Answering Your Assumptions About Me!

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[Music] backing up whoo so today I just wanted to do a nice cozy video do not chew that hey I swear I hit record button he's like where's the closest loudest toy yeah I just wanted to do a cozy video where sat down I had some coffee and we talked now this morning was supposed to be a just edit and other business he things day that's the technical term oh my god Oh breath from chasing him but well I was doing business E things I was watching raw Beauty Christie's new video where she answered people's assumptions about her and I watched the whole 47 minutes of it because she's amazing so I thought that would be fun to do on my platforms which is kind of scary but I feel like it's a good video to do not only for the Creator but also for you guys because maybe some of the assumptions your head about me are not right but it's also good for me cuz it's good to know how people view you and to be honest what they assume about you like for instance back in freshman year of college I had a drawing teacher who in our end-of-year meeting sat me down and it was like I have a feeling you were popular in high school weren't you and it was like mostly kind of offended this is definitely gonna be a longer video and I'm gonna try not to edit it too too much I always say that and then while I'm editing I'm like I'm gonna try to make it a more laid-back chill honest just talking to you guys cuz I feel like I haven't done that in a while I've been pushing out a lot of new videos that I'm trying to aim kind of at newer people and try to grab people in but I feel like I haven't done get to know me video or just sit down and talk to you guys for a while so I miss making those kind of videos that's what this is so we shall see I told people to be honest hopefully we get into some psychological territory here I feel like a lot of people are scared to be truthful until you tell them go ahead be honest and then they're actually [ __ ] so we'll see so well good timing this been happening a lot when I start talking to the camera a lot I don't know if it's because of my deep speaking voice so the first one the Lord of the Rings soundtrack makes you cry yes well more specifically concerning hobbits makes me cry and then the rest is kind of aggressive back when I was editing wow this is really bad I am so sorry I didn't think I was getting sick but this is just unacceptable apparently my body is like told you you should have done work today the back when I edited wedding videos I used to put on the Lord of the Rings on track when I was color correcting you know the first few songs are nice and mellow but then it gets real deep real fast pounding war drums and just battlefield music which is amazing but when you're editing wedding videos it's a little I assume you tend to procrastinate stuff uh-huh what would make you say that yes absolutely I do it's a problem especially where now I'm working for myself I've gotten a little better a little it's hard though when you're in charge of yourself when I'm in a work environment working for someone else I don't procrastinate as much because in general I'm I'm a good employee I'm a good worker but now that I'm my own boss I'm a shitty little employee next one you partied a lot when you were younger but don't like to admit it so presently no I was an angel of the child and for my dad who's watching this I want you to know that don't think I drink until like one night when I was 17 and I got blackout drunk and swore off alcohol and then I don't think I drank again until I was like 23 or 24 and even now I don't even I don't drink really because I don't like it and I don't like feeling sick and I don't like feeling nauseous the next day and my head always feels like it's 5,000 pounds but yeah I didn't I didn't party you are damn proud of yourself when you see yourself in a meme there's memes of me I would be but I don't think I've ever seen myself in a meme you are not a small person which means you are quite tall mm-hmm I am a five eight and a half so basically five nine but yes I am NOT a small person which I think catches people off guard but I'm guilty of that too like I watch people on YouTube and I expect them to be a lot shorter than they are in real life like when I met jacksepticeye which was the crowning moment of my life I expected him to be a little being and he's not he's taller than me if people recognize you in public you are super shy and get all types of for klimt clubs I am generally a shy person but I think when people recognize me and it's not often don't get me wrong I'm not like can't go anywhere without people recognizing me I think I kind of opened up a little bit more when people recognize me more often than not that people that recognize me are a little nervous because it is a weird thing to walk up to someone you watch and you feel like you know and then talk to them I feel like if I were to like recede back into my turtle shell it would make them feel even more awkward so I tend to be like this I guess I'm but I do get free clumped it's emotional it's a surreal thing for people to come up to you and like they're like shaking and they're like oh my god because you're like I'm let me tell you I'm not that great but I don't know it's weird it's emotional it's like subjectively take a step back and be like oh people actually watch my videos you're vegetarian no I'm not I would love to be honestly if I had set meals that I could make I think I could be vegetarian but it's hard when me and Nick share the same meals I don't think he's as open to trying vegetarian options so it is hard because I love cows I mean well pigs I do feel guilty every time I eat meat if that accounts for anything I think you can have a hard time staying focused and that you have a somewhat dirty sense of humor it depends I think it depends on what I'm working on if I'm gonna stay focused or not like when I'm editing I am in this zone it takes a lot for me to get up and stop editing and sometimes my bladder has to take the brunt of that I don't have time to pee stop your whining if I'm not as motivated or passionate about a project it can be hard for me to stay focused sometimes cosplay I'll work really really hard on something and then I'll just wander off for the most part YouTube stuff I am very focused I'm somewhat dirty sense of humor I really I have a stupid sense of humor you want to believe in ghosts in the paranormal but don't actually I'd say that's pretty accurate it's not that I want to believe in ghosts but I do want to have an experience if that makes any difference because no I do not believe in paranormal activity I don't know I just I feel like in my 27 years of life what can I say Wow I've been to Mary many haunted places and I've never had anything not even like a change of energy or anything so I don't know I mean maybe some people are more susceptible to it than others I'm and I'm not necessarily skeptical of other people I don't think people are lying when they say there's ghost stories I just haven't experienced it myself so it's hard for me to believe in that a lot of these are really really nice I feel bad I'm kind of skipping over the really nice ones but we're getting deep here you love to read especially fantasy and science fiction not really I don't really like to read that much I'm ashamed I don't know I've just never been a big reader maybe this goes back to the comment about me not being able to stay focused reading is definitely falls under that category I will start reading a book my mind just drifts and I forget what I'm reading so I end up reading the same page over and over and over again and also I don't really have time to read right now but I think that's where audiobooks come in handy and I think I'm gonna start listening to more audio books while I work because I think that will definitely help because I am very very visual and what I do love about books is that it's kind of mini movies that I get to direct in my head but it's just the process of actually reading I just I don't know you would have a house full of animals if you could more specifically dogs if I could have a million dogs I would I love them so much ah it's just neighbors get down we toyed with the idea of getting a second dog for a while but I think my problem is that I want to give fertile all the love and attention that I can and I think having a second dog would take away from that even if you're not purposely doing it but I do think one of my goals someday maybe when I retire is I want to take on elderly dogs who have been given up and just give them the best last years of their life that I can so don't go for talking about dogs you're optimistic and you're always in a good mood I wish Sully I am more often than not a pessimistic person when it comes to myself I'm a lot more optimistic for everything else but for myself and my own success and that kind of stuff I'm very pessimistic and that's I've always been like that because I've always seen it as I'd rather be pessimistic about an opportunity and then if something good happens I can be pleasantly surprised but if something bad happens or if something falls through I'm not disappointed it's kind of in the way that I've lived my life I try not to get my hopes up about stuff and it's kind of sad but your humor is not in real life like in your videos and you try too hard I love you nonetheless understandable and to be honest I'm expecting more of these kind of comments and to be honest I do feel like I try too hard sometimes in my videos but then like I can't turn it off and I think it's for me more than it is for anyone else cuz when I edit I like to do funny things in my edits and I like to goof around and make myself chuckle so it's not even necessarily like I'm trying to like impress anyone or anything frankly when I'm not throwing out jokes left and right whether they're funny or not I get bored when I in it if you've watched my videos with my friends and my mom I'm not putting on an act or anything that's just I'm I'm really that weird oh yeah I think it's it's kind of natural for an introvert to go to the max when you're filming in your own living room by yourself in front of a camera I think that's true of a lot of youtubers where their online persona is kind of them but amplified almost that's kind of what my YouTube is like it's still my personality and this is what I'm like but it's definitely amplified in my videos but yeah I definitely sometimes I am editing and I'm like oh if that was a reach I am definitely guilty of trying a bit too hard to be funny and I think that is my life in general maybe it's a deep psychological thing where I always feel like to be like I need to make people laugh well did we get in deep here you wished you lived in a different decade I don't think so no I do love the fashion of different eras and different decades but I don't think I would trade this decade for anything else because things were shitty things are still shitty but less shitty a big thing of living now is that you can choose how you want to dress and a lot of people didn't have that option in different decades so I think there's a lot more freedom now so the next one you love the fashion but wouldn't want to live in the 40s or 50s because there is an Internet that's one part of it I guess see how mostly I wouldn't want to live in the 40s or 50s because rights and being a woman now and I wouldn't be able to do what I love which is filmmaking and editing and all that stuff so yes the internet kind of comes into that in terms of sharing it with other people but even if the internet wasn't involved I wouldn't be able really to pursue what I want to do you hate pink don't hate it I've never been a big pink person but I think that's understandable I think a lot of people probably don't like green I am stubborn and highly independent oh I am stubborn Taurus highly independent ah I think career-wise I'm independent like I prefer this working for myself a whole lot more that I liked working for a business or a company in terms of what I'm working I don't think I'm very independent I like to have people around me even if it's just sharing the same air in his face I don't know like if I could have someone just in the room with me while I'm editing I would like that I like salt and vinegar chips I do I will let that should dissolve my taste buds you do not want kids before you reach a certain age or goal in your life yes that is true and that's the thing too I most definitely do want kids I just want to make sure that it's at a point that I'm ready as Radium as I'm gonna be and I feel like I've accomplished the things that I want to accomplish for myself and for me and Nick and our general success and whether that includes our careers or traveling before we have kids I'm a hobbit in disguise bo Beach you know it you're progressive and care a lot about LGBT and PSE rights yes I just you know we're just all humans trying to live life and I feel like you shouldn't discriminate against anyone else just because they choose to live life differently than you when you work really hard it becomes a silent laugh yeah or L wheeze I have a very wheezy laugh which I didn't realize until I added videos with me and Tommy in them because we both ways off so it's it's a lot away which is really weird when you when you see footage of yourself doing that and you don't really do that but I'm a Weezer you don't like tea ah I don't not like tea I just don't make it enough I do like to you but if I have the choice I'd choose coffee Rachel always wants to go shop slash thrift but always finds a reason not to buy things yeah I don't really like buying things believe it or not I know that's very shocking and it sucks because being a social media person you always feel like you need to have more and more and more items and people are only to watch my videos if I buy things and thrift hauls and all that stuff so it does get hard I just don't like having a lot of things and I do have a lot of clothes and I don't like which again is very surprising and sounds like I'm bullshitting but I swear I'm trying to donate and get rid of a lot of my clothes because I just want to clear it out I'm tired of clutter and I hate clutter you don't drink like I said before I only drink very rarely and if I do it's like a very sugary cider I know like beer I don't like hard alcohol you are unsure of how goofy you to all your self to be on camera in the beginning of YouTube that's true I think that's pretty natural too I think when you're starting a YouTube channel and you're broadcasting your self and your personality to strangers it can get really really scary to be honest when I look at my first youtube video it's a lower key version of me like I said now it's kind of amplified and that kind of become more comfortable with my youtube persona I guess but it is hard you you don't know how much to put yourself out there and even now like I got the assumption that I'm trying too hard cuz I struggle with toning it down also because if I tone it down then people are like are you okay so it's hard it's a hard balance it's either I'm trying too hard or people are concerned for my well-being so you really know what you're doing with makeup and stuff but pretend that you don't I don't know that I pretend that I don't there is a lot about makeup I don't know I know in am pretty confident with the things that I do every day like a cat winged eyeliner hell yeah I can do a cat winged eyeliner I know what about red lipsticks but in terms of other forms of makeup I do struggle and I don't know much like I still am really really good at putting false eyelashes on and the fact that I won the face Awards is an absolute shock and I do I still don't feel like I deserved it and I know that's probably impostor syndrome to a lot of you you're not so much into the Japanese side of pop culture are you really and it's not necessarily a choice I just never really delved into the Japanese side of pop culture or anime or anything like that I think I would probably like it if I tried I just this is sneaking every time I move really freaking annoying yeah here it is what did I say someone said you were the popular girl in school I was not I don't know what that means no I was not I don't know really know what I was in high school I was kind of I was a mix of bopping between different groups of people and then having my own solid friend group I wasn't a popular kid though I don't know what about me gives off that vibe your main world Warcraft character is a gnome a night elf thank you very much even your wound clothes are vintage and someone is interested in vintage fashion I think that's a popular assumption to make rightfully so but as my comfy clothes and my workout clothes I don't even bother your homebody introverted yes yes I am yeah I would definitely rather have a nice night at home then go somewhere I do like to go places though just not a lot of people please you love your pets and have whole conversations with them sometimes oh yes I do especially where I'm working from home now my conversations with frodo have gotten more and more intricate and complicated and long I scare myself sometimes like I talked to him a lot before but now I'll just be walking through the kitchen I'm like Frodo I just have a question for you where did you get the right to be so handsome did you get it from dad I just it's it's boggling my mind I don't understand how you do it an example it's bad I see it as Wilson in castaway that's kind of what working from home has done to me in my pets but I think Frodo enjoys when I talk to him so you like country music I like aspects of country music I like banjos and I like violins and I like foot-stomping hand-clapping I like older country a country slash folk I guess like Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash that kind of country slash folk before there was modern country is that you've always been really small and height and skinny I'm very tall I've never ever been super skinny I've always had kind of a bigger build what do these are saying I'm a hobbit I appreciate that you care too much about what other people think of you even before YouTube or before social media that's always been kind of a problem of mine it's kind of like a 50/50 in this corner we have me caring too much about what people think about me but in the other corner a fair contender is not giving a fluff about what people think about me so they just kind of battle it out not necessarily I care what people think of me I just I just want people who like yeah but then I also don't care if people don't like me or I think that I'm annoying because I I get it I don't know it's a weird 50/50 you can flush want to be able to play a musical instrument you're super creatively talented so I'm guessing dot I don't know how to read the whole answer but I'm assuming they're saying I want to be able to play musical instrument but I can't yeah I'm a very visual person and not to toot my own horn but when it comes to art and being creative I'm very very visual and then when it comes to audio or music or rhythm it just it just blows away yes I would love to be able to play an instrument and I tried I tried for a while I took keyboard lessons when I was little I tried to teach myself guitar but my hand does this weird thing pay attention to the pinky see how it walks up sorry if that was gross so when I'm playing piano and I have to like learn certain things my pinkies like and it's the same thing with guitar also being able to play two things at once like on the piano I can't do it I would have loved to be able to play violin or banjo or something just wasn't in the cards for me you're interested in art or have studied art at some level yes yes and yes I went to mass art and freshman year is kind of your foundation here where you study art and drawing and form study and visual arts and all that kind of stuff and I always like my art history classes because is I think it's inherently storytelling and that is what artists do and that's what painters do and that's one of my favorite things about paintings and art is that you can look at a scene and then then maybe not even knowing the description or what's actually happening you can kind of gather what's happening from the actions or people's faces and that kind of stuff so that's what I love about art sometimes you cry because you love your dog so much guilty like me and Nick will be laying on the couch and Frodo will do something cute and I'm like [Music] look his paw you don't have a lot of friends you're a bit of a loner and that's okay I wouldn't say I'm a loner but I don't have a huge group of friends so that part's true I have a few best best friends so I have a few that I hang out with constantly like Tommy we hang out almost every single weekend and then Christine obviously when she comes we're inseparable and then I have my group of friends from high school that we still hang out with and we don't hang out as much as I'd like because things get crazy and hectic but when we do it's just we click instantly and it's such a refreshing thing like when you're going home from hanging out with friends you haven't seen in a while you're just like ah four to five other close friends a lot of my friends are not living near me anymore which is sad Kristen's in Tokyo and Lauren's in Virginia so those are two of my best friends that I don't really get to see that much anymore I don't have a lot of friends I have a lot of the same friends that I did in high school and we're still close so you don't like your new bangs as much as you thought you would but you don't regret them no I mean I've only had them for a week now I like them I think they will make me look like a hobbit and they make me look like Evie and they actually surprisingly go into victory rolls well which is I was a little concerned about that oh yeah this hair you have beautiful calligraphy I wish so I think a lot of my artistic talent comes from the ability to imitate things and recreate things which is weird I don't know if there's a term for that specific type of art or part of your brain that can do that so when I'm looking at a piece of calligraphy I can recreate that pretty decently but if it comes to making my own words that don't already exist it's not great I remember me my friend Lauren were filling out the envelopes for her save the dates and I came over to help her and I felt really bad because the ones that she was doing were amazing like we had a little guide that would tell us what each letter should look like hers were immaculate and mine right so shitty they looked like Tim Burton picked up a pen and ink and it was like okay so mine looked really really creepy and weird and I feel really bad but since then I've gotten a little bit better so Lauren if you have a vow renewal and need save-the-dates promise I won't make them look like corpse bright anymore you're worried having children will completely change your life it's not necessarily a worry it's just I know for a fact that having kids changes your life completely and I'm not ready for that so it's not really a worry it's just more about I'm doing what I can to prepare for that before it happens you're regretting doing youtube full-time oh so this is a loaded question because there's a lot at play do I regret doing YouTube full-time in general no am i scared that I am doing YouTube full-time absolutely yes but I don't regret it I was going to leave my job anyways to look for something else so I don't regret leaving my job I don't regret trying this out not at all so I think there's a big difference between regretting it and kind of being anxious and scared and nervous I cannot stress enough how much I love doing YouTube full-time so I don't regret it at all this is exactly what I want to be doing at this point in time probably not a long term thing I will probably have to move on at some point but I am loving every second while I have it you don't wash your mouth after kissing your dog that gross has so many people out like in the video of my mom when my dog gives her a kiss everyone was like well we're all gonna die someday and if I go out because they want my dog kiss me on my face what a way to go and to be honest I don't let him really kiss me on my mouth what people enjoy things people enjoy being kissed on the face by their dogs just let him not hurting you anyway it's not hurting the dog you have you can't so much but she's toolless it to bring into the stage mom spotlight yes I feel bad cuz everyone's like more Binks more Binks but I'm like at this point in time I have no idea where she is she could be anywhere so it's hard for me I don't want to pry her out of the bedroom or her little cozy hiding spot just to be like hey look it's a cat Frodo is different Frodo will come up to me and he welds a spotlight she comes out when she comes out I just you know I let her live her life we have an understanding we love each other but I don't force her to love me I am a bit of a prude I've always been like that and I don't think there's anything wrong with that growing up when that stuff comes into conversation I just I will talk about it with my very very close friends for me I just don't really like talking about private times to anyone some people do some people don't you don't believe you should have won the NYX face awards no I don't I know that comes across as modest Rachel being modest again but I absolutely do not believe that I should have won the face Awards I look at all the talent of the other girls and I'm just like wow I honestly the night of I was so ready for a different name to be called and when they called my name I was like you never really had body image problems or anything no I'd say I've had plenty of body image problems growing up and even now it's less so now just because I'm kind of the point my life where I'm like huh and I think to be honest finding vintage style helped a lot because a lot of my insecurities growing up were about my hips because I have hip dips and a lot of my weight gathers on the upper portion of that hip dip so jeans were never really fitting me right they looked really bad on me so when I found vintage style and I found a line stuff that kind of just hinted that it was great and shapewear it helps a lot to DP new BD bad she bad to a bad diva have any Badger bet bet that they do you were a theater kid in high school I wish I was in high school I did a lot of sports and I never was able to do theater because of that or drama club we called it I don't regret doing sports I think I I think sports was good for me and it introduced me to a lot of lifelong friends I made videos a lot when I was in high school made little films so I did get to flex my creative muscles it's not like I was stifling my creativity or anything but I do wish that I was in theater that was Frodo sleeps in bed with you heck yeah he did so he sleeps kind of if I sleep on my side he sleeps right here and it is the cutest thing in the whole world especially in the morning when he's really tired he'll put his head like right here and he'll just look at me like a lot of these are assuming I'm a Ravenclaw yes correct I am every time clock people are assumed that you were older than you real a JH and maybe never really had anyone assumed my age before I don't think I'm 27 26 I'm gonna be turning 27 MA maybe is the answer to that I know that baby I assume that you always have cosplays pieces scattered around your house I don't know why you would ever say that to me it's bad I feel bad for Nick although to be fair it does get cleaned up on the weekends because we always have people over and I almost always have Tommy over on the weekends I do keep it a little tidy but during the week my house is a tornado full of costly pieces especially when I'm preparing for a convention people are reading my mind someone said you wish you read more is this live yep I do but like I said I can't focus is bad unless going out of the house filming a video you'll stay in your pajamas all day for the most part yeah which I've heard people say that when you're running your own business it's kind of a good practice to get dressed in the morning just to like help with your motivation if I'm in my pajamas all day it's what I'm editing and I don't need any motivation to do that because I will sit there for hours until it's done if I'm lounging out on my house I want to be comfy that's probably laziness but as long as I'm getting work done I don't think it matters what I'm wearing and also at some point in the day I usually change into work out here so if that accounts for anything I don't know so I think that's it I'm gonna delete the post so I don't get any more bill is fun maybe I know that this video was probably really really long and I don't know if it was interesting at all to you but I love long videos like I said I watched all 47 minutes of Christie's be careful because I just love listening to people talk and a lot of times if I'm searching for a video I will gravitate towards the twenty to thirty minute videos I know everyone's different and a lot of people don't like longer videos so but I like longer videos so and like I said I feel like I haven't just sat down and exposed my self expose my personality to you guys yet and I think that's important as you guys are getting to know me well yeah I'm going to start editing this probably start designing some stuff which you will see thank you guys for being here and for sticking around I promise for the most part what you're seeing here is how I really am so thank you for waking me I love you guys with your new or old to this channel and I will see you in the next video bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 344,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answering your assumptions, assumptions, vintage style, vintage, roast, q & a, honest video, chatty video
Id: omVnVzdYaMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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