh sorry does it also make them more intelligent my bad like that was where I was like oh God this turns into an arms race it gets really scary and the so now we have to do this is really interesting we need to research it more I don't want to overreact I want to make sure that I go look at this but um just as a a broad thing so you have editing somebody's genome in a way that only affects them and if they had sex and procreated that it would not pass the change kind of like cosmetic surgery but then you have germline editing yeah where if you procreate then it passes on to your kids and now it's a forever thing now it can sweep through the population and exist forever and ever now this is where this gets really interesting so given that I don't know enough about this I'm super intrigued that you brought it up but people have already done things like uh make plants that glow in the dark if I'm not mistaken they've made cats that glow in the dark I didn't even know that I could be wrong about that the plants I know 100 and I'm pretty sure about the cat fur thing yeah uh because you can splice from bioluminescent um algae or bioluminescent Plankton jellyfish whatever anything that has bioluminescence you can take that snippet of the genome and insert it using crispr cast 9 for those that don't know it literally goes in this is how and you're going to stop me if I say anything it's incorrect but this is how viruses work yeah they go in and they're like clip a word and they just insert something new in that Strand and so the little things that run along the DNA and execute the code are like cool make a new piece of virus yeah and so it just replicates replicates so it overtakes the Machinery of your own cells and gets them to create the thing so it's like you have a bunch gazillions of 3D printers inside and what a virus does is hijack that and tell it to print this other thing right and so you can go in using the crispr cas9 technology send it in it will cut make a cut where you want it which is crazy remove that and either re-stitch it together without that thing or insert a new piece of code and so you can insert bioluminescence you can insert basically anything that you want so there was something that oh God now I'm not sure if I'm talking things that they are hypothesizing that they should try or that they actually did but that you can take I I think this is real I think they actually did this they took goats and they edited their genes so that in the goat's milk they made spider uh webbing and because it was thicker that it because spider's web has the tensile strength stronger than steel yeah and so you could basically get this incredibly strong fiber in goat's milk right and I was like what is happening so this gets weird so fast that uh yeah technology inherently isn't good or bad right advancements makes it so I think exactly right so now the all the things we talked about imagine that golfer that has the bad endothelium Health right bad quality Hardware if you can then go isolate and splice that and all of a sudden given the resiliency that the other people have that have the good quality Hardware yep you can eliminate cholesterolemia okay but dude are you freaked out by this I don't know if I'm excited or terrified or a bit of both I so I am excited with the opportunity if it's if the intentions are correct here's what freaks me out every time assume their intentions are great yeah now of course I'm setting aside like the incentives to create super soldiers and all that for now let's assume that their intentions are amazing we are bad at second and third order consequences right so when I was back at Quest I remember that the government was like that's bad for you now things have started to change and so when people are watching this it will seemed crazy that that was only 10 years ago but 10 years ago the government was like really going hard to pass legislation that was like that's bad it needs to be like signaled on packaging and if you have so much saturated fat like it needs to be marked as like bad and I was like what I'm like that's absolutely not true and when you look at the food pyramid and you look at the my plate recommendation they are terrible and people should not be following them so even assuming that all of their recommendations were with a golden heart and they were really trying to help people they still were making horrendous choices that have caused a decline in health that is absolutely terrifying to behold so I am I haven't thought through my position entirely but my immediate reaction is to be deeply unnerved yeah um yeah it's interesting the the area where it's working in theory that avoids all of that mess is isolated uh not head to toe genome editing but for example you may have a rare liver condition yeah right now that's dope like fixing things that aren't germline right yes please if somebody wants to Glow I've got no beef with that what I have a problem with is when you when you edit the germline yeah you've truly done freaked out yeah because that's permanent right and you don't want this permanent in the gene pool yeah yep yeah and if you can see that like what we said earlier we have 250 000 years of evolution and we haven't changed right so the pace at which we're meant to change so we don't know what the negative outcome of tweaking the human body to that degree that rapidly you know the exponential we don't know what the outcome of that is going to be did you edit your genome what I would do non-german yeah non-german that's exactly what I would do I would I would deal with what I know is missing and insert it into places where I'm biologically better meaning that I want to be able to cope I want to be able to golf right I want to be able to eat foods not that you now feel invincible and go do everything wrong but even if you're doing everything right there's still a bit of a threat in our reality right that's how you prevent chronic disease so there's two layers there's get rid of the bed get rid of the threats and then like we said supplements are taking the things that support you with what you don't do that's the bucket we're talking about part of supporting what you don't do is if I can edit the biological or that Gene snip that is failing that will cause me to now detoxify better I'm not going to go start breathing pollution but I know I can do a better job with my reality now right and that's me myself not being passed on do you know what a double muscled cow is no there's a gene that controls how much muscle mass you put on so you clearly work out and working out for me sucks and it takes a very long time and since I know there's a gene that's like ah muscles expensive don't put on too much muscle uh you can adjust it and they there somebody was hypothesizing that basically the vast majority of professional bodybuilders like at the Olympia Mr Olympia level have one of two things either just an unbelievable set of receptors for um steroids or they have this Gene where you don't tell the muscles to stop growing so they work out little I mean they work out hard obviously but the results that they get from that amount is disproportionate yeah now that I've heard it I read that article I didn't realize what it was called but that is again so there's a different answer that is genetics that's where most of the funding most of the researchers what is the outcome that funding a research wants is a pill right I want to own and patent something that if I give it to you it creates like you need this pill right and the the functional answers lifestyle environment nutrition which is you changing your habits which is not going and snip my jeans that's what I'm talking about so yes everything off why is it challenging for you to put on muscle the answer is simple we earlier said that your Androgen dominant right you have enough free-flowing testosterone you bind it well which speaks to your body type your jawline it speaks to all that your phenotype right what you're not doing is producing enough estrogen estrogen is what gives you Mass the dead lifter that's not producing enough estrogen I almost didn't hear that because that sounds so there's a gene so progesterone that's where you start converts into testosterone you may convert that into DHT which is like the manly man ripped no fat you know but it's also highly dry look though even even when I was my leanest yeah I still have what they call a wet look right yeah isn't that from estrogen no so yes but what you don't have is DHT so GST is DHT sorry is what gives you the rip striated where you can see every fiber yeah right you have that you have that clean Androgen which for again for health and vitality and Longevity is the best you could ask for you probably don't clear it out there's another Gene at the top of the funnel that gets rid of it you probably pulled it in this pool the gene that converts it into estrogen you probably have the ultra slow version right if we alter that which again comes down to dim and curcumin in different supplements which are easy to deal with all those sudden you can start to feel that estrogen bucket a little bit more so the functional answer versus the genetic the genetic answer is turn the switch on the functional answer is we can deal with how you're doing how you metabolize your hormones today give me let's say it another way the functional answer is there are things I can eat that will increase the expression of that Gene yes that's so crazy to me and then all of a sudden you're going to get better at it and we do this we do this with athletes all the time we where we do we actually do the reverse where we work with a lot of female Olympic athletes and a lot of them have this problem where I train just as hard as her but I can't get ripped right I actually train harder than her but I don't I can't have the performance because she is Androgen dominant in your estrogen dominant so you have the strength but you don't have that again lean you know it's harder for you to burn the fat your endurance may be not as much but you're stronger you're bigger right so you're in the wrong Sport and this is where even with my own kids by the way I've genetically tested all of them and I have their Futures mapped they can choose what to do what they want with it but I know who should be playing soccer who should be playing football oh my God are you going to tell them they already know whoa they already know okay now I'm fascinated so I've seen your Ted Talk on that genomics is going to change parenting right but you didn't mention this I'm conflicted yeah so you know that you're gonna sway them right those little like subtle so have you heard this study is crazy so they pull teachers aside and they said look Timmy Sally and Bobby are gifted don't treat him any differently but we just want to watch and see what happens to gifted kids in the class and she's like cool I won't treat them any differently no problem Timmy Bobby and Sally will inevitably rise to the top of the class now the problem is they picked Timmy Bobby and Sally at random right and then just by telling the teacher they're gifted and telling the teacher don't treat them any differently teacher can't help it yeah they start seeing in them the giftedness they start giving them a little more time a little more attention and that makes them better sure aren't you worried that by telling them their future that it will make their future come true again context what am I telling them by the way there's also a message to play soccer well yes but there's one soccer this one hockey like what's the breakdown they so it's what what do I what am I looking at um body type that's step one and when we're talking about Athletics what are they gonna look I already know what they're going to look like as adults that is insane but I'm with you yeah totally because the hormones drive that right hormones drive fat muscle bone all that stuff like what are you gonna look like I also know how they think right I know what version of what chemical the same thing we talked about production binding clearance right I know how they do those things so I know how to speak to them the way they're disciplined is different they're uniquely disciplined because I know the middle one the middle one has the worst possible serotonin pathway right so he is a drama queen everything bothers them everything frustrates him so I have to give it to him piecemeal I can't say you have this much homework it's burnout can't even start right I have to do one thing take a break do one thing the other one needs high level of structure the older one if he doesn't have structure he's going to fail every time but if he has a structure he will get it done within the timeline and the so the way they think is unique right uh going back to what he said earlier by the way there's a placebo Gene so there's literally a placebo Gene wow yeah for that manifesting your thoughts there's actually a gene that determines how well you do that I have the biggest Placebo genius whatever the like most effective thought control is that's yeah I got that so your ability to actually believe the sugar pill is real is actually manifested through aging that determines how well you can convince your body that this is actually happening wow so it's used it's not used enough but it's used in studies to prove things right it's like all big data like this is the result of just having so many people go through the thing and looking at correlations well there's they have this and their life looks like that the big data is what does each gene mean what is its function that's not actionable however because that's not correlated to how does the body work that's what we do that's functional in nature meaning I can tell you what each gene does but I a gene isn't a individual instrument sitting in the corner there's a symphony they all play together right your hormone system your brain system they're all interacting overlaying so if you don't understand those intersections which is again the functional map as opposed to this g means this this g means this all you're going to end up ever end up with is propensity eighty percent chance of this 60 because we can't figure out why there was a 40 Gap that's that intersection between your methylation and your detox your cardiovascular and your hormones why do women get so much worse cardiovascular disease because they also have hormone toxicity you got to look at them together you don't separate cardiovascular from hormones it's part of the problem right so anyways going back to the kids the my middle son uh wouldn't do his homework all boys um the youngest is a girl okay right who's the smartest out of the family so uh middle one wouldn't do his homework he and this is It's just such an easy fix which is why I like to talk about this because it seems like such a complicated problem but such an easy fix he would crash and burn on the floor and what do you when a kid won't do his homework it's like discipline problem uh you know motivation mode you use that's what you lean on and that's what you Target and then when those things don't get worked there's friction and that kid becomes in the bad bucket right so what was actually happening I looked at his genome and I didn't look at a homework Gene I just looked at what was broken and the glaring red flag was there was some stuff in wooden Behavior which is why he reacted to the level he did but why react in the first place he didn't metabolize starch as well the Amy Gene determines how well you convert starch into glucose and use it as fuel he has the worst possible profile there his insulin response there's a gene that determines how well you utilize insulin worst possible profile Hallmark was after dinner every day in a South Asian home where he was eating rice and none right heavy starch carb intake and all we were doing was putting him into a coma right before the carb crash we all know about he was having that every day right before homework and his brain just wasn't functioning now all of a sudden two things schedule is food or his homework sorry before dinner because even because his insulin response is so poor even if you take the carbs and starches out he's still gonna have a bit of you know slow down and he needs to he needs time to catch up but he doesn't eat starches anymore because we don't want him to get type 2 diabetes he's that kid what why at 25 did this kid get diabetes why because he's not designed to eat the North American diet or even my ancestral diet he's not designed for right but my ancestral diet as I believe it is what I know they're eating back home today which they didn't eat three generations ago that's not true right three generations ago there was uh many thousands of versions of grain which we now have a pool of four or five that we pull from that are highly glutenous that are luxurious and soft and fun to eat right so food isn't what it was even three generations ago that this is really really interesting so if I had kids one thousand percent I would get their genome sequenced I don't think I would tell them though yeah do you worry about that or am I crazy no there's certain things that I don't talk to them about right and there's certain things when it comes to the things that they need ownership on right give me an example uh so for example you remember earlier I was talking about the dopamine pathway and how I'm highly reward seeking my eldest son has mom's genes and so he has a little bit he's more tendons this tendency leans towards binding more dopamine in a slower pathway so we had this constant friction on the way I think work work needs to get done and the way he think works needs to get done and we would we argued about it for years and years and years until I did his DNA I understood that he's truly perceiving the world differently than I am I have a burning desire in my gut to get things done he has a burning desire to only do the things that he truly enjoys and sees value in and everything else is fluff dude husbands and wives need to do this yeah oh my I can't tell you how many in our research phase the majority of our clinical research calls turned into couples therapy um that's why that's why that's why now I understand there's a gene called adria2b which determines to what degree do you imprint negative stimulus trauma I can predict the PTSD the PTSD yeah I can predict if you if you do and why is it that hubby your wife says that you're cold and you don't care and you don't feel and why is it that hubby your wife says not this again because they're holding The Grudge on whatever that thing is because they imprint it so the next time something like that happens again They're bringing back all the baggage of the last time PTSD yeah right there's some people for whom it's an imprint where it becomes a actual functional emotional intelligence but if their bdnf is also off the thing that drives neuroplasticity then they also get what's called shell shock so they imprint the feeling but it's also impactful so they give it a lot of meaning that's where PTSD comes from we've done this work with the US military so we've sat there with Black Ops Special Forces and determine who should actually be front line pulling the trigger who's going to be hesitant who can actually pull the trigger who's going to come back with trauma and PTSD when they're doing these simulation type activities how do you actually uh at a personalized level determine if the guy did a good job or not based on his capacity right I'm going to ask again are we slaves to our DNA here's who you are right that your DNA is telling you who you are in your brain function in your cardiovascular function uh your ability to metabolize macro micronutrients the things you're doing are going to pull you in directions one way or the other when it comes to mood and behavior you have to be in the right context that is truly the thing that will make you mentally healthy right if you're designed to be a warrior right if you're designed to strive and seek reward if you every details matters if you bind a little bit of trauma so you're meant to hold on to that weight and fight but you're a cashier you're going to be miserable right but there's some people that that's the happiest they'll ever be as if they're that cashier um right because none of this stuff matters to them so it's it starts with understanding the very first thing I said personalize who am I now I know what context I'm designed for and I can thrive I can Thrive both in health both in mood and aging as slow as possible so it's a combination of knowing what I do then environmental nutrition lifestyle choices I have to make and putting that in the right context that equals whatever you want longevity good relationships you know achieving your goals all that stuff man this I can think a few things more fascinating than this my wife often jokes that oh I wish I had your memory yeah now the reason she says that is I have a terrible memory so things don't stay with me yeah good or bad so if something bad happens I will completely forget that it happened yeah and so when we left our last company Quest I didn't miss a beat didn't even think about it yeah literally my last day at Quest was Monday and then my first aid impact theory was Tuesday and for Lisa it was like even though she was ready to go it was there was just something about like but that is a part of who I am and it just it thinks like really imprint on her in a way that they don't on me and I I am hyper malleable so I can and I mean it's interesting because I teach people how to do this in Impact Theory University and I often wonder I find this very easy to do and then other people really struggle with it like I'll tell people hey you can build desire like there's actually a process of how to reinforce it using biology to take advantage of the fact that your brain will create a story it will justify whatever amplitude reaction you give something so if you react largely to something your brain goes whoa then I guess we feel strongly about this and if you do it enough like it really you'll actually get the emotion hardwired into you and I'm like now do I just find this easier than most people because I find that works for me extraordinarily well but I know other people can struggle with it for sure very interesting for sure so do you remember um I don't know how long this was maybe 15 years ago there was a genocide in Rwanda the I think they're called the Tutsis these two tribes were killing each other and one of their common tactics was cut the person off of the arms or the elbows because now you make them economically a problem also it's not just you know killing them off but let's make them suffer economically that was the terrorism that they used on each other so imagine that trauma of people coming into your tribe watching your son's arms getting chopped off right imagine that yeah as soon as the war was over these two people the hutus and the Tutsis were friends in the market selling to each other as if it never happened the guy at the elbows that had his arms cut off was working with the guy that cut his arms off Jesus right can how old is that possible for that to happen because the genetics that you're describing of yourself is probably the same and we went back to this earlier the fast clearance of dopamine so the ability to just move on and think about the next thing and the inability to actually bind the pain and Trauma which speaks to your capacity to just move on think instead of feel and to not remember the bad thing that happened because you actually don't remember you have to actually imprint a feeling to be able to then recall it and use it as a tool and if you don't do that all you remember is the information the intellect part of it not the feeling part of it that's what you do right so this is where by understanding this now everybody going through your process you've designed something that it explains your success right it explains how you became who you are people that are like you are going to thrive with that information the people that are like Lisa right maybe they feel a little bit more maybe it lasts a little longer and I'm assuming some of these things using her as an example maybe it's not going to work so well for them but now you know if they knew this about themselves they know exactly what to add or delete to make this thing work because your system works there's no doubt that it works there may be some other tool that they also need or something they need to remove yeah and customize it all sudden they also Thrive right that's so powerful like what a useful addition whether it's how to exercise how to eat whatever the case may be it's really extraordinary all right this is all mind-blowing man where can people follow you uh so me uh Instagram is Cash con officials okay Ash Colin k-h-a-n uh we're at the DNA and we launched a podcast for our own audience it was just an educational tool someone buys a test they want to learn more so these scenarios you're hearing about if you want to hear more about autism whatever go to unpilled the unpilled podcast and that's where we teach you about the way we think love it yeah boys and girls if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care peace if you want to learn how to slow down and even reverse aging click here now so now buddy we have two types of information when we're born or even when we're conceived there's the one that we all know about we can get out DNA red that's the genome but there's this other layer called the epige
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 594,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Kashif Khan, The DNA Company, Health Theory, Conversations with Tom, health tips, functional medicine, genetics, genomics, aging, reverse aging, longevity, personalized medicine, dopamine, environmental toxicity, womens health, parenting
Id: xEGEmazVUAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 26sec (6326 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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