Bone Broth: How-Tos, Recipes, Health Benefits, and History | Digging In with Dr. Kellyann

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tell me that doesn't look good hey everyone i'm dr kellyann petrucci but most people call me dr kellyanne you may have read my book the new york times bestselling book dr kellyanne's bone broth diet or seen me on dr oz where i'm a resident expert and today i am so happy to talk about the most favorite thing to me in the whole world we're gonna dig in to bone broth if you're one of those people out there that you're saying what is all the fuss about this broth you're gonna find out why you're gonna find out how hundreds and thousands of people transform their life through bone broth because of all of its healing benefits and its ability to get you slimmer younger faster i'm also going to answer every question that you've ever had on bone broth [Music] you know most people out there they know me as kellyanne kellyanne's all about bone broth but here's what i want you to know there's actually a lot more to this kellyanne because i actually am a board-certified naturopathic doctor and i'm a certified nutrition consultant so my expertise has developed over 20 years in clinical practice i've also studied abroad and studied under the esteemed dr thomas rao one of the foremost doctors in the entire world who studied global medicine teaching me biological medicine as one of the few practitioners that have had the privilege to do so so people ask me all the time like what how did you think of like bone broth i want to make one thing clear i actually did not discover bone broth i didn't discover it i just brought it back on the table but it's been around forever it's been around thousands of years our hunter gatherers they actually used to make bone broth in the carcasses of animals and then it was actually more of a have to than want to and here's why they wouldn't think of discarding any part of anything that was captured or caught they used every part of the animal and so they would make bone broth and they kept making it and they kept utilizing it because it was something that tasted good it filled them up and and kept them healthy and then something was invented the bowl something as simple as a bowl it was not invented then when the bowl was invented what happened was our ancestors would make broth with more commonly available goods like vegetables and tubers and things of that nature nations cultures from all over use bone broth and this was a magnificent thing but then something happened the industrial revolution happened and so a chemist said you know what people are busier than ever they need convenience now so what they did was they came out with bullion as amazing as that was there's scientists said what if we could make this bullion and make even more of it make it less expensive and make it taste just like that broth uh oh that's when we met monosodium glutamate or msg souping and broths they changed dramatically they became more of a chemical they became more processed and a lot of what we're used to and was replaced by things that do not serve our body [Music] so bone broth is really fun because it does so many things i'm always talking about all the levers that bone broth pulls in your body it has a lot to do with the science behind gelatin and the science behind something called glycine which is an amino acid that's in the bone broth so let me start if you use bone broth the main aha the main superstar in there it's gelatin and gelatin goes in your body goes inside your gut and it heals it and it seals it and by god do we need that we are so desperately in need of gut health and when i found something that were better than anything i'd ever seen for gut health i knew that this was absolutely incredible and our ancestors probably never even realized and one of the things that so many of us are challenged with and i know that by the diseases that are out in the world today we have what i call an internal fire we have this fire this flame inside of our body so if you're someone that has achy joints or you're bloated all the time or you've got that deep exhaustion or your bowser out of order you either have constipation or diarrhea and it's never quite right or you have diabetes all of these things are directly related to this fire in the body bone broth calms that fire [Music] okay so this is how this is how simple this is again i said that i do this with a slow cooker because it's my favorite way but here's how easy this can be you can actually even make it with the rotisserie chickens that you buy at the store so you have two choices you can either put the whole chicken in as is you can actually put it in like this but what i usually do is i take all the chicken off but all these little parts they make such a big difference and they make they make such a nice broth and what you want to do is you want to get bones that have a lot of cartilage in them because you know what do we need to really respond and react in the world we need power we need power in everything and how we get power in everything is we start by a getting sleep two getting hydration and three getting power foods in our body so that's the order you have to have sleep first sleep hydration and power food and so the reason why i talk a lot about this is because bone broth is the consummate power food so we're going to throw this carcass in and you can see and again you're thinking you got to be kidding me this little thing is going to do all that yeah this little thing is going to do all that and then i'm going to stick the legs back in there's two ways you can have this you can have it what i say is the bone broth prescription so that's if you just want to you have the broth and that's fine if you just want to have the broth what you're going to do at the end and we're going to go through this you are going to you're going to strain everything out like all the vegetables that you're going to see us put in you're going to strain it out and you're just going to have the broth and that's great it's you know has that gelatin in it we talked about it's got that glycine all the amino acids a great protein it's got the minerals in it it's got everything that you need to get you healthy and to get you well now for the basic recipe the stock recipe celery onions and carrots like any other soup right so celery onions and carrots and let me show you like you literally i'm actually going to show you so this is what i do at home okay i actually just take it and i break them like i don't even spend time cutting them i'll take them and i'll break it like that i scrub them but i don't even peel why because you're going to strain this stuff out and i want you to get as many nutrients as you can the name of the game here is this it's hardly any calories it's got no carbs and it's got tons and tons and tons of nutrition so the next one onions and we're just going to cut the bottom of the ends off of this onion and it you know basically peels itself as you can see and then you know with this i don't want anyone getting like all crazy about how they prepare this again just remember this is really got to be super easy so i just cut it in a couple squares just like this it's going to do the trick it's going to do what we need it to do and then i just throw it in super simple you don't even have to do anything make them any smaller than this you see this how many seconds did that take so that's how quick that's how easy that that's all it takes and then the celery again this is basic soup stock so it gives it that real hearty kind of nutritious taste and you know a lot of people they don't even get rid of this part i do because it's not to my liking but a lot of brothers and a lot of people in the bone broth community they actually keep that on so it's a matter of choice again i mean this stuff you can just break this stuff off too i mean you really because you're going to remember you may be one of those people who strain this out if you're not and you know you may just chop it you want to chop it smaller but for a lot of you for me i would make this before i would go to work one of the things that you want to do and they talk about it a lot is to add vinegar to it and the reason why they say to add vinegar is because it helps pull things out of the bones better helps pull the nutrients out of the bones a little better i prefer instead to use lemon i like lemon i just think it gives it a better flavor and it does the same thing so then i squeeze some lemon now this is what i call personal play time okay so this is what aromatics what extra food accessories are your jam so for me i like turmeric here's why i love turmeric because i talked about that fire in your body turmeric is really great at putting the fire out in the body and then i add a little bit of salt so i want everyone to know there's a big difference between table salt which has caking anti-caking ingredients and a lot of things in there that are more processed the salts that you want are the pink and light gray salts they tend to be mineralized and since so many of us are low in minerals this is a great way for you to mineralize the body and get your body really working again pick one thing that you really really love for me it's lemongrass and i forgot the ginger and we are going to put the ginger in but the one thing that i really really love is lemongrass okay so you just chop up the lemongrass whatever it is you want so put that lemongrass in there so ginger has so many benefits that i always use ginger in anything that i can and so one of the things that you want to do with ginger is a lot of times you want you want to peel you want to peel the ginger but for bone broth soup when you're making the soup it makes no difference that's how quick and easy that's why you have to add ginger if you have any kind of heat in the body that you want to reduce or you like that that taste then you want to add you definitely want to add some ginger great just throw it in and so what i want everyone to get out of this is that you don't have to get in your head and start thinking that this is a little difficult or takes a long time it really isn't think primal i want you to think primal and i want you to remember that the hunter gatherers made this stuff and they weren't you know picky and they didn't worry and so then i take uh water and i'm gonna put the lid on [Music] tell me that doesn't look good oh my gosh so super easy that's what was in it this is the end result now if you notice it doesn't have the chicken in it so you can put the chicken back in the broth and you can make a really nice tasty meal that your family will love but i can't talk anymore for a second because i got to take a sip you can taste the good fats in here you can taste all of the nutritional elements [Music] so it wasn't in the refrigerator very long but you can see how it's starting to gel up can you see that see how it's starting you get that slow movement versus this which is like faster can you see that and this is like slower because we just put this in the we put this in the refrigerator a couple of hours ago and so it's starting to gel but the gel is that gelatin that gelatin is that stuff i told you that heals and seals your gut everything you ever wanted to know about bone broth it's coming to you right now what's the difference between bone broth and stock well stock usually is just the bones the bones are roasted and you have just the plain stock if you will where bone broth oftentimes is thought of as the broth with other things the aromatics the water the vegetables and other things in it does bone broth cleanse your system so how does it actually cleanse your body well you know that glycine thing that i keep talking about glycine is a precursor to something called glutathione and glutathione is one of the best nutritional cleansing assets that we have and thankfully bone broth has got it in there and it uses that glutathione to cleanse your body bone broth helps you lose weight right as i always say bone broth is low in calories super low it's got no carbohydrates in there and it's filled with nutrition so that in and of itself sipping on that broth makes you very comfortable and you don't crave foods it is the ultimate because of the nutritional profile it's the ultimate in preventing cravings and crashes so how much bone broth do i actually have to have to lose weight well i have to say there's not one cut answer for that there just isn't that is so dependent on what your personal goals are so those powder broths are they any good well it it absolutely can be great as long as it's by a brand that's careful about how it's made like you want a pasture raised a pasture from a pasture raised animal and you also want to watch that sodium count and make sure that's not too high so what i always say is what you want to do is find a brand that you know love and trust so do you need apple cider vinegar when making broth well you could actually use lemon if you don't like apple cider vinegar you feel like you're going to the bathroom all the time on the bone broth diet well guess what you should actually be doing back flips if you're going to the bathroom all the time on the 21 day bone broth diet because that means it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing that cleansing that detoxification i get asked all the time by vegetarians dr kellyanne i want to i went in on this too what do you got for me what's the deal and there is something that you can do it's called potassium broth and you can look that up it's on my website at dr look up potassium broth and this is a very healthy broth not the same as bone broth it's healthy in different ways but it will re-mineralize your body [Music] number one bone broth is likely the first health food that we've ever had second right now so many of us are looking for all of these health hacks we're looking for weight loss hacks we're looking for anti-aging hacks and the reason why i spend so much time talking about bone broth guess what it pulls all three of those levers bone broth helps you get healthier bone broth helps you to lose weight bone broth helps you to look younger bone broth helps you to become more energized and bone wealth helps you become more restorative and number three the main reason why i love bone broth so much the three most important things that you can ever do for your body so listen up is heal your gut calm that internal flame and become a natural fat burner you become those three things and you become you are on fire you become super power so that's why i love bone broth so it's time guys bone broth dig it or ditch it well guess what i dig it absolutely dig bone broth okay okay where am i looking guys where am i i'm going to be putting do not forget to subscribe subscribe and every memory program out there ginger
Channel: Dr. Kellyann
Views: 205,143
Rating: 4.9054427 out of 5
Id: canEZNMEJag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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