ANNO 1800 - Top 10 SPECIALISTS I Can't Live Without

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what's up everyone welcome into a brand new video for no.18 hundred we're gonna be taking a look at the top ten specialists that I cannot live without these specialists are extremely valuable to me and in some cases essential to my overall production setup and my economy with a few exceptions most of these can be found at Eli Bleek worse Harbor he's the neutral trader at the prison a cautionary tale though on Eli's Harbor you can go broke very very quickly re-rolling to get specialists you might want be smart about reroll in everyone just be smart for items and don't go crazy you can go broke so if you only have a couple million gold maybe set it maybe tell yourself I'm going to spend a hundred thousand if you only have a hundred thousand gold you might not want to go and start reeling for specialists right now it can add up really really quickly and specialists can be fairly expensive so you have been warned if you have him disabled though in the game settings you're only going to find these items from quest rewards expeditions or the public mooring if you're interested in seeing more information on where these items can come from check out the a no asset viewer in the link in the description down below right let's get started with the first one first up on our list is the actor and she is a rare quality item that goes in your Town Hall you need to reach artisan level to start finding her idealized harbour increases happiness by plus three that's nice but her real power comes in the form of giving any residents supplied with the variety theater a supply of rum and canned food for free that's huge this decreases the number of canneries distilleries and all of their associated chains that you need to build if you're able to get most if not all of your artisans and engineers within range of a town hall with her in it you're going to need to make very little of these goods yourself this saves on workforce Island space and in the new world Island space is a big deal and on maintenance cost you still get the tax income so it's just it's pure profit she's a big big winner for me I keep a plenty of actors on standby for all of my future cities neighborhoods and everything next up on the list is the cola mola mola machine this is a legendary item crafted in the Arctic at Nate's airship you do need the passage DLC to access that region and this item so if you don't have that DLC you're not gonna be able to get access to this thing it costs 50 Arctic's crap 20 coffee 20 sugar and 10 gas to build and it goes in your trade union the production bonus of 25 percent is a nice little boost but it's the extra coffee that it makes is really important every tenth cycle of rum or champagne production you get one coffee a rub distillery with just this item will produce one rum every 24 seconds so every four minutes you get coffee if you increase the production even further on a run distillery you'll make coffee even faster it's still slower than an actual coffee maker or a coffee factory yes but if you know how fast coughing could go you'll appreciate any extra coffee you can give with multiple rum distilleries or multiple champagne champagne distilleries being affected by this item you'll give yourself a nice little boost to your coffee production and help satisfy those insane caffeine demands of the engineers and investors next up we have the costume designer the costume designer is a must-have from me and like to actor unis artisans to start seeing this rare quality item for sale at Elie this is a wonderful trade union item that totally changes what is needed to make fur coats instead of having to make cotton in a new world ship it back it replaces it with just wool a basic fur coat dealer with no modifiers produces fur coats at 30 seconds wool is produced every 30 seconds so it's an easy one to one match up once you start increasing the productivity of the fur coat dealer you'll need to increase the amount of wool you make in proportion to that as well I typically won't even think about starting for a co-production until I have my first costume designer that is how important she is to me cotton is fairly space intensive you need a lot of space for the plantations and you need a lot of workforce for it you need a ship to transport it and inevitably you're going to have to build more of those as you need more and more fur coats you already have crowded New World islands so this right here takes away all of that neat it is so handy wool is a very simple building with very minimal space and a small workforce needed costume designer is one of my favorites and I never ever let a fur dealer be built without being in range of a trade union with her in it next up on the list here is mr. Garak mr. Garak founder of the entrepreneur gentlemen's club is a town hall item of epic quality that is one I discovered early on when I first picked the game up and I have loved him ever since this fella provides a nice bonus income of +5 coins per engineer and investor residence that he effects for having in access to a bank and he supplies them with pocket watches and jewelry that is huge those two items can be fairly costly in terms of both maintenance and workforce early on and having someone give them for free is just a huge bonus the extra money is a nice side effect and it will help your balance even more I have a mr. Garak at every single one of my town halls the engineers and investors are in range of and I definitely cannot live without this guy next up on our list is Gordon the master grocer he is an epic quality item that I found very useful in the new world he supplies beer with for all residences within his Town Hall range this is perfect for those abraao so that want beer so you don't have to try and produce more beer in an old world or in capture Lonnie and ship it to them he also increases happiness by +5 happiness can be a little tricky in the new world at times especially if you use increased working conditions so every bit of extra happiness helps the next on our list here is toreador Lucia she is an epic trade union item for your cigar factories she changes out the need for wood veneers from the old world for plain old timber and increases the production by a nice forty percent this gets rid of the need to produce extra veneer so you already need veneers for gramophones so you're gonna have to produce even more veneers to ship to the old to the new world for cigar factories and so your cigars are made quicker and cheaper because they're not having to wait on veneers and they're made faster because with the forty percent productivity she is another one that I won't even think about starting the cigar chain until I have her so check her out definitely one I recommend for your cigar factories chef Michael this is my favorite item on this entire list I despise the artisanal kitchen chain don't ask me why but I do maybe it's because I don't like the way the kitchen doesn't fit nicely with the cannery it leaves that one tile between that's different between them or maybe it's because the red pepper farms look out a place to me for some reason all the other farms have a very European vibe to them that one looks like a hut like a yurt or something I don't know it's very odd-looking I don't like it but I dislike the entire thing chef Michael solves my issues by replacing the entire artisanal kitchen chain for plain old pigs simple as that plop down a couple of pig farms and your canneries will be pumping out some nice canned sausage in no time as a bonus he produces sausage itself at a production rate of one sausage every two cycles of the cannery so it's fairly quick I love this guy I absolutely love him and I will use the actor to satisfy all my canned food needs until I find him I will not build the canned food chain until I get chef Michael he is fairly rare though so expect to possibly spend millions at Eli before seeing him he is extremely rare but once you get him you will be very happy just be careful with your money don't go broke trying to get chef Michael because it will happen trust me next up on my list is the bursary patron merchants he is invaluable as an epic quality townhall item he gives all residences with pub access a supply of sausages bread beer and Church he's one of the few items in the game that only covers a single tier of residences this one being workers it doesn't actually say that on his car but if you look at see what he supplies it what it they have to have only workers fit that bill with him slotting into your town halls where your workers are at you don't need to produce any of those goods at all he supplies them with the entire worker tier of basic and happiness goods you still need to supply them a fish and if you want schnapps that's nothing compared to eliminating the need for a beer chain or a Brit or a bread chain a keep plenty of him around from my worker towns and I happily supply them with almost everything they need from this one guy next up on the list is Professor Rahm Debbie the bundle of energy he's fairly rare he does not come from Eli he only comes from expeditions quests and a few things like that he cannot be found at Eli but he is a super useful legendary specialist he effects light both actors and gramophone factories by giving them electricity without the need for a power plant improves their productivity by an additional 50% and occasionally produces watches at a rate of one every sixteen cycles glasses one every 14 cycles penny farthings every 15 cycles steam carriages every 17 cycles and sewing machines every 13 cycles so while they production the extra production is far slower than others on this list his supply of so many extra Goods is so nice and it really helps offset a bit of production the easiest way to actually get him is if you have the seat of power DLC and you have an island that is has reached the maximum the maximum attractiveness rating to get unlock all of the policies is to do the right to remain act the remote to remain that gives you a 2.94 percent chance let me make sure I was telling you right yes two-point 94% chance of receiving him at the visit at the public mooring so that is your best way to get that beyond that you're going to have to hope that you can get him either just through the public mooring normal which is less than a 1% chance or from quest or Explorer rescue expeditions Suzanna the steam engineer is last but not least on our list she's an epic quality trade union specialist that replaces your the affects the calves assembly line apologies for that and it takes out the need for steam motors and replaces it with just filaments basic easy to make filaments you just need coal and she produces light bulbs at a rate of one every four cycles as well so she produces light bulbs at a decent rate replacing the expensive and polluting steam motors with easy to make filaments is a massive massive change I absolutely love it be aware though you still might want to have a steam a motor Factory because you're gonna need those for steam ships or if you can afford it buy them from nate inkay Trelawney they are very expensive to buy from him but you can buy them as you need them to build a ship if you do have a steam motor Factory you can turn that supply off one you can turn the factory off once you have a decent supply of them you don't have to keep it running anymore susannah is another one that i won't even consider making carriages until i have her in my inventory and that's it that's my 10 that I cannot live without did you have others you want to add or once you just have to have in your city that weren't on this list just let me know down the comments down below thanks for watching and I'll see in the next video
Channel: Taka
Views: 100,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1701, anno 1404, anno 1601, anno 2205, anno 2070, 1404, 1601, 1503, 1800, anno 1503, anno, anno 1800, gameplay, lets play, playthrough, gaming, lets, play, graphic, relaxing, video game, sandbox, mode, english, dlc, takarazuka, sunken treasure, sunken treasures, production, guide, tips, botanical, gardens, botanical gardens, season pass, the passage, mods, anno 1800 mods, aesthetic, layout, seat of power, season pass 2, statistics screen, overview, help, specialists, top 10, top ten, trade union
Id: AWS1u-gsDa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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