(vintage) CLOSET 👏 PURGE 👏 || Trying On Items I Don't Want

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closeted purge yes I know it's cramped in here but my house is a hobbit hole and I am Gandalf so today I thought we would do a little bit west structure of a video and just try on all these items that I'm getting rid of maybe not all of them because that would actually take 3.2 billion years but most of them so I have been added to this pile of things to sell or two years now and this isn't even all of it and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger because I am a lazy piece of garbage and never actually end up getting to the point where I sell it I just think I'm at the point in my wardrobe where I know how I want to dress and it is drastically different from when I first started vintage and even over the past couple of years so that is why this pile is so big sometimes it happens that I buy an item and then I just never wear it and I've been really really strict on myself where if I haven't worn anything in about a year then I'm donating it or selling it and I've already filled up a bunch of bags of donation clothes so these are just my nicer vintage items as they're sitting on my floor yeah it's this is probably gonna be long I've only seen one closet purge video before so I'm not sure if this is protocol I like watching people try on stuff that they don't want I don't know why that's the thing I enjoy but it is so hopefully you guys will like this too it is actually a vintage iceberg right now when I try things on and maybe if I decide I want to keep them I'm gonna fold them up and make nice neat little piles I think that will help me and yes I am wearing fuzzy socks they have owls on them doing at me so first on the pile of stress is this yellow dress which is inside-out what Carolee tell but it's a really really pretty 50s dress this is a beautiful dress yep but the reason I want to get rid of it is that the buttons are actually the spawn of Satan it's not that they're too tight I think I mean it's a little tight I think this could fit no problem if I had different buttons on here let me just show you these nonsense buttons you see these they are the worst and they do not function as a button at all now initially why I kept this so long and why I kept putting off selling it or gang rid of it is because I convinced myself that I would go in and replace the buttons with just regular buttons because if you did that it would be a beautiful freaking dress it is really really pretty but much like anything i buy and plan to alter it does not happen this dress should go to a better home I am unfit to parent it and this will be going for pretty cheap because I have pretty much ravaged the buttonholes so those would need to be free so Dover sorry full body videos are weird it's very wrinkly this next dress again a stunning dress this is originally from the 50s I believe it is beautiful would look amazing with a petticoat twirls beautifully I to be honest don't know why I even bought it in the first place unless I just didn't look at the measurements I got this back in like 2014 umm yeah right there's no way I think when I did wear it I wore it just like this which is all fine and good if you're wearing like a bolero or a sweater over it I think it should go to someone who can actually fit it on the right person but on me before I photograph these to be sold I will be doing a lot of ironing is a tweed skirt I will be doing away with a lot of my pencil skirts which i think is why I got rid of this because pencil skirts just fit really weird on me you just kind of accentuate my weird body probably sell this for like five bucks or something my tank top has holes in it it is missing the button up here so it would just need a button I might sew that on before I sell it I don't know so this is confirmation it's not all just bright colors that I'm getting rid of this dress was actually one of my first vintage purchases oops probably why I'm selling it stressed out nope don't breathe probably 60s dress early sixties trying not to breathe please button so I got this probably in 2013 I want to say and believe it or not it fit me perfectly back then I mean it doesn't not fit but yeah and it kinda reminds me of Dorothy Dorothy mixed with the yellow brick road kind of but two things one it doesn't really fit me that well I think if I lost a couple lbs it might be better around their waist but I don't know about this area and also it's a little short on me I think on someone shorter it would hit around where the knees are and it would look really really nice and I just think the sleeves are freakin adorable do you smell what The Rock is cookin so this one actually it's kind of hard to give up because it basically checks the list of everything that I love in clothing forest green floral corduroy beautiful dress I think this might be from either the 80s the 90s but a couple reasons why I'm getting rid of it it is a bit too tight on the bust so it kind of does that book Uli's Peck to me and also the waist is just a teensy bit lower than my actual waist so my actual waist is here the waist on this is right here when I put a belt on it it just looks a teeny bit funky and yes I know I could probably easily alter that but what have we learned I won't do that has one cutesy little pocket for storing treats this is one of those items that I just found myself not having worn in a year or more so got to be strict with myself okay wait huh being burst so this dress you have probably seen me wear on the channel before and it is really really pretty in fact this might go into my maybe pile I don't know I haven't worn it for a while but I remembered it being a lot tighter on the bus than it is and it is pretty tight it's kind of you know doin the Herc I don't know well put it in the maybe pile because I am trying to lose a little bit of weight so maybe when I do that this won't be as tight on the bust that's what I'll just keep telling myself a really pretty skirt right surprise [ __ ] yep oops I ordered this on Etsy thinking that it was a skirt oh I saw was this and I think I was going through a hard time so in times of distress apparently I don't read descriptions or possibly even the title so when it arrived I was surprised um again on the right person these would look freaking adorable but I think just even the fact that I was utterly betrayed by myself denies me all joy in this item of clothing so someone else perfect me betrayal I don't know why these were in this plan these are my Gabriel pants if you have not heard me talk about these before these are trousers from the 1950s they're men's trousers and on the inside okay aha on the inside it says Gabriel I'm not sure why I put them in the donate file so not today some of these items I do feel kind of bad because I featured them in thrift hauls or Etsy hauls and at the time I was very excited about purchasing them so it feels kind of weird to be like just kidding but you know I think that's kind of the reality of things is that sometimes you have grand plans for pieces of clothing and then you don't end up actually wearing them so this is one of those it's just a really pretty 70s does forties dress the cutest little color with little embroidered flowers but I just I never wore it not months these kind of dresses and my chest don't play well together I think some of you bigger chest abilities will probably understand so this one has been in this pile been retrieved out of the pile put back in my closet not touch put back in the pile so it's this red polka dot dress very tiny little polka dots you probably can't even tell it's very little seal ball and every time I'm like I don't want this part of my brain comes up with an excuse why I should keep it I have no more in this in years I think it quite honestly is just not my style anymore I bought this back when I was blonde and I think it went really well with blonde hair not that you can't wear a red when you're a redhead but I just something about the shade does not spark joy therefore I'm getting rid of it pair of trousers from collective this was another very early purchase for me for when I started going vintage and they're really freaking cute they are they're comfy they're cute I just straight-up don't wear them so that's one of these is just I don't need so many clothes is the point of this other thing I think I don't go without many places especially where I'm working from home now so it feels good to just get rid of stuff like this where I have no with it they're beautiful I just don't need them okay that was more so directed at my inner psyche than it was you so back when I was making stupid films I did a little film about a little girl who wanted to join the circus it was set in the 1930s so I went to the thrift store and bought a bunch of vintage booking things side zippers the devil whoever invented these chintzy little zippers I want to have a meeting with them just so I can slap them in the face this could go up if I really tried but I just I'm over it I bought this as a costume for one of my actresses aka my friend Bridget I decided to keep it after because shortly after that I started delving into vintage style and it is a pretty dress not very flattering on me as you can see it doesn't fit me the best so I will be getting rid of this oh it's like a puzzle oh wow what is that what is happening so I got this one pin-up girl clothing for Christmas and I wore it once it's a hard dress to wear somewhere because it just bridges the line of being really formal and just a regular dress and it kind of looks like a nightgown of course now that I'm wearing and I'm like oh oh oh is she so this might go in my maybe pie oh damn it I'll sleep on it I'll sleep in it so next up is a vintage skirt and it has this really really pretty detailing at the bottom kind of like a mexican skirt but I just don't wear it excuse me that is not a bed for you rohde Oh also a morality question for you guys so I do have a couple items here that were given to me for PR a company would send me something for free in exchange for photos or social media mentions a few of them I don't want anymore but I'm not gonna sell them because that's not okay so I'm wondering how to go about doing that because I could just donate them but I also know that some of you guys would like some of those items maybe I just put them on the account as free but you just pay shipping I mean ideally I wouldn't want to charge you anything for them because they were given to me for free but it will cost me money to get them to the person so well you know a cute 50 skirt I think it's a little wrinkled but trust me it's really pretty so it's just a cute little skirt and it has little roses on it and this might go on my maybe pile I think when I got rid of this I wasn't really wearing whites and creams and neutrals so much but now that I am and this would go really cute with a white top it's very summery dang it this skirt is another example of me feeling bad because I just got it and it was in one of my videos not that long ago I think it was last last August this is really cute corduroy skirt I really love this skirt but it is just a teensy bit too tight I could keep it in hopes that I slim down a little but you know what I mean so this is another example of I just got it and I loved it when I got it and now I don't love it there's nothing wrong with it it's got pockets it's a cute little velvety corduroy skirt is a little tight but it's not that bad I think the reason I put it in the pile in the first place is because it's a bit of a weird color so it's kind of like a burnt copper and almost red orange so it's a little hard to style with things I think that's why I put it in this pile I'm second-guessing myself oh I haven't tried this on a hot minute what no I don't know what I was thinking when I got this it very clearly is made for a much smaller person I don't remember getting it having kicked to look real sassy and cute on someone else but I just look like I'm in the middle of transforming into the Hulk so I got this only about a year ago if you watch my California home video this is in there to be honest when I got this dress it was just because we went vintage shopping when I was in California with Christine and I felt like I needed to get something I mean it's cute but I just haven't worn it at all since I got it a year ago to the selling pile it goes because I think is adorable and it deserves to be on someone else someone who will treat you right we still have a decent amount of clothes in this pile and I'm gonna be honest with you this isn't all of it there's still some more downstairs but I think that's all I'm gonna do for this video maybe if you guys like this one that I can do another one at some point cuz it's gonna be an evolving thing I think I still have more than I want to purge out of my closet like I said I don't really know how I'm gonna be selling these things I'll probably set up another Instagram account maybe call it like Rachel's closet or something please Shay like that and have people pay me through PayPal I think that will be the best way to keep it really really cheap ideally I don't want to charge over $30 for any of this stuff even the more expensive items that I got I know that it can be hard to find good vintage for relatively cheap because I personally don't like when people buy things and then try to sell them in full price or near to full price honestly this stuff has just been taking your broom in my house so if anything I just want it gone I got a lot to figure out about that stuff in that so I think I haven't sold any of this stuff yet it's because I need to figure out how to ship things shipping prices and all that stuff ideally I'd like to be able to ship to international people and just might have to charge a little bit more for shipping cause it birch that's it I love you guys with your no we're all to the channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel free to subscribe I upload twice a week and we have linear I will see you guys in the next video this is gonna be a longest bye bye II know initially why I kept on having such a good time it's this weird huh hi how are ya don't worry I have clothes on then give me a second I don't social security so this dress you have probably seen me war-worn wear English help why is this so hard just button please it's hiding here oh hello sir may I have this dance thank you oh that was lovely brief but lovely this is a weird picture [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 313,782
Rating: 4.9836159 out of 5
Keywords: closet purge, declutter, mari kondo, konmari method, vintage closet purge, vintage style, closet declutter, retro, vintage hair
Id: xV17NKfdY4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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