Annoying Orange - Healthy vs Junk Food Challenge

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howdy howdy food lovers it's the healthy versus junk food challenge give our first competitor a big round of applause but not too big thanks for joining us Little Apple today you'll be going head to head against grapefruits [Music] wow talk about healthy food hey you fellas like the new physique I've been spending six hours in the gym every day for the past three months getting ready for today wow that's tell me what's happening after this video in like 10 minutes I'm picking up Orange's sister for a date what oh yeah I mean sure she doesn't exactly no I'm taking on a date just yet but I like my chances are pretty good I think I'm Gonna Roll Up on this motorcycle wearing this slim fit shirt and give her this gigantic box of chocolates then I'll ask her on a date she'll say yes and I'll start looking at venues for an Autumn wedding man I wish I had even one ounce of your confidence grapefruit of course you do your body's like one ounce oh orange can we do this thing already the diminutive one is right starting the challenge is exactly what we should do so here's how it works one of you is gonna get served healthy food but the other contestant will receive delicious junk food yay now we're talking but here's the catch which is which or should I say switch is switch here we go ah we're gonna have to sit through a Switcheroo song every round well you sure can't stand through it you don't have any legs ah you know what just because you're being annoying I'm gonna take your sister on an even more incredible date tonight you take that back [Music] nah looks like little apple chose the healthy food which means yay everything's coming up grapefruit wow eat a great fruit no it's just after much dieting exercise I kind of need this okay hmm oh good I gotta say it feels good to be winning a challenge for once I'm [Music] my 200 shirt was handcrafted in Spain from the finest of silks yeah fat chance you can say that again okay look can we move this along I gotta pick up his birthday in like five minutes don't you mean inform her that there is a date in five minutes tomato potato speaking of which that's exactly what one of you will wind up with your room enough already I choose this one [Music] oh yeah little apple you're losing this Challenge in a big way hopefully you can catch up wow you guys this joke would always been this delicious as just me oh um grapefruit yeah oh dear I wonder what made all of those buttons pop off like that yeah it's one of those unsolvable Mysteries grapefruit hey uh you're gonna eat that what's in here hey that's that's yeah sorry fellas we're not trying to stick around I listen to Orange do another Switcheroo song about him and Scooby-Doo taking a pool or whatever he says Nah how'd you know did somebody make the round three lyrics alrighty gents grapefruits off the mega love connection without a shirt all the better the woo the ladies with muchacho besides I still got these chocolates and this dope motorcycle okay yeah see that boys yeah it sounds like you're wrecking your engine that's called revving the engine bro is it huh you know grapefruit my gut is that your date isn't gonna happen tonight [Music] [Laughter] yeah sorry grapefruit this time I really thought the weight was over whatever well at least you got these chocolates to make me feel holy moly oh lee Molly indeed [Laughter] just eat the bit away grateful eat it away it tastes like sadness [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 466,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange - Healthy vs Junk Food Challenge, healthy vs junk food challenge, challenge videos, lampoon, parody, satire, spoof, cartoon, comedy, healthy, junk food, annoy, silly
Id: O9mijwLhJ1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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