Annoying Orange - Eating Challenges #5 Supercut

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yo yo yo it's a to the o today i'm here with little apple hey and baby orange oh baby is this gonna be a fun one today by the way you never told me what challenge we're doing well my diminutive associate i could tell you or i could show you telling me would be just fine kill the lights strike up the van release the doves like the fireworks you sure that's a good idea with the dogs flying around good idea they were actually tnt anyway cancel the fireworks cue golden throated announcer person ladies and gentlemen boys and girls one and all welcome to the baby food challenge part two baby orange you get off that dove this infant [Laughter] wait wait wait you're telling me this is a baby food challenge and i have to go up against an actual baby are you upset cause you think it'll be too hard or because you think it'll be too easy i don't know it could really go either way so why are you yelling i'm not sure anymore well it's time to get sure cause you're up first my diminutive associate [Music] okay this flavor is really hard to place why because i've never tasted anything like it why probably because i haven't traveled as much as i should have why oh man this is a deep cut i guess it's because i'm scared too because i don't know any foreign languages why because i had a crush on a girl in my spanish class and didn't pick up any vocab huh not even a poco [Laughter] great now i'm getting laughed at by a baby little apple we need an answer i don't even know what to say it doesn't even taste like food it tastes like dirt ding ding ding ding ding little apple you're a teeny weeny winner what they make dirt flavored baby food baby orange you're up wow he's really chopping at the bit where's he going also how's he gonna guess the flavor when he doesn't know any words [Music] baby orange has guessed correctly tnt what are these flavors well little apple that's exactly what we are here to find out i get it we yes i get it and i got you this your round two mystery baby food well i didn't sign up to eat dirt orange i promise it's not dirt then why does it taste like dirt is that your final answer orange it's dirt there's nothing else it could be oh i'm sorry the correct answer is mud what mud oh good for you you doubled your vocabulary orange these flavors are disgusting what's my next one gonna be soil dust oh i am so out of here yeah well baby orange it looks like your competition bit the dust or not i guess you win by default here to venture a guess at what your next flavor would have been [Music] [Laughter] right you are baby hey everyone sorry for the whispering it's just well something super scary is happening outside this cupboard we're hiding in what do you see they turned the ring light on this is about to go down what's the super scary thing that's out there you may ask well i'll tell you youtubers they're shooting a challenge video and shh they're starting yo yo yo scoobtubers it's your boy scoobydude25 and me madison scoobs and today we're eating one color of food for 24 hours oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you're ready to pull the color out of that hat madison scooch sure am scooby-doo 25 and the color of food we'll be eating this episode is orange i think i hear someone coming guys i really don't think my hiding spot is very good sup everybody notice anything different about me yeah that's right i got a brand new butt corey shut up what's the matter it was a whisper there's danger of foot oh well i lost the half of my brain that experiences fear so okay geez relax see anything behind the blender yo nothing here why don't you try looking behind the toaster yo corey that's a kind of sort of but not really orange food you should know there's a bounty out for you whoa am i really orange hill off the half of my brain it perceives color yeah we know just keep it down would you what's up everybody game day zucchini i would really recommend you keep it down and hide and lose the jersey lose the jersey yeah right no way bro what's a syracuse man always a syracuse man seriously listen no you listen i will never forsake my alma mater i will bleed orange until the day i yeah found one [Music] okay so you guys weren't joking about this being serious well i've had just about enough of this i'm out of here milk chocolate bar where are you going wherever i want i got nothing to worry about you heard them they're only looking for orange colored foods i'm gonna go out there and sunbathe i'm fixing to be dark chocolate i'm talking coco chanel before my ex's wedding next weekend the door everybody hide found more food in this cupboard yeah yeah i'm not orange so let's just skip to the part where you let me go and i go out my day [Music] hey that's not orange put it back my bad milk chocolate are you okay are you kidding i'm even better than okay look how much weight i just lost my ex is going to be livid best day ever mmm seems like a really healthy relationship nobody's accusing chocolate bars of being healthy bro i'm not finding any orange food madison scoobs me neither shh listen i think they're about to give up let's just eat any food we can find wow everybody hide corey look out what the oh no no not the new plot oh that was one of the most expensive ones yeah apple tastes like fun this is awful agreed no bots about it you heard those youtubers they're gonna be at this for 24 hours we're trapped in here until tomorrow relax don't worry everyone there's an end in sight told ya [Applause] howdy howdy fruity toots i'm orange i'm sis and today we're doing the chicken nugget challenge the chicken nugget challenge what the cluck is that [Laughter] excellent question sis the chicken nugget challenge works like this one by one different chicken nuggets are gonna step forward all we have to do is guess which fast food restaurant they're from by eating us no no no no relax there's no foul play going on yeah we're not gonna eat yet we just wanna meet ya okay that's a relief now if we correctly guess three chicken contenders in a row we win but if you nuggets fool us even once you win the grand prize i like the sound of that what's the grand prize the winner gets to take a dip in this oh man a pool i don't want a pool what's the matter chicken yes actually i am i swear i swear i'm made of real chicken don't think that i'm not cause i am stop asking me questions about it okay okay then who's first i am chicken nugget number one is from burger king okay i think i know this one already we haven't even asked him any questions what the heck i'm just gonna go for it burger king wow nice going sis how'd you know so fast i used my powers of deduction orange when he stepped forward he said i am which made me think of my buddy yam who's a professional giraffe juggler in orlando is she going anywhere with this now the word orlando begins and ends with the letter o just like the word oreo oreos are cookies cookies are what cookie monsters eat and in sesame street episode 4075 cookie monster dressed up like a king boom burger king whoa you're so smart is she who cares if cookie monster was dressed up like a king in some random episode homeboy over here is literally wearing a crown that wasn't a dead giveaway oh wow i didn't even notice the crown until you said that just now okay which chicken nuggets next lay it on me give me your kfc hat this will throw him off the scent for sure good thinking chicken nugget number two is from wendy okay well this one's super easy yeah how do you know it's so obvious just look at her hat her hat says kfc k is the 11th letter of the alphabet f is the sixth c is the third 1163 that's the last year the first cornerstone was laid for notre dame which is in france france is in europe europe is on earth earth is in the milky way and one time milk shot out of my non-existent nose at a kfc restaurant and you know what restaurant was next to that kfc a wendy's and that's why wendy's is my final answer oh come on all right everybody focus up we're down to our last shot but we can still win the poll and number three fools them how about it number three you up to it don't make worry i got this i'm taking off my hat and everything we'll be swimming in that mcpool before you mcknow it hey quick question for you pal uh you're uh you're not gonna put mick in front of everything you say to them are you oh you guys crack me up welp here goes mcnutting you can mix say that again chicken nugget number three is from mcdonald's hey nice to meet meet you oh my gosh he's totally mcblowing it hmm i'm having trouble placing this nugget how about you orange same here he's not giving me anything to work with what can i make say i really make want that mcpool ah dude would you shut your mitt trap let's ask him some questions number three what's your middle name mick chicken mcnugget huh hmm yeah i still have no idea about this nugget number three do you have a best friend yep mr ronald mcdonald number three what was your first word as a child golden arches this nugget's an enigma you got any ideas orange i got nothing i'm totally mix-stumped the chicken nuggets win [Music] congrats you guys out of curiosity what restaurant are you from number three mcdonald's huh never heard of it well enjoy your new pool yeah go ahead take a dip wait why'd he laugh like that when he said dip i don't know crowd because he's a dip who cares we won we got a pole don't see us losing your head over it geronimo wait this isn't water that's it i'm out of here make me too wow talk about fast food hey everybody i'm pear and today i'm hosting another hot sauce challenge joining me are today's contestants sis hey and grapefruit gomorrow wow cool shades grapefruit oh i'm aware i figured hey no voice no style wait so that's how your voice actually sounds now what you didn't get the memo my voice changed by a lazy gun thingy we did a recent episode about it and everything oh i guess i didn't think it would be a permanent thing please as soon as dr bananas fixes his voice modulated thingamajiggy with it or whatever it's called my voice will be back to normal but until then hey i'm walking here what are you talking about dude yeah who's walking where look i don't know okay sometimes i just yell that out as a catchphrase i don't even really have any control over it just happens an enduring quirk of my new voice i guess okay let's cover the rules no need for dad i know how hot sauce challenges work okay i've done a couple of them yeah lost a couple of them too what was that well this one's different grapefruit we're changing up the rules slightly yeah to give you a chance to finally win one are you watching missy well this variation of the hot sauce challenge is called is it hot sauce it's very simple i'll show you two items one of them is hot sauce and one of them is not whichever one you pick you have to put on your tongue and the winner gets this handsome trophy so handsome why yes i am nah not with that new voice you're not dang it okay pear i'm ready let's do this i'm walking in all right here's round one grapefruit you can go first please select the item you want to put on your tongue um this is a joke obviously i'm going with the cool tall glass ice water over there i mean come on the red bottle literally says hot sauce on it oh man does that mean i have to choose the red bottle i'm afraid it does sis now then on the count of three please taste your respective items one two three huh mine's actually not that spicy yeah it's really nice tastes like ice cream how about yours grapefruit yeah mine definitely tastes like water then why are you sweating profusely oh am i oh i didn't notice maybe drinking more of your ice water will help no i mean no i call me crazy but i think grapefruit might have been lying okay fine i admit it yes i actually picked the hot sauce by the way i should have mentioned we're allowed to disguise the hot sauce as other things well now you tell me whatever i'm ready to redeem myself frantu let's do this walk in here sis you're up a ketchup bottle or a hamburger this is a tuffy is it though i feel like there's really just one way to go with this you're thinking ketchup bottle's the safe bet too huh good call i'm going with the ketchup bottle you fool i will gladly take the hamburger you seem confident about your choice grapefruit indeed i am why because hot sauce is a liquid tell me how are you gonna disguise a liquid as a solid food no one on earth could possibly be that good as deciding hot sauce oh my gosh grapefruit loses again okay that's it this isn't fair i know how i but this is totally rigged i'm so done with this episode i'm leaving now where are my sunglasses ah there you are now now good night to you both i'm walking here hey yo my eyes fire um grapefruit i should warn you we expected this to go on for a few more rounds so there's actually a bunch of booby trapped objects all over the kitchen that are actually made of hot sauce gee thanks now you tell me but don't worry i'm just gonna leave i tried to warn you my eyes my whole body knocking i need a napkin to wipe it off or something here's some water grapefruit hold on is there real water or is it more fake hot sauce devil water it's real i promise ah thank you oh man what a ride that was i'm walking um can i talk to you real quick great probably scheming up new ways to light my butt on fire ain't you grapefruit we talked it over and decided that since you've been through so much pain today you should get this whoa really i mean i finally won a challenge episode that's right here you go enjoy uh oh thanks you guys i'd just like to thank my mother my ninth grade drama teacher and also my [Music] you
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 1,177,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, eating challenges, eating challenges #5, supercut, comedy, cartoon, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, silly, challenges, eating, pear annoying orange
Id: yBiqIVyDT3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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