Annoying Orange - Rolling in the Dough #2: Mo' Money, Mo' Funny

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- Hey! Hey, good looking, guy, hey! (laughs) Wow, this kitchen is so shiny and new. Way better than mine. Whoever owns this must be rolling in the dough. - That would be me. That's right. Since you saw me last, this dough's got himself some bread. (upbeat music) - Let me get this straight, you own this amazing kitchen? - Sure do. By the way, your mouth's hanging wide open. Hands, give him a hundo to wipe up that drool. And take one for yourself for being a doll. - I can keep this? - Sure, I don't need it. I haven't needed the dough for years. I sold my secret recipe and the money's been pouring in ever since. And the back massages have been pretty much nonstop. - No way, you have a secret recipe? What is it? - Can't tell you, it's a secret. - You can tell me, I have a secret recipe too. - No, you don't. - Yeah, huh. - No, you don't, you're just an orange. - Nuh uh, I have a secret ingredient. - Okay, then prove it, what is it? - Can't tell you, it's a secret. (laughs) Oh, come on, it's just a joke. No need to be sour, dough. (laughs) - Oh, these jokes are so bad they make me wanna- - Throw up? - Honestly, yes. They're that bad. - No, throw up. - Huh? (Dough exclaims) - Whoa, it's raining Bens! Hallelujah, it's raining Bens! Hallelujah! (laughs) - Okay, getting a little dizzy. - Try not to throw up from being thrown up. (laughs) (Dough exclaims) Whoa, I had no idea getting rich would make you so stuck up, (laughs) - 'Cause I'm stuck on the ceiling, yes, very funny. You wouldn't be laughing if you were in my position. This ceiling is not sanitary. - Look at it this way, you were rich before but now you're filthy rich. (laughs) (Dough groans) It's okay if you don't think my jokes are appealing. 'Cause you are. (Dough exclaims) Doughboy? (Dough mumbles) Hey, Doughboy, hey. (Dough mumbles) I can't hear you, but that's probably because I don't have any ears. (laughs) - What I was trying to say was I would like you to leave my kitchen. - Dough-n't be like that. (laughs) - Your jokes are terrible and annoying. It's my kitchen, I want you gone. (Dough exclaims) - Sheesh, when did you get so saucy? (laughs) Sorry, was that joke too cheesy? - Would you stop already? - Okay, okay, I'll leave. Just tell me where the exit is. - Thank you. It's right over there, past the stainless steel fridge, next to the wood fire pizza oven. - You bought a wood fire pizza oven? - Yes, like I said, I'm very wealthy. Wood fire pizza ovens are extremely expensive, but it's chump change to me. Now would you please stop interrupting me and get out of my kitchen! - Geez, that felt a little over the topping, don't you think? (laughs) - Why are you still here? I just kicked you out, capisce? You're exiled, banished, 86'd. - Fired? - Fine, if you want to put it that way, you're fired, now get out! - No, fired. (Dough yells) - [Dough] No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - Well, on the plus side, seems like your expensive pizza oven really works well. (upbeat music) (Dough exclaiming) Well, that wasn't very slice. (laughs) - Oh great, you're still here. - Yeah, I couldn't find the exit. This kitchen's really big, so it wasn't exactly a piece of pie. (laughs) - I think you mean piece of cake. - Sure don't. (Dough exclaims) - You're just gonna take a piece without asking me? Rude. - Agreed, it just makes me sixth. (laughs) - Well, I guess this is it for me. End of the line. Funny, I spent my whole life raking in the dough, getting that money, green backs, and now as I near the end, I realize it didn't even matter. What actually matters in life are your friendships. You know, good times you share with other people. - Whoa, that's pretty deep, dish. (laughs) - That's it! I'm over here delivering my final words and all you can do is make jokes about it! Yeah, I'm a pizza, you got a problem with that? You want a piece of me? - No, but they sure do. (Dough yells) - [Dough] There's too many! - I'm gonna miss that guy. Although he was kind of a weird, dough. (laughs) (upbeat music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 1,192,617
Rating: 4.7529149 out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange - Rolling in Dough #2: Mo' Money, Mo' Funny, rolling in the dough, annoying orange rolling in the dough, cartoon, comedy, spoof, lampoon, parody, silly, pizza puns
Id: y5kk3qHfOBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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