Another Attempt At Steel Soul Viewer Bingo

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so we are back with more steel cell bingo obviously we can see what happened to the last one but hopefully this time we'll do better i'm gonna play it more safe i'm gonna be smarter and hopefully this time we can get it all right so the objectives from last round that i didn't complete are still here but we've got new ones for all the ones i did complete so honestly this is probably going to be even harder than last time because of that but yeah this is the board i still have to do what i died to last time which was the mark goth one but that's okay i i can handle a challenge okay so right off the bat uh get all geo rocks in kings pass sounds like a plan fine with having some easier ones here and there so how much rocks are there there's those two there's the one in the cave here hi prick hi hermit the frog give me your money some people were saying i should have named these things in here in the last one so i guess i'll do that now uh bloop and blop oh there's rocks like here this is a weird one yeah don't forget about these ones and then i believe the only ones left are over here there goes bloop do i have the one hp challenge fight any boss and only one hp so i can use fury i'm gonna grab this but yeah that is all the rocks flop is still here don't worry should i not bench here okay i'll just open the stag and not bench one hp false knight i mean that's the normal strat so it'd basically be what i do normally yeah you know what let's get it out of the way sorry blop even though i've i've done this fight like 100 times with fury something about being on steel soul just makes it scarier yeah the fury straw here is you can basically just chain false oh no this is the only chance to get mace bug right okay we'll be safe we'll be safe we'll be safe gonna do this later that was practice there we go i'm out of here okay so give me this we're basically just gonna do like vs cloak claw wait what i can't get vs where is that oh okay we're resetting i need to like read my objectives more i just made a routing mistake i'll just start i'm not i'm not going to re roll the bingo squares or anything so i can't do false night wait so how do i how do i progress i have to do like the the dream baldur kill thing wait does that take forever like i need to grind geo to get like lantern right okay so i literally need to grind to 18 50 geo at the start of the run the worst part is i'm the one who like vets these bingo goals and i just leave stuff like this in so the best way to grind geo here for the apparently like 10 minutes is to bench here and then kill this one like over and over again this big husk guard anyways uh time to kill this guy like 20 times i did not realize i would have to do this when i chose this goal [Music] okay so what are we at okay i'm gonna go to grassmother now i think we're good and i'll just pick up some stray geo so that was that was a fun start to the bingo right that's what everyone was here for why am i getting soul i don't even have spells i just have to smack you i guess it's better than using crystal dash only give me like three geo thank you that's one all right here it is lantern let's go lantern before anything else i've actually never done this this is really silly and i've got 50 geo for uh the dark room here the toe yo i have like light shades i don't know what these are but this is not a lantern okay so here's the route i have to take i have to go over here and then i have to go through the dark room and that'll lead me to resting grounds because i don't have claw right now wait can i get the egg without claw hold on clawless egg i'm gonna need some eggs because i need to sell eggs later you think this was intended by team cherry you think they were like let's let people grind for lantern and go through this section let's make sure there's no like required claw things or do you think it was just like a coincidence all right i guess i'm getting dream now as well here this is the intended route all right my first item is stream nail oh not again all right this is what we're here for right here dream shields let's go i'm gonna need this later for bark off too we all know how fun of a challenge that was last time all right put this on why is this three notches that's such a scam this should be like negative one notch like if you use this you should gain a notch slot for something else but how this works is i have to like somehow hit you with the dream shield okay where's the exact spot here oh no what it seems like impossible how do you do this i thought this was not that hard but apparently it's impossible oh what i do differently oh no that's free that's easy nevermind it's easy okay i got it [Music] got him it's as easy as that sub one green hat now imagine after all this i die in green path face my dream shields the best charm in the game definitely worth three notches i think dream shield if if i had made like a charm tier list right dream shield would move up a tier if the sound effect didn't exist i hate this sound effect [Music] oh you're trying to snipe me i realize it's actually kind of hard when i don't have spells until you pogo's pogo scum there we go that would have been great after all that trouble jumpless hornet chat if i do jumpless if i'm at what hp i'm not allowed to save myself and it the runs dead i don't think i'm gonna do jumpless hornet i should have done jumpless grass mother i forgot that was a goal i'll do jump with some mossy i have vc god okay i'm like why does it feel like i'm playing online smash hornet's freaking leg spiking me let me go get claw that'll be pretty useful please unequip dream shield i don't have anything else listen dream shield is doing a tiny bit extra damage it's better than nothing look at that huge damage okay that'd take too long yeah you see how much jumps i have to do jumpless elderhood ah i hate dream shield so much i'm unequipping this i can't do explosion pogo because of this trash if i try to do explosion pogo it's going to blow me up do a shade skip nice one do a shade skip is the new alt f4 oh how do i what button do i do for this chat alt f4 what where'd my pogo go the dream shield killed it oh my god dude dream shield is the worst thing ever created whoever said unequipped dream shield you were right all along okay dash master is a two notch i should probably grab it because i need like low notch charms i need every one notch charm and a few two notched charms i think should i get bretta i should get bretta so i can have a mask i want to have some masks so i don't die also i just want to say i actually don't know what happens if you get shade soul first so i guess we'll see okay uh we'll do jumpless mossy i'm gonna grab these grubs i want to have grub so i can like get the pale ore from them because i think it's a good idea to get all the pale or this time or at least second best nail all right mossy i refuse to jump can i even slash fast enough to like keep you away that's the concern right okay we're fine i'm getting pushed back though i'm getting pushed back though ah we're fine hope you enjoyed the pets how did that work [Music] let me click on the objective what the frick why is this glitched oh there we go oh i'm gonna blow myself up ah don't do it dream shields i just want to get oh my god why didn't i unequip this why didn't i unequip this oh my god ah get me out of here get me out of here i'm leaving i i was close to dying there that explosion hit get fox get this off you know what let's do mace bug now and then i can get 200 geo and then i can buy elegant key oh fury strats yeah yeah now there's more stress on this right if i mess up this this time then uh i lose a lot of time you know [Music] i messed up we're fine we're good we're fine we're good okay there it is i didn't get the hits i needed [Applause] all right mace bug time wake up wake up i know you're there there you are free at last yes you are free to be my soccer ball okay you can go i'm sorry can't get vs yet so we're gonna go back get elegant key and then get shade soul basebugs gonna get it these bugs gonna get revenge on me by grabbing vs and like showing up as a boss oh you're right i forgot one that counted as petting right i was i was petting it i was petting it very aggressive pets my egg go away do you know the big guard oh yeah yeah where is that do you know a husk guard so what is a husk guard husk guard oh it's the herald it's harold okay i thought it was the big one of the shield but it's not if you google husk guard it's harold yeah see i i like don't know the names of these things i just call them like big guy i don't know we'll save harold for later i need to save some of the easy objectives anyways no i don't have vs i have nothing no spells i'm about to have a spell though not sure if it's going to give me vs or just straight to shade soul oh my god down dash my beloved frick oh i'm at 2 hp i've never been more scared of soul master in my life or a civil warrior in fact this is probably the only time i've been scared let's go i do not have vs yet so we'll see game crash consume the shade soul you actually have shade soul nope no wait what is that shade soul oh that actually is shade soul apparently it just looks small because i don't have shamans okay okay i need to be careful here but i want to get dive so i need to be here i don't like this room that was very clean though okay give me this so i can upgrade it later and use it for a lot of things really there's also an egg here i need a few more eggs for that one goal oh i need to get all do wait do i need to get all charm notches for this oh shoot oh that's a big goal no i didn't realize how big of a goal that was i have to do all charm notches i mean i already have to do a lot of the stuff anyways probably like buy all these too there's some like low-cost ones here right i'll just get them all and get the notches we need 25 so what are like the five worst charms or no there's more than that right there's 40. okay i cannot go for a lot then so i'll probably just pick up the ones that are nearby i actually need to do all three of these as well which means i need a lot more money there's a lot i need to do this is a very high objective bingo i'm skipping joanie's screwdrivers oh wait no i shouldn't because i need a i need to go in the blue door i'll get it ah i'm still falling what i can see oh i'm doing like worse wait i'm up here again i think i did better in the dark you ready for the wiggles chat you think i'll get a one cycle wiggle wiggles what happened those sucked there we go okay so we have the child now the charm notch is after the first two sets i need to get like six ghosts and then we're done here oh i need to save cloth i was gonna do this last run too save cloth so she can help a little bit during trader lore hey i need i need whatever help i can get i need to do trader lord without shade cloak that's freaking dumb i'm gonna die there check the box what do you mean oh you mean like pay attention that i have to do this without getting hit okay okay so i can't get hit in this room first one good brick okay i need to do this later oh no chat the ghost is gonna kill me oh the run's dead jokes okay give me this do i even want to try to do hitless molex right now i mean it would save me a lot of time dude i'm trying to do like oh my god i got hit there come on i'm trying to do the cheese strap where i just killed him i just get hit anyways okay there we go whatever god damn it i hate this so much i want i want like shades yeah i might as well no harold's dead oh are they all dead are there is there any alive top right is alive oh my gosh i didn't even realize that one that was that could have been bad okay let's go find uh i already named something gerald i was gonna say i was trying to like name it something that's similar to harold gerald is the crawler right barrels barreled i have to dream nail you get over here got him yo that was such a hard objective oh man that was so hard okay well there's dream gate ah my body is shifting why does this always happen i'm adding a thing to this it doesn't necessarily say it it says crystal dash from elevator near crystal peaks directly into the well i'm adding that i have to dive it doesn't necessarily say that but i'm gonna add here we go right here little off god damn it i'm still too far okay i know where it is now i know where it is now oh my god really yes geez that took way longer than it should have okay where am i going uh i want to get rings oh god grim child don't do it why do i keep ending up here with things that are going to blow up jellyfish have i got any essence from enemies yet chat i haven't right i was kind of hoping i would just get the essence and not have to grind for it if i do have to grind for it i can just do um flukes which is a lot faster now i've never done this without so this should be interesting okay let me try doing like a fireball here damn what do you do here damn it dude this is hard and i can't get like i can't get soul quickly maybe i should just get isma's oh we can at least do the spike skip which is kind of cool even if we've all seen it a billion times turns out getting this is actually helpful sometimes but only if you suck it acid skips summon the slug henlo i have like three objectives i need this for thank you okay i'm pretty sure i need king soul for the slug thing because i'm not making it through that room without some way to regenerate soul fountain objective uh i'm gonna have to like buy things and like try and get to one geo i can do that soon honestly i probably should do that before i run out of things to buy okay let's see i have 437 geo what can i get from dirt mouth that's like around that oh and let me grab this too popular okay well there's 500 i could get 501 i'm gonna i think i'm gonna try and get 501g nice aim bro oh i went way over on my geo it's okay we'll figure it out don't die going up here please it's actually kind of scary slug look at flaming slug it's time chat slug on top of the worlds they will look to the peaks of hollow nest and see a bright flame the flame of the slug oh my gosh i got disconnected again oh there you go okay we're at 10 10. someone said 10 51 would work out okay 10 33 i don't think this will bring me above yeah that's fine it actually did okay i might need millibell at this point okay what can we do here we can get them this and this would be 170. well then i need to get this too so what we can do is i can get 171 then i can get 301 and then get that because i also need that how'd that hit that's so broken okay 250. i need 51 more oh god nine three what's behind here i don't trust it how much do these things drop i think it's rng oh no no i'm out of here i'm out of here no don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that i almost screwed everything one geo after i buy gathering swarm which i should definitely not equip that'd be the worst idea ever then we're gonna go to hidden stick and then we're gonna not kill anything and we're gonna donate the one geo a true servant gives all for the kingdom consider me a true servant then you can have my entire life savings the sound effect is like why'd that tick so much for one gm okay there's that one this is a weird shape we're making okay how much relics do i have oh okay i'm gonna sell my relics get upgraded nail and get another charm now we're definitely getting nailed before marco yeah i know how bad that is now i was i did not expect it to be that hard last last stream and i'm like i will just go in with like not even full soul it's fine that was the worst idea ever so yeah um apparently eggs are like it's randomized how much money you make but i think this is enough to get three thousand right we're gonna have to just compare or i need i'll need to be at four seven oh eight after selling all these egg 431 290. what happened to the egg market the egg market crashed okay it's back up kind of uh come on go back to 400. [Music] uh i'll take it i guess i didn't make enough did i chat i already forgot what number i was at before how much more do i need to make 437 that's probably going to be two eggs god damn it i might only need one egg though i might only need one egg i get an egg from grandfather don't i yeah i know that i should know that i ran all eggs percent you do i should i should gamble and see if i can get the 437 with with one egg it would be very low because i think max is 450 min is like 250 or something six percent chance all right moment of truth is it gonna be 4 37 or more oh my god it actually was enough by one it was one above six percent chance oh my god okay what's the cheapest one again what's the cheapest one for uh unbreakable oh my gosh i need a lot of money for that too greed is 9k all right so i want to buy that and then i'm probably just going to buy strength because it's a good charm but i'm not going to make it unbreakable because there's no point in making anything unbreakable that's the whole meme all right it's time to slug in the tub slug in the tub there's one you're the imposter they're clearly like how are they moving so fast they're clearly venting okay should i not be making among us references in 2022 probably not accept the gift all right i'm actually not taking this where you want me to i'm taking it to a funeral he did someone get married and among us an among us wedding i want to go to an among us wedding and you just play in the base game so like someone is actually an imposter you'd be like scared like sitting in your seat you know it'd be like oh i'm so happy for them but i'm also scared that the the person next to me is the imposter it's like a whole new twist on a wedding the two imposters marry each other that's the worst case scenario because then everyone else in the wedding gets killed okay i didn't get hit this time we're fine what happened it's okay i prefer i'm i'm prepared for this i came with a flower it's almost like i knew ahead of time gather around i don't know where to stand where you can actually see me there's like egg in the in the way where's the song i usually use no not fallen kingdom we gather here today to mourn the loss of a great bug a bug who loved egg very much i'm gonna miss tuck [Music] but i hope tuck is in a better place with even more egg f's in the chat everyone [Music] f's in the chat rest in egg okay no no killing enemies from this point okay we're fine i think the the hardest part is probably the little jellyfish in fog canyon and oh some of the some of the enemies in like crossroads i usually kill too like the the big bench flies yeah okay i can see this being annoying no it died no it died we might have to say gome killing is fine but i'll give it a few shots god damn it dude i don't know what i can do i don't know what i can do yo i actually didn't kill that one well now i kind of want to try this see if i can pull it off that one didn't die either that one didn't die either don't be in my way jellyfish oh my god i think i can dash through there go oh i have to no i haven't done the arena yet i haven't done the arena yet no the objective's over i can't get there i physically can't get there without killing these things i have to i have to come back after i need to open it up god damn it dude that's such that sucks that's not on me that's fine so we have the lever open this time so we can actually do it now uh this is a weird jelly pattern oh god double jump we're fine go for this guy i can't kill him though just run just run just run look out for the little flies we did it let's go i couldn't save them all you know i tried my best one one bench flight died but it was not on me also i need like a little more essence so i need to do white defender and who else do i need to do oh mark off oh my gosh but i want to wait on that one so maybe that's what i'm missing oh my first essence that's one that's one i swear i got this oh i didn't okay look at that now let's do let's just do fluke nest first because that's a really easy one that i've just been putting off forever let's do fluke nest and white defender i don't think i need pure nail for white defender that'll just it'll take a long time but it's not gonna be hard it's just gonna be like it's just gonna take a while hey an essence okay that's two of ten good fight should we grind well there's three there's four we'll grind we'll grind i don't think it'll take that long so yeah again the reason we don't do this with low te is because we don't we can't use dive because that adds a percent and you need dive to get here that's six they're crazy fast it'd be so nice if you could get here i say that and then i get none in this attempt seven eight nine come on give me ten ten right here damn it they're so fast oh i'm also abusing uh dream gate pickups so because i've used dream gate so much the uh drop rate is way higher because it's refilling my dream gate there it is there's 10 essence okay see i knew that one wouldn't take long i just need to do the slug in the tub so i'll just do that and leave all right it's time to slug in the tub wait i can't slug in this tub it's too deep hold on i need a better tub oh my god do i have any of these [Music] no don't do this to me i can't slug in this tub i have to come back after opening a pantheon i thought i could slug in that tub okay dung defender quit out slug and tub and then streamgate and i guess we might as well do the white defender goal while we're here enjoy the music about lasts because this fight's going to take like 10 seconds maybe a little longer because i'm doing pretty bad there we go one notch charm so chad do i have all the one notches yet eight nine ten i have all of them right i just need more charm notches i need to put all those on and then i need to uh over charm with like another one and then i need to have boy part and then that's like the most charms possible someone said that was 12. that is 12. so the goal's wrong wait where the hell is white defender have to quit out here god damn it whatever i'll do it later let me slug in tub first you need all the dreamers what garbage is that why would you need dreamers i haven't been getting the dreamers okay first bench is like after hornet or something i don't remember [Music] okay let me slug in the freaking tub slug and tough darn tubs that you can't slug in on top of unsluggable tubs ruining my day i'm out of here okay so now the only ones i'm missing are like everyone besides the deepness one because i think i only slept in one tub so far there's always these goals that just keep getting longer i don't even realize how long they are it's like oh do this one thing to a boss i'm like that's easy oh by the way you have to beat every dreamer you have to get 69 completion okay where's the fluke where the flukes at doesn't count yet oh i messed up i need to kill their entire selves with the flu okay there's one there's two one more one more i need soul there's gonna time the dream now what hello you can't dream nail these i never knew that what the hell is that one [Music] two three why was that actually like why can't you dream now though that's so tough okay so that's all the dreamers that actually didn't take that long i can't get out of here okay let's do this stupid goal i can drop the combo but i need to only damage him that way so until he does that move i can't do any damage i have to wait for him to do the jump thing and then i can only damage him through juggling there we go here it begins it begins let's see if we get in one go hey hey [Music] ah i caught it back i caught it back let's go let's go that was easy that was so fast i thought that take i thought that took way longer all right never mind excuse me sirs would you mind if i slug in this tub here hello mister have you heard about slug and tub okay let's get this final charm notch so i can finally have the uh maximum amount of charms and i'm probably just gonna probably do all the colors so i can uh i'll have to go to god home again although i'm going to tell you right now if i mess up and hit the tamer by accident i'm not doing this again all right final charm notch 11. there we go so after i get voidhart we can get that goal pretty easily [Applause] and that is every klr as well this could be scary this could be a potential loss point oh i literally forgot about this okay don't hit the tamer ow that's rude i'm not hitting you why are you hitting me it's a good spot to be in where are you coming from go away you're easy dawn of the final tub one slug remains okay here we go it's time one last time we shall slug and tuck hey chat should we do a pull all right looks like noah is gonna win wow no one again what a surprise nah i owe you all several not dream nails or do i [Music] i do oh yeah you want to do a pull for a save or kill the nail smith another pole let him live with his bf all right well that's obviously going to win oh chad did you know you can kill nail smith with c dash oh no it's a lie i can't do that you know what else you can't do i'm gonna i'm gonna show you right now chat there's something else you can't do and y'all are gonna think it's gonna kill him but it won't descending dark what i tested that i swear i tested that and it didn't kill him i actually i was like actually really sure that that didn't kill him i promise let's do lifeblood core so i can use that for the part objectives this and this is that that's enough right those two charms are enough wait what i have a plan this is what i get for not killing marissa i agree i love that that's the message i read that's the one message i pick out i bet everyone else is like that's what you get for killing nail smith i agree with the message i read okay make sure i get the egg this is a one chance egg one chance at this egg okay and then there's one more or two more there's seer and birthplace okay you want to do markov chat i'm at 17 again wait maybe i should get 18. maybe i should get one more goal before i do it to make sure we beat last run i'm gonna do that so we're gonna go do the molex okay there's one we're cheating this with shade cloak two this is the hard one okay one more one more let's go first try that's so much easier with shapefile new pv dreamweaver oh yeah someone told me that that counts right i'm allowed it's it's just dream shield damage it doesn't matter if i have like other charms on that's how i'm reading this i don't think long nail will do anything right compass all right let's go let's do this you i don't care i'm still doing it one that missed brick two come on dude just hit there we go oh big damage get away from me all right next phase this is where it gets hard to get hits in there's one i have a lot of health but i shouldn't over commit too much i need to get hit somehow frick that's good come on die oh god heal just hit him i'm getting impatient okay just you'll just heal it just yeah let's go god that sucked so much oh i thought i was gonna throw at the end all right i'm glad that's done all right let's uh let's go do seer and wait palace and path of pain so those of you who watch the uh all settings rando know that i did path of pain in like two hits so oh besides the end i'll have to do the end hit list too but i have better spells so this shouldn't be too hard no getting hit or have to quit out back to the bench get it first try no what that's so oh my god that's such a dumb spot to get hit why is this more stressful when i actually have to do a hit list i normally wouldn't be scared oh my i will screw that up because i forgot [Music] no luckily this isn't in risk of ending my steel soul run so i don't it doesn't really matter how long it takes but it would be nice to get it done soon come on i hate this i hate this so much i need i need motivating music this music just makes me feel depressed oh this is my song let's go i can't mess up during this song [Music] [Music] no oh my god that almost hit me i told you that was my song let's go [Music] we kind of have to do traitor lord now i'm just gonna do this i think lots of health lots of spells and soul okay we're locked in i can't leave now not allowed to quit out let's go cloth the extra cloth damage let's go okay no dashing from this point gotta dive through those yep don't spam those if you spam those i won't be able to dodge him okay stop he knows my i didn't even get hit why was i worried about this one i didn't even get hit i guess i didn't need you cloth but um thanks for the carry well now all the hard ones are gone we got this oh king soul for slugs thank you for mentioning that chat because i was gonna mess that up so the best rooms that we found uh there's one here so what i want is slogan tub king soul and then quick focus deep focus not quick focus okay well we'll do that we'll get deep focus because um i actually have the other room in peaks the other room i want to do is in peak so i might as well go get that all right so how does deep focus help us here what does this do for slug oh you go really far okay hold on let's combine our powers together we're going through the room entirely a slug okay going through not holding anything slug time we're zooming oh it didn't buffer okay look at that look at that distance that's optimal slugging right there okay wait for it wait for it slug time i think two more slugs i think two more slugs and we're good imagine doing the freaking palace grounds okay one more for sure oh it's gonna fill up it's almost it's almost there it's almost slug time slug time yeah thanks to recommending deep focus that makes it very bearable okay here we go second room i think this one's a little longer new [Music] okay uh we're not even like halfway i took a step chat does that invalidate it okay that definitely validates it what it was that so yeah now i can talk about my day uh you know i woke up i uh had like a shower made some lunch i had egg and toast a classic lunch that i usually have i wake up like right before i stream but i don't really do anything else until after but that was my day you know i streamed oh yeah i'm actually a streamer on twitch.television it's a pretty cool uh website you might not have heard of slug to victory so yeah we're gonna get the final arcane egg we're gonna sell it to lamb then we're gonna make unbreakable greed and then we'll do the charms at the end because why not but yeah like i'm not gonna die doing any of this stuff right the scariest thing is birthplace out of all this okay don't forget the egg don't forget the egg egg is very important there it is so we have all four now i did sell one already that's why it says three ow oh god oh god don't throw at the very end of birthplace please and i need boydheart for the uh maximum charms which is actually 12. apparently 11 is not actually the most hey lemon you want some egg eat three eggs well four but i gave that one two earlier hope you enjoy those eggs how do i do this again oh i have to talk to you like eight times right okay chat uh nsfw warning close the stream all right you can look at the stream again that face explains everything all that's left to do is put on 11 charms along with void heart which will be 12 charms we're over achieving that's the wrong one compass gathering swarm spores room what am i missing dream wielder defender's crest steady body how much is this one two three four five six seven eight nine i missed one oh okay pretty good so there's ten and then we can over charm what's the highest cost i have deep focus i just wanna do a high class one we'll do soul eater one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve charms that is bingo i'm disconnected from the server steel soul bingo let's go we did it we didn't die this time so yeah the marcotte one actually ended up being the hardest one i was worried about the trader lord one but because we got all like full equipment that ended so fast i didn't even get hit once but yeah thanks everyone for suggesting these goals and joining me on the bingo hope you enjoyed and yeah thanks for watching that's what they'd say we i'm not getting dnca
Channel: Skurry
Views: 924,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, bingo, steel soul
Id: XkqFmroyzPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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