tom holland being bullied by everyone in the marvel cast for 15 minutes straight

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he gets cranky when he doesn't have his sugar he really does it's it's always thank you very much seriously they need your help the team needs your help they're flowering here they say they don't even let peter parker read the script tom's like i talked to kevin uh this is your last interview you have to do with him okay okay good all right that's cool mackie and i are best friends but yeah that's why i really like the fact can you grow a mustache i can actually do a mustache it's not a very good one but i can do it i've always wondered that like can you grow it's called a football moustache that's just 11 on each side that's good that's that's british humor that's good hey i'm spider-man is that supposed to be funny i i'm i i'm i'm spider-man okay i got one hold on check this one out whoa i'm whoa i'm spiderman me yeah no i'm good i'm just saying this couch is big for three but of course there's only one you know we're i'm the only one here because of course you know tom holland is two hours behind two hours behind and he's not gonna be here with me so i wonder what that is he doesn't like sharing the stage with you no no he doesn't as much i actually heard a rumor from joe that said uh you know that he was like holland doesn't want to have any scenes in the movie with you and mackie and i was like i come on that's a joke like you know the whole thing's a joke but you know there might be some truth to it i don't know signs from person to person and tell you how you feel about that person tom will you keep going just keep it down man man you can't even do an interview he over here yapping are we hazing the new guys is that what happens it's just look ever since this movie come out he has two assistants now yeah it's just it's so much true just get out of here man it's so mild whisperer i'm like billy elliot get out of here guys we can't wait to see this uh how do you balance all these egos on set though come on be honest i mean there's really only one there is no ego really tom is the only like egomaniac tom's throwing it off every day because he's the littlest guy you know it's like he has napoleon you know exactly that's the complex yeah it's huge i don't feel so good and you know all of us are on set and it's just like 40 superheroes and i look to my right and i see tom holland and that might be the only problem are we doing on that movie are we done all right are we thank you uh i see tom holland and dave batista scream for that guy not tom holler i see the two of them over in the corner and tom is literally the size of dave's leg right so i don't know what they're talking about but batista jumps up and does like a kick punch move teaching him and i was like yo you're about to kill him what are you doing so i run over i'm like what's going on and then you see tom try to do it and it's like you know i don't feel so good now how did this tom holland rivalry begin well i was on set and he just wouldn't stop talking and i was like yo man just go your baby your your babysitter's over there tell your babysitter to get you a juice box and you know he's it's just the kid's a problem all right the kid's a problem and uh we're dealing with him over at marvel accordingly because he's a problem i don't even know how to react to what tom just said there yeah i mean i really don't what did i just say you said spider-man's in space oh that thing right yeah it's really awesome it's like men in black every 20 seconds we just wipe it he's very young sometimes nobody understands it doesn't matter how strong you are i just want to be appreciated didn't want to punch those perfect teeth of spider-man when he actually say that quote about star wars and make us feel everybody like really old well so if we are not going to him was look just stop yeah he's a he's a big problem i mean this kid i've never i've never seen anyone and it's good that he's on team iron man because he has the same attitude you know all of them have to have their breaks for their lattes and their foot rubs and you know their kale salads fans yeah they're fans like he has to have a break every two hours for a juice box that's how much of a brat he is you know yeah he's a i don't know it's tough yeah all right um so chris tom is it it is jan nice to meet you thank you just tom hiddleston yeah what okay sure i want to wait to see it all in am i spoiling it for you right now no no no i just when you talk about tom holland glad to see it's continuing she's really over it she's like please embrace this child i know i've got to but you know what he was sick yesterday and i bet you he got me sick i feel sick i the one time i hugged him and now i'm sick and it was tom hall matt what were you coming off of when you got the flick uh i think i was coming off a few bad movies actually uh no i know i've only done two bad movies real rap look at my resume two bad movies other ones are good which ones what i'm not telling you which ones i don't know i don't know if he's got bad movies on his right two of them two of them are really bad they're really bad they're laughable bad they're like tom holland bad by the way i just want to see one this is probably the most important thing anyone here today tom holland has changed he's different look he's wearing lebaton sneakers now show them the bottoms of your sneakers we've got a piaget watch out everything's different now isn't it do you guys do anything to make the new cast members welcome like first time chadwick comes on the set or first time tom holland comes on the set any kind of anything that goes on tom's a little all right so let's start there all right all right tom's the all right so a lot of hair gel a lot of jail a lot of moose a lot he has like you know we have rdj in the movie rdj is rdj tom has his own base camp he has like an entourage it's a lot man he's a lot to deal with and you know he's like he's just a lot sounds like a problem so you don't want to be in the spider-man movie i have no desire to hang out with [Laughter] i'm just curious are you guys contractually bound to have seen all of the mcu films have you seen all 23 marvel films yeah except for the last spider-man but that's just because i always have to be in the right mood in order to see tom holland and and lately i'm less and less just not moving not in that mood wow he's the most likable man on the planet and you are the only two people giving him shade what's going on that's what he wants you to think yeah very true i remember thinking i'm about to beat this up we're co-stars two of them uh anthony mackie and sebastian they were just busting they were busting my balls everywhere you went it was like they would do an interview and they would say tom hans a little yeah that was anthony yes anthony mackie my good friend you're a good friend so how did you retaliate how did your dark side come out i just retaliated with love love i think uh i don't know why anthony started doing that but i just started seeing all these interviews like tom holland that's right oh no what's come out no no and then they would go on and they would say you had your own base camp that was beyond an entourage somebody had a stand with it it's all true it's all true tau i need to have a juice box every f every five minutes and every tuesday i have to have a left toe rub it's a real thing well that's important though you know it's a very important thing to do so you gave love back but you when you ran into them again you never said um i had a word with anthony mackie i had a word with him i don't want to go i don't want to go i don't want to go can we get a comedy central roast out of this hopefully i don't know because you when you do a roast you do things that aren't true this is real life this is real life i mean he took my car i got my car back there were no tires he wrecked my car the kid's a problem yeah yeah yeah tom is a institution of torture and i'm glad our show is coming out so he knows how to make quality marvel programs you know the interesting thing about comic books you know there are only four comic books today that sell over a hundred thousand copies annually that's that's like uh i think it's the news uh batman uh i mean the little uh little tom spider-man uh little tom little town uh any of the other times we walked into each other sort of you know like on the you know on the lot or on the on on set or whatever he doesn't you know he just seems to be very after his own needs he's not looking after bucky's name no he's looking at the downy camp and and wondering when am i going to have that camp that's kind of that's kind of what a movie too actually all your movies there's a scene where you're like i i want to go and like nah man stay here i don't want to go i don't want to go i don't want to go i don't want to go i don't want to go right right right when you watched endgame what were you surprised by like had you guys was there any specific scene or moment or thing that you were unaware of that caught you i was surprised tom holland was so good that's feelings remember like a really backhanded comp no i was i mean like when iron man died he went in yeah like he he went in but again this is it sounds like you didn't think he's a good actor for this like i mean i was very surprised he was there i was like whoa this dude right he's like growing up he's giving macaulay hawking a run for his career i think that's a odd comparison oh that might be the way yeah this is the way i just got a note here says on facebook live everybody's talking about tom's instagram message today what did you do what was it i don't know what you're talking about i i don't you're on instagram how old are you 18 i'm not i'm 17. oh well that's why they do to prevent you guys from spoiling the movie they didn't do enough they just gave it to tom and let him spoil the whole thing before we could get to it awesome thank you guys thank you that was pretty much it that was it they gave him the script first and they knew he was gonna mess it up so by the time we got to trying to spoil it they're like yeah we already know that they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand you're just glad anthony mackie's not here [Laughter] he got so much grief last night no no it was all fun and games it got a little bit hairy at one point but it was all fun and games so it's all good mackie and i are still friends he's a great guy he's a great guy he's just seen it they were they were giving a hard time but lovingly oh this is a thing that's been this goes way back right way back i don't know where it came from and it was funny because the first time i ever saw any mackie and sebastian hate towards me [Laughter] i thought it was real oh no because i just saw like a tweet like sebastian stan and anthony mackie rose tom holland i was like what well done but it's a joke we're all friends really so don't worry about it oh he's a prince he's a good guy does anthony mackey like tom holland you know what i actually do tom holland is my friend that's why i make fun of him i love the kid he's a great great kid he's the best spider-man we've had but he's an arrogant little sh [Music] and i i stress little a little bite size you know how you have the snickers down you have the fun size now when you got the one that's so small it's just one alphabet it's that little i don't feel so [Music] good you
Channel: Memelord
Views: 1,379,731
Rating: 4.9271517 out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, avengers, infinity war, tom holland interview, interview, zendaya, marvel cast, marvel, mcu, farfromhome, spiderman far from home, spiderman, tom holland funny moments, tom holland funny, tom holland meme, spiderman homecoming, avengers infinity war, avengers endgame, meme, bully, bullied, peterparker, anthony mackie, avengers roast, avengers roast each other, avengers roasting tom holland, endgame, avengers making fun of tom holland, roast, crying, memelord
Id: qvVyXBOaw2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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