Anno 1800 Ultimate Guide: Early Game Items & Optimizations

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hey everyone how's it going welcome into a new video for anna 1800 so today we are finally finally going to start getting into some of the more advanced tips and tricks about the game that everyone has been screaming at me for for about a month and a half now since i started doing this comprehensive guide series we are going to start sort of with the earlier parts of the game around the artisan phase that's when you get the town halls unlocked you unlock trade unions during the worker phase but you really get into it starting with the artisans because that's when you can start getting some better items from the traders on the map so let's talk a little bit first about how all this works now as we said workers unlock the trade union now we've touched briefly on the trade union before this building right here does cost about 50 maintenance so very cheap uh it does have an influence cost now you can see right here it says influence investment of zero that is because the very first trade union that you build is free so you get one for free as they do cost 20 influence you have 20 influence available for free so you can build one of each of these right here for free one trade union one town hall and one harbor master after that they do cost influence what should you do early game well early game i would not sit and try to optimize everything influence is very very limited early on before you get to investors the only way to get an influence in the earlier parts of the game is by in increasing your global population to get your 20 influence on normal difficulty or 12 influence on expert difficulty beyond that there's really no good ways of getting influence until you get to investors don't spend all of your influence trying to build lots and lots of trade unions and trying to optimize early game this is something i see a lot of new players trying to do and it causes them a lot of issues because then they don't have influence for expanding to other islands building ships building a defense fleet or a war fleet if you're wanting to go and co play war with the ai anything like that so don't go overboard building these things make multi-use trade unions and town halls so let's take a look at that let's go ahead and just we're just going to plop down a trade union anywhere i want right about here looks good trade unions and town halls and harbor masters all work by a radius system unlike other public buildings in the game which have this green radius that they can reach these three buildings work by a circular radius the buildings have to be within that radius in order for them to work well how do you know something is within the radius it's very simple if you go to put a building within it you'll see the trade union highlights highlighting means that it's within the range of it if it's not highlighted it's not within the range of it very very simple okay now when it comes to your earlier in the game kind of items i would say basically up to about engineers you're not going to have a lot of choices as you can see right here i only have four items available yvonne the yo woman a costume designer an award-winning brewer and a glass maker that's really it now you can go sit at eli's harbor granted if he is in your game if you decided to either turn him off for whatever horrible horrible decision you decided to disable him in a custom difficulty setup that's on you otherwise you can go down here and start buying items from him eli sells most all of the trade union specialists that you will need except for a handful of ones that are used in the new world regions uh and legendary specialists you cannot buy those from uh eli legendary specialist do you have to be obtained through other methods we'll talk a little bit more about that later so now you can go sit at eli's harbor and just sit here and re-roll re-roll does cost money it starts at 5 000 and goes up by 5 000 coins every time you click that little button so don't go nuts okay just just don't go crazy don't go crazy all right just be gentle with the re-rolls be gentle with it don't go crazy then of course things cost money as you can see right here this herbal hygienist actually looks kind of nice productivity 30 for soap factory maintenance cost minus 60 they also have expedition effects on them very very nice however he does cost 83 thousand i only have thirty seven thousand because i've been sitting around buying specialists did not mean to hit escape uh but otherwise use what you have available you do get a lot of specialists from quests from your population they will give you specialists sometimes you'll get specialists from quests for the neutral traders or from any ai on the map you can find them several different ways in the early game but don't spend all of your money trying to roll at eli when you are only making maybe like a thousand or two thousand coins per minute and money is kind of tight don't worry about it your focus should be really getting to the investor phase of the game and then start optimizing from there i wouldn't try to do too much at once if you see something nice at eli such as the costume designer go ahead save up some hopefully you have enough money because these do only last a few minutes they usually last about about 10 minutes about or so roughly i believe it is it's about a 10 minute uh timer that these will show up the items in restock right here this is how many items you can purchase within 30 minutes if right now i have 17 left i can purchase after this seven and a half minute timer is up this week goes back up to 20. if you purchase 20 items before this timer is up then you have to wait for the timer uh then you can buy more items so hopefully if you see something really good you have the money to buy it if not don't worry about it because you'll bound to find it later on so let's get back to the whole multi-function uh concept of trade unions okay we have our trade union right here what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring him over kind of where a lot of my industries are in this general area you don't have to connect them to a road unless you have the seat of power dlc uh in which case you do want to connect them up to a road that way they get benefits from the palace but for right now i wouldn't worry about it so what have we got we've got that costume designer the yvonne the rio woman and an award-winning brewer so i've got two that are actually going to somewhat affect things that are in a similar category the schnapps distillery and brewery right there will help my hop farms and potato farms with the schnapps and everything so i'm gonna generally have stuff like that close together anyways i want my potato farms to try and deliver directly to the schnapps distilleries i'm going to want the hops to go directly to the breweries if at all possible so that's pretty nice because those are going to be within the same general areas the costume designer is a little different but i can slap some of her on the side so we're going to go ahead and slap all of these in again don't try and have multiple trade unions specialized on one thing or just having a trade union with one item in it that's not really useful okay that's a waste of influence early on and you want to try to make the best use of what you have available to you so just throw things in there and try to get as much as you can around that trade union so let me go ahead and we are going to scooch all of these right here in so let me do a quick bit of rearranging to make use of this trade union and what i have available and we will see what the benefit of it is now all right so as you can see here i've got a little potato setup going right now it's not exactly efficient i have a lot of wasted space with farm tiles within the range of the trade union but at the moment i'm not worried about that i just had a couple of things that benefited these so i wanted to go ahead and utilize that space and i still have space for a costume designer so this is a good multi-functional space right here that i can use for all of my uh current items that i have without having too many trade unions now if i happen to need more and more schnapps i can move these farms out space things out a little bit more and make better use of it but this is just a good little starting area right here so what does something like the costume designer do well the costume designer is probably one of the uh most coveted early game items especially because the need for cotton fabric from the new world can be a pain for a lot of people being able to replace the need for cotton fabric with just wool is super super useful replaced input specialists are probably some of the most powerful in the game next to extra product specialists i would rank extra product specialists like higher up than replaced input but they are they're all still pretty awesome right there so something like the fur coat guy all i've got to do now is put it within the range of the trade union and it's going to get that effect right there and now instead of cotton i just need wool wool and fur and that is all i need and i can get my fur coats without ever having to go to the new world so i would say early game this is what you should be doing multi-functional trade unions don't try to go overboard with trade unions because you don't have a whole lot of influence available try to make the best use of the space you have and don't go overboard trying to buy specialists as well if you see something really good like the costume designer or the actor or something like that go ahead and buy them but don't try to go too crazy with it just get yourself through these early stages of the game and get to the later stuff that is going to be a lot more lucrative and you can start buying more specialists a lot easier without having to worry about running out of money so what are some of the really good early game specialists that you should be keeping an eye out for or aiming to buy at eli's harbor or something like that well let's take a look at some of the ones that can get you through the artisan phase pretty easily and save you a lot of time and some headaches again if you're not sure how to do this hit that ctrl t on your keyboard or check under the controls in the menu options to see what it might be on your specific keyboard if it's not english and you can search for items in here be sure to tick the unknown box that way you can see everything and then you can search for different items here items you might be wanting to look for specifically for the early game are anything that increases productivity replaced input or reduces the workforce now before we get started looking at all of this i do want to say that we are only going to be looking at items that are available kind of in the early games so items from uncommon and common items up to about the blue level possibly some epics but for the most part you're not going to see a lot of epic specialists until later on around engineers you might get lucky and see one or two in the artisan phase but not many so we're going to kind of be sticking with the blue specialists and below that i feel are really really useful to you during the early parts of the game so let's take a look at some of the ones that i think are the most useful first and foremost we have the baker the baker is a very very simple guy to get you can easily find him at eli bleakworth's harbor or if you have trade agreements with anne harlow then you can buy it from her as well he's really cheap he's just a common specialist you will see him pop up often all he does is replace the need for flour with just grain at the bakery that is your first replaced input specialist in the game and it is really really useful in the early parts of the game now the costume designer we've already talked about a little bit but again one of the more coveted items in the early parts of the game just because of the need to replace cotton fabric with wool do be aware though it also has that substitute workforce on it so it will replace your artisan workforce at the fur dealer with workers so you'll just need to increase your worker workforce to compensate for that however she is super super awesome sometimes rare i've had games where i've never seen her until like late engineers early investors some people get it at the very first go i got her as soon as i hit artisans she popped up so i got really lucky with that one now the general foreman is one that a lot of people don't think about much but it's actually really really useful they're going to have two to four maybe six brick factories pumping out bricks early game and then later on you're also going to have several concrete factories being able to reduce the workforce on those and get steel beams every fifth cycle or at least one steel beam every fifth cycle per factory is really really nice this lets you build fewer steel works themselves which have a lot of pollution they cost a lot of money and they take a lot of workforce so this is a really good way to supplement or completely get rid of your need for steel works by combining this with buying steel beams from archie so the general format is a really good one just like the costume designer a little more on the rare side costs close to 100 000 coins if you see it but very very useful in the early game especially on all of those brick factories and then you could transition it over to concrete factories later on when you start needing more and more concrete as well so early on you can look for a book at archie's harbor called a coal permit there's also a heavy coal permit which is a blue version of this as well that has slightly higher stats on it what it does is it affects all ironworks and foundries this includes steel works furnaces charcoal kilns weapon factories heavy weapon factories motor assembly lines brass smelteries cab assembly lines and oil refineries as well so it has a broad range of things that it affects the 25 productivity is really really useful furnaces are needed in large large quantities you need so many furnaces throughout the game and steel works you'll need at least a couple of those later on as well unless you are getting steel from other means such as buying it from archie or using the um general foreman that we talked about just a second ago very very useful items i like trying to get some coal permits and everything going as soon as i can so i can just decrease the number of those furnaces i have to have now the plus 20 attractiveness is a little misleading what this actually does is increase the negative attractiveness on the building okay it doesn't decrease it i've had people get confused about that this does increase the negative attractiveness if you're looking to decrease the negative attractiveness you need to do stuff like the uh double iron grill work this adds attractiveness to it so it cancels that out and then there's also items such as the nate night and day pollution bylaw which will reduce the negative attractiveness so keep an eye out for things like that if you are wanting to reduce attractiveness on any of those ironworks and foundry buildings that have such high pollution costs to them no discussion of early game specialists that are completely overpowered would be um complete without discussing the actor everyone's favorite blues specialists the actor gives rum and canned food to any old world residents within range of a variety theater that is all you gotta do as long as they are within range of a variety theater and within range of the town hall that artisan hour engineer home will be supplied with rum and canned food instantly no need to produce it yourself just move on with it and you are done super super powerful it's i know a lot of people who won't even go into engineers until they have at least one of these in a town hall so they don't have to produce rum and canned food themselves i love the actor i love having ever stacked around on my artisans and engineers very very useful now this is not going to be a specific specialist but just talking about a a specific stat on items that you can always look for that's really good and you can get these from archie and that is things like the captains of industry books right here that increase the workforce and income the captains of industry books are super super powerful now the chance of illness some people like oh i don't like that seriously don't worry about it don't worry about the chance of illness boosting the workforce of a house is so so good you want to try to boost your workforce as much as possible or alternatively cut the workforce down to zero on through trade unions and we'll take a look at that next i personally just like to boost workforce instead of doing zero workforce stuff like that so i like looking for things like the captains of industry the minimum working age six act now this lowers happiness a little bit but i don't care i can offset that rather easily on civil disobedience now this lowers income slightly these are really really useful on things like farmers and workers who don't have a very high income anyways and the five percent is going to be a negligible amount um so i like using anything that's going to lower income but increase workforce on things like farmers and workers statutory 12 hour day act is another one that slightly lowers happiness but increases workforce by 30 so you can see there are lots of different options on increasing your workforce the reason i like doing workforce over maybe something like increasing the maximum number of residents per home is because increasing the maximum number number of residents per home actually increases consumption as well i prefer to do a workforce increase because that workforce does not consume additional goods whereas max residents do the flip side is by increasing the max number of people per home it also increases the income generated from that home so there is a bit of a trade-off while you are increasing consumption you are getting more money from that home but you might need to build a one or two extra production chains to keep up with all of the extra consumption whereas workforce except unless you're using something specifically like the fire brand or the free or those captains of industry books that also increase income while increasing workforce most of them don't come with something like that so just kind of pick and choose how you want to deal with that but the workforce increase items are really really powerful now on the flip side of that we have items that decrease workforce and those are equally just as powerful items like ferrous al-sarami who is everyone's favorite epic specialist increases productivity by 50 and decreases workforce by 10 you can stack a lot of these workforce needed items that decrease it and actually come up with what is called zero workforce the extremely loud bell is a really really good one decreases workforce needed on all production buildings by 50 percent then you only need a couple of other items and you can get a hundred percent reduction in workforce and you no longer need workforce for those buildings so zero workforce mechanics are really really powerful a lot of people like using them pick which one you like or use a combination of increased workforce and also decrease workforce depending on the trade union and what you're wanting to do one of the other very useful early game items that you can usually find at eli around the artisan phase is sir lewis brindley the chemist he increases schnapps distilleries by one hundred percent so one schnapps distillery basically functions as two and also gives you rum every third cycle he is super super good i know a lot of people that really like to use him uh to help offset their rum needs or produce all of their rum just by schnapps distilleries uh you could do that as well so there are some really cool things you can do with him he's really really cool very very useful keep an eye out for him now he is an epic so he does cost considerably amount considerably more usually close to 300 000 coins for him so be aware of that cost if you do want to try and grab him that's just a look at some of the specialists i think that are really useful in the early parts of the game there obviously there are lots of different specialists you may have some that you like that i didn't mention in this uh or some that i mentioned that you don't think are very useful there's stuff for farms there's stuff for animal farms that are useful there's some stuff for the soap i believe we looked at one earlier on eli that increased productivity by 30 on soap factories while decreasing the maintenance cost by 60 percent so those are also very useful there's lots of different specialists but again don't go overboard trying to buy specialist early game and trying to optimize too much you really just want to be focusing on getting through everything but if you have something go ahead and try and use it like i did down here we can take a look now i'm actually over producing my potatoes by a considerable amount now compared to what i was before so i could turn some of those potato farms off and free up some workforce and free up a tiny amount of coin if i turn off two of these now i'm just about balanced out and i saved myself 40 income and 40 workforce so you know what that's not too bad for the early game and i would take that gladly if you are interested in some more specialist combinations that might be really useful uh later on in the game be sure to check out anno the link will be down in the description below anno usually has two or three different combination of specialists that are meant for the super late game i typically always involving legendary specialists and some epic ones but it gives you an idea of some of the power of specialists later on uh towards the investor phase and beyond just show you how you can really start cranking out some wild numbers with your factories and stuff and the next one we are going to start diving a little bit deeper into more specialized trade union setups for specific industries and how you can go about doing that with the new world to bypass a lot of production on things like chocolate and some different ideas to help you along with that all right and with that guys that is it for me today i hope this video gave you just a good little overview of items and specialists and how they can be useful to you in the early parts of the game there's a lot more to this whole system right here and there's a lot more to talk about in detail later on but this was just a primer and to get you kind of familiar with the system and how it works be sure to leave a like and a comment down below i'll see you the next one until then take care [Music] you
Channel: Taka
Views: 60,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 how to, anno 1800 tricks, anno 1800 tips and tricks, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 season 4, anno 1800 tips for beginners, anno 1800 tips 2021, anno 1800 tips to make money, anno 1800 tips and tricks 2021, guide, beginner guide, anno 1800 takarazuka, trade union, town hall, specialists, items, optimization, anno 1800 specialists, anno 1800 trade union items
Id: pGyzdcgaOSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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