Answering Your Assumptions About Me

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everyone is so it for today's video I'm going to be reading and answering your assumptions that you made about me guys this video I've been trying to film for probably half an hour I don't know if other youtubers do this to your if it's just me but if I sit down and I'm not like happy with how it looks like the background of the lighting or anything I'll just like try and change the whole thing so I've changed so many times I've changed my head I tried to change rooms where I was filming and like I just thought that nothing worked so I'm just making myself sit down and film this right now and I'm making myself and not change anything doing a bit of struggle straight right now honestly also I'm filming in front of like al glass screen doors wearing out Florida condor by the way and it's the middle of the day so the lighting keeps changing and it's just like everything is just going wrong okay so I first saw this become a trend on Instagram people are doing it on their Instagram stories and then I saw it become a youtube trend and I tell myself that I would never make one of these videos because you know that feeling that you get when you know people are talking about you it's like I have it same feeling with this video like it's just like encouraging people to talk about you but then you get to read it and it's just out of your why I just always felt weird about it but a lot of you guys were asking if I mean gay we're gonna make one or if I was gonna make one so I decided to make one today I guess if this goes okay and if you guys like it Dave and I can do another one on our channel together I'm a little nervous to open the questions right now guys it's very nice obviously it in so sweet but I just feel like with this challenge people kind of say mean things cuz they want to get in the video maybe like they'll say stuff that they think I'll talk about I'm definitely ever thinking this so I'm just gonna get started okay so I posted this on my Instagram story my Instagram is at Jess if you aren't following me already I talk to you guys a lot on that and I'll either ask like questions for videos on Instagram or on Twitter okay the very top line that I can see is is it true that you guys just got married so you could get your green card and live in the u.s. see like that's have a thing that I mean like I feel like people are just gonna say stuff to make it in the video lately that's not true you really push Gabe to keep the house clean even though he never actually does that's definitely not true I definitely do not push him to keep the house clean he was naturally a very clean person if anything I'm the one that's leaving clothes around them stuff like he's very neat and very organized that's definitely not sure you like cats I don't actually really like cats I'm allergic to cats so I haven't really been around cats that much but I'm much more of a dog person and I feel like it's one or the other like I feel like you're a dog person or a cat person you want to have a big family I yeah I guess so I didn't really know what counts as big like I'm from a family of three kids escapes from a family of four and right now I kind of want to have four kids obviously that might change once we start having kids but um if full kids is like a big family then yes but my mom is one of eight kids so like that's a big family you want to raise your kids in Australia I definitely do I'm from Australia gave us from Florida and we live in LA so there's like so many places that we could be so obviously definitely that we really need to pray about and figure out together like where we're going to end up but essentially I feel like you know with the job that we have right now we have the freedom to travel a lot obviously not back to Australia yet because I didn't have my residency but it's not something that we try to worry about right now because we literally conquer yet I assume that you here to church every Sunday this is true for the my spot like we do go to church every Sunday a couple weeks ago I had to have a photo shoot on that day that was like the only day that I could have it and so I didn't go to church Gabe still went but I couldn't bear that day basically we'll great every single Sunday unless something comes up or if like we're too sick to go I assume you're always positive and find the good in every situation this one is definitely true something that I've kind of done all my life is just to always like see the good in everything even if you know things are going bad or like I'm having a really sad day I just try to see the good in the situation I definitely do try to stay positive as much as I can life is short like you don't know what's gonna happen day to day you got anxiety when you move to America yes I did that is true um something that I'm working through I've really worked hard on it and it's gotten so much better but it did at the start when I moved to America here's another one some that you're cheating on Gabe no but you know you made it into the video so congrats you don't get mad easily that is true you are an introvert when you were young I think so yeah I think I've been an introvert all my life I did the personality test I'm actually like 50/50 introvert extrovert you don't care what people think about you I wish I could say this was true but it's not I feel like I don't really know anyone who doesn't actually care what people think I feel like everyone to a certain extent cares what people think about them like by just humans I definitely try not to and it's something that I'm working on especially being online so much and putting my life out online people feel really entitled to share their opinion whether it's positive or negative so you're kind of always being told stuff about you that you pretend to be so sweet all the time which as fact I know is false whoa I don't even know what I want to say that's false that's just rude I wait I didn't even know how to answer that that you pretend to be sweet all the time I definitely don't pretend to be sweet you know I just that one's weird I don't know how to answer that you're not happy with your blonde hair um I am happy with it but I am very indecisive about whether I want to keep it or not like I think I'm I grab a crown soon I like it I like birth I did a poll on Instagram and you guys were like 50/50 about whether I should keep it or die background you never break a rule in high school that's probably true I mean I'm sure I did I can't really remember but I was definitely someone I was actually talking to Gabe about this the other day I'm someone that like sticks to the rules you know I didn't like disobey teachers and stuff my dad is a teacher and so I always like got really annoyed if people were rude to teaches or just like disobeyed oh I just like I don't know you would really live in Australia than America probably probably true just because I'm Australian and I love Australia and very proud to be Australian we'll see you get mental on a good night out that is hilarious but to be honest I don't have night outs like I'm such a grandma I mean like you know we'll go out for dinner and stuff with friends and like hang out but I don't like go out and potty and stuff sorry I would say that is false you never had ever Belliard stage no I don't think I did you don't like your curly hair even though you look amazing with it I do like my Kelly hair a lot of people think that because I straightened my hands that I hate my Kelly have don't the fact that I hate or anything I just prefer how my hair looks when it's straight it's easy for me to deal with and I feel like I can do more with it but yeah I don't hate my curly hair yeah it gets on your nose when he's too high energy loud I'm sure sometimes he does like we've lived together that's the thing like it's the same ways like if you think about living with a sibling like obviously they're gonna get on your nerves actually yeah I guess so sometimes Duke is like we could be in the house and like I could be mid-conversation and he'll be like singing really loudly like a random song and I'll be like short I am Not sure I am 5 foot 8 um that's like the biggest shock when people meet me and press in they're like you're so much taller than I thought you'd be you didn't start doing on makeup till you were 15 at 16 no I I was even lighter than that um I didn't start doing my makeup till I was about 17 18 you didn't have many friends besides Gabe's friends apes friends on my friends like in LA we just have a group of friends I have just like friends kind of all over the place I just haven't really found many good friends in LA yeah I definitely have my room friends here and they show you a weird side to fam and friends and stay collected in front of strangers I feel like the my spot that is true I'm definitely my weirdest around my family my best friends and Gabriel if I made someone new and I can tell that we have the same sense a few months and I'll like stop being weird with them but usually it takes me like some time to get comfortable with people and to be weird that you don't drink alcohol this is true I've had alcohol before I know what it tastes like I just don't enjoy it I don't like the taste never smirked that is true you're in anagram 9 I don't know if I said that right intagram um but false I've actually had someone told me that before that I'm a 9 but I'm actually a 2 in 3 you want a baby girl I would love a baby girl you ain't Gabriel a fighting I saw a couple of you lost this which I thought was really interesting that like we are fighting right now but we're not very happy right now mm you're very shy around new people I would say for the more spotty yes I'm like very quiet around new people I guess it depends who it is but I think for the most part and I am like more quiet and reserved when I first meet someone and then once I get to know them a bit more and when I'm comfortable and not so much which is kind of the opposite to gave like Gabe is sorry outgoing that he can just like be super chatting with someone straight away and like there's been some things that have happened since moving to LA there usually when I meet new girls mostly in LA really I'm more standoffish just because of some stuff that has happened I guess it just would differ on the person you want baby sooner than gay but I would say that is false I think he would definitely want to have babies before me you like being tall and refer flat shoes I guess I like being tall now but that was something that I used to not like about myself when I was younger I just I don't know why I didn't like being tall I always thought that being short was like the cutest thing ever my best friend is so short and she's just so cute or a while I didn't like my height but I think now I am fine with it but yes I definitely prefer wearing flat shoes you want kids in the next five years that is true this is so hilarious this doesn't says you're not Australian obviously she wanted to get in the video you were mean to people here I mean to you I don't think that is true at all I have always had this like mindset that if someone's mean to you and you just keep saying positive that they will stop being mean to you like if you're not giving them anything back you know what I mean like they'll just stop I think you like Australian food more than American food this is true and I don't want to offend Americans because I eat American food obviously every day but I do miss Australian food I don't know why this just it's my home you know like I just love Australian food people take advantage of how good and sweet you are I would say that that is true well yeah I guess that's true people have definitely taken advantage of me in the past you were trying to hide to look like a good Christian don't take it too seriously please both you wish you can meet more people in LA because most of your friends are in Australia true I mean we've met a lot of people in LA like we have a great community in I have a couple of great girlfriends and we have great guy friends and it's just we have a really good community out there yeah all my best friends are back in Australia it makes you nervous to argue with someone true I assume you're the big spoon this is starting because yes I am well I'd say it's like half and half I'm sorry if you can hear that what is that cold with a snip off I don't know if that's what you call it in America thankfully it's not coming through okay I'm just gonna keep talking all right a 50-50 I am Gabe likes doing a little screen and it's so annoying like he likes me cuddling up to him and I'm like babe please cuddle up to me I'd say it's 5050 you're pregnant please I had a lot of people say that I'm pregnant but nari I'm not pregnant you're pretty confident about yourself I would say that I am NOT that confident about myself and I'm confident in Who I am and who God sees me as and who Gabe sees me as and stuff like that but there are definitely times when I don't feel confident about certain things you've had a lot of boyfriends you dealing as a treatment I don't do laser treatment so I started to I started to get laser away on my legs which basically means that they like legs of the hair off so you don't need to shave your legs which was gonna be amazing but it just didn't work on my skin I don't know why it was so painful and everyone else who had had it done I asked them if it was painful and they're like no no it's not it was so painful of me and I like had really bad like dots on my legs I had to stop it was so bad you see the good in every person I definitely try to you have gotten lip fillers oh my gosh I get that so much so many people think that I have lip fillers but I don't these are my natural lips when I was little I used to not like my lips tanner why but you know I haven't gotten lip fillers you have breast implants I find this really funny because the person like obviously created a second account or something to go into comment we had stuff on people but no I don't you're close to getting to be able to go to Australia fingers crossed the government shut down for a little bit and that kind of prolonged it a little bit but hopefully soon you'll older than your husband oh yeah I am two years younger you act too nice and fake sometimes that's your opinion I don't know it's hard for you to say no yet that is true and I'm trying to work on it you're quiet and Gabe does most of the talking this tree and falls again and we're at home I do my sips of talking in Gabe is quiet and chill and when we're out it's the opposite gave this much like energetic and talkative when we're out Gabe was your first kiss no he wasn't but I wish he was you get annoyed when people talk about you getting pregnant it's all false I fully understand why people you know talk about me getting pregnant and asked about me getting pregnant so often because it's such an exciting thing and it's kind of like the next step for Gabe and I I guess like we got engaged we got married I've definitely had a rude experiences sorry that that was one girl that said like hurry up and get pregnant my Board of you guys and I was like oh my gosh like I dress it enough and talk about it enough that we wouldn't need to talk about it softn but I still get asked very often about it I just think because I feel like we talked about it almost didn't like every Q&A and stuff you have bullied as a kid I wasn't really bullied as a kid I was pretty lucky growing up but when I got into high school and kind of social media started to become a thing that's when I got cyber bullied a little bit you don't like how your face looks when you're smiling so you always put hand on mouth that's not true that's just a bad habit that I have that I gray like oh but that's not why want another puppy story bag that Gabe isn't agreeing that's false I don't want another puppy like obviously I would love another puppy I just love dogs so much but it's kind of both mutually decided that having another puppy wouldn't be right at the moment you don't like non-christians false that you're probably in is INFP on a personality scale both I am in ENFJ but my introvert extra is 50/50 so it's like ie and FJ you want to make a solo album I would love to one day even gaiba going to announce you're pregnant soon well I'm on my period today so all Dave wants to have a baby but you don't I would say that's false I think we both really want to have a baby but um we're just waiting at the moment you change your accent to fit in sadly I didn't even know what that means but I don't change my accent I don't know if that means that I change it to be more American or Australian but false you have personal problems you don't show on camera big ones true I think every YouTube app guys I mean everyone in life great stuff you know you're like everyone's going through something different and there are just certain things that we have to keep private and that we choose to keep private I assume you've never been clubbing or nothing too Club this is false I have been to a nightclub and I have gone clubbing nicely like for friends birthdays and stuff but I didn't enjoy it it's just not really my thing you're not really interested in designer stuff I would say that is true I have a designer bag and a designer belt that gave got me for my birthday and I was so shocked when he got them for me but me words kind of aren't really into designer stuff you're only ever had one job other than YouTube this is false I think I've had three maybe four jobs before I took YouTube full-time as my job on YouTube are these all the assumptions yeah oh no this next one says you're good at saving money which I'd say yeah yeah oh yeah did you answer them yes or no or just like I remember single is it yeah I kind of say yes honor and then if I want to go into it more I do but not just like saving money just for the sake of saving you like saving it and do things with it invest in things and just try and like he'll so right now we're saving money I'm saying this like season of time we're saving money my battery's about to die so I'm going to finish this video okay well thank you guys so much for watching this video I described thanks babe I love you guys and I'll see you next time Hey you
Channel: Jess Conte
Views: 1,065,947
Rating: 4.9634981 out of 5
Keywords: bauerbirds, jess conte, jess bauer, jess and gabriel, gabriel conte, American, Australian, long distance, LDR, long distance couple, christian, christian youtuber, christian couple, vlog, daily vlog, assumptions, answering assumptions, reading assumptions, rumours, reading rumours, instagram
Id: h3BbQ7__HRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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