Top 10 Annoying Orange Challenge Videos!

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welcome to the hydraulic press challenge everybody take it from me this episode is gonna be flat out awesome i couldn't agree more orange now the rules are simple there are no rules we're just gonna put different stuff under the hydraulic press and watch it get squished sounds like a real piece of cake or should i say pancake yeah [Music] okay there is one rule only i get to push the button okay okay keep your pants off what should we flatten next hmm i'm thinking this banana look at that banana yessiree definitely a real banana orange press the button pear quickly don't think about it don't look closely at the banana orange just push the button no dude your banana is obviously a stick of tnt painted yellow it's a banana here bite into it dude okay since orange forfeited his turn it's back to me let's go with this ice cream cone come on ice cream stay strong you can't do it guess it wasn't meant to be next up a coffee mug let's see if it can handle the pressure well what'd you think of that one orange it was beautiful seriously though i liked it a latte stop words cannot espresso orange your turn go ahead and pick something okay i want to put this cherry on the hydraulic press a cherry i figured you'd pick something bigger something big nah imagine the mess cleanup would be the pits all right put it under the hey wait a minute what's that hissing um orange turn that cherry 90 degrees now okay can we still press it no but we can press this lollipop cool by me i'm a sucker for a good squishing [Music] what do you think should we squish this basket of raspberries heck yeah this is my jam we now interrupt your regularly scheduled pressing for some characters who wish to test their medal against the hydraulic press first up squash come on squash we believe in you thank you okay get ready it's getting close squash squash where'd he go i don't know he was just here but now he's yeah i knew squash couldn't be squashed well it was an expensive lesson but i'm glad we learned it fortunately we have plenty of backup hydraulic presses we have extras very impressive okay next person who wants a crack is zoom i believe in you zoom you can do it extreme i swear zoom you will be redeemed for five sets the recycling facility and finally we have durian wow blast from the past no no no no i'm durian ii i'm here to avenge my father's brutal murder from years ago i'm here to prove myself been toughing up my already super tough skin so let's do this [Music] he might actually do it the hydraulic press is giving it all it can wow top block okay orange i'm gonna give you one last chance to press something okay something that isn't tnt because we are not blowing up the kitchen today so what do you want i thought long and hard about this and i want the hydraulic press are you saying you want to try and withstand the hydraulic press dude don't do it if durian the second couldn't handle it you don't stand a chance now hydraulic press huh you pitted one hydraulic press against another that that's the only match for a hydraulic press another hydraulic press that's absolutely right bear you hit it right on the button yo yo's orange and pear here with another super insano challenge video whoa the exploding watermelon challenge woohoo explosions my favorite this challenge is a bit gruesome if you ask me but we've been given the go-ahead to do it so over here we've got a thousand rubber bands and we're gonna put them around a watermelon until it explodes how many rubber bands do you think it'll take orange i think it'll take 600. and i think i'll take more rubber bands than you got speak of the devil here's our watermelon who actually volunteered for this the first name's brick because i'm built like a brick last name's watermelon because i'm a watermelon bring on these puny little rubber bands i've been training my whole life for this moment and now i'm gonna break the watermelon world record wow a watermelon world record what are you talking about i'm talking about 880 rubber bands boys rock watermelon the greatest strongest watermelon who ever lived rest in peace he was only able to take 887 rubber bands before he exploded into the history books in case you're wondering his first name was rock because he was built like a rock his last name was watermelon we get it so 888 is the magic number let's get the counter on screen let's do this thing yeah here comes rubber band numero kudo feeling good feeling great 888 is in my sights okay but you've got a long way to go bring on the second one here we go oh yeah that's snug but i'm feeling good yeah bring on the next one um what i i just don't underband seriously brick watermelon only lasted for two rubber bands so let's go to the replay [Music] wow i think it's safe to say that brick blasting for 888 rubber bands was a bit of a stretch well now i don't know what to do we have all these rubber bands lying around and they will not go to waste [Music] my first name is sturdy because we get it sturdy are you seriously gonna try for a world record moments after your body exploded after just two i most certainly am alright this world record is my destiny i don't know dude maybe wait and try another day these rubber pants might be faulty or something nah they're good i put 887 of them around my waist just now while you were talking orange what are you doing keeping myself from being bored duh but that's that that's so dangerous you're one away from breaking the most sacred world record in food history i'm gonna catch up give me a rubber band here's uno okay but you might not watch there's no time to discuss i must put on 888 rubber bands immediately before the orange beats me to the ah i have so many questions right now let's go to the replay [Music] [Music] i just don't get it how can you hold more rubber bands than these super buff watermelons do you feel uncomfortable no well sort of here give me a second nope feel great now did someone call for buff watermelon [Music] oh here we go [Music] well it's not going to happen because orange is wearing all of the rubber bands we'll see about that [Music] get out of here hey there fruit lovers it's hot sauce challenge time little apple and i gonna test our medal against a variety of hot sauces you ready little guy ready i'll ever be i guess well i don't normally do spicy well this burst sauce won't be much of a problem this here is grandpa lemon's sleepy time hot sauce it's a level one on the spicy scale put a little of that on your chicken wings there what do you think it's good not too spicy big burp is such a little guy yeah this hot sauce ain't nothing in terms of spiciness is that sweat i see on your forehead me oh no no no no no i'm fine i'm super tough when it comes to spiciness let's kick it up a notch and do the next one shall we sure thing this one was suggested to us by baby carrot it's called come on baby light by fire sauce and i like the hot sauce um i like hot grapefruit are you standing in a pool of your own sweat of course not this is a mere level three spice bro and i told you spice does not affect me what do you think of the sauce sorry chicken wings make me burp that was kinda cool there was a little smoke with that one these must be getting pretty hot not that i can tell because again i'm impervious to space then this next one shouldn't be an issue it's called orange you're glad you had that water handy hot sauce this is a level five spice good old lauren janice buns you want a glass of water nope i'm gonna do this one unaided no water oh totally me too [Music] whoa that was pretty spicy bro you just went full dragon on me if i had eyebrows you would have cinched them off you're telling me that was only a little spicy yup yup yep go ahead and try it oh yeah sure i'm not scared [Music] delicious are you crying i'm not sure i think i might actually be bleeding from my eyeballs well we've got one more sauce to try there's nothing above a level five apparently there is now a level six six that's never been done until now i give you ghost pepper apocalypse you're scared i actually am not sure i might have just biddled myself but that could also just be a pool of sweat or blood here we go wait bro you said chicken wings always make you burp right right so put it on something else something that doesn't make you burp you know ah totally great idea yeah who would have known would happen if i put it on chicken wings yeah i'll just put it on this a burrito yep oh that is pretty spicy huh a lot of beans in that burrito i'm sure it is a burrito huh okay then here goes nothing grapefruit's gonna chow down on some ghost peppers little apples ain't for the skylight aim for the skyline [Music] sorry i got a wicked case of cottonmouth are you done now yeah just gonna grab something to drink oh maybe some ice water great see you later why would you do that well duh everybody's doing it to themselves everyone's doing it to themselves i'm confused why would anybody prank themselves it's not a prank orange they're doing it to help fight als hey you stay away from alice she didn't do nothing to you you tell him orange not alice als it's a disease people are pouring buckets of ice water on themselves to raise awareness and donate money to find a cure oh well in that case let the healing begin yo dude what's going on you jerks i was just about to do the ice bucket challenge on my channel dude stop being so selfish i love being soaked in freezing cold water orange you're doing this all wrong well if helping a noble cause is wrong then i don't want to be right yeah oh that's cool baby best charity ever oh what what no oh look at the water ripple on my muscles it's freezing ah come on pear just one more one just one and then you are done oh suddenly i feel like i've learned the folly of my ways oh can i do a do-over no so what happens now well if you had done it right you could nominate someone else for the challenge but in this case i think you'd better just cough up a donation good call dude gross what don't they take visa yeah hey fruit lovers orange here with another super exciting challenge video today we're doing drum roll please [Music] the try not to cry challenge now if you're not familiar with the try not to cry challenge the cake and i are going to watch videos here on this screen if you cry you lose get it got it challenge orange the great [Music] um are you already crying yeah honestly i pretty much never stop my eye is made out of onions so yeah i don't think you're gonna do very well at this challenge you're probably right i'll just go talk about a bottom tier competitor am i right okay who's next me great all right i heard through the grapevine you're pretty good at this well you heard right i like never cry well that's good because i brought in footage of wine being made uh oh guys get out of there don't go in that fast i'm sorry grape but you're whining a little too openly [Laughter] yeah i know you win i'll leave bring me a worthy adversary yo what's up pear please you don't stand a chance how could you you have no legs to stand on tar heart seriously though you're crying freddy fazbear like every day this is gonna be so easy well i admit freddy is super scary and makes me cry all the time but fortunately for me i get to go first i brought in a compilation of kazoos being melted down all those beautiful kazoos and then being poured into molds to form dancing hippo figurines no that's the worst thing that can be melted down in town are you gonna cry orange is next up is a bunch of fuses being removed from sticks of tnt oh now you you mean dsd will never be able to fulfill its destiny to explode they can't stop that i still dab on the watch all right i win who's next i am get your handkerchief ready pair i've got a real tearjerker bring it well i will yeah as you can see i brought in footage of a library that got demolished a while back think about it bear i'm thinking about it all those books yep super sad so sad you probably want to cry not really well i was afraid it would come to this so i made a couple additions to the not video [Music] we're out of time little apple is our champion climb up onto the top platform there buddy i can't it's too high more likely to try not to laugh so hard you cry challenge hey everyone hair and orange here with uh orange orange would you stop sniffing the markers the video's starting ah come on pear i'm not actually sniffing them how could i i don't even have a nose although you're supposed by [Music] orange stop drawing noses on your face and try to focus today we're doing the three marker challenge sounds fun but i must ask you what are the rules well the rules are actually really simple we have to do coloring book pages but we only get to use three markers we only get to sniff three markers no one said anything about sniffing anything orange oh i guess i've been sniffing too many markers hard to disagree with you there dude now let's get to it what are we coloring for round one deep voice announcer guy for round one we have this handsome picture of the whole gang awesome so now we each get to choose three markers with our eyes closed no peeking and no sniffing either orange fine okay looks like i got pink blue and yellow it's gonna be pretty tricky coloring the whole gang with just these colors how about you orange couldn't be happier with my three colors i got orange orange and finally orange whoa you got three orange markers that's annoying definitely ready set color having only three colors is really limiting i can only imagine how hard it is for you dude totally i'd be green with envy over all the colors you have except i don't have any green okay i'm all done how about you almost and done all right here's mine i think it turned out good but definitely not great wow why does it look like you have chickenpox yeah that was a mistake i thought i might be able to make myself green by coloring myself yellow and doing blue dots lesson learned apparently so okay here's mine wait fine what i know i know as you can see i wasn't able to get the right shade of orange for my shadowing really disappointed by how limited i was you what dude how'd you get all those colors by mixing three colors obviously haven't you ever heard about primary and secondary colors dude they're markers not paints how did you mix them and never mind the fact that they were all orange don't remind me the deck was really stacked against me that's why little apple was totally the wrong shade of red well i'm so embarrassed i'm just gonna toss this in the old fire what the what is happening there that's the shade of red i was trying to achieve for little apple no time for round two this round you'll each be coloring pictures of yourself oh well that's fun okay i'm picking my markers and i got blue brown and red and i got orange purple and green nice spread well i'll say what a relief i can actually do something with these colors ready set color prepare i ever tell you the one about the colored pencil who got overused no tell me eh i would but it'd be pointless okay i'm done here's me ah pear why sell blue yeah again it was pretty tough coloring myself without the green marker how'd you fare okay i guess orange i i'm speechless i know i know the neck ruffles are way off well this one earned a one-way ticket to fire town no orange don't throw that away you did that with markers and only three markers at that oh you don't have to keep reminding me i know it's terrible orange i think it's amazing you do yes that's why i'm canceling round three i'm canceling the rest of the episode you mean i'm fired yes sorry deep voiced announcer guy i'll hit you up later this week but right now i want orange to draw me wow really yes listen i've been wanting a portrait of myself for a really long time and i think you're the person to do it and i can use all the markers yes please i want this to be good use any and every marker you desire okay i put you on a king's body is that okay totally and the background is all kingsy looking is that okay whoa that's great looks incredible so far and now for the oh i ran out of green oh well that's no big deal right you can mix them yeah i mean your face won't be the exact right shade of green though dude if it turns out anything like in round one i'll be absolutely giddy you got it and done let me see let me see [Music] orange why does it look like i have chicken pox what i told you i ran out of green so you put blue spots on my face like a kindergartner you said you wanted it to look like round one your round one drawing not my round one drawing oh yeah that makes more sense um pear i don't know if you want to put that in the fire why's that you actually think it's a good drawing or something no it's cause if the flames get any higher they could light that conveniently place stick of tnt huh real quick blow it out pear get real we're getting nowhere there's only one person with enough lung capacity to blow out a fire this big that's right too bad you fired him bye with your boy grapefruit and today we're doing the one fight challenge can you explain quick a gladly and if you're not already familiar the one bite challenge is all about eating stuff in just one bite so little apple and i are gonna be pulling things out of our mystery box whatever we pull out we gotta try to eat in one bite sounds easy enough for me maybe but i feel like you're gonna be at a disadvantage here little guy well i'm not so sure my mouth is deceptively huge whatever you say little apple whatever you say i'll go first okay looks like we pulled out a chocolate chip cookie this will be a close one but i think i can do it here goes nothing will he really [Music] [Applause] all right so that's one point for grapefruit now it's my turn let's see what the mystery box has in store for me well this will be interesting also weirdly cannibalistic considering it's larger than your entire body i think it's safe to say you won't be able to that ass what the little apple how did you do that ah pretty easy i just unhinged my child like a snake and went to town your turn you really want to continue you're not like full me no way i'm just getting started huh okay well i'm gonna reach into the mystery box and grab a bread good luck with that don't count me out just yet another rule of the one bite challenge is that i can do anything i want to the food before eating it so there's a lot of air in the bread i just gotta compress it [Music] my time to shine next up for is a watermelon tough break i figured we should include at least one impossible one just to keep things a little incredible man those things aren't very good with the rind included little apple you just ate an entire watermelon yeah man i gotta stop glancing away when you eat these things i feel like i'm missing out on some pretty incredible stuff okay so it looks like we're all tied up going into the final round that means it's time for a lightning round where we each eat as many things as we can in 30 seconds sounds fair bring out the food cuts okay 30 seconds identical menus whoa whoa whoa this is a lot of food i don't think we can eat all this i'm getting pretty full me too but just get through as much as you can ready go are you kidding me dude did you even eat the corn you copia i win hey i'm not even mad i'm speechless you're gonna finish that by the way we shouldn't let good food go to waste now go right ahead yeah i'm gonna leave before you decide we got this right here what hey everyone parrot orange here today we're doing the pizza challenge you like pizza right orange of course if you ask me anyone who doesn't like pizzas is a real weird dough here's how it'll work we've got 10 mystery ingredients hidden inside these bags orange and i will each pick five whatever's inside our bags we have to put it on our pizza then we gotta eat a slice whether it's nasty or nice you wanna go first or should i oh i wanna go let me add these toppings okay go ahead gimme gimme gimme gimme topping topping topping topping i said you could go first yeesh sorry i didn't hear you no ears okay i'm gonna go with bag number ten okay what's inside extra cheese extra cheese that's barely even a topping ooh is somebody jealous i'm not jealous yeah look at yourself you're green with envy i'm always green dude that's just what color i am okay i'm gonna go with number five looks like i picked black beans is that even a pizza topping anything's a pizza topping pear as long as it's on a pizza wow thanks dude that was really deep more like deep dish am i right well i guess i'm putting black beans on my pizza even though they do give me really bad gas what's your whining don't be such a party poo pear okay mystery bag number three has pepperoni so far this challenge is a pizza cake i'll say i just got pinto beans these make me even gassier than black beans what'd you get oh it's a good one in all my life i've never sausage a delicious pizza sausage why are you getting all the normal pizza toppings well meanwhile i'm getting lima beans oh don't be mad bear it's just a fun little challenge video try to have a good time a rootin tootin good time oh man i got one i'm not too excited about it's about time what'd you get anchovies no i got parmesan cheese can you believe it wait you got more cheese dude that i'll admit sounds good but not great get it parmesan great ah i got it and i also got kidney beans and i got bacon bacon how is this fair you have like every delicious pizza topping and meanwhile my pizza over here is looking like a bean museum relax pear you still have one mystery ingredient left maybe it'll pull the whole pizza together i doubt it but let's check it out what is this 2d tooth 2000 x oh maybe it's medicine that makes you stop farting see i told you it would all work out no no it's actually the exact opposite it makes you fart like 2 000 times more than usual oh man who packed these mystery bags an american hero that's who oh can we please just put these toppings on and get the pizzas in the oven i wanna be done with this nah don't worry pear this too will pass all right our pizzas are baked and ready to eat unfortunately for me it's now time to eat an entire slice just one slice i ate the whole thing so yummy you don't have to rub it in dude we know you got the better pizza your turn pear your turn to eat your pizza i'm aware go ahead anytime i will okay now's a good time everyone's waiting okay wait this tastes different than i thought it would what do you mean i taste pepperoni and sausage orange did you eat the wrong pizza of course not how the heck would i mix up them oh oh that's different orange pear i need you to listen very carefully i want you to get everyone and take them out of the kitchen but orange listen to me get everyone outside start running and keep running get as far away from this kitchen as you possibly can we don't have much time orange you're kind of looking there this is not a drill you need to listen to me no it's too late what what do you mean you've heard the term pie in the sky before right sure well you're about to see it and smell it too orange i'm getting kind of scared what up fruit lovers hey to the o here with the whole king say hey everybody today we're doing a never before seen challenge the scare pear challenge cool sounds like a bundle of fun it's a bundle of fun for sure here's how it works pear's going to set his little hiney here and one by one me and the gang are gonna take cracks at making him scream the loudest we all excited to do this yeah no then it's unanimous here's the scare bear challenge coming at ya [Music] sure i mean you could try it's kind of hard to hug someone when you don't have any did i scare you yeah kinda how did ya thanks baby marshy you've got some weird friends cute but weird the scare ometer gave fair scream 75 decibels marshy takes three [Music] yeah you're something all right oh man are you really not scared sorry little apple not scared at all and to think i went to all the trouble of studying up on ghosts at the library before it burned down well the library burned down [Music] the library didn't burn down oh thank goodness that's 76 decibels congrats little apple you've moved into the lead by the smallest of margins [Music] excuse me could somebody tell me what i'm doing here again you're trying to scare me grandpa lemon oh i see i've got a little trick up my sleeve here hold these the ew okay i'll be back where is he going hello grab a lemon anybody what the heck is going on where is everybody right here [Music] how did you do that a magician never reveal she's oh good grief the scarole meter gave it an 85 congrats to grandpa lemon our new front runner thank you kindly [Music] you don't stand a chance bro i brought the scariest thing of all time chiller i'm not scared of tarantulas you you know what even though they're huge and hairy and could eat you nope but it seems like you are i'm not scared of anything then open the cage maybe i will cool so do it i'm gonna when soon how about now don't rush me yo what's with that guy i don't know your guess is as good as mine [Music] not scary ah man okay let me try a different mask then i don't think it's the mask i think it's the fact that you're not doing anything surprising [Music] that was a good one thanks for the help nice you're welcome see you tomorrow when i try to kill you for reals bye okay and the screamo meter agrees that was 97 decibels which means i win the grand prize well i didn't know there was a grand prize yeah what's the grand prize [Music] what up fruity cute we got pear we got grapefruit and we got yours truly today we're gonna do the baby food challenge orange if i may i'd just like to clearly state up front that i am not a baby i am not and i never have been you've never been a baby correct i was born this size sure dude i'm serious well then your mother must have been huge i would appreciate if we didn't bring my mother's size into this but yes she may have won a prize or two at state fairs in the mid 90s all righty then here's how the baby food challenge works i'm gonna airplane spoonfuls of baby food into these guys mouth one at a time orange we agreed no airplane noises right nah you guys are just plain boring that's fine that's fine no airplane spoons but once the food is in their mouth they'll have to guess the flavor every correct guess is a point let's do this thing prepare you're up first here goes nothing oh this one tastes awful well they're not all gonna be winners what's your guess i don't know it tastes like no food i've ever had honestly it tastes like a foot wow you got it this is foot flavored baby food nice job bear our early front runner wait wait wait wait wait foot flavor where did you find such a gross flavored baby food now now probably at the pooper market [Laughter] no i thought we were gonna be eating normal baby food like sweet potato or banana yo what you talking about one of my best friends is a sweet potato yeah my cousin's a banana we're not murderous bear we're just trying to do a fun little challenge video got it okay yeah i got it good this is a lighthearted challenge video bro try not to ruin everything for once would ya grapefruit it's your hmm turn gonna say this is chocolate cake flavored baby food you got it we're all tied up wait wait i'm sorry he just got chocolate cake flavor you heard my dish you know very well it was chocolate cake flavor i had to eat a foot and he gets cake yeah relax i'm sure it'll all even out in the end i guess you're right ready for your next spoonful of baby food pear fine all right here comes the airplane would you stop that i'm not a baby okay here you go wow this doesn't taste good at all what was that it was baby food what it tastes like i don't know because i barfed immediately all i can taste now is barf you sir are correct the flavor was barf and for that you get a point hooray who is feeding these flavors to their children hey spare for someone who claims not to be a baby yes you're acting like one that's it orange give grapefruit the baby food you just fed me i can't do that he already knows the flavor but i can give him this flavor i think it's the best one of all right fine as long as grapefruit understands what i'm going through here we go ew this is gross ha you see i i totally understand out there i am so so very sorry for what i said do you have a guess yeah i'm gonna go with raspberry pie sorry it was actually strawberry pie oh that makes sense what he got strawberry pie i just ate barf flavored baby food and he gets strawberry yeah dude i ate strawberries plus you got it wrong which means you win there i do yeah you just won two to one well what i guess that's pretty cool what's my prize a lifetime supply of baby food now come on also it's barf flavored and you get it all right now huh [Music] you
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 816,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Top 10 Annoying Orange Challenge Videos, top 10 annoying orange challenge, comedy, cartoon, spoof, lampoon, parody, satire, series, supercut
Id: 1lytppmgTRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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