Trying To Recreate Lizzie Bennet's Brown Dress! || Pride & Prejudice Costume

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what do you think handsome enough to tempt you [Music] [Applause] hello hello all right so so it is no secret that lately times are strange admittedly i've been having it looks like i'm wearing no pants i swear i am admittedly i've been having a hard time motivating myself to work on or do anything so for my next project i knew that it had to be something that i was really excited and passionate about and something that i've been wanting to do for a really freaking long time in the course of my life there have been quite a few dream dresses ones that truly hit me right in the aesthetic one of those dresses is this dress which can be seen in 2005's pride and prejudice is one of my absolute all-time favorite movies i watched it about 15 times in the course of three months during college i know some people don't particularly like this version of pride and prejudice but i don't care if i like it i am going to make it i think one of my favorite things to do and i guess the whole reason i love cosplay to begin with is recreating something from a movie or a tv show and i feel like it can be a little bit difficult when you know there is no set pattern for this dress gonna be a little bit of guesswork and mine will probably not be a hundred percent screen accurate because it's me and i'm going to take you along on this journey let's just get right into it obviously i'm going to try my best to replicate what she's wearing in the movie we obviously have the really long skirt here and for the bodice it seems to be relatively simple falls just about the smell of her waist maybe a little bit above that but for me i think i'm gonna do it right at the small of my waist just for prime flatter flattery and then it seems like there are some princess seams here and then the dress has these buttons with little elastic loops i'll probably change that and just make buttons just because bigger chests plus these little loop-de-loops always end up looking really gaping for me in fact it already kind of looks gaping for her i'm just going to avoid that on paper it seems relatively easy i am a little bit nervous about enclosures know that there's a row of buttons obviously those can be undone and that might just be it suspect that there is a little bit more work on the waistband area that allows for it to be cinched in and especially with me kira is quite a bit more petite than i am especially around the chestal region so simply just undoing the buttons and still having a flattering waistline is not going to work for me and i don't want to throw a zipper in there i don't know for right now let's talk about materials as far as materials for this project there aren't much but what i do have is this beautiful tan taupe kind of women material i was actually determined to make this dress last summer and i never actually got around to it last june while i was in california christine took me to the wonderful land of the fabric district if you've ever seen a child's eyes light up with wonderment and simultaneously want to touch everything then you have a basic understanding of how it was for me to see so many fabrics in such a confined space i was on a noble quest to find a material that would match her dress and i think we went to like five or six of the stores as always with movie costumes it's a bit hard to decipher what the source material actually is because it looks different in pretty much every shot and every lighting situation i did my best pretty heavy and i feel like with a nice gathered skirt that has a lot of yardage to it that it should you know swoosh nicely a requirement for me now as far as patterns this is where it gets a little tricky i'm going to try to mix mac mix match i'm going to try to miss to mix match some of the patterns that i already have i recently just purchased this pattern from the 70s i believe i actually used it to make my brown pineapple that pretty much my most favorite thing i've ever made this pattern is insane there are around 12 skirt panels i believe when i made that pinafore i didn't have enough yardage and i think i ended up only doing eight or so but it ended up being fine i think that's probably going to be the case with this i don't remember how many yards i got but upon washing and ironing it which took about 27 years i do believe i have enough to at least do what i did with the pinafore so and then for the bodice because there are some princess seams and i want it to be really flattering i think what i'm gonna do is use my vest pattern it may not be exact but as long as it's kind of the same shape as hers i'm not gonna worry about it too much it seems pretty simple but of course if i've learned anything in my sewing journey um nothing is simple let's start making this baby [Music] sometimes i'm truly curious what i look like when i'm pinning pattern pieces out of context but i suspect it's alarming what is that i am defeated i can't find my fabric scissors and it is so hot in here i'm so sweaty i hate summer everything's fine if this looks like it's the absolute worst that's because it is i have no idea where my fabric scissors are just going to use this crappy pair of scissors ouch [Music] all right these are all the skirt pieces i used all of the panels except for one and that is because i was a little concerned about using too much fabric before i start work on the bodice and because i already made that pinafore i know for a fact that this will work just fine so all of these are double wears i am going to take all the paper off of the fabric and start pinning the sections together well you will sleepy means hot in here huh [Music] all right pretty much have all the skirt pieces put together i left the two sides open because you know what we're gonna do pockets because there's no way i'm walking three miles to netherfield to go check on my sister without bringing some snacks along i am winging these pockets i don't know that's a good idea or not but it worked for the pinafore that i made so your pockets are only truly known by you i don't think it matters too much how pretty they are here she is i'm very very happy with it i just freaking love the pattern that i've been using makes such a pretty shape that does not look appropriate so i'm going to stop for today because it is absolutely pouring i don't want to get cozy and read a book by candlelight like it's 1802 and then tomorrow i will pick back up on the bodice which i am anticipating it will take a lot more effort and brain power than the skirt took me so not quite looking forward to that but um we'll work through it step by step i will see you tomorrow good morning like i said today is going to be focused on making the bodice which i will be completely honest i'm a little terrified of and a little intimidated the pattern that i have is not exact obviously to her dress so i'm hoping that it works the way that i think it's going to [Music] oh yeah why are you yelling at me what [Music] and i'm a little nervous because i do have to alter the pattern quite a bit a normal cautious person would probably make a mock-up for this first but here we are excuse me so these are the pattern pieces for the vest end up looking like this does have princess seams but they're a little farther out than hers i feel like mine's going to be different anyways because we have completely different chest sizes so no matter what i do it's it's gonna look a little different we have the front the side and then the back my goal is to extend this out a bit so that instead of tying it up with string i will have enough overlap that i can make buttons and buttonholes instead trying it on every step of the way i think is going to be pretty important for this we shall see [Music] [Laughter] uh okay so i ended up modifying this quite a bit the initial kind of pattern modification that i did i tried it on and it just this part still hit a little bit too low and it looked for like a corset vest or a dirndl which normally i wouldn't mind but for the sake of trying to kind of replicate lizzie's dress i did bump this up quite a bit so hopefully you know it has a more like rounded shape if i had done a mock-up i wouldn't have gone through quite as many trial and tribulations but don't yell at me so yeah i'm gonna pin these all together and try them on here's the top so far hard to do put the camera in my hand but i didn't even know you were in here this does close i swear i think it'll do quite nicely i'm going to start stitching this together and then i guess figure out the lining one thing at a time i'm just going to start stitching things together and then i'll worry about that i've cut out another set of the patterns for the bodice stitched them all together the lining layer inside out on top of the outer layer when i stitch all the edges i should be able to turn it inside out i'm not entirely sure if i should have done this before i attached shoulder seams but it's kind of the only way i could think to do it without getting really confusing with armholes and such and yes i will press these seams don't have me [Music] overall i'm pretty happy with it it's very comfy one thing i'm not quite sure of this little floppy doo here and i'm not quite sure how to fix that really sticks out so i think i'm gonna pause and then tomorrow i'll figure out how to attach everything a little bit of a challenge i think so i'll see you later good morning day three of the project i am feeling wholly reinvigorated after re-watching the movie which is still one of my favorites so if you don't like it i don't want to hear it last night i did make the waistband i pressed it and then i'm going to fold it in on itself and then it should only be this thick i mulled over how to join the two parts of the dress over and over in my mind and i could not think of a good way to do it these are my problems number one if i put an elastic here technically i could stretch it over my bust when i go to put on the dress and then it would kind of snap back into place but i had made the bodice pretty close fitting to my waist that itself wouldn't stretch number two i think my problem could be resolved if i were to join these two pieces and put a zipper on the side most of my dresses are built that way i think side zippers can look good if they're hidden well i'm not good at hiding them well so did i just drool and i made the decision which may be a little bit odd to keep them as separates have the vest on top of that i would just put the skirt together they would look like a dress i think it might be cool to have two new pieces of my wardrobe instead of just one dress that being said i should probably try on both pieces and make sure that i will be able to do that because i'm not sure that the vest has enough length in back that i can hide it with a skirt seam without it popping out so let's give that a try [Music] the dress is complete and now all that is left is to do the transformation and then commence the frolicking let's give it a shot what do you think handsome enough to tempt you here goes nothing okay so i already have my foundation on to contour this time i'm going to try to use a more gray just because sometimes when i use tan ish color tends to look dirty so kira's face not very similar to mine so this should be interesting i'm going to have to make my nose appear a little smaller because hers is very cute and tiny upper whip i will have to enlarge and then aside from that i think i'm just going to follow the makeup that she has on in the movie and bob's your uncle mr garden is your uncle i always like to start at the nose goes in a bit at the bridge [Music] i'm just going to generally thin my nose [Music] i'll probably go back and futz with that as i always do but for now i think that's good let's do brows i like to mark off when they start and when they end which is a little difficult because she has bangs okay perfect you're done [Music] good enough i'm gonna move on to eyeballs to make my eyes look a little bit bigger i'm gonna exaggerate the bottom lid a bit i learned this through natalie portman who looks very similar to keira taking a dark brown shadow underlining right where my socket ends this is a good trick to make your eyes look like they're bulging and then she does have quite dark liner on her bottom lid which i don't know how historically accurate that is again you can kind of cheat eye shape with this yes i am using a literal craft paintbrush from a pack that probably cost me two dollars professional makeup artist that's me do lips which i'm a little nervous about i think it's very easy for lips to look very cartoony so take a whip liner thankfully i think her lower lip is kind of similar to mine but i am going to extend my mouth a little bit [Music] yes it looks crazy we'll fix it a small brush and a kind of darker red [Music] and then a trick i like to do which again you have to be very subtle about taking a dark brown and just i'm just going to fake the distance between my nose and mouth a little bit adding some shadow here cheekbone contour blush [Music] mr darcy steppingly i think it's wig time nailed it oh wow you like that mr darcy huh think that's as good as we're gonna get so now all that's left is to try everything on [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrap up time ta-da um she's a little sweaty [Music] i am ecstatic about this means so much to me to actually be able to express my love for that movie through dressing as one of my favorite characters of all time second i'm excited because i can use these as normal clothes whenever i do a cosplay that doubles as both i am glad that i chose to do two separates probably was some way to do what i was thinking and join it into one piece if that is true please let me know or leave some tips in the least condescending way please know catherine de berg's here obviously me and kira have different faces so it's only gonna get so close but i think that it's at least recognizable as the character which is all i can ever ask for and while yes i am satisfied with most of this there is one thing that keeps kind of catching my attention and bugging me and that is these weird darts that i put in but i i i couldn't think of any way to get rid of that excess fabric without putting a dart in so maybe i just put them in a weird spot but they're just kind of they're there it's kind of important for me to do projects that are making me excited and making me really passionate and this was one of them i've been looking forward to making this dress for forever why did i do that that's it for me i would love to hear what you guys are up to and what costumes you guys are making at least for me i know that since there's no conventions i am kind of losing motivation to make stuff hence why if i am to make something it's got to be one of my favorite characters because i am going to go film a couple tick tocks go up bewitch mr darcy buddy and so just like that that's how you do it take note okay that is it i love you guys whether you're new or old to this channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel free to subscribe i upload every friday and we have fun here and i will see you in my next video bye we need studio lights for your videos when you've got neighbors solar panels wow you look great hello and i used oh my god oh i'm sorry for punching you with fabric i'm going to tell the thunder who's boss photo excuse me you're interrupting me man i feel like with frodo i have actual conversations with him but with my cat it's just like weird words and noises fresh i feel like the princess screenshot yeah got it is that mr darcy oh quite the likeness indeed [Music] you
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 677,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pride and prejudice, jane austen, elizabeth bennet, keira knightley, regency era, pride & prejudice, period pieces, pride and prejudice 2005, jane austen movies, jane austen pride and prejudice, elizabeth bennet dress, elizabeth bennet pride and prejudice, keira knightley pride and prejudice, keira knightley movies, pride & prejudice 2005, elizabeth bennet brown dress, costuming, cosplay vlog, sewing vlog, costube, costuber, rachel maksy
Id: K-0n_8JdPpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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